FE :: Volume #9

#3: Confused

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Therefore, side Linyan hesitant, very simple will admit the equipment strengthening machine, above demonstrates very clearly: 所以,方林岩犹豫了一下,很干脆的就将之放进了装备强化机,上面显示得很清楚: Strengthens the expense 3000 universe point + potential 0.1 points, strengthened success ratio 90 强化费用3000通用点+潜能点1点,强化成功率90 Obviously, this first step does not need to intertwine, side Linyan pressed down the strengthened key decisively, heard in started to exude bang bang the sound, to be honest, this sound really seemed like the washer. 很显然,这第一步是不用纠结的,方林岩果断按下了强化键,就听到了里面开始发出了轰隆轰隆的响声,说实话,这声音真的很像是洗衣机。 Then after roughly crossed for five seconds, the sound idle time, nearby indicating lamp turned into the green, writes is strengthening the successful four characters. 然后约莫过了五秒钟之后,响声停歇,旁边的指示灯变成了绿色,写着强化成功四个字。 side Linyan extraction, will then continue to strengthen, detected that strengthens from LV2 to the LV3 expense is 4000 universe points, the potential 0.1 points, strengthened success ratio 80. 方林岩将之取出,然后继续强化,发觉从LV2强化到LV3的费用是4000通用点,潜能点1点,强化成功率80。 Therefore continues decisively, finally this strengthened result makes side Linyan want to shout 'fuck your mom' time! 于是果断继续,结果这一次的强化结果直让方林岩想要骂娘! Because of the strengthened failure of unexpectedly his mother! 80 probabilities are also defeated, is good because of the equipment is still LV2, has not come an nulling operation. 因为这他娘的居然强化失败了!80的几率也失败,好在装备依然是LV2,没有来个归零。 Had the grief and indignation mood, side Linyan the direct selection to strengthen again, this strengthening succeeded finally LV3. 带着悲愤的心情,方林岩直接选择了再次强化,这一次强化总算成功到了LV3。 The chapter of sublimation also had a series of changes, first name turned into „the chapter of sublimation + 3” 升华之章也出现了一系列的变化,首先名称变成了“升华之章” Then, its two big attribute was promoted. 然后,其两大属性都获得了提升。 The entire attribute + 3 promoted the entire attribute + 5 全属性提升成了全属性 The data that the magic feeds back also had the change, the PVP time deducted the MP value increased 18 points from 16 points, PVE the time the MP value of deducting turned into 36 points from 32 points. 魔法反馈的数据也出现了变化,PVP时候扣除MP值从16点提升到了18点,PVE的时候扣除的MP值从32点变成了36点。 Such increase, was side Linyan only consumed 11000 universe points and 3 potential points trades, it can be said that the performance-to-price ratio was high. 这样的增幅,是方林岩只耗费了11000通用点和三点潜能点换来的,可以说是性价比非常高了。 To be honest, if can bear the non- hand be inexpensive , to continue to promote, then this is a very cost-effective matter. 说实话,如果忍得住不手贱,继续升级的话,那么这是非常划算的一件事。 However, no one can bear, because after then strengthens to LV4, will realize the small qualitative change, the extraction obtains an extra attribute! 但是,没人能忍得住啊,因为接下来强化到LV4以后,就会实现小质变,抽取获得一项额外的属性! But LV3 promotion to LV4 time, side Linyan tries, unexpectedly needs 6000 universe points and 2 potential points, and success ratio of promoting was pulled down to be only 55! This made one really have wish to explode the feeling of swearing. 而LV3提升至LV4的时候,方林岩试了试,居然需要6000通用点和二点潜能点,并且升级的成功率被压低到只有55!这让人真的是有一种想要爆粗口的感觉了。 Is good has the equipment increase volume because of side Linyan( silver plot), directly after the use, saw that the silver ray covered in the chapter of sublimation. 好在方林岩拥有装备增幅卷(银色剧情),直接使用之后,就见到有银色的光芒笼罩在了升华之章上。 Then the silver ray dissipation goes, the rules of sublimation promoted LV4 directly. 然后银色的光芒消散而去,升华之章则是直接提升到了LV4。 Can see, chapter of second the big attributes + 4 sublimation continued the strengthening, the distinction was as follows. 可以见到,的升华之章的两大属性继续得到了强化,分别如下。 1st, entire attribute + 6 一,全属性 2nd, the magic feeds back: PVP deducts the MP value to promote to 19 points, the MP value increase that PVE deducts is 38 points. 二,魔法反馈:PVP扣除MP值提升到19点,PVE扣除的MP值提升为38点。 Obtained the LV4 extra attribute: Confused. 获得了LV4额外属性:错乱。 When feeds back successfully becomes effective, weakens the magic of enemy time, some certain probabilities have the sharp stimulation to feel, made the sense of direction and equilibrium sense of enemy brain ( if any ) produces directly confusedly, turning around of being able not help turned head. 当反馈成功生效,削弱敌人的魔法的时候,有一定的概率产生尖锐的刺激感觉,令敌人大脑(如果有的话)的方向感和平衡感直接产生错乱,情不自禁的转身回头。 This effect has the priority, but often when the first appearance has the effect, will present the effects worse repeatedly. 此效果具有优先性,但是往往在第一次出现的时候有奇效,多次出现效果会变差。 *** *** In seeing the strengthened time of foundation, side Linyan is satisfied, because this move in the middle of invisible, strengthened the efficiency of consumption opposite party magic value significantly, making the advantage of feedback more distinct. 在看到基础的强化时候,方林岩就非常满意,因为这一招在无形当中,大幅度增强了消耗对方魔法值的效率,让反馈的优势更明显。 Went to the training ground to test immediately as for confused this characteristics side Linyan, detected the probability fluctuation that experienced was quite big, according to his speculation, should aims at the different enemies, the confused triggering probability was different. 至于错乱这个特性方林岩立即就去训练场测试了一下,发觉出现的概率波动比较大,根据他的推测,应该是针对不同的敌人,错乱的触发概率就不同。 Training ground the triggering probability of test stuffed dummy almost can achieve over 30, this is very astonishing probability, and thinks, hits to hit the enemy to turn around to use his back of the head suddenly, or is the chrysanthemum to you, what concept is this? 训练场的测试假人的触发概率几乎能达到30以上,这是非常惊人的概率,并且想一想,打着打着敌人突然转身过来用他的后脑勺,或者是菊花对着你,这是什么概念? side Linyan thought immediately this attribute was almost really equal to being bigger than strikes the dizzy 2 seconds of gold contents! 方林岩顿时就觉得这条属性真的差不多等于大于击晕二秒的含金量了! However, very obviously, high wisdom's lifeform triggering probability relatively is much smaller, and clearly, this effect appears for the first time , the enemy had guarding, then later was very that difficult the outstanding effect. 不过,很显然,高智慧的生物触发概率就相对小得多,并且很明显,第一次这个效果出现以后,敌人有了提防,那么之后就很难有那么优秀的效果了。 Moreover, side Linyan also came across a very funny matter in the training ground, that is confused continual triggering, trained the stuffed dummy just to transfer, finally immediately transferred ....... 另外,方林岩在训练场里面还遇到了一件很搞笑的事情,那就是错乱连续触发,训练假人刚刚转了过来,结果马上就转了回去....... After held appreciatively the chapter of a while sublimation carefully, side Linyan hesitated was discovering a matter: 仔细的把玩了一会儿升华之章以后,方林岩沉吟着发现了一件事: Matter that then...... I can handle now, should be the consulting team promotion duty?” “那么现在......我能做的事情,应该就是去咨询团队升级任务了?” side Linyan is also thinks that does, immediately decides to leave to go to the military rank area. 方林岩也是想到就做的,立即就决定动身前往军衔区。 Entered this silver-white channel again time, side Linyan thought that previous time that received Assembly as if still at present, without thinking to approach quickly again, plans to promote LV4 the team, obtained the team skill while convenient. 再次进入到了这条银白色通道的时候,方林岩觉得上一次领取集结号的一幕仿佛还在眼前,没想到这么快就再次来临,打算将团队提升到LV4,顺带获得团队技能了。 After waiting for a while, side Linyan entered the management room, still after was sat the chair , the read status flow. 等候了一会儿之后,方林岩进入到了办理室当中,依然是坐上椅子以后读取身份的流程。 Quick, at present starts to spring the military rank and so on relevant information, these are the proper procedures, naturally is not no need to say. 很快的,眼前就开始弹出军衔等等相关信息,这些都是应有的程序,当然不必多说。 Then starts to enter the subject: 接着开始进入正题: Your team the empirical value is now full, has the promotion to the LV4 basic condition.” “你的团队现在经验值已满,已具备提升至LV4的基本条件。” Your team used the item: Assembly establishes, must therefore enter the related trial pattern to carry out the task, please choose the trial difficulty!” “你的团队乃是使用了道具:集结号建立的,因此必须进入相关试炼模式执行任务,请选择试炼难度!” Trial difficulty height, decided the quality and level of team skill you will obtain in the future, under the trial pattern the related duty obtains to appraise is higher, the difficulty is higher, the team skill obtained correspondingly is stronger.” “试炼难度的高低,决定了你将来获得的团队技能的品质和位阶,试炼模式下相关任务获得评价越高,难度越高,相应获得的团队技能就越强。” Then side Linyan presented the related option, altogether is four: 接着方林岩就出现了相关的选项,一共乃是四项: Reads to receive cash Pays attention to vx Duke. Numerous numbers Book friend supreme headquarters, Reads may also receive the cash! 【看书领现金】关注vx公.众号【书友大本营】,看书还可领现金! Ordinary, difficulty coefficient B 普通,难度系数B Difficult, difficulty coefficient A 困难,难度系数A Nightmare, difficulty coefficient S 噩梦,难度系数S Is impossible to achieve, difficulty coefficient SS( this is not selectable, squad must once through a King trial pattern, or has honorable card) 不可能做到的,难度系数SS(此项不可选择,小队必须曾经通过一次王者试炼模式,或者持有光荣之证) Moreover, side Linyan also saw side unexpectedly also 120 seconds of countdowns, at this time only had been left over for 118 seconds. 不仅如此,方林岩还看到了旁边居然还有120秒的倒计时,此时已经只剩下了118秒。 He immediately surprised say/way: 他顿时吃惊的道: „Does this choice really have the time limit? Shouldn't I discuss with the team members?” “这选择竟然还有时间限制?难道我不应该和团队成员商量一下吗?” The opposite broadcast a sound: 对面传来了一个声音: Dear lieutenant, as the teams leader of war squad should certainly know, the situation in battlefield is fast changing, what matter will happen in the next second, definitely not possible everything to have the opportunity of team member mutually discussion, team leader who does not have the boldness and foresight, how also possibly to make the squad carry forward?” “尊敬的中尉先生,身为战争小队的队长当然应该知道,战场上的局势瞬息万变,什么事情都会在下一秒发生,绝对不可能事事都有团队成员互相探讨的机会,一个没有魄力和远见的队长,又怎么可能让小队发扬光大?” „After countdown ended, if has not made the choice, the empirical value reset of squad, and in a short time no longer accepts the trial to apply.” “倒计时结束以后,若还未做出选择,小队的经验值清零,并且短时间内不再接受试炼申请。” side Linyan shrugs, heaves a deep sigh: 方林岩耸耸肩,长叹一声道: Then good, I can know the approximate content of trial?” “那么好吧,我可以知道试炼的大致内容吗?” That sound light say/way: 那声音淡淡的道: „It is not able to disclose the specific content, but can give some general information, what do you want to know?” “无法透露具体内容,但可以给出一些大概的信息,你要知道什么?” side Linyan said: 方林岩道: How long is the time of execution trial?” “执行试炼的时间是多久?” Not over 8 hours.” “不会超过八个小时。” Execution trial is the independence beyond the main line duty, comes out directly alone?” “执行试炼将会是独立于主线任务之外,还是直接单独出来?” Comes out directly alone, but will not have the passing through subtotal, reward, will not have any branch duty, the matter that you must handle is very simple, completes that damn task, then comes back.” “直接单独出来,但是不会有过关小结,奖励,也不会有任何的支线任务,你们要做的事情很简单,完成那该死的任务,然后回来。” „Can duty midway apply to interrupt, returns?” “任务中途可以申请中断,返回吗?” Regards the difficulty that you choose to decide.” “视你选择的难度而定。” side Linyan thinks saying: 方林岩想了想道: Is the enemy who we need to face what? Is the modern sci-tech, is the supernatural ability?” “我们需要面对的敌人是什么样的?是现代科技,还是超自然能力?” Sorry, the category of this issue is unrestricted.” “抱歉,此问题的范畴超限。” side Linyan hesitates over and over: 方林岩沉吟再三: Last issue, the difficulty and are the population of trial duty related? For example the squad enters a person and enters the difficulties of ten people whether is the same?” “最后一个问题,试炼任务的难度与人数有关吗?比如小队进入一个人和进入十个人的难度是否一样?” That sound said: 那声音道: Since is the team trial, then to certainly apply for the entire team strength of trial time to decide the difficulty of trial.” “既然是团队试炼,那么当然以申请试炼时候的整个团队实力来决定试炼的难度。” If to starting these days team of trial joins the member at the application trial newly, then the trial difficulty will also be raised, if the team members reduce or absent in this period of time, then the trial difficulty will not change.” “如果在申请试炼到开始试炼的这段时间中团队新加入成员,那么试炼难度也会随之提升,如果在这段时间内团队成员减少或者缺席,那么试炼难度不会变化。” side Linyan nods, meaningful say/way: 方林岩点点头,意味深长的道: „, When will the task difficulty lock?” “那么,任务难度什么时候会锁定?” You formally start this trial duty time.” “你正式开始此次试炼任务的时候。” In side forest phacolith a ray lightning channel: 方林岩眼中光芒一闪道: Good, I understood.” “好的,我明白了。” He watched the above countdown, detected also has 12 seconds, very decisive say/way: 他看了看上面的倒计时,发觉还有12秒的时间,就很果断的道: I choose the nightmare difficulty.” “我选择噩梦难度。” „Do you determine the choice nightmare difficulty?” “你确定选择噩梦难度?” side Linyan said: 方林岩道: I determined.” “我确定。” side Linyan the retina starts to spring the relevant information: 紧接着,方林岩的视网膜就开始弹出相关信息: Squad trial duty: Numbers in the 288 SKT 9 production......” “小队试炼任务:编号288SKT9生成中......” Starts to seek for the related information.” “开始寻找相关资料。” Starts to match.” “开始进行匹配。” Duty starts to produce officially!” “任务开始正式生成!” Promisor ZB419, please lead your squad member to go to the military rank area after 24 hours, will send in the duty region you directly.” “契约者ZB419号,请在二十四小时以后率领你的小队成员前往军衔区,将会直接将你们送入任务区域。” Please note, if you are late, will then tacitly approve for this duty directly is defeated.” “请注意,如果你们迟到的话,那么将会直接默认为本次任务失败。” After presenting these news, side Linyan detected that upper left own retina started to present 23 hours 59 minutes 59 seconds countdowns, this obviously was the most direct-viewing reminder way. 出现了这些消息以后,方林岩发觉自己的视网膜左上方开始出现了23小时59分钟59秒的倒计时,这显然是最直观的提醒方式。 side Linyan nods, left the military rank area, in his heart has the approximate plan. 方林岩点点头,离开了军衔区,他的心中已经有了大致的计划。 After waiting for a while, the goat and vulture two people also finished simultaneously. 在等待了一会儿之后,山羊和秃鹫两人也都同时忙完了。 After the goat meets without delay, first gave side Linyan to trade came 120,000 universe points, the equipment that he acted before altogether sold 150,000 universe points, was that is quite mainly expensive the sniper's rifle. 山羊见面以后二话不说,首先就给方林岩交易了过来十二万通用点,他之前出手的装备一共卖了十五万通用点,主要是那把狙击枪比较贵。
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