FE :: Volume #8

#185: Eve Lenah of nursing

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This time side Linyan thought that in throat somewhat dry, could not bear take up nearby water to drink one: 此时的方林岩都觉得喉咙里面有些干涩,忍不住拿起了旁边的水就喝了一口: If I mix quite disappointingly, that being in a precarious state of crossed lung cancer time, the life of drifting about destitute, had not possibly found Li Yuan.” “如果我混得相当差劲,过的还是肺癌时候的那种朝不保夕,颠沛流离的生活,是没可能找到李远的。” Only then I, when cast off the difficulty of lung cancer, will have the mood to look for Li Yuan this person.” “只有我在摆脱了肺癌的困扰的时候,才会有心情来寻找李远这个人。” Then good, since you gave me the time place, then I will certainly keep an appointment on time!” “那么好吧,既然你给了我时间地点,那么我一定会准时赴约!” After side Linyan sat a while silently, actually hears outside has the sound of knocking on a door, is actually Eve Lenah: 方林岩默默坐了一会儿之后,却听到外面有敲门的声音,却是伊夫琳娜: Knight is long your excellency, is noon, here master Mr. Li is also the devout follower, inviting you to have the lunch together, whether had free time?” “骑士长阁下,已经是中午了,这里的主人李先生也是虔诚的信徒,邀请您一起共进午餐,请问是否有空?” Side forest Iwamoto comes not to go, is looking for a person of this aspect to receive his sentiment, then complies to attend. 方林岩本来不想去的,不过在找人这方面承了他的情,便答应出席。 After having had the lunch, side Linyan is just about to leave, suddenly thinks of a matter, said to Eve Lenah: 吃过午饭以后,方林岩正要离开,忽然想到一件事,对伊夫琳娜道: Big priest in?” “大祭司在吗?” Eve Lenah said: 伊夫琳娜道: Before the typhoon delayed so many days, this that side had piled up many business, this morning the meteorological observatory sends in the notice, said that is an airport, when 3 : 00 to five points has the meteorological condition of launching, therefore the big priest had left, what urgent matter you have?” “之前台风耽搁了这么多天,本部那边已经是堆积了诸多事务,今天凌晨气象台发来通知,说是机场在三点到五点的时候有起飞的气象条件,所以大祭司已经离开了,您这边是有什么急事吗?” side Linyan said: 方林岩道: Some of my originally things and she said that she not in words, then said with you are same, does here have the garden? Best periphery no one or monitoring.” “我本来有事情和她说,她不在的话,那么和你说一样的,这里有花园吗?最好周围没有人或者监控。” Eve Lenah said: 伊夫琳娜道: Good, my makes one arrange.” “好的,我这就去让人安排。” Quick, two people went to nearby garden, at this time two people walk side-by-side, the afternoon sunlight warm photo on the body, the surroundings have pruned carefully the flowers and trees, Eve Lenah smile that side accompanies if the flower, were full of the exotic customs. 很快的,两人就来到了旁边的花园里面,此时两人并肩而行,午后的阳光暖暖的照在身上,周围都是精心修剪过的花木,旁边陪伴的伊夫琳娜笑颜若花,充满了异国风情。 Such a, to be honest is the dream peaks of many, after all 99% male compatriots or on the single dog, are domestic-made, probably Eve Lenah this type of imported goods that either uses are very rare. 这样的一幕,说实话已经是很多人的梦想巅峰,毕竟百分之九十九的男同胞要么就还是单身狗,要么用的就是国产,像是伊夫琳娜这种进口货还是很少见的啊。 side Linyan were not many speaks what idle talk, the type of great tree with, it is referred to as unknown strange thing directly, naturally can carry over on the world. 方林岩也不多说什么废话,直接就将巨树之种给拿了出来,它乃是被认定为未知奇物,当然是可以被带出上个世界。 This time it still took almost 1/3 root hair closely to hug another seed, the type of that seed world tree, two as if unified whole. 此时的它依然拿了差不多三分之一的根须紧紧抱着另外一颗种子,那颗种子正是世界树之种,二者仿佛都浑然一体。 Saw the type of great tree, Eve Lenah also dumbfounded, covered the small mouth saying: 见到了巨树之种,伊夫琳娜也是呆住了,捂住了小嘴道: Oh, goddess on, what thing is this?” “噢,女神在上,这是什么东西?” Must know Eve Lenah, although the semblance seems like also just like the youth young girl, does the assistant who can be the big priest exist possibly is the fuel-efficient lamp? 要知道伊夫琳娜虽然外表看起来也是宛若青春少女,能作为大祭司的副手存在又怎么可能是省油的灯? She also is the goddess god causes it one, when goddess influence heyday, what the big priest manages is the Holy See business of Greek this section, she is based in Rome, manages the Roman Empire educational administration as goddess priest. 她同样也是女神的神使之一,在女神的势力极盛的时候,大祭司主持的是希腊本部的教廷事务,她就常驻罗马,以女神祭司的身份主持罗马帝国这边的教务。 In the middle of beforehand Eve Lenah that world, the symbolic that she manages teaches the standard, coronates for famous Caesar, acknowledged him on behalf of the goddess to Rome, Gaul throughout, Germanic and British these states' rules! 在之前伊夫琳娜那个世界当中,她主持的标志性教典,就是为鼎鼎有名的恺撒加冕,代表女神承认他对罗马,高卢全境,日耳曼和不列颠这些国度的统治! side Linyan looks at this two say/way: 方林岩看着这二者道: This is two powerful seeds from dystopia surface, they had both the characteristics of plant and animal, and is very weak, must attach in another seed can grow healthy.” “这是两颗来自异位面的强大种子,它们兼具了植物与动物的特性,并且其中有一颗还十分虚弱,必须要依附于另外一颗种子才能茁壮生长。” However their cultivation methods also and ordinary trees are widely divergent.” “而它们的培植方法也和普通的树木大相径庭。” side Linyan is saying, took out one box of milk, then poured in nearby pit directly, put two seeds. 方林岩一面说着,一面就取出了一盒牛奶,然后直接倒在了旁边的凹坑里面,将两棵种子放了进去。 Now I also only try to find out that they liked drinking the milk, other very somewhat is vacant.” “现在我也是只摸索出来了它们喜欢喝奶,其余的还很是有些茫然。” I am very somewhat am usually busy, therefore entrusted to you looks.” “我平时是很有些繁忙的,所以就委托给你们照顾了。” Looks that the type of great tree eyah eyah is calling, looks like the baby such happy swaying back and forth in the milk, Eve Lenah exuded the pleasantly surprised cry immediately, yes, was that girl saw after sprouting/moe the thing, sound that could not resist. 看着巨树之种咿呀咿呀的叫着,就像是婴儿那样在牛奶里面开心的打着滚,伊夫琳娜顿时发出了惊喜的叫声,是的,就是那种女孩儿看到了萌物以后抵抗不了的声音。 Then her quick started to enter the condition, side Linyan to avoid them idled, supplemented one very much simply: 然后她很快的就开始进入了状态,方林岩为了避免她们懈怠,就很干脆的补充了一句: These two seed words if nothing unexpected happens, should be this world no brand-new species!” “这两颗种子如无意外的话,应该是本世界都没有的全新物种!” Now obviously can look very much, their wisdom are not the ordinary trees can compare completely, even it can be said that the entirely different two species, I thought that attendance appropriate words, will be very in the future hopeful its cultivation for in the middle of legend fostering talent! Becoming symbol that the goddess manifests a presence!” “现在就很明显看得出来,它们的智慧完全不是普通树木能比的,甚至可以说是截然不同的两个物种,我觉得照顾得当的话,日后很有希望将其培植为传说当中的树人!成为女神显圣的标志!” By side Linyan such a reminder, Eve Lenah is in the heart moves immediately! If later holds the rite time, the big priest and stand in the shoulder that fosters talent huge, how many hearts can such miracle save? How many supernatural powers saves? 被方林岩这么一提醒,伊夫琳娜立即就是心中一动!倘若以后举行祭典的时候,大祭司和自己站在一株庞大树人的肩头,这样的神迹能省多少心?节约多少法力啊? Also for example the previous evil god invades, to be honest goddess here armed forces truly were too weak, frequently wanted the big priest to go forth to battle personally. 又比如上一次邪神入侵,说实话女神这边的武装力量确实是太弱了些,动不动就要大祭司亲自上阵。 Although the goddess can control the Saint olive tree to take the informer, where has is fostering talent that can act on free will strong? 虽然女神能操控圣橄榄树作为耳目,却哪里有能自由行动的树人强? When the foreign invasion, has to foster talent to surround and protect, then the security of temple definitely increases doubled and re-doubled. 在外敌入侵的时候,有着树人拱卫,那么神殿的安全肯定是成倍增加。 After wants to understand pass/test hole, Eve Lenah looked that was more earnest to look of front these two seeds, before looked at the look of pet, now almost sees own son, and can guarantee wife's eldest son's look that own empress'palace position. 在想明白了其中的关窍之后,伊夫琳娜看向面前这两只种子的眼神那就更热切了,之前还是看宠物的眼神,现在差不多就是看自己的儿子,并且还是能确保自己正宫地位的嫡长子的眼神了。 side Linyan estimated that now do not say drinks the milk to them, is to make Eve Lenah feed own milk is also willing! 方林岩估计现在不要说给它们喝牛奶,就是让伊夫琳娜喂自己的奶也心甘情愿吧! After these two matters process, side Linyan returns in own room, starts to study one thing, that is the steel fire hazard fragment that start newly. 将这两件事处理好之后,方林岩就重新回到了自己的房间里面,开始研究起一样东西,那就是自己新入手的钢铁火源碎片来。 To be honest, he also is really very curious, this can give the metal life the gadget, does give the law? 说实话,他也真的是很好奇,这个能够赋予金属生命的玩意儿,到底是怎么个赋予法呢? If can give a lathe life, oneself order it to move, is that very happy? Must save many strengths. 要是能赋予一件车床生命,自己一声令下它自己就会动,那岂不是美滋滋?要省下多少力气啊。 Even the lathe were too big, cucumber type of little thing still yes. 即便是车床太大了,黄瓜这种小东西也是可以的。 After thinking, side Linyan took the steel fire hazard fragment, then put in a wood/blockhead box, after thinking, looked for a screw bolt to lose and ensure this gadget most approached the steel fire hazard fragment the metal. 想了想以后,方林岩就将钢铁火源碎片取了出来,然后放到了一只木头盒子里面,想了想以后,找了个螺丝钉丢了进去,确保这玩意儿是最靠近钢铁火源碎片的金属。 According to at present side Linyan understanding the steel fire hazard fragment, first its can make the energy that the steel activates not consume to oneself, even if you did not throw the steel in the past, it still in conducts the radiation activation energy toward the surroundings at any time. 根据目前方林岩对钢铁火源碎片的了解,首先它的这种能让钢铁活化的能量对自身并没有消耗,就算你不丢钢铁过去,它也是随时都在朝着周围进行辐射活化能量。 Next is this activation energy definitely becomes effective to a smaller metal is quicker. 其次就是这种活化能量肯定对越小的金属生效越快。 Then side Linyan is very definite a matter, the steel fire hazard fragment, in the space gives in own personal preserve within to be limited, is unable to make own activation energy become effective. 接着方林岩很确定一件事,钢铁火源碎片在空间赋予自己的私人储藏间内被限制,无法使自己的活化能量生效。 Also does not know that is because after it went, stops radiating the activation energy, private inside metal received the protection of space principle. 也不知道是因为它进去了以后就停止辐射活化能量,还是私人空间里面的金属受到了空间法则的保护。 Finally, the activation energy of steel fire hazard fragment, is unable the equipment that similarly affects the space to recognize. 最后,钢铁火源碎片的活化能量,同样也无法影响空间认定的装备。 At this time after side Linyan looked at carefully a while box inside screw bolt, detected that seems like it not to have anything to change in a short time, then covers the cover, starts to study mysterious core that” found from the spider shape bearer. 此时方林岩端详了一会儿盒子里面的螺丝钉以后,发觉貌似它短时间内不会有什么变化,便将盖子盖上,开始研究起从蛛形搬运者身上找到的“神秘的核心”来。 This gadget sounds should be very complex precise, as if clock and watch these dazzling structure, but is in fact not true, the internal structure is unexpectedly simple makes one stare dumbfounded: 这玩意儿听起来应该是非常复杂精密,仿佛钟表内部的那些令人眼花缭乱的结构似的,但实际上并非如此,内部结构竟是简单得令人瞠目结舌: Actually is a translucent metal shell, inside two small balls bewildered moves around the middle axle. 其实就是一个半透明的金属外壳,里面两个小球莫名其妙的围绕着中轴旋转。 These two small balls were alone float in the midair, does not have any silk thread and so on was connected with the middle axle, can actually drive the middle axle. 这两个小球都是单独悬浮在了半空中,没有任何丝线之类的与中轴相连,却能将中轴带动。 However side Linyan is very clear, the complex structure is not fearful, Jane’s built-up section, most is extremely fatal! 然而方林岩很清楚,复杂的结构并不可怕,极简的组合结构,才最为致命! After side Linyan at this time disassembling, detected that is the structure that the eyes see is so simple, why however that two relative small ball can float from the sky keep revolving, can drive the middle axle while convenient, he really could not understand. 方林岩此时将之拆开以后,发觉真的就是双眼看到的结构这么简单,然而那两个相对小球为什么会悬浮在空中不停旋转,顺带还能带动中轴,他就真的看不懂了。 This looks like the ancient people......, does not know including many modern people, why after monitor circular telegram, above will present madou media occasionally four characters is a truth. 这就像是古代人......咳咳,包括很多现代人都不知道,为什么显示器通电以后,上面偶尔会出现“麻豆传媒”四个字是一个道理。 Key before him some materials that obtain showed that this gadget or the intelligent core of spider shape bearer. 关键是根据他之前获得的一些资料显示,这玩意儿还是蛛形搬运者的智能核心啊。 After studying some little time, side Linyan chose giving up very much simply, because he detected that this inside fault/chasm knowledge are too many, how he ponders over again also wastes the time. 研究了好一会之后,方林岩很干脆的选择了放弃,因为他发觉这里面的断层知识太多,他再怎么琢磨也是白费功夫。 But at this time, in the wood/blockhead box had suddenly bang a loud sound, in seemed like detonated firecrackers to be the same simply! side Linyan is startled, at once thinks on the back had the cold sweat to brave, inside steel fire hazard fragment do not have the matter. 而就在这时候,木头盒子里面突然发出了“砰”的一声巨响,简直就像是里面被引爆了一个鞭炮一样!方林岩大吃一惊,旋即就觉得脊背上有冷汗冒了出来,里面的钢铁火源碎片千万不要有事啊。 Therefore the next second, side Linyan one opens the wood/blockhead box immediately, finally immediately is a round of scarlet red miniature laser projects! 因此下一秒,方林岩立即一把就将木头盒子掀开,结果立即就是一发赤红色的微型激光射出! Also owes he is the promisor responds strange quick, first flashes to make the laser scratch the ear to shoot, finally fell on nearby wall, immediately „” exploded a pit of finger size on the wall. 也亏他乃是契约者反应奇快,偏头一闪才让激光擦着耳朵射过去,结果落在了旁边墙壁上,立即“啪啦”的一声在墙壁上炸出了一个指头大小的凹坑。
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