FE :: Volume #9

#10: When the moon/month is black!

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After hesitating a while, side Linyan chose decisively mounted: 沉吟了一会儿之后,方林岩果断选择了进行镶嵌: Trial ZB419, you will soon use the legend item: Steel and iron fire hazard fragment to B kinds of occupational abilities: War machinery control LV3 conducts the embed strengthening.” “试炼者ZB419号,你即将使用传说道具:钢铁火源碎片对B类职业能力:战争机械操控者LV3进行镶嵌强化。” You will soon consume 6 potentials and 10000 point universe points.” “你即将耗费六点潜能点和10000点通用点。” At this time, awkward matter happened, side Linyan potential insufficient! Is good two people collects to him because of nearby goat and vulture, this can continue smoothly. 这时候,尴尬的事情发生了,方林岩的潜能点不够!好在旁边的山羊和秃鹫两人给他凑了凑,这才能够顺利继续。 In data determination ........ “数据判定中........” Crustification is conducted ........ “镶嵌进行中........” B kinds of occupational abilities: War machinery control LV3 has to grow, high variation characteristics.” “B类职业能力:战争机械操控者LV3具备可成长,高变异特性。” B kinds of occupational abilities: The war machinery control LV3 quality obtained the sublimation!!!” “B类职业能力:战争机械操控者LV3品质得到了升华!!!” B kinds of occupational abilities: War machinery control was promoted, for A kinds of rare occupational abilities: When the moon/month is black!” “B类职业能力:战争机械操控者被提升为了A类稀有职业能力:月黑之时!” Saw „when moon/month is black after the information, the side forest rocky spit corner/horn showed a smile, then gave the goat and vulture material sharing: 看到了“月黑之时”的信息以后,方林岩嘴角露出了一丝微笑,然后将资料共享给了山羊和秃鹫: When the moon/month is black 月黑之时 Quality: A kinds of occupational abilities 品质:A类职业能力 Introduced: This is one type has almost not presented the variation occupational ability, because some people have never attempted unify the steel fire hazard fragment and similar ability, then glows the entirely different ray. 介绍:这是一种几乎都没有出现过的变异职业能力,因为从未有人尝试过将钢铁火源碎片与类似的能力相结合,进而焕发出截然不同的光芒。 Has this person of ability, will obtain to have the powerful metal life of life to give loyalty to for it, and destroys his enemy with the strong battle efficiency. 拥有此能力的人,将会获得拥有自身生命的强大金属生命为其效忠,并且用强大的战斗力来摧毁其敌人。 The rank of this ability is higher, is more obvious to the powerful metal life increase of direction, presently LV1 can make the metal life value that you control increase 600 points additionally, and any related skill has the priority! 此能力的等级越高,对指挥的强大金属生命增幅就越明显,当前LV1可以使你操控的金属生命值额外提升600点,并且任何相关技能都具备优先性! The flux granule can the polymer production process technology( by dynamic energy): To summon the powerful metal life, must the initiative make the flux granules at least 10 units to be able the polymer( energy block) to treat as material, this is carries out this occupational ability the foundation. 通量粒子能聚合物制作流程技术(被动能力):要想召唤出强大的金属生命,就必须先制作出至少十单位的通量粒子能聚合物(能量块)来当作施法材料,这是执行此职业能力的基础。 Therefore, although this owner of skill will acquire the related necessary knowledge in manufacture energy block automatically, but the request in machine manufacture is very high, without the condition in means success use hand makes the energy block, when moon/month is black this strong ability basically can announce that discarded. 因此,尽管此技能的拥有者会自动获得制作能量块方面的相关配套知识,但在机械制造方面的要求还是非常高的,若是没有办法成功利用手中的条件制造出能量块的话,那么“月黑之时”这个强大的能力基本可以宣告废掉了。 Database( by dynamic energy): You summoned the correlation data of mechanical life will be stored up, you can choose the extra expended energy gage block the price, summons the metal life that assigns. 数据库(被动能力):你曾经召唤出来过的机械生命的相关数据都将会被储存起来,你可以选择额外消耗能量块的代价,来召唤指定的金属生命。 When the moon/month is black is by B kinds of occupational abilities: War machinery control sublimates to come, therefore had summoned before the mechanical life data had been input the database. 因为月黑之时乃是由B类职业能力:战争机械操控者升华而来,所以之前召唤过的机械生命数据已被录入数据库。 The metal life data pool that you currently have is as follows: Lubos, Hill, ash fire of mysterious...... 你目前拥有的金属生命数据源如下:鲁伯斯,古西尔,奥的余烬等...... Opens the miniature wormhole: Driving ability, in has not assigned the related mechanical life in the situation, consumes the energy blocks of 10 units to summon two randomly for the metal life that you urge. 开启微型虫洞:主动能力,在未指定相关机械生命的情况下,消耗十单位的能量块来随机召唤出两名供你驱使的金属生命。 This two metal lives will have the following common ability. 此两名金属生命将会拥有以下共同能力。 1st, stands( initiative): Both metal lives have to change the body human ability, and obtains the camouflage effect. 一,站起来(主动):两名金属生命都拥有变身人类能力,并且获得伪装效果。 2nd, scout( passive): At least one metal life will have the flight, the detectability. 二,侦察兵(被动):至少一名金属生命将拥有飞行,探测能力。 3rd, fire seed amalgamation technology, fit!: Two metal lives will combine in together, turn into a more powerful metal life to fight temporarily. 三,火种融合技术,合体!:两名金属生命将会组合在一起,临时变成一名更加强大的金属生命进行战斗。 Under certain special conditions, two metal lives even can be fit with control, making him obtain a more powerful temporary skill! 在某些特定条件下,两名金属生命甚至可以与操控者合体,使其获得更加强大的临时技能! Warning: The metal life that you summoned can exist, till was destroyed or is leaves this world. 警告:你召唤出来的金属生命可以一直存在,直到被摧毁或者是离开本世界为止。 However, once in a while, these two metal lives must the feed energy block. 但是,每隔一段时间,这两头金属生命都必须进食能量块。 Otherwise, once his full Shidu continues to reduce, then its ability will also weaken, when full Shidu reduces to 20 points below, the metal life that summoned may depart momentarily, and in the future will no longer respond the summon! 否则的话,一旦其饱食度持续降低,那么其能力也会随之削弱,当饱食度降低到20点以下的时候,召唤出来的金属生命将随时都可能离去,并且日后不再响应召唤! *** *** Saw these information time, side Linyan the first feeling is not excited, but is in the heart sinks! 看到了这些信息的时候,方林岩的第一感觉不是兴奋,而是是心中一沉! As the saying goes can not make bricks without straw, is the metal life strong, what egg cannot summon and has to use? 有道是巧妇难为无米之炊,金属生命再强,召唤不出来又有什么卵用? He where makes ten energy blocks of units now? 他现在上哪里去弄十个单位的能量块啊? The key is to maintain existence of metal life, but must give it regular feeding! 关键是要维系金属生命的存在,还要给它定期喂食! Before although attained a small-scale energy block in Garden of Eden, steel fire hazard fragment that but when hid to the earthquake leaving blank, energy block inside energy was attracted much, surplus does not know that had several units. 之前虽然在伊甸园里面拿到了一块小型能量块,但在给地震藏匿的钢铁火源碎片“开光”的时候,能量块里面的能量就被吸掉了不少,剩余下来的也不知道有几单位。 Is good when raided the energy block at that time together, side Linyan is not a person in the fight. 好在当时一起哄抢能量块的时候,方林岩也不是一个人在战斗的。 The vulture expressed own that energy block almost sold out together, because the opposite party is only willing to have 10,000 universe points, therefore was in a rage to remain, after all this gadget threw the store also value 8000 universe points. 秃鹫表示自己那一块能量块差点就卖掉了,不过因为对方只肯出一万通用点,所以一怒之下就留了下来,毕竟这玩意儿丢商店也值八千通用点啊。 Therefore now side Linyan , if needed, then can take away to use casually. 所以现在方林岩如果有需要的话,那么可以随便拿去用。 In this case, side Linyan thought that sufficiently collects the energy block issues of ten units should not be big, the fact also truly is this, side Linyan surplus the energy block was appraised as three units, but that energy block of vulture was appraised as eight units. 这样的话,方林岩觉得凑够十个单位的能量块问题应该不大了,事实也确实是这样,方林岩剩余下来的能量块被评估为三个单位,而秃鹫的那个能量块被评估为八个单位。 11 the energy blocks of units, really make side Linyan not have the energy to summon the metal life immediately, after all according to the explanation, must maintain his full Shidu, can the continuous expended energy gage block. 十一个单位的能量块,实在让方林岩没有底气立即召唤金属生命,毕竟根据说明,要维系其饱食度,也会源源不断的消耗能量块。 When solving this biggest problem, moon/month is black takes to side Linyan, was the full pleasant surprise. 在解决了这个最大的问题之后,“月黑之时”带给方林岩的,就是满满的惊喜了。 First makes him pleasantly surprised, was database ability. 首先让他惊喜的,就是数据库这个能力了。 To be honest, before side Linyan, fondly remembers Hill this construction to install the lifeform frequently, it is a pity that even if he who the present technology enters greatly, still does not have the means to make the corresponding mechanical dire wolf heart. 说实话,方林岩之前还常常怀念古西尔这头构装生物,遗憾的是,哪怕是现在技术大进的他,依然没有办法制造出相应的机械恐狼心脏。 The reason summoned Hill's mechanical dire wolf heart to be very difficult duplicate/restores to carve at that time, that is side Linyan , on Coles is the maintenance worker, worked for one's own interests under the guise of working for the public to embezzle many materials to do. 原因就是当时召唤古西尔的机械恐狼心脏很难复刻,那是方林岩在科尔斯号上做维修工的时候,假公济私贪污了不少材料做出来的。 In the middle of these materials, had in the then interstellar world special alloy and rare metal many, side Linyan in the material study aspect was a layman, therefore wanted duplicate/restores to carve has more desire than energy. 这些材料当中,不乏有当时星际世界里面的特殊合金和稀有金属,方林岩在材料学方面就是个门外汉,因此想要复刻都是心有余而力不足。 Without a doubt, database was solved his major problem by the dynamic energy. 毫无疑问,数据库这个被动能力解决了他的大问题。 But most makes side Linyan pleasantly surprised, was the fit this ability, without a doubt, this was big move of kind of powerful existence. 而最让方林岩惊喜的,就是合体这个能力了,毫无疑问,这是大招一类的强大存在。 Two metal lives are fit, is to make one have the show operation of anticipation, 两头金属生命合体,已经是令人心生期待的骚操作, But the metal life directly is that fit, the great power with control combines, that makes the great writer who one shocks. 而金属生命直接与操控者合体,组合出来的强大威力,那才是令人震撼的大手笔。 Three people enthusiastically discussed, suddenly came a person, informs them to go a small meeting. 三人热烈的讨论了一番之后,忽然来了一个人,过来通知他们前去开个小会。 At the meeting, Dejak has given them this squad to assign the duty: 在会上,德亚科已经给他们这一支小队分配下来了任务: First investigates, 第一是进行侦查, Second is to go to the high place erects communication and transmission antenna, strives to converge with the separate large unit sooner. 第二是去高处架设通讯器和传输天线,争取早些跟失散的大部队汇合。 Carries out the task altogether is three squads, 11 people. 执行任务的一共是三个小队,十一个人。 Because erects to transmit the antenna is the most important important matter, but nearby the camp the daytime field of vision is also very good, therefore Dejak then makes one drive the multipurpose all-terrain vehicles to escort side Linyan and the others to go together, arrived suited erects at the foot of the mountain of antenna, the vehicles waits there then. 因为架设传输天线乃是重中之重的要务,而营地附近白天的视野也很好,所以德亚科便让人开着多功能全地形车护送方林岩等人一起前往,来到了适合架设天线的山脚下,车辆就在那里等候即可。 Is good when this time, the venture capital company provided the newest auxiliary exoskeleton equipment to everyone, this gadget cannot make the soldier turn into the steel hero such superhuman , can actually big reduces it in the logistics pressure of suburb. 好在这一次出发的时候,风险投资公司给每个人都配备了最新的辅助外骨骼设备,这玩意儿并不能让士兵变成钢铁侠那样的超人,却可以大大的减轻其在郊外的后勤压力。 Simple, this preliminary version the function of exoskeleton installment is very unitary, can make clothing in carrying a heavy load in over 80 kilograms situation, but can also 15 / 20 km per hour speed action. 简单的来说,这种初阶版的外骨骼装置的功能很单一,能让穿戴者在负重超过八十公斤的情况下,还可以每小时15/20公里的速度行动。 Sounding jokes very and greatly the gold content is full, actually in the daily life, a electric car can play with it similar effect ....... 听起来噱头很大并且含金量十足,其实在日常生活当中,一辆雅迪电动车就能起到与之类似的效果.......咳咳。 However when the mountain warfare or the open country fight, the importance of this gadget is very obvious. 不过在山地战或者野外战斗的时候,这玩意儿的重要性还是很明显的。 The vehicles dash about wildly in the vast wilderness, the engine sends out the manic sound, the surface day and night temperature difference is much bigger, in noon, the ground temperature rose almost 60 degrees unexpectedly, distant place the heat wave of scenery even presented the aberration before observation window. 车辆狂奔在一望无际的荒漠上,引擎发出狂躁的响动,地表昼夜温差大得可怕,没过中午,地面温度竟然上升到了差不多六十度,远方的景物在观察窗前的热浪前甚至都出现了变型。 What most awfully is, the air-conditioning system of this car(riage) in the landing was damaged, but also is very difficult to restore, therefore in the car(riage) is also hot makes one keep perspiring, can only open the window ventilation. 最要命的是,在降落的时候这辆车的空调系统被损坏了,还很难修复,所以车内也是热得令人不停流汗,只能打开窗户透气。 Rides ten of vehicles come individual to endure patiently extremely hot, with total concentration is looking into the surrounding environment, observes is suiting erects the place of communication, observes to have while convenient in the cargo that in the middle of the storm falls, or the military transport ship wreckage of allied force. 乘坐车辆的十来个人都忍耐着酷热,聚精会神的眺望着周围的环境,观察着适合架设通讯器的地方,顺带也观察一下有没有在风暴当中掉落的货物,或者说友军的运输舰残骸。 Saw that side Linyan three people the raising head big mouth is drinking water, nearby veteran Kalland starts to give them to pass on the experience: 见到方林岩三人都在仰头大口喝水,旁边的老兵卡兰开始给他们传授经验: In the mouth must hold half fresh water, occasionally under swallows, will drink water at least needs to wait for ten minutes thorough swallowing, such drinking water way can let the moisture content by fuller attracting income within the body. 嘴里面要一直噙着半口淡水,偶尔才吞咽下一点,喝一口水至少要等十分钟才将之彻底咽下,这样的喝水方式能让水分被更充分的吸收入体内。 In side Linyan three people of surfaces listens to reason joyfully, the back actually still sticks to one's own way of doing things, goat bastard also secretly washes the face to brush a tooth -------- They have the private supplies, the water that three people add at least installed over 50 kilograms, even if the entire rescue crew did not have the water unable dead of thirst they ....... 方林岩三人表面上是欣然受教,背后却依然我行我素,山羊这混蛋还偷偷的去洗了个脸刷了个牙--------他们可是拥有私人空间的补给,三人加起来的水至少都装了五十公斤以上,就算是整个救援队都没水了也渴不死他们....... After going probably 30 kilometers, that communication engineer settled on a steep commanding point finally. 大概行驶了三十公里后,那名通讯工程师终于看中了一处陡峭的制高点。 On that high ground has a standing tall and erect wind erosion rock, the rock mass surface is bumpy, the range estimate only has 50-60 meters diameter at most, although on the rock mass has the edges and corners, actually soars to the heavens straightly, unattainable, range estimate highly over more than hundred meters. 那处高地上有一座高耸的风蚀岩石,岩体表面坑坑洼洼,目测顶多只有50-60米的直径,岩体上虽有棱角,却笔直冲天,高不可攀,目测高度超过百余米。 Some people somewhat look at each other in blank dismay, such climbing up altitude, even if side Linyan their three promisors also thought that somewhat is very awkward, although they digitization body, but falls from several hundred meters high same must plunge to death. 一干人都是有些面面相觑,这样的攀爬高度,哪怕是方林岩他们三名契约者也是觉得很有些为难,他们虽然数据化身体,但从数百米高掉下来一样要摔死啊。 At this time, unexpectedly is seemingly timid Maher that crude instrument back after behind, takes out the rope attempt to climb. 这时候,居然是看似胆小的马希尔将那台简陋的仪器背在身后,就取出绳索尝试攀登。 He is the stupidest means of using, enters in the middle of the rock mass with the mountaineering pinning along the way, provides the support, is hanging the mountaineering rope difficultly steps in straight, in experiencing looked very thrilling several times, after the risk that nearly drops, Maher finally still instrument erecting. 他乃是采用的最笨的办法,沿途用登山钉扎入岩体当中,借此提供支撑,而后才挂着登山绳艰难的踩踏直上,在经历了几次看起来十分惊险,险些跌落的风险后,马希尔最终仍将仪器给架设了上去。 At this time knows through others' chatting Arabia forest Yancai, originally Maher usually is the mountaineering enthusiast, and in the middle of this storm his climb equipment has not lost, therefore this matter was not too to him difficult. 这时候通过别人的聊天方林岩才知道,原来马希尔平时就是登山爱好者,并且这一次风暴当中他的攀登装备并没有失落,所以这种事对他来说并不算太难。 Quick, the instrument mixes, formally starts to work, some people raised the hand to cheer simultaneously, simultaneously blew the whistling. 很快的,仪器就调制完毕,正式开始工作,一干人都同时举起手欢呼了起来,同时吹起了口哨。 Naturally, thinks champagne that if a little ices was perfect. 当然,一致认为如果有点冰镇的香槟那就完美了。 After commanding point, Maher sits in the carriage return, opens one bottle of attractive fresh water, the big mouth is swallowing the precious moisture content, when recovered the say/way: 从制高点上下来以后,马希尔坐回车内,打开一瓶诱人的淡水,大口吞咽着弥足珍贵的水分,等到缓过劲儿来了道: Just I as if saw a suspicious place above, now how do we pass to have a look? I suspected that is military baggage that the spaceship of allied force or is we loses!” “刚刚我在上面似乎看到了一处可疑的地方,我们现在过去看看怎么样?我怀疑是友军的飞船或者是我们遗失的辎重呢!” Pilot Vasily blew a whistling to say immediately: 驾驶员瓦西里立即吹了一声口哨道: This was the second good news that today hears, showed the way a bit faster.” “这可是今天听到的第二好消息了,快点指路吧。” Maher said immediately: 马希尔立即道: To the Nankai almost five kilometers, there has a rift valley, can leave behind two people to try to despise the hollow place whether to find the water source, after all yesterday evening we collected some water using the mechanism/organization.” “向南开差不多五公里,那里有一条裂谷,可以留下两个人试试看低洼处能否找到水源,毕竟昨天晚上我们还是利用机关收集到一些水。” Then walked toward west to the rift valley, after three kilometers, can go that place that I said.” “然后到了裂谷朝着西走,三公里以后就能到达我说的那地方。” The pilots step on the accelerator immediately, rapid drives past in that direction. 驾驶员立即就一踩油门,迅速的朝着那个方向开了过去。 Maher pursues suddenly asks: 马希尔忽然追问道: Hey, Vasily, is the best news that then you hear today what?” “嘿,瓦西里,那么你今天听到的最好消息是什么?” Oissy inside lane: 瓦西里道: Naturally is the eldest child asked me to get out of bed in the morning, hey, Vasily your mixed the ball to get up quickly, we also had the matter to do ------- Can be awakened you not to feel in this damned place very lucky? Because at least explained that you are also living.” “当然是老大早上叫我起床的时候啦,嘿,瓦西里你这混球赶快起来了,我们还有事要做-------能在这鬼地方被人叫醒难道你们不觉得很幸运吗?因为至少说明你还活着。” *** *** After 20 minutes, before some people arrive at the rift valley that Maher said that but this rift valley is not it is a pity that deep, the deepest place 56 meters, this will also present the probability of water source to reduce. 二十分钟以后,一干人就来到了马希尔说的裂谷前,但遗憾的是这条裂谷并不深,最深的地方也就五六米而已,这样的话出现水源的概率会降低。 Two experts jumped out of the car(riage) willingly, then goes to search for the water source. 有两名老手自告奋勇的跳下了车,然后前去搜寻水源。 Then all-terrain vehicle as before difficult leads the way in the middle of this wilderness, after the car(riage), left behind two rows of deep tire printings, was the boundless yellow sand, everywhere gloomy when the sky does not know , a dusky piece. 接下来全地形车依旧艰难的在这荒漠当中前行,车后留下了出两排深深的轮胎印,到处都是茫茫的黄沙,天空不知道什么时候也阴沉了下来,灰蒙蒙的一片。 Quick, the front arrives at that position that Maher said that really has spaceship wreckage in the yellow sand. 很快的,前方就到了马希尔所说的那个位置,在黄沙当中果然有着一具飞船残骸。 After one inspects item by item can look, the spaceship of crash is the small-scale spaceship, the pilot in the landing died at the scene, side Linyan they on the driver had not discovered thing that any can prove the status. 经过一番点验之后可以看得出来,坠毁的这艘飞船乃是小型飞船,在降落的时候驾驶员当场死亡,方林岩他们没有在驾驶者身上发现任何能证明身份的东西。 From the small-scale spaceship above timer, this spaceship also crashes in the middle of that terrifying sandstorm similarly. 从小型飞船上面的计时器看得出来,这艘飞船也同样是在那场恐怖沙暴当中坠毁的。 Moreover, the rescue of opposite party quickly, in most useful things the spaceship moved out, even the tattered engine tears down half, but surplus a box of taste wonderful bad compressed biscuit. 不仅如此,对方的救援来得很快,将飞船里面大部分的有用东西都搬走了,甚至破烂的引擎都拆掉一半,不过剩余下来了一箱口感奇差的压缩饼干。 This can only explain two very serious concerns: 这只能说明两个很严重的问题: First, these fellows do not lack food. 第一,这些家伙不缺食物。 Second, they are not the local area indigenous, same are also external technical human, otherwise the demand will not damage the complete components of engine. 第二,他们不是本地土著,一样也是外来的科技人类,否则的话不会需求损坏引擎的完整零件。 Discovered after this matter, the people are talking in whispers, on this strange mysterious star suddenly presented another influence, how regardless of being not the good news, even if opposite party to not saving others. 发现了这件事以后,众人都在窃窃私语,这陌生的神秘星球上突然出现了另外一支势力,无论如何也不是什么好消息,哪怕对方并不是冲着救人来的。 It looks like the merchant ship of big navigation time, when the sea runs into the strange peer, so long as feels the opposite party to be small and weak, will then change to change to the cruel pirate, 就像是大航海时代的商船在海上遇到陌生同行的时候,只要觉得对方弱小,那么就会摇身一变化作残暴的海盗, At this time this universe colonizing time, the adventurers come face to face on the strange outside star, attack brutally usually also only need a look...... 此时这宇宙殖民时代,冒险者们在陌生的外星球上狭路相逢,大打出手往往也只需要一个眼神...... Naturally, only the forest rock three people accepted this matter in the right way very much indifferently, after all this is the SS difficulty duty! Has many accidents/surprises is not unusual. 当然,只有方林岩三人很淡然接受了这件事,毕竟这可是SS难度的任务啊!出现再多的意外也不稀奇。 After taking that box of compressed biscuit, side Linyan some people on return trip, after rift valley time also takes along the person who on that two looked for the water, can look at that from their depressed expressions is an unproductive matter. 带上了那箱压缩饼干以后,方林岩一干人就返程了,经过裂谷的时候也捎带上了那两名去找水的人,从他们沮丧的表情就能看出来那是一件徒劳的事情。 After returning to the camp, Maher asked certainly to report: 回到了营地以后,马希尔当然去找德科亚汇报去了: Hey, SIR, communication has installed successfully, and until now, had operated normally for five hours.” “嘿,SIR,通讯器已经成功安装,并且迄今为止,已经正常运作了五个小时了。” After heard this news, naturally very somewhat is also joyful, but Maher's words then made his brow wrinkle tightly: 德科亚听到了这个消息以后,当然也很是有些欣喜,不过马希尔接着的话就让他的眉头紧皱了起来: But, we found wreckage of small-scale spaceship, but also found something in inside ....... “不过,我们找到了一架小型飞船的残骸,还在里面找到了一些东西.......” Is listening to Maher's words, expression transferred rapidly dignifiedly, this news makes him also feel very much obviously very shocking. 听着马希尔的话,德科亚的表情迅速转为了凝重,很显然这个消息让他也觉得十分震惊。 After reporting, another going out exploring party also has a good news, they discovered a place, might have the water source very much, and there topography was also much more important, more suitable to move the camp. 在汇报完了之后,另外一支外出的探险队也是带回来了一个好消息,他们发现了一个地方,很有可能有水源,并且那里地势也险要得多,更适合将营地搬过去。 This news made everyone pleasantly surprised immediately looking, but on this day was also quite tired, after side Linyan ate some barbecues, then partly narrowed the eyes to focus to get inside in the middle of the sleeping bag the deep sleep in the past, in the evening was still cold, but was uneventful, without the predator came to stir up trouble. 这个消息立即就令大家惊喜过望,而这一天也是相当劳累了,方林岩吃了些烤肉后便半眯着眼钻进睡袋当中沉睡了过去,晚上仍旧非常寒冷,但还算风平浪静,没有捕食者前来滋事。 Next day after the dawn, the sand storm blows again around the camp, in the atmosphere spreads the dust that dances in the air to make one unable to see clearly the places front ten meters away, the eye cannot open, the storm continued a morning fully, side Linyan and the others can only treat in the camp continues to wait. 次日天明后,沙尘暴再次在营地周围刮起,大气中蔓延飞舞的尘埃令人看不清前方十米以外的地方,眼睛都根本睁不开,风暴整整持续了一个上午,方林岩等人只能待在营地内继续等待。 At noon, the sand storm abates gradually, Dejak somewhat worried very much communication can be damaged in the middle of the sand storm, therefore makes one drive all -terrain vehicle to lead to go to examine personally. 中午,沙尘暴渐渐消退,德亚科很是有些担心通讯器会不会在沙尘暴当中受损,于是就让人开着全地形车带着自己亲自前去查看。 Maher brings the person to go out the water source place to carry out, probably is because is also together calculates that harmonious relations, Maher called side Linyan three people to go directly together. 马希尔则是带着人出去将水源的地方落实,大概是因为相处得还算融洽的关系,马希尔直接叫上了方林岩三人一同前往。 They consumed for three hours to explore that possibly to have the water region, it is a pity that not too big discovery. 他们耗费了三个小时探索那个可能有水的区域,遗憾的是并没有太大的发现。 The search party can only the dejected round trip walk, when they arrived at outside the camp a two kilometers gully, Maher half step walked, looked to this gulley. 探索队只能垂头丧气的往回走,不过,当他们来到了营地外两公里的一条沟壑的时候,马希尔快步走了上去,看向了这条深沟。 This gulley nearly looked that looks like on the boundless yellow land frigid scar to be the same simply, is very magnificent. 这条深沟近看简直就像是茫茫黄色大地上面的惨烈疤痕一般,十分壮观。 Maher hesitated a while access road/simply said: 马希尔沉吟了一会儿便道: I thought that under this possibly has the water.” “我觉得这下面可能有水呢。” Tucker who follows somewhat was also tired at this time, immediately cannot bear knit the brows: 跟随来的塔克此时也有些累了,顿时就忍不住皱眉道: Hey, Brothers, here I had done an inspection yesterday, below besides the dust or the dust, naturally, these damn decayed rock, their only uses is to let you, when or comes up breaks the leg or the neck.” “嘿,兄弟,这里我昨天就来巡查过的,下面除了灰尘还是灰尘,当然,还有那些该死的风化岩石,它们的唯一用处就是让你在下来或者上去的时候摔断腿或者脖子。” Maher turned around to look at black person Tucker one of the thick lip, shrugged saying: 马希尔转身看了厚嘴唇的黑人塔克一眼,耸耸肩道: Hey, I did not mean that you are loaf, but my intuition, believes that following has the water.” “嘿,我不是说你在偷懒,但我有一种直觉,相信下面有水。” Tucker also violated gruff, very direct say/way: 塔克也是犯了倔,很直接的道: But I do not believe you, I will not brave to break the risk of leg to get down again, cannot absolutely! Because is injured in this damned place likely means that dies.” “但我不相信你,我不会再冒跌断腿的风险下去,绝对不会!因为在这个鬼地方受伤就很可能意味着没命。” Maher does not want to argue anything, shrugs saying: 马希尔不想和人多争论什么,耸耸肩道: Is casual you, but after going back, I will mention this matter to Dejak.” “随便你,不过回去以后我会对德亚科说起这件事。” When Tuckerton somewhat instigated, Dejak is not a person of good speech, and prestige is also very high, by the complaining words, Tucker may not have the good fruit to eat, that is must and deducts money by the butt. 塔克顿时就有些怂了,德亚科可不是一个好说话的人,并且威望也很高,被告状的话,塔克可没好果子吃,那是要挨枪托和扣钱的。 Is good is black because of Tucker's skin enough, cannot look at the complexion change, but he, although does not dare to revolt directly, one squats toward side does not speak can achieve, obviously is detected that hard anti- is not good, then direct soft grinding. 好在塔克的皮肤够黑,看不出来脸色的变化,但他虽然不敢直接反抗,朝着旁边一蹲不说话还是能做到的,显然是发觉硬抗不行,那么就直接软磨了。 At this time, Maher looked at side Linyan one eyes, is seeking the support very much obviously. 这时候,马希尔看了方林岩一眼,很显然是在寻求声援。 side Linyan thought that Maher is good, therefore access road/simply said: 方林岩觉得马希尔这个人还是不错的,于是便道: I also thought that under possibly has the water.” “我也觉得下面可能有水。”
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