FE :: Volume #9

#48: Main hearsay

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Hears here, Gauss said suddenly: 听到这里,高斯忽然道: The situation that spanner mister, you said I understand some actually, and thing of this part is not the security category of organization, if you interested, I can answer your question.” “扳手先生,你说的这情况我倒是了解一些,并且这部分的东西不属于组织的保密范畴,您若是有兴趣的话,我可以解答你的疑问。” side Linyan said: 方林岩道: I am very certainly interested, and calculates that I owe you a favor.” “我当然很有兴趣,并且算我欠你一个人情。” Gauss nods saying: 高斯点点头道: Then the hammer, is actually they steals from Kirghiz Tribe, although it is the sacred object of Magerram Clan and tribe.” “那把锤子,其实是他们从吉尔吉斯部落当中偷来的,虽然它是马格拉姆部族的圣物。” This is called Aghah Ma head the name of pig hammer, was once grasped to hold in the big priest hand of Magerram Clan and tribe, sweeps away all obstacles, murders powerful sacred object vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered! “这把猪头锤的名字叫做阿迦玛甘之首,曾经被握持在马格拉姆部族的大祭司手中,是所向披靡,杀伐纵横的强大圣物! But, this big priest the curse of Kirghiz centaur, this curse was actually released by Brander Harden finally personally, finally the big priest strength uses up weak, died in battle in Wilow hand, this hammer in the powerhouse by Kirghiz Clan, king of Wilow place wolf was also collected.” “不过,最后这位大祭司却中了吉尔吉斯半人马的诅咒,这个诅咒由布兰德哈登亲手释放,最后大祭司力竭不支,战死在了维罗戈的手里,这把锤子也被吉尔吉斯族中的强者,座狼之王维罗戈收藏。” Ryan and companion heard that Wilow regards as important this hammer, very treasures, early included it in the list of funeral object , after the meaning was died, must continue to occupy it, therefore had the idea of hammer, will want taking, then using both persuasion and threats made Wilow coordinate their following actions.” “瑞恩和同伴听说维罗戈非常看重这把锤子,十分珍视,早早的就将其列入了陪葬品的清单上,意思就是自己死掉后也要继续占据它,所以就打起了锤子的主意,想要将之弄到手,进而软硬兼施让维罗戈配合他们接下来的行动。” Result...... they succeeded half. Lost Wilow of hammer to be angry, sending out that wolf king Guihao to search own love thing on the wilderness, why this was also your landing, suffered the basic reason that massive wolves besieged.” “结果......他们成功了一半。丢失了锤子的维罗戈非常恼怒,派出了那头狼王鬼嚎一直在荒原上搜索自己的爱物,这也是你们为什么一降落,就遭受到大量座狼围攻的根本原因。” The goat interrupted at this time suddenly: 山羊这时候忽然插嘴道: What then Ryan does want to make now?” “那么现在瑞恩要做什么呢?” The vulture said: 秃鹫道: „Haven't you wanted to understand now? In the eyes of bystander, his father dies, he on this ghost star had an accident, therefore does not have any suspicion.” “你现在还没想明白吗?在外人的眼里面,他老爹死的时候,他是在这个鬼星球上出事了,所以没有任何嫌疑。” Then at this time, his urgent matter definitely restores own face, when he returned to A. P. Moller Maersk Group Headquarters time, got down this game on thorough winning.” “然后在这时候,他的当务之急肯定是恢复自己的脸,等到他回到马士基集团总部的时候,就彻底的赢下了这一局。” The goat said startled: 山羊愕然道: Winning ........ to be right! I forgot, at this time before president , the will of having became effective! Has him of first position right of inheritance, had successfully obtained A. P. Moller Maersk Group most stocks!” “赢下了........对了!我忘记了,此时总裁之前留下来的遗嘱生效了!拥有第一顺位继承权的他,已经成功获得了马士基集团最多的股份!” Right, could not do well also to be able killing father's charge frames by planting stolen goods in pitiful Lyndonville, because of superficially, Lyndonville was the biggest suspect!” “对了,搞不好还能将杀父的罪名栽赃到可怜的林登维尔身上,因为从表面上来看,林登维尔的嫌疑最大!” side Linyan sighed deeply a sound said: 方林岩长叹了一声道: Yes, this is the truth, after divulging is not worth a red cent, will make people think: Mediocre was really simple!” “是的,这就是真相,说破了之后一文不值,甚至会让人觉得:啊,不过如此真是太简单了!” But, analysis that to grow out of nothing these things, only if personally experiences, otherwise, really very difficult to put on very much difficultly these clues, particularly in the shadow organization and Ryan arranged in the situations of so many riddles!” “但是,要想从无到有的分析出来这些东西,除非是亲身经历,否则的话,真的很难很难将这些线索穿起来,尤其是在影子组织和瑞恩布置了这么多谜团的情况下!” I can first want to understand this point, profits in a big way through whom, whose suspicion is biggest to judge.” “我能够先想明白这一点,还是通过谁受益最大,谁嫌疑最大来判断的。” The goat shook the head at this time, the say/way that muttered: 山羊这时候摇了摇头,喃喃的道: Really without the meaning, among the father and son brothers plans this degree, such life even again good, what meaning also there is?” “真没意思,父子兄弟之间算计到这种程度,这样的生活就算是再好,又有什么意思呢?” At this time, the flight vehicle has started to drop slowly, looked that toward below can discover, before here is side Linyan them, had come to place, is on this star very famous that region: Chinese zither silver abandoned mine area. 这时候,飞行器已经开始缓缓下降,朝下看去就能发现,这里是方林岩他们之前曾经来过的地方,也是这个星球上很著名的那个区域:瑟银废矿区。 To be honest, story that here has, is unusual stimulating. 说实话,这里发生的故事,还是非常激励人心的。 People like seeing this story: 人们都喜欢看到这种故事: One group of daring poor wretches, climbed mountains and crossed rivers to arrive on the strange and dangerous star difficultly, depended upon own effort, naturally luck successful counterattack. 一群孤注一掷的穷光蛋,艰辛跋涉来到了陌生而危险的星球上,依靠自己的努力,当然还有运气成功逆袭。 Such life experience, can regard is completely a movie photographs. 这样的人生经历,完全都可以当成是一部电影来拍摄了。 Since previous here was captured by centaur Wilow, but also is maintaining the original design, the devil fish flight vehicle descended directly. 自从上一次这里被半人马维罗戈攻陷以后,还保持着原样,魔鬼鱼飞行器直接降落了下来。 After side Linyan three people jump down the flight vehicle, looks at present familiar one, in the heart is somewhat sigh with emotion. 方林岩三人跳下飞行器后,看着眼前熟悉的一幕,心中还是有些感慨的。 But side Linyan looked all around around one saying: 而方林岩环顾了一下四周道: We must look for a red stone now, the stone roughly have the grinding pan size, above is drawing a symbol that is similar to the cross.” “我们现在要找一块红色的石头,石头约莫有磨盘大小,上面画着一个类似于十字架的符号。” Therefore some people sought rapidly, but Gauss is idling at this time bored in side, is begins to help. 于是一干人就迅速的寻找了起来,而高斯此时在旁边闲着无聊,也是动手帮忙。 After seeking probably for a half hour, this stone was finally found under one pile of junks, then side Linyan began to dig up to draw, quick detected that under is burying a large package unexpectedly, above also wrapped with the plastic sheeting layer upon layer. 大概找寻了半个多小时以后,这块石头终于在一堆杂物下面被找到,然后方林岩就动手扒拉了起来,很快就发觉下方居然埋着一个大包,上面还用塑料布层层包裹。 After tearing off the plastic sheeting, detected that is one ties up the tight windproof tent/account tarp, 扯掉了塑料布以后,发觉里面又是一层绑得紧紧的防风帐篷布, After tent Debra opened, inside is a common travel bag, tears the zipper of travel bag, can see impressively, thinking is a modeling primitive barbaric fierce hammer! 帐篷布拉开了以后,里面就是一个常见的旅行包,将旅行包的拉链扯开,赫然就能见到,这其中装着的就是一把造型原始野蛮的凶恶锤子! Also before side Linyan, had seen that a pig hammer, striking of Aghah Ma! 也正是方林岩之前曾经见过的那把猪头锤,阿迦玛甘之击! When looks for the travel of water, it was belonged to as in the public property of rescue crew, because this gadget is the rescue crew, when carried out the official business to find. 在找水之旅的时候,它本来是被归属为救援队的公共财产里面,因为这玩意儿是救援队在执行公务的时候找到的。 However, because at that time Dejak was Ryan's person, therefore Ryan wanted this gadget the words, that was really a few words, the crooked mouth awry lost to Ryan directly. 不过,因为当时德亚科乃是瑞恩的人,所以瑞恩想要这玩意儿的话,那真的就是一句话而已,歪歪嘴就直接丢给瑞恩了。 Ryan at that time and shadow team considered everything, has not expected this to abandon the Chinese zither silver ore camp to suffer the surprise attack of centaur unexpectedly, and dominoes effect that the ghost howling death sparked, can only be the captive sorrowfully. 只是瑞恩当时和影子团队千算万算,没有料到这一处废弃瑟银矿营地居然遭受到了半人马的突袭,并且还是鬼嚎之死引发的多米诺骨牌效应,只能悲哀的做了俘虏。 What is funniest, Ryan has not expected, Wilow meritorious military service is splendid, unexpectedly when the choice spoils of war chose the human captive. 最搞笑的是,瑞恩本人也没料到,维罗戈战功彪炳,居然在选择战利品的时候选择了人类俘虏。 Finally genuine and fake Ryan hit one, such mistake arising out of chance circumstances realized him to want seamless docking, truth that can maximum cover he murder the father. 结果真假瑞恩撞到了一起,这样阴差阳错的实现了他想要的“无缝对接”,可以最大限度的掩盖住他弑父的真相。 From this can also see, actually the true strength of shadow organization is not strong, should be that type the elite route. 由此也能看出,其实影子组织的真正力量还是不强的,应该是那种走精英路线的。 Otherwise , after Ryan main body will not be caught Wilow there, the shadow organization cannot mobilize one group of people to come to rescue, but can only depend upon that Morris to protect Ryan's safety. 否则的话,也不会瑞恩本尊被抓到了维罗戈那里之后,影子组织都没能动员一群人前来救援,而只能依靠那个莫里斯来保护瑞恩的安危。 On this point, Ryan also really should thank side Linyan three people. 就这一点来说,瑞恩还真的是应该感谢方林岩三人了。 At this time side Linyan notices, on striking of Aghah Ma, but also is binding an animal skin, above has unusual rune/symbol writing, the vulture appraised, detected that this animal skin can play unexpectedly deadens the aura the effect. 此时方林岩注意到,在阿迦玛甘之击上,还裹着一层兽皮,上面有着奇特的符文,秃鹫鉴定了一下,发觉这层兽皮居然可以起到隔阻气息的效果。 After thinking of this point, side Linyan said suddenly: 想到了这一点之后,方林岩忽然道: Right, I noticed that the devil fish flight vehicle has the strong striking power, why Ryan was stranded at that time, when Wilow clan and tribe, don't you open the devil fish to go to the direct life-saving?” “对了,我看到魔鬼鱼飞行器是具备强大的攻击力的,为什么当时瑞恩被困在维罗戈的部族的时候,你们不开着魔鬼鱼去直接救人呢?” In Wilow clan and tribe, although the person are many, but many old, weak, sick, and disabled, cannot withstand the wanton bombing that you seize the air supremacy, could not want several artillery to estimate that collapsed.” “维罗戈的部族里面虽然人多,但也有不少老弱病残,根本经不起你们占领制空权的狂轰滥炸,要不了几炮估计就崩溃了啊。” Gauss shakes the head saying: 高斯摇摇头道: Centaur clan and tribe has very long-standing civilization, and also has the astonishing attainments in occult sciences, the matter that you said some people have actually done, the consequence was punched from the space directly.” “半人马部族是拥有非常悠久的文明的,并且在神秘学方面也有惊人的造诣,你所说的事情其实早就有人去干过了,后果就是直接从天上被揍了下来。” „?” side Linyan these time really somewhat was surprised. “啊?”方林岩这一次真的有些吃惊了。 Gauss broke off the finger to say at this time carefully: 高斯这时候掰着手指仔细道: Is only Wilow such clan and tribe, every large or small at least has the fellows of over ten abilities, foundation magic arts that these fellows grasp, is in the middle of the nature class magic arts lightning arrow.” “只是维罗戈这样的部族,大大小小的至少拥有十名以上施法能力的家伙,这些家伙掌握的基础法术,就是自然类法术当中的闪电箭。” this type of lightning arrow has regarding the metal war of human manufacture, has the injury addition, has the function of the automatic tracking and electronic countermeasure! Once after hit, will create the destructive attack to the vehicle internal electronic component.” “这种闪电箭对于人类制作的金属战具来说,乃是有伤害加成的,带有自动追踪和电子干扰的功能!一旦击中以后,就会对载具内部的电子元件造成毁灭性的打击。” On the contrary, regarding the human main body, instead can also be able to withstand by a round of lightning arrow.” “相反,对于人类本体来说,挨一发闪电箭反而还能承受得起。” Heard a Gauss such saying, side Linyan detected immediately truly is this. 听到了高斯这么一说,方林岩顿时发觉确实是这样。 In the middle of centaur loses many, is the lightning arrow. 半人马当中的施法者丢得最多的,就是闪电箭。 All -terrain vehicle that before he drove had been hit by a round of lightning arrow, immediately even the gauge board almost burnt. 之前他驾驶的全地形车就被一发闪电箭击中过,立即连仪表盘都差点烧了。 These time a camp that attacks Wilow, after was all -terrain vehicle to the place, after making inside soldier all get out, initiated attacks. 就连这一次突袭维罗戈的营地,都是全地形车到了地方后,让里面的战士全部下车后再发起突击。 Originally is this ....... side Linyan nods saying: „Then invited to carry nearby viewpoint us, our two clear.” “原来是这样.......”方林岩点了点头道:“那么接下来请把我们载到附近的观察点,我们就两清了。” Gauss nods saying: 高斯点点头道: Good.” “好的。” *** *** Probably after dozen minutes, this devil fish flight vehicle descended by a hill slowly. 大概十几分钟之后,这架魔鬼鱼飞行器就徐徐降落在了一处丘陵旁边。 Here seemingly averagely not wonderful, same is bare with other places, the quarry stone is densely covered, as the Gauss's according to beginning remote control, nearby camouflaged the excellent mountain wall to start slowly to skid, revealed inside space. 这里看起来平平无奇,和其余的地方一样都是光秃秃的,乱石密布,不过随着高斯按动手中的遥控器,旁边的一处伪装得绝佳的山壁开始徐徐滑动,露出了里面的空间。 Can see, in this only then 100 squares sizes, but also parked a car(riage), but sparrow, although slightly is fully equipped. 可以见到,这里面只有一百个平方大小,还停放了一辆车,但是麻雀虽小五脏俱全。 What medical service area, the work area, the rest area wait/etc was divided, and also seems systematic. 什么医疗区,工作区,休息区等等都被划分了出来,并且还显得井井有条。 The vehicles that in the viewpoint parks were also entirely different from the previous all-terrain vehicle, this was named „an ephemeral fly reconnaissance vehicles, it with emphasis lay in secret and fast, its contour seemed like an ammunition clip. 观察点里面停放的车辆也是与之前的全地形车截然不同,这是一款叫做“蜉蝣”的侦察车辆,其重点就在于隐秘和迅捷,其外形看起来就像是一把梭子。 The merit of this car(riage) lies in very quick, is almost one time of all-terrain vehicle, not only that is being similar that uses at terrain flight air cushion pattern, therefore in the middle of march the noise is very small, is very covert. 这辆车的优点就在于速度很快,差不多乃是全地形车的一倍,不仅如此,更是采用的类似于“贴地飞行”的气垫模式,所以行进当中噪音很小,十分隐蔽。 Naturally, the shortcoming is also very obvious, frequently can squeeze in compared with the big volumes of more than ten people compared with all -terrain vehicle, even if adds on inside collects the sample the space , can only at most the stopper next four people. 当然,缺点也很明显,比起全地形车动辄都能塞入十几个人的大容积相比,哪怕是加上里面采集样本的空间,顶多也只能塞下四个人而已。 Moreover, all -terrain vehicle has advantageously automatic can sufficiently the function, skin coarse meat the thick defensive power, as if the ability of wild boar same impact bunker. 不仅如此,全地形车拥有得天独厚的自动充能功能,皮糙肉厚的防御力,仿佛野猪一样的冲击掩体的能力。 These are ephemeral fly do not have, its small physique, it is estimated that the lance of centaur came two unable to bear directly. 这些都是“蜉蝣”不具备的,它的那小身板,估计就连半人马的长矛多来两下就直接受不了了。 Then in departure, Gauss cannot endure patiently finally, stared at eye opposite party forest Yan to ask a question: 接下来就在离开的时候,高斯终于忍耐不住,盯着眼睛对方林岩问出了一个问题: Spanner mister, I ....... had heard a hearsay, is similar to the Lord hearsay.” “扳手先生,我.......曾经听说过一个传闻,就是类似于主的传闻。” I heard that omnipotent powerful existences, will often come to the choice follower, once were selected, will then obtain the endless right, infinite wealth, what is more important, even can extend the life, brings back to life!” “听说,有一位无所不能的强大存在,会不时现身挑选信徒,一旦被选中,那么就会获得无尽的权利,无限的财富,更重要的是,甚至能够让人延长生命,起死回生!” I did not believe this matter, but heard the rise of Ryan's such family with one's own ears, likely exists with this powerful related......, therefore I want bold taking the liberty to ask one, are you Lord servants? Main whether exists, whether the prestige can be so powerful?” “我本来是不相信这件事的,但是亲耳听到了瑞恩这样的家族的崛起,很可能就是与这位强大存在有关......所以我想要大胆的冒昧问一句,你们是否就是主的仆人?主是否存在,是否威能如此强大?”
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