FE :: Volume #8

#184: Message

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Actually thinks thin, in this matter, Jiang Qiang is also actually innocent, side Linyan is not willing to destroy this person for this reason. 其实细想一想,在这件事里面,江强其实也是无辜的,方林岩也不愿意为此将这个人毁了。 Therefore, side Linyan has taken a handbag from side directly, inside installed 20,000 money cash, then takes down from neck general that buying image of Buddha, to Jiang Qiang dao: 所以,方林岩就直接从旁边拿过了一个手提袋,里面装了两万块钱现金,然后从脖子上将那个买的佛像取了下来,对江强道: These 20,000 dollars and images of Buddha give you.” “这两万块钱和佛像都给你吧。” Jiang Qiang looked that does not look at that 20,000 dollars, actually looking at steadily looks that ten dollars can buy three images of Buddha saying: 江强连看都不看那两万块钱,却是目不转睛的看着那个十块钱能买三个的佛像道: Really...... gives me? No wonder your facial expression is so good, originally has Buddha that the Grandmasters in Thailand invited.” “真的......给我吗?难怪你气色这么好,原来是有泰国的大师请的佛牌啊。” side Linyan sincere say/way: 方林岩正色道: Naturally! This is the name brand that imperial Yufu Temple of king of Thailand comes out, what malicious ghost and so on flees at the mere distant sight, yeah, do not think that I deceive you! My TM also for me.” “当然了!这是泰王的皇家玉佛寺出来的正牌,什么恶鬼之类的都望风而逃的,哎,你别以为我骗你!我TM也是为了我自己。” You look in a mirror well, have a look at your present ghost appearance, if you died in my front, perhaps will be controlled by that old ghost did me, added the strength to him, yourself said that to me was the full belly resentment?” “你好好照照镜子,看看你现在的鬼样子,要是你死在了我的前面,说不定就会被那老鬼操控了来搞我,给他平添实力,你自己说对我是不是满肚子怨气?” Jiang Qiang does to say with a smile immediately: 江强顿时干笑道: Where can that?” “那哪能呢?” side Linyan gets angry: 方林岩怒道: Rubbish, you said want, did not want me to take away.” “别废话,你就说要不要,不要我就拿走了。” Jiang Qiang acts compared with anyone immediately quickly one has stressed Buddha, then at an exceptional pace wore on own neck, immediately felt his whole person relaxed, had a big yawn. 江强立即动作比谁都快的一把抓过了佛牌,然后以惊人的速度戴在了自己的脖子上,立即就感觉到他整个人都松弛了下来,打了大大的一个哈欠。 „It is not good, could not withstand, I must go back to sleep.” “不行了,顶不住了,我要回去睡一觉。” Said unexpectedly some staggering walked, put money continually the bag is side Linyan reminded with him. 说完了居然就这么有些踉跄的就走了,连装钱的袋子都是方林岩提醒了拿给他的。 Actually side Linyan this move is called the placebo therapy, is very common in the medicine, has the effect regarding some morbidly suspicious mind too heavy patients. 其实方林岩这一招就叫做安慰剂疗法,在医学上都很常见,对于一些疑心病太重的病人有奇效。 The most famous placebo experiment is „in February/two months that the scientist does experiments. 最有名的安慰剂实验就是科学家做的“二月实验”。 The experiment was conducted in February 1987, the scientist said to one group of sexual impotence patients, this was the medication that researched and developed most newly, ate had the effect of getting quick results, finally after unexpectedly 20 people ate, really not medicine recovered. 实验是在1987年2月的时候进行的,科学家对一群阳痿患者说,这是最新研发出来的治疗药物,吃了就有立竿见影的效果,结果居然有20的人吃了以后真的就不药而愈。 But everyone eats, but in the beautifully packaged in fact capsule is the placebo of bread flour...... 而所有人吃的,只是包装精美实际上胶囊里面都是面粉的安慰剂...... Looks back that Jiang Qiang departs, side Linyan tight frowning of: 看着江强离去的背影,方林岩紧紧的皱起了眉头: Very crazy look......? This clue also calculates a little uses, but I do not have the clue!” “非常疯狂的眼神......?这线索还算有点用,可是我还是毫无头绪啊!” But, this fellow can overcome a will of person with the look instantaneously, this may crushing a will of person obviously is much more difficult than! This with kills a person to be simple casually, lets with you who the casual person is dead set on is a truth.” “不过,这个家伙只是用眼神就能瞬间征服一个人的意志,这很显然可比粉碎一个人的意志难得多了!这就和随便杀一个人简单,让随便一个人死心塌地的就跟着您是一个道理。” And after is so long, this vision gave back to Jiang Qiang to bring such long spiritual suppression and spiritual pollution, can only infer this fellow should the strength in this aspect to be astonishing!” “并且事隔这么久,这目光还给江强带来了这么久的精神压制和精神污染,只能推断出这家伙应该在这方面的实力非常惊人!” „Is this person also the space soldier? Un, this type enslaves the lifeform using the spirit the skill, I when go shopping also to see, probably many types.” “难道这个人也是空间战士?恩,这种利用精神来奴役生物的技能,我在逛市场的时候也看到过,好像还有很多种。” Is called the seduction the skill book light/only I also to understand, the lifeform of enslaving has the time limit, will revolt by the time, basically is the disposable product.” “有一本叫做诱惑之光的技能书我也了解过,不过奴役的生物是有时间限制的,到了时候就会叛变,基本是一次性产物。” Is called the tame skill book, seeming like this gadget is very expensive/noble, the lifeform of but taming is the permanent follows, the loyalty, must like raising the son goes slowly fosters ........ “还有一本叫做驯服的技能书,貌似这玩意儿就挺贵的,不过驯服到的生物就是永久性跟随,还有忠诚度,得像养儿子那样去慢慢的养成........” After the mind passed over gently and swiftly so many thoughts, side Linyan detected that the telephone starts to vibrate directly, he answered the telephone, inside broadcast Eve Lenah's voice: 脑海里面掠过了这么多念头之后,方林岩这边发觉电话直接开始震动,他接起了电话,里面传来了伊夫琳娜的声音: Your excellency, a good news and a bad news.” “阁下,一个好消息和一个坏消息。” Bad news is: That name brand photo that you must look for was the MD-J 871 taxi driver had passed away.” “坏消息是:你要找的那名牌照为MD-J871的出租车司机已经去世了。” side Linyan knits the brows: 方林岩皱眉道: Passed away? Has the concrete news?” “去世了?有没有具体的消息?” Eve Lenah said: 伊夫琳娜道: Has, before the two and half months, dies of a traffic accident, he is the instigator, exceeds the speed limit on the highway, then follows a cargo train, died at the scene, even the taxi discarded directly, we basically cannot look for any related trace of murder.” “有,两个半月前死于一场车祸,他本人就是肇事方,在高速路上超速行驶,然后追尾一辆大货车,当场死掉,连出租车都直接报废了,我们基本找不出来任何谋杀的相关痕迹。” side Linyan hesitant a while said: 方林岩犹豫了一会儿道: Then good news?” “那么好消息呢?” Eve Lenah said: 伊夫琳娜道: „The MD-127 A driver found.” “MD-127A的司机找到了。” Hiss......” side Linyan held breath surprisedly a cool gas channel/angrily said: “嘶......”方林岩惊奇的倒吸了一口凉气道: You determined that is person who I must find? Hasn't he died?” “你确定是我要找的人?他没死?” Eve Lenah said: 伊夫琳娜道: Determination.” “确定。” side Linyan shouting gently exhales, two taxi drivers die wounded, accidental/surprised. 方林岩轻轻的呼出了一口气,两名出租车司机一死一伤,其中一名还是意外。 This indicated that person, although seemed like very savage cruel, in fact had certain principle, the driver who otherwise, lived had very high probability to eliminate a potential informant. 这说明那个人虽然看起来十分凶残暴戾,实际上却还是有一定的原则,否则的话,活下来的这个司机有很高的概率被灭口啊。 Therefore his quick said to Eve Lenah: 于是他很快的就对伊夫琳娜道: Good, gives me the relevant information.” “好的,给我相关情报。” *** *** Saw this named Li far driver, side Linyan used for two hours, was mainly peaceful city that bad transportation gave the person the too tremendous pressure. 见到这名叫做李远的司机,方林岩用了两个小时,主要是泰城那糟糕的交通给了人太大的压力。 This driver probably over 40 years old, the skin is dark, seeming like the appearance is simple and honest, looked very somewhat is anxious, should be this matter comes to too suddenly, or that side Eve Lenah to look for the method too crude reason of person today. 这名司机大概有四十多岁,皮肤黧黑,看起来面相憨厚老实,一看就很是有些紧张,应该是今天这件事来得太突然,或者说伊夫琳娜那边找人的手段太粗暴的缘故。 However, compared with the beforehand Jiang Qiang that type looked person who has the issue on the body condition, Li Yuan spirit and physical condition and normal person have not distinguished. 不过,比起之前的江强那种一看就身体状态有问题的人来说,李远的精神和身体状况和正常人并没有区别。 side Linyan looked at all around, the access road/simply said: 方林岩看了看四周,便道: I asked Mr. Li to come to understand some information, did not arrest the suspect, was chats, you walked.” “我请李先生来只是为了了解一些信息,并不是拘捕疑犯,就是聊聊天而已,你们都走吧。” The surrounding person nods, then left directly, side Linyan arrived at Li Yuan front to say directly: 周围的人点点头,便直接离开了,方林岩直接来到了李远的面前道: Mr. Li, puts with ease, our time looks for you are not the important matter.” “李先生,放轻松,我们这一次来找你不是什么大事。” Then to Li Yuanreng cigarette in the past, Li Yuan quickly held the smoke, then somewhat shakes the suo suo pulls out trousers package of inside cigarette lighters, but side Linyan has given him to select directly on. 然后给李远扔了一支烟过去,李远急忙抓住了烟,便有些抖抖索索的去掏裤包里面的打火机,不过方林岩已经直接给他点上了。 Deeply after attracting two, Li Yuan relaxed, side Linyan finally said at this time: 深吸了两口以后,李远终于放松了一些,这时候方林岩才道: „Do you still remember me?” “你还记得我吗?” Li Yuan shakes the head, somewhat terrified say/way: 李远摇摇头,有些惶恐的道: Does not remember.” “不记得了。” side Linyan said: 方林岩道: I have a twin Elder Brother, is long is just the same as me, but the makings are entirely different, he when last year in January had ridden your car(riage).” “我有一个孪生哥哥,长得和我一模一样,但是气质却截然不同,他在去年的一月份的时候曾经坐过你的车。” Li Yuan shakes the head: 李远摇摇头: I really do not remember that the time was too long, moreover I will send and pick up almost more than ten guests every day.” “我真不记得了,时间太久了,而且我每天都会接送差不多十几个客人。” side Linyan said: 方林岩道: You in XX road the guests in 7 + 2 supermarket entrances, that supermarket had/left a big matter, transported the slag car to clash, killed several people.” “你是在XX路的7+2超市门口上的客人,那个超市紧接着就出了一件大事情,一辆运渣车冲了进去,撞死了好几个人。” Heard this critical information, Li Yuan eyeball rotated evil ways: 听到了这个关键信息,李远的眼珠子转动了一下道: That matter I have heard probably, right, a relative of killed our motorcade third child family/home.” “那件事我好像听说过一点,对了,被撞死的一个还是我们车队老三家的亲戚。” side Linyan the slight nod, put out the cell phone, then selected the monitoring video, that inside had one that side Linyan boarded. 方林岩微微点头,拿出了手机,然后点开了监控视频,那里面有“方林岩”上车的一幕。 Li Yuan looks at the video, immediately said suddenly: 李远看着视频,顿时恍然道: I thought! This guest acts very naturally, at that time the fare was 55, gave me directly 100, remaining was the tips.” “我想起来了!这位客人出手很大方,当时车费是55块,直接给了我100块,剩下的都是小费。” In the side forest core sample moves immediately, then said: 方林岩心中顿时一动,然后道: „The place that he goes to do you definitely still remember?” “那么,他去的地方你肯定还记得吧?” Li Yuan very affirmative say/way: 李远很肯定的道: „The place that naturally, he goes to is very remote, is close to old harbor Mazu Temple.” “当然,他去的地方很是偏僻,乃是靠近老港口的妈祖庙。” That place, only then some 1 st 15 time people will also burn incense, 8 : 00 pm time is almost no one goes.” “那地方只有初一十五的时候还会有人去上香,晚上 8 点的时候几乎是没人去的。” We work like this do not have the means that even if 12 : 00 o'clock at night guest must reduce fever to bury the field, boards to the full fare must lead him to go, otherwise was sued must buckle three days of wages?” “不过我们这样的工作也没办法,哪怕是半夜十二点客人要去烧埋场,给足车费上了车也得带他去啊,不然的话被投诉了要扣三天的工钱啊?” In Li Yuankou Mazu Temple side Linyan also has the impression, there had inherited it is said for almost more than 1000 years, is the proper millennium ancient temple, in the temple also the old yellow horn beam, the life span was also for more than 900 years. 李远口中的妈祖庙方林岩同样也是有印象的,那里据说已经传承了差不多一千多年的,乃是正经的千年古庙,庙里面还有一株老黄角树,寿命也是达到了九百多年。 But at this time, Li Yuan complexion suddenly became strange, obviously thought of anything, then looked at side Linyan one eyes saying: 而这时候,李远的脸色忽然变得古怪了起来,明显是想到了什么,然后看了方林岩一眼道: That person gets out added senseless words ........ “那个人下车的时候还说了一句没头没脑的话........” side Linyan earnest say/way: 方林岩认真的道: What words?” “什么话?” Li Yuandao: 李远道: He said that if later some people found me to ask any about his issue, then told the person who closely examined, when the next total solar eclipse arrived under the yellow horn beam, the answer will appear.” “他说,如果以后有人来找到我问起任何关于他的问题,那么就告诉来追问的人,在下一次日全食的时候来到黄角树下,答案就会出现。” Un, then ....... these words value 10,000.” “恩,然后.......这句话值一万块。” After side Linyan heard these words, in the heart gave birth immediately clearly became aware: 方林岩听到了这句话以后,心中顿时生出了明悟: Really! He knows that I can question this matter, therefore left behind the clue to me!” “果然!他知道我会来查问这件事,所以给我留下了线索!” Then side Linyan also asked several details, then nod, passed 10,000 to Li Yuandi: 接下来方林岩又问了几个细节,然后点点头,给李远递过去了一万块: Thank your coordination, this was the wage loss.” “感谢您的配合,这是误工费。” Li Yuan declined several, received, side Linyan then said: 李远推辞了几下,还是收了,方林岩接着道: If there is behind a thing that anything forgot to think, looks me, so long as can attain the valuable thing, was 10,000 bonuses.” “如果有什么遗忘的东西后面又想了起来的话,来找我,只要从中能拿到有价值的东西,还是一万块奖金。” Li Yuan hurried say/way: 李远急忙道: Certainly, certain......” “一定,一定......” After Li Yuanli opened, side Linyan long spitting exhales: 等到李远离开了以后,方林岩才长长的吐出了一口气: Good fierce fellow, is considered as my response unexpectedly so accurate, he can have many means to leave behind the clue to me, actually chose Li Yuan...... to be very obvious, this was one does not calculate the high threshold.” “好厉害的家伙,居然将我的反应算得如此精准,他可以有很多办法给我留下线索,却选择了李远......很显然,这是一个并不算高的门槛。”
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