FE :: Volume #9

#4: ……

LNMTL needs user funding to survive Read More

In the middle of these 150,000 points, 100,000 points also loan to side Linyan, this money three people have reached an agreement, is the common expenses of team. 这十五万点当中,有十万点是给方林岩还贷款的,这笔钱三人早就商量好了,算是团队的共同开销。 Then three person minutes/shares surplus 50,000 points, side Linyan is a team leader, with big end 20,000 points, other person 15,000. 然后三个人分剩余下来的五万点,方林岩是队长,拿大头两万点,其余的人一人一万五。 Then side Linyan very simple say/way: 然后方林岩很干脆的道: Everyone, we must face two to be greatly troublesome now.” “各位,我们现在要面对两个大麻烦了。” The goat said: 山羊道: I also received the message, the next world is the low intensity space battlefield, this is the famous golden branch world!” “我也收到了消息,下个世界乃是低烈度空间战场,这是大名鼎鼎的黄金支线世界啊!” Vulture shocking say/way: 秃鹫震惊的道: Is so quick? Has the detail of related golden branch duty world?” “这么快吗?有相关黄金支线任务世界的详细资料吗?” The goat shakes the head: 山羊摇摇头: I have not received the specific news, but before , when made the transaction to hear some hearsay, said that was this low intensity battlefield is our space must return the favor, will therefore be divided into two batch two world.” “我没有拿到具体消息,只是之前在做交易的时候听说了一些小道消息,说是这一次低烈度战场是咱们空间要还人情,所以会分成两批去两个世界。” „The world do not know, other world ........ is still the western roaming world of boss previous going.” “有一个世界不知道,另外的一个世界........依然是头儿上次去的西游世界。” Heard the words of goat, side Linyan at present a bright say/way: 听到了山羊的话,方林岩眼前一亮道: If there is a choice, then rather went certainly to there, after all my last past time, had laid certain foundation.” “如果有选择的话,那么当然宁愿还是去那里了,毕竟我上一次过去的时候,已经是打下了一定的根基了。” The goat shakes the head: 山羊摇摇头: Gets red packet The cash or coin red packet has provided your account! WeChat pays attention Duke. Numerous. Number Book friend supreme headquarters Receive! 【领红包】现金or点币红包已经发放到你的账户!微信关注公.众.号【书友大本营】领取! Said is the hearsay, makes the non- answer.” “都说了是小道消息,做不得数的。” Then he looked to side Linyan: 然后他看向了方林岩: What I now am more curious, what is another big trouble?” “我现在更好奇的是,另外一个大麻烦是什么?” side Linyan said: 方林岩道: Before the golden branch world, we must handle a matter.” “在黄金支线世界之前,我们还要去办一件事。” The vulture thinks, immediately said: 秃鹫想了想以后立即道: Is the promotion duty of our team? I looked that the empirical value of team is unrestricted, but is unable to achieve LV4.” “是咱们团队的升级任务吧?我看团队的经验值已经超限,但是就是无法达到LV4。” Right.” side Linyan said: And I went to at that time time also met the sudden outbreak, unexpectedly requests me to designate the difficulty of team trial in 120 seconds.” “对。”方林岩道:“并且我当时去的时候还遇到了突发状况,居然要求我在120秒内选定团队试炼的难度。” Obviously, vulture and goat two people by side Linyan these words attracting attention, immediately anxiously said with one voice: 很显然,秃鹫和山羊两人都被方林岩的这句话给吸引了注意力,顿时紧张的异口同声道: How do you elect?” “你怎么选的?” side Linyan said: 方林岩道: Appears before me has four difficulties, what separately represents is the SS , S , A , B difficulty coefficient, what is impossible to achieve is the SS difficulty of representative, therefore ....... “出现在我面前的有四个难度,分别代表的是SS,S,A,B的难度系数,其中不可能做到的是代表的SS难度,所以.......” At this point side Linyan keeps guessing intentionally: 说到这里方林岩故意卖了个关子: I chose the nightmare, the S difficulty.” “我选择了噩梦,S难度。” The vulture and goat also relax, say/way that the vulture has a lingering fear: 秃鹫和山羊同时松了一口气,秃鹫心有余悸的道: Boss, I really feared that your direct selection is impossible to achieve, now seems like you to have the reason.” “头儿,我真怕你直接选择不可能做到的,现在看起来你还是有理智的。” side Linyan smiles to say with a smile: 方林岩笑笑道: Actually I really wanted to choose the not possible difficulty, but has not resulted in elects, this gadget was not you said that must want, had the precondition.” “其实我本来是真的想要选择不可能难度,但根本就没得选,这玩意儿也不是你说要就要的,是有先决条件的。” The goat hesitated evil ways: 山羊沉吟了一下道: Boss, I thought that you are not a rash rash person, chooses such high difficulty to have the reason?” “头儿,我觉得你不是一个冒失莽撞的人,选择这样的高难度应该是有原因的吧?” side Linyan smiled saying with a smile: 方林岩笑了笑道: Yes, I had carefully understood our trial difficulty coefficient setting, discovered perhaps is not considered as the loophole of loophole?” “是的,我仔细了解过咱们这一次的试炼难度系数设定,发现了一个或许不算是漏洞的漏洞吧?” Ha?” Vulture and goat simultaneously strange say/way: To be honest, I had never heard the space also has the loopholes to exploit! This matter? The eldest child you were too flamboyant, mentioned listens?” “哈?”秃鹫和山羊同时奇道:“说实话,我从未听说过空间还有空子给人钻!还有这种事情?老大你太牛逼了,说来听一听?” side Linyan somewhat mysterious say/way: 方林岩有些神秘的道: This matter, do not say, temporarily what to do if changes the rule? You will definitely know when the time comes in any case.” “这种事情,还是不要说出来了,万一临时改了规则怎么办?反正到时候你们肯定就会知道的。” The goat and vulture flip the supercilious look, at this time the goat patted the head to say suddenly: 山羊和秃鹫翻了翻白眼,这时候山羊忽然一拍脑袋道: Right, I nearly forgot an important matter! The bosses, final of previous world, you urgently that side Veronica Laboratory, after behind we are also chatting a while to divide the booty in addition, returns.” “对了,我差点儿忘了一件大事!头儿,上个世界的最后,你急着去维罗妮卡实验室那边了,后面我们也是聊了一会儿外加分赃了以后再回归。” Max said that he went back to plan came the S space to look for us, planned to join our squad, although you not, but I and vulture two people deliberately considered that you will not oppose, complied directly.” “麦斯表态说,他回去就打算过来S空间找我们,打算加入咱们小队,你虽然没在,但我和秃鹫两人寻思你也不会反对,直接就答应下来了。” After side Linyan listened, is happy: 方林岩听了以后喜道: Words that Max he is willing to come, that is the good deed! Will I oppose?! What you said is the matter about trial, I have asked carefully.” “麦斯他肯来的话,那是好事啊!我怎么会反对?哦!你说的是关于试炼的事情吧,我已经仔细问过了。” Then news that side Linyan will inquire 1510 told the people, and holds the chin saying: 然后方林岩就将自己打探到的消息一五一十的告诉了众人,并且托着下巴道: If with enough time, then after I wants Max to join, carry out the trial, after all his ability is used to cope with the plot character and duty time has the considerably large advantage, even if will make the difficulty increase.” “如果来得及的话,那么我希望麦斯加入以后再执行试炼,毕竟他的能力用来对付剧情人物和过任务的时候拥有相当大的优势,哪怕是会令难度增加。” At this point, side Linyan said suddenly: 说到这里,方林岩忽然道: Right, before Max was Team, was in the previous world, their teams by the pit, the direct personnel losses to only had two ruthlessly, did Max come our team ?” “对了,之前麦斯是欧米团队的,可是在上个世界里面,他们的团队都被狠狠坑了一把,直接减员到了只剩下两个,麦斯来了我们团队,欧米呢?” The vulture said: 秃鹫道: Said before , she owed another team big favor, therefore these planned to help the favor also fall time in the past first.” “欧米说之前她欠了另外一个团队好大的人情,所以这一次就打算过去帮忙将人情还掉先。” side Linyan nods saying: 方林岩点点头道: Understood, you know how Max does plan to come?” “了解了,你们知道麦斯打算怎么过来吗?” The goat said: 山羊道: I know probably, Max will first apply to join our team through me, then takes this to join as the reason, as for joining the S space, he said that only needs among us some people a guarantor, other things he himself handles, probably he has the related item.” “我大概知道一点,麦斯会通过我这边先申请加入我们团队,然后以此为理由加入,至于加入S空间,他说只需要我们当中有人做一个担保人,其余的事情他自己搞定,好像他有相关的道具。” He then happily added: 他接着得意补充道: Moreover regarding space, flowing not well-respected of your ordinary promisors, only then my such by selection, the space will be verified strictly, ha!” “而且对于空间来说,你们这些普通契约者的流动并不会多受重视,只有我这样的被选中者,空间才会严加审核,哈哈哈哈哈!” The vulture listened to the words of goat , can only be regrettable shrugging. 秃鹫听了山羊的话,也只能是遗憾的耸耸肩。 After three people equaled one, then the decision prepares, these will soon face two fierce battles time, the team trial or the golden branch world, makes person difficulty extraordinary high. 三人合计了一番之后,便决定备战,这一次即将面临两场恶战,无论是团队试炼还是黄金支线世界,都是令人难度出奇的高。 Is good because of this time, even if the goat still has not received the golden branch world further related detailed news, explained that the distance enters also above one week of time, therefore the team trial was equivalent first comes the warm-up match. 好在此时哪怕是山羊依然没有接到黄金支线世界的进一步相关详细消息,说明距离进入其中还有一周时间以上,所以团队试炼就相当于先来个热身赛了。 But the team trial was said very much explicitly, all materials can keep secret, therefore three people detected matter also many purchase supplies that finally can make. 而团队试炼则是很明确的说了,一切资料都会保密,所以三人最后发觉能做的事情也只有多多采购补给。 The hidden main line duty of previous world can be accomplished finally, actually has very big relations with the logistics supply that the blood-color umbrella organizes, even if the promisor of digitization body, to the medicine, equips support demand also very big of weapon. 上个世界的隐藏主线任务最后能完成,其实和血色雨伞组织的后勤补给有着很大的关系,哪怕是数据化身体的契约者,对药物,装备武器的支持需求也非常之大的。 *** *** The time passes rapidly, enters the team trial beforehand three hours in the distance, Max's entering team applied to arrive finally slowly, but at this time already some late, when he officially joined No. S space time, at least must wait for 24 hours. 时间迅速推移,在距离进入团队试炼之前三个小时,麦斯的入队申请终于姗姗来到,但这时候已经有些晚了,等到他正式加入S号空间的时候,至少都要等24小时。 At that time, side Linyan they completed the team trial to return, therefore the goat explained to Max a next present situation, making him first slow one slow join. 等到那时候,方林岩他们都做完了团队试炼归来了,所以山羊对麦斯说明了一下现在的情况,让他先缓一缓在加入。 The words original task difficulty otherwise is very high, additional Max's words, the task difficulty will rise again inevitably again, but Max is unable to go to battle, this really made one go wild. 否则的话本来任务难度就很高,再加一个麦斯的话,任务难度势必再次攀升,可是麦斯又无法出战,这才真是令人抓狂。 When stipulated first 15 minutes of embarking, side Linyan some people gathered at the military rank area ahead of time, after all no one wanted the duty bewildered failure. 等到规定出发的前十五分钟,方林岩一干人就提前聚集在军衔区了,毕竟谁都不愿意任务莫名其妙失败。 When the countdown five minutes start, on the team everyone's retina started to spring the news: 而在倒计时五分钟开始的时候,团队所有人的视网膜上都开始弹出了消息: Numbers the JY918 war squad member, your team smelting trials will soon start, please follow the arrow bearing indication, enters in the middle of the A7 embarking cabin.” “编号JY918的战争小队成员,你们的团队试炼即将开始,请跟随箭头方向指示,进入A7出发舱当中。” side Linyan according to the word the line, detected that A7 embarking cabin in front, but in the middle of this room quite narrows, seems somewhat similar to the style of engine room unexpectedly. 方林岩依言而行,发觉A7出发舱就在前方,而这个房间当中颇为逼仄,看起来居然有几分类似于机舱的风格。 But the seat of everyone is fixed, above has the arrow of retina to instruct in the beat, cannot sit without regard to order or seating plan. 而每个人的座位都是固定的,上面有视网膜的箭头在跳动指示着,不能乱坐。 But the above of seat also has the insurance to hold the arm, after taking a seat, the above insurance will hold the arm to fall automatically, will look like half cover such to cover. 而座位的上方还有保险扶臂,等到落座以后,上方的保险扶臂就会自动降下来,就像是半个盖子那样将人罩住。 The key is, after entering the A7 embarking cabin, side Linyan their three people detected suddenly, this embarking cabin also had others unexpectedly! 关键是,进入到了A7出发舱当中以后,方林岩他们三人忽然发觉,这出发舱当中居然还有其余的人! This crowd of person altogether five, look is one group, sat in the front two rows of positions. 这群人一共有五个,一看就是一伙儿的,坐在了前面两排的位置。 But side Linyan they take a seat in behind that row. 而方林岩他们三人则是在后面那一排落座。 At this time both sides, may move in the same scene together very much, but does not know as the enemy or the ally, but, according to side Linyan the inference, what oneself choose is the nightmare difficulty, becomes the possibility of enemy to be very big. 此时双方一起出发,很有可能会在同一个场景当中活动,只是不知道是作为敌人还是盟友,不过,根据方林岩的推断,自己选择的是噩梦难度,成为敌人的可能性很大。 Obviously, the opposite party also thinks, although did not speak, actually turned around to look at him, in the look filled the vicious tendencies. 很显然,对方也这么想,虽然并不说话,却都转身过来看他,眼神中充满了戾气。 However, if the look can kill people, then side Linyan they had been torn to shreds obviously, it is a pity that look even again how fearful, still can only make the eyeball dry quickly. 不过,如果眼神能杀人的话,那么方林岩他们显然已经被碎尸万段,遗憾的是眼神就算是再怎么可怕,也只能令眼球干涩得更快而已。 side Linyan disregards the evil intention of opposite party directly, as for vulture slippery customer facing this look, instead saw probably the fans are the same, but also grinning waving , if joined to near the basin friend you to be howling?” The classical lines, almost made one think at the stage central performance. 方林岩直接无视掉对方的恶意,至于秃鹫这根老油条面对这种眼神,反而好像是看到了粉丝一样,还笑嘻嘻的挥了挥手,倘若配上“介边的盆友你们嚎吗?”的经典台词,几乎让人以为是在舞台中央表演了。 Quick, five minutes arrived. 很快的,五分钟的时间就到了。 In everyone's ear spread a news: 所有人的耳中都传来了一个消息: Under, the team trial formally starts!” “下面,团队试炼正式开始!” But after this news comes, side Linyan thought unexpectedly is stranded intent to raid, at present gradually fuzzy, quick on lethargic sleep in the past. 而这个消息传来以后,方林岩居然觉得困意袭来,眼前渐渐模糊,很快就昏睡了过去。
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