FE :: Volume #9

#1: Germination

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Deceitful trick?” “骗术?” Heard Nakamura these words, side Linyan the heart as if by the acupuncture, deep inspiration, 听到了中村这句话,方林岩的心仿佛都被针刺了一下,深深的吸了一口气, Ants are rampant, oneself can not haggle over, but, involved on Uncle Xu of death, then took a palm of the hand to pat! 一只蝼蚁嚣张,自己可以不予计较,但是,牵扯到去世的徐叔身上,那么就一定要一巴掌拍死了! Therefore he turns around to say suddenly: 于是他霍然转身道: Good, you are very good, I do not want to lower oneself to the same level with you, you must court death, that helps you!” “好,你很好,我本来不想和你一般见识,你要找死,那就成全你!” side Linyan said after these words, said with Boss Tang, direct familiar and easy entered in the shop, chose a tinsel carefully, then arrived in front of nearby lathe. 方林岩说完了这句话之后,和唐老板说了一声,直接轻车熟路就走进了店里面,仔细挑选了一块金属片,然后走到了旁边的车床面前。 This time side Linyan, compared with before , in the car dealership works, the technology can with being reborn to describe, Nakamura somewhat is also at a loss at first, does not know that side Linyan must make anything, after is several minutes, he had opened the mouth gradually. 此时的方林岩,比起之前在车行里面打工的时候,技术更是能用脱胎换骨来形容,中村最初还有些迷惘,不知道方林岩要做什么,可是几分钟之后,他已经是渐渐的张大了嘴巴。 Originally, in side Linyan the subordinate, with former that sun gear exactly the same components, started to take shape impressively rapidly! 原来,在方林岩的手下,一枚与之前的那个太阳轮一模一样的零件,赫然开始迅速成型了! Nearby the mechanician who one watches the fun dry/does is also somewhat vacant, cannot bear whisper: 旁边的一干看热闹的机修工也是有些茫然,忍不住交头接耳: How looks such simple?” “怎么看起来这么简单?” Right?” “对啊?” „Do I look at no technique content?” “我看着没什么技术含量啊?” Probably on me am I also good?” “好像我上我也行呢?” Fool! This sun gear coin size, altogether has 33 small teeth, in six tooth, is the length of each small tooth from 0.7 millimeter to 1.3 millimeters, on you you also good?” “傻逼!这枚太阳轮只有硬币大小,却一共有三十三个小齿,六个中齿,每个小齿的长度从0.7毫米到1.3毫米不等,你上你也行?” ....... “.......” Finally directly what scolds is Boss Tang, he as the car dealership boss, can not, but has no alternative but to understand absolutely! 最后直接开骂的是唐老板,他身为车行老板,可以不会,但是绝对不能不懂! Therefore he knows that the significance of side Linyan this time behavior representative, that is great skill seems like lack of skill, gives up affectation. 所以他才知道方林岩此时的行为代表的意义,那已经是大巧若拙,返璞归真。 Only looks at his operation, has almost no too big difference from an ordinary master mechanic. 只看他的操作,几乎和一个普通的熟练工没有什么太大的区别。 However, the matter that actually above forest Yan handles, is actually equivalent to the latest digital lathe machine over five hours superfine machining, senior engineer eight hours of carving of slowly! 但是,实际上方林岩做的事情,却相当于最新的数字化车床五个小时以上的精细加工,一名高级工程师八个小时的慢慢雕琢! What awfully is, side Linyan only used from beginning to end for less than ten minutes! 更要命的是,方林岩从头到尾只用了十分钟不到! When side Linyan finished up, Boss Tang impatient takes in this components is holding appreciatively, on the face is the colors of exclamation: 等到方林岩一完事,唐老板已经迫不及待的将这枚零件拿到了手里面把玩着,脸上都是惊叹之色: little side your craftsmanship was also unexpectedly progressive!” “小方你的手艺竟然又进步了!” side Linyan looks at Nakamura: 方林岩看着中村: This is processes in you at present, what words did you have to say?” “这是在你眼前加工的,你还有什么话说?” Saying with a smile that Nakamura derode at this time: 中村此时却讥刺的笑道: You think the thing that oneself manufacture in a rough way can obtain my approval?” “你以为自己粗制滥造的东西可以得到我的认可?” Say/Way that side Linyan coldly: 方林岩冷冷的道: Wants you is not blind, naturally can look at the gold content of this thing , right, finally said one while convenient, your approval was not worth a red cent to me.” “只要你不眼瞎的话,当然就能看出来这东西的含金量,哦,对了,最后顺带说一句,你的认可对我来说一文不值。” Say/Way that Nakamura snorts at contemptuously: 中村嗤之以鼻的道: You think your scribblings to be able ....... “你以为你的鬼画符就能.......” His words spoke of half to stop suddenly, because Boss Tang the calm face had handed over in that sun gear his hand at this time. 他的话说到了一半就戛然而止,因为此时唐老板已经沉着脸将那枚太阳轮交到了他的手上。 Although Nakamura is haughty, but the genuine materials definitely have, will otherwise not emerge, was invited by Boss Tang is the technology consultant. 中村这个人虽然狂傲,但是真材实料肯定是有的,否则也不会脱颖而出,被唐老板请来做技术顾问。 The components seat of honor that also because of this, side Linyan processes before him, Nakamura felt not right, because the sun gear weight of this gadget and that genuine is unexpectedly exactly the same!!! 也正是因为这样,方林岩在他面前加工出来的这枚零件一上手,中村就感觉到不对劲,因为这玩意儿与那一枚正版的太阳轮重量居然一模一样!!! This feeling said mysteriously, actually does not have him, is experienced. 这种感觉说起来玄乎,其实无他,就是手熟。 Looked like the King to play, opening for 2-3 minutes can feel that this game was the steamroll bureau or the father and son bureau same truth. 就像是王者玩多了,开局2-3分钟就能感觉到这一局是碾压局还是父子局同一个道理。 Nakamura the complexion big change, looks for various instrument measurements immediately immediately, more was the test, the complexion more is pale...... to finally, dreaded unexpectedly eyeful, even damn was probably same, started to mutter: 中村顿时面色大变,立即就去找各种仪器测量,越是测试,脸色越是苍白......到了最后,竟然满眼都是畏惧,甚至像是见鬼一样,开始喃喃自语: Is impossible, is impossible!” “不可能的,不可能的!” „Do both hands of human, how possibly achieve such boundary?” “人类的双手,怎么可能达到这样的境界?” At this time, side Linyan who turned around to leave telephones: 这时候,转身离开的方林岩打了个电话: ..... The bastard ....... the mouth is too smelly ..... the lesson!” “.....混蛋.......嘴巴太臭.....教训!” But during one week later, this Nakamura after getting off work, had no intention to have the quarrel/corners of the mouth, but does not know finally what happened, the quarrel/corners of the mouth promoted, turned into an intense incomparable conflict. 而就在一周之后,这个中村在下班以后,无意当中和人发生了口角,但最后不知道发生了什么事情,口角升级,变成了一场激烈无比的冲突。 Finally very unfortunate matter happened, Nakamura's tooth wiped out five, finally in the mouth also forced in a gear! 最后非常不幸的事情发生了,中村的牙被人打掉了五颗,最后嘴巴里面还被塞进了一把齿轮! Then the whole person tied up, the mouth covered the adhesive tape to throw by a back lane garbage heap of bar, making him have these gear that brings the engine oil entire one in the evening, discovered after next morning cleaner reported to the police, this was finished this nightmarish one night. 然后整个人被绑了起来,嘴巴蒙上了胶带丢到了一条酒吧的后巷垃圾堆旁边,让他含着这一把带着机油的齿轮整整一晚上,直到第二天早上清洁工发现后报警,这才算是结束了这噩梦般的一夜。 *** *** The time passes rapidly, side Linyan returned Greece quickly, then with the big priest, was not right, should be the engine oil, the lathe, the components has waited for on the happy day of having no shame. 时间迅速流逝,方林岩很快就重新回到了希腊,然后与大祭司,哦不对,应该是机油,车床,零件等等过上了没羞没臊的幸福日子。 That noon, side Linyan just ate the beef steak that in the kitchen has sent, the preparation invested into the work again the time, nearby telephone rang suddenly, he met one hear, was the Eve Lenah's exciting voice: 这一天中午,方林岩刚刚吃过厨房里面送来的牛排,准备再次投入到工作当中的时候,旁边的电话忽然响了,他接起来一听,便是伊夫琳娜的兴奋声音: Sir, germinated germinated, do you want to come to see?” “大人,发芽了发芽了,您要不要来看看?” side Linyan said startled: 方林岩愕然道: What thing?” “什么东西?” Eve Lenah said: 伊夫琳娜道: Mysterious seed that you bring!” “你带回来的神秘种子啊!” side Linyan thought immediately, strange say/way: 方林岩顿时想了起来,奇道: Is so quick, do not spoil by trying is too helpful.” “这么快啊,你们不要拔苗助长喔。” Eve Lenah said: 伊夫琳娜道: „, We do not come according to the method of cultivation Saint tree, this is the experience that spreads from the myth time, does not know that cultivated many Saint trees, will be will definitely not have what issue.” “不是的,我们都是按照培育圣树的方法来的,这可是从神话时代就流传下来的经验,不知道培育了多少颗圣树,是绝对不会有什么问题的。” Right, their appetites were also much better, in the middle of previous attack the corpse wreckage of evil god follower, some residue sacred olive trees are unable to absorb continually, was the evil thought is deepest the strong part, we being called bone nuclear, but they still very relaxed will absorb cleanly, and also had not given full expression.” “对了,它们的胃口也是好得惊人,上一次来袭的邪神信徒的尸体残骸当中,有一些残余物连神圣的橄榄树也无法吸收,是邪念最为深厚浓烈的部分,我们将之称为骨核,但它们依然很轻松的就将之吸收得干干净净,并且还意犹未尽。” side Linyan gawked staring, but feels relaxed at once, compared with the ordinary plant, these two seeds can say inborn displays uniquely carnivorous, having the strong absorbancy is not strange. 方林岩愣了愣,不过旋即释然,比起普通的植物来说,这两颗种子可以说天生就表现出独特的“肉食性”,拥有强大吸收能力一点儿都不奇怪。 Especially the type of great tree, was punctured thoroughly by mother tree root system, seeks the nutrition in the situation, tenacious goes all out to take the corpse the nutrient to survive, and must by oneself growth and development, like this crazy digestion absorbancy, even many animals cannot compare. 尤其是巨树之种,在被母树根系刺透,吸收营养的情况下,顽强的拼命吸食尸体的养分来存活,并且还要让自己生长发育,这样的疯狂消化吸收能力,甚至连很多动物也比不上。 Thinks after these things, side Linyan also had the interest, said to Eve Lenah: 想到了这些东西以后,方林岩也是有了兴致,对伊夫琳娜道: Where?” “在哪里?” Eve Lenah said: 伊夫琳娜道: Behind temple.” “神殿后面。” side Linyan then arrived there, detected that Eve Lenah and several female priest who wear the white long gown stood by the garden together were chatting, saw after side Linyan came, several women partly knelt to salute simultaneously. 方林岩便来到了那里,发觉伊夫琳娜和几名身披白色长袍的女祭司一起站在了花园旁边谈笑着,见到了方林岩前来以后,几个女人同时半跪行礼。 This is because side Linyan the present status is different, officially becomes the regimental commander who the knight rolls, therefore should be venerated. 这是因为方林岩现在的身份已经不同,正式成为了骑士团的团长,所以理应得到尊崇。 Then Eve Lenah very excited referred to the flower garden working as the middle course: 然后伊夫琳娜就很兴奋的指住了花圃当中道: Sir, you look, that dark green bud is Crius, that faint yellow bud is mountain!” “大人,您看,那个墨绿色的芽就是克利俄斯的,那个淡黄色的芽就是山宁芙的!” Crius? Mountain?” side Linyan has doubts to say. “克利俄斯?山宁芙?”方林岩疑惑道。 Eve Lenah is stylish: 伊夫琳娜顿时道: Right, I forgot to tell you, that strong seed we gave the name that it gave is Crius, that seed that it protected is called mountain.” “对了,我都忘了告诉您,那一枚强壮的种子我们给它起的名字就是克利俄斯,它保护的那颗种子就叫做山宁芙。” side Linyan nods saying: 方林岩点点头道: „, Is this , right, the mountain father said that it innate has a very big flaw, with words that the disease of human analogies, is certain organs innate is the failure, is similar is like the baby of congenital heart disease, your causes its words of germination rashly, what hidden danger can have?” “哦,原来是这样,哦,对了,山宁芙的父亲说它先天拥有一个非常的大的缺陷,用人类的疾病来比喻的话,就是某些器官先天就是衰竭的,类似于先天性心脏病的婴儿一样,你们这样贸然使其发芽的话,会不会有什么隐患?” Eve Lenah said: 伊夫琳娜道: „, We have detected, probably similar situation before cultivates the sacred oak tree often meets, the goddess has god technique can very relaxed elimination fall.” “哦,我们早就察觉到了,像是类似的情况在之前培育神圣橡树的时候经常遇到,女神有神术可以很轻松的消除掉。” That had no issue.” Side forest Ryou Iwamatsu one breath. “那就没什么问题了。”方林岩松了一口气。 Then he then squats to observe the situation in Crius, detected the bud that this fellow braves high, cannot bear puts out a hand to trace. 然后他便蹲下去观察克利俄斯的情况,发觉这家伙的芽冒得高高的,忍不住就伸手去摸了摸。 Under the result does not trace fortunately, touches, its below soil had the crack suddenly , this fellow unexpectedly directly facing set from earth! 结果不摸还好,一摸之下,其下方的泥土忽然出现了裂缝,紧接着,这家伙居然直接从土里面钻了出来! It seems like onion that is going against the bud, the following root system seems like eight claw fish legs. 看起来就像是个顶着芽的洋葱头,不过下面的根系则像是八爪鱼腿。 It should induces the aura of side Linyan this savior, therefore runs to greet especially, continued to make eyah eyah the sound, and can also jump to stumble to want side Linyan to hug directly! 它应该是感应到了方林岩这救命恩人的气息,所以特地跑出来打招呼,继续发出了咿呀咿呀的声音,并且还能直接蹦跶起来要方林岩抱抱! The one who most made side Linyan exclaim in surprise, this fellow oneself height of almost 20 centimeters, can jump to stumble to oneself calf position unexpectedly. 最令方林岩惊叹的是,这家伙自己的身高差不多才二十厘米,居然都能蹦跶到自己小腿位置。 Such explosive force seemingly is not anything, but don't forget, complete shape side Linyan of this fellow has seen, his father / mother can highly with ease hundred meters! 这样的爆发力貌似不算什么,但是别忘了,这家伙的完全形态方林岩是见过的啊,其父亲/母亲的高度轻轻松松都可以过百米! After waiting for it to grow into, if can also maintain such jump ability, that was scary? 等它长成了以后,倘若还能保持这样的跳跃能力,那岂不是要吓死人了? At this time Eve Lenah they seem like familiar with Crius very much momentarily the appearance that can run from the soil, side Linyan then inquired: 此时伊夫琳娜她们看起来像是很习惯“克利俄斯”随时都可以从泥土里面跑出来的样子,方林岩便询问道: Such situation did you become accustomed to?” “这样的情况你们好像习以为常了?” Eve Lenah said: 伊夫琳娜道: Yes, it looks like the sheepdog the same as have the exuberant energy, as if the bottomless pit same appetite, usually wanted the sleep to rest, took root in the soil directly, if awoke needs to eat food, then drew out the root system from the soil directly.” “是的,它就像是牧羊犬一样拥有着旺盛的精力,还有仿佛无底洞一样的胃口,平时想要睡眠休息了,就直接扎根在了泥土里面,若是睡醒了需要进食,那么就直接从泥土里面拔出根系。” This book is manufactured by the public number reorganization. Pays attention to VX Book friend supreme headquarters, Reads to get the cash red packet! 本书由公众号整理制作。关注VX【书友大本营】,看书领现金红包! In comparison gets up, mountain is much better, is more like normal trees.” “与之相比起来,山宁芙就好得多,更像是一颗正常的树木。”
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