FE :: Volume #9

#44: Unexpectedly is he

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Without a doubt, in Ryan head value was cooked up hotly in the situation, at this time becomes a volume of hot target from the head/number of people recent goat. 毫无疑问,在瑞恩脑袋价值都被炒热了的情况下,此时距离人头最近的山羊就成为了集火目标。 However goat fellow seemingly has the points at heart, chose directly flung head/number of people hot potato, by ugly and effective lazy interest on interest posture ran away, tumbling hid in nearby ruins. 不过山羊这家伙貌似心里还是有点数,直接就选择了将人头这烫手山芋一甩,以难看而有效的“懒驴打滚”姿势逃走,连滚带爬的就躲到了旁边的废墟里面。 However, this fellow still did not lose heart before departure, aims at the position of head/number of people to project two rounds of smoke shell continuously, making that region be revolved by the smog. 但是,这家伙在离开之前依然不死心,对准了人头的位置连续投出了两发烟雾弹,使那个区域都被烟雾围绕了起来。 In this case, people cannot see the head/number of people, in heart naturally anxious incomparable, for fear that fished in troubled waters, the member who therefore two steel knights roll immediately is depending upon the powerful armor, direct alignment in the middle of the thick fog flushed. 在这种情况下,人们看不到人头,心中当然焦躁无比,唯恐被人浑水摸鱼,于是立即就有两名钢铁骑士团的成员依靠着强大的铠甲,直接对准了浓雾当中冲了进去。 Others looked also flew into a rage, TM your is must keep everything for oneself! Disregards the scream that Kenny shouted oneself hoarse directly, flushed in abundance. 其余的人一看也是急眼了,TM的你们这是要吃独食啊!直接无视了肯尼声嘶力竭的喊叫声,都纷纷冲了进去。 These people on the scene are the mercenaries who the tool bit takes oath, with bravo who the life changes money, looks at money is heavier than the life, at this time don't the opportunities of 80 million change lives at present, why wrestle with their life? 在场的这些人都是刀头歃血的雇佣兵,拿命换钱的亡命徒,把钱看得比命还重的,此时八千万改变人生的机会在眼前,凭什么不拿自己的一条命去搏? This is the charm of money, this is the human nature!! 这就是金钱的魔力,这就是人性!! Therefore at this time, was centered on that head/number of people, formed a terrifying vortex, adsorbed those present directly completely, how regardless of Kenny shouted wildly does not help matters. 所以在这个时候,以那个人头为核心,形成了一个恐怖的旋涡,直接将在场的人全部都吸附了进去,肯尼无论怎么狂叫也是无济于事。 He do best to convince persuaded, attempted to entrain to oneself loyal and devoted steel knight one, opposite party's response was also simply and direct ------- That is backhands an axe to cut! 他苦口婆心的劝说,尝试将一名对自己忠心耿耿的钢铁骑士拽回来,对方的回应也是干脆而直接-------那就是反手一斧砍过来! If not for Kenny draws back the hand quickly, it is estimated that the steel arm must cut! 若不是肯尼缩手得快,估计钢铁手臂都要剁掉! Keeps off the person source of income, if murder parents!! 挡人财路,若杀人父母!! At this time if Kenny rushed to block, that was the absolutely irreconcilable enmity, did not allow to let off absolutely. 这时候肯尼若是冲上去拦着,那就是不共戴天之仇,绝对不容放过。 Therefore, in this case, Kenny can only lonely and unproductive is shouting, actually and has no use, can only look that the present situation deteriorates rapidly, this group of people have killed to get angry to make really hot, in this case, the absolute monarch came is also useless. 所以,在这种情况下,肯尼只能孤独而徒劳的大喊着,却并没有任何用处,只能看着眼前的局势迅速恶化,这帮人已经杀红了眼打出了真火,在这种情况下,天王老子来也没用了。 At this time, Kenny had not actually noticed, the three people of groups of instigator have disappeared, they have traced on an all-terrain vehicle to start to see a play directly. 这时候,肯尼却没留意到,始作俑者的三人组已经不见了,他们已经直接摸到了一辆全地形车上开始看戏。 Originally is somewhat dejected, low-spirited vulture and goat two people at this time looks, while starts to quarrel: 本来有些垂头丧气,精神不振的秃鹫和山羊两人此时一边看,也一边开始拌嘴起来: Your performing skill too empty boasting, shouted the dry a little sentiment not to have!” “你那个演技太浮夸了,喊得干巴巴的一点儿感情都没有!” My empty boasting? Wanted me saying that you added on( for money) that three characters really add something superfluous and ruin the effect, originally very natural cheating plan became desirably.” “我浮夸?要我说你加上(为了钱)那三个字才真的是画蛇添足,本来非常自然的蒙骗计划都变得刻意了起来。” „Does boss develop not false? The pistol that I use opens fire to him, in his obstinately resembles round of ambush rolled three on the ground, these people are blinded by greed, had been seen through.” “头儿难道演得不假吗?我用的手枪对他开了一枪,他愣是像中了一发狙击似的在地上滚了三圈,要不是那些人利令智昏,早就被识破了。” Yeah, you see not to have, Kenny detains, was actually almost reduced the arm by an axe, you looked that his complexion is much splendid.” “哎,你看到没有,肯尼去拦阻,却差点被手下一斧头砍掉胳膊,你看他的脸色多精彩。” Really was a pity, this fellow hid too deeply, mother, acted also ruthlessly, the direct fist exploded the throat to kill Ryan, we rescuing the opportunity did not have, the golden opportunity missed unexpectedly.” “真是太可惜了,这家伙隐藏得太深了,妈的,出手也狠,直接一拳爆掉咽喉弄死瑞恩,我们连援救的机会都没有,大好时机居然就这么错过。” „......” “......” At this time side Linyan said suddenly: 此时方林岩忽然道: If duty failure, then why we haven't received the prompt?” “如果任务失败了的话,那么为什么我们还没接到提示?” By side Linyan a saying, the vulture and goat gawked immediately staring, quickly examines the beforehand information, then held breath a cool gas channel/angrily said: 被方林岩一说,秃鹫和山羊顿时愣了愣,急忙去查看之前的信息,然后倒吸了一口凉气道: How can? I depend, hasn't really prompted the duty failure?” “怎么会?我靠,真的没有提示任务失败呢?” The goat stayed the half of the day, say/way that is pleasantly surprised: 山羊呆了半天,才又惊又喜的道: In other words, got rid of isn't Ryan? Is this possible? Kenny works is calm, it can be said that is watertight, how to make such mistake?” “那就是说,被干掉的不是瑞恩?这怎么可能?肯尼这个人做事非常沉稳,可以说是滴水不漏,怎么会犯这样的错误?” The vulture is also frowning saying: 秃鹫也皱着眉头道: Still remembers we are close to here time? The space also has the explicit prompt, said important plot character Ryan who must protect in, even if Kenny makes a mistake, then the space will still make a mistake?” “还记得我们接近这里的时候吗?空间也有明确提示,说是要保护的重要剧情人物瑞恩就在附近,就算是肯尼出错,那么难道空间也会出错啊?” side Linyan deeply inspires, shakes the head saying: 方林岩深吸了一口气,摇了摇头道: I currently have a preliminary suspicion, but has not been confirmed now, was good attains the most important transportation vehicle because of us now, safe took the lead, according to my suspicion, the truth should quick surface.” “我现在已经有了一个初步的猜想,不过现在还没有得到验证,好在我们现在拿到了最重要的交通工具,已经稳稳当当的占据了主动,根据我的猜想,真相应该很快就会浮出水面了。” In just dozens seconds, raised reign of terror regarding that cut head, initial time everyone has also restrained, after some people fired the first spear/gun breathless, the aspect loses control immediately comprehensively! 在短短的几十秒内,围绕着那个被剁掉的脑袋就掀起了一片腥风血雨,最初的时候大家还有所克制,但是当有人气急败坏的开了第一枪之后,局面立即全面失控! Finally laughed wildly was attaining the head, exchanged a Ali of steel knight armor, but his right hand cut off, the left eye was also hit to explode directly, some red and black thick liquid from getting sucked in the eye socket flowed. 最后狂笑着拿到了脑袋的,是换上了一袭钢铁骑士铠甲的阿里,但他的右手被砍断,左眼也被直接打爆,一些红色的和黑色的粘稠液体从深陷的眼窝里面流淌了出来。 But Ali feels nothing, under the stimulation of 80 million large sum of money, he face upwards to laugh wildly, but after with a smile with a smile, the laughter then stops suddenly, suddenly lay on one's back, drops down, died. 可是阿里浑然不觉,在八千万重金的刺激下,他仰天狂笑,但是笑着笑着以后,笑声便戛然而止,突然仰面朝天,倒下,死去。 Even if when death attack, what in Ali's facial expression still reveals is the wild with joy smile. 哪怕是在死亡来袭的时候,阿里的脸容上依然露出的是狂喜的笑容。 At this time, in the middle of big centaur camp ruins, already only surplus several live people few. 在这时候,诺大的半人马营地废墟当中,已经只剩余下来了寥寥的几个活人。 Originally unclearly strength strongest Kenny, is a loner, his tyrannical body stands erect at this time in the wind, seeming like unexpectedly is somewhat miserable moved. 本来隐然实力最强的肯尼,已经是孤家寡人,他强横的身体此时矗立在风中,看起来竟是有几分凄凉的伤感。 Several captives who in addition, but also living is saved a moment ago, Morris, Tucker, Maher and the others, on them did not have the corresponding equipment, but also has the injury, the beforehand that regiment could not force one's way. 除此之外,还活着的就是刚才被救出来的几名俘虏了,莫里斯,塔克,马希尔等人,他们身上既没有相应的装备,还带着伤势,之前的那战团也根本挤不进去。 When the impulsive time passes, is detected that this is a fearful big hole, does not dare to mix. 等到冲动期一过,更是发觉这是个可怕的大坑啊,更就不敢混进去了。 At this time all settle down, Kenny is not inevitably happy, sinister and vicious vision slowly from Morris, Tucker, Maher and the others passed over gently and swiftly, particularly stayed in Morris several seconds. 此时一切都尘埃落定,肯尼的心情必然不大好,阴鸷目光慢慢的从莫里斯,塔克,马希尔等人身上掠过,尤其是停留在了莫里斯身上好几秒。 Because of the beforehand excellent situation, can definitely say that is Morris this blasting fuse does. 因为之前的大好局面,完全可以说就是莫里斯这条导火索搞出来的。 Without the chaotic situation that he makes, side Linyan is unable to push the boat along, using humane sets up the fearful killing bureau greedily. 没有他弄出来的乱局,方林岩也是无法顺水推舟,利用人性的贪婪设下可怕的杀局。 Although the troops under direct control steel knight of Kenny rolls has consumed completely, may be called the loner, but before depends on him, erupts the astonishing strength, an axe cuts tyrannical that kills the one-eyed hill giant, definitely is most powerhouse in field! 尽管肯尼自己的嫡系部队钢铁骑士团已经消耗殆尽,堪称孤家寡人,但就凭他之前爆发出惊人的力量,一斧头斩杀独眼丘陵巨人的强横,也肯定是场上的最强者! Was good because of this time, Morris and Tucker has also taken advantage to get so far as the weapon randomly, did not show weakness „” drew the bolt! Lifted gun to aim at the past. 好在这时候,莫里斯和塔克两人也已经趁乱弄到了武器,毫不示弱的“咔嚓”一声拉动了枪栓!举枪瞄准了过去。 Not is only this, all -terrain vehicle that far prescription forest Yan controls also arrived at 50 meters away, the goat controlled the machine gun of vehicle roof to aim directly. 不但是这样,远处方林岩操控的全地形车也是开到了50米外,山羊直接操控车顶的机枪瞄准了过来。 Sees oneself surplus person boycott, Kenny intention flashed, starts to restore the reason gradually: 见到自己被剩余下来的人联合抵制,肯尼心念闪动,开始渐渐恢复了理智: He feels in any case now oneself 80 million succeed in obtaining, subordinate these secondary roles must dismiss sooner or later, now died the words might also as well be a good deed, but also saved a big compensation for removal. 反正他现在觉得自己八千万到手,麾下这些班底迟早也是要解散的,现在死了的话也未尝不是一件好事,还省掉了一大笔遣散费呢。 Moreover, oneself present has killed Ryan, Lyndonville mister grasps Maersk shipping group is the matter of being settled, now eliminates a potential informant already not the too big necessity these people, oneself have planned to go straight, takes 80 million entire universes to ramble. 不仅如此,自己现在已经干掉了瑞恩,林登维尔先生掌握马士基航运集团已经是板上钉钉的事情,现在将这些人灭口已经没有太大的必要了,自己已经打算洗手不干,拿着八千万全宇宙逍遥去。 The venture capital company is very fierce, but this fierce is to the poor devil, after oneself had 80 million, looks for a star to hide casually, how can also find the head? 风险投资公司是很厉害,但这厉害是对穷鬼而言的,自己有了八千万以后,随便找个星球一躲,又怎么能找到自己头上来? On the contrary, if must eliminate a potential informant, this fellows act out of desperation, cannot do well can also have what accident. 相反,若是一定要灭口的话,这帮家伙狗急跳墙,搞不好还会出什么岔子。 The urgent matter found Lyndonville to draw cash to flash the person quickly, gets rid of Ryan's entire process to record in any case, did not fear that he repudiates a debt. 当务之急还是赶快去找到林登维尔拿钱闪人,反正干掉瑞恩的全过程都已经录像下来,也不怕他赖账。 To be clear after the heart these cause and effect, Kenny sneered, were not many says anything, the convenience took up Ryan's head, then turned around to move toward another all-terrain vehicle, is driving rapid disappearance in the middle of boundless Gobi Desert. 在心中想清楚了这些前因后果之后,肯尼冷笑了一声,也不多说什么,顺手就拿起了瑞恩的脑袋,然后转身就走向了另外一辆全地形车,然后开着车迅速的消失在了茫茫戈壁滩当中。 Kenny walks, everyone on the scene had/left atmosphere, even has the feeling of prostration. 肯尼一走,在场的所有人都出了一口大气,甚至有着虚脱的感觉。 side Linyan drove the car(riage) directly, hints three people to board, saw that they are somewhat scruple, then very simple say/way: 方林岩直接将车开了过来,示意三人上车,见到他们有些迟疑,便很干脆的道: „Are you plan stay here and other reinforcements of centaur? But here their places, and in the middle of Wilow or the centaur have existence of status very much.” “你们是打算留在这里等半人马的援军吗?这里可是它们的地头哦,并且维罗戈还是半人马当中很有身份的存在。” Without the words that the transportation vehicle travels, tomorrow's this time, you were cut the good musculus biceps brachii, the gastrocnemius muscle with the rectum, the pancreatic gland will hang on nearby branch together, by air-drying grain reserves that makes the centaur.” “没有交通工具跑路的话,明天的这个时候,你们被切割好的肱二头肌,腓肠肌就会和直肠,胰腺一起挂在旁边的树枝上,被风干了做半人马的储备粮了。” Obviously, side Linyan final those words successful convinced three people, they very simple boards. 很显然,方林岩的最后那句话成功的说服了三人,他们很干脆的就上了车。 However at this time, side Linyan entrained to ask Tucker especially at the same time several words, Tucker's personality was very frank, the opposite party forest Yan question also replied truthfully, then all -terrain vehicle left the centaur camp rapidly. 不过这时候,方林岩特地将塔克拽到了一边问了几句话,塔克的性格本来就很是直爽,对方林岩的问话也是如实回答,接着全地形车就迅速驶离了半人马营地。 The atmosphere on vehicle very somewhat is also dignified, the dozen minutes no one spoke. 车上的气氛也很是有些凝重,足足有十几分钟都没人说话。 side Linyan said suddenly: 方林岩忽然道: My the goal of present guidance setting, is Ratsey Camp, Ok?” “我现在导航设定的目标,是纳拉齐营地,可以吗?” Tucker said: 塔克道: Naturally, I just want to go to there, place that but there we can go home only!” “当然,我正想去那里,那儿可是我们唯一能回家的地方!” side Linyan smiles saying: 方林岩微笑道: Then your meaning, Mr. Maher, or I should call you for: Maher. Mr. Gosling?” “那么你的意思呢,马希尔先生,或者我应该称呼你为:马希尔.高斯林先生?” side Linyan these words saying, immediately aroused thousand overlapping waves on a stone, triggered much chain-reactions! 方林岩这句话说出来,顿时就一石激起千层浪,引发了大量的连锁反应! Morris lifted gun suddenly, aimed at side Linyan, but the next second he sent out a sad and shrill pitiful yell, on the back of the hand was inserted a dagger! 莫里斯陡然举枪,瞄准了方林岩,可是下一秒他就发出了一声凄厉的惨叫,手背上就被插上了一把匕首! But he also wants to struggle, but the vulture does not know when arrived at it behind, resisted his throat with a knife, in a low voice however firm say/way: 而他还想挣扎一下,但秃鹫已经不知道什么时候来到了其身后,用一把小刀抵住了他的咽喉,低声而坚决的道: Moves dead!” “动一下就死!” The goat is the shocking say/way: 山羊则是震惊的道: What!! Originally is he!!?” “什么!!原来是他!!?” Tucker's performance somewhat compels ignorant: 塔克的表现有些懵逼: „? What did you say?” “啊?你说什么?” Only then Maher delay some little time, then on the face showed the helpless smile: 只有马希尔呆滞了好一会儿,然后脸上露出无奈的笑容道: When I have never thought ....... do you look?” “真没想到啊.......你是什么时候看出来的?” side Linyan light say/way: 方林岩淡淡的道: I thought your status has some questionable points, but has not thought toward that aspect, acts after your loyal and devoted bodyguard, basically can determine your status.” “我本来就觉得你的身份有一些疑点,不过也没有往那方面想,直到你的这位忠心耿耿的保镖出手以后,就基本能确定你的身份了。” Right, Morris, do not impulse, if three of us have the evil intention, Kenny when Maher's status revealed that you said that he can leave? Now will massacre you directly.” “对了,莫里斯,你不要冲动,我们三人若是有恶意的话,肯尼在的时候就将马希尔的身份揭穿了,你说他会不会就这么走掉?现在更会直接杀掉你。” After saying, side Linyan signals with the eyes to the vulture, making him let loose Morris. 说完了以后,方林岩对秃鹫使了个眼神,让他将莫里斯放开。 Morris resentful cold snort/hum however, started to endure suffering the cleaning up wound. 莫里斯悻悻然的冷哼了一声,开始忍痛清理伤口。 Maher, or Ryan asked on own initiative, curious say/way: 马希尔,或者说瑞恩却主动发问了,好奇的道: Your three are also the shadow organizations? Felt strange, they give in my list, only then four people, and had died two people, without your three.” “你们三个也是影子组织的?奇怪了,他们给我的名单上只有四个人,并且已经死掉了两人,没有你们三个啊。” side Linyan shakes the head saying: 方林岩摇摇头道: „, Our origins do not facilitate to disclose, will not want your any reward, you feel relieved.” “不是的,我们的来历不方便透露,也不会要你任何报酬,你放心吧。” After hearing these words, Maher's expression suddenly became dignified, after he thinks, took down one to hang to fall from the neck saying: 听到了这句话以后,马希尔的表情忽然变得凝重了起来,他想了想以后,从脖子上取下了一个挂坠道: „Are you this side person?” “你们是这一边的人?” After the goat received this hung to fall, one to look, immediately gave side Linyan: 山羊接过了这个挂坠之后一看,顿时递给了方林岩: Boss, you looks.” “头儿,你看。” This hangs to fall from the semblance to look is only an ordinary hemp color oval-shape stone, rubbed a window to come out in its crown, its interior was if amber and glass such transparent body. 这个挂坠从外表看去就只是一块普通的麻色椭圆形石头,不过在其顶部磨了个窗出来,其内部便是若琥珀和玻璃那样的透明体。 side Linyan sized up a surrounding environment, detected that the front is the vast stretch of flat land, starts the self-piloting directly, then closed an eye to look toward the stone, detected had a letter impressively S. 方林岩打量了一下周围的环境,发觉前方都是一马平川,就直接开启自动驾驶,然后闭上一只眼睛朝着石头内部看了过去,发觉其中赫然有一个字母“S”。 Moreover, at this time this stone starts humming sound the sound, produced the resonance with the ordinary mark of side Linyan chest, then flew automatically, fell returned to Maher's palm. 不仅如此,此时这颗石头开始嗡嗡响动,与方林岩胸口的普通印记产生了共鸣,然后自动飞了起来,重新落回到了马希尔的手掌上。 Saw this, in Maher eyes revealed the unbelievable color, say/way that muttered: 见到了这一幕,马希尔眼中露出了难以置信之色,喃喃的道: „The entire families think that he was deceived, has not thought that this unexpectedly real, he has not really deceived me!” “整个家族都以为他被骗了,没想到这竟然是真的,他真的没有骗我!” Goat curious say/way: 山羊好奇的道: If possible, can say specifically?” “如果可以的话,能不能说得更具体一点?” Maher smiled saying with a smile: 马希尔笑了笑道: Actually also has nothing, this story everywhere is, you know, our A. P. Moller Maersk Group's initial time, does not make the shipping, but builds up at the mining investment.” “其实也没什么,这种故事到处都是,您知道的,我们马士基集团最初的时候,并非是做航运的,而是以矿业投资起家。” At that time met a good opportunity of development business, my grandfather escorted a spaceship of full load rare black olefin ore to escort to the 91 st planet of Cancer personally, once this form completed, then the company will obtain an excellent opportunity, comprehensive soaring.” “当时遇到了一个拓展业务的好机会,我爷爷亲自押运了一艘满载稀有黑烯矿的飞船送往巨蟹座的第九十一行星,这个单子一旦完成,那么公司将会获得一个绝好的机遇,全面腾飞。” But, he in anchoring, when Montain space station supplies, actually ran into a severely wounded mysterious person, this mysterious person makes him consecrate this ship rare ore to the True God.” “可是,他在停靠在瓦蒙坦空间站补给的时候,却遇到了一个重伤的神秘人,这个神秘人让他将这一船稀有矿供奉给真神。” This mysterious person told him, now in the True God very crucial promotion period, needs this ship rare ore, although is unable to return to him in a short time, but the omnipotent True God the blessings, can satisfy his desire in the future.” “这个神秘人告诉他,现在处于真神非常关键的晋升时期,需要这一船稀有矿,虽然短时间内无法给他回报,但日后无所不能的真神将会赐福,更可以满足他的一个愿望。” Why does not know, the astute grandfather complied with this matter unexpectedly very much refreshedly, even if he knows that will do will do the group vitality to damage severely, even reduced to almost the situation of bankruptcy.” “不知道为什么,精明的爷爷居然很爽快的答应了这件事,哪怕是他知道这么干了会搞得集团元气大伤,甚至沦落到几乎破产的地步。” At this point, Maher carried nearby water to drink one, smiled saying with a smile: 说到这里,马希尔端起了旁边的水喝了一口,笑了笑道: „The following matter was needless saying that after the grandfather consecrated this ship ore, attained this faith token necklace, and will pass to me. I one month ago, know oneself will soon be compelled the hopeless situation, was the time stakes everything on a single throw of the dice. Therefore, sent out the request to the True God.” “接下来的事情就不用多说了吧,爷爷供奉了这一船矿后,拿到了这条信物项链,并且将之传给了我。我在一个月前,就知道自己即将被逼到绝境,是时候孤注一掷了。所以,就对真神发出了请求。” I think this is only a legend, or was the grandfather at that time the business a story that lost money to make up, has not thought unexpectedly real!” “我本来以为这只是个传说,或者说是爷爷当时生意亏本编出来的一个故事,没想到竟然是真的!” side Linyan nods to say silently: 方林岩默默点头道: Naturally real, but, our duties deliver to Ratsey Camp you safely.” “当然是真的,不过,我们的任务就是将你平安送到纳拉齐营地。” Maher smiles saying: 马希尔微笑道: This enough ........ spanner mister, I have not thought through, I have undergone the deep orthopedic procedure obviously, how do you recognize my real identity?” “这已经足够了........扳手先生,我还是没想通,明明我已经做了深度整形手术,你是怎么认出我真实身份的?” side Linyan very simple say/way: 方林岩很干脆的道: When just knew you, I thought that your body filled the contradiction.” “在刚刚认识你的时候,我就觉得你的身上充满了矛盾。” Seems like somewhat fears death very much timidly, is also is very familiar with the movement of rock climbing abnormal risk!” “看起来很是有些胆小怕死,可是对攀岩这项异常危险的运动却又十分熟悉!” Rock climbing movement wants may not only be the body, to skill also exceptionally important that each muscle catches up, this needs the long-term lasting exercise.” “攀岩这项运动要的可不仅仅是身体,对每一块肌肉发力的技巧也异常重要,这更是需要长期持久的锻炼。” Most critically, the scaler must have the powerful psychological quality, because in the middle of the process of rock climbing, gust, a stone, a knot, will cause the accident/surprise! Such person, how when timid as a rabbit facing storm and pack of wolves?” “更关键的是,攀登者必须具备强大的心理素质,因为攀岩的过程当中,一阵风,一块石头,一根绳结,都会导致意外!这样的人,怎么会在面对风暴和狼群的时候胆小如鼠?” Maher heard side Linyan the words, the long putting out one breath, is at a loss says with a smile: 马希尔听到了方林岩的话,长长的吐出一口气,自失一笑道: I have never thought that I think the absolutely safe camouflage, unexpectedly also so many flaws.” “真没想到啊,我自认为万无一失的伪装,居然还有这么多的缺陷。” side Linyan then light say/way: 方林岩接着淡淡的道: Not only that making me confirm thoroughly your status, was the former Morris's performance.” “不仅如此,让我彻底确认你身份的,还是之前莫里斯的表演。” Maher said startled: 马希尔愕然道: „Does Morris he do very well? He is Dejak's trusted subordinate, must respond eldest child's behavior to stand, it can be said that is flawless.” “莫里斯他做得很好啊?他本来就是德亚科的亲信,要响应老大的行为站出来,可以说是天衣无缝呢。” side Linyan shakes the head saying: 方林岩摇摇头道: Was too obvious, too desirably.” “太明显了,也太刻意了。” Particularly Morris shouted that the good boss gets rid of that bastard, this was cheats clearly! Has such subordinate?” “尤其是莫里斯喊出来的那一声,好的头儿干掉那王八蛋,这是明明白白的坑人了!有这样的手下吗?” Therefore, according to my inference, actually Dejak is also knows your status, this point, from him advocated from the beginning the armistice evacuates to look.” “所以,根据我的推断,其实德亚科也是知道你身份的,这一点,从他一开始就主张休战撤离就能看出来。” Because Dejak knows, true Ryan side us, that eaten person demon holds is the counterfeit goods, how brothers struggle is also unproductive again diligently!” “因为德亚科知道,真正的瑞恩就在我们身边,被食人魔抓住的那个是假货,身边的兄弟再怎么努力奋斗也是徒劳的!” However at that time Dejak listened to Kenny to reveal after 80 million this numbers, obviously was excited, to seal up his mouth, Morris was also forced at that time braved death to clash.” “而当时德亚科听肯尼吐露出了八千万这个数目以后,显然心动了,为了封住他的嘴,莫里斯当时也是被逼无奈冒死冲出来。” Is only I a little cannot think through, how that will be Dejak will be in a daze, will hold up the knife to coordinate your actions on own initiative.” “只是我也有一点想不通,那就是德亚科是怎么会发傻,主动举起刀子来配合你们的行动的。” The surface opposite party forest Yan last question, Maher smiles, then raised the hand to demonstrate a ring that on his left hand wears. 面对方林岩的最后一个疑问,马希尔笑了笑,然后举起手展示了一下他左手上戴着的一枚戒指。 This ring is seemingly average not wonderfully, but Maher then left hand gesticulated quietly a movement, immediately, this ring sparkled a ray, then side Linyan thought that unexpectedly the strength entrained an own right hand fiercely. 这枚戒指看起来平平无奇,但是马希尔接着左手就悄然比划了一个动作,顿时,这枚戒指闪耀了一下光芒,然后方林岩就觉得居然有一股力量猛的拽了一下自己的右手。 This strength is actually not big, entrains with young child at the most almost, but if has not guarded, then also really at meeting move. 这力量其实并不大,顶天就和十几岁的小孩子拽一下差不多,可若是没有防备的话,那么还真的会中了招。 Maher said: 马希尔道: I usually like the adventure, just a little spare cash, compares to crave to the supernatural ability, this ring was I once a adventurous harvest.” “我平时喜欢冒险,刚好又有点闲钱,对超自然能力也比较热衷,这枚戒指就是我曾经一次冒险的收获。” But after this gadget uses three times, needs to imitate the energy, what consumption is very precious blue crystal, often can have the big use when the key.” “但这玩意儿用三次以后就需要充能,消耗的还是很宝贵的蓝色水晶,不过在关键时往往能派上大用场。” Goat curious say/way: 山羊好奇的道: Who then before got rid of that Ryan was? Unexpectedly even did Kenny deceive?” “那么之前被干掉的那个瑞恩是谁呢?居然连肯尼都骗了过去?”
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