FE :: Volume #9

#41: Ryan comes

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After hearing this prompt, three people are not the fools, was very obvious, this powerful hidden milestone was inevitably related with this Gaia's blood! 听到了这提示以后,三人都不是笨蛋,那么很显然了,这个强大的隐藏里程碑必然就和这盖亚之血有关了! At this time, Vardon pulled out a dark thing to hand over from the body, light say/way: 这时候,瓦登又从身上掏出来了一个黑乎乎的东西递了过来,淡淡的道: This is the herbal medicine bag necessary witch spirit, since you thought that the herbal medicine bag is easy-to-use, will then certainly like on it, because it can have the large scale increase to the effect of herbal medicine bag.” “这是和草药袋配套的巫灵之器,既然你们觉得草药袋好用的话,那么就一定会喜欢上它,因为它能对草药袋的效果产生大幅度的增幅。” This type of thing to the sensation highest vulture, is definitely appraised the truth by him, finally after the vulture takes for several seconds, immediately a brow wrinkle, seems like very some appearances of exclusion. 这种东西肯定是给感知最高的秃鹫的,由他来鉴定真伪,结果秃鹫拿到手几秒钟以后立即眉头一皱,看起来似乎很是有些嫌弃的样子。 The goat works as the middle course in the team channel immediately: 山羊立即在团队频道当中道: What's wrong? Does the thing have the issue?” “怎么了?东西有问题?” The vulture shakes the head saying: 秃鹫摇摇头道: No, but after I appraise, obtained the prompt, said that time was these collected enough sample, can conducts the appraisal of deep level to the herbal medicine bag and this witch spirit, can obtain more information.” “没有,只是我鉴定以后获得了提示,说是这一次采集到了足够的样本,可以对草药袋和这件巫灵之器进行深层次的鉴定,能获得更多的情报。” But, the attained information makes me feel somewhat ill.” “不过,拿到的情报让我觉得有些不适。” The vulture shared the material, after seeing this material, side Linyan and goat two people somewhat are shocked. 说完了秃鹫将资料共享了出来,看到了这资料以后,方林岩和山羊两人都有些震惊。 Originally, Vardon bestowed to their herbal medicine bags before, unexpectedly with the stomach pouch that the special method manufactures. 原来,瓦登之前赠送给他们的草药袋,竟然是用特殊方法制作的胃囊。 But this witch spirit, is one with the witchcraft has refined the withered heart, no wonder side Linyan always feels that the silk thread on external skin is strange, and covers entirely wound the blood vessel to be equally strange, result these earthworm lines also are really the blood vessels! 而这件巫灵之器,则是一颗用巫术炼制过的干瘪心脏,难怪方林岩总觉着表皮上的丝线怪怪的,就跟布满了蜿蜒般的血管一样诡异非常,结果那些蚯蚓般的线条还真是血管! Moreover, this heart the big priest of master former centaur, oneself have very powerful witchcraft, and in this heart, still contains the weak witch strength aura! 不仅如此,这颗心脏的主人还是前任半人马的大祭司,自身拥有很是强悍的巫术,并且在这颗心脏内,仍旧蕴藏着微弱的巫力气息! Then Vardon demonstrated the method of increase: The herbal medicine bag and witch spirit puts together, then soaked in the fresh blood, can see that starts to beat with the witch spirit that the heart made, absorbed in the middle of the blood essence. 接着瓦登就展示了增幅的方法:将草药袋和巫灵之器放在一起之后,然后浸泡在了新鲜血液里面,就能见到那颗用心脏制成的巫灵之器开始自行跳动起来,吸收鲜血当中的精华。 Then, the blood vessel on heart also starts, if the tentacle general spread, the elongation, bound the herbal medicine bag finally, the blood essence that will absorb poured into, in this case, herbal medicine bag inside medicine will be built up by blood, obtained the increase of powerful. 然后,心脏上的血管也开始若触手一般的蔓延,伸长,最后裹住了草药袋,将吸收来的鲜血精华注入其中,这样的话,草药袋里面的药物就会被“血炼”,获得更加强力的增幅。 Watches Vardon's demonstration, in the people heart some infant, felt some medicine being hard entrances that like this does. 看着瓦登的示范,众人心中都有些毛毛的,觉得这样搞出来的药有些难以入口。 However to be honest, really to essential time, has the possibility to return to 1 life value is the life and death boundary, then do not strengthen with this disgusting method medicament, even if lets the person directly on bites a big mouth in the herbal medicine bag and witch spirit, still can only say really fragrant two characters. 不过说实话,真的是到了关键的时候,很有可能多回一点生命值就是生与死的界限,那么不要是用这种恶心方法强化过的药剂了,就算是让人直接在草药袋和巫灵之器上咬一大口,也只能说出“真香”两个字。 At this time, the goat actually worked as the middle course in the team channel: 这时候,山羊却在团队频道当中道: This fellow has not spoken the truth, or the accurate point, should have what essential place to be concealed.” “这家伙没说实话,或者准确一点来说,应该有什么关键的地方被隐瞒了。” Jordan had said before, Vardon this fellow in the middle of centaur clan and tribe known, has the golden bloodlines, and famous Shaman, the parliament member, deeply was been respectable by the clansman.” “约旦之前曾经就说过,瓦登这家伙在半人马部族当中还是小有名气的,拥有黄金血脉,并且还是有名的萨满,议会成员,深受族人尊敬。” And the centaur respects to the life, even after dying, the remains still regarded as may not the thing of destruction, thinks that the destruction remains were to the lese majeste of gods. But, Vardon can actually put out such thing at this time casually, behind this certainly also many unknown secrets.” “并且半人马对生命是非常敬重的,即便死后,遗体仍视为不可毁坏之物,认为破坏遗体乃是对神明的大不敬。可是,瓦登此时却能随随便便拿出这样的东西,这背后一定还有很多不为人知的隐秘。” Three people is cannot look in the middle of team channel exchange others, Vardon actually appears some is not impatient at this time, light say/way: 三人在团队频道当中的交流别人是看不出来的,瓦登此时却显得有些不耐烦了,淡淡的道: These secrets that I said that even most priests and elders do not know, can disclose to your bystanders, enough has demonstrated my sincerity, let alone will the necessary witch spirit also give to you?” “我说出来的这些隐秘,甚至连大部分的祭司和长老都不知道,能够透露给你们这些外人,已是足够展示我的诚意了,何况还将配套的巫灵之器送给了你们?” I might as well told you, the stone hammer Sars's head to me, was not a without this it will not do, you are willing to trade, did not want......” “我不妨告诉你们,石锤基沙斯的头颅对我来说,并不是非此不可的,你们愿意交易就交易,不愿意......” However, Vardon's words have not said, was broken by side Linyan directly with practical action, Vardon saw directly two things aimed at themselves to fly, Vardon very simple caught, detected stone hammer Sars's two heads that earnestly sought. 不过,瓦登的话还没有说完,直接就被方林岩用实际行动打断了,瓦登直接见到了两个东西对准了自己飞了过来,瓦登很干脆的一把接住,发觉正是自己渴求的石锤基沙斯的两个脑袋。 At that moment Vardon were not many says anything, aimed at three people to look, then nods, raises the hoof to speed along to go. 当下瓦登也并不多说什么,对准三人看了过去,然后点了点头,扬蹄飞驰而去。 Until Vardon disappeared in the darkness thoroughly, goat somewhat stunned say/way: 直到瓦登彻底消失在了黑暗当中,山羊才有些愕然的道: „Did its this walk? Unexpectedly didn't assign the followup mission?” “它这就走了吗?居然不交代后续任务了?” side Linyan stares at the place that Vardon is leaving, this say/way slowly: 方林岩盯着瓦登离开的地方,这才缓缓的道: Actually it had confessed followup mission, the present behavior is only Jiang Taigong fishes, is willing to hit one to be willing to suffer, the bugle in our hands, must ask him is not difficult.” “其实它已经交代了后续任务,现在的行为只是姜太公钓鱼,一个愿打一个愿挨而已,号角可是在我们手里,要找他并不难。” After the vulture listened to side Linyan the words, immediately said suddenly: 秃鹫听了方林岩的话以后,顿时恍然道: Boss also said is, this fellow understands clearly the human nature very much! Obviously, that hidden milestone: The crucial item of honor, was Gaia's blood.” “头儿说得也是,这家伙很是洞悉人性啊!很显然,那个隐藏里程碑:荣光的关键性道具,就是盖亚之血了。” This old thing spoke such in detail this gadget, the use was to also say very clearly, even added that at crucial moment can save a life, that clarified is seduces us.” “这老东西将这玩意儿讲得这么详细,用处也是说得很清楚,甚至还说关键时候能救命,那就摆明是来诱惑我们了。” side Linyan said: 方林岩道: Right, moreover Gaia's blood seemingly also not ready-made, but also needs to refine according to the formula, according to Vardon's view, must attain Gaia's blood, either gets rid of his blood brother Brander Harden, either collects the material to ask him to refine ------- These two matters actually cannot go round it.” “对,而且盖亚之血貌似还不是现成的,还需要根据配方来进行炼制,根据瓦登的说法,要拿到盖亚之血,要么就去干掉他的亲兄弟布兰德哈登,要么就凑齐材料找他炼制-------这两件事其实都绕不开它的。” So long as our blood to Gaia moves wholeheartedly, then inevitable will sound this bugle to look for it!” “只要我们对盖亚之血一心动,那么必然就会吹响这支号角去找它!” Heard side Linyan the analysis, the vulture and goat two people somewhat are resentful however, the goat could not bear scold one saying: 听到了方林岩的分析,秃鹫和山羊两人都有些悻悻然,山羊忍不住骂了一句道: „, This old thing is really deceitful, owes a little does not bring to eat.” “靠,这老东西真是狡诈啊,一点儿亏都不带吃的。” side Linyan light say/way: 方林岩淡淡的道: Could not eat the hot tofu impatiently, we do not need to worry, the town/subdues by static was good. We see things in others' shoes, Gaia's blood thing relates to a title, if we miss also no penalty, but missed an opportunity.” “心急吃不了热豆腐,我们没必要着急,镇之以静就好了。我们换位思考一下,盖亚之血这东西只是关系到一个称号而已,我们如果错过也没什么惩罚,只是错失了一个机遇。” But, Vardon missed this time the opportunity of massacring Brander Harden, he estimated that this whole life will regret lifelong, because this is it divorces from the present vagabond's life, seizes the golden opportunity in chief position again! Therefore, is first cool it one coolly, we calm down!” “可是,瓦登错失了这次杀掉布兰德哈登的机会,他估计这辈子都会终身遗憾的,因为这是它脱离现在的流浪生活,重夺酋长位置的绝佳机会!所以,先凉它一凉,咱们沉住气!” side Linyan always sees the matter to be extremely accurate, and also analyzes is rationally, regardless of the goat or the vulture quite admire, therefore put aside this matter in the one side. 方林岩一向见事极准,并且分析得也是头头是道的,无论山羊还是秃鹫都相当佩服,所以就将这件事搁置在了一旁。 Then the goat gave Caolo to make a bulk saccharine ice piece, was water source abundant red cloud platform thanks to here can do, made its very happy after gnawing the sweet big ice piece, this went separate ways with Caolo. 接下来山羊又给考洛克弄了一大块“糖精冰块”,也多亏这里乃是水源充沛的红云台地才能这么搞,让它美滋滋的啃着甜甜的大冰块后,这才和考洛克分道扬镳。 Then said needlessly, three people then planned first satisfied Lion King to cultivate/repair Ma's request, if after all a person has been hungry, will not be definitely happy, 接下来不消说,三人便打算首先去满足狮王修玛的要求了,毕竟一个人倘若一直饿着,肯定心情不会太好, Let alone this fellow is not a person, but the seemingly original temperament is not good, flatters Lion King that will fall own density to cultivate/repair Ma? 更何况这家伙并不是人,而是貌似本来脾气就不大好,拍马屁都会掉亲密度的狮王修玛? side Linyan thinks, detected that side the freight space that here past crashed was too far, cannot do well arrived at half of times, Lion King cultivates the margin of energy of Malaysia to be exhausted, is forced to force to return to oneself world, before that return , its elderly man had a fit of temper by some chance is not fun! 方林岩想了想,发觉这里过去坠毁的货运飞船那边太远了,搞不好走到一半的时候,狮王修玛自身的能量储备就被耗尽,被迫强制回归自己的世界,那回归之前它老人家万一发脾气可不是好玩的! After all relations between both sides had turned into the cooperation rather than the summon! 毕竟双方之间的关系已经变成了合作而不是召唤! Therefore, is Aogerui Ma there can get so far as the appropriate thing on the contrary, 所以,反倒是奥格瑞玛那里可以弄到合适的东西, Yes, side Linyan thinks of a way, before is, Aogerui Maji about the there destroyed that all-terrain vehicle, this car(riage) side Linyan has inspected personally, what ruined is the transmission system, the engine and related functional system are roughly complete, must fix this thing, then let supply the electrical energy saying that continually the technique content was very low. 是的,方林岩打主意的,就是之前奥格瑞玛集合点那里被摧毁的那辆全地形车,这辆车方林岩是亲自检查过的,被毁掉的是传动系统,发动机和相关的功能系统大致完好,要修好这东西,然后让持续供应电能可以说技术含量很低。 Repaired Malaysia to say regarding Lion King, was equivalent at home originally daily the ample food eating food supplements higher energy, but after arriving here, drank the gruel pickled vegetable, although the calorie lowered the flavor is very ordinary, but maintained the basic survival not to have the issue in a short time. 对于狮王修玛来说,相当于在家本来是天天大鱼大肉进补高等能源,但是来到了这里以后,喝点稀饭泡菜,虽然卡路里又低味道也很一般,但短时间内维持基本的生存还是没问题的。 Three people speaking of do, immediately overtakes toward that side, but after Lion King cultivates Ma ate the energy block of that unit, own full Shidu restores about 30. 三人说到就做,立即就朝着那边赶了过去,而狮王修玛吃掉了那一单位的能量块以后,自身的饱食度恢复到了30左右。 It does not enter the battle condition the words, the energy consumption is actually very low, therefore very simple asked side Linyan three people directly in conducting the back, entered the constant speed cruise running pattern, only used for one hour less than went to Aogerui Ma. 它不进入战斗状态的话,能耗其实是很低的,所以很干脆的直接就将方林岩三人托在了背上,进入了定速巡航奔跑模式,大概只用了一个小时不到就去了奥格瑞玛。 Before this time Aogerui Ma, was attacked, then at this time received by the sad news of centaur attack, therefore surplus the limited strength went to rape there to prepare to take revenge red, it can be said that was exceptionally peaceful. 此时的奥格瑞玛之前就被冲击了一番,然后这时候又接到了被半人马攻击的噩耗,所以剩余下来的有限力量都去红云台地那里准备复仇了,可以说是异常安静。 side Linyan arrived at destroyed that all-terrain vehicle place, carefully looked, detected the own daytime judgment really right, pulled out the Nicole Lemer's tool holder, tool of while convenient bringing then starts to service. 方林岩来到了被摧毁的那辆全地形车处,仔细看了看,发觉自己白天的判断果然没错,掏出了尼可勒梅的工具盒,还有自带的趁手工具便开始进行维修。 Quick, side Linyan the related energy system will operate again, result pleasantly surprised discovery this car(riage) also 87 oil reserves, then on the electric energy transducer of use vehicles bringing, led an electric cable to give to cultivate/repair the Ma sufficient energy directly. 很快的,方林岩就重新将相关的能源系统运作了起来,结果惊喜的发现这辆车还有87的能源储备,然后就利用车辆自带的电能转换器,直接就接出了一条电缆来给修玛充能。 Repaired Ma to absorb the electrical energy the way is very advanced, can from the long-distance absorption, be similar to the technology of wireless charge directly, so long as it 50 meters activity in the range, can adopt the output continuously the electrical energy. 修玛吸收电能的方式就很先进了,可以直接从远程吸收,类似于无线充电的技术,只要它在范围内五十米活动,就能源源不断的采取输出的电能。 side Linyan observed, cultivates Ma absorbs electrical energy type primary energy the speed is not quick, only in surplus 87 electrical energies depending on vehicles wreckage, enough makes it attract dawn. 方林岩观察了一下,修玛吸收电能这种“原始能量”的速度并不快,仅凭车辆残骸中剩余87的电能,就足够让它吸到天亮。 After dawn, the functional system of vehicles can conduct the sufficient energy using the sunlight, the words of conservative estimate, at least can make it stay here much for two days. 等到天亮了之后,车辆的功能系统更是可以利用太阳光来进行充能,保守估计的话,至少能让它在这里多呆两天。 At this time, cultivated/repaired Ma to walk to size up an energy system and switch, suddenly changed the body directly, turned into a mechanical soldier of lion's head person, it very relaxed lifted up the wreckage of this all-terrain vehicle. The stride walked toward nearby mountain peak. 这时候,修玛走过来打量了一下能源系统和转换器,突然直接变身,变成了一头狮头人身的机械战士,紧接着它很轻松的就扛起了这辆全地形车的残骸。大步朝着旁边的山峰走了上去。 Here is the rolling topography, even if there is a mountain peak is not often high, at best is still 200-300 meters, after going to the mountain peak crown, cultivated/repaired Ma to turn into the shape of black lion, lay to bend down above, under the ray of star moon/month peaceful is looking into the distance boundlessly, drought, barren land. 这里乃是属于丘陵地形,就算是有山峰往往都并不高,充其量也就是200-300米,去到了山峰顶部之后,修玛重新变成了黑狮子的形状,趴伏在了上面,在星月的光芒下安静的眺望着苍茫,干旱,贫瘠的大地。 Its form as if changed into a body with the mountain peak, occasionally swings, tail. 它的身影仿佛与山峰化为了一体,偶尔摆动一下的,只有身后的尾巴。 This proud form feels is two characters, 这骄傲身影给人的感觉就是两个字, Lonely ....... 孤独....... Lonely of thorough marrow. 一种深入骨髓的孤独。 At this time, toothpick bird sorrow Muti fell the body that cultivated/repaired Ma, combed mane to it, peaceful accompanied it to look at the mountains land that a while this seemed to have met before. 这时候,牙签鸟哀木涕落到了修玛的身上,给它梳理了一下鬃毛,安静的陪伴着它看了一会儿这似曾相识的山川大地。 It is estimated that in the heart appears, is the past events that these remember with eternal gratitude, these tranquil monotonous life. 估计心中浮现的,也是那些刻骨铭心的往事,还有那些平静单调的生活。 Separated for several seconds, cultivated/repaired Ma to lower roared, sorrow Muti launched the wing to fly, fell on side Linyan the shoulder, then gave him to transmit came together the information: 隔了几秒钟,修玛低吼了一声,哀木涕就展开翅膀飞了回来,落在了方林岩的肩头,然后给他传递了过来一道信息: Repaired Ma saying that so long as you met troublesome caught up toward here, so long as in three kilometers a region close to the range, it can rush promptly keeps the promise.” “修玛说,你们只要遇到了麻烦就往这边赶,只要靠近范围内三公里的区域,它都能及时赶到兑现诺言。” side Linyan has not expected to cultivate/repair Ma still to remember unexpectedly to own commitment, nods saying: 方林岩没料到修玛居然还记得对自己的承诺,点点头道: Good, without issue.” “好的,没问题。” sorrow Muti said: 哀木涕道: Un, good, I will abide to pledge to follow in your sides, supplies the information for you, you can now.” “恩,好的,我会信守承诺跟随在你们的身边,为你们提供信息的,你们现在可以出发了。” *** *** Here is actually not far from the temporary camp that the rescue crew builds, in situation that particularly side Linyan three people of digitization bodies, hurry along full power, almost also used for one hour to arrive. 这里距离救援队搭建的临时营地其实也并不远,尤其是方林岩三人数据化身体,全力赶路的情况下,差不多也只是用了一个小时就到了。 Result after the camp saw the distant place has two all-terrain vehicles to stop there, simultaneously bonfire flaming, after seeing this, in the side forest core sample moves, was the large unit looks? 结果靠近营地以后就见到了远处有两辆全地形车停在那里,同时篝火熊熊,看到了这一幕之后,方林岩心中一动,难道是大部队找来了? Finally side Linyan they walks to look, detected that is really this, Kenny leads oneself direct descendant steel knight to rest among the camp, because Kenny has transformed the relations of body, how cannot see his expression, but in the entire camp seems like the atmosphere is very warm. 结果方林岩他们走进去一看,发觉果然是这样,肯尼带着自己的嫡系钢铁骑士正在营地当中休息,肯尼因为改造过身体的关系,也看不出他的表情如何,可是整个营地里面看起来气氛都十分热烈。 Saw after side Linyan three people return, many people greeted to him on own initiative, particularly more that group of people, have not blamed side Linyan three people first to walk a step meaning slightly, but very warm walked, said that the Zambian forest rock they did attractively, looked was before fishes full. 见到了方林岩三人归来以后,有不少人都主动给他打招呼,尤其是弥尔那帮人,丝毫都没有责怪方林岩三人先走一步的意思,而是十分热情的走过来,称赞方林岩他们干得漂亮,一看就是之前捞得盆满钵满。 After firing off greeting, side Linyan arrived at more/complete Erche one side, curious say/way: 打完了招呼以后,方林岩将弥尔扯到了一边,好奇的道: What's the matter, I looked that in the camp looks like at the new year's celebration is the same, the morale inspires greatly.” “怎么回事,我看营地里面就像是在过年一样,士气大振。” more/complete Erdao: 弥尔道: We successfully received Ryan that side distress signal! Now has located the position.” “我们成功收到了瑞恩那边的求救信号!现在已经确定了位置。” Ha?” After side Linyan heard this news, immediately is startled, quickly pursues asks: What's the matter?” “哈?”方林岩听到了这个消息以后,顿时就大吃了一惊,急忙追问道:“怎么回事?” more/complete Erdao: 弥尔道: Special details I did not understand very much, but listened to Thalen saying that probably on Ryan had to pray for rescue, because on this star disturbed the too big reason, therefore was off and on, is disturbing the strong place on the transmission the signal.” “具体情况我也不是很了解,不过听塔伦说,好像是瑞恩自己身上本来就有求救器,只是因为这个星球上干扰太大的缘故,所以断断续续的,在干扰强的地方就发送不出信号。” The latest news that now us receives is, Ryan was imprisoned in Aogerui Ma, afterward was regarded the sacrificial offering to be passed to rape red ------- Therefore we come up empty-handed at Aogerui Ma here surprise attack.” “现在我们这边接到的最新消息是,瑞恩本来是被囚禁在奥格瑞玛里面,后来又被当成祭品被转送去了红云台地-------所以我们在奥格瑞玛这边的突袭扑了个空。” more/complete thou spoke, several other people also gathered, seemed somewhat also vacant to these things that he said that therefore came the inquiry truth. 弥尔说话的时候,其余的好几个人也聚了过来,看起来对他说的这些东西也有些茫然,所以过来打探真相。 Finally yesterday evening, the centaur attacked the hill giant to rape red a that side's camp, I suspected was we take advantage of a mistake that place.” “结果昨天晚上,半人马突袭了丘陵巨人在红云台地那边的一处营地,我很怀疑就是我们去捡漏那地方。” Finally, the centaur the reason that spares nothing to attack , because was seized a very important person by the hill giant, must therefore rescue it.” “结果,半人马不惜代价突袭的原因,是因为被丘陵巨人抓走了一个非常重要的人,所以必须要将之解救出来。” However Ryan as the prisoner of hill giant, after the centaur breaks through the camp rescued the person on one's own side, is regarded the spoils of war of centaur escorting away.” “而瑞恩作为丘陵巨人的囚犯,在半人马攻破营地救出了自己人以后,也是被当成半人马的战利品给押走了。” Transformation that because he was sent under custody leaves the position can keep, therefore the unwanted signal will be sometimes strong and sometimes weak, its prays for rescue then when the unwanted signal was weak successfully sends the requesting reinforcements message to come out.” “他被押送离开的时候因为位置会不停的变换,所以干扰信号就会时强时弱,其身上的求救器便在干扰信号弱的时候成功发送了求援消息出来。” After hearing these, side Linyan also clarified this long and short of the story immediately, he thinks suddenly a very essential matter, said immediately: 听到了这些以后,方林岩也顿时将这事情的来龙去脉弄清楚了,他忽然想到了一件很关键的事情,立即道: Accepts the assistance message the receiver to be many?” “接受求援信息的接收器应该不少吧?” more/complete Erdao: 弥尔道: „, Over ten, this type of crucial thing, be only the table tennis ball size, is that side the donor provides free, although I at that time have not taken, but rescue crew inside core figure is almost one one, even Ali provided one.” “很多,超过十个,这种关键性的东西只有乒乓球大小,是金主那边免费提供,我当时虽然没拿,但是救援队里面的核心人物几乎是一手一个,连阿里都配备了一个。” side Linyan smiled saying with a smile: 方林岩笑了笑道: That it would be the best, the harvest should be good yesterday.” “那最好不过了,昨天你们的收获应该不错吧。” more/complete thou revealed wiped the smile saying: 弥尔露出了一抹微笑道: Also ok, but also ok, said again almost all people who caught up with that war, has almost not failed.” “还行,还行,再说出去的几乎所有人都赶上了那场大战,几乎就没有落空的。” side Linyan said suddenly: 方林岩恍然道: No wonder everyone is jubilant, more or less made an extra income, the goal of then rescuing also had the favorable turn.” “难怪大家都喜气洋洋的,或多或少的都捞到了一笔外快,然后营救的目标又有了转机。” more/complete Erxiao said with a smile: 弥尔笑笑道: That may incessantly be the favorable turn, we have contacted with Magerram Clan's and tribe's that side centaur, understood some crucial information. Kirghiz centaur that side clan and tribe in usually separates the housing, because of survival resource-poor reason, therefore each clan and tribe disperses very much opens.” “那可不止是转机,我们已经和马格拉姆部族那边的半人马联系过了,了解到了一些关键性的情报。吉尔吉斯半人马那边的部族在平时是分开居住的,相互之间因为生存资源匮乏的缘故,所以每个部族都散得很开。” Therefore, after Ryan was brought back to the clan and tribe, we must face, is in the middle of entire Kirghiz centaur some clan and tribe, the centaur of Magerram Clan and tribe also complies let alone, said that helps as far as possible, the pressure that words as the matter stands, we must face facing the hill giant were too slightly more.” “所以,等到瑞恩被带回部族以后,我们要面对的,就是整个吉尔吉斯半人马当中的某个部族而已而已,更何况马格拉姆部族的半人马也答应,说是尽可能来帮忙,这样一来的话,我们要面对的压力比面对丘陵巨人小太多了。” After hearing more/complete thou the words, the goat is also nods saying: 听到了弥尔的话以后,山羊也是点点头道: This may really be the big favorable turn.” “这可真是大转机啊。” After side Linyan looked all around one, said: 方林岩环顾了一圈以后道: Thalen? How to see others?” “塔伦呢?怎么没看到他人?” more/complete Erdao: 弥尔道: Now here is Ali is responsible, before Thalen saw after Kenny big shot comes back, was very long with his private talk, two people as if presented the dispute, Thalen was sent to act as advance party to reconnoiter.” “现在这边是阿里负责,之前塔伦看到了肯尼大佬回来以后,和他密谈了很久,两人似乎出现了争执,塔伦就被派去打前站侦察去了。” At this time, Kenny's vision also concentrated here, then sinking sound said: 这时候,肯尼的目光也投注到了这边来,然后沉声道: Grasps the time rest, now we in the news that the waiting front spreads, momentarily possibly! After must chat, I asked you to ride little girl to chat in the bar!” “抓紧时间休息,现在我们在等待前方传来的消息,随时都可能出发!要聊天回去以后,我请你们在酒吧里面骑着妞儿聊!” Heard Kenny's words, some people diverged directly, then rested for less than two hours, the day started brightly. 听到了肯尼的话,一干人都直接散去了,然后休息了两个小时不到,天就开始亮了。 At this time, Ali sounded the set sentry post, because now only surplus two all-terrain vehicles, ample capacity limited reason, therefore Kenny made a request: 这时候,阿里吹响了集合哨,因为现在只剩余下来了两架全地形车,运力有限的缘故,所以肯尼做了一个要求: The spoils of war that the person who before went out to fish personal work attained cannot take the car(riage), the unification place in the middle of a here cavern to seal collectively. 之前出去捞私活儿的人拿到的战利品都不能带上车,统一放在了这里的一个洞穴当中集体封存起来。 Regarding this many people quite have the complaint, what things but did Kenny bring so many years team not to meet? Then works as everyone's surface to blow up to block cave entrance, then ordered to board, goes to rescue Ryan. 对此很多人还是颇有怨言的,不过肯尼带了这么多年的团队什么事情没遇到过?便将洞口当着所有人的面炸毁封死,接着下令全部上车,前去救援瑞恩。 These then basic no one has the idle talk, the cave entrance 12 individuals who because that blows up definitely cannot open in a short time, then everyone fights shoulder to shoulder, with had/left, the wealth of fishing had certainly the safeguard, will not naturally fear that some people ran to take away secretly. 这一下便基本没什么人有闲话,因为那炸毁的洞口一两个人短时间内肯定是弄不开的,接下来大家都是并肩战斗,同进同出,捞到的财富当然就有了保障,自然就不会怕有人跑来偷偷拿走了。 All -terrain vehicle full speed advance, after almost started out for three hours, immediately some people of pleasantly surprised calling out: 全地形车全速前进,差不多开出了三个小时以后,立即就有人惊喜的叫道: Had the signal!” “有信号了!” Then saw that this person put out a tablet PC, immediately can see above is beating a red dot, obviously is Ryan's signal apparatus is succeeded to locate! 然后就见到这个人拿出了一个平板电脑,顿时就可以见到上面跳动着一个红色圆点,显然就是瑞恩身上的信号器已经被成功定位到! Besides him, several people also pulled out the tracing meter! 除了他之外,还有好几个人也都纷纷掏出了追踪仪! Moreover, side Linyan three people also received the prompt: 不仅如此,方林岩三人同时也接到了提示: Please note, you have been close to rescue the goal: Ryan in ten kilometers, please note to protect its security.” “请注意,你们已经接近了援救目标:瑞恩十公里以内,请注意保护其安全。”
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