FE :: Volume #8

#180: Fusion

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After the two fuse finished, the steel fire hazard fragment obviously increases had 1/3, turned into a light gray mysterious sphere directly, this should be the shape that the block fragment has. 等到二者融合了完毕之后,钢铁火源碎片明显变大了有三分之一,直接变成了一个淡灰色的神秘圆球,这应该是中块碎片才具备的形态了。 The sphere roughly has the table tennis ball size, the interior should hollow, but the iron grey thin film sparse almost ten pieces that side falls off, a biggest piece has the fingernail size, smallest, be only the sesame seed size, bumped with the finger gently gasifies unexpectedly. 圆球约莫有乒乓球大小,内部应该是中空的,而旁边脱落的灰白色薄膜稀稀拉拉的差不多有十来片,最大的一片有指甲盖大小,最小的只有芝麻大小,用手指轻轻一碰居然就气化了。 Moreover, after fusing, side Linyan detected that hand inside steel fire hazard fragment promoted 12 units from 9 units unexpectedly, this also was really a unexpected happiness. 不仅如此,融合完毕之后,方林岩发觉手里面的钢铁火源碎片居然从九单位提升到了12个单位,这也真的是意外之喜了。 Because of its following prompt also from the steel fire hazard fragment( scrap), turned into( block), this explained that the extra many these three units made it form the qualitative change. 因为其后面的提示也是从钢铁火源碎片(小块),变成了(中块),这说明额外多的这三个单位使其形成了质变。 side Linyan took up the steel fire hazard fragment, at present suddenly has flashed before some illusions. 方林岩拿起了钢铁火源碎片,眼前忽然闪现过了一些幻象。 Illusion that first presents, is a powerful mechanical metal life with the enemy fierce battle, suddenly, he is roaring loudly, opens the back plate of chest directly! 首先出现的幻象,是一名强大的机械金属生命正在与敌人激烈战斗,忽然,他大声咆哮着,直接将胸口的挡板拉开! Can see, in his chest cavity is hiding a might giant death ray cannon unexpectedly, but one of the artillery power cores, is one has the complete steel fire hazard of ping-pong size fully! And seems like solid. 可以见到,其胸腔里面居然隐藏着一门威力巨大的死光大炮,而这门炮的动力核心之一,则是一个足有台球大小的完整钢铁火源!并且看起来还是实心的。 This strikes, even nearby asteroid was destroyed directly. 这一击,甚至连旁边的小行星都被直接摧毁。 However the enemy eventually are too many, this powerful mechanical life fell from the sky finally, in the chest cavity complete steel fire hazard was also exploded 45 fissions, opponent to express to his respect, puts in the middle of its remains the outer space, no matter what its drift. 然而敌人却终究太多,这名强大的机械生命最后还是陨落了,胸腔里面的完整钢铁火源也是被炸得四五分裂,对手为了表示对他的尊敬,将其遗体放入太空当中,任其漂流。 However the fragment of steel fire hazard was regarded the spoils of war to carve up. 不过钢铁火源的碎片则是被当成战利品瓜分。 Then what made side Linyan notice, steel fire hazard except for having beyond ability that reproduced the metal life, unexpectedly the multiple functions, regarded the power core besides before, can regard the additive, activator wait/etc. 接下来令方林岩留意到的是,钢铁火源除了具有繁殖金属生命的能力之外,居然还有多种用途,除了之前当成动力核心以外,既可以当成添加剂,活化剂等等。 The illusion that finally presents was closely linked with side Linyan, the sound wave partly kneels in the place, was granted a scrap steel fire hazard fragment by high-rank. 最后出现的幻象则是与方林岩息息相关了,音波半跪在地,被一名上位者赏赐了一小块钢铁火源碎片。 Then after it attained this scrap steel fire hazard fragment, unexpectedly collected many materials, then placed in a crucible to heat up, finally threw the steel fire hazard fragment, in the crucible braved the strange royal purple smog immediately. 然后它拿到了这一小块钢铁火源碎片之后,居然去搜集了不少材料,然后放在了一个坩埚里面加热,最后将钢铁火源碎片丢了进去,坩埚里面立即冒出来了奇怪的蓝紫色烟雾。 End product that finally presents, before seeming like side Linyan, that mysterious object that attains. 最后出现的成品,就很像是方林岩之前拿到的那块神秘物体了。 Then this mysterious object was regarded the core part, installs, in another can turn into on the metal lifeform of magnetic tape. 然后这块神秘物体被当成核心部件,安装在了另外一头可以变成磁带的金属生物身上。 The contour of this metal lifeform looks seems like a mechanical wolf dog, is very fierce, seems like the battle efficiency even above the earthquake. 这头金属生物的外形看起来就很像是一头机械狼犬,十分凶恶,看起来战斗力甚至在地震之上。 side Linyan even sees with one's own eyes from the illusion, is similar to before the War Hawk viewer metal life that contacts, even bit to death by this fellow livingly. 方林岩甚至从幻象当中亲眼看到,一头类似于与自己之前接触到的鹰派观察者金属生命,甚至被这家伙活生生咬死。 Saw this, side Linyan could not bear in the heart have the feeling, 见到了这一幕,方林岩忍不住心中生出了感慨, Between the science and theology, actually really interlock to go forward mutually, 科学和神学之间,其实真的是相互交错前进啊, Thinks carefully the sound wave processes the steel fire hazard fragment the way, with being called the gold metallurgy master of dark ignorant middle ages made the way of experiment to be how similar? 仔细想一想音波加工钢铁火源碎片的方式吧,和被称为黑暗愚昧的中世纪的炼金术士做实验的方式何其相似? However does the science and technology of sound wave such metal life, how many years far more than lead human? 然而音波这样的金属生命的科技,何止领先人类多少年? Looking at it like this, the scientific end is theology these words also really has a little truth. 这样看来,科学尽头就是神学这句话还真的是有那么一点道理呢。 But somewhat wonders in side Linyan, how machine wolf dog core part the earthquake will attain, another illusion lets him immediately the complexion big change. 而就在方林岩有些纳闷,机器狼犬身上的核心部件怎么会被地震拿到的时候,又一幕幻象让他立即脸色大变。 Originally, in this illusion, the machine shepherd was tempted unexpectedly, by mistake trap. 原来,在这一幕幻象当中,机器狼狗居然被引诱了出来,误中了陷阱。 Then...... cutting to kill by an enemy! 然后......被一名敌人给斩杀了! Yes, gets rid of its enemy to only have one!! And is a space soldier, but this enemy keeps the most profound impression to side Linyan, has a pair of radiant gorgeous light wing. 是的,干掉它的敌人只有一个!!并且还是一名空间战士,而这名敌人给方林岩留下来最深刻的印象,就是拥有一对璀璨华美的光翼。 The attack method look like the strong winds to be the same, comes, Xuan goes, and in the middle of the strong winds also brings the hail! 其攻击方式就像是狂风一样,呼啸而来,煊赫而去,并且狂风当中还带着冰雹! However, the mechanical wolf dog was killed, was rumbled directly in more than hundred meters high cliff below sea water, his body exploded in the midair, the wreckage fell into the sea. 不过,机械狼犬被干掉的时候,是直接被轰到了百余米高的悬崖下方的海水里面,其身体在半空当中就爆炸了,残骸落入了大海之中。 Finally the earthquake ambushes in underwater, carried off the core component of mechanical wolf dog, then analyzed that mysterious part, will hide stemming from the selfishness. 结果地震就潜伏在水下,带走了机械狼犬的核心部分,然后从中拆分出来了那块神秘部件,出于私心将之藏匿了起来。 Finally even after the steel fire hazard fragment were made the components, is slight radiates the life energy toward the surroundings, therefore, will give the artificial intelligence branch to leap by the life continuously for a long time hence...... 结果钢铁火源碎片哪怕是被制造成了零件之后,也是会轻微的朝着周围辐射生命能,于是长此以往之下,就赋予了人工智能科腾以生命...... After obtaining the information of these illusions, side Linyan made clear these long and short of the story finally. 获得了这些幻象的信息以后,方林岩终于将这些来龙去脉搞清楚了。 After sighing slightly, side Linyan the form ........ looked like the wind has blown the sand on disappearance slowly in the darkness, radical disappearance in this world. 微微叹息了一声之后,方林岩的身影就慢慢的消失在了黑暗当中........就像是风吹过的沙,彻底的消失在了这个世界上。 *** *** „...... Quite tired, good pain!!” “啊......好累,好痛!!” side Linyan straightened own waist on the soft bed, then felt that made the ache that one collapsed from top to bottom, making him hold breath directly cold air. 方林岩在柔软的大床上伸直了自己的腰,然后就感觉到浑身上下那令人崩溃的酸痛,让他直接倒吸了一口凉气。 The after-effects of this lactic acid massive stack are really make one choke with rage! 这种乳酸大量堆积的后遗症真的是令人窝火啊! After returning to Noa space, side Linyan the aware spirit is also exuberant, detected that the goat and vulture two people in later, then do not make the best use of the time to go to the training ground directly, practiced to leave directly exhausted, chooses returned to the real world. 回归诺亚空间以后,方林岩自觉精神还算是旺盛,发觉山羊和秃鹫两人都不在之后,便直接抓紧时间前往训练场,直接练到了精疲力尽才离开,选择了返回现实世界。 Although this he experienced in the adventure world time for more than ten days, but was the time speed of flow had the change probably again, therefore the real world passed for 56 hours. 这一次他虽然在冒险世界里面经历了十几天,可是大概是时间流速再次产生了变化,所以现实世界只是过去了五六个小时而已。 Therefore side Linyan without delay, goes right to sleep, at this time a sleep/felt wakes up feels sore immediately difficult to bear. 于是方林岩二话不说,倒头就睡,此时一觉醒来顿时就觉得酸痛难当。 Was good had returned to the middle of the real world because of this time, he place was not the past rented housing, but was peaceful city's Peninsula Hotel, and presidential suite. 好在此时已经回到了现实世界当中,他所住的地方也不是昔日的出租房,而是泰城的半岛酒店,并且还是总统套房。 Israeli forest Yan very simple is clenching teeth to hold breath the cold air to pick up nearby phone, finally only used for two seconds to put through directly, then the inside polite voice conveyed: 所以方林岩很干脆的就咬着牙倒吸着凉气拿起了旁边的电话,结果只用了两秒钟就直接接通了,然后里面就有一个客气的声音传来: Respectable distinguished guest hello, I am your exclusive steward Powell, you have anything to be able at your service.” “尊敬的贵宾您好,我是您的专属管家鲍威尔,请问您有什么能为您服务的。” side Linyan stunned, looked around bell, above impressively is early morning 1:20, the opposite party meets the speed of telephone to be much quicker, worthily is six star Hotels in legend. 方林岩愕然了一下,看了看旁边的钟,上面赫然是凌晨1点20分,对方接电话的速度快得出奇啊,不愧是传说中的六星酒店呢。 Mr. Powell, I need two technicians, un, top that.” “鲍威尔先生,我需要两个技师,恩,顶级的那种。” Powell's moderate voice resounds instantaneously: 鲍威尔温和的声音瞬间响起: Good, Mister, please wait a bit, I will give you to reply in five minutes.” “好的,先生,请稍等,我会在五分钟内给您回复。” side Linyan hung up the telephone, finally only used for three minutes, Powell on the returned telegram: 方林岩挂断了电话,结果只用了三分钟,鲍威尔就回电了: Respectable mister, today is the famous high-tech corporation maple leaf company holds the annual meeting in this hotel, president Mr. Randle arrives, therefore I can only find a top technician and a first-level technician for you.” “尊敬的先生,今天是著名的高科技企业枫叶公司在本酒店举行年会,总裁兰德尔先生亲临,所以我只能为您找到一位顶级技师和一位一级技师。” Top technician Barbara this year is 21 years old, measurements......, and in last year or dense signing model, but she was born in Nigeria, was African, does not know whether you did mind this point?” “顶级技师芭芭拉今年21岁,三围......并且在去年还是维密的签约模特,不过她出身于尼日利亚,是非裔,不知道您是否介意这一点?” side Linyan just awoke at this time, in the brain is also not too sober: 方林岩这时候刚刚睡醒,脑子里面还不是太清醒: Ha? African?” “哈?非裔?” Finally under him what relations does that have?” This half a word words have not said that Powell of being with good intention has joined the words: 结果他下面的“那有什么关系?”这半句话还没说出来,善解人意的鲍威尔就已经接上了话: Not is appropriate? Then I have a look, can he/she Liya? The elf advertisement that she shot last year was once riding high on Twitter, and character also is very obedient gentle, but the age is only 15 years old, the price also wants on expensively 50......” “不大合适吗?那么我看看,伊莉雅可以吗?她去年拍摄的精灵广告曾经在推特上红极一时,并且性格也十分温柔听话,只是年龄只有十五岁,价格也要贵上50......” side Linyan listened to him more and more to say make the blood boil .....!! In order to avoid this chapter was shielded, quickly hits to block the way: 方林岩听他说得越来越.....令人发指!!为了避免本章被屏蔽,急忙打断道: Wait! I am only because the movement is excessive, the body is sore, wants to ask two top chiropractors to alleviate the muscular fatigue to me, what relations has with the dense model and 15-year-old little girl!?” “等等!我只是因为运动过度,身体酸痛,想要找两位顶级按摩师给我缓解一下肌肉疲劳,和维密模特和15岁的小女孩有什么关系!?” Listened to side Linyan the words, Powell in the telephone that side passing clouds and flowing water a topic road for grain shipment: 听了方林岩的话,鲍威尔在电话那边行云流水的将话题一转道: Good, Mister, then you do facilitate the action now?” “好的,先生,那么您现在方便行动吗?” If facilitates the action, then can go to the sauna centers of four buildings, before alleviation muscular fatigue I suggested that you first conduct the hot spring bath and sauna, is affable for you by our gold medal chiropractors.” “如果方便行动的话,那么可以前往四楼的桑拿中心,在缓解肌肉疲劳之前我建议您先进行温泉浴和桑拿,然后再由我们的金牌按摩师为您舒缓疲劳。” side Linyan said: 方林岩道: Good, without issue.” “好的,没问题。” Therefore only crossed for dozen minutes, side Linyan on comfortable lying down in the warm artificial pond, the side also three stature first-class little elder sisters took down the red wine from nearby cart one after another, then poured into the middle of the pond. 于是只过了十几分钟,方林岩就舒舒服服的躺在了温泉池里面,旁边还有三名身材一流的小姐姐轮番从旁边的推车里面取下红酒,然后倒进了池塘当中。 The little elder sister said: 小姐姐道: Mister, if you fell asleep, the technician came is to make them wait, gave you to massage directly?” “先生,如果您睡着了的话,技师来了是让他们等着,还是直接给您按摩?” At this time, side Linyan closed one's eyes to maintain mental tranquility slightly, finger gently is striking in nearby wall, starts the matter that inventoried then to handle to come, after hearing her words , very simple say/way: 这时候,方林岩微微闭着眼睛养神,手指轻轻的在旁边的池壁上敲打着,开始盘点起接下来要做的事情来,听到了她的话以后很干脆的道: Un, does not use, massages to me directly.” “嗯,不用等,直接给我按摩吧。”
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