FE :: Volume #8

#186: Question

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Then, saw a mechanical life of similar fist size jumped from the box directly, stood on the desktop, the hair of this mechanical life was the tinsel of curl, two eyes look to seem like the light bulb, on his left arm brought a laser cannon, the right formed the advantage to be bladed. 然后,就见到了一个差不多拳头大小的机械生命直接从盒子里面跳了出来,站到了桌面上,这机械生命的头发乃是卷曲的金属丝,两只眼睛看着像是灯泡,其左边手臂上自带一门激光炮,右边则是形成了利刃状。 Words that therefore this gadget initially seems like, unexpectedly also somewhat hippie style. 因此这玩意儿初看起来的话,居然还有几分嬉皮士风格。 But as soon as it appears, laughed wildly is shouting called out: 而它一出现,就狂笑着喊叫道: I, other Sir Erke was born finally! Worships on bended knees, all low organism!” “我,别尔克大人终于诞生了!跪拜吧,所有的低等生物们!” Then it looked all around around one, continued to shout called out: 然后它环顾了一下四周,继续喊叫道: Aha, this is a backward world, but doesn't matter, it is other great Sir Erke!” “啊哈,这是一个落后的世界,但是没关系,它已经属于伟大的别尔克大人了!” I came, I see, I conquer! Under other great Sir Erke rule, must use the slavery to transform this stars that as soon as possible are flooding massive inferior lifeform, must......” “我来了,我看见,我征服!在伟大的别尔克大人的统治下,必须使用奴隶制才能尽快改造这个充斥着大量低劣生物的星球,必须......” Then did not have then, side Linyan a very simple fist had pounded, will turn into one group of sector scrap iron directly, but also in braving electric spark and black smoke. 接着就没有然后了,方林岩已经很干脆的一拳头砸了上去,直接将之变成了一团扁形废铁,还在噼里啪啦的冒着电火花和黑烟。 Without a doubt, side Linyan the present complexion is black seems like bottom of the pot, because wanted to make to meet before to work industriously, bearing the burden of responsibility the good wishes of mechanical assistant, looked like the soap bubble the same as be disillusioned completely. 毫无疑问,方林岩现在的脸色黑得像是锅底似的,因为之前想要造出来会自己辛勤劳动,任劳任怨的机械助手的美好的愿望,完全就像是肥皂泡一样破灭了。 Then side Linyan attempted several times, detected that the small volume the metal activated speed is very quick, ten minutes to a half hour can present a micro-robot. 接下来方林岩又尝试了好几次,发觉小体积的金属被活化的速度还是挺快的,十分钟到半小时就能出现一只微型机器人。 However these fellows either are hot tempered testy, either is arrogant crazy, even the inborn bloodthirsty, acts to side Linyan the fierce resentment rash fellow. 不过这些家伙要么就是暴躁易怒,要么就是自大疯狂,甚至还有天生嗜血,一出面就对着方林岩猛怼的二愣子。 Appeared six micro-robots, the common trait is the violent tendency is very serious, almost no space of talk, displays nakedly holds the desire, the world myriad things in his heart is own abnormal world outlook. 出现的六只微型机器人,共同特点就是暴力倾向十分严重,几乎没有任何谈话的空间,表现出赤裸裸的占有欲望,在其心中天地万物都是自己的畸形世界观。 What most awfully is, they do not fear death, often from exploding! Self-destruction is quite intense. 最要命的是,它们一点儿也不怕死,动不动就自爆!自毁性相当强烈。 With that metal life, side Linyan broke off its leg a moment ago, originally wants to threaten its, has not planned killing, but this fellow unexpectedly directly from exploding! 就拿刚才那只金属生命来说,方林岩折断了它的腿,本来想要威胁它一下,并没有打算将之弄死,但是这家伙居然就直接自爆了! Unexpected, really somewhat does side Linyan to be very dirty. 猝不及防之下,真的是搞得方林岩很是有些灰头土脸的。 Has the depressed mood, side Linyan to be just about to start the eighth experiment, finally this time, his cell phone made a sound suddenly. 带着郁闷的心情,方林岩正要开始第八次实验,结果这一次,他的手机忽然响了。 side Linyan takes to look, detected that unexpectedly is a strange cell phone number, gawked just to hang up directly, but felt suddenly oneself should also rest, arrived by the window to connect the call: 方林岩拿起来一看,发觉居然是一个陌生的手机号码,愣了愣正想直接挂断,不过忽然觉得自己也应该歇一歇了,就来到了窗口旁边接通了电话: Hey? Is which?” “喂?是哪位?” I am old Tang!” That side the telephone transmits, is Boss Tang the unique shrill and raucous voice. What's wrong? Came back not to tell me one?” “我是老唐啊!”电话那边传来的,乃是唐老板特有的公鸭嗓。“怎么?回来了都不告诉我一声?” Boss Tang to own attendance, side Linyan appreciated kindness rendered very much, the smile said: 唐老板对自己的照顾,方林岩还是很领情的,微笑道: No, the previous telephone lost, does not remember your telephone number, therefore broke united, didn't this come back to go to your shop?” “没有啊,之前的电话丢了,又不记得你的电话号码,所以就断联了,这不是一回来就去了你的店里面吗?” Boss Tang haha said with a smile: 唐老板哈哈笑道: Yes, I one obtained your contact method from shark that boy mouth, called you, how? Comes out to drink an afternoon tea?” “是啊,我一从沙鱼那小子嘴巴里面得到了你的联系方式,就给你打电话了,怎么有空吗?出来饮个下午茶啊?” side Linyan very refreshed say/way: 方林岩很爽快的道: Boss, what person I am you know, I spoke frankly, you have anything on the direct opens the mouth, I can manage managed to you, now is busy lane several components, but also really does not have many to be spatial.” “老板,我是什么样的人你都知道,我就直说了,您有啥事就直接开口,我能办就给你办了,现在正在忙着弄几个零件,还真没多少空。” After Boss Tang listened to side Linyan the words, yes haha said with a smile: 唐老板听了方林岩的话以后也是哈哈笑道: Is this, before many thanks to you, to these components that I do, therefore in the business is the development is very big, my then this opportunity took many work.” “是这样的,多亏你之前给我搞的那些零件,所以业务上真的是开拓很大,我就接着这机会揽了不少的活儿。” Naturally, business volume one big, definitely the difficult problems in various aspects welled up, finally at this time the luck was also good, has the friends in Japan to recommend an engineer to me, stabilized the aspect finally.” “当然,业务量一大,肯定各方面的难题都是涌了过来,结果这时候运气也不错,有日本的朋友给我推荐了一位工程师,总算是将局面稳定了下来。” side Linyan listened also to relax, he also really feared that Boss Tang proposed the request made him go back to repair a vehicle again. 方林岩听了也松了一口气,他还真怕唐老板提出请求让他再回去修车。 Before he craved this field of endeavor, was because did not have other thing to replace. 之前他热衷此道,是因为并没有别的东西可以取代。 However has tried more advanced welding manner in the interstellar world, after exquisiter machine design, the automobile mechanism on Earth could not have aroused his any interest, can only describe with the tastelessness. 但是在星际世界里面尝试过更先进的焊接方式,更精妙的机械设计以后,地球上的汽车机械结构已经引不起他的任何兴趣了,只能用味同嚼蜡来形容。 Do not say that currently also has a lot of new gadget to wait for him to unearth! 更不要说现在还有大量的新玩意儿等着他去挖掘! For example uses the mysterious core to assemble the knock-off spider shape bearer on Earth, for example continues to the heart of mechanical dire wolf, the egg of mechanical lance falcon optimizes. 比如说利用神秘的核心在地球上重新组装出山寨版的蛛形搬运者,又比如继续对机械恐狼的心脏,机械矛隼的卵进行优化。 Has these delicacies of every kind to wait for him, repairing a vehicle regarding side Linyan is completely one bowl of spoiled rice, how also possibly to touch the car(riage) again? 有着这些山珍海味在等着他,修车对于方林岩来说完全就是一碗馊饭了,又怎么可能再去碰车呢? The result listens to Tang plank road: 结果听唐老板道: „Before Nakamura this boy, I invited serviced in the circle to mix at the professional race car of Japan, worked for at the Toyota race car, but I heard that commits a crime to run internally.” “我请来的中村这小子之前是在日本的职业赛车维修圈子里面混的,效力于丰田赛车,不过我听说是在国内犯了事跑了出来。” „After he takes over several you serviced the later vehicles, should very exclaim in surprise, therefore has shouted was saying that must see one side you, wants to discuss to study mutually with you, does not know that your has had free time?” “他接手了几台你维修以后的车辆之后,应该是十分惊叹,所以一直嚷嚷着说要见你一面,想要和你互相探讨研究一番,不知道你有没有空?” Ok!” side Linyan complies joyfully. “可以啊!”方林岩欣然答应。 Divorces oneself from reality this matter, he will not do, only then in the crashing collision, can have the inspirational the spark. 闭门造车这种事情,他是不会做的,只有在激烈的碰撞当中,才能产生灵感的火花。 He discusses with fellow engineers in the middle of the interstellar world repeatedly, the argument is intense, finally is also benefits. 在星际世界当中他多次与各位工程师探讨,争论激烈,最后也是获益匪浅。 Therefore quick, side Linyan returned to the shop, at this time said needlessly, Boss Tang leads Nakamura to wait there. 于是很快的,方林岩就返回了店上,这时候不消说,唐老板已经带着中村在那里等着了。 Nakamura is a small fellow, the eyebrow is very thick, the lip sips very tightly, looks at the person time is very not polite intently watch, therefore is poor to the first impression feeling of person. 中村是个小个子,眉毛很浓,嘴唇抿得很紧,看人的时候是很不礼貌的逼视,所以给人的第一印象感觉就不怎么好。 Boss Tang being just about stands to recommend, without expecting Nakamura comes to give side Linyan on the directness on to bow unexpectedly slightly, then stares at side Linyan saying: 唐老板正要站出来引荐一下,没料到中村居然就直接上前来给方林岩微微鞠了一躬,然后盯着方林岩道: Is you are the side?” “请问是你就是方吗?” side Linyan nods saying: 方林岩点点头道: Yes.” “是的。” Nakamura opened the hand, in the middle of his palm is auto parts: 中村张开了手,他的手心当中是一个汽车零件: I take over a car(riage) that you serviced two weeks ago, what the gear box of this car(riage) uses is the system of planet gear, this sun gear they said that is you do.” “我在两周之前接手了你维修的一辆车,这辆车的变速箱采用的是行星齿轮的体系,这个太阳齿轮他们说是你自己做的。” At this time Boss Tang hears Nakamura's tone to be bad, immediately the complexion changed, shouted: 此时唐老板听到中村的语气不善,顿时脸色就变了,喝道: Nakamura, what do you want to make?” “中村,你要做什么?” side Linyan actually somewhat looks at Nakamura funnily, is beckoning with the hand to say to Boss Tang: 方林岩却有些好笑的看着中村,对着唐老板摆摆手道: Right, is I does.” “对啊,是我做的。” Nakamura's complexion became flushed immediately, said loudly: 中村的脸色顿时涨红了,大声道: Person must have the heart of sense of honor! The sun gear of this manual precision, do not say me, is in Honda team master craftsman, cannot do, you said unexpectedly is you do?” “人要有廉耻之心!这种手工精度的太阳轮,不要说我,就是本田车队里面的大匠,也做不出来,你居然自称是你做出来的?” You are attractive, what is this?” “你好好看看,这是什么?” After Nakamura said that put out the magnifying glass directly, then aimed at the central location of this sun gear, really can see, had two letter G-P there, then greeted those present to come to see. 中村说完了以后,直接拿出了放大镜,然后对准了这枚太阳齿轮的中央位置,果然能见到,在那里有两个字母G-P,然后招呼在场的人来看。 GP is German Established Re-equipping Business: Abbreviation of G-power, is in the industry very renowned re-equipping car dealer. GP是德国老牌改装商:G-power的缩写,也是业界内很著名的改装车商。 Nakamura's meaning is very simple, was side Linyan actually takes the components of GP to mooch! 中村的意思很简单,就是方林岩其实是拿了GP的零件在招摇撞骗! Originally the personality of this boy was very narrow, is saving the thoughts of my Toyota technology first under heaven. 原来这小子的性格本来就十分狭隘,更是存着我丰田技术天下第一的心思。 Usually his character is also strange, therefore some people will say unavoidably anything you have anything is quite flamboyant, if the spanner elder brother can only play the mud to go to this type in you equally.” 平时他的性格也是古怪,所以难免就会有人说什么“你有啥好牛逼的,要是扳手哥在你只能一边儿玩泥巴去这种。” Finally Nakamura is careful, then thinks that with great difficulty found side Linyan the flaw, kept this thing, must reveal the true colors of spanner swindler before everyone! 结果中村就上了心,然后好不容易自以为找到了方林岩的破绽,就将这东西留了起来,要在大家面前揭穿扳手这个骗子的真面目! Finally facing this conclusive evidence, others as if looked that the fool same looks at Nakamura. 结果面对这铁证如山,其余的人都仿佛看傻子一样看着中村。 Because Boss Tang they knows, side Linyan just came time is poor, noon box lunch working lunch eats the thief to be fragrant, frequently must eat 34, 因为唐老板他们都知道,方林岩刚来的时候穷得叮当响,中午的盒饭工作餐吃得贼香,动不动就要吃三四份, But the GP components price is very expensive, several hundred US dollars often, the key is to flow goods so many, rich also not necessarily can buy, side Linyan the average can cultivate/repair almost 78 car(riage)s every day, if cheats as Nakamura said that every day feared that do not paste over ten thousand US dollars! 而GP的零件价格十分昂贵,动不动就几百美元,关键是流出来的货就这么多,有钱还不一定买得到,方林岩平均每天能修差不多七八辆车,倘若都是像中村所说作弊的话,每天怕不是要贴进去上万美元! side Linyan took that components to look, then very tranquil say/way: 方林岩拿过了那零件看了看,然后很平静的道: „? Did you say this? This is I do, but this is the sun gear of abandonment, then I found the way to process, changed to this it, I said that has the issue that I made?” “哦?你说这个?这是我做的啊,不过这本来就是个报废的太阳轮,然后我自己想办法加工了一下,将其改成了这样,我说是我弄出来的有问题?” Nakamura sneers saying: 中村冷笑道: „The C-P original factory work piece, you can think the means processing to modify unexpectedly, but also turns into the normal use? Do you want the face? Your such view, thinks that I believe?” “C-P的原厂手工件,你居然可以想办法加工改动,还变成正常件使用?你要点脸好吗?你这样的说法,以为我会相信吗?” side Linyan cannot help laughing say: 方林岩哑然失笑道: You believe it or not, close my bird matter.” “你爱信不信,关我鸟事。” After saying, is waving to Boss Tang, turns around to walk. 说完了以后,对着唐老板挥挥手,转身就走。 Finally Nakamura sneers saying: 结果中村冷笑道: Afraid? I in Japan, heard that the peaceful city has master craftsman slow Sang, even makes my senior Shuichiro candidly admit defeat! Should you be his disciple? The fame of it seems like that this person, should be the same with you, is depends on mooches comes!” “心虚了吗?我在日本的时候,就听说泰城有一位大匠徐桑,甚至让我的前辈宗一郎都甘拜下风!你应该就是他的弟子吧?看来这个人的名气,应该和你一样,也是靠着招摇撞骗得来的!”
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