FE :: Volume #9

#47: Chill in the air

LNMTL needs user funding to survive Read More

side Linyan nods saying: 方林岩点点头道: Therefore, among Ratsey Camp, I checked a turmoil source of this dispute a moment ago: That is the wealth of Maersk shipping group, is astonishing.” “于是,刚才在纳拉齐营地当中,我又查了一下这场纠纷的动乱源头:那就是马士基航运集团的财富,非常非常惊人。” This is a good money, almost does not have the means to weigh with the currency correctly. Un, because of the main body of this wealth, is the property rights of eight stars, what is worth mentioning is, these eight stars are the high resources stars. A fleet focusing on freight transportation heavy flyingboat.” “这可是一笔大钱,差不多用货币都没办法正确衡量。恩,因为这笔财富的主体,是八个星球的所有权,值得一提的是,这八个星球都是高资源星球。还有一支以货运巨型飞船为主的舰队。” Therefore, in this many has a dream has not thought in front of enormous wealth, has any shocking matter is fair.” “所以,在这笔很多人做梦都不曾想到过的巨额财富面前,发生任何耸人听闻的事情都是合情合理的。” The vulture cannot bear say: 秃鹫忍不住道: But, I have not understood Maher , no, Ryan's motive!” “可是,我还是没明白马希尔,哦,不,瑞恩的动机啊!” side Linyan reads the data that beforehand is downloading, then closed one's eyes to ponder a while, suddenly said: 方林岩翻看着之前下载下来的数据,然后闭眼沉思了一会儿,忽然道: „The material that now I attain was also similar, therefore I come to tell a story to you.” “现在我拿到的资料也差不多了,所以我来给你们讲一个故事吧。” Formerly, the astute old men, built up by a tattered freight space to live, under his accident of sorts bet, unexpectedly helped busy of S space.” “从前,有一个精明的老头子,靠一艘破烂的货运飞船起家为生,他机缘巧合之下赌了一把,居然帮了S空间的一个大忙。” From now, this old man came in waves on the source of wealth, won the excellent power.” “从此以后,这个老头子就财源滚滚而来,打下了大好江山。” Very much an illegitimate child but who, this old man among many descendants, actually likes the eldest son, as for liking the reason were many, a view is this grandson grows very much looks like the old man, a view is more direct, this grandson is the youngest son who the old man and eldest son's lover lives!” “不过,这个老头子在众多子孙当中,却很喜欢大儿子的一个私生子,至于喜欢的原因就很多了,有一种说法是这孙子长得就很像老头子,有一种说法则更直接,这个孙子就是老头子与大儿子的情妇所生的小儿子!” As for adopting which answer, that was different people have different views.” “至于采取哪个答案,那就是见仁见智了。” Therefore, when this old man is living, this illegitimate child is crosses very comfortably.” “所以,在这个老头子活着的时候,这个私生子是过得很舒服的。” After side Linyan said that the vulture indicated directly destroyed three views, the goat felt same but actually, because he has seen a odder matter, took a seat according to ticket number this matter inside character while convenient, but also checked the material: 方林岩这么说了以后,秃鹫直接表示毁三观了,山羊倒觉得一般般,因为他见到过更离谱的事情,顺便就将这件事里面的人物对号入座,还查了查资料: Therefore, the old man is on the founder in addition president of Maersk shipping group, Benson. Gosling? The eldest son is Reynolds. Gosling, the illegitimate child is Ryan. Gosling!” “所以,老头子就是马士基航运集团的创始人外加上一任总裁,本森.高斯林?大儿子就是雷诺兹.高斯林,私生子就是瑞恩.高斯林!” side Linyan nods saying: 方林岩点点头道: I first stated, this is only the guess, my guess is quite always accurate.” “我先声明,这只是猜测而已,不过我的猜测一向都比较准。” Then hears side Linyan then saying: 然后就听到方林岩接着道: It is a pity that Grandfather ------ Also is Benson. Gosling dies very high, should be when Ryan several years old passed away, regardless of he does have thoughts that must give Ryan the family property, is impossible to reveal, otherwise that is to make such a several child die quickly.” “遗憾的是,爷爷------也就是本森.高斯林死得很高,应该是在瑞恩几岁的时候就撒手人寰,无论他有没有要将家产交给瑞恩的心思,都不可能表露出来,否则那就是让这么一个几的小孩子死得更快。” Therefore, Benson. Gosling's choice, gave own eldest son own business empire, Ryan's nominal father, Ryan who in this case, at least he loves also has such a to attain the family property the opportunity, if gives other sons, then that opportunity will not have.” “所以,本森.高斯林的选择,是将自己的商业帝国交给了自己的长子,瑞恩名义上的父亲,这样的话,至少他疼爱的瑞恩还有那么一丝能拿到家产的机会,若是交给其余的儿子,那么就连那一丝机会都不会有。” Reynolds. Gosling, the president who also just died has not actually inherited the father's talent in commercial, the data that my here attains showed that Mr. Reynolds when wields the group, first three years made the asset of entire group shrink 40% directly.” “雷诺兹.高斯林,也就是刚刚死掉的这位总裁却并没有继承到父亲在商业方面的才华,我这边拿到的数据显示,雷诺兹先生在执掌集团的时候,前三年直接就令整个集团的资产缩水了百分之四十。” In this case, the shareholders held the board of directors urgently, adopted unanimously limited Reynolds. The plan of Gosling power and influence, and right that will divide gave two ambitious fellows.” “在这种情况下,股东们紧急召开了董事会,一致通过了限制雷诺兹.高斯林权势的方案,并且将分出来的权利交给了两名野心勃勃的家伙。” These two fellow one are Reynolds. Gosling's brothers, are called Kubo. Gosling, but another, is Ryan's cousin, is the fellow who buys over Kenny, Lyndonville. Gosling.” “这两个家伙其中一个是雷诺兹.高斯林的兄弟,叫做库博.高斯林,而另外一个,则是瑞恩的表哥,也就是收买肯尼的家伙,林登维尔.高斯林。” Without a doubt, because of Reynolds. Sir Gosling of this president stupidity, right that therefore he succeeds in obtaining directly by these two person minute/share of thin, and was built on stilts much.” “毫无疑问,因为雷诺兹.高斯林这位总裁大人的愚蠢,所以他到手的权利直接就被这两个人分薄,并且架空了不少。” In this case, president Sir thought of a good idea unexpectedly! He made intentionally action that spoils illegitimate child Ryan, and draws by the will, making Ryan have to the first position right of inheritance of group, and also carried out dying the teachings of the deceased of old man!” “在这种情况下,总裁大人居然想到了一个妙招!他故意做出了溺爱私生子瑞恩的举动,并且立下遗嘱,让瑞恩拥有了对集团的第一顺位继承权,并且还搬出了死掉的老头子的遗训!” In this case, is being advanced the onstage in Gou dwell growth Ryan of silently all of a sudden, without a doubt, he becomes oneself uncle Kubo, with thorn in the side of cousin Lyndonville.” “这样的话,本来正在苟住默默发育的瑞恩一下子就被推到了前台,毫无疑问,他成为了自己的叔叔库博,和表哥林登维尔的眼中钉肉中刺。” Because in bystander opinion, Ryan and President Reynolds the benefit is consistent, and parent-child operator, definitely will show no external differences jointly, based on the principle of starting with the easy and then doing the difficult, two people first will definitely suppress Ryan jointly.” “因为在外人看来,瑞恩和雷诺兹总裁利益一致,并且还是父子关系,必然会联手一致对外,基于先易后难的原则,两人必然会联手先打压瑞恩。” „The pressure that therefore as the matter stands, Ryan suffers increases suddenly, what is opposite with it, president Sir the pressure of receive reduced without doubt. Therefore what love, what favor and so on, is actually only the representation, some manipulate strategically and fights for power and profit.” “于是这样一来,瑞恩遭受到的压力骤然增大,与之相反的是,总裁大人的受到的压力无疑就减少了许多。所以什么父子之情,什么恩宠之类的,其实都只是表象而已,有的只是勾心斗角和争权夺利。” Ryan usually gives the impression of person is the having no interest power and influence, liking being risky and dissolute, this is he is also building the person to suppose strongly, wish lets Kubo and Lyndonville thinks own having no interest power and influence.” “瑞恩平时给人的印象是无心权势,喜欢冒险和浪荡,这也是他在竭力营造人设,想要让库博和林登维尔认为自己无心权势。” But in the face of that astonishing right of inheritance, Ryan's concealing is how pale, because under his buttocks the position of that first position successor, is the position of entire group crown prince, is the original sin!” “但在那惊人的继承权面前,瑞恩的掩饰何其苍白,因为他屁股下面那个第一顺位继承人的位置,也就是整个集团太子的位置,就是原罪!” „The pure white no flaw least bit wrong as if sage who even Ryan looks like white lotus flower, in this position, that has not but been completely mistaken, Kubo and Lyndonville must regard him for eye-sore.” “就算是瑞恩像一朵白莲花似的洁白无瑕半点儿错都没有仿佛圣人,但在这个位置上,那就是大错特错,库博和林登维尔就要视他为眼中钉。” side Linyan the explanation let the vultures and goat both people without doubt was shocked, but his inference initially sounded unthinkable, but carefully sounded, was actually fair, with meticulous care. 方林岩的解释无疑让秃鹫和山羊两个人都惊呆了,可是他的推断初听起来匪夷所思,但仔细听起来,却是合情合理,丝丝入扣。 What proper family relationships, anything loves incomparably, all for naked competition power and influence! 什么父慈子孝,什么宠爱无比,一切都是在为了赤裸裸的争夺权势! In this case, Ryan has not actually resulted in elects, the back is arriving at Reynolds's knife, the front must face two hungry tigers! If not find the way to change, will then be will die sooner or later. 在这种情况下,瑞恩其实没得选,背后是抵着雷诺兹的刀子,前方则是要面对两头饿虎!若不想办法改变的话,那么早晚是个死。 At this time side Linyan drinks water, closes the eye to reorganize a train of thought that then continued saying: 这时候方林岩喝了一口水,闭上了眼睛整理了一下思绪,然后继续道: Therefore, Ryan is not certainly willing to accept fate, therefore very simple arranged a bad risk incomparable killing bureau!” “所以,瑞恩当然不愿意认命,于是很干脆的就布置了一个凶险无比的杀局!” This background that kills the bureau, or said accurately, is in the surface that matter skin that is used to camouflage, before is us, the rescue story that knows.” “这个杀局的背景,或是准确的说,就是表面上用来伪装的那层皮,就是我们之前知道的这个营救故事。” Actually, after you lift this skin directly, seen truth, is one carefully plans the later murder!” “其实,当你将这一层皮直接掀开之后,看到的真相,就是一场精心策划之后的谋杀!” After telling here, side Linyan very simple stop spoke in the team channel, then said in the engine room directly: 讲述到这里以后,方林岩很干脆的停止在团队频道当中发言,然后直接在机舱里面说了出来: „After Ryan first all arrange, then directly makes the substitute person arrive on this star, then loses the contact directly. Meanwhile, with Ryan together shadow organization jointly, is responsible for hyping, must make this news be spread the world is.” “瑞恩先将一切都筹备好了之后,便直接让替身来到了这颗星球上,然后直接失去联络。同时,与瑞恩一起联手的这个影子组织,也负责炒作,务必要让这个消息被传扬得满世界都是。” At this time the responses in various aspects definitely can also roughly anticipate.” “此时各方面的反应肯定也是能大致预期到的。” To maintain the beforehand person supposes, President Reynolds must certainly send the statement serious concern, and also at least must make the gesture of positive rescue!” “为了保持之前的人设,雷诺兹总裁肯定要发声明严重关注,并且还至少得做出积极营救的姿态!” Actually? The rescue team that president Sir dispatches passes, that person who manages the general situation from the plant root directly rottenly ------ Mr. Kenny can be bought by Lyndonville directly, the father of president Sir likes such as the mountain can be inferred.” “其实呢?总裁大人派遣的营救队直接从根子上烂透,主持大局的那个人------肯尼先生都能被林登维尔直接收买,总裁大人的父爱如山可见一斑。” In Kubo and Lyndonville heart, although wishes one could Ryan dead a bit faster, at least must issue the statement outward, expressedheavyheartedly, close concern wait/etc. ” “库博和林登维尔心里面虽然恨不得瑞恩快点去死,至少对外也要发表声明,表示“忧心忡忡”,“密切关注”等等。” At this time, the people of difference universe do not know mostly, Ryan to seek the stimulation, downcast in this mysterious and on the bad risk star.” “这时候,差不多半个宇宙的人都知道,瑞恩为了寻求刺激,陷落在了这颗神秘而凶险的星球上。” At this time the true Ryan direct action, conducted him who the depth tidied up, gives own successor right using President Reynolds, successfully mixed in the headquarters of A. P. Moller Maersk Group, got rid of the president, does not know I said is right? Mr. Gauss?” “此时真正的瑞恩就直接行动了,进行了深度整容的他,利用雷诺兹总裁赋予自己的继承人权利,成功混入了马士基集团的总部,干掉了总裁,不知道我说的对不对啊?高斯先生?” Heard side Linyan to mention by name to select oneself head, Gauss can only the helpless forced smile say: 听到了方林岩点名点到了自己头上来,高斯只能无奈的苦笑道: Basically agrees, the spanner mister your reasoning faculty is fierce.” “基本一致,扳手先生你的推理能力非常厉害。” side Linyan hesitated a while saying: 方林岩沉吟了一会儿道: His father who how Ryan gets rid of specifically, I do not know that may be poisons, being possible be to camouflage...... Ryan accidentally/surprisingly, for this matter was long-premeditated, there is a mysterious shadow organization to support, should be able to do flawlessly.” “瑞恩具体怎么干掉的他爹的,我就不知道了,有可能是投毒,有可能是伪装成了意外......瑞恩为了这件事蓄谋已久,又有神秘的影子组织支持,应该能做得天衣无缝。” But, I guessed one boldly, Ryan had demonstrated before a ring, this ring can give his temporary reading strength, the long-distance range moved one thing.” “不过,我大胆的猜测一句,瑞恩之前曾经展示过一枚戒指,这枚戒指可以赋予他临时的念力,远距离移动一样东西。” The fact that I see is, this ring can make the right hand that Dejak holds the blade fierce lifts for two seconds, then can certainly distant throws into a medicine the drinking glass of president? Perhaps does Mr. President die on this ring?” “我看到的事实是,这枚戒指可以让德亚科持刀的右手猛的抬起来两秒钟,那么当然可以远远的将一枚药物神不知鬼不觉的丢进总裁的水杯中?或许总裁先生就是死在这枚戒指上?” Gauss saw that side Linyan the words meaning of inquiring takes shape, he can only wipe a cold sweat forced smile saying: 高斯见到方林岩话中的探询之意呼之欲出,他只能抹了一把冷汗苦笑道: „The rules and regulations that spanner mister, we organize are severe, I really do not have the means to answer you this issue, but, heard that Mr. Ryan had studied with less than two centimeters ice needles, hunts and kills the skill of wilderness mammoth beast.” “扳手先生,我们组织的规章非常严酷的,我实在没有办法回答你这个问题,不过,听说瑞恩先生曾经学习过用一根不到两厘米长的冰针,猎杀荒原猛犸兽的技巧。” Like this huge big thing, aorta, once were punctured by the ice needles, is difficult to escape dies, and is very difficult to discover the true cause of death.” “这样的庞大大物,主动脉一旦被冰针刺破,也是难逃一死,并且还很难找出真正的死因。” side Linyan shows a faint smile, a topic road for grain shipment: 方林岩微微一笑,话题一转道: Not only that Ryan is one works very meticulous person, he secret had come Yani star in advance, to is inspect here geographical environment and lifeform ethnic group, must build flawlessly oneself this plan, makes every effort does not have any loophole!” “不仅如此,瑞恩是一个做事十分缜密的人,他事前早就秘密来过亚尼格星球,为了就是考察这里的地理环境和生物族群,要将自己这个计划营造得天衣无缝,力求没有任何漏洞!” Still remembers just arrived on Yani star time, we went out to go on patrol discovered a crashing spaceship, this should be Ryan secret the flight vehicle that came the time to ride, not only that he should also lead the companion at that time.” “还记得刚刚来到亚尼格星球上的时候吗,我们外出巡逻就发现了一架坠毁的飞船,这应该就是瑞恩秘密前来时候乘坐的飞行器,不仅如此,他当时应该还带着同伴。” If I guess right, they also attacked a Magerram centaur clan and tribe, robbed a very valuable sacred object pig hammer! However therefore suffered chasing down of centaur. A companion for Ryan's safety, brings this spoils of war to run away on own initiative, attracts the pursuing troops of centaur.” “若我猜得没错的话,他们还袭击了一个马格拉姆半人马部族,从中抢走了一件很有价值的圣物猪头锤!不过因此遭受到了半人马的追杀。一名同伴为了瑞恩的安危,主动带着这件战利品逃走,将半人马的追兵吸引走。” Ryan's separate companion should receive the severe wound, then escaped in a ground water, might be the wound send dead, may be is killed by hunting, dies there.” “瑞恩失散的这名同伴应该是受到了重伤,然后逃到了一处地下水源内,有可能是伤发而死,有可能是被猎食者干掉,死在了那里。” At that time the estimated time was tight, Ryan finds the person without enough time slowly, can only regret to leave, afterward with we looked for the water the time, discovered the body of companion was very moved.” “当时估计时间紧迫,瑞恩来不及慢慢找人,只能遗憾离开,后来和我们一起找水的时候,发现了同伴的尸体还十分伤感。”
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