FE :: Volume #9

#2: Equipment strengthening

LNMTL needs user funding to survive Read More

side Linyan sighs: 方林岩叹了一口气道: No, you made a mistake, mountain is actually not normal, I have seen its mother tree, you will unable to think of it in the future huge to what degree.” “不,你们错了,山宁芙其实也一点儿都不正常,我是见过它的母树的,你们根本想不到它将来会庞大到什么程度。” Eve Lenah smiles saying: 伊夫琳娜微笑道: At most is also more than hundred meters high.” “顶多也就是百余米高吧。” side Linyan shakes the head saying: 方林岩摇摇头道: „More than hundred meters? That can only be its air-root, a kilometer estimate can be its final shape, even a tree can form an independent ecosystem, becomes a forest city worthy of the reputation! But must grow to such altitude, it is estimated that also takes several years merely.” “百余米?那只能算是它的一条气生根而已,千米估计才会是它的最终形态,甚至一颗树都能形成一个独立的生态系统,成为一个名副其实的森林城市!而要生长到这样的高度,估计也仅仅需要几年时间。” Not is only this, its sap to the woman, inside has the anti-senescence ingredient of unusual powerful! Therefore you best be have the related preparation to be good.” “不仅是这样,它的树汁对女人来说,里面拥有非常强力的抗衰老成分!所以你们最好就能有相关的心理准备才好。” Real?” Broadcast a sound from the distant place, side Linyan looked, big priest Litaud song Nija returned, what her today's wear is a woman suit, seems like model/pattern Er of female president. “真的吗?”从远处又传来了一个声音,方林岩一看,正是大祭司特利托歌尼娅返回了,她今天穿着的是一袭女士西装,看起来一副女总裁的范儿。 Such appearance, should just discuss the related commercial cooperation. 这样的打扮,应该是刚刚谈过相关的商务合作。 This does not have the matter of means that now the big priest had realized, does missionary work in this time this world, must keep pace with the times to have various means that but also before reporting, that set of conservative words, that may really be does not wait for us. 这也是没办法的事情,现在大祭司已经意识到,在此时这个世界里面传教,必须要与时俱进拥有多种方式,还报着之前那一套墨守成规的话,那可真的是时不我待啊。 Facing the big priest's inquiry, side Linyan nods saying: 面对大祭司的询问,方林岩点点头道: Yes, I am very definite.” “是的,我很确定。” Big priest very simple say/way: 大祭司很干脆的道: Very good, in this world, hidden the numerous god residence in the middle of mystical place ------- Mount Olympus has ruined, then we happen to can the logical restoration ground god country, but this Saint sets up, is the foundation of god country's.” “非常好,在本世界上,隐藏在秘境当中的众神居所-------奥林匹斯山已经毁掉了,那么我们就正好可以顺理成章的再造地上神国,而这一棵圣树宁芙,就是神国的根基。” 67 years ago, by speed that we do missionary work now, should be have strength that preserves this miracle.” “六七年之前,以我们现在传教的速度,也应该能够拥有保住这个神迹的实力了。” side Linyan nods, the vision and overall perception of big priest are really great accurate, even if such a woman abandons its status of veneration, must be able to make a stretch of the world. 方林岩点点头,大祭司的眼光和大局观真的是一等一的精准,这样的一个女人就算是抛开其尊崇的身份,也必能打出一片天地来。 At this time side Linyan is just about to speak, suddenly, on the retina starts to spring the information: 此时方林岩正要说话,突然,视网膜上开始弹出信息: Promisor ZB419, you have been able to enter the space again.” “契约者ZB419号,你已经可以再次进入空间了。” You the free residence time in space are sufficient, but also the surplus 227 hours, hope that can strengthen itself using these days well.” “你在空间当中的自由逗留时间充足,还剩余227个小时,希望能好好利用这段时间强化自己。” Reminder: Your team had been recruited, the next world will enter the low intensity the space battlefield.” “提醒:你们团队已被征召,下个世界将会进入低烈度的空间战场。” This battlefield difficulty is enormous, but can also compete for the enormous advantage for the space, wants seriously to treat, is fully prepared!” “此战场难度极大,但也能够为空间争夺到极大的好处,希望认真对待,做好充分的准备!” Reading benefits Gives you a cash red packet! Pays attention to vx public Book friend supreme headquarters Then receives! 【看书福利】送你一个现金红包!关注vx公众【书友大本营】即可领取! Warned: Although in the middle of the space battlefield golden branch duty rewards extremely high, but is also hiding the greatest bad risk, without the full assurance, do not browse rashly.” “警告:空间战场当中的黄金支线任务虽然奖励极高,但其中也隐藏着莫大的凶险,若没有十足的把握,千万不要贸然涉猎。” ........ “........” Saw a series of related prompts of popping, muscle on side Linyan the face twitched several, spits to exhale to say slowly: 看到了弹出的这一系列的相关提示,方林岩脸上的肌肉抽搐了几下,徐徐吐出了一口气道: Finally...... came?” “终于......来了吗?” Although regarding side Linyan, has experienced the low intensity space battlefield, this made the battlefield that one was awed at the sight also lose in a veil of mystery. 尽管对于方林岩来说,已是经历过低烈度空间战场,这令人望而生畏的战场也是失去了神秘的面纱。 However recalled that beforehand experience, side Linyan felt oneself also truly dance on the knife point, it can be said that suitable danger. 不过回想起之前的经历,方林岩觉得自己也确实是在刀尖上面跳舞,可以说是相当的危险。 Words that this will enter again, side Linyan thought it is necessary to prepare well, after all in the beforehand adventure, he annoys many people, these even are many powerful awakens. 这一会再次进入的话,方林岩觉得还是非常有必要好好准备的,毕竟在之前的冒险当中,他已经是惹到了不少人,这其中甚至不乏强大的苏醒者。 Moreover, side Linyan thinks suddenly a person, that is the mysterious and powerful hunting for king, before oneself and him , although has had the transaction, but same has also had the conflict. 不仅如此,方林岩忽然想到了一个人,那就是神秘而强大的猎王,自己和他之前虽然产生过交易,但一样也是起过冲突。 The key hunts for king person completely by the benefit first, belongs to have advantage on that such a being concerned only about profit person, is hard to control. 关键是猎王这个人完全是以利益优先,属于有好处就上的那种,这么一个唯利是图的人,是非常难以把控的。 Considered, side Linyan then re-entered in the middle of the space, at this time he detected that the goat and vulture two people also came. 考虑了一番之后,方林岩便重新进入了空间当中,此时他发觉山羊和秃鹫两人也都进来了。 However time one hour of vulture renting training ground, the goat was also discussing that matter of sell equipment, before side Linyan then plans first , the matter that reorganizes completes said again. 不过秃鹫租赁训练场的时间还有一个多小时,山羊则是正在和人谈出售装备的事情,方林岩便打算先将之前整理出来的事情一件一件做完再说。 First, side Linyan the foundation contemplated skilled already enough, then can promote LV2 it, then used the making a vow bell, will promote LV3. 首先,方林岩的基础冥想熟练度已经够了,那么就可以将之提升到LV2,然后使用许愿钟,将之提升到LV3。 But the foundation contemplates this thing to promote LV2 from LV1, consumed side Linyan 3000 universe points, 2 potential points, but the effect is quite good. 而基础冥想这东西从LV1提升到LV2,就耗费了方林岩3000通用点,二点潜能点,不过效果还是相当不错的。 The first level of foundation contemplates 100 MP, the second level on the additional 125 MP values, the third level adds 150 MP values, was equivalent to side Linyan the MP value extra permanent increase 275 points. 第一级基础冥想加100点MP,第二级就加125点MP值,第三级加150点MP值,相当于方林岩的MP值额外永久增幅了275点。 Regarding having him of Athena Yukita this powerful magic shield, MP is the life! 对于拥有雅典娜之佑这强大魔法盾的他来说,MP即生命啊! Then side Linyan promotes on the experimental plan own B kinds of occupational ability: War machinery control LV3, really discovered finally appeared prompt that is similar to the boxes of previous five blaming: 接下来方林岩就尝试性的打算提升一下自己的B类职业能力:战争机械操控者LV3,结果真的发现出现了类似于上一次五面怪之箱的提示: Legend item that promisor ZB419, your body carries: Steel and iron fire hazard fragment (Middle Part), produced the resonance with the skill that you had! 契约者ZB419号,你身上携带的传说道具:钢铁火源碎片(中),与你拥有的技能产生了共鸣! Whether you must choose with the skill of it resonance! 请问你是否要选择与之共鸣的技能! side Linyan takes a quick look around at this time, detected on own B kinds of occupational abilities: War machinery control LV3, the summon mechanical lance birds of prey and summon mechanical dire wolf these three big skills are sparkling the ray, looks again, the variation probability after resonance is completely 100. 方林岩此时一眼看去,发觉自己身上的B类职业能力:战争机械操控者LV3,召唤机械矛隼和召唤机械恐狼这三大技能都在闪耀着光芒,再一看去,共鸣后的变异几率全部都是100。 This is the flamboyant place of legend item! In such three-road junction, side Linyan really somewhat was also hard to choose suddenly, what after all oneself present faces was the entire team rather than individual. 这就是传说道具的牛逼之处啊!在这样的三岔路口,方林岩一时间还真的是有些难以抉择了,毕竟自己现在面向的是整个团队而不是个人。 For example if evolve the sensation class ability, that and function of vulture superposed, resulted in the huge waste? 比如如果自己进化出来感知类的能力,那岂不是和秃鹫的功能重合了,造成了巨大的浪费? Therefore, after pondering one, side Linyan decides to postpone this matter, when the members of team gather completely make the decision again. 所以,思考一番之后,方林岩决定将这件事延后,等到团队的成员聚集齐全再做决定。 Then, he concentrated on the vision on two items: 接着,他将目光投注在了两件道具上: First is: The furnace rock carbon and fine furnace rock carbon, this two kinds thing can promote probability's second of promotion equipment is: The equipment increase volume( silver plot), it can from + 3 promote the equipment to + 4 directly, but + 4 placed an upper limit on. 第一件是:炉岩碳和精致的炉岩碳,这两样东西可以提升升级装备的几率第二件是:装备增幅卷(银色剧情),它则是可以将装备从直接提升到,但是封顶了。 At this time side Linyan also surplus almost 50,000 universe points and six potential points, after calculating, then thought that should be able to make a lane. 此时方林岩还剩余下来差不多五万通用点和六点潜能点,算了算之后,便觉得应该是可以弄一弄的。 Therefore, he first read a condition of use furnace rock carbon, detected that needs after returning to the space, first purchases the equipment strengthening machine, then uses in your private. 于是,他先阅读了一下使用炉岩碳的条件,发觉需要在回归空间之后,先购买装备强化机,然后在你的私人空间内部使用。 After inquiring one, side Linyan goes to the store to ask that equipment strengthening machine, detected that really has to sell, and price also extraordinary small advantage, ordinary only needs 500 universe points! 查询了一番之后,方林岩就去商店里面问了问装备强化机,发觉果然有卖的,并且价格还出奇的便宜,普通的只需要500通用点! Yes, you have not misread, is the 500 universe points of three figures! 是的,你没有看错,就是三位数的500通用点! side Linyan malicious thinking, this should be the trick that the casino boss habitually uses, playing cards mahjong and so on gambling paraphernalia are cheap, even can deliver free. 方林岩恶意的想,这应该就是赌场老板惯用的伎俩,扑克牌啊麻将之类的赌具便宜得要死,甚至可以免费送。 Un un, first made one strengthen the equipment the custom to provide with inexpensive ....... then to shear the meat slowly. 嗯嗯,先用廉价来让人将强化装备的习惯给养成了.......然后再慢慢割肉。 However, the equipment strengthening machine of blue quality was expensive, increases the equipment strengthening rate/lead 5, the price turned 100 times directly, needs 50,000 universe points! 不过,蓝色品质的装备强化机就贵了,增加装备强化率五的,价格直接翻了一百倍,需要五万通用点! Heard that also has to increase equips 10 strengthening rates, the price does not know that because has not sold. 听说还有增加装备十的强化率的,价格就不知道了,因为根本就没卖的。 Moreover, the sales clerk also provided a message, if there is a demand, he can be responsible for helping relate to have the person of blue equipment strengthening machine, can provide the compensational use service, uses 3000 universe point a time, the consequence is proud. 不仅如此,售货员还提供了一个消息,如果有需求的话,他可以负责帮忙联系拥有蓝色装备强化机的人,可以提供有偿使用服务,使用一次3000通用点,后果自负。 side Linyan said that can consider, after paying money, then returned to the middle of the private directly. 方林岩表示会考虑一下,付款了以后便直接回到了私人空间当中。 The equipment strengthening machine as in the thing of space interior purchase, is the package delivers goods to the doorstep, and installs, after Israeli forest Yan goes back, discovered that a brand-new machine placed in the middle of the private corner. 装备强化机作为在空间内部购买的东西,是包送货上门并且安装的,所以方林岩回去以后就发现一台全新的机器放在了私人空间的角落当中。 This gadget seems like washer, but there are high and low two openings. 这玩意儿看起来就是个洗衣机似的,不过有上下两个口子。 The application method is extremely simple, in equipment on the button presses, nearby cover opened, the thing that is going to strengthen put to be good. 使用方法极其简单,在“装备”的按钮上按一下,旁边的盖子就打开了,将要强化的东西放进去就好了。 Then, in furnace rock carbon on the button presses, side also turned on a cover, inside puts the furnace rock carbon. 然后,在“炉岩碳”的按钮上按一下,旁边也打开了一个盖子,里面就是放炉岩碳的。 However furnace rock carbon what puts to be ordinary is fine, disposable can only put one. 不过炉岩碳无论是放普通的还是精致的,一次性只能放一个。 Side also writes the rule of strengthened equipment. 旁边还写有强化装备的规则。 The strengthening equips LV1 to LV6 time, after strengthened failure, equips unable to vanish to explode, but 50 probability equipment remain unchanged, 50 probability equipment direct nulling operations, restore to the hardened state. 强化装备LV1到LV6的时候,强化失败后装备不会消失爆掉,但是有50几率装备保持不变,50几率装备直接归零,恢复到未强化状态。 Strengthened equipment from LV6, once is defeated, then has very high probability to explode directly, even if not explode, should still enull directly. 强化装备从LV6起,一旦失败的话,那么就有很高几率直接爆掉,即使不爆掉,也会直接归零。 side Linyan at this time in the eastern zhang (3.33 m) being troublesome chapter of rope and sublimation of hesitant some little time, eventually determined goal of strengthening, that is the chapter of sublimation. 方林岩此时在东丈的缠手绳和升华之章上犹豫了好一会儿,最后还是确定了强化的目标,那就是升华之章。 Because he functional of many equipment can replace now, for example the dragon of bunch of cherry dragon coughs to flash can replace with the firearms, the eastern long being troublesome rope can replace with the gauntlet/glove...... 因为他现在身上的很多装备的功用性都是可以取代的,比如樱龙之束的龙嗽闪可以用枪械取代,东长的缠手绳可以用拳套取代...... However, the sublimation the chapter of magic feedback effect, side Linyan has not actually seen in any equipment. 但是,升华之章的魔法反馈效果,方林岩却还没有在任何一件装备上见到过。 But the adaptation range of this effect is also broad, in PVP of other space soldiers to the war in the middle, is with the PVE fight of plot duty during, can regarding feeding back this ability draws up the tactic, successfully beats the enemy. 而这效果的适应范围也广,无论是在与其余空间战士的PVP对战当中,还是与剧情任务的PVE战斗当中,都能围绕反馈这个能力来制订战术,成功击败敌人。
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