FE :: Volume #8

#182: The whole body feels cold the truth( two-in-one chapter)

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Yes, side Linyan still very clear remembering, all started from that day at this time 是的,方林岩此时依然很清楚的记得,所有的一切都是从那一天开始的 Shortly after oneself had assigned at that time, dragging the sick body to go to the supermarket to shop, is this behavior, making him march into the turning point of life, attained that to have the Biska data stream black old man-machine. 自己当时已经命不久矣,拖着病躯前往超市购物,正是这个行为,让他步入了人生的转折点,拿到了那个拥有比斯卡数据流的黑色老人机。 Also in the middle of this supermarket, the black old man-machine showed the might directly, changed him nearly by the destiny that the heavy-duty truck killed. 也正是在这个超市当中,黑色老人机直接展现出了威力,改变了他险些被重型卡车撞死的命运。 But, those who most made the head/number of people big was, side Linyan still does not know that actually at this time the supermarket what happened! His memory, from walking into to washroom the front of washing stage, after the mirror appeared exceptionally. 可是,最令人头大的是,方林岩此时依然不知道超市里面究竟发生了什么事情!他的记忆,就从走入到了洗手间的洗漱台的前方,面对镜子以后就出现了异常。 Because side Linyan is the supermarket that eight points about arrive, raises the basket is going out, is about 9 : 30. 因为方林岩是八点左右抵达的超市,提着篮子出门的时候,已经是九点半左右。 However this lasted one and a half hours, side Linyan has no impression completely, if according to his memory, then stayed before the mirror at most, at most not over five minutes. 然而这长达一个半小时的时间,方林岩却完全没有任何印象,若按照他的记忆的话,那么顶多就只是在镜子前呆了呆,顶多不超过五分钟。 In this case, side Linyan really wants to know in one -and-a-half hours that this loses actually had anything!! 在这种情况下,方林岩真的是非常想要知道这丢失的一个半小时内究竟发生了什么!! Therefore, he very simple shutdown website, then puts out the cell phone, downloaded some valuable aPP with great speed, then logs in the account number that long since did not use directly. 所以,他很干脆的关掉网站,然后拿出手机,火速下载了某宝aPP,然后直接登录了久已不用的账号。 This account number or a past Junior Brother lent themselves to use, afterward he gave oneself the account number simply. 这个账号还是当年一个师弟借给自己用的,后来他干脆将账号给了自己。 Really, a row of old news from customer Xiaoli brushed the screen directly: 果然,一排来自客户小丽的旧消息直接刷了屏: Kiss, in?” “亲,在吗?” Kiss, please reply.” “亲,请回复。” Kisses/Intimate “亲” In?” “在吗?” Your his m spoke actually!!” “你他m倒是说话啊!!” Your mother 4!” “你妈四了!” Looks the words that these curse at people, the side forest rocky spit corner/horn instead reveals wiped the smile, this shop should truly invest a lot of money in this project, from these characters, he can feel the customer service Xiaoli's psychological transformation: 看着这些骂人的话,方林岩嘴角反而露出了一抹微笑,这个店铺应该确实投了不少钱在此项目上,从这些字当中,他能感觉得到客服小丽的心理转变过程: From sneering the preparation is butchering one greatly, 从冷笑着准备大宰一笔, Then turns reaps profit, 然后变成捞一把, Then turns has the profit on the line, 然后变成有利润就行, Naturally, with the lapse of time, she( graciousness, may be him) start to feel that the possibility of complete wipe-out was bigger. 当然,随着时间的推移,她(恩,有可能是他)开始感觉到了血本无归的可能性更大。 Custom service Xiaoli anxious also manifested from between the lines, 客服小丽的焦虑也从字里行间体现了出来, Finally from these a series of bad languages, what side Linyan read was the thorough despair. 最后从这些一连串的脏话里面,方林岩读出来的是彻底的绝望。 side Linyan looks at the time point that the last news replied, is two weeks ago. 方林岩看了看最后一条消息回复过来的时间点,乃是在两周之前。 After thinking, side Linyan very simple start typing. 想了想以后,方林岩很干脆的开始打字。 The cucumber grinds to the needle: Sorry, a while ago travelled on official business the overseas, does not have on the number, that thing I also want, 100,000.” 黄瓜磨成针:“抱歉,前段时间出差去了国外,没有上号,那东西我还要,十万。” Stemming from the customer service Xiaoli's compensation, naturally, side Linyan is not willing to greet customer service Xiaoli to complain incessantly, therefore before he pulled out directly, ten times of prices that reaches an agreement. 出于对客服小丽的补偿,当然,方林岩也不愿意迎接客服小丽滔滔不绝的抱怨,所以他直接掏出了之前说好的十倍价格。 Finally, after less than three minutes, did customer service Xiaoli first reply one? Coming. 结果,不到三分钟以后,客服小丽首先回复了一个?过来。 Then immediately is the passionate say/way: 然后立即就是热情洋溢的道: Kiss! Here is customer service Xiaoli at your service.” “亲!这里是客服小丽为您服务。” You appeared finally, you do not know, for your form “您终于出现了,您不知道,为了你的单子” The cucumber grinds to the needle: I am not interested to the video recording how you make, you told me, thing in not in? Rubbish, buckles 10,000, if rubbish three, my winding! ” 黄瓜磨成针:我对你们怎么弄来的录像不感兴趣,你就告诉我,东西在还是不在?多废话一句,扣一万,如果多废话三句的话,我就下线了!” Saw the reply of super client, customer service Xiaoli patted the thigh, plump the white meat on belly was one is turbulent, then laughs saying: 看到了大客户的回复,客服小丽一拍大腿,连带圆滚滚的肚子上的白肉都是一阵波涛汹涌,然后哈哈一笑道: I most appreciate the rich man who your such highly efficiency simply rubbish.” “我就最欣赏你这样高效率简单不废话的有钱人。” Then ten short and heavy fingers start to type flexibly: 然后十根短粗的手指开始灵活打字: In! http.taobao *******( payment connection)” “在!http.taobao*******(付款连接)” Then, customer service Xiaoli starts the deep breath, was anticipating spring cat elf that will soon resound buyer has paid money prompt. 然后,客服小丽就开始深呼吸,期待着“春猫精灵”的那即将响起的“买家已经付款”的提示。 One second passed by, 一秒过去了, One minute passed by, 一分钟过去了, Five minutes passed by 五分钟过去了 Custom service Xiaoli again became anxious, in his head emerged a fearful thought: 客服小丽再次变得焦躁了起来,他脑袋里面涌现出来了一个可怕的念头: This dog * is not plays my!!” “这狗*的不是来耍我的!!” Therefore he is just about to reply directly, the result panic-stricken discovery, that ID is called the cucumber to grind to the user of needle, the head picture again grey!! 于是他正要直接回复,结果惊恐的发现,那个ID叫做黄瓜磨成针的用户,头像再次灰了!! „!!” “啊啊啊啊啊啊!!” After three minutes, in this old building of residence resounded a fatty to hate bitterly roared loudly: 三分钟之后,这栋旧居民楼内响起了一个胖子痛心疾首的大声咆哮: I am really silly, really!” “我真傻,真的!” In this world puts together the evening evening rich man, how possibly to have the fool to pay ten times of prices.” “这世界上都是拼夕夕有钱人,怎么可能有傻子出十倍的价钱。” Finally, within a half hour, to get rid in the heart depressed customer service Xiaoli returned from downstairs beauty salon, sweeps clear 7788 the negative energy in heart finally. 结果,半个小时以后,为了摆脱心中郁闷的客服小丽从楼下发廊里面归来了,总算是将心中的负能量清扫得七七八八。 Then he turned on the dormant state computer, has almost not stared the big own eyes: 然后他打开了休眠状态的电脑,差点都没瞪大自己的双眼: „Did this really hit 100,000?” “这真的打过来了十万?” Then looked to the previous chat frame: 然后再看向了之前的聊天框: The cucumber grinds to the needle: Sorry, binds this account number in the bankcard the balance to be insufficient, and new cell phone has not made the net silver, therefore went out a bank, became impatient.” 黄瓜磨成针:“抱歉,绑定这个账号的银行卡里面余额不足,并且新手机也没有弄网银,所以外出去了一趟银行,等急了。” Custom service Xiaoli: 客服小丽: Father! Father! All right, waits to have what relations! This is I should do, dear!” “爸爸!爹!没事的,等一等有什么关系呢!这是我应该做的啊,亲!” This time customer service Xiaoli because of shivering of finger, therefore appeared somewhat speaks incoherently. 此时的客服小丽因为手指的颤抖,所以都显得有些语无伦次了。 The cucumber grinds to the needle: Therefore video recording? 黄瓜磨成针:所以录像呢? Custom service Xiaoli: Oh!! The good father, you uses the previous mailbox, I pass to you directly. ” 客服小丽:喔哦!!好的爸爸,您还是用之前的邮箱吗,我直接传给您。” The cucumber grinds to the needle: Without the issue, sends. 黄瓜磨成针:没问题,发过来。 *** *** After three minutes, side Linyan closed the eye, deeply inspires. 三分钟之后,方林岩闭上了眼睛,深吸了一口气。 Even if present he, in experience regarding supermarket, has a lingering fear. 哪怕是现在的他,对于超市里面的经历,还是心有余悸。 Because even if at this moment, has the sufficient strength and story, even he of ally, actually still cannot understand in supermarket of that day what happened. 因为哪怕是此时此刻,已经拥有了足够实力和阅历,甚至盟友的他,依然没能弄懂那一天的超市里面究竟发生了什么事情。 Most frightening, is unknown. 最令人恐惧的,就是未知。 People died frightened , because this is a no one can the road then, the definite answer has not known after dying, had anything. 人们恐惧死亡,就是因为这是一条根本无人能回头的路,没有确切的答案知道死后发生了什么。 After subsiding a mood, side Linyan opened the eye, video recording that the decisive point customer service Xiaoli passed on. 平息了一下心情之后,方林岩睁开了眼睛,果断的点开了客服小丽传过来的录像。 He detected that this video recording was divided into many parts unexpectedly, carefully looked, is the complete video recording of entire supermarket inside six cameras, most critically, including camera can see the washing the hands pond that the bathroom comes out exactly! 他发觉这录像居然还是分成了多个部分,仔细看了看,乃是整个超市里面六个摄像头的完整录像,更关键的是,其中有一个摄像头恰好就能见到卫生间出来的洗手池! side Linyan chose without hesitation entered quickly, when then below time arrived in the evening 7:55 time, then started to restore the normal speed. 方林岩毫不犹豫的选择了快进,然后等到下方的时间来到晚上7点55分的时候,便开始恢复正常速度。 Then, side Linyan saw own form appeared in the monitoring. 接着,方林岩就见到了自己的身影出现在了监控上。 First walked, then quick walked, the water used washed the face, shakes, looks to the front mirror!! 先走了进去,然后很快的就走了出来,用水洗脸,甩了甩头,看向了前方的镜子!! Then unexpectedly 然后竟然 What matter has not happened!!! 什么事情都没有发生!!! Can see, monitored inside side Linyan to stay for almost less than a half minute in front of the mirror, very simple turning around. 可以见到,监控里面的方林岩只是在镜子前面呆了差不多半分钟不到,就很干脆的转身走了出来。 At this time after seeing here, side Linyan almost jumps directly, only thought that is tingling with numbness from top to bottom, and has tingled with numbness from the scalp the foot heart!! 此时看到了这里以后,方林岩差点直接跳起来,只觉得浑身上下都在发麻,而且是从头皮一直发麻到脚心!! What ghost this is!!? 这是什么鬼!!? Oneself absolutely do not have this to remember! 自己根本就没有这段记忆啊! He looks helplessly oneself walked toward the lens outside directly, then looks direction that oneself leave, impressively is outside of supermarket. 他眼睁睁的看着自己直接朝着镜头外走了出去,然后看自己离开的方向,赫然是超市的外面。 side Linyan quickly takes down the specific time that oneself left, then some looking of being thrown into confusion, selected the video of another camera, this camera covers the entrance region, will then draw the time point that previously left directly, that video recording seamless engagement with before. 方林岩急忙记下了自己离开的具体时间,然后有些手忙脚乱的找了找,点开了另外一个摄像头的视频,这个摄像头就是覆盖门口区域的,接着将之直接拉到了先前自己离开的时间点,与之前的那个录像无缝衔接。 At this time saw on the screen, side Linyan went to the shelf to take one unexpectedly business, was not other, was that very familiar old man-machine, is direct the register payment. 这时候就在屏幕上见到,方林岩自己居然去货架上拿了一件商,不是别的,正是那一只很熟悉的老人机,然后直接过收银台付款。 The result is quick, he saw oneself got to the entrance, then unexpectedly patted a shoulder of person, this person side Linyan also knew exactly, is called Jiang Qiang, because is the peer cultivates the reason of lathe worker therefore to do. 结果很快的,他就见到了自己走到了门口来,然后居然拍了拍一个人的肩膀,这个人恰好方林岩也是认识,叫做江强,因为是同行修车工的缘故所以打过交道。 However two people knew, is meets to nod, even lost a smoke past friendship not to have. 不过两人只是认识,也就是见面能点点头,甚至连丢一支烟过去的交情都没有。 In the video, side Linyan is turning away from the camera, therefore cannot see on his face is what expression, actually can only see Jiang Qiang's expression that turns around somewhat is at first stunned, then unexpectedly showed an unusual incomparable expression instantaneously. 在视频当中,方林岩是背对着摄像头的,所以看不到他脸上是什么表情,却只能看到转身过来的江强的表情最初有些愕然,然后居然瞬间露出了一种奇特无比的表情。 That looked like the most frantic fan to see own idol simply, the control expression. 那简直就像是最狂热的粉丝见到了自己的偶像,主宰的表情。 Did not say exaggeratingly, but looks at that expression, thought that the Jiang Qiang next second may kneel immediately front the kiss the toe of this person! 不夸张的说,只是看那表情,都觉得江强下一秒有可能立即跪下来亲吻面前这个人的脚趾! The key is Jiang Qiang's expression, when transforms instantaneously, it can be said that not only suddenly, and nature, even if this world's wisest movie king, has not possibly achieved so the seamless engagement. 关键是江强的表情在瞬间转换的时候,可以说是既突然,又自然,哪怕是这个世界上最高明的影帝,也没可能做到如此的无缝衔接啊。 Then, Jiang Qiang pulled out oneself wallet directly, both hands respectful sending out! 然后,江强直接就掏出了自己的钱包,双手恭恭敬敬的送出! side Linyan received at fingertips, optional waving made him leave. “方林岩”信手接过,随意的挥挥手就让他离开了。 My grass, my grass side Linyan is not a sensational person. “我草,我草”方林岩不是一个大惊小怪的人。 However he speaks three bad languages now continually, felt the mood of own innermost feelings cannot obtain to divulge completely!!! 但是他现在一连说了三句脏话,也觉得自己内心的情绪完全得不到宣泄!!! side Linyan suspended the video recording directly, somewhat stood anxiously, walks back and forth in the rented room that oneself narrow, was loose the loose neckband, although the neckband is not in fact tight, but side Linyan still the feelings of some scants of breath. 方林岩直接暂停了录像,有些焦躁的站了起来,在自己逼仄的出租屋内走来走去,然后松了松领口虽然事实上领口并不紧,但方林岩依然有些呼吸困难的感觉。 If these things trade others' body, then side Linyan can also treat calmly, but detected suddenly oneself traded person unexpectedly, but can also make the matter that at present cannot achieve. 这些事情若是换到别人的身上,那么方林岩还能冷静对待,可是突然发觉自己居然换了一个人似的,还能做出目前就连自己都做不到的事情。 How this can treat with indifference!? 这怎能让人淡然处之!? The key is, were the lung cancer late stage, the patient of being terminally ill. 关键是,当时的自己还是个肺癌晚期,病入膏肓的患者啊。 „It is not good! The paper can come up to think finally shallowly.” side Linyan took nearby mineral water to fall on the hand, patted the racket on the face, made the decision very much decisively. “不行!纸上得来终觉浅。”方林岩拿过旁边的矿泉水倒在了手上,在脸上拍了拍,很果断的做出了决定。 „After later goes out of this front door first matter, is looks for Jiang Qiang! Must ascertain he to feel at that time, is what reason promotes him to be able unexpectedly obedient the wallet offers.” “待会儿走出这大门以后的第一件事,就是去找江强!必须要问清楚他这个人当时的感受,是什么原因推动着他居然可以俯首帖耳的将钱包奉上。” After calm got down, side Linyan continues to open the video to look in the future. 冷静了下来以后,方林岩继续打开视频往后看。 After attaining the wallet, that „” turned on the wallet to look, then beckoned to hire a taxi, then vanished in the monitoring. 拿到了钱包之后,那个“自己”打开钱包看了看,接着就招手叫了一辆计程车,接着就消失在了监控当中。 At this time side Linyan suspends decisively, the screenshot, the photograph, writes down the photograph of taxi. 此时方林岩果断暂停,截图,拍照,将计程车的拍照记了下来。 After thinking, side Linyan entered 9:20 the time rapidly quickly. 想了想以后,方林岩将时间迅速快进到了九点20。 Really, less than several minutes, he saw „” from the taxi. 果然,没过几分钟,他就见到了“自己”从出租车上走了下来。 Needless saying that the screenshot, the photograph, this taxi also must investigate. 不消说,截图,拍照,这辆计程车也必然要进行调查。 Then oneself entered the supermarket, at this time side Linyan then traded the monitoring video recording of another angle. 然后自己重新走进了超市,这时候方林岩便换了另外一个角度的监控录像。 Carefully looks, detected he arrived at the shopping zone, then pulled the sweeping goods code of old man-machine has not paid, pasted that to bring on the old man-machine that went out to pay a moment ago. 仔细看去,发觉他重新来到了购物区,然后将一台未买单的老人机的扫货码扯了下来,贴到了刚才那台已带出去买单的老人机上面。 Afterward very obviously, this is side Linyan went through the security check the time, the instrument can report to the police the reason that he blocks. 很显然,这就是后来方林岩过安检的时候,仪器会报警将他拦下来的原因。 Then this person arrived in front of washing the hands stage, takes out Jiang Qiang's wallet from the pants pocket, then took inventory several money to come out, put in the pants pocket. 接着这个人重新来到了洗手台前面,从裤兜里取出江强的钱包,然后清点了几张钱出来,重新放到了裤兜里面。 Initial time side Linyan is also not the intention of very much clearly doing that afterward careful one wants to understand, before he spent oneself money to buy the old man-machine, now is to make up this fund, this did flawlessly. 最初的时候方林岩还不是很明白这么做的用意,后来仔细一想才明白了过来,之前他花了自己身上的钱买了老人机,现在是要将这笔款子补上去,这才做得天衣无缝。 Then that person throws into nearby trash can the wallet conveniently, exhibited both hands according to the washing the hands stage, the eyes stare at the posture of mirror to stand 然后那人将钱包顺手扔进旁边的垃圾桶,重新摆出了双手按在洗手台上,双眼凝视镜子的姿势站好 After several seconds, this person of whole body shakes, side Linyan then thoroughly understood, at this time own consciousness has restored, that upper body the fellow has left. 几秒钟之后,这人浑身一震,方林岩便彻底明白了过来,此时自己的意识已经恢复,那个“上身”的家伙业已离开。 side Linyan earnest then after looking at a while, confirmed that had no other available information, then the direct screenshot, the number plate of taxi, then monitored the time in the video demonstrating to give the truncation. 方林岩认真的接着看了一会儿之后,确认没有什么别的可用信息了,便直接截图,将计程车的号牌,然后还有监控视频上显示的时间给截了下来。 Then, he calls Eve Lenah without hesitation: 接着,他毫不犹豫的给伊夫琳娜打了个电话: Hey? Does University of Macedonia Europe classical research society have the member the safe city?” “喂?马其顿大学欧洲古典研究学会在泰城这边有没有会员?” Eve Lenah has not expected side Linyan to have such a issue obviously unexpectedly, gawked saying: 伊夫琳娜显然没料到方林岩居然有这样的一个问题,愣了愣才道: Has, there are three core members, 17 ordinary members.” “有的,有三位核心会员,十七位普通会员。” The thing that two people say now is covering their ears and eyes, the core member was the crazy follower, the ordinary member was the devout follower. 两人现在说的东西都是在掩人耳目,核心会员就是狂信徒了,普通会员就是虔诚信徒。 side Linyan said: 方林岩道: Very good, I need to find two people in the safe city now, the occupations of these two people are the taxi driver, driving respectively is the trademark is the mD-127 a license and mD-J 871 taxi.” “很好,我现在需要在泰城找两个人,这两个人的职业是出租车司机,驾驶的分别是牌号为mD-127a牌照和mD-J871的出租车。” „The first taxi received a guest at last year night of January 28 8 0:17, the place is in front of three earthen bowl street No. 7 supermarkets.” “第一辆出租车是在去年的1月28日晚上八点17分接到了一名客人,地点是三钵街七号的超市前面。” „The second taxi 0.2 about ten a same guest will put down on last year night of January 28 9, puts the place of guest is also in front of three earthen bowl street No. 7 supermarkets.” “第二辆出租车是在去年的1月28日晚上九点二十左右将同样的一名客人放下,放客的地点也是三钵街七号的超市前面。” Eve Lenah stunned evil ways: 伊夫琳娜愕然了一下道: This?” “就这样?” side Linyan gawked saying: 方林岩愣了愣道: Naturally.” “当然。” Eve Lenah relaxes, obviously has the feeling of feeling relieved: 伊夫琳娜松了一口气,明显有如释重负的感觉: Sir! You know tone that you spoke a moment ago heavy? I think that was that sixth day the fiendish person must leave the mountain to crusade against us directly!” “大人!您知道你刚才说话的语气有多沉重吗?我都以为是那位第六天魔王要直接出山讨伐我们了呢!” I even prepared comprehensive defensive retraction, finally actually finds the person, the contrast between this two was also too exaggerating.” “我甚至都做好了全面防守回缩的准备,结果却是找人,这二者之间的反差也太夸张了。” side Linyan sighs: 方林岩叹了一口气道: This matter is seemingly simple, is important to me, I want you to be able whole-heartedly.” “这件事看起来简单,却对我非常重要,我希望你能全力以赴。” Eve Lenah said: 伊夫琳娜道: Good, Sir, I make several phone calls to ask immediately.” “好的,大人,我马上打几个电话问一下。” side Linyan said: 方林岩道: Right, helped me inquire that again collected some strange food materials while convenient, including several types must, other you display freely, you took the form to record.” “对了,再帮我打听顺便收集一些稀奇古怪的食物材料,其中有几样是必须的,其余的你自由发挥,你拿单子记一下。” I want must the material be: Cubeb, sour bamboo shoots( snail powder), cordate houttuynia, fresh ox Bie.” “我要的必须材料是:木姜子,酸笋(螺蛳粉),鱼腥草,新鲜牛瘪。” The opposite party forest Yan odd, Eve Lenah said that has been used to it, nods saying: 对方林岩的怪癖,伊夫琳娜表示已经习惯了,点点头道: Good, without issue.” “好的,没问题。” Then side Linyan thinks, picks up the phone to hit to Boss Tang, cultivates the circle of car dealership is very small, must therefore look for Jiang Qiang's words, asked Boss Tang definitely yes right. 然后方林岩想了想,拿起电话就想要打给唐老板,修车行的圈子同样很小,所以要找江强的话,问唐老板肯定是没错的了。 However actually detected suddenly after changing the cell phone, oneself forgot his number unexpectedly. 不过却忽然发觉换了手机以后,自己居然忘记了他的号码了。 The book friend benefits reads then a cash or coin, iPhone12, swith wait/etc. you pulled out! Pays attention to vx public numbers to look that the base may lead! 书友福利看书即可得现金or点币,还有iPhone12、swith等你抽!关注vx公众号看基地可领! Is good is not far from here because of the car dealership, oneself choose this place as the big reason of rented housing is because goes to work near, even if walked the past words, still at most ten minutes enough. 好在车行距离这里并不远,自己选择此地作为出租房的一大原因就是因为上班近,所以就算走路过去的话,也顶多十来分钟就够了。 Israeli forest Yan very simple departure, then went to the car dealership quickly. 所以方林岩很干脆的离开,然后快步前往了车行。 Can see, in the auto parts market the crowd is still bustling, quite lively, looks at this, side Linyan is also quite familiar. 可以见到,汽配市场里面依然人群熙熙攘攘,相当的繁华,看着这一幕,方林岩也是相当熟悉。 But singular point the business of car dealership was even more prosperous, the stock car that the entrance comes with admiration even starts to line up, side Linyan got to the entrance, some people of attentive coming greeted: 而“奇点”车行的生意越发兴旺了,门口慕名而来的改装车甚至都开始排队,方林岩走到了门口,却还是有人殷勤的前来招呼: Mister, is to change the car(riage)?” “先生,是要改车吗?” side Linyan smiled saying with a smile: 方林岩笑了笑道: New?” “新来的?” He looked around after inside, immediately greeted loudly: 他朝着里面张望了以后,立即大声招呼道: Hey! Shark!” “嘿!沙鱼!” A small fellow gets angry to look immediately, why he obtains this nickname , because the stature villain is thin, therefore is called is shark is not shark, the meaning is taunting him to be thin seems like the sardine. 一个小个子立即黑着脸看了过来,他为什么获得这个外号,就是因为个子小人瘦,所以才被叫做是“沙鱼”不是“鲨鱼”,意思就是在嘲讽他瘦得像是沙丁鱼。 Few people have dared to call in the shop his, after that person but who sees the voice, the complexion of small fellow immediately changed, hurried whole face pleasantly surprised small runs over saying: 在店里面已经很少人敢这么叫他的,但一看到发声的那个人之后,小个子的脸色顿时就变了,急忙满脸惊喜的小跑了过来道: Pulls director Brother Fang! You came back!” “扳总监方哥!你回来了啊!” At this time side Linyan is legend in the cadre training technical mouth. 此时方林岩已经是一干修理工口中的传奇。 However, do not think that this is because his car(riage) cultivates the good reason. 不过,千万不要以为这是因为他车修得好的缘故。 Regarding the repairman, the car(riage) cultivates the digitization well, is not direct-viewing. 对于修理工来说,车修得好又没有数据化,并不直观。 In their eyes, even if was side Linyan this time finishing technique had exceeded the peak of human completely, could not look, the label that therefore got to side Linyan was, the car(riage) cultivated/repaired the good colleague. 在他们的眼中,哪怕是方林岩此时的加工技巧已经完全超越了人类的峰巅,也根本看不出来啊,所以给方林岩打上的标签就是,车修得挺好的同事。 The opposite party forest Yan impression and elementary school, the highest quality people fresh impression of middle school time to the class are similar, admire, but is insufficiently full of admiration. 对方林岩的印象和小学,中学时候对班上尖子生的印象类似,佩服,但是不至于五体投地。 Now makes them stare dumbfounded, can not hold a candle, time was that small milk dog contest. 现在却令他们瞠目结舌,望尘莫及的,还是那一次的小奶狗争夺战了。 Opens Maserati President capable woman forest, in their eyes is better much the great person, unexpectedly called side Linyan with the small shepherd directly, this is impressive. 开玛莎拉蒂总裁的女强人林总,在他们的眼中已经是奢遮得不得了的大人物,居然直接用小狼狗来称呼方林岩,这就已经是令人惊叹。 The key is that behind kills is opening several million selling prices, the limit safari suit ceramics version Boogardie Weilong's woman, was long on is old vigor, but also Tm was rich, the key was side Linyan displays the face is not unexpectedly angry directly, has also brought smiling. 关键是后面杀出来的那个开着几千万售价,限量猎装陶瓷版布加迪威龙的女人,长得就老得劲儿了,还Tm有钱,关键是方林岩直接就摆上了脸子居然也不恼,都还一直带着笑。 Can conquer this several lifetime to estimate the woman who cannot reach, before fellow repairmen realized the vast gap with spanner elder brother all of a sudden! 能够征服这种自己几辈子估计都够不着的女人,各位修理工一下子就认识到了与扳手哥之前的巨大差距! side Linyan was smiling saying with a smile to the shark: 方林岩对着沙鱼笑了笑道: old Tang, in?” “老唐呢,在不在?” Shark busy say/way: 沙鱼忙道: Boss is not at today, went to the new flagship store in corner/horn that side.” “老板今天不在,去了角头那边的新旗舰店。”
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