FE :: Volume #9

#46: Dirty truth

LNMTL needs user funding to survive Read More

„The fellow members of legendary squad, your duties complete the appraisal to time outstandingly, presents the high appraisal team skill the probability to promote 15 in alternative.” “传奇小队的各位成员,你们这一次的任务完成评价为优秀,在备选项中出现高评价团队技能的几率提升15。” „The fellow members of legendary squad, among you have two to have + 1 legend, presents the high appraisal team skill the probability to promote 10 in alternative.”( Two people legend reward) “传奇小队的各位成员,你们当中有两位拥有传说度,在备选项中出现高评价团队技能的几率提升十。”(两人传说度奖励) „The fellow members of legendary squad, you use the team that Assembly establishes, presents the high appraisal team skill the probability to promote 5 in alternative.” “传奇小队的各位成员,你们乃是使用集结号建立的团队,在备选项中出现高评价团队技能的几率提升五。” „The fellow members of legendary squad, among you have one by selection, presents the high appraisal team skill the probability to promote 5 in alternative.” “传奇小队的各位成员,你们当中拥有一位被选中者,在备选项中出现高评价团队技能的几率提升五。” Under, conducts the decimation mode choice.” “下面,进行抽取模式选择。” Decimation mode A: The initiative extraction, you can choose one to take your team driving skills from the forthcoming list skill column, chooses this not to have the addition,” “抽取模式A:主动抽取,你们可以从即将出现的列表技能栏里面选择一项作为你们的团队主动技能,选择此项无加成、” Decimation mode B: The random extraction, the words of random extraction, present the high appraisal team skill the probability to promote 50 in alternative.” “抽取模式B:随机抽取,随机抽取的话,在备选项中出现高评价团队技能的几率提升50。” Below will have 30 seconds of consideration time, words that the time arrives , will then tacitly approve is the A pattern.” “下面将会有三十秒的考虑时间,时间一到的话,那么就会默认为A模式。” Facing the choice of decimation mode, some people argued a while, finally by goat one: My recent luck was good, ended the discussion. 面对抽取模式的选择,一干人争论了一会儿,最后以山羊一句:我最近运气好,终结了讨论。 side Linyan thinks, Max will soon enter the team, in the team weak area also starts to be made up neat, therefore this team skill, even if screwed up still no at the worst. 方林岩想了想,麦斯即将入队,团队里面的短板也开始被补齐,所以这团队技能就算是搞砸了也没什么大不了的。 At present understanding space, but also really has no far-fetched waste skill. 就目前对空间的了解来说,还真没有什么不靠谱的废技能。 Israeli forest Yan nods, bets one indifferently. 所以方林岩就点了头,赌一把也无所谓。 Therefore, goat direct selection decimation mode B: Random extraction. 于是,山羊直接选择了抽取模式B:随机抽取。 Immediately, prompts is springing at present: 顿时,提示就在眼前弹出: The fellow members of legendary squad, you chose the random decimation mode, you present the high appraisal team skill the probability to promote 75 in alternative, following for this extraction alternative of team skill. 传奇小队的各位成员,你们选择了了随机抽取模式,你们在备选项中出现高评价团队技能的几率提升75,以下为本次抽取的团队技能的备选项。 A: Team skill, Jinzhongzhao. A:团队技能,金钟罩。 Skill appraisal: S 技能评价:S After activating this skill, will form powerful Jinzhongzhao in the body surface of user, the life value of Jinzhongzhao is 200 + team rank x50 points, the duration 20 seconds, the cooling time 24 hours. 激活此技能后,将会在使用者的体表形成一个强大的金钟罩,金钟罩的生命值为200+团队等级x50点,持续时间二十秒钟,冷却时间二十四小时。 After Jinzhongzhao was activated, its surface will present a high-speed random walk light spot, this is the problem of Jinzhongzhao, the range attacks invalid to its. 当金钟罩被激活以后,其表面会出现一个高速随机游走的光斑,这就是金钟罩的罩门,范围攻击对其无效。 The defensive power of Jinzhongzhao was tacitly approved as 0, and is authoritative, in the vast majority of cases, the attack of enemy is unable to penetrate Jinzhongzhao to cause the damage to the user, only if can hit Jinzhongzhao problem, will directly cause 500 damage. 金钟罩的防御力被默认为0,并且具有权威性,在绝大多数情况下,敌人的攻击都无法穿透金钟罩对使用者造成伤害,除非能击中金钟罩的“罩门”,将会直接造成500的伤害。 This skill for the team individual skill, can be used by each team member, uses the cooling time to calculate separatedly, does not affect other team members to use. 此技能为团队个人技能,可以被每个团队成员使用,使用冷却时间分开计算,并不影响其余的团队成员使用。 Explained: Only then died does not have the weakness, but the key weakness appears even, will you be capable of holding. 说明:只有死亡才没有弱点,但关键是即便弱点出现,你有没有能力将之抓住。 B: Team skill: Dark day fluctuation eye B:团队技能:暗天波动眼 Skill appraisal: SS 技能评价:SS After activating this skill, will summon the powerful dark eye in a top of the head ten meters place of activation, and is centered on the dark eye core production the dark domain, making the radius the enemy visibility within 30 meters significantly reduce. 激活此技能后,将会在激活者的头顶十米处召唤出强大的暗黑之眼,并且以暗黑之眼为核心制造出暗黑领域,使半径三十米内的敌人能见度大幅度降低。 The dark eye will stare at the enemy to cause the damage also to cause its deceleration unceasingly, if has not assigned the enemy, will then stare at the enemy randomly, its injury value = team current rank X2, the injury frequency is 2 seconds / time. 暗黑之眼将会不断凝视敌人造成伤害并且使其减速,若未指定敌人,便会随机凝视敌人,其伤害值=团队当前等级X2,伤害频率为二秒/次。 Meanwhile, the allied force in dark domain, will restore the life value at a speed of 5 / 5 second, this effect can only become effective below 50 allied forces to the life value. 同时,在暗黑领域当中的友军,将会以5/5秒的速度恢复生命值,此效果只能对生命值在50以下的友军生效。 The duration of dark day fluctuation eye is one minute, after the duration ended, the dark day fluctuation eye will explode, in the enemy to dark domain causes small range damage, and makes it fall into decelerates 50 conditions, the duration 30 seconds. 暗天波动眼的持续时间为一分钟,持续时间结束以后,暗天波动眼将会爆炸,对暗黑领域内的敌人造成较小的范围伤害,并使其陷入减速50的状态,持续时间30秒。 Decelerates the effect on have the authority. 减速效果拥有权威性。 This skill is the group skill, the team members on the scene must over 50( including 50), and all members on the scene agree to activate, each adventurous world can only activate one time. 此技能为团体技能,在场的团队成员必须要超过50(含50),并且在场的所有成员同意才能激活,每个冒险世界只能激活一次。 Note: When activates a dark day fluctuation dark department, can use the related material to strengthen it. The related material concrete definition is: Unknown strange thing of dark department, if after obtaining this skill, met the related material to obtain the concrete prompt. 提示:在激活暗天波动眼暗系的时候,可以利用相关的施法材料对其进行强化。相关的施法材料具体定义为:暗系的未知奇物,若获得了这个技能后,遇到了相关施法材料会获得具体提示。 Explained: The darkness dies, dark and lives, the darkness is the beginning, dark is actually the end point, how even if again the magnificent life and glory, ultimately will be integrated in the middle of the eternal darkness. 说明:黑暗是死,黑暗又是生,黑暗是起点,黑暗却又是终点,哪怕是再怎么辉煌的生命和荣耀,最终都将被纳入永恒的黑暗当中。 C: Team skill: The technique of shadow biting C:团队技能:影噬之术 Skill appraisal: S 技能评价:S After activating this skill, activation will swallow own shadow, thus allows itself in the middle of better integration darkness, making three skill consumptions that it then displays reduce 50, speed promotes 50. 激活此技能之后,激活者将会吞噬自己的影子,从而使自己可以更好的融入黑暗当中,使其接下来施展出来的三个技能消耗降低50,施法速度提升50。 If the skill does not have consumption / instantaneous type, then the violent striking rate/lead or effect / duration promote 50. 如果技能本身就是无消耗/瞬发类型,那么暴击率或者效果/持续时间提升50。 After the shadow bites the effect activation, will continue for one minute. 影噬效果激活以后,将会持续一分钟。 Your shadow the rebirth after ten minutes, will not have these days of shadow in you, your entire attribute will drop 2 points. 你的影子将会在十分钟后重生,在你没有影子的这段时间中,你的全属性将会下降二点。 After your shadow rebirth, you can use the technique of shadow biting again. 当你的影子重生之后,你就可以再次施展影噬之术。 This skill for the team individual skill, displays not to consume, in number of times = team current rank x2 that in the middle of each adventurous world displays. 此技能为团队个人技能,施展起来并没有消耗,在每个冒险世界当中施展的次数=团队当前等级x2。 Explained: The person who even the strength of shadow can control, can control the victory and defeat. 说明:连影子的力量都能掌控的人,才能掌控胜负。 D: Team skill: Does not have the type D:团队技能:无式 Skill appraisal: SS 技能评价:SS After activating this skill, will be centered on instantaneously stimulates invisible ring-like shock-wave, the shock-wave maximum area of influence is 50 meters. 激活此技能之后,将在瞬间以施法者为核心激发出一道无形的环状冲击波,冲击波最大影响范围为50米。 Receives this/should shock-wave influence enemy opposite party promisor will suffer absolutely no effect influence, under this influence, all team skills of enemy opposite party promisor( including passive) will be invalid temporarily, duration ten seconds. 受到该冲击波影响的敌对方契约者将会遭受到“绝对的无”的效果影响,在此影响下,敌对方契约者的所有团队技能(含被动)将会暂时无效,持续时间十秒钟。 This team skill is authoritative, only if the team skill of opposite party has the explicit prompt, said that has the resistance to prohibit the ability the special effect, will otherwise definitely become effective. 此团队技能具有权威性,除非是对方的团队技能有明确提示,说是拥有对抗封禁能力的特效,否则的话必然会生效。 This skill is the group skill, after random team members release, will enter two hours of cooling time, other team members can see the rest of cooling time. 此技能为团体技能,任意一名团队成员释放之后,都将进入两个小时的冷却时间,其余的团队成员可以看到剩余冷却时间。 Has to limit the number of times without the type, the release number of times in the middle of each world is: Presently team rank / 2, only rounded number, after the decimal point, does not count.( E.g. team rank is 5 words, then can only release 2 times) 无式拥有施法限制次数,在每个世界当中的释放次数为:当前团队等级/二,只取整数,小数点以后不计。(比如团队等级为五的话,那么就只能释放二次) When the team promotes, might obtain no -type strengthened duty. 当团队升级的时候,有可能会获得无式的强化任务。 Explained: Let all belong to does not have! 说明:让一切都归于无吧! ..... ..... Three people of four big options that looks at to present, detects really powerful, in the middle of unexpectedly alternative has the skills of two S levels, skills of two SS levels! 三人看着出现的四大选项,发觉果然给力,竟然备选项当中有两个S级的技能,两个SS级的技能! But these four skills are also each has his good points: 而这四个技能也是各有千秋: Jinzhongzhao is the pure defense type, 金钟罩是纯防御类型的, The technique of shadow biting and does not have the type is the pure attack type, 影噬之术和无式是纯进攻型类型的, The dark day fluctuation eye is an attack and defense body, is very tyrannical. 暗天波动眼则是攻防一体,十分强横。 To be honest, these four skill opposite party forest crags their team basically covers, before side Linyan , the team skill that the appearance that worries about has no need for showed that considered thoroughly. 说实话,这四个技能对方林岩他们团队都是基本覆盖的,方林岩之前担忧的出现用不着的团队技能证明是多虑了。 However if can the hand sorting, side Linyan should choose Jinzhongzhao. 不过若是能手选的话,方林岩应该会选金钟罩。 CD is short, the effect is clear, and what is more important, everyone will not shut out the life is too few. CD短,效果明确,并且更重要的是,每个人都不会嫌弃自己生命太少。 In addition, the dark day fluctuation eye is also especially domineering, with good words, then ran into the powerful enemy to be equivalent to a maintaining life symbol. 除此之外,暗天波动眼也是格外强势,用得好的话,那么遇到强敌就相当于多了一张保命符。 Moreover, but can also guarantee its growth potential with material strengthening. 不仅如此,还能用施法材料强化保证了其成长性。 It is a pity that a world can only use one quite regrettably time. 遗憾的是一个世界只能用一次相当遗憾。 At this time, in the goat heart was also somewhat disturbed, he could not bear the trembling sound said: 这时候,山羊心里面也是有些忐忑了,他忍不住颤声道: Hey, I started to pull out, pulling out was not good not to blame me!” “喂喂喂,我开始抽了啊,抽得不好可别怪我啊!” The vulture said loudly: 秃鹫大声道: Why does not blame you! Naturally must blame you!” “为什么不怪你!当然要怪你了!” This makes the goat worry without doubt, say/way of some side Linyan also curious in addition anticipations: 这无疑让山羊捏了一把汗,方林岩也有些好奇加期待的道: Pulls out, actually I feel also good.” “抽吧,其实我觉得还都不错。” The goat said: 山羊道: I pulled out.” “那我抽了啊。” After he said that immediately saw these four options started to beat rapidly, finally other three looked like entered in the water, the rapid dissolution added the desalination, only kept finally especially clear one ........ 他说了之后,立即就见到这四条选项开始迅速的跳动了起来,最后其余三项就像是进入了水中似的,迅速溶解加淡化,只留下来了最后格外清晰的一项........ Team skill: Does not have the type! 团队技能:无式! Saw this, side Linyan is somewhat stunned, because the goal of this team technique simply and purely, that attacks!! 看到了这一项,方林岩有些错愕,因为这一个团队技的目的简单而纯粹,那就是进攻!! An accurate point, is during the attack the most extreme murder! 准确的一点来说,是进攻当中最极端的杀人! And the sighting vane that aims at also has the limitation, could not affect the indigenous people, aimed at with their same space soldiers. 并且针对的目标物还有局限性,连原住民都影响不了,针对的就是与他们一样的空间战士。 My team skill, is to make you unable to use the team skill. 我的团队技能,就是让你用不出来团队技能。 Had this move, these triggering being on the verge of death conditions are invincible, or flickered the fellow who moved to probably select directly carefully. Especially in the opposite party has not known this point in the situation. 有了这一招,那些触发濒死状态就无敌的,或者说直接瞬移的家伙就得小心点了。尤其是在对方还不知道这一点的情况下。 After making appropriately this matter, side Linyan three people regained the prompt: 在弄妥当了这件事之后,方林岩三人就重新获得了提示: Respectable legendary squad: You had successfully completed the rescue mission, you can continue to stay in this world free eight hours.” “尊敬的传奇小队:你们已经顺利完成了救援任务,你们可以继续免费停留在本世界内八个小时。” Once surpassed for eight hours, then needs to pay expenses, expense for every eight hours / 10,000 universe points.” “一旦超过了八个小时,那么就需要付费,费用为每八个小时/一万通用点。” Serious reminder, you are carrying out the military rank task, the returned way is not usually same as the adventure world, is not returns immediately.” “郑重提醒,你们乃是在执行军衔任务,返回的方式与平时冒险世界并不相同,并非乃是即时返回。” When you place the spaceship that the safe region can summon aids, but the spaceship will have a half hour to 1 hour of delay, please must reserve the time that the good spaceship to come, in order to avoid causes the unnecessary economic loss.” “当你们身处安全的区域才能召唤接应的飞船,而飞船将会有半小时到一小时的延迟,请务必预留好飞船前来的时间,以免造成不必要的经济损失。” Saw this prompt, the goat inquired immediately: 看到了这提示,山羊立即询问道: Wait, if I have not misread, is the charging criterion that the entire team stays is 10,000 universe points / eight hours? In other words, even if we only keeps a person here, the charge is also such high.” “等等,如果我没看错的话,是整个团队停留的收费标准是一万通用点/八个小时?也就是说,哪怕是我们只留一个人在这里,收费也是这么高。” Yes.” “是的。” After three people make these matters is appropriate, suddenly detected that Ryan is still waiting for in the side smile peacefully, after seeing they were idle, Ryan then walks to say with a smile: 三人将这些事弄妥当之后,忽然发觉瑞恩还在旁边微笑安静等待着,见到他们空闲下来了以后,瑞恩便走了过来笑道: This time, if not for three help, I will also die mostly here.” “这一次若不是三位帮忙,我多半也会死在这里了。” side Linyan shakes the head, earnest say/way: 方林岩摇摇头,认真的道: Shadow organization is very fierce, to be honest your plan is also meticulous, therefore we from the beginning that false regarded the goal.” “影子组织很厉害,说实话你的计划也非常缜密,因此我们一开始就将那个假的当成了目标。” Said words that in the middle of protecting your process, we actually cannot offer too many strengths.” “这么说起来的话,在保护你的过程当中,我们其实没能出太多力气。” Ryan very sincere say/way: 瑞恩很诚恳的道: At least I can affirm a matter, without you, I am not possible to return among Ratsey Camp quickly safely, therefore in this card has 10 million remuneration for services rendered, is my a little intention.” “至少我能肯定一件事,若是没有你们的话,我不可能这么快就安全的回到纳拉齐营地当中来,所以这张卡里面有一千万酬金,算是我的一点儿心意。” And my security has not been guaranteed, therefore, this sum of money actually is also only the deposit......” “并且我的安全还并没有得到保证,所以,这笔钱其实也只是订金罢了......” Obviously, Ryan had a liking for side Linyan three people of powerful strengths, therefore wants to continue to win over them. 很显然,瑞恩看上了方林岩三人的强悍战力,所以想要继续拉拢他们。 However this is obviously unproductive, side Linyan shakes the head, very simple rejection said: 不过这显然是徒劳的,方林岩摇摇头,很干脆的拒绝道: This is our responsibility, is our duties, does not need your thanks, moreover three of us must go back to report on activities quickly, you will not then suffer what risk.” “这是我们的职责,也是我们的任务,并不需要您的感谢,而且我们三人很快就要回去述职了,想必您接下来也不会遭受到什么风险。” At this point, side Linyan hesitated evil ways: 说到这里,方林岩沉吟了一下道: If you felt these things that we handle are good, then can tell me a matter?” “如果您觉得我们做的这些事情还算不错的话,那么能不能告诉我一件事?” Ryan has not expected oneself gathering to be declined obviously unexpectedly, the complexion facial expression changes, maintains the politeness saying: 瑞恩显然没料到自己的招揽居然被回绝,脸色神情微变,还是保持着礼貌道: „? You said......” “哦?你说......” *** *** Ten after minutes, 十分钟后, side Linyan asked that issue, then went separate ways with facial expression complex Ryan. 方林岩问完了问题,便与神情复杂的瑞恩分道扬镳了。 The following three people flushed cool among Ratsey Camp, rested while convenient. 接下来三人就在纳拉齐营地当中冲了个凉,顺带休息了一番。 Here has named Burang presses out the drink fresh, with local one special product that is similar to the cactus fruit presses out. Then matches the ice piece and champagne, the flavor excellent, conforms to side Linyan the taste very much. 这里有一种叫做“普兰”的鲜榨饮料,用本地的一种类似于仙人掌果的特产榨成。然后搭配上冰块和香槟,味道绝佳,很是符合方林岩的口味。 side Linyan wanted two big cups, has while here with the photon communication that the outside world connects, drinks is inquiring the material of wish. Crossed probably for a half hour, satisfied nod, then stretches oneself. 方林岩要了两大杯,同时趁着这里有着与外界连接的光子通讯,一面喝一面查询着想要的资料。大概过了半小时,才满意的点了点头,然后伸了个懒腰。 At this time, the vulture and goat also processed the miscellaneous matters, idled to get down then to inquire: 这时候,秃鹫和山羊也都处理完了杂事,闲了下来便询问道: „Does boss, how we then do?” “头儿,我们接下来怎么做?” side Linyan said: 方林岩道: Naturally is goes to Brander Harden there to have a look, how to attain the title the clue.” “当然是去布兰德哈登那里看看,怎么拿到称号的线索了。” Walks, we look for Mr. Gauss, he was the time fulfills oneself commitment.” “走吧,我们去找高斯先生,他是时候兑现自己的承诺了。” Quick, three people found Gauss, this fellow is aiming at one box of instant noodles to wolf down at this time, saw after three people, immediately smiles bitterly saying: 很快的,三人就找到了高斯,这家伙此时正在对准了一盒泡面狼吞虎咽,见到了三人以后立即苦笑道: Please wait a bit, making me finish eating this box of surface, be honest with you, before you came I had worked overtime continuously for two days, this was the first hot thing that I ate for several days.” “请稍等,让我把这一盒面吃完,不瞒您说,在你们来之前我已经连续加班了两天,这是我这些天吃的第一口热乎东西。” side Linyan looked all around around one, smiled saying with a smile: 方林岩环顾了一下四周,笑了笑道: You are very sane, I also think that here waits our to be among Ratsey Camp all security guards.” “你挺理智的,我还以为在这里等候我们的会是纳拉齐营地当中的所有警卫呢。” After Gauss listened, immediately made keeping silent the hand signal, then eats up the hot water neatly and quickly, took up a sandwich to lead them to walk toward the taking off and landing field conveniently. 高斯听了以后顿时做了个“噤声”的手势,然后三下五除二喝掉面汤,顺手拿起了一个三明治就带着他们朝着起降场走去。 After on flight vehicle, Gauss smiles bitterly saying: 等到上了飞行器以后高斯才苦笑道: Gentlemen, Ratsey Camp is the starry sky financial group, I and Shaque sneak this inside spy, naturally, the above vice-president is also covering us, the consideration that but gives is also definitely limited.” “先生们,纳拉齐营地是属于星空财团的,我和沙克只是潜入这里面的间谍,当然,上面还有一位副总裁罩着我们,但给予的照顾肯定也是有限的。” Therefore, as we two ordinary staff, how possibly to transfer the Ratsey Camp internal security guard of? Don't we absolutely have this resources?” “所以,以我们两个的普通员工身份,怎么可能调得动纳拉齐营地内部的警卫?我们根本就没有这个资源好吗?” What is more important, gives vent to indignation to utilize the public resource of organization for the personal grudge, this is the taboo, I do not want to violate regulations, we organize internal punishment is quite severe.” “更重要的是,为了私人恩怨泄愤来动用组织的公共资源,这是大忌,我可不想违规,我们组织内部的处罚可是相当严厉。” side Linyan nods, then said: 方林岩点点头,然后就道: Troubles you, first sends us to there.” “麻烦你,先送我们去那里。” Was saying low voice exhorted several to Gauss, Gauss nods saying: 说着就小声对高斯嘱咐了几句,高斯点点头道: OK, please sit firmly, we must take off now.” “OK,请坐稳,我们现在要起飞了。” Then side Linyan then turns the head to look at the porthole, can see that Ratsey Camp starts, as raising of flight vehicle, rapid changes is small, finally vanishes in the middle of the hills thoroughly. 接着方林岩便转头看着舷窗,可以见到纳拉齐营地开始随着飞行器的升起,迅速的变小,最后彻底消失在群山当中。 At this time, side Linyan worked as the middle course in the team channel: 这时候,方林岩才在团队频道当中道: Actually, our rescue mission appraisal can achieve is higher, but I think, gave up.” “其实,我们这一次的救援任务评价是可以做到更高的,但是我想了想以后放弃了。” The vulture said: 秃鹫道: Looked, if you also had a mind to continue, then should not miss to deliver that period of precious time that Ryan came back, the good and evil must make the goat talk, draws the sentiment and so on.” “看出来了,如果你还有心继续的话,那么应该不会错过送瑞恩回来的那段宝贵的时间,好歹也要让山羊上去搭搭话,拉一拉感情之类的。” side Linyan shakes the head saying: 方林岩摇摇头道: This individual heart is too ruthless, works too certainly, although is not necessarily able to plan me, but such people and my three views extremely do not gather, I am not willing with his many to contact.” “这个人心太狠,做事太绝,虽然未必能谋算到我,但这样的人与我的三观太过不合,我不愿意和他多加接触。” Heard side Linyan the words, the vulture and goat somewhat are surprised, because in the impressions in their heart, Ryan / Marshall looks like the template of that having little experience of the world neighbor boy: 听到了方林岩的话,秃鹫和山羊都有些吃惊,因为在他们心中的印象里面,瑞恩/马歇尔就像是那种涉世未深的邻家男孩的模板: Emaciated and polite, will speak with the stranger will even take a shyness, will have the feeling is not high, with the human and animals harmless kitten puppy described that will tally very much. 瘦弱而礼貌,和陌生人说话甚至会带上一丝羞涩,甚至存在感都不怎么高,用人畜无害的小猫小狗来形容都很吻合。 However, side Linyan with „is too ruthless too described certainly, these are some misunderstanding? 但是,方林岩却用“太狠”“太绝”来形容,这其中是不是有些误会? Saw the expression of vulture and goat, side Linyan knows immediately they are thinking anything, therefore shows a faint smile saying: 看到了秃鹫和山羊的表情,方林岩顿时就知道了他们在想什么,于是微微一笑道: Actually we rescue this matter to have a very crucial riddle not to untie from beginning to end, why that is Ryan must use an alias Maher, returns this star.” “其实我们救援这件事从头到尾都有一个很关键性的谜团还没有解开,那就是瑞恩为什么要化名马希尔,重新回到这星球上来。” The goat stayed saying: 山羊呆了呆道: He do not avoid chasing down of Elder Brother?” “他不是要躲避自己哥哥的追杀吗?” side Linyan shakes the head: 方林岩摇摇头: His Elder Brother was deceived, chased down goal, throughout in that substitute person horse Persia. Cohen's body!” “他的哥哥是被骗过去了的,追杀的目标,始终都在那个替身马波斯.科恩的身上!” Therefore, in fact Maher can look for a five-star hotel to stay casually, the comfortable blowing air conditioning dallies with the woman, what runs up to this places and rescue crew these coarse men mixes up to make? Also deliberately plans did a false status to oneself?” “所以,实际上马希尔是可以随便找一个五星级酒店呆着,舒舒服服的吹空调玩女人,跑到这地方和救援队这些糙汉子混在一起做什么?还处心积虑的给自己搞了一个假身份?” Such a was asked by side Linyan, the goat and vulture two people dumbfounded, suddenly they rack brains, cannot think goal that Maher does this. 被方林岩这么一问,山羊和秃鹫两人都呆住了,一时间他们绞尽脑汁,也想不出来马希尔这样做的目的。 side Linyan say/way slowly: 方林岩徐徐的道: Initial time, I also rack brains unable to think the goal that he does, until looks at the issue from another angle, simultaneously collected some materials in addition, this understood finally.” “最初的时候,我也绞尽脑汁想不到他这么搞的目的,直到从另外一个角度来看问题,同时外加搜集到了一些资料,这才终于明白了过来。” Goal that Maher does this is to make the proof not on the scene!! By being advantageous is unable Reynolds. Mr. Gosling ------- Also is his father's death relates together, otherwise, he will be quite passive!” “马希尔这样做的目的,是要制造不在场的证明!!以便于让人根本无法将雷诺兹.高斯林先生-------也就是他父亲的死联系到一起,否则的话,他会相当被动!” Heard side Linyan saying that the goat and vulture even more shocked, say/way with one voice: 听到了方林岩这么说,山羊和秃鹫越发震惊了,异口同声的道: This ....... this is how possible! Doesn't his father love him very?” “这.......这怎么可能!他的父亲不是十分宠爱他吗?” side Linyan light say/way: 方林岩淡淡的道: Before we during the contact with Maher, he altogether mentioned our grandfather five, but has not mentioned own father one time.” “之前我们在与马希尔的接触当中,他一共提到了自己的爷爷五遍,但是一次都没有提到过自己的父亲。” Please note, this was the father just died several days of special periods!” “请注意,这还是父亲刚刚死了才几天的特殊时期!” At this time, I felt not right, particularly in hearsay, this Reynolds. Mr. Gosling favors to drown in the situation of this illegitimate child!” “这时候,我就感觉到不对劲了,尤其是在传闻当中,这位雷诺兹.高斯林先生还是非常宠溺这位私生子的情况下!” The goat gawked saying: 山羊愣了愣道: Can be he has not known this sad news?” “会不会是他还不知道这个噩耗?” However this view is overturned by goat at once: 不过这个看法旋即就被山羊自己推翻了: „, It is not right! His side is following that Morris of shadow organization, this fellow in hypodermic has to implant the communications device, can keep in touch with the outside world.” “哦,不对!他身边跟随着影子组织的那个莫里斯,这家伙在皮下有植入通讯装置,可以与外界保持联系。” Other minor matters, such important matter, certainly will also inform him immediately, even if Morris's communication presented the barrier, Gauss will still certainly meet mentions.” “其余的小事倒也罢了,这样的大事,一定会在第一时间内通知他,就算莫里斯的通讯出现了障碍,高斯也一定会见面就说起的。”
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