FE :: Volume #9

#5: Saves prodigal son Ryan

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How long also has not known, 也不知道过了多久, Feels in side Linyan takes an afternoon nap, he in the middle of the dimness heard DDD DDD the sound, this sound and does not seem like the warning, instead is more like alarm clock such reminder sound. 在方林岩感觉只是睡了个午觉,他在朦朦胧胧当中就听到了“滴滴滴”“滴滴滴”的声音,这声音并不像是警报,反而更像是闹钟那样的提醒声。 Light mist headed on, having a fresh feeling, in the ear also to hear a female voice, but this sound obviously was the electronic synthesis, some machineries were stereotypical. 紧接着就有一层淡淡的水雾扑面而来,带着一丝清新的感觉,耳中也是传来了一个女声,不过这声音显然是电子合成的,有些机械呆板。 Fellow passengers of respect, welcome to choose to take our star light queen number spaceship to travel, your terminal had arrived, please pack the baggage, must disembark in 15 minutes, in order to avoid creates inconveniently to your following related traveling schedule.” “尊敬的各位旅客,欢迎选择乘坐我们的星光女王号飞船进行旅行,您的终点站已经到了,请您收拾好行李,务必在15分钟内下船,以免对您接下来的相关行程造成不便。” side Linyan shakes the head, wiped a face, immediately sobered. 方林岩摇了摇头,抹了个脸,顿时清醒了过来。 He turned the head to look at the surroundings, detected oneself have no longer been in the middle of the A7 embarking cabin, what replaces it is the comfortable and spacious cabin, the leather seat under body was also belongs not only can lie down that and can sit. 他转头看了看周围,发觉自己已经不再处于A7出发舱当中,取而代之的是舒适而宽大的客舱,就连身下的皮质座椅也是属于既可以躺又可以坐的那种。 The surrounding most people have not awaked, and woke up even if the person is also the appearance that the whole face just awoke hazily, is completely the strange faces. 周围的大部分人都没醒,并且哪怕是醒来了的人也是满脸迷蒙刚睡醒的样子,全部都是陌生面孔。 side Linyan works as the middle course in the team channel immediately: 方林岩立即在团队频道当中道: Vulture, goat, you how?” “秃鹫,山羊,你们怎么样?” side Linyan should first wake up evidently, after he called for more than ten seconds, two talents replied: 看样子方林岩应该是最先醒来的,在他呼叫了十几秒之后,两人才先后回复: OK.” “OK。” I do not have the issue.” “我没问题。” side Linyan sinking sound said: 方林岩沉声道: Does not remove that fellows also the possibility among passenger, therefore we are more discrete.” “不排除那帮家伙也在旅客当中的可能,所以我们谨慎一些。” I wear the blue jacket, the head is a gorro, you reported your wear characteristics, then we do not gather, separate about ten meters to leave.” “我身穿蓝色外套,头上是一顶针织帽,你们报一下自己的穿着特征,然后我们不要聚集,分开十米左右离开。” Some people then comply directly, quick went down the spaceship, at present then presents the vast starry sky, then detected that arrived in the middle of slightly worn-out Singapore and Hong Kong. 一干人便直接照做,很快的就走下了飞船,眼前便出现了浩瀚的星空,然后发觉来到了略显破旧的星港当中。 Three people in vacant time, on the retina presented the arrow, aimed at a person who waits for outside the front isolation column. 三人正在茫然的时候,视网膜上出现了箭头,指向了在前方隔离栏外等候的一个人。 This person is a husky fellow, tall and powerfully built, mouth inside chews the chewing gum, in the hand is lifting a sign, above writes venture capital company six characters, but his name also under appeared: 这个人是个彪形大汉,身材魁梧,嘴巴里面嚼着口香糖,手中举着一个牌子,上面写着“风险投资公司”六个字,而他的名字也是在下方显现了出来: Fitz Bloc. 菲兹普罗克。 side Linyan stood a while in side, when the surrounding tourist almost walked, this arrived at the front of this guy saying: 方林岩在旁边站立了一会儿,等到周围的游客差不多都走完了,这才来到这大汉的面前道: Mr. Fitz Bloc?” “菲兹普罗克先生?” This guy sized up his several eyes: 这大汉上上下下的打量了他几眼: „Are you new adventurous squads? Numbers JY918 that?” “你们就是新来的冒险小队?编号JY918的那个?” side Linyan smiled saying with a smile: 方林岩笑了笑道: Yes, I am the team leader spanner.” “是的,我是队长扳手。” This guy appeared the quite arrogant appearance, in side Linyan after the report name, on the face showed the dignified look immediately: 这大汉本来显得颇为傲慢的样子,不过在方林岩自报姓名以后,脸上顿时就露出了凝重的神色: Gets red packet The cash or coin red packet has provided your account! WeChat pays attention Duke. Numerous. Number Book friend supreme headquarters Receive! 【领红包】现金or点币红包已经发放到你的账户!微信关注公.众.号【书友大本营】领取! „Are you spanner mister in legend? This is the goat mister? My previous time in the bar drinks, has heard your famous!” “你就是传说中的扳手先生?难道这位就是山羊先生?我上次在酒吧里面喝酒的时候,就听到过你们的鼎鼎大名!” This is also your team member? Please come with me.” “这位也是您的队员吗?请跟我来。” Saw the appearance that this guy is haughty at first but respectful later, the vulture could not bear take a look at several strange say/way: 见到了这大汉前倨后恭的样子,秃鹫忍不住打量了几眼奇道: Blamed, how does this fellow one hear the name of boss becomes such quickly?” “怪了,这家伙怎么一听到头儿的名字就变得这么快?” Exciting say/way of goat in the middle of team channel: 山羊在团队频道当中兴奋的道: That is because we have attained the appraisals of three SSS!” “那是因为我们都拿到过三次SSS的评价了!” The vulture held breath immediately a cool gas channel/angrily said: 秃鹫顿时倒吸了一口凉气道: Was ....... legend! You attained the legend to spend, no wonder!” “是了.......传说度!你们拿到传说度了,难怪!” Looks at the goat complacent appearance, the vulture heaves a deep sigh, only hated itself is not why decisive, directly joined the team at that time, in this case, oneself can also very happy enjoyment to the impressive feeling. 看着山羊得意洋洋的样子,秃鹫长叹一声,只恨自己为什么不果断一点,当时直接就加入团队,这样的话,自己岂不是也能美滋滋的享受到让人惊叹的感觉了。 Quick, under Fitz Bloc's greeting, three people in an in the air speeding car, side Linyan resembled is asking of having no intention: 很快的,在菲兹普罗克的招呼下,三人就上了一辆空中飞车,方林岩似是无意的问道: Mr. Fitz Bloc, meets person only then your?” “菲兹普罗克先生,来接人的就只有您一位吗?” Fitz Bloc said: 菲兹普罗克道: Yes, only then my.” “是的,只有我一个。” In the side forest core sample understood immediately, with that group of people who one group of enter together, stood on the opposite mostly. 方林岩心中顿时就明白了过来,与自己一行人一起进入的那帮人,多半是站在了对立面上了。 At this time, Fitz Bloc put out a contract saying: 这时候,菲兹普罗克则是拿出了一份合约道: „Before this is , the thing of our reaching an agreement, please sign, after the signature, facilitates me to upload to submit to the trade union.” “这是之前咱们就谈好的东西,请签字吧,签字以后就方便我上传提交到工会里面去。” side Linyan read this contract, detected that is a standard standard contract, the general content is named „a venture capital company the organization, hires their squad to carry out the task, carries out the task the deadline is one week. 方林岩看了看这份合同,发觉就是一份标准的制式合同,大概内容就是一个叫做“风险投资公司”的组织,雇佣他们小队执行任务,执行任务的期限是一周。 After without detecting what trap, side Linyan wrote to sign own given name, after signing, then on the retina presented the clear prompt: 没有发觉什么陷阱以后,方林岩就挥笔签下了自己的大名,在签名完毕以后,接下来视网膜上就出现了清晰的提示: Trial duty: Saves Ryan to activate. 试炼任务:拯救瑞恩已经激活。 Task difficulty: Nightmare SS. 任务难度:噩梦SS。 Duty introduction: Ryan is Maersk shipping group the second son of president, is deep the affection of father. 任务介绍:瑞恩乃是马士基航运集团的总裁的二儿子,深得父亲的喜爱。 However Ryan likes the adventure, the stimulation, the maximal exercise, goes hunting, these follows Yani star that an exploring party went to not to develop rashly to carry out a capture task time, has lost contact for three days. 不过瑞恩喜欢冒险,刺激,极限运动,打猎,这一次跟随了一支探险队贸然前往未开发的亚尼格星球执行一项捕捉任务,现已失联三天。 Fortunately, Maersk shipping group is rich, and president's right to speak in the middle of the group is enormous. 幸运的是,马士基航运集团非常有钱,并且总裁在集团当中话语权极大。 Therefore, this Maersk shipping group presidents retained the venture capital company to carry out time especially this time save the duty. 因此,这一次马士基航运集团总裁特地聘请了风险投资公司来执行此次拯救任务。 This company is a medium military, the security adviser company, has own armed forces, can be said as praise or blame in the market. 这家公司是一家中型军事,安全顾问公司,拥有自身的武装力量,在市场上可以说是毁誉参半。 Because its, when carries out the task to resort to all means completely, even does the matter of slaughter civilians to come, but also because of this, the duty completes the probability is also astonishing high. 因为其在执行任务的时候完全是不择手段,甚至干出过屠杀平民的事情来,但也正是因为这样,任务完成几率也是惊人的高。 Task object: Helps Ryan gain the personal freedom, and delivers to Yani star half permanent fort its security: Among Ratsey Camp. 任务目标:使瑞恩获得人身自由,并且将其安全送到亚尼格星球的半永久要塞:纳拉齐营地当中。 Duty failure: JY918 squad empirical value reset, and drops to LV2. 任务失败:JY918小队经验值清零,并且降至LV2。 Duty reward: The JY918 squad promotes LV4 smoothly, and extracts the related team skill, the alternative team skill of extraction will at least be appraising above S, there is a very big probability to appear appraises the S above team skill, having certain probability presents the appraisal is the SS team skill. 任务奖励:JY918小队顺利晋升LV4,并且抽取相关团队技能,抽取的备选项团队技能将会至少都在评价S以上,有很大的几率出现评价S以上的团队技能,有一定几率出现评价为SS的团队技能。 *** *** While side Linyan obtained the trial duty officially, very obviously the goat and vulture also obtained the same prompt. 在方林岩正式获得了试炼任务的同时,很显然山羊和秃鹫也得到了同一提示。 side Linyan is just about to inquire Fitz Bloc does have the related detail time, he has actually handed over a thing of matchbox size to come directly, presses above gently, formed in the midair threw the screen. 方林岩正要询问菲兹普罗克有没有相关详细资料的时候,他却已经直接递了一个火柴盒大小的东西过来,在上面轻轻一按,就在半空中形成了投屏。 Since now has signed the related contract, then the related detail will submit to you, you looked on the line, refuses the leak.” “现在既然已经签订了相关合约,那么就将相关的详细资料都提交给你们,你们看了就行,严禁外泄。” Immediately, the related beginning to end and some important information of this matter appeared in side Linyan the front. 顿时,这件事的相关始末和一些重要信息就出现在了方林岩两人的面前。 Originally, in the middle of the current human society is starting the method that is popular a new corner/horn to fight, making some kind of person races enter the abattoir to conduct bloody incomparable battle, this method was similar to the ancient Rome empire fights beast such, was very cruel, but was popular in the rich community. 原来,当下的人类社会当中正开始流行起一种新的角斗的玩法,让一些类人种族进入角斗场进行血腥无比的厮杀,这种玩法类似于古罗马帝国斗兽那样,十分残忍,但却在富人群体中非常流行。 Although many labor right organizations think that this method is to violate the human relations, regards as illegal, but the boss in abattoir actually drilled the loophole of law, he thinks, so long as conducts is not human that the corner/horn fights, is not the national in interstellar member nation, then can conduct legitimately. 虽然有很多人权保护组织认为这种玩法是违背人伦的,视为不合法,但角斗场的老板却钻了法律的漏洞,他认为只要进行角斗的不是人类,不是星际成员国的国民,那么就可以合法进行。 Therefore, the corner/horn fights the boss to increase the turnover, does not hesitate to buy at a high price the strong kind of person race, most was hounded by the hill giant, these savage big fellow each can sell not the poor high price. 于是,角斗老板为了增加营业额,不惜以高价收购强壮的类人种族,这其中以丘陵巨人最受追捧,这些凶残的大块头每一只都能卖出不菲的高价。 Hill giant strict, is the reproduction ability strong species, documents and records have shown that this average height is very cruel over three meters kind of human form lifeform, usually lives in groups in the same place, simultaneously enslaves the small and weak ethnic group, depends upon plundering and slaughters to live. 丘陵巨人严格来讲,属于繁殖能力超强的物种,据资料记载,这种平均身高在三米以上的类人形生物十分残暴,通常群居在一块,同时对弱小的族群进行奴役,依靠掠夺和杀戮为生。 The contour of hill giant is a bit like the food person demon in magic novel, not only the skin is rough, the appearance is ugly, the alone corner/horn of head also long cone, but does not have the graceful makings of unicorn certainly, in this cruel ethnic group, almost only then male existence. 丘陵巨人的外形就有点像魔幻小说中的食人魔,不但皮肤粗糙,长相丑陋,头上还长个圆锥形的独角,但绝没有独角兽的优雅气质,在这个残暴的族群内,几乎只有雄性的存在。 Until now no one discovers the female in this race, the multiplication way of hill giant is more special, so long as is the female in kind of human form lifeform, can act as the multiplication tool of giants, this group rapes crazily even a human appearance no large-scale wild animal not to let off sometimes. 至今为止都没人在这一种族内发现雌性,丘陵巨人的繁衍方式就更加特殊,只要是类人形生物中的雌性,都能充当巨人们的繁衍工具,这帮奸淫狂甚至有时就连一点人样都没有的大型野兽也不放过。 Because in the gene of hill giant has the exceptionally tenacious selectivity, no matter mother side is what race, can be born the male descendant who almost follows the paternal gene, this is also many common conclusion that gene scientists who devote to studying this/should species draw. 由于丘陵巨人的基因中有着异常顽强的选择性,所以不管母方是何种族,都能诞生出几乎完全遵循父系基因的雄性后代,这也是许多致力于研究该物种的基因学家所得出的共同结论。 In addition, the hill giant is also until now the strangest biota, more is the strong giant has the probability of one-eyed to be higher, but was partial to the giant mostly head of intelligence to have two heads, but the scientist actually did does not understand why this was. 除此之外,丘陵巨人也是迄今为止最为怪异的生物群,越是强壮的巨人拥有独眼的几率就越高,而偏向智力的巨人则大多头上长了两颗脑袋,但科学家却搞不明白这是为什么。 What is lucky was the civilized rank of giants was still at the initial state, but goal star Yani has suffered the washout of universe storm, in this case, many lifeform will have the mutation, even obtained some special abilities. 万幸的是巨人们的文明等级仍处于原始状态,但目标星球亚尼格遭受过宇宙风暴的冲刷,在这种情况下,很多生物都会产生异变,甚至获得一些特殊的能力。 The exploring party that Ryan was at that time, received two expensive forms, the first form needs them to catch among the hill giant one-eyed plants and double headed plants, supplies goods for the abattoir. 瑞恩当时所在的探险队,就接到了两个价格不菲的单子,第一个单子需要他们捕捉丘陵巨人当中的“独眼种”和“双头种”,为角斗场供货。
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