FE :: Volume #9

#45: Completes the trial task!

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Facing the inquiry of goat, Morris said suddenly: 面对山羊的询问,莫里斯忽然道: That is we organizes for the substitute person who Mr. Ryan builds! Besides confirms from the gene level, almost can confuse falsehood with the truth.” “那是我们组织为了瑞恩先生打造的替身!除了从基因层面来验证之外,几乎能够以假乱真。” In the middle of Maersk shipping group, has the right of inheritance has six people. Mr. Ryan does not have the foundation in the group, and is an illegitimate child, actually by president Reynolds. Mr. Gosling resists opposition, assigns for the first position successor, naturally early becomes thorn in the side of other five people.” “马士基航运集团当中,拥有继承权的足足有六个人。瑞恩先生在集团内毫无根基,并且还是一名私生子,却被总裁雷诺兹.高斯林先生力排众议,指定为第一顺位继承人,当然早早的就成为了其余五个人的眼中钉肉中刺。” Therefore, when Mr. Ryan was involved in a bewildered bad risk traffic accident after eight years old, starts to realize oneself placed the dangerous situation, then he started to ask us to cooperate.” “于是,当瑞恩先生在八岁的时候遭遇了一起莫名其妙的凶险车祸以后,就开始意识到自己身处险境了,接着他就开始找上我们进行合作。” This substitute person who consumes an almost 7 million Singapore dollars large sum of money to build uses for the first time, really had the effect.” “这名耗费了差不多七百万星币重金打造的替身还是首次动用,果然产生了奇效。” After receiving so many news, the whole thing can say, if restores justice to be the same, comes to light finally. 获得了这么多的消息以后,整件事情可以说若拨云见日一样,总算是水落石出。 At this time confirmed after side Linyan three people are the friend non- enemies, Morris also relaxed finally, starts to clench teeth to endure suffering therapy to oneself, very somewhat has felt actually helpless by Tucker of being kept in the dark. 此时确认了方林岩三人是友非敌之后,莫里斯也终于放松了下来,开始咬着牙忍痛给自己疗伤,倒是一直被蒙在鼓里的塔克很是有些茫然不知所措。 However, Morris has actually also separated between him and Ryan, obviously prevents the mishap, because after all the head of Ryan main body is very valuable, this is entire 80 million! 不过,莫里斯却也一直隔在他和瑞恩之间,显然是预防不测,因为毕竟瑞恩本尊的脑袋还是很值钱的,这可是整整八千万呢! The vehicles continued to go a while, suddenly, Morris held down the ear as if to receive what information, then to N'dow: 车辆继续行驶了一会儿,忽然之间,莫里斯按住了耳朵似乎在接收什么信息,紧接着便对瑞恩道: Really, Gauss here transmitted the news, Bai Ruide is killed by Kenny.” “果然,高斯这边传来了消息,白瑞德是被肯尼害死的。” Say/Way that Ryan has a relish immediately: 瑞恩顿时饶有兴致的道: Ha? Really was said? Has the evidence?” “哈?果然被说中了?有证据吗?” Morris lifted the hand, can see inside his wrist/skill has skin is the slightly red, with other skin color a little differences, then Morris , under pressed, immediately has the sound to transmit, should broadcast an audio frequency: 莫里斯抬起了手,可以见到他的手腕内侧的有一块皮肤是微红色的,与其余的皮肤颜色有一点差异,然后莫里斯在下方按了一下,顿时就有声音传来,应该是在播放一段音频了: Audio frequency initial time, without speaking voice, only then somewhat noisy tumbling sound, the scream, after separated very much for more than ten seconds, the male voice is breathing heavily saying: 音频最初的时候,没有说话声,只有很是有些嘈杂的翻滚声,喊叫声,足足隔了十几秒以后,才有一个男声喘着粗气道: I am E3 area manager Bai Ruide of venture capital company, group internal code K2781E, I in this identifying venture capital company team leader Kenny in E3 area on suspicion of the dereliction, the murder, the deceit, see somebody in danger and do nothing.” “我是风险投资公司的E3区经理白瑞德,集团内部代码K2781E,我在此指证风险投资公司的E3区的队长肯尼涉嫌渎职,谋杀,欺骗,见死不救。” He deceives me to make me tempt the enemy, but when most essential, not only does not have to support, blew up our escape route!” “他欺骗我让我来引诱敌人,但在最关键的时候不仅没有进行支援,更是炸毁了我们的退路!” Audio frequency pitiful yell sound that finally transmits the pain, sounds appalling. 音频的最后则传来痛苦的惨叫声,听起来令人毛骨悚然。 Encs said: 瑞恩奇道: How does Bai Ruide's audio frequency attain? Properly speaking will Kenny certainly block outflow of this gadget?” “白瑞德的这段音频是怎么拿到的?按理说肯尼一定会封锁这玩意儿的流出吧?” Maury Sidong: 莫里斯道: Bai Ruide, although relates well with Kenny, but people like him will thoroughly not be sincere about Kenny. At that time Aogerui Ma who they were at truly was the high interference region, but Bai Ruide before arriving at this star, has investigated the related condition, therefore held back one trick.” “白瑞德虽然和肯尼关系不错,但他这种人也不会彻底对肯尼推心置腹。当时他们所在的奥格瑞玛确实是高干扰区,但白瑞德在来到本星球之前,也调查过相关状况,所以留了一手。” He after recording this audio frequency, activates the launcher installment that established in advance, launched several hundred meters in the air it, at this time the launcher before the power consumption, foreign transmission this news that has kept.” “他在录完了这段音频之后,就激活了预先设置的发射器装置,将其发射到了几百米的空中,此时发射器在耗电之前,就会一直不停的对外发送此消息。” Meanwhile, this launcher installment was divided into two parts, what below is the launcher, above is similar to jellyfish / the structure of parachute, once after being launched the upper air, even does not have any power, will still blow out under the function of wind very far.” “同时,这发射器装置是分成了两个部分,下面的是发射器,上面的则是类似于水母/降落伞的结构,一旦被发射到高空以后,即便是没有任何动力,也会在风的作用下被吹出很远。” During moved process, the launcher will move unceasingly, this news has also been transmitted, once went to the disturbance small place, will then be succeeded to receive.” “在被吹动的过程当中,发射器就会不断的位移,这消息也会被一直发送出去,一旦来到了干扰较小的地方,那么就会被成功接收到。” side Linyan three people looked one, simultaneously thought at that time Thalen's unusual condition. 方林岩三人对望了一眼,同时想到了当时塔伦的异状。 Obviously, as Bai Ruide's trusted aide, Thalen definitely is knows that some secret, for example Bai Ruide have told him mostly, if I had the accident/surprise, you pay attention to walk, then receives the relevant information in such and such wave bands. 很显然,身为白瑞德的心腹,塔伦肯定是知道一些秘辛的,比如白瑞德多半就告诉过他,我要是出现了意外的话,你就注意多走走,然后在某某波段接收一下相关信息。 They left shortly after Aogerui Ma at that time, Thalen seems scared, knew the truth mostly at that time...... 他们当时离开了奥格瑞玛不久后,塔伦就显得失魂落魄的,多半那时候就知道了真相...... Then drove out of almost 50-60 kilometers after probably good, Morris said suddenly: 接下来大概行驶出了差不多50-60公里之后,莫里斯忽然道: Parking, our people came.” “停车,我们的人来了。” Then after separating for dozens seconds, saw, the distant place has flight vehicles that take the form of V glyph shapes fly high-speed, should be devil fish that in evidently the material introduced the endoatmosphere flight vehicle, after the above circled several fell directly. 然后隔了几十秒以后就见到,远处已经有一架形似V字形状的飞行器高速飞来,看样子应该是资料上介绍的“魔鬼鱼型”大气层内飞行器,在上方盘旋了几圈之后直接落了下来。 side Linyan looked at the distance, detected that here leaves the Ratsey Camp also more than 500 kilometers, but the energy of all-terrain vehicle is only 20%. 方林岩看了看距离,发觉这里离纳拉齐营地还有五百多公里,而全地形车的能量已经只有百分之二十不到。 If makes Ryan continue to go by car, then starts out 100-200 kilometers to find the place again to camp, after all -terrain vehicle can sufficiently eight hours, can walk. 若是让瑞恩继续坐车的话,那么再开出100-200公里就得找地方宿营,等到全地形车充能八小时以后才能走。 Obviously, to avoid a long delay usually means many problems, is considered the time that the duty completes can also affect to appraise mostly, therefore rode the flight vehicle in the past is the best choice. 很显然,为了避免夜长梦多,更是考虑到任务完成的时间多半还能影响评价,所以乘坐飞行器过去才是最好的选择。 Therefore side Linyan stops the car(riage) directly, after that aerocraft landing, from one side stretched out a slide, then went out of the fellow who a big fellow and a punk youth dressed up from inside. 于是方林岩就将车直接停下,那架飞行器降落以后,从侧面伸出了一条滑梯,然后从里面走出了一个大块头和一个朋克青年打扮的家伙。 Saw their appearance, Morris welcomed going immediately, first hit the fist with that big fellow, then blew a whistling, hugged with the punk youth in one: 见到了他们的出现,莫里斯立即迎上了前去,先与那个大块头撞了撞拳,然后吹了声口哨,和朋克青年拥抱在了一起: Gauss! Your this bastard, almost can renege me to lend your 600!” “高斯!你这混蛋,差点就能赖掉我借给你的六百块了!” Gauss beat his fist very intimately: 高斯十分亲热的捶了他一拳: Your such bastard, God saw will also be tired.” “你这样的混蛋,上帝见到了也会烦。” Morris wiped perspiration to say at this time: 莫里斯这时候抹了一把汗道: Walks walks, this damn ghost weather is quite hot, I must return to the base to drink one cup of ice beer impatiently.” “走吧走吧,这该死的鬼天气好热,我已经迫不及待要回到基地里面喝一杯冰啤了。” „Before these damn centaurs, to the water that we drink is rancid awareness? Also brings urine taste!” “那些该死的半人马之前给我们喝的水是馊的知道吗?还带着一股尿味!” At this time nearby big fellow strange say/way: 这时候旁边的大块头奇道: Such water do you also drink?” “这样的水你也喝?” Morris's ill-humored say/way: 莫里斯没好气的道: Shaque, because such water supplies with limited quantity, if you do not drink, then some are the person drinks, GOGO!” “沙克,因为这样的水都是限量供应的,如果你不喝的话,那么有的是人喝,GOGO!” Was saying took the lead to crawl toward the airplane on. 说着就率先往飞机上爬了过去。 Then naturally boarded craft one after another, but this place forest rock their three people want to board craft time, actually by keeping off of that big fellow Shaque not quick good intention in front: 接下来当然是陆续登机了,不过当方林岩他们三人想要登机的时候,却被那个大块头沙克不快好意的挡在了面前: Hey, your three fellows, this is not the place that you should come to!” “嘿,你们这三个家伙,这可不是你们应该来的地方!” Moreover, at this time Morris had entered the cockpit, separated a pitch-dark opening fire mouth from under of flight vehicle suddenly, is the ray flashes! Side is stopping that all-terrain vehicle exploded immediately loudly. 不仅如此,这时候莫里斯已经进入了驾驶舱,从飞行器的下方忽然弹开了一个黑洞洞的开火口,紧接着就是光芒一闪!旁边停着的那辆全地形车顿时就轰然爆炸了开来。 Naturally...... on this car(riage) already no one. 当然......这辆车上面已经没有人了。 That opening fire mouth revolved, aimed at side Linyan three people. 紧接着那个开火口就旋转了过来,对准了方林岩三人。 Morris the glass of cockpit will open, then blew a whistling, the whole face vicious tendencies extended the right hand, refers to wound tastes that begins to conduct the back: 莫里斯将驾驶舱的玻璃打开,然后吹了声口哨,满脸戾气的伸出了右手,指着手背上的伤口道: No one can harm Mr. Morris not to pay the price!” “没有人能伤害莫里斯先生而不付出代价的!” Your three, take off all clothes immediately, making Shaque break your hand, then can roll!” “你们三个,马上把身上的所有衣服脱掉,让沙克打断你们的一只手,然后就可以滚了!” Naturally, if you want comfortable into thin air, I am also willing to work.” “当然,如果你们想要舒舒服服的人间蒸发,那我也很愿意为效劳。” Looks at Morris that arrogant face, side Linyan looked at Ryan one on flight vehicle suddenly, light say/way: 看着莫里斯那张飞扬跋扈的脸,方林岩忽然看了飞行器上的瑞恩一眼,淡淡的道: Mr. Ryan, is together to think that with such person for a long time the feeling is not good?” “瑞恩先生,和这样的人长期相处想必感觉不大好吧?” Ryan shrugs: 瑞恩耸耸肩: My grandfather has told me a few words, must the most efficient that fisherman wash the sock to you hand/subordinate. I organize to cooperate with the shadow, wanted can preserve my life, now seems like them to do is successful, I do not care as for other things.” “我爷爷告诉过我一句话,要给你手下最得力的那个渔夫洗袜子。我与影子组织合作,想要的就是能保住我的命,现在看起来他们做得还是很成功的,至于其他的东西我并不在意。” side Linyan said: 方林岩道: Oh, my suggestion is, next time you and shadow organization time, can make them send a professional ability is also good, the personality also very good fellow comes.” “噢,那我的建议是,下一次你和影子组织联系的时候,可以让他们派一个业务能力又好,性格也很棒的家伙过来。” Heard side Linyan the words, Morris complexion immediately changes, immediately must go according to weapon-launching new/button, but detected unexpectedly the instruction of brain sent, the arm actually does not run errands. 听到了方林岩的话,莫里斯脸色顿时一变,立即就要去按武器发射纽,可是竟发觉大脑的指令发了出去,手臂却不听使唤了。 After next second, the severe pain on shoulders makes him detect, two a throwing knife that has the electric light deeply has entered the meat, shut off his tendon directly! The electric current that then erupts made him faint directly. 下一秒之后,双肩上的剧痛才让他发觉,两把带着电光的飞刀已经深深入肉,直接切断了他的肌腱!接下来爆发出来的电流直接就让他晕死了过去。 Big fellow Shaque saw this, immediately angrily roared, wielded the fist to aim at side Linyan to pound! Moreover, can see that the position of his elbow joint emitted light smoke to accelerate the impulse of fist. 大块头沙克见到了这一幕,立即怒吼了一声,挥起了拳头就对准方林岩砸了过来!不仅如此,可以见到他的肘关节的位置都冒出了一阵青烟以加速拳头的冲击力。 Obviously, this fellow is Kenny transforms the person similarly, Morris asks him to come to play the military force sign. 显然,这家伙乃是个和肯尼类似的改造人,莫里斯叫他来就是打武力牌的。 But, Shaque's fist, single-handed was moved forward to meet somebody to meet by side Linyan unexpectedly, both sides in fell into deadlock instantaneously! 可是,沙克的这一拳,竟是被方林岩单手一把迎上去就接了下来,双方在瞬间就陷入了僵持! However, the fierce expression that Shaque clenches jaws, inserts with side Linyan a hand in the pants pocket, the indifferent free expression formed the sharp comparison. 不过,沙克咬牙切齿的狰狞表情,和方林岩一只手插在裤兜里面,淡然自若的表情形成了鲜明的对照。 Suddenly, side Linyan catching up suddenly, inserts in pants pocket inside left hand lightning general finding out, the direct bang on Shaque's elbow joint, this fist discarded Shaque's right arm, emits incited the electric spark from the disjunction place. 忽然之间,方林岩骤的发力,插在裤兜里面的左手闪电一般的探出,直接轰在了沙克的肘关节上,这一拳就废掉了沙克的右臂,从折断处冒出了“滋滋滋”的电火花。 Shaque pain yelled, the left hand pulled out a dagger suddenly, aims at side Linyan the fierce thorn to come, 沙克痛苦大叫,左手猛然掏出了一把匕首,对准方林岩猛刺而来, side Linyan inserts in both hands the pants pocket again, the superficialness dodges directly, Shaque blind punctures randomly, in side Linyan reaches as high as in front of the LV10 foundation close combat, looks like the child to cross each family to be the same completely, was played directly runs around in circles. 方林岩重新将双手插回裤兜里面,轻描淡写就直接闪躲而过,沙克的盲目乱刺在方林岩高达LV10的基础近战面前,完全就像是小孩子过家家一样,直接就被耍得团团转。 Saw this, the punk youth Gauss complexion big change, is wanting to have the change, the goat actually blew a whistling to him, then referred to a nearby big stone-paved road: 见到了这一幕,朋克青年高斯脸色大变,正想要有异动,山羊却对他吹了一声口哨,然后指了指旁边的一块大石头道: I urged you do not have what not sane behavior.” “我劝你不要有什么不理智的行为。” Then the goat pressed the hand, aims at that stone to come a round of continuous fireball. 然后山羊将手一按,对准了那块石头来了一发连珠火球。 The goat does not know the continuous fireball that Gauss sees at this time is what appearance( because had this world internal medicine unable to explain phenomenon, space autothatic ermr correction, for example will open fire in ancient times, local resident sees is archery), only knows that this fellow looked at the hand of goat, then looked at that already by the rock that the flame packages, silently raised both hands got up purely. 山羊不知道高斯此时看到的连珠火球是什么样子(因为出现了本世界内科学无法解释的现象,空间会自动纠错,比如在古代开枪,本土居民看到的就是射箭),只知道这家伙看了看山羊的手,然后看了看那块已经被火焰包裹起来的岩石,就默默的将双手举了起来以示清白。 Finally, side Linyan ended the fight by a neat on hook, knocked down Shaque directly, then him like dragging dead dog entraining in engine room. 最后,方林岩以一记干净利落的上勾拳结束了战斗,直接将沙克打晕了过去,接着将他像拖死狗一样的拽进了机舱里面。 The vulture arrived in the middle of the cockpit, digs up to draw neatly and quickly cleanly on Morris clothes pants, even the underpants have not stayed behind to him, will then grab his hair to abandon the airplane. 紧接着,秃鹫则是来到了驾驶舱当中,三下五除二就将莫里斯身上的衣服裤子扒拉得干干净净的,连裤衩也没给他留下,然后抓着他的头发将之扔下了飞机。 side Linyan to high Sidong: 方林岩对着高斯道: We work are very fair, how others to our, us tit for fat.” “我们做事很公平,别人怎么对我们的,我们就以牙还牙。” Therefore, Mr. Gauss, you can sit now speak with us here well, is completely because before you, has not made any not sane matter.” “所以,高斯先生,你现在能坐在这里好好和我们说话,完全是因为你之前并没有做出任何不理智的事情。” At this point, side Linyan watched the weather, then said: 说到这里,方林岩看了看天色,然后道: I think, Mr. Ryan impatient wish has taken a bath, then drank an ice the thing.” “我想,瑞恩先生已经迫不及待的想要洗个澡,然后喝点冰的东西了。” Therefore, Mr. Gauss, can take off?” “所以,高斯先生,可以起飞了吗?” Gauss nods saying: 高斯点点头道: OK.” “OK。” After this devil fish full speed flight, only used for more than 40 minutes to arrive at the sky of Ratsey Camp probably, then slowly landing. 这架魔鬼鱼全速飞行之后,大概只用了四十多分钟就来到了纳拉齐营地的上空,然后徐徐降落。 Ratsey Camp can base on this bad star for a long time, naturally has its own advantage, here is situated in the basin that in the hills surround, easily defensible, if walks the ground, besides surmounting precipitous incomparable boundless mountain range, is good across a 200-meter limestone cave tunnel. 纳拉齐营地能够在这颗恶劣的星球上长期立足,当然是有它自身的优势,这里乃是处于群山环绕的盆地之中,易守难攻,若是走地面的话,除了攀越险峻无比的苍茫山峦之外,只有穿过一条长达200米的溶洞隧道才行。 In this limestone cave tunnel was arranged massive defensive measures, and interior also has a strobe, the giant lifeform cannot come, but also has had been transformed carefully many firebases on the surrounding mountain peak, blocked the enemy the route that came from the ground. 这条溶洞隧道里面被布置了大量的防御手段,并且内部还有多道闸门,巨型生物根本过不来,而在周围的山峰上还有被精心改造过的多处火力点,封死了敌人从地面上前来的路线。 But at that time constructed Ratsey Camp time, but also transported an almost several hundred tons organic soil to come especially, this can conduct the unique vegetables cultivation above, this time Ratsey Camp developed after some time, was more like a typical European small town, even also constructed a church. 而当时修建纳拉齐营地的时候,还特地空运了差不多几百吨有机泥土过来,这样的话就能在上面进行特有的蔬菜养殖,此时的纳拉齐营地发展了一段时间后,更像是一个典型的欧洲小镇,甚至还修建起了一座教堂。 When aerocraft landing, side Linyan to Gauss's light say/way: 在飞行器降落的时候,方林岩对着高斯淡淡的道: We come here goal to be very simple, but received the above order to protect Mr. Ryan to come here safely, will not demand any reward, will not involve other person or during any plan of organization.” “我们来到这里的目的很简单,只是受到了上面的命令来保护瑞恩先生平安到达这里,并不会索要任何报酬,也不会介入其余人或者组织的任何计划当中。” We can live in peace with each other with others, the premise is others do not provoke us, did Mr. Gauss, you understand my meaning?” “我们可以和其余的人相安无事,前提是别人不要来招惹我们,高斯先生,你明白我的意思了吗?” Gauss deeply inspires saying: 高斯深吸了一口气道: Un, understanding.” “恩,了解。” The vulture the correct use dagger was picking out own nail at this time, suddenly said: 秃鹫这时候正用匕首剔着自己的指甲,忽然道: „It is not right, you also owe us a car(riage), that all-terrain vehicle is your people rumbles rottenly.” “不对,你们还欠我们一辆车,那架全地形车是你们的人轰烂的吧。” Gauss very helpless sighing, will speak, Ryan smiles to say at this time: 高斯很无奈的叹了口气,正要说话,瑞恩此时微笑道: „A car(riage), I compensate 1 million Singapore dollars to you.” “一辆车而已,我赔一百万星币给你们。” When Gaszton obstructed obstructing, the Singapore dollar purchasing power is astonishing, 1 million Singapore dollars even can buy a main battle tank! 高斯顿时窒了窒,星币的购买力惊人,一百万星币甚至能买下一辆主战坦克了! side Linyan actually knows that this is Ryan is testing itself and the others whether will be moved by money, stretched out the finger to swing saying: 方林岩却知道这是瑞恩在试探自己等人是否会被金钱打动,伸出了手指摇了摇道: Sorry, Mr. Ryan, your money, are not worth a red cent to us.” “抱歉,瑞恩先生,你们的金钱,对我们来说一文不值。” Gauss stared at some is not comfortable by the vulture indifferent vision very much, for fear that own body suddenly are many a charged throwing knife to come out, that taste is not good to receive! 高斯被秃鹫冷漠的目光盯得很是有些不自在,唯恐自己的身上突然多出一把带电的飞刀出来,那滋味可不大好受! Therefore hurried say/way: 于是急忙道: I can compensate, us is actually equipped with the covert viewpoint in the major popular areas, in the viewpoint has the patrol vehicle, although does not have the physique of all-terrain vehicle to be big, but the performance is better, the speed is also faster.” “我可以赔的,我们这边其实都在各大热门地区设有隐蔽的观察点,观察点里面就有巡逻用车,虽然没有全地形车的块头大,但是性能更好,速度也更快。” side Linyan nods saying: 方林岩点点头道: Ok, you deliver us to pass when the time comes, then on clear debt.” “可以,你到时候送我们过去,然后就清债。” *** *** Two after minutes, as Ryan's foot stepped in the land of Ratsey Camp, 两分钟之后,随着瑞恩的脚踩到了纳拉齐营地的土地上, side Linyan three people also present the prompt at present: 方林岩三人眼前也是随之出现了提示: The important plot character, Ryan has arrived at the goal place successfully, among the Yani star Ratsey Camp on. 重要剧情人物,瑞恩已经成功到达目标地点,亚尼格星球上的纳拉齐营地当中。 Trial duty: Saves mercenary Ryan to complete officially. 试炼任务:拯救佣兵瑞恩已经正式完成。 Core plot character: Ryan. Gosling survives, you obtained 70 completions. 核心剧情人物:瑞恩.高斯林存活,你们获得了70的完成度。 Core plot character: Ryan. Gosling has not been injured and been at the healthy condition, you obtained 10 completions. 核心剧情人物:瑞恩.高斯林并未受伤并且处于健康状态,你们获得了十的完成度。 You carry out this task the time are: 116 hours three minutes four seconds, you obtained 10 completions 你们执行本次任务的时间为:116小时三分钟四秒,你们获得了十的完成度 Plot character: horse Persia. Cohen( Ryan substitute person) death, you deducted 5 completions. 剧情人物:马波斯.科恩(瑞恩替身)死亡,你们扣除五的完成度。 Plot character: Bai Ruide died, you were deducted 5 completions. 剧情人物:白瑞德死亡,你们被扣除五的完成度。 Essential plot: The truth has not opened, you were deducted 10 completions. 关键剧情:真相未开启,你们被扣除十的完成度。 Completions of your duty are 70, your time duties complete the appraisal are B-, good. 你们本次任务的完成度为70,你们本次的任务完成评价为B-,良好。 This task difficulty SS weighting 20, the appraisal promotion of your duty are A-, outstanding. 本次任务难度SS加权20,你们本次任务的评价提升为A-,优秀。 War squad: JY918, congratulates your team success promotion is L4, now you can give a name for your squad. 战争小队:JY918号,恭喜你们的队伍成功晋升为L4,现在你们可以为自己的小队取个名字了。 Three people saw here, suddenly without thinking also has such benefits unexpectedly, after a discussion, result three opinions of people are unified, that does not approve the name that others think, therefore can only finally, helpless draws lots. 三人看到了这里,一时间没想到居然还有这样的福利,一番议论之后,结果三个人的意见非常统一,那就是不认可其他人想的名字,于是最后只能无奈抽签。 side Linyan the proposition is called: Legendary squad 方林岩的提议是叫做:传奇小队 The proposition of goat is called: Marvelous squad 山羊的提议是叫做:奇迹小队 The proposition of vulture is called: Battle path squad 秃鹫的提议是叫做:征途小队 Finally the result of ballot is the vulture wins unexpectedly, but side Linyan used his team leader privilege at this time, said before , in unlucky, depends upon a company executive named legend to look, exactly for a long time food, therefore to commemorate, therefore wants to be called the legend. 最后抽签的结果居然是秃鹫胜出,不过方林岩在这时候动用了他的队长特权,说之前自己在倒霉的时候,依靠一个叫做传奇的公司高管照顾,恰了好久的饭,所以为了纪念一下,所以想要叫做传奇。 Saw that side Linyan plays the mood sign greatly, finally the vulture makes concessions one step, gives the final word. 见到方林岩大打情怀牌,最后秃鹫还是退让一步,一锤定音。 Henceforth, their team also had own name: Legend! 从此,他们这一支队伍也就有了自己的名字:传奇! After the name that side Linyan will reach an agreement submits came up, on the retina starts again to present the prompt: 方林岩将自己商量好的名字提交了上去之后,视网膜上开始再次出现提示: War squad: The fellow soldiers of legend, your team channel message area expands 100. 战争小队:传奇的各位战士,你们的团队频道通讯范围扩大100。 War squad: The fellow soldiers of legend, you obtained the privilege newly, the team warehouse! This is one to the public spaces of all team members, even if the team members is separated by ten thousand li (0.5 km), can use the thing in team space at will. 战争小队:传奇的各位战士,你们新获得了特权,团队仓库!这是一个面向所有团队成员的公共空间,哪怕是团队成员相隔万里,也能随意取用团队空间内的东西。 However, to put in the thing toward the team space, must be in Noa space to be good. 但是,要想往团队空间内放入东西,就必须处于诺亚空间内部才行。 Team space size as the rank promotion of team. 团队空间的大小将会随着团队的等级提升。 After the people saw this new privilege, immediately is also quite pleasantly surprised, quick detected that the team space is quite good, at this time their team space was tacitly approved as LV4, its size the almost about three cubic meters, shared a large part of the pressure of provisions. 众人见到了这一项新特权以后,顿时也是相当惊喜,很快就发觉团队空间还是相当不错的,此时他们的团队空间被默认为LV4,其大小已经差不多有三立方米左右,算是分担了很大一部分给养的压力了。 Prompt that then continues to present, was a moment arrival that side Linyan they most paid attention to: 接下来继续出现的提示,则是方林岩他们最关注的一刻到来了: Then, will enter the extraction related team skill the link.” “接下来,将进入抽取相关团队技能的环节。” In data entry ....... “数据录入中.......”
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