FE :: Volume #8

#183: Deceive and coaxes

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After side Linyan listened , the secretly thought Donald Duck commercial mind was also good, held itself to his opportunity, unexpectedly realized progressing by leaps and bounds in enterprise. 方林岩听了以后也暗道唐老鸭商业头脑不错了,抓住了自己给他的机会,居然就实现了事业上的突飞猛进。 It is not hard to please the calamity to depend on, Boss Tang used side Linyan to make a lot of money, actually does not know oneself once person by secure Morrea Corporation staring. 不过福兮祸所依,唐老板用了方林岩赚了不少钱,却不知道自己曾经被安莫雷亚公司的人给盯上了。 side Linyan became the promisor afterward, will then receive the protection of space force in the middle of its primary world, therefore the person in secure Morrea Corporation came under the influence of mysterious strength, ran into a wall continuously several times, this lets it go. 只是方林岩后来成为了契约者,然后在其原生世界当中会受到空间力量的保护,所以安莫雷亚公司的人受到了神秘力量的影响,连续碰壁了好几次,这才不了了之。 Listened to the words of shark, side Linyan, the shark attentive say/way: 听了沙鱼的话,方林岩哦了一声,沙鱼殷勤的道: Wants me to tell the boss? He comes also for a half hour.” “要我告诉老板吗?他过来也就半小时。” side Linyan shakes the head saying: 方林岩摇摇头道: That does not use, I come to here am want to inquire person in a circle, he is also repairs a vehicle.” “那倒不用,我来这里是想要打听一个圈内的人,他也是修车的。” The shark said immediately: 沙鱼立即道: This easy, our circles are much small, so long as repairs a vehicle to do in this piece, that can definitely come out to the plate him.” “这个容易,咱们这圈子多小啊,只要是在这片儿修车做过的,那肯定能把他给盘出来。” side Linyan access road/simply said: 方林岩便道: Still remembers Jiang Qiang? It is not tall, likes wearing the blue denim clothes, before seemed like that side the advantage division tire went to work.” “还记得江强吗?个子不高,喜欢穿蓝色牛仔衣服,之前好像是在利司轮胎那边上过班。” The shark eyeball transferred the revolutions, immediately is beckoning to say to side other person: 沙鱼眼珠子转了转,立即对着旁边另外的一个人招手道: Hey, the garlic, you also thought of tire there to go to work in the advantage before, knows Jiang Qiang? Also is repairs a vehicle.” “喂喂喂,蒜头,你之前也是在利思轮胎那里上过班,知道江强吗?也是修车的。” The garlic said immediately: 蒜头立即道: Knows!” “知道啊!” side Linyan said immediately: 方林岩立即道: Has his contact method?” “有他联系方式吗?” The garlic said: 蒜头道: Wait, I ask, opened five people of black times yesterday also sees him in the cotton suiting.” “等等,我问问啊,昨天开五人黑的时候还看见他在线呢。” Quick, the garlic took a contact method to side Linyan, side Linyan threw two packets of smoke conveniently in the past, one package one package gave the shark to the garlic: 很快的,蒜头就拿了一个联系方式给方林岩,方林岩顺手丢了两包烟过去,一包给蒜头一包给沙鱼: „Thanks I first walked.” “谢了,我先走了。” The garlic lights up with pleasure expresses gratitude repeatedly, 100 one packet of smoke he usually really does not hate to pull out. 蒜头喜笑颜开连声道谢,一百块一包的烟他平时真舍不得抽呢。 However the shark saw side Linyan turns around to walk, hurried say/way: 不过沙鱼见到了方林岩转身要走,急忙道: Brother Fang! Doesn't wait for the boss? He asks you to have the matter probably, last week was asking us to ask that your contact method, said before you, that cell phone number became invalid.” “方哥!不等等老板吗?他好像找你有事,上周都在找我们问你的联系方式,说你之前那个手机号码作废了。” side Linyan gawked saying: 方林岩愣了愣道: Asks me to have the matter? I currently have the urgent matter to walk, like this, I leave you present number, making the boss hit later to me.” “找我有事?我现在有急事要走,这样,我把现在的号码留给你,让老板待会儿打给我。” After the shark listened, immediately said: 沙鱼听了以后立即道: Good good, you are busy.” “好的好的,你忙。” After passing through the corner, side Linyan thinks, gave out Jiang Qiang directly, the quick that side put through, the sound that broadcasts somewhat is very hoarse: 走过街角以后,方林岩想了想,就直接拨给了江强,很快的那边就接通了,传来的声音很是有些沙哑: Hey? Is which?” “喂?是哪位?” side Linyan had drawn up the excuse in the heart: 方林岩早就在心中拟好了说辞: I am side Linyan, un, they manage me to call the spanner generally, wait/etc, do not make the telephone call, I ....... I hit a while ago probably evilly! And some people said that probably is related with you.” “我是方林岩,嗯,他们一般都管我叫扳手,等等,你别挂电话,我.......我前段时间好像撞邪了!并且有人说好像和你有关。” I told you, if my his mother has an accident, next being one's turn was you! We must see meet.” “我告诉你,我他妈要是出了事,下一个轮到的就是你!我们得见一见面。” Obviously, side Linyan the second words play extremely strong persuasive power, or is the lethality, originally filled Jiang Qiang of resistance dumbfounded all of a sudden, say/way that then some were not willing: 很显然,方林岩的第二句话起到了极强的说服力,或者说是杀伤力,本来充满了抗拒的江强一下子就呆住了,然后有些不甘愿的道: Good, you said where meets?” “好吧,你说在什么地方见面?” side Linyan said: 方林岩道: „Does Dolonnur Business Center know?” “多伦商业中心知道吧?” Jiang Qiang dao: 江强道: Knows.” “知道。” side Linyan said: 方林岩道: There two building McDonald's, I must stay in person many places now every day at heart calmly and steadily.” “那里的二楼麦当劳,现在我每天都必须要呆在人多的地方心里才会安稳点。” Telephone that side Jiang Qiang has not spoken, but breathed rapidly, obviously side Linyan the second words spoke in his mind. 电话那边的江强并没有说话,只是呼吸更加急促了起来,显然方林岩的第二句话说到了他的心坎里面。 side Linyan light say/way: 方林岩淡淡的道: „, A while sees, if you think for a week later dies from some unknown cause, then can, I only wait for you to wait till two points.” “那么,一会儿见,你要是想一周后死得不明不白的,那么可以不来,我只等你等到两点。” Jiang Qiang dao: 江强道: Good.” “好。” *** *** Within a half hour, 半小时以后, side Linyan saw to walk into Starbucks Jiang Qiang, immediately is startled, originally his present hair is disorderly, the eyes filled the blood threads, the whole person can only describe with the skin and bones. 方林岩就见到了走入到了星巴克当中的江强,顿时吃了一惊,原来他现在头发凌乱,双眼当中充满了血丝,整个人都只能用瘦骨嶙峋来形容。 Moreover, in the middle of the vision also brings crazy scattered in disorder, the stranger looked will think that this person spiritually had the issue. 不仅如此,目光当中还带着一种疯狂的散乱,陌生人看了都会觉得这个人精神上有问题。 But Jiang Qiang also saw him quickly. 而江强很快也见到了他。 Jiang Qiang after seeing side Linyan the face, immediately pupil contraction, whole person instinct one shrinks toward behind, as if saw what disasters, as if has must the impulsion that immediately turns around to run away. 只是江强在看到了方林岩的脸以后,顿时瞳孔收缩,整个人都本能的朝着后面一缩,仿佛看到了什么洪水猛兽似的,似乎有着马上就要转身逃走的冲动。 However after looked at several, he walked slowly. 不过多看了几眼以后,他还是慢慢的走了过来。 You ....... “你.......” side Linyan looks in the middle of widely divergent Jiang Qiang with the memory, suddenly does not know said what good, finally can only refer to the front drink: 方林岩看着与记忆当中大相径庭的江强,一时间都不知道说什么好,最后只能指了指前方的饮料: This cup is to give you selects, please at will.” “这杯是给你点的,请随意。” Jiang Qiang was impolite, carries front Cola gurgle gurgle to drink, should taking advantage of drinking water then subsided a mood, say/way that then came straight to the point: 江强也并不客气,端起了面前的可乐就咕嘟咕嘟的喝了下去,应该是借着喝水然后平息了一下心情,然后开门见山的道: What matter do you ask me to have?” “你来找我有什么事情?” side Linyan pulled a Goddess of Mercy picture on neck, although before this gadget was ten minutes, in the stall goods that on the road bought, but did not hinder him to tell the story taking advantage of this gadget: 方林岩牵出了脖子上的一尊观音像,虽然这玩意儿是十分钟之前才在路上买的地摊货,但不妨碍他借着这玩意儿讲故事: Also can have anything! father zhuang evilly by ghost upper body!!” “还能有什么事情!老子撞邪被鬼上身了!!” Jiang Qiang shivered, muttered: 江强颤抖了起来,喃喃道: Really...... really...... do you know that thing the details?” “果然......果然......你知道那东西的底细吗?” side Linyan said: 方林岩道: Knows, the master said that is a fierce ghost, is caret-shaped with me, old is fierce and wicked! Was you bumps into his day, should you know supermarket that accident traffic accident?” “知道一些,法师说是一只猛鬼,和我八字一模一样,又老又猛又恶!就是你撞见他的那天,你应该知道超市那块儿出事车祸了吧?” Jiang Qiang nods saying: 江强点点头道: Naturally knows! Died two to injure eight!” “当然知道!死了两个伤了八个!” side Linyan said: 方林岩道: Fierce ghost this is looking for the substitute person, after on my body, almost achieved wishes, however the person of death is insufficient!” “猛鬼这是在找替身,上了我的身以后就差点如愿以偿了,但是死的人还不够啊!” I had an uncle to work in white dragon king there of Thailand fortunately, helping me invite an trigram, helped me ask an exorcising evil spirits Goddess of Mercy to wear on the body, said that was I then must stay for three years in the temple, if in three years the Goddess of Mercy were all right, then this ridge.” “亏得我有个叔叔在泰国的白龙王那里做事,帮我请了一卦,又帮我请了一尊辟邪观音戴在身上,说是我接下来得在庙里呆三年,如果三年内观音没事,那么这个坎儿就过了。” Finally the day before yesterday, the Goddess of Mercy that I invited on the crack!” “结果就在前天,我请回来的这观音就裂了!” At this point, side Linyan looks at the Jiang Qiang serious say/way: 说到这里,方林岩看着江强郑重的道: On him my body time, I am anything do not know that situation that therefore, you must you meet at that time 1510 told me, the detail cannot omit. If you leave out, will then unable to do well will decide my life and death ....... “他上我的身的时候,我是什么都不知道的,所以,你得将当时你们见面的情形一五一十的告诉我,一点儿细节都不能遗漏掉。如果你漏掉的话,那么搞不好就会决定我的生死.......” At this point side Linyan, with warning tone: 说到这里方林岩顿了顿,用警告的口吻道: Naturally, your life and death.” “当然,还有你的生死。” Jiang Qiang's lip spoke haltingly, holds the finger of fun cup also to turn white, side Linyan sympathizes also pushed in front of that cup: 江强的嘴唇嗫嚅了一下,抓住可乐杯子的手指也是发了白,方林岩体贴的将自己面前的那杯也推了过去: I have not drunk.” “我还没喝。” Jiang Qiang received the cup, gurgle drank a big mouth, at this time said: 江强接过杯子,咕嘟喝了一大口,这时候才道: That night, I went out to buy hold/container smoke/tobacco, then hit you on the front surface.” “那天晚上,我就只是出去买包烟,然后就迎面撞到了你。” That time you, are completely different from the present, the makings had the absolute change!” “那时候的你,和现在完全不一样,气质发生了绝对的改变!” In the side forest core sample moves immediately, immediately pursues asks: 方林岩心中顿时一动,立即追问道: What changes?” “什么改变?” Jiang Qiang carefully looks at side Linyan, then very simple say/way: 江强仔细的看着方林岩,然后很干脆的道: Concrete feeling I cannot say, what can determine, very crazy, as if wants if necessary, even can draw the entire world dead!” “具体的感觉我说不上来,但可以确定的是,非常的疯狂,仿佛只要有必要的话,甚至可以拉着全世界去死!” „Only the lunatic and reckless person will reveal such look, that look not possible to appear on the normal person absolutely.” “只有疯子和不顾一切的人才会露出这样的眼神,那种眼神绝对不可能在正常人身上出现。” After side Linyan listened, nod looking pensive, then said: 方林岩听了以后,若有所思的点点头,然后道: Then did he ask you to want the wallet? Did you give him?” “然后他找你要钱包了?你就给了他?” Jiang Qiang is pursing the lips, shakes the head saying: 江强抿着嘴,摇摇头道: „, He has not thought so me, why does not know, I thought that this person is my king, is my control, I cannot defy his any orders!” “并没有,他只是这么看着我,不知道为什么,我就觉得这个人是我的王,是我的主宰,我不能违抗他任何命令!” However he has not spoken, is I actually very marvelous feelings, he must spend money, therefore I gave him the wallet directly.” “然而他并没有说话,可是我却有一种很奇妙的感觉,他要用钱,所以我直接将钱包递给了他。” Extremely wise psychological suggestion ....... side Linyan thought aloud said in a low voice. “极高明的心理暗示.......”方林岩自言自语的低声道。 Jiang Qiang cannot understand side Linyan the words, the doubts said: 江强没能听懂方林岩的话,疑惑道: What?” “什么?” side Linyan shakes the head does not speak, because he thought that this matter does not need to tell Jiang Qiang. 方林岩摇摇头不说话,因为他觉得这件事没必要告诉江强。 Psychological suggestion this matter said that is very complex, but in life everywhere: 心理暗示这种事情说起来很复杂,但生活中比比皆是: For example in alley inside store front, the front door is ajar, side also has the light red light to shine, the gate reveals the becoming known leg that two curl upwards...... this is the typical psychological suggestion. 比如小巷里面的铺面上,大门半开,旁边还有淡红色的灯光照耀,门边露出两条翘起来的大白腿......这就是典型的心理暗示。 Passed by from that the person who( only limiting is standing urination), almost the move of this shallow suggestion, has been able to be able not help looks at two toward the ajar gate in...... 从那路过的人(仅限站着尿尿的),几乎都中过这种粗浅的暗示的招,就会情不自禁的往半开的门里面瞧两眼...... Actually listens to the Jiang Qiang then scared say/way: 却听江强接着失魂落魄的道: Waits till you, is not right, after is he walked, I same place dull was standing enough five minutes, that unusual feeling in heart divergence gradually, restored the reason, at that time felt oneself came certainly under a spell!” “等到你,不对,是他走了以后,我在原地呆呆的站了足足有五分钟,心中的那种奇特的感觉才渐渐的散去,恢复了理智,当时就觉得自己一定是中邪了!” Then, that night my one night had not rested, stained the pillow, in the mind appears that two eyes ..... I to hear next day supermarket there was hit by the car(riage), some people died a tragic death!” “然后,当天晚上我就一夜没睡,一沾上枕头,脑海里面就浮现出那两只眼睛.....第二天我就听说了超市那里被车撞了,有人死得很惨!” Then I know, certainly had an accident, was the big deal. From then on falling that I being able to fall asleep all night, the hair goes all out, must drink the dead drunk or takes a drug to narrow a while reluctantly......” “接着我就知道,一定出事了,出大事了。打那以后我就整夜整夜的睡不着,头发拼命的落,要喝到烂醉或者吃药才能勉强眯一会儿......” side Linyan had understood at this time, Jiang Qiang's issue should the spiritual wound class, in addition he himself not be a being able to see through person ....., therefore mostly was the neurasthenia and so on disease. 方林岩此时已经明白了过来,江强的问题应该还是精神创伤类的,加上他自己本来就不是一个看得开的人.....所以多半是得了神经衰弱之类的疾病。
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