FE :: Volume #9

#42: The death of Ryan

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Ten kilometers distance regarding all -terrain vehicle of full speed travel, it can be said that disappears. 十公里的距离对于全速行驶的全地形车来说,可以说是转瞬即逝。 Quick can see, the front presented rivers, 很快的就可以见到,前方出现了一条河流, Yes, this is flowing rivers on Gobi Desert, the centaur clan and tribe named to subdue|grams will leap the river or is he changes the river. 是的,这是一条在戈壁滩上面的流淌的河流,半人马部族将之叫做克腾河或者是丫革河。 to subdue|grams leaps in the centaur language, refers to „the strip rope of establishing contacts pearl meaning, this refers to on its basin, established contacts many oases, raised a centaur clan. 克腾在半人马语当中,是指“串连珍珠的条索”的意思,这是指在它的流域上,串连了多个绿洲,养育了半人马一族。 But he changes the meaning of river, is endless wild horse, this finger/refers is it flows in the flood season changeable, was unpredictable. 而丫革河的意思,就是“无疆的野马”,这指的就是它在汛期流向多变,变幻莫测了。 This river is the typical inland river, the ordinary rivers converge to the sea finally, belonging is more abundant toward the downstream water volume. 这条河是典型的内陆河,普通的河流最后是汇入到大海当中,属于越往下游水量越充沛。 The inland river is entirely different, water volume most abundant time is when the center-section converges with several branches reaches the peak, the words water volume of roaming getting smaller, vanished in drought desert Gobi Desert downward finally thoroughly ....... 内陆河则是截然不同,水量最充沛的时候是在中段与几条支流汇合的时候达到高峰,往下游的话水量就越来越小,最后彻底消失在了干旱的沙漠戈壁滩里面....... Has the water place to have the plant, the plant lush food were quite many, therefore, here successfully established a huge centaur camp. 有水的地方就会有植物,植物茂盛了食物就比较多,因此,这里就成功建立起来了一座庞大的半人马营地。 Control of this camp said and between side Linyan also the origin, but said strictly, should be the bad karma. 这座营地的主宰者说起来和方林岩之间还有一段渊源,不过严格的说起来,应该是孽缘。 The ghost who because side Linyan their three people gets rid of secretly is howling, by the centaur big priest of this place: Wilow tames. 因为方林岩他们三人偷偷干掉的鬼嚎,就是被此地的半人马大祭司:维罗戈所驯养的。 last night, Wilow this fellow when breaking through the temporary camp of hill giant, it can be said that performed distinguished service. 在昨天夜里,维罗戈这家伙在攻破丘陵巨人的临时营地时,可以说是立下了汗马功劳。 Although does not have the ghost to lead howlingly, the savage place pack of wolves that but Wilow controls is the strength is also astonishing, the slave beast Tasmanian wolf that not only raises the hill giant routs, attacked the wounded person of hill giant from one side, ensures the victory at one fell swoop. 虽然没有鬼嚎带队,可是维罗戈控制的凶残座狼群也是战力惊人,不仅将丘陵巨人豢养的奴兽袋狼击溃,更是从侧面袭击了丘陵巨人的伤员,一举奠定胜局。 Person who therefore centaur chief Brander Harden after rescuing oneself wanted to save, then very generous promise, this spoils of war take the lead to choose by Wilow clan and tribe time! 所以半人马酋长布兰德哈登在救回了自己想要拯救的人之后,便很慷慨的许诺,这一次的战利品由维罗戈的部族率先选择! Wilow and ghost howling between relations, are not the relations of ordinary master and pet, between the two even has the mysterious contract, ghost's howling death, even made Wilow life span lose for five years. 维罗戈和鬼嚎之间的关系,可不是普通的主人和宠物的关系,二者之间甚至有着神秘的契约,鬼嚎的死亡,甚至让维罗戈的寿命都损失了五年。 It can be said that among father and son also such big matter. 可以说是父子之间也就这么大一回事了。 Therefore can understand that Wilow heard the ghost howling death news later mood, that can be said as the profound heart. 因此就可以理解维罗戈听到了鬼嚎的死讯以后的心情了,那可以说是痛彻心扉。 But his very clear ghost's howling death and external human had the inseparable relations, therefore this Wilow did not hesitate to discard many valuable things time, picked in the middle of spoils of war human directly. 而他很清楚鬼嚎的死亡和外来的人类有密不可分的关系,所以这一次维罗戈不惜舍弃了很多值钱的东西,也直接将战利品当中的人类都挑走了。 The goal is also very simple, that is to come the blood sacrifice ghost to be howling with these human, takes revenge for it! 其目的也很简单,那就是要用这些人类来血祭鬼嚎,为它复仇! Said that is also Wilow clan and tribe should have this tribulation, at this time clan and tribe most soldiers, still wait to receive an award when the Brander Harden's chief gold/metal tent/account, therefore clan and tribe strength also most flourishing 1/3. 说起来也是维罗戈的部族该有这一劫,此时部族当中的大部分战士,都还在布兰德哈登的酋长金帐外面等待领赏,所以部族当中的力量还不到全盛时的三分之一。 But under normal circumstances, the blood mouth vulture will send out to circle after dawn, first to go out to look for food, second to forewarn. 而在正常情况下,在天亮以后血嘴秃鹫就会出动盘旋,一来是为了外出觅食,二来是为了预警。 However, even if now is the kids of Kirghiz Clan and tribe knows, was just suppressed does the hill giant to try to retaliate mostly. 但是,现在哪怕是吉尔吉斯部族的小屁孩都知道,刚刚被狠干了一下的丘陵巨人这边多半是会想要设法报复的。 The blood mouth vulture group that therefore at this time Kirghiz Clan and tribe controlled went to nearby the red cloud platform place, once detected that the hill giant has changed, will then prepare to lift the clan to move immediately. 所以这时候吉尔吉斯部族控制的血嘴秃鹫群都去了红云台地附近,一旦发觉丘陵巨人有所异动,那么就会立即准备举族搬迁。 The centaur is the typical nomadic nation, usually is all right is fires a spear/gun to change a place, moves becomes accustomed to them completely. 半人马乃是典型的游牧民族,平时没事都是打一枪换个地方的,搬迁对它们来说完全就是习以为常。 But the hill giant action is clumsy, how do two legs run four legs? So long as is not face-to-face, once a centaur clan leaves to escape intentionally, the opposite party that cannot catch up absolutely. 而丘陵巨人行动笨拙,两条腿怎么跑得过四条腿?只要不是面对面,半人马一族一旦动身存心想逃,对方那是绝对追不上的。 Therefore, Wilow clan and tribe has not expected, one crowd of human will attack unexpectedly from another direction, and by astonishing high-speed advances forcefully, radically is potential quickly, was deep the essences of lightning war three characters, was hit to be caught off guard completely. 所以,维罗戈的部族万万没料到,有一群人类居然会从另外一个方向突袭过来,并且以惊人的高速强行突进,根本就是迅雷不及掩耳之势,深得闪电战三个字的精髓了,完完全全被打了个措手不及。 But at this time, Kenny had issued the duty very much simply: 而这时候,肯尼已经很干脆的布置了任务: Train 1 advances from the upfront, after train 2 circles, gets out on the later vehicle to keep the person to control the vehicle roof machine gun, the vehicles goes out to go on patrol, has killing of totally running away!” “1号车从正面突进,2号车绕后,下车以后车上留人操控车顶机枪,车辆外出巡逻,有逃走的一概射杀!” His arrangement seems like also no issue, and even if seemingly has the issue, Kenny has not left the time of rebuttal, two all-terrain vehicle engines are whooshing front and rear port that charged into the camp! 他的这布置看起来也没啥问题,并且貌似即便有问题,肯尼也没有给人留下来反驳的时间,两辆全地形车引擎嘶吼着冲向了营地的前后门! Although several place wolf vigilances, roared loudly, was actually hit to fly by the wheel directly, was killed the machine gun converged sheaf of vehicle roof. 虽然有几头座狼警觉了起来,大声咆哮,却直接被车轮撞飞,然后惨遭车顶的机枪集火射杀。 Did to arm the mercenary of tooth to set on fire to slaughter in the camp directly. 紧接着,一干武装到了牙齿的雇佣兵就在营地当中直接放火杀戮了起来。 At this time the mercenary directly conducts the surprise attack, belongs in an initiative side, and at this time they have battled with the centaur, obtained enough fight material, knows that the weakness of centaur is the stun grenade, the critical position is the attachment point of person and horse body, therefore slaughters should not be too quick. 此时雇佣兵乃是直接进行突袭,属于处于主动权的一方,并且此时他们已经与半人马交战过,获得了足够的战斗资料,知道半人马的弱点是震撼弹,要害位置乃是人身和马身的连接处,所以屠杀起来不要太快。 Let alone this clan and tribe the surplus soldiers fought with the hill giant at this time yesterday evening, today sends under custody the captive to come back at the same night, at this time rested soundly ......., therefore, when Wilow enters the war, the casualties of this clan and tribe have achieved frigidly over 40%. 更何况这个部族此时剩余的战士昨天晚上才和丘陵巨人大战一场,今天又连夜押送俘虏回来,这时候睡得正香.......所以,等到维罗戈参战的时候,这个部族的伤亡已经达到了惨烈的四成以上。 After Wilow comes, just got rid of two enemies with the lightning arrow magic arts, actually does not know that Kenny and his subordinate have drawn up one set of very sinister pointed plan! 维罗戈现身之后刚刚用闪电箭法术干掉了两名敌人,却不知道肯尼与其部下早就制订了一套十分阴险的针对性计划! They do intentionally to let slip, a captured male centaur escaped from surrounding of enemy unexpectedly, exuded the grating squeal, aimed at that side Wilow to clash, and concubine who Wilow most liked. 他们故作失手,一头被俘的雄性半人马居然逃脱了敌人的包围,发出了刺耳的尖叫声,对准了维罗戈那边冲了过来,并且还是维罗戈最喜欢的姬妾。 That fills the elastic horse buttocks, horse hair that raises, clear hoof crown, thick lip, large brings the tongue of hangnail, the sexy white hair ear, once took to Wilow endless enjoyment. 那充满弹性的马臀,扬起的马鬃,圆润的蹄冠,厚实的嘴唇,肥大的带着倒刺的舌头,性感的白毛耳朵,都曾经带给维罗戈无尽的享受。 The clear to see enemy comes to capture very breathless, Wilow great happiness, quickly sent out 34 witchcraft to shield continuously, when then small stallion to gathering together joyful hugging in the bosom, will be comforting. 眼见得敌人十分气急败坏前来追捕,维罗戈大喜,急忙连续发出了三四个巫术掩护,然后等到小公马冲拢的时候欣喜的将之搂在了怀里,不停的安慰着。 Saw this, Kenny unemotional nods to side, his Ali sneered immediately was pressing down a button, only listened to bang a loud sound, behind this male centaur small backpack sent out immediately „” a light sound. 见到了这一幕,肯尼面无表情的对旁边点了点头,他身边的阿里立即冷笑着按下了一个按钮,只听“轰”的一声巨响,这头雄性半人马背后的一个小背包立即发出了“喀嚓”的一声轻响。 At this time, Wilow discovered that oneself favoring Ji does not know behind unexpectedly were when many a small backpack! But was also the scientific and technological standard and vision of Stone Age by centaur that definitely does not know that what kind of murderous intention in this backpack is concealing. 这时候,维罗戈才发现自己的宠姬身后不知道什么时候居然多了一个小背包!而以半人马那还属于石器时期的科技水准和眼光,肯定是不知道这个背包里面暗藏着怎样的杀机。 The next second, Wilow position had the radical explosion! At this time, Kenny has been ahead of time one step to hide with its troops under direct control in the bunker. 下一秒,维罗戈的位置就产生了剧烈的爆炸!这时候,肯尼与其嫡系部队都早就提前一步躲在了掩体里面。 In that backpack, what thought is a newest quark fuel-air explosive! 那个背包里面,装着的是一枚最新的夸克云爆弹! In a flash, the shake of dazzling white light and terrifying sweeps away the audience, not only that among the entire camp resounded the grating incomparable terrifying wailing sound. 只是一瞬间,炫目的白光和恐怖的震荡就横扫全场,不仅如此,整个营地当中都响起了刺耳无比的恐怖尖啸声。 This sound resentful spirit crazy wailing, resembles the malicious ghost desperate pitiful yell, made the person eardrum in the severe pain, 这声音似怨灵疯狂的哀嚎,似恶鬼绝望的惨叫,令人耳膜都在剧痛, Took Wilow as the center of circle, the surrounding area in the middle of the region within 50 meters produces the boiling water to boil the general change, the straight ray direct impact horizon, then formed one to have more than ten square kilometers funnel to say in the middle of several -km upper air together fully! 以维罗戈为圆心,方圆五十米内的区域当中产生了开水沸腾一般的变化,一道笔直的光芒直冲天际,然后在高达几千米的高空当中形成了一朵足有十几平方公里的漏斗云! Enough after dozen minutes, the region that the explosion covers the mist and dust diverges, can see that position had presented over 50 meters in diameter big hole! 足足十几分钟以后,爆炸笼罩的区域才烟尘散去,可以见到那个位置已经出现了一个直径超过50米的大坑! But originally is located in the middle of the big hole building, the lifeform wait/etc, was crushed directly in the beforehand explosion, then the air of entire region, after midair high-speed wind volume channel was ejected in the middle of the upper air, then formed that fearful giant funnel to say! 而本来位于大坑当中的建筑物,生物等等,都在之前的爆炸当中被直接粉碎掉了,然后整个区域的空气,都通过半空高速风卷通道后在高空当中被抛出,进而形成了那一朵可怕的巨型漏斗云! Such remarkable explosion and terrifying lethality, catches the whole lot in a dragnet with these bodyguard of its side Wilow directly! 这样惊人的爆炸和恐怖的杀伤力,直接将维罗戈与其身边的那些亲卫队一网打尽! This was the final card in a hand of rescue crew: The full name is the quark fuel-air explosive, flatters mother bomb also to want powerful existence compared with the beforehand snow, should be its updated version. 这就是救援队的最终底牌了:全名叫做夸克云爆弹,是比之前的雪媚娘炸弹还要强大的存在,应该算是其升级版吧。 In the middle of the military is belongs the sequence of testing the weapon, has not equipped officially, what is more important, being that type is expensive the edition that and also needs to relate to get so far as. 在军方当中都是属于实验武器的序列,并未正式列装,更重要的是,属于那种非常昂贵并且还需要关系才能弄到的版本。 Also does not know how Kenny takes, possibly is not he shells out in any case, because of the selling price of this quark fuel-air explosive, at least was equivalent to this reward 56 times. 也不知道肯尼是如何拿到手的,反正不可能是他自掏腰包,因为这一枚夸克云爆弹的售价,至少都相当于这一趟报酬的五六倍了。 Naturally, after this explodes, surplus the fighting spirit of centaur was routed thoroughly. 当然,这一炸之后,剩余下来的半人马的斗志彻底被击溃了。 The fear stems from unknown, they front having the attack of such terrifying lethality, radically helpless, do not say that in the middle of the clan and tribe warriors had died in battle completely. 恐惧源于未知,它们在拥有这样恐怖杀伤力的攻击面前,根本就茫然不知所措,更不要说部族当中的勇士都已经全部战死。 Therefore, is in the middle of the clan and tribe the big rout of centaur! These fellows completely lost the idea of fight, escapes in abundance, only crossed for few several minutes, in this centaur camp on human that only surplus this group suddenly intruded, captive who naturally, was seized. 所以,紧接着就是部族当中半人马的大溃败!这些家伙完全失去了战斗的想法,纷纷夺路而逃,只过了寥寥数分钟,这个半人马营地里面就只剩余下来了这帮突然闯入的人类,当然,还有被捉回来的俘虏。 Oh , mygod ..... “oh,mygod.....” Suddenly, both eyes absent-minded more/complete thou shouted wildly loudly. 忽然之间,双目失神的弥尔才大声狂叫了出来。 Then the bull that he as if goes crazy is the same, the pair of eyes red direct impact on Kenny, held his neckband. 然后他仿佛发狂的公牛一样,双眼通红的直冲向了肯尼,一把抓住了他的领口。 Why! Why you do not inform one, before my person, withstood/top completely in front, they were exploded curling!!” “为什么!你为什么不通知一声,我的人之前全部都顶在了前面,他们都被爆炸给卷了进去!!” Kenny's indifferent say/way: 肯尼漠然的道: This is the war, more/complete, I thanked the sacrifice of your person very much.” “这就是战争,弥尔,我很感谢你的人的牺牲。” But at this time, side has heard the cheers, meanwhile has exciting crying out strangely and whistling sound, delightedly then Wynter and other important goods person lift a remaining unconscious man to jump for joy slightly runs over! 而就在这时候,旁边已经传来了欢呼声,同时还有兴奋的怪叫和口哨声,然后温特等一大帮人则是抬着一个昏迷不醒的男子欢喜雀跃的小跑了过来! We found Ryan!!” “我们找到了瑞恩!!” Interjection indicating surprise hehe! This young fellow seems like the condition is not good, has remained unconscious, but the life symptom is very stable.” “哦呵呵呵呵!这小伙子看起来状况不大好,一直都昏迷不醒,不过生命体征还是十分稳定的。” I had just inspected, no major problem, except for the slight dehydrations and some flesh wounds, all is very normal.” “我刚刚检查过了,没什么大问题,除了轻微脱水和一些外伤,一切都十分正常。” Got rich got rich! Ha haha these goes back the ore and sample that yesterday fished time sells, Jack did not have the words to say again, he will certainly comply with my proposing!” “发财了发财了!哇哈哈哈这一次回去把昨天捞到的矿石和样本一卖,杰克就再也没话说了吧,他一定会答应我的求婚的!” Really is wonderful a day!” “真是美妙的一天啊!” „......” “......” Moreover, separated for less than a half minute, saw several people were supported by the arm, after saw Kenny, immediately was excited, the sound somewhat choked: 不仅如此,隔了半分钟不到,就见到了好几个人被搀扶了过来,其中一个见到了肯尼之后顿时激动了起来,声音都有些哽咽: Boss!” “头儿!” After Kenny saw him, changes countenance suddenly, walks up with stride, held his shoulder, said excitedly: 肯尼见到了他之后,也是遽然动容,大步走上前去,一把抓住了他的肩膀,激动道: Old companion, you is actually also living!” “老伙计,你竟然还活着!” Survivor who originally this lives, unexpectedly is Kenny's youngest brother: Dejak! 原来这个活下来的幸存者,竟然是肯尼的老兄弟:德亚科! This fellow has been pessimistic at that time about the relief operations, therefore and others stayed in Chinese zither silver abandoned mine camp there with the wounded person at that time, at that time rescued the team to contact with Ratsey Camp, said that was quick meets the person. 这家伙当时一直对救援行动持悲观态度,所以当时就和伤员等一起留在了瑟银废矿营地那里,那时候救援团队已经与纳拉齐营地联系上了,说是很快就来接人。 After both sides go separate ways, the result receives the news that side Ratsey Camp spread quickly, said that is they overtake, Chinese zither silver abandoned mine camp there is captured, they have not discovered any survivor. 双方分道扬镳之后,结果很快就接到了纳拉齐营地那边传来的消息,说是他们赶过去的时候,瑟银废矿营地那里已经被攻陷,他们没有发现任何的幸存者。 At that time heard after this news, Kenny and team inside person were very moved. 当时听说了这个消息之后,肯尼和队伍里面的人还很是伤感了一番。 Now seems like, the Chinese zither silver abandons the camp to be led the person to capture by Wilow very much obviously. 现在看起来,很显然瑟银废弃营地就是被维罗戈带人攻陷的。 The reason is very simple, the ghost of Wilow careful trained was killed howlingly, his goal is to take revenge! And Wilow revenge is brutal, he did not order to execute human that all caught directly, but was everyone at least suffers three talents to kill. 原因很简单,维罗戈精心培养的鬼嚎被干掉了,他的目的就是复仇!并且维罗戈的复仇非常残酷,他并不是下令将所有抓到的人类直接处死,而是每个人都至少折磨了三天才杀死。 Moreover, because abandoned in Chinese zither silver ore camp that to have many wounded person at that time, Wilow wish makes these damn human pay enough price before dying, therefore his wounded person gets up to start to conduct not fatal suffering severely.( Because feared that time drags is too late, had not been predeceased wounded person of treatment.) 不仅如此,因为当时废弃瑟银矿营地那里面有很多伤员,维罗戈想要让这些该死的人类在死前付出足够的代价,所以他就从重伤员起开始进行不致命的折磨。(因为怕时间拖太晚,没有得到治疗的伤员先死掉了。) These not fatal suffering is actually very brutal, for example takes the stone to break a finger every hour / Gao pill wait/etc, even saw that right do not kill, will also treat to them, the goal is to lengthen their pain. 这些不致命的折磨其实是非常残酷的,比如每隔一个小时拿石块砸碎一根手指/皋丸等等,甚至见到不对劲要弄死了,还会给他们治疗,目的就是要延长他们的痛苦。 Therefore for several days was suffered until death was the wounded person, Dejak this healthy fellow can leave behind a life, what is worth mentioning is , Dejak's trusted subordinate, Tucker, Morris, lived together with Maher for the same reason together. 所以这些天被折磨至死的都是伤员,德亚科这个健康的家伙得以留下了一条命,值得一提的是,因为同样的原因,德亚科的亲信,塔克,莫里斯,连同马希尔也一起活了下来。 But saw that the companion was whinned is suffering until death, and knows oneself then also make same mistakes over again unavoidably, such pressure compared with receiving punishment , has no time to let. 但眼看着同伴一个个被哀嚎着折磨至死,并且知道自己接下来也难免重蹈覆辙,这样的心理压力比起受刑而言,也是不遑多让了。 With Dejak, the original about 35 years old is a very capable man, now the hair is gray, probably man old before his time. 就拿德亚科来说,本来三十五岁左右还是很精壮的一个汉子,现在头发都已经花白,像是个小老头似的。 Was interrupted by this group of people, when Milton of being deeply grieved was thrown in one side. 被这帮人一打岔,悲痛欲绝的弥尔顿时被抛在了一边。 Zhou Shuren had said that the sorrow and joy of everyone is not interlinked. 周树人曾经说过,每个人的悲欢是不相通的。 more/complete thou the subordinate casualty sorrow completely, cannot let other most person shall be gratefuls as a personal favor, in their brains thinks that how is the good bonus and goes back later to indulge in dissipation. 弥尔的手下死伤殆尽的悲哀,并不能让其余大部分的人感同身受,他们脑子里面想的,都是丰厚的奖金和回去以后怎么花天酒地。 On the scene can also keep calm, was side Linyan three people, at this time the goat saw to settle down, was spits to exhale, worked as the middle course in the team channel: 在场还能保持镇定的,就是方林岩三人了,这时候山羊见到尘埃落定,也是吐出了一口气,在团队频道当中道: „The SS difficulty is also mediocre, we have not bumped into any major problem from beginning to end, to be honest was well below compared with the previous world.” “SS难度也不过如此啊,我们从头到尾也没碰上什么大问题,说实话比起上个世界都远远不如。” To be honest, the words of goat are somewhat the truth. The strength that in the middle of the previous world, side Linyan they meet bloody Mary who has to make them roll to extinguish, do not say the following earthquake, if the opposite party in the most flourishing condition, side Linyan they also insufficiently looks. 说实话,山羊的话还是有几分道理的。在上个世界当中,方林岩他们遇到的血腥玛丽就有让他们团灭的实力,更不要说后面的地震了,若是对方在全盛状态下的话,方林岩他们也是不够看的。 Heard the words of goat, the vulture nodded to approve, only forest Yan narrowed an eye in the right way, showed neither approval nor disapproval. 听到了山羊的话,秃鹫点了点头表示认可,只有方林岩眯缝了一下眼睛,不置可否。 However, after the goat said these words, Kenny looked all around around one, then arrived at nearby stretcher, lowers the head Ryan who looks at to remain unconscious, suddenly said: 但是,就在山羊说完了这句话以后,肯尼环顾了一下四周,接着走到了旁边的担架边去,低下头看着昏迷不醒的瑞恩,忽然道: Has confirmed the status?” “确认过身份吗?” A nearby steel knight stands, the say/way of jar sound jar air/Qi: 旁边的一名钢铁骑士站出来,瓮声瓮气的道: I had just used the facial recognition, above demonstrated that 98.81 possibly is oneself, but the gene prediction in biology did not have the means to do temporarily, because lacks the sample.” “我刚刚已经使用过人脸识别,上面显示,有98.81的可能是本人,不过生物学上的基因识别还暂时没有办法做,因为缺少样本。” Kenny's light say/way: 肯尼淡淡的道: Did not need is so troublesome.” “不用那么麻烦了。” He when spoke these words, has raised hand, makes a fist, gathers the strength, below wields ........!! 他在说这句话的时候,就已经扬手,握拳,蓄力,下挥........!! Then during is in the glare of the public eye, a fist pounded ruthlessly on Ryan's throat!!! 接着在众目睽睽当中,狠狠一拳就砸在了瑞恩的咽喉上!!! Kenny's body underwent the heavy transformation, this right arm was the out-and-out armored mechanical arm, was the iron fist of being worthy of the reputation. 肯尼的身体乃是经过了重度改造的,这只右臂乃是不折不扣的装甲机械手臂,乃是名副其实的铁拳。 Ryan body of remaining unconscious was very emaciated, even if were pounded by an average person fist on the Adam's apple, is the fatal wound, 昏迷不醒的瑞恩身体本来就十分羸弱,哪怕是被一个普通人一拳砸在喉结上,也是致命创伤, Let alone does Kenny transform the terrifying heavy blows of person like this? 更何况还是肯尼这样的改造人的恐怖重拳? The pitiful Ryan throat was pounded directly flatly, spouts a lot of blood froth from the mouth, the eyes turns the white body fierce is twitching. 可怜的瑞恩咽喉都直接被砸扁了,从口中喷出大量的血沫,双眼翻白身体剧烈的抽搐着。 Lives steep startled changes, the goat and vulture two people opened the mouth simultaneously, only thought that in the mind is blank. 陡生惊变,山羊和秃鹫两人都同时张大了嘴,只觉得脑海里面都是一片空白。 Immediately several person startled anger happen simultaneously stood, more/complete loudly referred to Kenny exclaiming: 立即就有好几个人惊怒交加的站了出来,弥尔更是指住了肯尼大吼道: What do you want to make?” “你要做什么?” But, he just roared, is standing steel knight on unemotional drew out the high frequency battle axe of waist, chops under! 可是,他刚刚吼完,身后一名站着的钢铁骑士就面无表情的拔出了腰间的高周波战斧,一劈而下! More was divided the crotch section from the top of the head directly, split a red string the forehead to the groin spot, then the whole person was set upright is dividing is two, internal internal organs crash-bang flow, the scene can be said as the bloody pinnacle. 弥尔直接从头顶被劈到了裆部,眉心到鼠蹊部位裂开了一条红线,然后整个人被竖着一劈为二,内部的脏腑哗啦流淌出来,场面可以说是血腥极致。 Moreover, the people then detected, Kenny's steel knight hand/subordinate has stood the position, person who so long as has the change, all got down the cruel methods directly, the members of exploring party is killed one in this flash less than half!! 不仅如此,众人这才发觉,肯尼手下的钢铁骑士早就站好了位置,只要是有异动的人,全部都直接下了狠手,探险队的成员在这一瞬间就被干掉了一小半!! At this time Dejak has been shocked completely, trembling sound said: 此时德亚科已经完全惊呆,颤声道: Kenny, were you insane? You must do! How can you kill Ryan?” “肯尼,你疯了吗?你要干什么!你怎么能杀了瑞恩?” How you can kill him!!!” “你怎么能杀了他!!!”
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