FE :: Volume #9

#49: Vardon's ambush

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side Linyan looked at a goat, obviously, this type may touch the space taboo very much the words, naturally is replied by selection by goat is quite appropriate, after all he should have more privileges. 方林岩看了一眼山羊,很显然,这种有可能触动空间禁忌的话语,当然是由山羊这个被选中者来回答比较合适,毕竟他应该是有更多的特权嘛。 The goat shrugs saying: 山羊耸耸肩道: You first said your demand.” “你先说你的需求。” Gauss's corners of the mouth twitched several evil ways: 高斯的嘴角抽搐了几下道: In my family has a mysterious genetic disorder, it gave our family's member talents, but will also cause our early aging or dies early!” “我的家族里面有一种神秘的遗传性疾病,它赋予了我们家族的成员才华,可是也会导致我们早衰或者早死!” Historically has many talented fellows untimely death, majority came under the influence of this disease, for example Mozart, Shubert, Chopin, Mendelsohn wait/etc, cannot live 40 years old ........ “历史上有很多才华横溢的家伙英年早逝,大多数都是受到了这种疾病的影响,比如莫扎特,舒伯特,肖邦,门德尔松等等,都没能活过40岁........” 40 years old, are this suffering this disease the predestined times of death of unlucky egg!” “40岁,就是这种患上这种疾病的倒霉蛋的大限!” This disease regarding the present science and technology, is still the incurable illness, I am 33 years old, regarding others, the life only had soon crossed 1/3, but to me, even if the luck is good, can at the most the live number in the units place( year)! The life had started the countdown!” “这种疾病对于现在科技来说,依然是绝症,我已经快要三十三岁,对于其余的人来说,生命只过了三分之一,但是对于我来说,哪怕是运气再好,也顶天能活个位数(年)!生命已经进入了倒计时!” At this point, Gauss's intention was very actually obvious, he is full of the hope looked to the goat. 说到这里,高斯的意图其实很明显了,他充满希冀的看向了山羊。 The goat hesitated, organized the sentence in the mind, then careful say/way: 山羊沉吟了一下,在脑海里面组织了语句,然后审慎的道: Un? Concerned about the rule, something I do not have the means explicit reply you. Moreover the question that you asked were a much less, therefore, something you wanted to understand, can understand as for you, that was your matter.” “恩?碍于规则,有的东西我没办法明确的回答你。而且你问的问题有点多,所以,有的东西你要自己理解,至于你能不能理解,那就是你的事了。” Gauss nods. 高斯点点头。 The goat said: 山羊道: Human when facing bursty death, some shed bitter tears directly, accepts fate feebly, but some can actually erupt the astonishing strength, completes directly to own transcendence! Only then has the person of strong potential like this, possibly obtains looking upon with favor of destiny.” “人类在面对突发性的死亡时,有的是直接痛哭流涕,衰弱认命,但有的却可以爆发出惊人的力量,直接完成对自身的超越!只有这样拥有强大潜力的人,才可能得到命运的垂青。” At this point, the goat turns around to board directly, then to high Sidong: 说到这里,山羊直接就转身上了车,然后对着高斯道: „Does your Nobumoto supervise instruction?” “你信基督教吗?” Gauss shakes the head saying: 高斯摇摇头道: I am no religious circle.” “我是无宗教人士。” Goat meaningful say/way: 山羊意味深长的道: That letter/believes good, remembers that has a look at 12 of Holy Bible.” “那还是信一下的好,记得看看圣经的12节。” Then side Linyan started ephemeral fly the engine of inspection car(riage), is above mundane thoughts to go directly. 接着方林岩就发动了“蜉蝣”考察车的引擎,直接绝尘而去。 Gauss is talking over the words of goat, the first few words he understood what is heard, to obtain the favor of powerful having, must erupt the strong potential. 高斯念叨着山羊的话,第一句话他是听明白了,要想获得强大存在的青睐,就必须爆发出自身强大的潜力。 The second words he has not understood, but from online pulled and read 12 of one Holy Bible immediately, then, Gauss's vision stayed in those words: 第二句话他没听懂,不过马上就从网上调阅了一下圣经的12节,然后,高斯的眼光就停留在了那句话上: Main omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent. 主无所不在,无所不知,无所不能。 Obviously, this is the goat to description of strength that has powerful. 很显然,这就是山羊对那位强大存在的实力的形容。 After wants to understand key, Gauss cannot bear is also kneels down, has tears streaming down the face all of a sudden, in his desperate heart, ignited a ray of hope finally! 在想明白了其中的关键之后,高斯忍不住也是跪倒在地,一下子就泪流满面,他绝望的心中,终于燃起了一丝希望! *** *** After ephemeral fly inspection car(riage) was far away from the Chinese zither silver ore camp rapidly, sighing of the goat then rejoices, then touched the head and foot, say/way that somewhat worries about: 等到“蜉蝣”考察车迅速远离了瑟银矿营地之后,山羊这才庆幸的叹了一口气,然后摸了摸脑袋和脚,有些担忧的道: What components on me hasn't been short of?” “我身上没有少什么零件吧?” side Linyan smiles to say with a smile: 方林岩笑笑道: Does not have, you felt relieved. Since the space allows own existence to turn into the legend, spreads in this world, fully explained its attitude, otherwise, at the space great power, can directly blocking from the source.” “没有的,你放心。空间既然允许自己的存在变成传说,在这个世界上流传,足以说明它的态度了,否则的话,以空间的强大力量,是可以从源头上直接将之阻断的。” „The thing that you said not only has not disparaged the space, and has not leaked what substantive secret, therefore, even if were known this matter by the space, then to you will still only express that the appreciation and approves.” “你说的东西既没有贬低空间,又没有泄露出什么实质性的秘密,所以真的就算是被空间知道这件事,那么也只会对你表示赞赏和认可的。” The goat flips the supercilious look saying: 山羊翻了翻白眼道: Appreciation, I only wanted to turn a blind eye even, do not tidy up me to be good.” “赞赏就算了,我只希望能睁一只眼闭一只眼,不要收拾我就好了。” At this time the vulture said: 这时候秃鹫道: Boss, what do we run take this gadget to make? It also cannot bring.” “头儿,咱们跑这么远来拿这玩意儿做什么?它又带不出去的。” After saying, the vulture to side is thinking of the package that Aghah Ma struck to pout. 说完了以后,秃鹫对着旁边装着阿迦玛甘之击的包努了努嘴。 side Linyan said: 方林岩道: Still remembers that we first time time of seeing Brander Vardon?” “还记得我们第一次见到布兰德瓦登的时候吗?” The vulture said: 秃鹫道: That unlucky egg Elder Brother? By vagrant old centaur that younger brother Brander Harden expels?” “那个倒霉蛋哥哥?被弟弟布兰德哈登赶走的流浪老半人马?” Naturally remembered, this fellow is deceitful and sly, but also is really a little thing.” “当然记得了,这家伙奸诈又狡猾,不过还真是有点东西的。” side Linyan shakes the head saying: 方林岩摇摇头道: We just made mischief at that time dry/does howlingly, returns to the temporary camp, finally meets it to spy on the camp, then we examined the outcome in the past, discovered it.” “我们当时刚刚干掉鬼嚎,返回临时营地,结果就遇到它在窥探营地,然后我们过去查看究竟,就发现了它。” Before I this matter neglecting, but was careful afterward thinks, what this fellow deep in the night does run to spy on the camp to make? This is must take very big risk the matter, human does not know it is the golden family's bloodlines! One group of people encircle, Vardon thinks that does not die is not good.” “之前我将这件事给忽略了过去,但是后来仔细一想,这家伙夤夜跑来窥探营地做什么呢?这可是要冒着很大风险的事情啊,人类可不知道它是黄金家族的血脉!一群人围上去,瓦登想不死都不行。” By side Linyan such a saying, the vulture they were gawked staring, immediately feels very reasonable. 被方林岩这么一说,秃鹫两人愣了愣,顿时就觉得很有道理啊。 Some matter when a person does involves risks neck, that must certainly give careful consideration to its motive! 当一个人做的某件事牵扯到冒着生命危险的时候,那肯定是要非常慎重考虑其动机的! The goat said suddenly: 山羊忽然道: I remember the words that it spoke at that time, this fellow said that the goddess of wind told here to have the familiar smell, I think that looks reason that the separate companion...... this is being it runs!” “我记得它当时说的话,这家伙说,风之女神告诉我这里有着熟悉的气味,我本以为找着了失散的同伴......这就是它跑来的理由!” side Linyan said: 方林岩道: Rescue crew at that time just fought with the place wolf and blood mouth vulture, has not killed or captive any centaur, even the corpse did not have! Then, it felt the familiar aura that does come from where?” “救援队当时刚刚与座狼和血嘴秃鹫大战一场,并没有干掉或者俘虏任何半人马,甚至连尸体都没有!那么,它感觉到的熟悉气息是从何而来呢?” And this familiar smell to Vardon inevitably is very important, being worth it being probable to risk neck to bet!” “并且这熟悉的气味对瓦登来说必然是十分重要,值得它要冒着生命危险来赌一把!” I think it over, can attract Vardon this fellow only, is this striking of Aghah Ma, after all this gadget regards as the treasure that Wilow.” “我想来想去,唯一能吸引瓦登这家伙的,就是这把阿迦玛甘之击,毕竟这玩意儿连那个维罗戈都视为珍宝。” The vulture understood immediately: 秃鹫顿时明白了过来: I understood, attained this thing, we had the bargaining power with Vardon! After all now seems like, we must attain the hidden milestone: The honor, must attain Gaia's blood.” “我明白了,拿到了这个东西,我们就和瓦登有了议价权!毕竟现在看起来,我们要拿到隐藏里程碑:荣光,就必须拿到盖亚之血。” However according to Vardon's view, gains Gaia's blood probably two big ways, first is to get rid of his brothers, Brander Harden with ready-made, second is to collect the material, then gives this old thing to dispose.” “而根据瓦登的说法,获取盖亚之血大概有两大途径,第一是干掉他的兄弟,布兰德哈登拿现成的,第二就是搜集到材料,然后交给这老东西配置。” Which approach regardless of we choose, regarding Brander Vardon this fellow is the good news.” “无论我们选择哪种做法,对于布兰德瓦登这家伙来说都是好消息。” side Linyan nods saying: 方林岩点点头道: Therefore, I am thinking why Brander Vardon this fellow will be interested in striking of Aghah Ma, must risk neck to spy on, and schemes it?” “所以,我就在想,布兰德瓦登这家伙为什么会对阿迦玛甘之击这么感兴趣,以至于要冒着生命危险来窥探并且图谋它?” Regarding its such old fogy, lived drifts about destitute, is in a precarious state, explained its motive with the mood and hobby, was really extremely forced. Only has the enormous benefit, can actuate it to do that.” “对于它这么一个老家伙来说,本来生活就是颠沛流离,朝不保夕,用情怀和爱好来解释其动机,真的是太过牵强。唯有极大的利益,才能驱动它这么做。” After the goat listened to side Linyan the words, immediately loses the sound said: 山羊听了方林岩的话以后,顿时失声道: ....... Boss you suspected, striking of this Aghah Ma, is related with Gaia's blood?” “难道.......头儿难道你怀疑,这把阿迦玛甘之击,是和盖亚之血有关?” side Linyan smiled saying with a smile: 方林岩笑了笑道: I guess, we have removed the striking of above seal Aghah Ma now, the aura has divulged, how long therefore does not use, naturally can be clear.” “我只是猜的,现在我们已经将阿迦玛甘之击上面的封印去掉了,气息已经泄露了出去,所以不用等多久,就自然能见分晓。” The vulture said: 秃鹫道: Now where then we do go?” “那么我们现在去什么地方?” side Linyan looked at a goat, smiled saying with a smile: 方林岩看了一眼山羊,笑了笑道: „Compared with that deceitful old fogy Vardon, I thought that small mare Jordan is more credible.” “与那个奸诈的老家伙瓦登相比起来,我觉得那头小母马约旦更靠谱一点。” After the goat listened, immediately subconscious touching to the waist, the complexion big change said: 山羊听了以后顿时下意识的摸向了腰,脸色大变道: „, Where can go to? Damn, how didn't the boss you say early?” “啊,要去哪里?见鬼,头儿你怎么不早说?” side Linyan said: 方林岩道: What's wrong, what issue has?” “怎么,有什么问题吗?” The goat grinning, seemed somewhat anticipated , some appearances of fear, finally are the obstinate argumentative say/way: 山羊咧了咧嘴,看起来有些期待,又有些害怕的模样,最后还是嘴硬的道: I can have what issue! GOGO!” “我能有什么问题!GOGO!” The vulture at this time is also the seemingly indifferent appearance, although did not speak, but side Linyan noticed, he is signaling with the eyes to the goat, two people clearly had any unknown small secret. 秃鹫此时也是貌似冷漠的样子,虽然不说话,但方林岩注意到,他还是对着山羊使了个眼神,两人显然有什么不为人知的小秘密。 However according to side Linyan the speculation, this small secret should be the blue color, like pea pisolite size ....... 不过根据方林岩的猜测,这个小秘密应该是蓝色的,如同豌豆粒大小....... Quick, they arrived at the station of Magerram centaur clan and tribe, after this three people beamed with joy, has obtained centaur friendship them to obtain warm hospitality. 很快的,他们就重新来到了马格拉姆半人马部族的驻地,这一次三人露脸了之后,已经获得了半人马友谊的他们得到了热烈的款待。 In the eyes of these centaur soldiers, these three human brave( because of killing wolf king Guihao), but stupid( because will trade with some valuable thing own tattered), such fool may be rarely seen, that treasures well. 在这些半人马战士的眼中,这三个人类勇敢(因为干掉了狼王鬼嚎)而愚蠢(因为会用一些非常值钱的东西来换自己的破烂),这样的冤大头可不多见,那就得好好珍惜。 After one exchanged greetings, side Linyan on direct examination: 一番寒暄过后,方林岩就直接询问道: Jordan, us asks her to have the matter.” “约旦在吗,我们找她有事。” A result old centaur walked saying: 结果一头老半人马走了过来道: „Do you look for her matter to be very anxious?” “你们找她的事情很急吗?” side Linyan said: 方林岩道: Right, a little anxiously.” “对,有点急。” This time side forest rock naturally must say, because eight hours of free time crossed one less than half, the space will not play anything to continue the repertoire of cup free, continued the fee/spent is to pull out the really gold/metal silver again 10,000 universe points. 这时候的方林岩当然要这么说,因为八小时的免费时间都过了一小半了,空间可不会玩什么免费续杯的套路,再次续费是要掏真金白银的一万通用点的。 In the middle of the real world, 10,000 universe points values almost at least can trade several hundreds of millions US dollars, because the US dollar not being able to buy thing it can buy! But US dollar can do the thing obtained, has the universe point person is not rare. 在现实世界当中,一万通用点的价值差不多至少能换数亿美元吧,因为美元买不到的东西它能买到!而美元能搞得到的东西,拥有通用点的人根本就不稀罕了。 Old centaur hesitant, side Linyan immediately disgruntled say/way: 老半人马犹豫了一下,方林岩立即不悦的道: Hey, I heard that the centaur is very hospitable, how looks not to welcome us today!?” “嘿,我听说半人马可是十分热情好客的,怎么今天看起来不怎么欢迎我们!?” The old centaur may be unable to withstand the guest to accuse like this, particularly side Linyan three people got rid of the ghost howling warrior, if by the clansman is known he neglected such guest, that may have the suffering to eat, therefore quickly beckons with the hand saying: 老半人马可经不起客人这样的指责,尤其是方林岩三人还是干掉了鬼嚎的勇士,要是被族人知道他怠慢了这样的客人,那可有得苦头吃了,于是急忙摆手道: „, It is not this, the honored warrior, after the daybreak three fires, our elder came to find Jordan, their private talk a while, then Jordan led the twenty warriors in clan to leave directly.” “不不,是这样的,尊贵的勇士,在黎明以后的三堆火以后,我们的一位长者前来找到了约旦,他们密谈了一会儿,然后约旦就带着族里的二十几位勇士直接离开了。” The time unit of centaur is very unusual, counts at a time of pile of bonfire flames, the size of bonfire is equal to a length of grown centaur. 半人马的计时单位很奇特,以一堆篝火燃烧的时间来计数,篝火的大小则等于一头成年半人马的长度。 Therefore after the daybreak three piles of hot time, are almost about 11 : 00 am. 所以黎明以后的三堆火时间,差不多就是上午11点左右。 side Linyan calculates, they had almost walked for 45 hours, hesitated a access road/simply said: 方林岩算了算,差不多他们已经走了四五个小时,沉吟了一下便道: That elder who you said that is Brander Vardon that old thing.” “你所说的那个长者,是不是布兰德瓦登那个老东西。” The facial expression of old centaur twitched, sincere say/way: 老半人马的脸容抽搐了一下,正色道: Warriors, you should maintain the respect to the golden family's bloodlines.” “勇士们,你们应该对黄金家族的血脉保持尊重。” side Linyan light say/way: 方林岩淡淡的道: Right? Vardon this fellow is not the Buddhism believers, did not believe you to look at him to sell to our things.” “是吗?瓦登这家伙可不是什么善男信女,不信你看他卖给我们的东西。” After saying, before side Linyan will hint the goat, that herbal medicine bag and witch spirit that traded took, this gadget was the stomach pouch and heart of centaur former big priest! 说完了之后,方林岩就示意山羊将之前交易来的那个草药袋和巫灵之器拿了出来,这玩意儿乃是半人马前任大祭司的胃囊和心脏! Saw these two gadget, since this old centaur can show up and receive them, then definitely has the position here, even no ability, the eyesight has, after both hands shivered is meeting, to look, smells, immediately sent out panic-stricken yelling: 见到了这两个玩意儿,这名老半人马既然能出面接待他们,那么肯定在这里还是有身份地位的,就算是没有什么能力,眼力是有的,双手颤抖着接过去之后看了看,闻了闻,立即发出了一声惊恐的大叫: Deity on, how will have such evil thing!! How you ..... you dare!” “天神在上啊,怎么会有这样邪恶的东西!!你们.....你们怎么敢!” side Linyan one takes carry back this thing, the hand according to the say/way that on his shoulder coldly: 方林岩一把就将这东西拿了回来,将手按在了他的肩膀上冷冷的道: Calm, elder. We are not your enemy, in fact, this is the first time that we arrived at this star, this thing is a person of your centaur clan exchanges to give me.” “冷静点,长老。我们不是你的敌人,事实上,这还是我们第一次来到这个星球,这东西是你们半人马一族的人交换给我的。” The old centaur deep breath two tones, detected that periphery has the clansman to look curiously, immediately wields lance on hand expel the fellow who these strong trends surround, then sincere said in a low voice: 老半人马深呼吸了两口气,发觉周围已经有族人好奇的看了过来,立即挥动手边的长矛驱逐掉那些强势围观的家伙,然后正色低声道: Yes, this evil thing and your human have not related, its refinement technique is not the average person can grasp.” “是的,这邪恶之物和你们人类没关系,它的炼制手法就不是一般人能掌握的。” „Is it really Sir Vardon gives you?” “它真的是瓦登大人给你的?” side Linyan nods saying: 方林岩点点头道: A little good, therefore, I suspected very much Vardon looks for the motive of Jordan, this fellow is not the Buddhism believers, if you do not think that your head of the clan has an accident, where then told me them to go to honestly?” “一点儿不错,所以,我很怀疑瓦登来找约旦的动机,这家伙可不是什么善男信女,如果你不想自己的族长出事的话,那么就老老实实告诉我他们去了哪里?” The old centaur silent a while said: 老半人马沉默了一会儿才道: Ma Ratten.” “玛拉顿。” side Linyan knits the brows: 方林岩皱眉道: Where?” “哪里?” Since the old centaur opens the mouth, surmounted the psychological barrier, heaved a deep sigh: 老半人马既然开了口,也就突破了心理障碍,长叹一声道: They went to an ancestor tomb location of our centaur clan, Ma Ratten, there is we worships the place of ancestor!” “他们去了我们半人马一族的祖陵所在地,玛拉顿,那里是我们祭拜先祖的地方!” According to Vardon's view, this Kirghiz centaur clan initiate an attack, destroyed hill giant the sacrifice of summer, and also got rid of many hill giants, even female Ge Longdou was held to regard the spoils of war.” “根据瓦登的说法,这一次吉尔吉斯半人马一族主动出击,破坏了丘陵巨人的夏日之祭,并且还干掉了不少丘陵巨人,甚至连一头雌性戈隆都被抓住当成战利品。” In this case, chief Brander Harden to show own merit, must go to Ma Ratten, offers the rich sacrificial offering to the ancestor, and implored the ancestor to pray.” “在这种情况下,酋长布兰德哈登为了彰显自己的功绩,必然要前往玛拉顿,对先祖奉上丰厚的祭品,并且祈求先祖祈福。” However Ma Ratten is the sacred place, is not the average person can enter, even if big chief Brander Harden , can only have four to accompany at the most to enter.” “而玛拉顿乃是神圣之地,并不是普通人能进入的,哪怕是大酋长布兰德哈登,顶天也只能带着四名随从进入。” Therefore, Vardon thought that this is the good opportunity of ambushing Harden! And also told us to find the foreign aid, therefore convinced Jordan to lead the warriors in clan to go.” “所以,瓦登觉得这是个伏击哈登的好机会!并且还告诉我们找到了外援,于是就说服了约旦带领族内的勇士前去。” side Linyan shocking say/way: 方林岩震惊的道: Such nonsense do you also believe? If the ancestor really has mystical powers, Vardon leads dozens individuals in Jordan, the in addition foreign aid goes in Ma Ratten to ambush Harden, then ancestor's must first kill is Vardon!” “这样的鬼话你们也信?倘若先祖真的有灵,瓦登带着约旦的几十个人,外加外援进去玛拉顿伏击哈登,那么先祖第一个要弄死的就是瓦登啊!” The old centaur shakes the head saying: 老半人马摇摇头道: „, Before not entering Ma Ratten, valley long Changling of named guard said that normally, to express respect to ancestor, Brander Harden will lead four trusted subordinates to go directly.” “不是的,在进入玛拉顿之前,就有一条叫做守卫之谷的长长陵道,正常情况下,为了表示对先祖的尊敬,布兰德哈登就会直接带着四名亲信前往了。” „The words that acts there will not violate the stipulation of ancestor!” “在那里出手的话是不会违反先祖的规定的!” side Linyan sneers saying: 方林岩冷笑道: Good, if the ancestor has mystical powers, saw the descendant who has prospects very much just obtained the rich merit to worship itself, stemming from own respect, was actually besieged outside the mausoleum.” “好吧,倘若先祖有灵的话,看到了一个很有出息的后代刚刚取得了丰厚的功绩来祭拜自己,却出于对自己的尊敬,在陵墓外面被围攻。” Besieges this having prospects descendant, in addition protruding bones in the occipital region young who the black sheep of the family colludes with the bystander! You said whose the ancestor does favor?” “围攻这个有出息后代的,还是个败家子外加勾结外人的反骨仔!你说先祖是倾向于谁的?” The old centaur had nothing to say in reply immediately. 老半人马顿时无言以对。 Say/Way that side Linyan then hates bitterly: 方林岩接着痛心疾首的道: Also, actually do you have to think, Magerram Clan and tribe can retain now, whose merit is!” “还有,你们究竟有没有想过,马格拉姆部族能保留到现在,到底是谁的功劳!” Your trails were not discovered difficultly, your strengths even are small and weak the pet that even in the middle of Kirghiz a clan and tribe leader( Wilow) raises( wolf king Guihao) to be awed at the sight!” “你们的踪迹并不难被发现,你们的力量甚至弱小得连吉尔吉斯当中一个部族首领(维罗戈)豢养的宠物(狼王鬼嚎)都要望而生畏!” You can also exist, is completely because Brander Harden this fellow holds back one trick, wants to assimilate rather than the elimination you, reappeared in the past the ancestor Zarr honor!” “你们还能存在,完全是因为布兰德哈登这家伙留了一手,想要将你们自己同化而不是消灭,重现当年祖先扎尔塔的荣光!” After the old centaur listened, as to refute, but could not speak, because he felt the sincere fear at this time! The cold sweat on back streaming under! 老半人马听了之后,似乎想要反驳,可是却根本都说不出话来,因为他这时候感觉到了深切的恐惧!脊背上的冷汗涔涔而下! side Linyan looks at his eye, sharp say/way: 方林岩看着他的眼睛,尖锐的道: You are best to pray that they have not gone well, otherwise, Brander Harden's death news, so long as feeds in Kirghiz Clan and tribe, then a Magerram centaur clan everyone, certainly cannot live, even the baby will be selected on the lance point, the fellow who these go crazy will chase down you to arrive at the ends of the earth!” “你最好祈祷他们没有得手,否则的话,布兰德哈登的死讯只要传回吉尔吉斯部族当中,那么马格拉姆半人马一族每一个人,都一定活不下来,甚至连婴儿都会被挑在长矛尖上,那些发狂的家伙会追杀你们到天涯海角!” The old centaur was also scared at this time, wiped a cold sweat hurried say/way: 老半人马这时候也慌了神,抹了一把冷汗急忙道: This matter I cannot take responsibility, is not good, I must blow to convene the number.” “这件事我也做不了主,不行了,我要吹召集号。” Quick, wū wū the bugle call made a sound among the camp, quick, this old centaur named black lance on afraid to say a word talked about the beforehand matter, initial time, several centaur elders who were called also feel no. 很快,呜呜呜的号声就在营地当中响了起来,很快的,这个叫做黑矛的老半人马就吞吞吐吐的将之前的事情讲了出来,最初的时候,被召集来的几个半人马长老还觉得没什么。 Because makes war with the Kirghiz centaur, is Magerram centaur continued several hundred years of tradition. 因为和吉尔吉斯半人马开战,已经是马格拉姆半人马持续了数百年的传统了。 However, after the black lance 11 said side Linyan the analysis came out, this fellows also start to realize the gravity, started becomes flurried. 但是,当黑矛将方林岩的分析一一说了出来之后,这帮家伙也开始意识到了严重性,开始变得慌乱了起来。 At this time, side Linyan very simple loudly exclaimed: 这时候,方林岩很干脆的大吼道: You are still rubbing gently anything! Hurrying leads me to go to your sacred place Ma Ratten, Brander Harden does not have to be ambushed easily. Our mechanical speeds are fast, the words when I overtake perhaps, they have not begun, I can also they urge Jordan!” “你们还在磨蹭什么!赶紧带我去你们的圣地玛拉顿啊,布兰德哈登这边没有那么容易被伏击到的。我们的机械速度非常快,等我赶过去的话,说不定他们还没有动手,我还能将约旦她们劝回来!” At this time this group of elders heard side Linyan a roar, the person who if immediately is drowned found straw to grasp, discussed, initial plans to go, in knowing the vehicles inner space is limited, can only sit a person time, then complies to make the black lance lead them to go directly. 此时这帮长老听到了方林岩一吼,顿时就若溺水的人找到了救命稻草似的,商议了一番之后,最初打算都去的,在知道车辆内部空间有限,只能坐一个人的时候,便答应直接让黑矛带他们前去。 At this time the time press, side Linyan three people did not delay, therefore after boarding, on full speed went forward directly, result black lance old thing fainted directly the car(riage), on the halfway vomited fiercely, doing side Linyan three people was also very speechless. 这时候时间紧迫,方林岩三人也是毫不耽搁,所以上车之后直接就全速前进,结果黑矛这老东西直接晕了车,半路上就剧烈呕吐了起来,搞得方林岩三人也很是无语。 Is good also knows relative importance because of black lance old thing, in this case he is clenching teeth to insist, will well up to mouth inside thing swallows back, when started out more than 100 kilometers times, side Linyan saw the familiar scenery suddenly, therefore hurried say/way: 好在黑矛这老东西也是知道轻重缓急的,在这种情况下他咬着牙坚持着,将涌到嘴巴里面的东西重新咽了回去,等到开出了一百多公里的时候,方林岩忽然看到了熟悉的景物,于是急忙道: Hey, we in Aogerui Ma's direction in the past?” “嘿,我们难道是在朝着奥格瑞玛的方向过去?” The black lance nods, natural say/way: 黑矛点点头,理所当然的道: Aogerui Ma was our centaur clan once city, tomb of Ma Ratten ancestor affirmed that constructed in the , otherwise, the construction worshipped is quite troublesome.” “奥格瑞玛是我们半人马一族曾经的城市,先祖之陵玛拉顿肯定建造在附近啊,否则的话,无论是建设还是祭拜都相当麻烦的。” side Linyan said: 方林岩道: You did not fear that was found here by hill giant fellows, then tarnishes your sacred place?” “你们难道就不怕被丘陵巨人这帮家伙找到这里,然后玷污你们的圣地吗?” The black lance shakes the head saying: 黑矛摇摇头道: That is not possible, the tomb of ancestor has the powerful and mysterious strength protection, without a person of our centaur clan leads, the bystander cannot go in the peripheral region.” “那是不可能的,先祖之陵拥有强大而神秘的力量保护,如果没有我们半人马一族的人带领,外人连外围区域都进不去。” side Linyan nods saying: 方林岩点点头道: I felt relieved.” “那我就放心了。”
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