FE :: Volume #9

#43: Humane weakness

LNMTL needs user funding to survive Read More

Saw that the aspect is under the control, say/way that Kenny coldly at this time: 见到局面已经得到了控制,肯尼这时候才冷冷的道: „Do I want to do? Naturally completes the task.” “我要干什么?当然是完成任务了。” Dejak looks at Ryan still in the corpse of twitching, the whole person almost must collapse, after several seconds, shocking say/way: 德亚科看着瑞恩还在抽搐的尸体,整个人几乎要崩溃,好几秒之后才震惊的道: But ....... our duties save obviously Ryan!” “可是.......我们的任务明明是将瑞恩救出去啊!” Say/Way that Kenny coldly: 肯尼冷冷的道: To that person who we issue the duty, Maersk of shipping group president Reynolds. Gosling has died! The family property that he leaves behind, the political resource, dominates now completely in Lyndonville. Mr. Gosling( Ryan's cousin) in hand.” “给我们发布任务的那个人,马士基航运集团的总裁雷诺兹.高斯林已经死了!他遗留下来的家产,还有政治资源,现在全部都把持在了林登维尔.高斯林先生(瑞恩的表哥)的手里面。” Wants in front of us this Ryan. Gosling died, then kept off the final obstacle in front of Lyndonville vanished completely, for this reason, Lyndonville mister paid a very big sum of money to buy a Ryan's life!” “只要我们面前这个瑞恩.高斯林死掉,那么挡在林登维尔前面的最后障碍就全部消失了,为此,林登维尔先生出了非常非常大的一笔钱买瑞恩的一条命!” Therefore, our duties, have turned now have killed Ryan.” “所以,我们的任务,现在已经变成了干掉瑞恩。” Say/Way that Dejak muttered: 德亚科喃喃的道: So that's how it is ........, but that side venture capital company what to do? You know that law enforcement team these people, but out-and-out devil!” “原来如此........可是风险投资公司那边怎么办啊?你知道的,执法队那些人可是不折不扣的魔鬼啊!” Kenny sneers saying: 肯尼冷笑道: Company is nothing. Attained Ryan's head, can there trade 80 million in Lyndonville mister! Why had 80 million me also to do this line? The people of law enforcement team can only follow to be covered with dust in my back!” “公司算个屁。拿到了瑞恩的脑袋,就能在林登维尔先生那里换八千万!有了八千万我为什么还要干这行?执法队的人只能跟在我的背后吃灰!” Dejak's eyes stared immediately in a big way: 德亚科的眼睛顿时瞪大了: 80 million!! Does he have 80 million unexpectedly? No wonder ....... “八千万!!他竟然出八千万?难怪.......” At this time, the Kenny direct stopper a blade gave Dejak: 这时候,肯尼直接塞了一把刀给德亚科: 30 years of brothers, let alone I have not given you road to walk, you hold a Ryan blade, I will pat to leave a stub to testify this, everyone shares joys to share sorrows, I still lead you to get rich!” “三十年兄弟,别说我没有给你路走,你去捅瑞恩一刀,我会把这一幕拍下来留底作证,大家有福同享有难同当,我依然带你发财!” Otherwise, this can change the big wealth of destiny before, to avoid future trouble, do not blame me being cruel and merciless.” “否则的话,这一笔能改变命运的大财在前,为了避免后患,也不要怪我心狠手辣了。” After saying, Kenny has then turned the head, as if in confessed anything to nearby trusted aide. 说完了以后,肯尼便转过头去,仿佛是在对旁边的心腹交代什么。 Heard the dialog of these two, the surrounding some people were shocked completely, understood the long and short of the story. 听到了这两人的对白,周围的一干人全部都惊呆了,也明白了事情的来龙去脉。 The result of such winding peaks and paths , is to make side Linyan be unexpected, he deeply inspires in the team channel works as the middle course: 这样峰回路转的结局,也是让方林岩始料未及的,他深吸了一口气在团队频道当中道: No wonder...... I have thought where beforehand has is not right, originally the truth like this is unexpectedly winding!” “难怪......我一直都觉得之前有什么地方不对劲,原来真相居然这样曲折啊!” I had thought that Kenny this fellow appearance blood and iron, actually somewhat is very indecisive, unexpectedly blows hot and cold between the war parties and peace advocation groups, now can convince, this fellow initial mentality of wants to work as the whore, must set up the memorial arch!” “我早就觉得肯尼这家伙卖相铁血,其实很有些优柔寡断,居然在主战派和主和派之间摇摆不定,现在就说得通了,这家伙最初的心态是又想当婊子,又要立牌坊!” His initial idea thought Ryan must die without doubt, therefore the negative management dragging time, the goal is to then want to murder with a borrowed knife, making Ryan die in the hand of hill giant, at the appointed time he acts to clean up the aftermath again.” “他最初的想法是觉得瑞恩必死无疑,于是便消极办事拖延时间,目的就是想要借刀杀人,让瑞恩死在丘陵巨人的手里面,届时他再出面收拾残局。” Words as the matter stands, he can complete the task, even if will have what accident in the future, that side the venture capital company blames, falls a management to be ineffective at most, in other person hearts suspected even cannot say anything.” “这样一来的话,他既能完成任务,就算是日后出什么岔子,风险投资公司那边怪罪下来,顶多就落个办事不力,其余的人就算心中怀疑也说不了啥。” Therefore, we, as soon as enters the giant sand storm that the star meets the terrifying, behind 23 were attacked one after another, cannot escape to relate with Kenny very much obviously, he definitely in induces intentionally, making the team receive the setback, then some people will certainly back down, he pushed the boat along, was really good to plan, good city mansion!” “所以,我们一进入星球就遇到恐怖的巨型沙尘暴,后面又接连二三遭到袭击,很显然和肯尼之间也脱不了关系了,他肯定在其中故意诱导,令团队受到挫折,然后当然就会有人打退堂鼓,他就顺水推舟,真是好算计,好城府!” Heard side Linyan the words, shocked the goat recovers finally, bitter and astringent spitting exhales saying: 听到了方林岩的话,惊呆了的山羊终于回过神来,苦涩的吐出了一口气道: This transition has not really thought that before I take back , the words that spoke, the SS difficulty of this teamwork, was really fearful, such turn over, making one be caught off guard!” “这个转折真的是没想到,我收回之前说的话,这团队任务的SS难度,真的是太可怕了,这样的翻转,令人措手不及啊!” side Linyan is narrowing the eye, hesitated a while, say/way that suddenly irrelevantly replied: 方林岩眯缝着眼睛,沉吟了一会儿,忽然答非所问的道: Bai Ruide and Thalen are also Kenny kill.” “白瑞德和塔伦也是肯尼杀的。” These words saying, the vulture was also shocked: 这句话一说出来,秃鹫也惊呆了: This...... is this possible? Wasn't Thalen sent to act as advance party?” “这......这怎么可能?塔伦不是被派来打前站了吗?” side Linyan said lightly: 方林岩淡淡道: Therefore others? I estimated that has buried near the camp that we embark.” “所以他人呢?我估计早就埋在我们出发的营地附近了。” Goat shocking say/way: 山羊震惊的道: „Didn't Bai Ruide die in the hill great manpower?” “白瑞德不是死在了丘陵巨人手里面吗?” side Linyan shakes the head saying: 方林岩摇摇头道: Kenny calculated before well, does some setbacks very much artificially, then demonstrated oneself made contribution, then does casually, after Ryan died, cleans up the aftermath. Now but seems like you not to detect, Bai Ruide who main action has actually been opposing with him?” “肯尼之前盘算得很好,就是人为搞出一些挫折,然后显示自己尽力了,接下来就随便搞搞,等到瑞恩死掉以后再去收拾残局。可是现在看起来你们难道没有发觉,主战的白瑞德其实是一直都在和他作对吗?” Listened to side Linyan such a saying, the vulture and goat held breath immediately cold air: 听方林岩这么一说,秃鹫和山羊顿时倒吸了一口凉气: You let alone, but also is really this.” “你别说,还真的是这样。” side Linyan said: 方林岩道: At that time in the team person of many mixed, Kenny at least needs to do on the surface was good in the past. After Bai Ruide said all sorts of reasons, he cannot oppose directly.” “当时队伍里面人多眼杂,肯尼至少要在表面上做得过去才行。所以当白瑞德说出了种种理由之后,他也不能直接反对。” I estimated that Bai Ruide also has the PY transaction with Maersk Financial group in the back, and obviously, Bai Ruide and local that Ratsey Camp relations very iron, can therefore attain massive first-hand information, even can call supports.” “我估计白瑞德也是背地里与马士基财团有PY交易,并且显然,白瑞德与本地那个纳拉齐营地关系很铁,所以能拿到大量的第一手情报,甚至可以呼叫支援。” In this case, they captured Aogerui Ma at that time. The person who among Kenny that group of people, the steel knight rolls had the overwhelming superiority, Bai Ruide's person is few, therefore, Kenny begins at that time is very appropriate. If can rescue Ryan at that time, then must kill Bai Ruide, if Ryan is not, similarly is also the good time of murdering with a borrowed knife......” “在这种情况下,当时他们攻入了奥格瑞玛。肯尼那组人当中,钢铁骑士团的人占据了绝对优势,白瑞德的人很少,所以,肯尼在那个时候动手是很合适的。如果当时能救出瑞恩,那么必杀白瑞德,如果瑞恩不在,同样也是借刀杀人的好时机......” The vulture interrupted at this time: 秃鹫此时插嘴道: Yes, Kenny only needing makes Bai Ruide lead the person on first, in the surface told him, Brothers, you only needed to withstand that double headed hill giant several minutes to win the time on the line, I will lead the steel knight to examine the prison cell, then swiftly will catch up to support.” “是的,肯尼只需要让白瑞德带人先上,表面上告诉他,兄弟,你只需要顶住那个双头丘陵巨人数分钟争取时间就行,我带着钢铁骑士会去查看牢房,然后就会迅速赶来支援。” Bai Ruide did not know Kenny to hide malicious intent under a fair countenance at that time, complies inevitably --------- Naturally, does not comply also to give the reason that Kenny acted, therefore Bai Ruide's brave rushing, finally to dying not to have waited for the reinforcements, I guess that probably is such situation.” “白瑞德当时根本就不知道肯尼包藏祸心,必然答应---------当然,不答应也就给了肯尼出手的理由,于是白瑞德勇敢的冲上去,结果一直到死都没等来援兵,我猜大概就是这样的情况。” The goat said: 山羊道: If so, then truly also passable, after Thalen since knows Bai Ruide died in battle, becomes strange getting up, even handed over the command jurisdiction directly.” “如果是这样的话,那么确实也说得过去,塔伦自从知道白瑞德战死以后,就变得怪怪的起来,甚至直接交出了指挥权。” Now recalled the words that could not do well him to know at that time truth that Bai Ruide died in battle!” “现在回想起来的话,搞不好他那时候就知道了白瑞德战死的真相!” Oh, this fellow did not have the city mansion, if camouflaged well, perhaps can also escape.” “唉,这家伙也太没有城府了,要是伪装得好一点,说不定还能逃过一劫。” After three people since enter to the centaur camp, displayed low-key, distant shrinking chatted in nearby corner very at this time, no one noticed. 三人自从进入到半人马营地当中之后,就表现得十分低调,此时远远的缩在了旁边的角落里面聊天,也没有人注意到。 *** *** But at this time, some side people exuded one to angrily roar suddenly, was Dejak's trusted subordinate, before and side Linyan has explored Morris of water source together, he looked like a going crazy bull direct impact, then loudly exclaimed: 而就在这时候,旁边忽然有人发出了一声怒吼,正是德亚科的亲信,之前与方林岩一起去探索过水源的莫里斯,他就像是一头发狂的公牛似的直冲了上来,然后大吼道: Good! The bosses, get rid of this bastard!” “好的!头儿,干掉这个王八蛋!” When Morris to/clashes, Dejak grips that to tremble the hand of blade suddenly, then has the trend of uphold. 就在莫里斯冲上来的时候,德亚科握住那把刀的手猛然一颤,然后有着抬起的趋势。 Obviously, the situation of this time to the person's first response, was Dejak issued the order secretly, making trusted subordinate Morris coordinate itself to begin, wants to stake everything on a single throw of the dice wrestles. 很显然,此时的这情形给人的第一反应,就是德亚科秘密发出了命令,让亲信莫里斯配合自己动手,想要孤注一掷一搏的了。 And at this time Kenny as if remembered anything, turns around and trusted subordinate speaks, but also is turning away from Dejak, this obviously is also the good time of beginning. 并且这时候肯尼似乎想起了什么事,转身过去和亲信说话,还背对着德亚科,这显然也是动手的好时机。 But, Kenny's such old fox, has borne patiently to begin now, how also to be unexpected? Even he flaw that turns the head and person speaks to reveal intentionally. 可是,肯尼这样的老狐狸,一直隐忍到了现在才动手,又怎么会不防着点?甚至他转头过去和人说话都是故意露出来的破绽。 Because Kenny most fears is not Dejak stands to revolt against him immediately, but is the present empty with the winding, when later he could not control the aspect place, Dejak jumped to defect again! 因为肯尼最怕的不是德亚科马上站出来反抗他,而是现在虚与委蛇,以后等到他控制不了局面的地方了,德亚科再跳出来反水! 30 years of youngest brother turns over to the youngest brother, but died in brothers person Kenny hand/subordinate also sees are too many. 三十年的老兄弟归老兄弟,但死在兄弟手下的人肯尼也见过太多了。 Therefore, he gave Dejak an opportunity to read in the past friendship. 所以,他给德亚科一个机会是念在往日的情分上。 But if Dejak does not know good from bad, will then start is will not be forgiving absolutely. 可是若德亚科不知好歹,那么下手起来也是绝对不会留情的。 Therefore, Dejak's right hand just lifted, stands takes the lead to launch an attack in his behind Ali, the direct spear/gun flew its bang. 所以,德亚科的右手刚刚一抬,站在他身后的阿里就率先发难,直接一枪就将其轰飞了出去。 What Ali this spear/gun uses is the explosive bullet, Dejak before was the status of prisoner, against had anything had been dug up to pull down. 阿里这一枪使用的乃是爆炸子弹,德亚科之前本来就是囚犯的身份,身上的防具什么的早就被扒拉了下来。 Therefore does not have the resistivity in the face of the might of this spear/gun, was hit to non-stop fly more than ten meters away then, the half chest caved , the shrapnel that the whole person was flown to shoot tears into shreds covered with blood, including a character had not said that died directly. 所以在这一枪的威力面前毫无抵抗力,被打得直飞出了十几米远,然后半边胸膛都塌陷了下来,整个人都被飞射的弹片撕碎得血肉模糊,连一个字都没说就直接断气了。 Dejak attracted most people's attention without a doubt, to Morris actually did an important matter! 德亚科这边毫无疑问吸引了大部分人的注意力,冲出来的莫里斯却干出了一件大事! Originally was delegated the Morris's who monitors this region by Kenny good friend Tony, 原来被肯尼委派过来监控这个区域的还是莫里斯的好朋友汤尼, Although Tony is the steel knight, is loyal and devoted to Kenny, but among the relations with Morris is to also intersect the sworn friend, can definitely with trading the life described. 汤尼虽然是钢铁骑士,对肯尼忠心耿耿,但和莫里斯之间的关系也是相交莫逆,完全可以用换命来形容。 Morris carries to come out one time Tony from the dead crowd, Tony also gave Morris to keep off twice bullets. 莫里斯从死人堆里面把汤尼背出来过一次,汤尼也给莫里斯挡了两次子弹。 In this case, so long as is a normal person, without the means murders decisively, therefore in Tony one hesitant, Morris seemingly charges into Kenny, actually the midway direction changes, successfully rushed to front of nearby Hassell 56 meters away. 在这种情况下,只要是个正常人,也没办法杀伐果断的,所以就在汤尼一犹豫之下,莫里斯看似冲向肯尼,其实中途方向一变,就成功冲到了旁边56米外的哈塞尔面前。 But Hassell is not Kenny's trusted aide, is that type by the neutral of being kept in the dark, and is a doing one -man show male who likes drinking, usually does not like thinking, response very slow that. 而哈塞尔这个人并不是肯尼的心腹,乃是属于那种被蒙在鼓里的中立人士,并且还是个喜欢喝酒的闷骚男,平时也不怎么喜欢动脑子的,反应很是迟钝的那种。 At this time he saw such upheaval, in the brain is one group of confusion, has not ravelled what's the matter, why does Kenny want to kill the rescue goal? Why did Ali this idiot begin to Dejak? 此时他见到了这样的变乱,脑子里面都是一团混乱,都还没弄明白怎么回事,肯尼为什么要杀救援目标呢?阿里这蠢货为什么又对德亚科动手了? Therefore, Hassell by Morris this suddenly one after has not thought to revolt, finally the Morris next second touched his waist, made an effort to press, then pushed Hassell directly. 因此,哈塞尔被莫里斯这突然一冲之后也没想到要反抗,结果莫里斯下一秒就摸到了他的腰间,用力一按,然后就将哈塞尔直接推了开去。 If Morris this series of movements the passing clouds and flowing water, in addition is two seconds. 莫里斯这一系列的动作若行云流水,加起来就是两秒钟的时间而已。 Hassell is small fellow height also less than one meter seven, after Morris this muscle guy pushes, immediately treads the tread tread to retrocede several steps, then sits falls to the ground. 哈塞尔是个小个子身高还不到一米七,被莫里斯这肌肉大汉一推之后,立即就蹬蹬蹬后退了好几步,然后一屁股坐倒在地。 He simply had not noticed the petty action that Morris makes, shouted abuse directly, but scolded two actually to hear waist suddenly DDD in the sound, immediately was frightened out of one's wits, this noticed tricks that Morris got up. 他根本没留意到莫里斯做的小动作,直接就破口大骂,不过骂了两句却忽然听到了腰间“滴滴滴”在响,顿时魂飞魄散,这才留意到莫里斯做的手脚。 Hassell as in the middle of the team demolition man, the waist disposition naturally was the might astonishing bomb, DDD the sound, was the symbol of countdown! 哈塞尔身为团队当中的爆破手,腰间配置的当然就是威力惊人的炸弹了,滴滴滴的响声,就是倒计时的标志! Even before got rid of Wilow that quark fuel-air explosive, is Kenny takes, Hassell debugs personally. Therefore, on Hassell that Morris stimulates this bomb, the might is absolutely small not. 甚至之前干掉维罗戈的那枚夸克云爆弹,也是肯尼拿出来,哈塞尔亲手调试的。所以,莫里斯激发的哈塞尔身上这枚炸弹,威力绝对小不到哪里去。 What bad risk is, Morris this pushes to push directly to Kenny Hassell! 更凶险的是,莫里斯这一推是将哈塞尔直接对着肯尼推过去的! My grass ..... “我草.....” At this time, several people near Hassell, in the mind gushed out such a thought that in abundance without delay directly toward nearby stone, junks pile and so on bunker escaped. 这时候,哈塞尔附近的好几个人,脑海里面都涌出了这么一个念头,纷纷二话不说就直接朝着旁边的石块啊,杂物堆之类的掩体逃了过去。 That appearance can say must distressedly distressed. 那模样可以说要多狼狈有多狼狈。 This but actually , the key is Morris this fellow hands and feet strange quick, according to the bomb belt/bring pushes that movement of person to be very smooth. 这倒也罢了,关键是莫里斯这家伙手脚奇快,按炸弹带推人的那一下动作十分流畅。 If not for pays attention specially, is very difficult to notice, even there is loyal and devoted( is good at flattery) a steel knight to think that Hassell must come to assassinate Kenny, to/clashes to protect the host quickly! 所以若不是特别留意的话,根本很难留意到,甚至有忠心耿耿(善于奉承)的钢铁骑士以为哈塞尔是要过来行刺肯尼,快步冲上来护主的! Therefore, was only few 2-3 seconds, is thrown into confusion Hassell who wanted to relieve the explosion to explode on one of the bang. 于是,只是过了寥寥2-3秒钟,正在手忙脚乱想要解除爆炸的哈塞尔就轰的一声爆炸了开来。 To be honest, initial explosion power is not big, quite therefore 2-3 anti-tank grenades overlap in an injury of explosion are similar , can only want Hassell's life. 说实话,最初的这爆炸威力并不大,也就相当于是2-3枚手雷重叠在一起爆炸的伤害类似,也就只能要了哈塞尔的命。 However, as on Hassell of demolition expert possibly only brings an explosive material? This explodes is also only introduction! 但是,身为爆破专家的哈塞尔身上怎么可能只带一种爆炸物?这一炸也只是个引子罢了! A dropping to the ground steel knight waited for 2-3 seconds to be just about to set out, actually detected the object of fan braved the smog dropped from the clouds, above also brings Hassell's small half waistband, another triggered bomb. 一名卧倒的钢铁骑士等了2-3秒正要起身,却发觉一个冒着烟雾的迷之物体从天而降,上面还带着哈塞尔的小半截腰带,正是另外一枚被触发的炸弹。 This bomb bang explodes again, submerged this steel knight in the middle of the sea of fire. 紧接着,这枚炸弹轰的一声再次爆炸,将这钢铁骑士淹没在了火海当中。 Like this chain explosion almost made everyone frighten fearful and apprehensive, as if probably quail, buried the head in the sand dune stubbornly! Because the wizard knows that such explosion next second will have what bomb to be triggered! What bomb also there is thrown into own head by the destiny a round? 这样的连环爆炸几乎令所有人都吓得心惊胆颤,仿佛像是鹌鹑似的,死死将脑袋埋在了沙窝里面!因为鬼才知道这样的爆炸下一秒会有什么炸弹被触发呢!又有什么炸弹会被命运抛到自己的脑袋上来一发? Then is the explosive sound is really continuous, and might absolutely is also big, 接下来真的是爆炸声连绵不绝,并且威力也绝对不小, Almost crossed for three minutes, almost passed for 40-50 seconds from a final explosion, Kenny poking head in slowly, examines the surrounding sound. 差不多过了三分钟,距离最后的一场爆炸都差不多过去了40-50秒,肯尼才慢慢的探出头来,查看周围动静。 Although this fellow seemingly kills without batting an eye icily, starts very ruthlessly spicy, but that refers to others! 这家伙虽然看起来冷冰冰杀人不眨眼,下手十分狠辣,但那是指对别人! To others ruthless person, but actually treasures to own poor life...... 对别人狠的人,可是对自己的小命却是非常爱惜的...... Then he detected own heart started the drop blood, steel knight group member who because Kenny created single-handedly, the casualties in this explosion was again serious, at this time also active maintained the battle efficiency, already only surplus 45! 然后他就发觉自己心开始滴血了,因为肯尼一手缔造的钢铁骑士团成员,在这一次的爆炸当中再次伤亡惨重,此时还能动的保持战斗力的,已经只剩余下来四五个了! But at this time surplus the adventurous team members have ten! 而此时剩余下来的冒险队成员还足足有十来个呢! Was good because of this time, did not see that in two all-terrain vehicles of distant place surrounding patrol wonderfully, swiftly caught up, needless saying that on these two vehicles pilot or shooter, was Kenny's trusted aide. 好在这时候,在远处外围巡逻的两辆全地形车见状不妙,也是迅速赶了过来,不消说,这两辆车上无论是驾驶员还是射手,也都是肯尼的心腹。 Because Kenny puts them to go on patrol in the surrounding, said to the outside for the centaur that to intercept the reinforcements and runs away, actually has instructed, once some people want to escape, must intercept with emphasis. 因为肯尼放他们在外围巡逻,对外说是为了拦截援兵和逃走的半人马,其实早就指示过,一旦有人想要逃跑,一定要重点拦截下来。 As for the centaur and so on, blocks did not matter. 至于半人马之类的,拦不拦都无所谓了。 On such Gobi Desert terrain, some people want the words that travels, then must certainly by all -terrain vehicle kites until death, therefore Kenny's arrangement also be absolutely safe. 在这样的戈壁沙漠地形上,有人想要跑路的话,那么肯定是要被全地形车风筝至死的,所以肯尼的布置也算是万无一失了。 The clear to see four loyal and devoted subordinates join, Kenny also relaxes, like this words, he himself adds on several steel knights, two all-terrain vehicles, same can control the overall situation with ease, is sure of success. 眼见得又有四名忠心耿耿的手下加入,肯尼也是松了一口气,这样算起来的话,他自己加上几名钢铁骑士,还有两辆全地形车,一样能轻松把控全局,稳操胜券。 In this time Kenny eyes has revealed the ruthless color, for a penny and for a pound, kills off here others simply completely, by never recurring trouble! 此时的肯尼眼中已经露出了狠色,干脆一不做二不休,将这里其余的人全部杀光,以绝后患! But, Kenny this wishful thinking of hitting, had been sentenced in advance by side Linyan. 可是,肯尼这一次打的如意算盘,已经被方林岩预判到了。 During most critically, Kenny had no intention to expose an enormous weakness before! 更关键的是,肯尼之前无意当中已经暴露出来了一个极大的弱点! Therefore, side Linyan in this time direct command the goat, the vulture is starting to coordinate itself to act in a play, must by fatal strike to ambitious Kenny!! 因此,方林岩在这时候直接指挥着山羊,秃鹫开始配合自己演戏,要给野心勃勃的肯尼以致命一击!! „” A clear gunshot transmits, all of a sudden from now on will break the explosion to bring temporary silent. “啪”的一声清脆的枪响传来,一下子就打破了爆炸过后带来的临时寂静。 Without a doubt, the vision of people immediately centralized to the place that the sound of gunfire transmitted. 毫无疑问,众人的目光马上就集中到了枪声传来的地方。 Immediately saw that scout left hand named vulture took a bloody head, the right hand was covering the chest, unbelievable looked to side! 顿时就见到,那个叫做秃鹫的侦察兵左手提着一个血淋淋的脑袋,右手捂住了胸口,难以置信的看向了旁边! Opening fire is not others, is that somewhat is very competent, is called the fellow of spanner. 开枪的不是别人,正是那个很是有些能干,叫做扳手的家伙。 In the vulture mouth overflowed the blood froth, said with a smile miserably: 秃鹫嘴巴里面溢出了血沫,惨笑道: I saved you twice! You return me!” “我救了你两次!你就是这么回报我的!” The spanner rushes directly, trampled upside-down the vulture, then snatched that head to escape. 扳手直接冲了上去,一脚踹倒了秃鹫,然后抢了那脑袋就逃。 However the spanner just rushed several steps, behind is a gunshot, opening fire unexpectedly is the good brothers goat, this fellow clenches jaws loudly exclaimed: 不过扳手刚刚奔出几步,后面又是一声枪响,开枪的居然是好兄弟山羊,这家伙咬牙切齿的大吼道: You killed the vulture for money unexpectedly!” “你竟然为了钱杀了秃鹫!” The spanner on the spear/gun, seemed like hit the strategic point, tumbling several lay on the ground was motionless, that head bone that in the hand gripped tumbled out several meters away common. 扳手应枪而倒,看起来是被打中了要害,翻滚了几下就趴在了地上一动不动,手中握住的那个脑袋骨碌碌滚出了好几米远。 The goat aimed at that head to rush over. 山羊则是对准了那个脑袋冲了过去。 At this time those present somewhat compel ignorant, does not know these three person sudden internal strifes for anything, but looks is obviously competing for a deceased person head very much. 此时在场的人都是有些懵逼,不知道这三个人突然内讧为了什么,但看起来很明显是在争夺一个死人脑袋。 But the head of this deceased person has anything ....... wait/etc!! What did the goat say for money? 可是这死人的脑袋有什么.......等等!!山羊说什么为了钱? This head? Ryan's head that probably died!!! 这脑袋?好像是死掉的瑞恩的脑袋啊!!! Kenny had said a moment ago probably, did some people have 80 million to buy Ryan's life?!!! It is not right, Kenny's original words are, attained Ryan's head, can there trade 80 million in Lyndonville mister. 刚才肯尼好像说过,有人出八千万买瑞恩的命?!!!不对,肯尼的原话是,拿到了瑞恩的脑袋,就能在林登维尔先生那里换八千万。 80 million = this head!??? 八千万=这个脑袋!??? Suddenly everyone's eyes were red, this gadget value 80 million!!! No wonder the spanner their three people in turned into enemies instantaneously. 一时间所有人的眼睛都红了,这玩意儿值八千万!!!难怪扳手他们三个人在瞬间就反目成仇了。 But at this time, awakened Kenny made a foolish matter, he also wants to understand key, rending big shouted: 而在这时候,醒悟过来了的肯尼又做了一件蠢事,他也想明白了其中的关键,撕心裂肺的大喊道: Without this matter, this head is not valuable, my then original intention drew an analogy, said Ryan this life value 80 million!” “没有这种事情,这脑袋不值钱,我当时的本意就是打了个比方,说瑞恩这条命值八千万而已!” Perhaps what Kenny said is real, naturally, perhaps what also Kenny said is false. However this did not matter, because people had been indelib at this time, that fearful 80 million occupied completely mental, meets selectively believes thing that oneself want to hear. 或许肯尼说的是真的,当然,也或许肯尼说的是假的。但是这都无所谓了,因为这个时候人们都已经先入为主,被那可怕的八千万完全占据了心智,会选择性的相信自己想要听到的东西。 Even if Kenny's words, will only be regarded is denying. 肯尼的话哪怕是真的,也只会被人当成是抵赖而已。 Grass Lima, when the father is silly?” “草利马,当老子傻?” Vultures and did spanner two people for this head, even assign/life make contact with? Didn't you tell me valuable?” “秃鹫和扳手两个人为了这脑袋,连命都搭上了?你跟我说不值钱?” Hehe, is not valuable are not related, just has a hobby below, collects the head of deceased person, since is not valuable, do not struggle, does this head give me?” “呵呵,不值钱也没关系,在下刚好有个爱好,就是收集死人的脑袋,既然不值钱,你们都别争了,这脑袋就让给我吧?” ....... “.......”
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