FE :: Volume #9

#50: Crazy Vardon

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Quick, ephemeral fly detection car(riage) stopped before the huge rift valley together. 很快的,“蜉蝣”侦查车就在一道庞大裂谷之前停了下来。 On this star, has many rift valleys, that but presents at present is side Linyan has seen in a big way, he has emitted toothpick bird sorrow Muti at this time, can see overlooks the words that from the above, unexpectedly a scar in probably this boundless drought primitive land! 在这颗星球上面,有着诸多的裂谷,不过眼前出现的这一条则是方林岩见过最大的,他此时已经放出了牙签鸟哀木涕,可以见到从上方俯瞰下去的话,竟像是这苍茫干旱原始的大地上的一条疤痕! side Linyan arrived by the big rift valley to look toward, detected profoundly below incomparable, because has approached the toward evening at this time, can feel that the canyon deep place has a lot of cold air to blow, in the steam with ground stirred, feeling was quite strange. 方林岩来到了大裂谷旁边朝着下方望了望,发觉下方深邃无比,因为此时已经临近黄昏时分,更是能感觉到峡谷深处有着大量的凉气吹了上来,和地面上的热气一搅,给人的感觉颇为怪异。 After arriving here, the black lance makes side Linyan get out on hint, the group walked toward the West following the big rift valley rapidly. 来到了这里之后,黑矛就示意让方林岩下车,一行人迅速顺着大裂谷往西方走了过去。 After they went out of 56 kilometers, quick saw the front to present an astonishing marvelous sight, unexpectedly the huge rock natural bridge appeared, has stretched across the entire rift valley directly. 他们走出了五六公里之后,很快的就见到前方出现了一个惊人的奇观,居然有一座庞大的岩石天生桥出现,直接横跨过了整个裂谷。 On the integral color deviation low-key gloomy big rift valley, presented a giant natural bridge of fiery-red rock formation suddenly, such scenery really made one exceptionally shock, heartfelt feeling nature the beauty of prodigious skill. 在整体颜色偏向低调阴暗的大裂谷上,却陡然出现了一座火红色岩石形成的巨型天生桥,这样的景色真的令人异常震撼,由衷的感觉到大自然的鬼斧神工之美。 Such made side Linyan three people exclaim, the black lance told them, this bridge was their ancestors uses the strong supernatural power to make, the adopted raw material raped red that side mountain range. 这样的一幕令方林岩三人都为之惊叹不已,黑矛告诉他们,这座桥就是他们的先祖利用了强大的神力制造出来的,采取的原材料还是红云台地那边的山峦。 So the view, side Linyan three people easily do not believe obviously, the words that because such project is completed by a person, have involved the creator same great power , but also expressed the admiration to the great scenery like this. 如此说法,方林岩三人显然并不会轻易相信,因为这样的工程由一个人来完成的话,已经牵扯到造物主一样的强大力量了,不过但也对这样的伟大景色表示钦佩。 Distant can see, massive Kirghiz centaurs pitch camp by this Tianshengqiao, large number of star moon/month flag proud is fluttering in the wind, seems recounting the past honor. 远远的可以看到,大量的吉尔吉斯半人马就在这座天生桥旁边扎营,大量的星月旗帜骄傲的在风中飘扬着,仿佛在述说着昔日的荣光。 However, in the bridge floor of natural bridge, should be is the sacred place, few centaur priests dare to walk above, standing erect, and looks solemn evidently, seems achieving a proud great accomplishment. 不过,天生桥的桥面上,应该是属于神圣之地了,只有少量的半人马祭司敢于在上面行走,矗立,并且看样子神情肃穆,似乎在做一件骄傲的大事。 Quick, after black lance old thing thinks, starts to mutter in the mouth is pondering the incantation, simultaneously took out one bottle of light red blood to take material. 很快的,黑矛这老东西想了想以后,就开始在嘴巴里面喃喃吟哦着咒语,同时取出了一瓶淡红色的血液来作为施法材料。 The black lance in young is also a Shaman priest of clan and tribe, but is frail at this time, has degenerated the ordinary troops. 黑矛在年轻的时候也是一名部族的萨满祭司,不过此时年老体衰,已经退化成了普通人马。 Therefore must display the words of magic arts, can only depend upon material, in the middle of the charm by material causes the energy resonance, and displays the speed of magic arts to be slow, probably is 56 times of normal speed. 所以要施展法术的话,就只能依靠施法材料,以施法材料当中的魔力来使能量共鸣,并且施展法术的速度非常缓慢,大概是正常施法速度的五六倍。 Naturally, misfortune may is a blessing in disguise, if he also has ability, then had been looked in the tribe conflict with emphasis, exactly less than now. 当然,祸兮福所倚,若是他还具备施法能力的话,那么早就在部落冲突当中被重点照顾,活不到现在。 The black lance recited for almost more than ten seconds, then detected that side more than 100 meters place, the stone is sending out the light glimmer unexpectedly, at this time here from straight distance enough 2-3 kilometers of natural bridge, group with the aid of concealed of side rock, very relaxed arrived on the rock of illumination. 黑矛足足吟唱了差不多十几秒钟,便发觉旁边一百多米处,居然有一块石头正在发出淡淡的微光,此时这里距离天生桥的直线距离足足有2-3公里,一行人借助旁边岩石的掩蔽,很轻松的就来到了发光的岩石上。 Then the black lance urged side Linyan three people, making them follow itself to act, the black lance stood on that rock, jumped on the rift valley that bottom of alignment below mist wound around directly. 然后黑矛叮嘱方林岩三人,让他们跟随自己行动,紧接着黑矛就站到了那块岩石上,直接就对准下方雾气缭绕的裂谷底部跳了下去。 Saw the action of black lance, three people are startled, side Linyan controls toothpick bird sorrow Muti, flew toward below, but the vision was tunnelled by the mist completely, hit two faces in the flight continuously, did the body to damage almost 20. 见到了黑矛的举动,三人都大吃了一惊,方林岩控制牙签鸟哀木涕,朝着下面飞了过去,不过视线完全都被雾气挡住了,在飞行的时候还连续撞击了两下山壁,搞得机体都损伤了差不多20。 The vulture observed a nearby terrain, immediately said: 秃鹫观察了一下附近的地形,立即道: I first crawl to have a look at the outcome, anxiously jumping.” “我先爬下去看看究竟吧,你们不要急着跳。” Then the vulture tied the arms a rope in the body, crawled toward under rapidly, at this time he almost reached as high as 40 points agile to play the astonishing role, only after for five minutes, the vulture then said in the team channel: 接着秃鹫就在身上绑了一条绳索,迅速朝着下方爬了下去,此时他差不多高达四十点的敏捷发挥了惊人的作用,只用了五分钟之后,秃鹫便在团队频道里面道: Below is a big puddle, felt relieved that jumps.” “下面是一个大水潭,放心跳下去吧。” Therefore side Linyan then depend on the word the line, in falling in the water, side Linyan looked at one toward the puddle, detected that in some place also many virulent mechanisms/organizations of deep water region, he responded unexpectedly immediately, this arrangement aims at the hill giant, Ge grand like this mass lifeform. 于是方林岩两人便依言而行,在落水的时候,方林岩往水潭下方看了一眼,发觉在深水区域的地方居然还有很多恶毒的机关,他立即反应了过来,这个布置就是针对丘陵巨人,戈隆这样的大体积生物的。 Even if the strongest centaur, the body weight estimated that does not arrive at the hill giant, Ge grand 1/3, therefore jumps down after the high place, the depth of falling in the water will certainly have the limit. 哪怕是最强壮的半人马,体重估计也不到丘陵巨人,戈隆的三分之一,所以从高处跳下以后,落水的深度一定会有限制。 But the hill giant, Ge grand jumps down, the falling in the water depth definitely is much deeper than the centaur, then definitely will trigger the underwater mechanism/organization, dies a violent death directly. 而丘陵巨人,戈隆跳下来,落水深度肯定比半人马深得多,那么就必然会触发水下的机关,直接死于非命。 This Zarr also is really a little thing.” side Linyan muttered worked as the middle course in the team channel. “这个扎尔塔还真的是有点东西啊。”方林岩喃喃的在团队频道当中道。 Then he said oneself discovery, the vulture and goat two people also gasp in admiration. 然后他就将自己的发现说了,秃鹫和山羊两人也是为之叹服。 After two people climb up the shore, detected that the black lance has been waiting there, the goat cannot bear the curious say/way: 两人爬上岸之后,发觉黑矛已经在那里等着了,山羊忍不住好奇的道: Hey, the black lance, how the Kirghiz centaur does not defend here, did us with ease to come.” “嘿,黑矛,吉尔吉斯半人马怎么不守住这里呢,搞得我们这么轻松就进来了。” Black lance earnest say/way: 黑矛认真的道: This is the secret that our Magerram clan is in sole possession of! Although we now declined, but also once pressed Kirghiz that group of hybrids in the past has not gasped for breath.” “这是我们马格拉姆一族独有的秘密!我们现在虽然式微了,但当年也曾经将吉尔吉斯那帮杂种压得喘不过气来。” Not only that we have the secret inheritance of six big priests, so long as the decendants have the person who meets the condition appears, can obtain the experience and strength of big priest lifetime!” “不仅如此,我们还拥有六位大祭司的秘密传承,只要后代子孙有符合条件的人出现,就能获得大祭司毕生的经验和力量!” Heard the words of black lance, the goat inquired immediately curiously, the black lance seemed like to publicizing the honor of clan and tribe is also glad, then told, listens to his view, centaur that originally each was called the big priest before dying, will leave behind a bone bead. 听到了黑矛的话,山羊顿时好奇的询问了起来,黑矛看起来对宣扬部族的荣光也是非常乐意,便娓娓道来,听他的说法,原来每个被称为大祭司的半人马在死前,都会留下一颗骨珠。 So long as behind appeared the descendants who has the potential, can learn from the strength and experience from bone bead, sounds is somewhat similar to doing abhiseka or the reincarnation of Tibetan Buddhism. 只要后面出现了有潜质的子孙,就能从骨珠当中汲取力量和经验,听起来就有些类似于藏传佛教的灌顶或者转生。 However the main road 3000, seemingly lose patience complex, more proceeds more is the fast way with turning over, this but is actually not the unusual matter. 不过大道三千,看似复杂烦乱,越往前走就越是速途同归,这倒也并不是什么稀奇的事情。 Side forest core sample Brander Harden wants to annex a Magerram clan no wonder, originally this seemingly barely managed to maintain a feeble existence small tattered clan and tribe, unexpectedly so astonishing background. 方林岩心道难怪布兰德哈登想要吞并马格拉姆一族,原来这个看起来已经苟延残喘的小破烂部族,居然还有如此惊人的底蕴。 If were really achieved by Brander Harden, then not only has the advantage on face, the substantive advantage is also quite astonishing. 若是真的被布兰德哈登做到了的话,那么不仅有面子上的好处,实质性的好处也是相当惊人。 If nothing else, on by at present the huge base number of Kirghiz centaur, wanting the centaur that discovers several to meet the condition is not definitely difficult. 别的不说,就以目前吉尔吉斯半人马的庞大基数,想要找出几个能符合条件的半人马肯定不难。 Depending on this point, can six with the Wilow strength quite big priest, not only that Brander Harden will definitely arrange to go to the loyal and devoted manpower, only depending on this point, Brander Harden gained greatly gains especially. 就凭这一点,就可以多出六个与维罗戈实力相当的大祭司,不仅如此,布兰德哈登肯定会安排对自己忠心耿耿的人手去,仅凭这一点,布兰德哈登都是大赚特赚了。 Moreover, black lance old thing looks also has the city mansion, therefore his surface opposite party forest rock these foreign clan people will not definitely speak freely, then needless said, definitely also has many background to hide in the back. 不仅如此,黑矛这老东西看起来也颇有城府,因此他面对方林岩这些外族人肯定也不会畅所欲言,那么不消多说,肯定还有更多的底蕴在背后藏着呢。 Some people crawled after the puddle, detected that periphery was also mist boundless one piece, and many stones blocked the way, looked was very difficult to walk. 一干人从水潭里面爬出来了之后,发觉周围也都是雾气茫茫的一片,并且还有诸多石块拦路,一看就很不好走。 At this time, the black lance also started to recite the magic arts again, was quick his top of the head to present a light group that seemed like with firefly, then led the way in front. 这时候,黑矛也再次开始吟唱法术,很快他的头顶处就出现了一只看起来和萤火虫似的光团,然后在前面引路。 What is most unusual, side Linyan detected the direction that this light/only group leads, runs counter with Tianshengqiao that side unexpectedly. 最奇特的是,方林岩发觉这光团引领的方向,居然和天生桥那边是背道而驰的。 Obviously, without black lance old fogy uses the magic arts to guide in front, walks in the direction of natural bridge directly, it is estimated that also had large number of death traps to wait for them. 显然,若是没有黑矛这老家伙施展法术在前面带路,直接朝着天生桥的方向走,估计又有大量的死亡陷阱在等着他们。 Finally after this light/only group brings they were going out of several hundred meters, then toward side one turns, enters in a mountain wall crack , after walking dozens meters, again then downward. 结果这光团带着他们走出了数百米之后,便朝着旁边一拐,进入到了一条山壁罅隙里面,又走了几十米以后,重新转而往下。 After this inside, can see the front to present the sculpture of many centaurs, lifts up high the lance, shape of heroic call, but after approaching, detected, the lances in these sculpture can take down. 到了这里面以后,就能见到前方出现了诸多半人马的雕塑,一个个都是高举长矛,英勇呐喊的形态,而走近之后才发觉,这些雕塑上的长矛是可以取下来的。 The black lance made everyone take one, then lit its front section, walked toward the front directly. 黑矛让每个人拿了一根,然后将其前段点燃,就直接朝着前方走去。 side Linyan the feeling is also quite keen, felt after this lance flare lights, unexpectedly lent light pungent aura, obviously inside added any specially-made medicine, the intention was to take the haze of flare combustion to drive away what lifeform. 方林岩的感觉也颇为敏锐,感觉到这长矛火把点燃之后,居然散发出来了一股淡淡的辛辣气息,显然里面加入了什么特制的药物,用意就是要拿火把燃烧的烟气驱赶什么生物。 At this time the vulture also noticed side Linyan the vision, then works as the middle course in the team channel: 此时秃鹫也留意到了方林岩的目光,便在团队频道当中道: In darkness has the lifeform, I felt the danger.” “黑暗里面有生物,我感觉到了危险。” The group almost went out of 200-300 meters in the darkness, the black lance shoved open a stone door in the front, then detected that entered a cavern. 一行人在黑暗当中差不多走出了200-300米,黑矛在前方就推开了一道石门,然后就发觉进入到了一处洞穴当中。 This cavern highly astonishing, seem to should be the natural formation, but had actually conducted the renovation by the centaur afterward, can see the cavern wall the surroundings is 2-3 people of high murals and so on thing, above nothing but is showing off the braveness of ancestor and soldier. 这洞穴的高度惊人,看起来应该是天然形成的,不过却被半人马后来进行过整修,可以见到洞穴墙壁的周围都是2-3人高的壁画之类的东西,上面无非就是在夸耀先祖和战士的勇武。 Moreover, the surroundings of cavern also excavated many small rooms to come out artificially, these small rooms seem like being out of sorts feeling to be very strong initially, because of it highly width not over two meters, depth at most one meter. 不仅如此,洞穴的周围还被人为开凿出很多小房间出来,这些小房间初看起来违和感很强,因为其高度宽度都不超过两米,深度顶多一米。 Almost every small compartmented in has a jar, or jug and so on thing, has the stone pile in its entrance, above is inserting the lance, the law stick wait/etc and so on weapon. 几乎每个小隔间里面都有一个罐子,或者坛子之类的东西,在其门口则是有着石堆,上面插着长矛,法杖等等之类的武器。 According to the illustration of black lance, these small compartmented is the tomb of centaur, the jar and jug, when within, packed is the bone ash. 根据黑矛的解说,这些小隔间就是半人马的坟墓,罐子和坛子当中装的就是骨灰。 After going to this place, the surrounding atmosphere became sinks to congeal solemnly and respectfully, even in the middle of the air will often hear a sobbing low sound of talking unexpectedly, looked like the ghost to recount anything. 来到了这种地方以后,周围的氛围都变得沉凝肃穆了起来,甚至空气当中竟然不时都会传来一声呜咽的低语声,就像是鬼魂在述说什么。 Is good to have the leadership of black lance, finally nothing happened. 好在有着黑矛的带领,最后什么都没有发生。 Quick, side Linyan detected the cavern that they enter is also only the branch cavern, under the leadership of black lance, they intruded an astonishing underground space. 很快的,方林岩发觉他们进入的洞穴也只是个分支洞穴而已,在黑矛的带领下,他们闯入到了一处惊人的地下空间当中。 In side Linyan the impression, only then underground lake there of Veronica Laboratory can with it placing on a par. 在方林岩的印象里面,也就只有维罗妮卡实验室的地下湖那里能与之相提并论。 But after arriving at this underground space, can detect, in the air presented the light groups unexpectedly, that ray spills over slightly green, actually the miserable green of not that to terrify person, instead deepened here solemn and respectful atmosphere especially, makes this underground not be the jet black piece, but as if night of full moon. 而来到了这个地下空间以后就能发觉,空气里面居然出现了一个一个光团,那光芒微微泛出绿,却并不是那种瘆人的惨绿色,反而格外加深了这里的肃穆氛围,也让这地下并不是漆黑一片,而是仿佛满月的夜晚。 After arriving here, can see the front to present a flagstone main road, the straight reaching front, the two sides of main road every several meters, have a pair of centaur statue! This should tomb the tomb to ancestor say: The valley of guard. 来到了这里以后,就能见到前方出现了一条石板大道,笔直的伸向前方,大道的两边每隔十几米,就有着一对半人马雕像!这应该就是通往先祖之陵的陵道:守卫之谷了。 At this time, toothpick bird sorrow Muti gave side Linyan them to transmit suddenly came together the information, then whipped the wing to fly toward side, in the side forest core sample moved, immediately followed slightly to run fast. 这时候,牙签鸟哀木涕忽然给方林岩他们传递了过来一道信息,然后拍打着翅膀朝着旁边飞了过去,方林岩心中一动,立即跟随着快速小跑了过去。 At this time the black lance detected side Linyan the change, immediately startled and say/way of anger: 这时候黑矛发觉了方林岩的异动,立即又惊又怒的道: Human! Here is a sacred place of our centaur clan, stops your despicable behavior!” “人类!这里是我们半人马一族的圣地,停止你卑鄙的行为!” side Linyan has not actually paid attention to him, but before continues directly to/clashes, under the black lance anger, the backhand extracted war lance, it only thinks that this human deceived itself, is actually schemes in the middle of sacred place the rich funeral object. 方林岩却没有理会他,而是直接继续前冲,黑矛愤怒之下,反手就抽出了身边的战矛,它只以为这个人类欺骗了自己,其实是来图谋圣地当中丰厚的陪葬品。 At this time but side Linyan actually stopped, from a nearby corner a centaur dragging. 可是这时候方林岩却停了下来,从旁边的一个角落里面将一名半人马给拖了出来。 Can see this centaur from top to bottom is the blood, wound only then one, after that is the chest , the penetration wound of bearing, was held after obviously a lance, pulled out. 可以见到这名半人马浑身上下都是鲜血,不过身上的伤口只有一个,那就是前胸后背上的贯通伤,显然是被人一长矛捅进去以后拔了出来的。 Is good touches the chest because of side Linyan, detected that it also has the weak heartbeat. 好在方林岩一摸胸口,发觉它还有微弱的心跳。 Saw this, the black lance is dumbfounded immediately, to side Linyan say/way embarrasedly: 见到了这一幕,黑矛顿时傻了眼,对着方林岩讪讪的道: Sorry, human, I......” “抱歉,人类,我......” At this time, he saw clearly the face of this centaur suddenly, immediately shocked the incomparable say/way: 这时候,他忽然看清楚了这头半人马的脸,立即震惊无比的道: Ancestor spirit on, this is Kurak! It is the younger brother in Jordan, in our clan most powerful warrior!” “祖灵在上,这是库拉克啊!它可是约旦的弟弟,我们族内最强大的勇士了!” He rushes directly, partly kneels in the place, is summoning Kurak's name intensely, and is swaying it. 他直接冲上去,半跪在地,激烈的呼唤着库拉克的名字,并且摇晃着它。 Saw this, side Linyan detects the method non- big science of black lance fellow, therefore can only make a move to block the black lance: 见到了这一幕,方林岩发觉黑矛这家伙的方法不大科学,于是只能出手挡住了黑矛: Hey, originally opportunity of Kurak also a little life, but your will make it die quickly!” “喂喂喂,本来库拉克还有点儿活命的机会,可是你这样会让它死得更快的!” Black lance hears word receives the hand immediately awkwardly, then turns the head the hopeful say/way: 黑矛闻言顿时尴尬收手,然后转头过来充满希望的道: You have certainly the means to rescue it, right?” “你一定是有办法救它的,对吧?” side Linyan light say/way: 方林岩淡淡的道: No, I am only do some despicable matters, does not have with the life-saving relations.” “不,我只是来做一些卑鄙的事,和救人一点儿关系都没有。” After the black lance side Linyan ran on a bank a few words, the complexion rises red, suddenly lowly roared, left hand according to nearby rock. 黑矛被方林岩挤兑了一句话以后,脸色涨得通红,忽然低吼了一声,将左手按在了旁边的岩石上。 Then the right hand took up a stone to pound, immediately saw left hand covered with blood, was cut off three fingers, then the black lance endured suffering saying: 然后右手抄起一个石块就砸了上去,立即就见到左手血肉模糊,断掉了三根手指,然后黑矛忍痛道: I apologized to you for beforehand making an indiscreet remark, the spanner mister, please must save Kurak.” “我为之前的失言向您道歉,扳手先生,请您务必救救库拉克。” side Linyan also has a scare at this time, has not expected black lance fellow to be seemingly lukewarm, finally the character is so irritable, therefore said immediately: 方林岩此时也吓了一跳,没料到黑矛这家伙看起来温吞吞的,结果性格这么火爆,于是立即道: Kurak is also the friend of mine, you could rest assured that I save certainly him full power!” “库拉克也是我的朋友,你放心,我一定全力救他!” Three people also learned/studied the surgical department skill in the space, as the saying goes the long illness becomes the excellent doctor, frequently gave itself to process the wound to be many, at this time was also half doctor. 三人在空间当中也是学习了外科技巧的,有道是久病成良医,经常给自己处理伤口多了,此时也算是半个医生了。 After inspecting one, detected that a body of centaur clan also is really tenacious, if ordinary human suffered this lance, only feared that had died, now to Kurak, the wound is not fatal, instead the biggest problem is the excessive loss of blood. 检查一番之后发觉半人马一族的身体也真是顽强,倘若普通人类挨了这一矛的话,只怕是早就死掉了,现在对于库拉克来说,伤口并不致命,反而最大的问题就是失血过多。 What is strange, this had not seen all the way bloodstain that anything drops, looks like Kurak, when runs reluctantly arrived here, the blood in within the body has almost drained off. 但奇怪的是,这一路上并没有见到有什么滴落的血迹,就像是库拉克在勉强奔跑来到这里的时候,体内的鲜血就已经差不多流干了。 Hesitant, side Linyan let the goat and vulture they are responsible for processing the wound ------ The cleaning up disinfection, sutures the wound, spurts on the hematischesis gelatin ------- Then to black lance say/way: 犹豫了一下,方林岩让山羊和秃鹫两人负责处理伤口------清理消毒,缝合伤口,喷上止血凝胶-------然后对黑矛道: Now Kurak's issue not in wound, but was blood almost must drain off. Perhaps I now only then means possibly save him, but possibly does not have the effect! Not is only this, will also certainly cause the damage to you ....... “现在库拉克的问题并不在身上的伤,而是身上的鲜血几乎都要流干了。我现在只有一个办法或许可能救他,但可能没有效果!不仅是这样,还一定会对你造成伤害.......” Black lance immediately very simple say/way: 黑矛立即很干脆的道: My old bones, how long but can also live? You have what method to use by all means that does not need scruples me!” “我一把老骨头了,还能活多久?你有什么方法只管用出来,不用顾忌我!” side Linyan said: 方林岩道: Actually this means said are very simple, the blood of his within the body were too few, then passed part to be OK your blood pump over.” “其实这办法说出来很简单,他体内的血液太少,那么就将你身上的鲜血转输过去一部分就可以了。” But, our human has the blood-group difference, the different blood-groups cannot lose mutually, does not know that the centaur does have this issue.” “不过,我们人类是有血型的区别的,不同血型不能互输,就是不知道半人马有没有这个问题。” The black lance said directly: 黑矛直接道: I have gone to the battlefield, knew about the Kurak present situation very much, only if there is priest or Shaman, uses the treatment magic arts to this child, otherwise he died.” “我上过战场,对库拉克现在的情况也很了解,除非是有祭司或者萨满在,对这孩子施展治疗法术,否则的话他死定了。” Your means possibly revived its means only, therefore did not want hesitant, come.” “你的办法是唯一可能救活它的办法了,所以不要犹豫了,来吧。” The following blood transfusion is actually very simple, the black lance is standing, Kurak is lying down, joins the needle with one transfer line two, pricks in the middle of two people blood vessels on the line. 接下来的输血其实很简单,黑矛站着,库拉克躺着,拿一根输液管两头都接上针头,刺入两人的血管当中就行。 Crossed probably for about five minutes, side Linyan detected that the heartbeat pulse of Kurak this boy grown stronger much, obviously, has not presented the most fearful hematolysis response very much. 大概过了五分钟左右,方林岩就发觉库拉克这小子的心跳脉搏变强了不少,很显然,并没有出现最可怕的溶血反应。 This may be the centaur really not have the division of blood-group, may be the black lance and Kurak's blood-group is the same. 这有可能是半人马真的没有血型之分,也有可能是黑矛与库拉克的血型相同。 Saw that Kurak's situation alleviates, the black lance is also quite happy, even if side Linyan thought that the blood of input within the body was similar, the black lance still persists in not being willing, lost many blood to finish up in the past. 见到库拉克的情况缓解,黑矛也是相当开心的,哪怕是方林岩觉得输入体内的鲜血差不多了,黑矛依然坚持不肯,多输了不少的鲜血过去才完事。 At this time, the vulture took out a shot to come one round to Kurak, under the function of drug efficacy, Kurak opened the eye slowly, suddenly angrily roared is starting to shake the fist! This really unexpected, the vulture dodges fortunately quickly, otherwise must the nosebleed long class/flow not be possible. 这时候,秃鹫取出了一支强心针给库拉克来了一发,在药效的作用下,库拉克徐徐的睁开了眼睛,忽然怒吼着就开始挥拳!这真的让人猝不及防,秃鹫还好闪躲得快,否则的话非得鼻血长流不可。 Was good because of Kurak's strength quickly on the failure, he also quickly resumed the consciousness, after seeing side Linyan and black lance, Kurak panted for breath immediately weakly was aiming at side: 好在库拉克的力气很快就衰竭了下去,他也迅速恢复了意识,在看到了方林岩和黑矛以后,库拉克立即虚弱的喘息着指向了旁边: Quick...... saves the clansman quickly, rescues Jordan.” “快......快去救救族人,救救约旦。” After the goat listened, the complexion immediately changes, pursues asks: 山羊听了以后,脸色顿时一变,追问道: What's the matter!” “怎么回事!” Kurak's previous fierce shook the fist to tear the wound, he is clenching teeth to withstand the pain saying: 库拉克先前的剧烈挥拳又将伤口撕裂了,他咬着牙忍着痛苦道: Vardon that bastard thorough crazy...... had colluded with one crowd of damn human, suddenly makes a move to plot against us! Vardon betrayed the centaur, he used the witchcraft of taboo, was used to offer sacrifices the essence and blood suck dry of clansman!” “瓦登那混蛋已经彻底疯狂了......勾结了一群该死的人类,突然出手暗算我们!瓦登背叛了半人马,他施展了禁忌的巫术,将族人的精血都吸干了用来献祭!” Heard Kurak's words, side Linyan the complexion big change, said immediately immediately: 听到了库拉克的话,方林岩顿时脸色大变,立即道: Place that they offer sacrifices where?” “他们献祭的地方在什么地方?” Kurak is panting for breath the say/way: 库拉克喘息着道: Teyrat Merck crystal cavern ....... the there polluted aura is very rich, can therefore cover the fluctuation of smell of blood and cult tactic, avoids being discovered by Brander Harden.” “泰拉莫克水晶洞穴.......那里被污染的气息很浓郁,所以可以掩盖掉血腥味和邪术的波动,避免被布兰德哈登发现。” We walk!” side Linyan the fruit blocks the way. “我们走!”方林岩果断道。 Then he looked that to was looking after Kurak's black lance. 然后他看向了正在照顾库拉克的黑矛。 Black lance elder, you must come, I can guarantee that Kurak has been out of the danger now, but here is a sacred place of your centaur clan, our these human your companions' in the words in difference, will not perhaps have triggered what taboo rashly.” “黑矛长老,你也得来,我可以保证库拉克现在已经脱离了生命危险,而这里是你们的半人马一族的圣地,我们这些人类没有你的陪伴在里面贸然出入的话,说不定会触发什么禁忌。” Black lance nod of silently, suddenly first hoof one soft, knelt. 黑矛默默的点了点头,忽然前蹄一软,跪了下去。
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