FE :: Volume #8

#181: Supermarket video recording

LNMTL needs user funding to survive Read More

After telling, side Linyan depended by the pool, then started to continue to remember the matter. 吩咐完毕之后,方林岩就靠在了池子旁边,然后开始继续想起事情来。 1st, obviously, the first important matter, is very much wants the means own legend item: The steel fire hazard fragment transforms as the battle efficiency! 一,很显然,第一要务,就是要想办法将自己的传说道具:钢铁火源碎片转化为战斗力! 2nd, the great tree type and that seed of tree of sequoia is unknown strange thing, but be only 2 points meritorious value, sold did not have the significance, gave the big priest directly? It seems like Athena and olive tree has the complicated relation, making them help me cultivate slowly. 二,巨树之种和世界爷之树的那颗种子都是未知奇物,不过只有区区二点的功勋值,卖了毫无意义,就直接交给大祭司吧?貌似雅典娜和橄榄树有着千丝万缕的联系,让她们帮我慢慢培植好了。 3rd, the team had arrived in the LV3 critical point, if wants the means to make the teamwork, quite makes him promote LV4, this can obtain a new team skill. 三,团队已经来到了LV3的临界点上,要想办法将团队任务做了,好让其提升到LV4,这样可以获得一个新的团队技能。 4 th, the vulture gives own item: The making a vow bell can also use, can contemplate to promote LV3 the foundation directly, oneself contemplate LV2 only to miss seven point skilled from the foundation, it is expected that can handle quickly. 四,秃鹫给自己的道具:许愿钟也能用了,可以直接将基础冥想提升到LV3,自己距离基础冥想LV2只差七点熟练度,预期很快就能搞定。 5 th, oneself in the previous world, the observation learned/studied many novel ideas, particularly when the canned area facing these spider shape bearers, made own idea obtain a remarkable breakthrough completely. 五,自己在上个世界当中,观察学习到了不少新奇的理念,尤其是在灌装区面对那些蛛形搬运者的时候,完全使自己的理念都获得了一个惊人的突破。 Moreover, side Linyan attained five from the spider shape bearer mysterious core, this gadget he has made the vulture appraise, is the intelligent core center. 不仅如此,方林岩更是从蛛形搬运者身上拿到了五个“神秘的核心”,这玩意儿他已经让秃鹫鉴定了出来,就是智能核心中枢。 Had this gadget, unifies ruminates the falling gold/metal existingly, that meteorite that containing 42.44 Burang metals takes advantage of a mistake, side Linyan felt oneself were the machine spider that the time attempt knockoff genuine light wheel assembled. 有了这玩意儿,结合已有的反刍陨金,还有捡漏来的那一块含有42.44的艾普兰金属的陨石,方林岩觉得自己是时候尝试山寨一下真正的光轮组装出来的机器蜘蛛了。 6 th, naturally continues the dark food that seeks for the duty to need, this matter needed certainly the help of big priest some people. 六,当然是继续寻找任务需要的暗黑食材,这件事情当然需要大祭司一干人的帮忙了。 7 th, because of the card of appraisal friendship, used the cup of victory( silver) is the money of pulling out, the key everyone also enjoys the related advantage finally, the cooperation was quite happy. The Israeli forest rock they said to conduct a compensation to two people on own initiative. 七,因为鉴定友谊之证,还有使用了胜利之杯(银)都是欧米这边掏的钱,关键是最后大家还都享受到了相关的好处,合作相当愉快。所以方林岩他们主动提出来对两人进行了一番补偿。 Gave them that the skill book of roar of terrifying, then also compensated about 80,000 universe points. 将那一本恐怖之吼的技能书送给了他们,然后还补偿了八万通用点左右。 Therefore, now in forest Iwate universe point only surplus 53,000 points, but, in the middle of surplus spoils of war, a HK417 assault rifle and double headed of snake tooth silver plot rank- demon can the abstention lose to the goat sells. 所以,现在方林岩手里面的通用点只剩余下来了五万三千点,不过,剩余的战利品当中,还有一把银色剧情级别的HK417战斗步枪和双头蛇牙-魔能之戒丢给山羊去卖了。 This two kinds thing should be able to return this almost about 120,000, side Linyan still remembers oneself have the loan to also! Although he knows, if wants the maximum benefit, then must wait till the loan to approach the scheduled time again. 这两样东西应该能回本差不多十二万左右,方林岩还记得自己可是有贷款要还的!他虽然知道要想利益最大化的话,那么就是一定要等到贷款临期了再还。 But side Linyan the personality is inborn does not like owing money, owing money thought that the whole body is not comfortable, must therefore middle return immediately. 但方林岩的性格就是天生不喜欢欠钱,欠了钱就觉得浑身不自在,所以要在第一时间当中还上了。 8 th, now had enough universe point and potential point, side Linyan decided to try the weapon, the promotion of equipment. 八,现在有了足够的通用点和潜能点,方林岩决定尝试一下武器,装备的升级了。 Really does not make does not know, a lane has a scare, side Linyan initial time had not felt, finally after the head this reorganizes with many ramifications, immediately detected own following work load unexpectedly is so vast, gives the stopper the time chock full. 真的是不弄不知道,一弄吓一跳,方林岩最初的时候还没觉得,结果在脑袋里面将这千头万绪整理出来之后,顿时发觉自己接下来的工作量居然是如此浩大,将时间给塞得满满当当的。 This can also pleasant and lathe, the components, the engine oil played!! 这还能不能让人愉快的和车床,零件,机油玩耍了!! Read and this, side Linyan was just about to heave a deep sigh, thought on suddenly the both legs a sore feeling beyond description transmitted, immediately sent out a pitiful yell unrestrainedly! 一念及此,方林岩正要长叹一声,猛然觉得双腿上一阵难以形容的酸痛感觉传来,顿时情不自禁的发出了一声惨叫! Then detected when originally does not know, two chiropractors have arrived. 这才发觉原来不知道什么时候,两名按摩师已经到来。 One of them is a blind person, therefore wears the sunglasses, 其中一人是盲人,所以戴着墨镜, Other one is seems like very somewhat grandiose middle-aged woman, 另外的一位则是个看起来很是有些壮硕的中年妇女, The forearms of these two people are very thick, quite somewhat the style of sailor, the blind person had smiled to say vigorously at this time: 这两个人的前臂都很粗大,颇有几分大力水手的风范,这时候盲人已经微笑道: Mister, your movement is excessive, just started will have some aches, but quick was good.” “先生,您运动过度,刚刚开始的时候会有一些疼痛,但很快就好了。” side Linyan is just about to angrily roar, said how you give me to press not to greet, but the split vision of corner of the eye actually saw that suddenly previously but in actually the little elder sister of red wine toward the pool, immediately thinks others were held responsible you, say/way that can only look fierce: 方林岩正要怒吼,说你们给我按一下怎么不打招呼,可是眼角的余光却突然见到了那一名先前往池子里面倒红酒的小姐姐,顿时想起来人家是问过你的呢,只能龇牙咧嘴的道: Light, again lightly.” “轻一点,再轻点。” However side Linyan slowly feels, with their massages, the sore feeling of oneself body evidently alleviated. 不过慢慢的方林岩就感觉到,随着他们的按摩,自己身体的酸痛感明显缓解了许多。 When binds the bath towel is lying the massage bed the time, they used the volatile oil to start to push the back, two people hand vigor were enormous, the technique was actually extremely good. 等到裹着浴巾趴上按摩床的时候,他们使用了精油开始推背,两人的手劲儿极大,手法却是极佳。 side Linyan started to think that at this time held back muscle spot gives off heat rapidly, only felt on body sore by squeezing bit by bit, after taking nearby hot milk had drunk one, satisfied spitting exhales, then closes the eye heavy to go off directly. 方林岩这时候开始觉得被按压的肌肉部位迅速发热,也只觉得身体上面的酸痛都被一点一点的压榨了出来,拿过旁边的热牛奶喝了一口之后,惬意的吐出了一口气,然后闭上眼睛直接沉沉睡去。 *** *** Next morning after waking up, side Linyan in high spirits, after having had the breakfast, sits looks at outside scenery by the window, suddenly a anything does not want to make, the thought that wants to go out for a walk. 第二天早上醒来之后,方林岩已经是精神焕发,吃过早饭以后坐在了落地窗旁边看着外面的风景,忽然有一种什么都不想做,想要出去走走的念头。 He is an execution very strong person, immediately embarked directly, after hiring a vehicle, one hour is less than the street alley that arrived at itself to be familiar with. 他是一个执行力很强的人,立即就直接出发了,叫了个车以后,一个小时不到就来到了自己熟悉的街头小巷中。 Here is still bustling: 这里依然是熙熙攘攘的: The coffee fish egg emitted the steaming white clouds in the middle of the curry juice, nearby passer- is carrying bowl of cow's haslets that scatter the deep green fragrant scallion first ate soup, sent out a satisfied sigh. 咖啡色的鱼蛋在咖喱汁当中冒出了腾腾的白气,旁边的路人端着一碗撒上碧绿香葱的牛杂先喝了一口汤,发出了一声满足的叹息。 The tasty netted pigskin matching fresh and tender red and white radish, once was the night that side Linyan must select. 爽口的网状猪皮搭配鲜嫩的红白萝卜,曾经是方林岩必点的宵夜。 Snow white steamed vermicelli roll that smooth taste, so long as eats unable to forget one time. 雪白的肠粉那滑爽的口感,只要吃过一次就不能忘记。 Nearby bowl young wing outdoor shop, was the past Uncle Xu's motion cafeteria. His tooth is not good, usually likes on the food the bowls of young wings, then must divide one to oneself, pet phrase is makes up greatly ..... 旁边的碗仔翅摊子,更是当年的徐叔的移动食堂。他老人家牙齿不好,平时就喜欢食上一碗碗仔翅,然后还要分一口给自己,口头禅就是“大补啦.....” Looks that these were once regarded the vending point of cafeteria by oneself, the snack, suddenly in the heart also somewhat has mixed emotions. 看着这些曾经被自己当成食堂的摊点,小吃,一时间心中也是有些百感交集。 The past events cannot pursue, side Linyan somewhat is suddenly exhausted, is not on the body, but is psychologically. 往事不可追,方林岩忽然有些疲惫,并不是身体上的,而是心理上的。 Then he called an earthen bowl young cake pack directly, the dwelling toward not far away walks. 然后他直接叫了一份钵仔糕打包,就朝着不远处的住处走去。 There is his renting housing, although inside no valuable thing, has the full recollection. 那里乃是他的租住屋,里面虽然没有什么值钱的东西,却是带着满满的回忆。 For example that has only used 40 years of spanner, pulled on the handle even to rub hold/container Jiang, was tattered loses on the road no one picks. However, the opposite party forest rock, is actually the priceless treasure, because that is the inheritance that Uncle Xu keeps. 比如说那只已经用了四十年的扳手,扳手柄上甚至都磨出来了包浆,破烂得丢在路上都没人去捡。但是,对方林岩来说,却是无价之宝,因为那是徐叔留下来的传承。 At that time before to the Kaitai city, side Linyan hit the house rent over the past year to the landlord directly, therefore he goes back still not to have the issue now. 当时在离开泰城之前,方林岩就直接给房东打过去一年的房租,所以现在他回去依然是没有问题的。 After opening the room door, moist stale taste heads on, furniture without exception second-hand, the wall that whitewashes carelessly starts a lot of falling ashes, on the roof even has many spider webs ........ 打开了房间门以后,一股潮湿的霉味扑面而来,家具无一例外都是二手的,草草粉刷的墙壁开始大量的掉落灰渣,房顶上甚至都有着不少的蜘蛛网........ However side Linyan feels especially kind, felt that presidential suite compared with hotel, is this place is more comfortable. 不过方林岩却觉得格外亲切,感觉比起酒店的总统套房来,还是这地方更加舒坦。 After erasing the dust on stool sat, side Linyan conveniently selects the switch of that outdated desktop, he is actually not wants to access the net, because the machine is too long has not energized, at least must make it operate, otherwise is very easy to damage. 抹掉了凳子上的灰尘坐下来了以后,方林岩顺手就点开了那台老掉牙的台式机的开关,他其实也并不是很想上网,而是因为机器太久没有通电,至少也是要让它运作一下,否则的话很容易损坏。 In fact, such long not starting, even its chlorazol blue rw screen side Linyan is not strange. 事实上,这么久没有开机,就算是它直接蓝屏方林岩也一点儿也不奇怪。 After starting, side Linyan somewhat is also bored, the convenience selects to slide sloppily, bah is not right, obviously is the beginning Chinese net. Finally the browser above script appendix had the new prompt: You have 5 not to read the mail. 开机以后,方林岩也有些无聊,顺手就点开了草溜,啊呸不对,明明是起点中文网。结果浏览器上面的小程序附件就有了新的提示:你拥有五封未读邮件。 side Linyan gawked staring, then selected conveniently, he has the person of obsession, meets, even if knows that the big probability that red this type had not read is the junk mail, vanished this tilak said again. 方林岩愣了愣,然后就顺手点了开来,他是有强迫症的人,遇到了这种未读的红点,哪怕是知道大概率是垃圾邮件,也得将这小红点消掉再说。 The result...... is really the junk mail! 结果......果然是垃圾邮件! However only has three, two are actually not, the user who sends the mail was called the person of xiaolisina.com.cn, side Linyan somewhat doubts point one, detected that inside content was very simple: 不过只有三封,还有两封却并不是,发邮件的用户乃是叫做xiaolisina.com.cn的人,方林岩有些疑惑的点开了其中的一封,发觉里面的内容很简单: Video recording had found, please order.” “录像已找到,请下单。” Saw these words, side Linyan is somewhat confused, thought that fearing of this round of mail didn't lose the wisdom? What records what to order? 看到了这句话,方林岩有些一头雾水,觉得这发邮件的怕不是失了智?什么录像什么下单? Sends the wrong mail. 难道是发错邮件了。 Then he selected the next mail, detected that same ID sent , the content of mail grew: 然后他点开了下一封邮件,发觉还是同一个ID发来的,不过邮件的内容长了很多: Kiss! The video recording that you want we have consumed very big cost to attain, if not for you attain a video recording time gives money to be very refreshed, we will not then make your form.” “亲!你要的录像我们已经耗费了很大的成本拿到了,若不是你拿到上个录像的时候给钱很爽快的话,我们也不会接着做你的这个单子的啊。” Now to make your form, our work rooms were the direct pad capital a lot of money, please reply as soon as possible.” “现在为了做你这个单子,我们的工作室是直接垫资了不少钱,请尽快回复啊。” After seeing these contents, side Linyan thought suddenly, this did not send mistakenly the mail. 看到了这些内容之后,方林岩忽然就想了起来,这并不是发错了邮件啊。 Sends the mail the xiaolisina.com.cn, should be in that customer Xiaoli who on some treasure contacts, oneself entrusted them to investigate before, before one is the investigation, changed to the ruins in the cafe to have anything. 发邮件的这个xiaolisina.com.cn,应该就是自己在某宝上接触到的那个客户小丽,自己之前曾经委托他们做过调查,这其中的一项就是调查之前化作废墟的咖啡馆里面发生了什么。 This group of people are really are also quite able, got so far as in the cafe image, then successfully made side Linyan discover the secret of evil Zen. 这帮人也真的是颇有能力,弄到了咖啡馆里面的影像,然后成功让方林岩发现了邪禅的秘密。 But oneself were entrusts them to handle another matter, that investigates in the supermarket video recording! 而自己则是委托他们办了另外一件事,那就是调查超市里面的录像!
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