FE :: Volume #9

#40: secret

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side Linyan stayed a while, in the mind actually cultivated/repaired Ma to take to own lots of information in the digestion, first, after seemingly probably, must summon cultivates Ma such fellow, but also needed the tribute? 方林岩呆了一会儿,脑海里面却在消化修玛带给自己的大量信息,首先,貌似像是以后要召唤修玛这样的家伙,还需要贡品? However thinks that is also a little truth, this after all is the legend level lifeform, and to be honest, attacks Sars accomplishing a task with ease to look from it, Sars has not gone to the situation that makes it attach great importance. 不过想一想也是有点道理,这毕竟是传说级生物啊,并且说实话,从它攻击基沙斯时的游刃有余就能看出来,基沙斯都远未达到让它重视的地步。 If not for in the middle of side Linyan the halfway meddles forcefully, the synthesis displays the deep meaning, then felt that cultivates Ma to use to attack directly ordinary can it handling. 若不是方林岩半途当中强行插手,合体施展出奥义,那么感觉修玛直接就用普通攻击就能将之搞定。 If said strictly, cultivates Ma that hires the claw to cut the space, the skill of direct battue opponent, was it used a skill, other times, puts down A purely! 哦,若是严格说起来,修玛的那一招用爪子划破空间,直接追猎对手的技巧,算是它动用了一个技能,其余的时候,就是纯平A啊! If not for oneself force its synthesis, made the Lion King chaotic dance, the beforehand combat process is completely the cat catch mouse. 若不是自己强迫其合体,打出了狮王乱舞,之前的战斗过程完全是猫捉老鼠。 Next, to be honest, side Linyan to cultivating Ma this fellow actually cannot have a liking, because this King is extremely proud, or accurate is proud tender, therefore not the controllable factor was too big. 其次,说实话,方林岩对修玛这家伙其实是不怎么看得上的,因为这位王者太过骄傲,或者准确的来说是傲娇,所以不可控的因素太大了。 But side Linyan is most repugnant, is this not controllable factor, with before, stone hammer Sars prepared to enlarge obviously incurred, cultivated/repaired the Ma unexpectedly also old god in wish watched in side, this and did these damn arrogant villains have difference? 而方林岩最讨厌的,就是这不可控的因素,就拿之前来说,明明石锤基沙斯都准备放大招了,修玛居然还老神在在的想要在旁边观赏一番,这和那些该死的自大反派有什么两样? However, thinks that beforehand that Lion King chaotic dance the big move, side Linyan was also excited, he can feel this move of strong lethality! 但是,想一想之前的那狮王乱舞的这个大招,方林岩又心动了,他可是能亲身感觉到这一招的强大杀伤力的啊! What is more fearful, Sars as the double headed hill giant elite template, its life value even reaches as high as about 100,000, before the Lion King chaotic dance, at least also 60,000 life values, however the Lion King chaotic dance ran away after crazily, unexpectedly hung directly. 更可怕的是,基沙斯身为双头丘陵巨人精英模板,其生命值甚至高达十万左右,在中了狮王乱舞之前,至少都还有六万点生命值,但是在中了狮王乱舞之后疯狂逃走,居然就直接挂掉了。 This no doubt is travelling with Sars crazily, the separate special effect of triggering Lion King chaotic dance is related, but also explained tyrannical that cultivates Ma, that is sure to doing right by legend lifeform these four characters truly! 这固然和基沙斯自身在疯狂跑路,不停的触发狮王乱舞的割裂特效有关,但也说明了修玛的强横,那是真正切切对得起传说生物这四个字! Moreover, cultivates the condition that Ma puts forward really not too to be harsh, must say that energy block gadget cannot make, however other energies, probably electrical energy and so on is really not difficult to do. 而且,修玛提的条件还真的并不是太苛刻的,要说能量块这玩意儿弄不来,但是其余的能量,像是电能之类的还真不难搞。 If nothing else, three freight spaces of crash change casually, cultivate/repair the condition that Marceau wants to be able very lane easily. 别的不说,坠毁的三艘货运飞船随便改一改,修玛索要的条件就能很轻易的弄出来。 Therefore after measuring advantages, side Linyan very decisive say/way: 所以权衡了一番利弊以后,方林岩很果断的道: Good, without issue.” “好,没问题。” But after side Linyan complied, he received the prompt immediately: 而方林岩答应了以后,他立即就收到了提示: Promisor ZB419, you cultivate/repair relations between Ma to become the cooperation with the metal lifeform, will cultivate Ma to be regarded as the plot lifeform, therefore you are unable to attack from it again on the lifeform will gain the related benefit.” “契约者ZB419号,你与金属生物修玛之间的关系已经变为合作,修玛将会被视为剧情生物,因此你无法再从它攻击过的生物身上获取相关利益。” But, the metal lifeform cultivates Ma, once were wounded or wrecked during the adventurous process of this star, you do not need to undertake any influence.” “不过,金属生物修玛一旦在此星球的冒险过程当中被击伤或是被击毁,你也无需承担任何影响。” Saw this prompt, side Linyan the secretly thought space in the heart was really a little loopholes does not exploit. Resulted, now happen to can several matters manage together. 看到了这提示,方林岩在心中暗道空间真的是一点儿空子都钻不了。得了,现在正好可以几件事一起办。 The first matter sounds certainly the bugle, called old thing Vardon, he was killed Sars by oneself this group of people, the present was achieved wishes, you must give a view. 第一件事当然是吹响号角,将老东西瓦登叫过来,他让自己这帮人干掉基沙斯,现在算是如愿以偿了,你总得给个说法是不是。 The second matter informs certainly the person of rescue crew, oneself had found Ryan's whereabouts. 第二件事当然就是通知救援队的人,自己已经找到了瑞恩的行踪。 This time is to go to the Kirghiz centaur that side life-saving, the difficulty compared Aogerui Ma to be much simpler very much obviously. 这一次是去吉尔吉斯半人马那边救人,很显然难度比去奥格瑞玛简单得多了。 Because the habits and customs of centaur are similar to the nomadic nation, only then in receiving foreign invasion, attack or defense time will gather massively, usually is the clan and tribe chiefs occupies the lushest oasis region, other is respective sticking together, 3322 dispersions on barren land. 因为半人马的生活习惯类似于游牧民族,只有在受到外敌入侵,进攻或者防御的时候才会大量集合起来,平时都是部族酋长占据最丰美的绿洲区域,其余的就是各自抱团,三三两两的散布在了贫瘠的土地上。 Probably a Magerram centaur clan, is completely because was hit extremely distressedly, even/including Zunei the original priest class died entirely, only surplus Jordanian this small mare alone brace general situation. 像是马格拉姆半人马一族,完全就是因为被打得太过狼狈,连族内的原有的祭司阶层都统统死光了,只剩余下来约旦这个小母马独撑大局。 Now they lack is not the survival resources, what lacks is the population ......., therefore meets the entire clan to gather. 它们现在缺的不是生存资源,缺的是人口.......所以才会全族都聚集在一起。 If not for chief outstanding ability and grand vision of Kirghiz centaur clan, thought that they cannot threat themselves, is saving the thoughts of peace annexation, otherwise has exterminated the clan. 若不是吉尔吉斯半人马一族的酋长雄才大略,觉得它们已经对自己构不成威胁,存着和平吞并的心思,否则的话早就灭族了。 In this case, Ryan may be very assigned to ordinary Kirghiz Centaur Clan and tribe, by the strength of rescue crew, should not be difficult to the life-saving. 在这种情况下,瑞恩很可能被分配到普通的吉尔吉斯半人马部族当中,以救援队的实力,冲进去救人应该并不难了。 side Linyan is one thinks the person who is, detected after here suitable security, sounded Vardon to give own bugle directly. 方林岩是一个想到就做的人,发觉这里相当安全之后,直接就吹响了瓦登送给自己的号角。 After this bugle sounds, actually unusual has not made the sound, can only feel that an invisible energy shook to send out, grasped bugle both hands somewhat to tingle with numbness. 这号角吹响之后,却奇特的没有发出声音,只能感觉到一股无形的能量震荡着散发了出去,握着号角的双手都有些发麻。 But Vardon has not wanted side Linyan they and others is too long, in short one hour, its stands tall and erect, but the unique form circled from nearby rock. 而瓦登则并没有要方林岩他们等太久,短短的一个小时内,它那高耸而独特的身影就从旁边的岩石后面绕了出来。 Regarding this side Linyan said that is not strange, because of according to the view of Jordan, the Vardon original status is honored, is the big prince of Kyrgyzstan Clan and tribe, if side Linyan has not guessed that wrong, its full name should be called Brander Vardon. 对此方林岩表示并不奇怪,因为根据约旦的说法,瓦登本来身份尊贵,乃是吉尔吉斯坦部族的大王子,若方林岩没猜错的话,其全名应该叫做布兰德瓦登。 Then this time, its lifetime biggest personal enemy, the centaur chief, ruler Brander Harden of Kyrgyzstan Clan and tribe sticks out suddenly at this time suddenly, is acting to the hill giant on own initiative, naturally will attract Vardon to lie concealed in side observes. 那么这一次,它毕生最大的仇人,半人马酋长,此时吉尔吉斯坦部族的统治者布兰德哈登遽然暴起,对着丘陵巨人主动出手,当然就会吸引瓦登隐伏在旁边观战了。 Therefore, after Vardon heard the bugle horn sound, can swiftly catch up naturally to be reasonable. 所以,瓦登听到了号角声以后能迅速赶来当然在情理之中。 At this time Vardon is not obviously happy, it is estimated that saw the foe gave full play of power and strength, got rid of many hill giants, position stabler reason in clan. 此时瓦登的心情显然不大好,估计是看到了仇敌大发神威,干掉了不少丘陵巨人,在族内地位更稳固的缘故。 Moreover, can see that Vardon's body added several new wounds, but seems like properly is processed, the injury is not serious. 不仅如此,可以见到瓦登的身上又添了几道新伤,不过看起来都被妥善的处理过,伤势并不算重。 Therefore, it is putting on a serious face to walk step by step, then ill-humored say/way: 所以,它板着脸一步步的走了下来,然后没好气的道: What matter asks me to have? Had the words to say quickly! I have not meant, without killing stone hammer Sars, do not come to be tired of me.” “找我有什么事?有话快说!我不是说过吗,倘若没有干掉石锤基沙斯的话,就不要来烦我。” The goat smiles: 山羊笑了笑: Thing that you want here.” “你要的东西就在这里。” After saying, the goat carried from the private the stone hammer Sars's head directly, then threw to Vardon conveniently. 说完了以后,山羊就直接将石锤基沙斯的脑袋从私人空间当中拎了出来,然后顺手抛给了瓦登。 Vardon is shocked immediately, even the sound of talking somewhat shivered: 瓦登顿时十分震惊,甚至语声都有些颤抖了: How possibly? Did you get rid of this monster quickly? How do you achieve this point?” “怎么可能?你们怎么这么快就干掉了这头怪物?你们是怎么做到这一点的?” The goat shrugs, says with a smile: 山羊耸了耸肩,笑道: Your this managed a little unnecessarily, you ate the barbecue also to ask how the chef meat roasted?” “你这就管得有点多余了吧,难道你吃烤肉还要问厨子肉是怎么烤出来的吗?” Vardon held Sars's both hands of head somewhat to shiver, is examining, finally even was also stained with the blood of half solidification from the fracture place of neck, then took out several bottle gourds from the waist, then poured in bottle gourd various liquids in inside and blood mixes to confirm together. 瓦登捧着基沙斯的脑袋的双手都有些颤抖了,还是不停的查看着,最后甚至还从脖子的断口处沾了点半凝固的鲜血,然后从腰间取出了几个葫芦,然后将葫芦里面的各种液体倒在里面和鲜血混合在一起进行验证。 Finally Vardon muttered repeatedly: 最后瓦登反复喃喃道: Really is Sars's head, is really its head!” “真的是基沙斯的脑袋,真的是它的脑袋!” After saying, took out a Pikou bag, very serious will install. 说完之后,就取出了一个皮口袋,很是郑重的将之装了进去。 But after Vardon completes this matter, suddenly detected that some are not right, quickly pulled out tattered scroll of one volume of leather manufactures carefully to look from the bosom, this anxious sound said: 而瓦登做完这件事以后,忽然发觉有些不对劲,急忙从怀中掏出了一卷皮革制造的破烂卷轴仔细看了看,这才急声道: „It is not right! Sars obviously is two heads, why you only had one to come!” “不对!基沙斯明明是两个脑袋,为什么你们只带了一个来!” His anxious sound speech time, the eyes are red, seeming like as if somewhat was crazy. 他急声说话的时候,双眼通红,看起来都仿佛有些疯狂了。 side Linyan walked from the rear area at this time, say/way that coldly: 方林岩这时候从后方走了出来,冷冷的道: That is because you have not planned to give us probably the reward! Mr. Vardon, from last having to do time I discovered, you are not one defend the well-mannered person, we naturally must guard are selecting you!” “那是因为你好像根本就没打算给我们报酬!瓦登先生,从上一次打交道的时候我就发现,你并不是一个守规矩的人呢,我们当然要防着点你!” Now, first gives back to us the Sars's left head, then we discussed again other, otherwise, we can get rid of Sars, did not mind that got rid of several people.” “现在,先把基沙斯的左边头颅还给我们,然后我们再来谈别的,否则的话,我们能干掉基沙斯,也不介意多干掉几个人。” He said that puts out a hand, but the vulture and goat two people have stood in Vardon's left side quietly and right side. 他一面说,一面伸出了手,而秃鹫与山羊两人已经悄然站在了瓦登的左侧和右侧。 Vardon saw side Linyan three people of actions, sobered from beforehand wild with joy suddenly, cannot bear deep inspiration. 瓦登见到了方林岩三人的行动,陡然从之前的狂喜当中清醒了过来,忍不住深深的吸了一口气。 In Vardon's sensation, from these three people, sends out the bloody flavor that irritates the nose, 在瓦登的感知里面,从这三个人身上,散发出刺鼻的血腥味道, Moreover, in the darkness of not far away, a powerful and unknown aura! This aura lazy brings to ignore all aggression, even makes him have one type to tremble the feeling in the bone. 不仅如此,在不远处的黑暗里面,还有一种强大而未知的气息!这气息慵懒中带着漠视一切的霸气,甚至让他在骨子里面都有一种战栗感觉。 Therefore, Vardon can only take out the Pikou bag, took the Sars's left head, does intentionally the calm say/way: 因此,瓦登只能重新取出皮口袋,将基沙斯的左边头颅拿了出来,故作淡定的道: Wish the wind to direct your arrivals ......., how you said how.” “愿风指引你们的到来.......可以,你们说怎么样就怎么样。” side Linyan received the head saying: 方林岩接过了头颅道: Can look, Mr. Vardon you regards as important to this head very much, but we got rid of Sars also to consume a strength very much, and paid the considerably large price, you said that looked what thing with traded?” “看得出来,瓦登先生你对这头颅很是看重,不过我们干掉基沙斯也很是耗费了一番力气,并且也付出了相当大的代价,你说说看拿什么东西来换吧?” Vardon silent a while said: 瓦登沉默了一会儿道: Before did I give your herbal medicine bag also in?” “之前我送给你们的那只草药袋还在吗?” side Linyan nods saying: 方林岩点点头道: Naturally.” “当然。” Vardon said: 瓦登道: You thought how uses? Effect how?” “你们觉得使用起来怎么样?效果如何?” side Linyan does not open eyes the person who talks nonsense, nods saying: 方林岩也不是睁眼说瞎话的人,点点头道: To be honest, but also is good.” “说实话,还挺不错的。” Vardon thinks, said: 瓦登想了想以后道: I have a thing, with herbal medicine bag necessary, can significantly improve the effectiveness of herbal medicine bag, not only that I told you again a huge secret, how this did you feel?” “我有一件东西,与草药袋是配套的,可以大幅度提升草药袋的效能,不仅如此,我再告诉你们一个天大的秘密,这样的话你们觉得怎么样?” side Linyan thinks saying: 方林岩想了想道: Said, was a strengthened item adds on an information?” “这么说起来,就是一件强化道具加上一个情报了?” The goat has knit the brows at this time: 山羊此时已经率先皱眉道: „The value of information thing was very difficult to say! Has pricelessly, has is not worth a red cent, and effectiveness is also very essential......” “情报这个东西的价值很难说啊!有价值连城的,有一文不值的,并且时效性也很关键......” Vardon does not play with them empty, very simple say/way: 瓦登也不和他们玩虚的,很干脆的道: I can first say the information, you determine to be worth.” “我可以先说情报,你们自己来判定值不值。” side Linyan three people look one, actually in the heart is clear, they most regard as important hidden milestone: Honor the relevant information, this thing definitely said by Vardon's mouth. 方林岩三人对望一眼,其实心中非常清楚,他们最为看重的还是“隐藏里程碑:荣光”的相关线索,这东西肯定是由瓦登的嘴巴里面说出来的。 Therefore, Vardon's information is actually absolutely has saying that but something cannot demonstrate too clearly, otherwise was held main point that is not instead wonderful, therefore set the appearance of pushing someone take on a difficult job saying: 所以,瓦登的情报其实是非说不可的,但有的事情总不能表现得太明显,否则的话被人抓住了要点那反而不妙,因此一个个的都做出了勉为其难的样子才道: Good, first listens to you to say anything.” “好吧,先听听你说什么。” Actually I listened to the person rubbish repugnantly.” “其实我最讨厌听人废话了。” Looks in the effect also good share of that herbal medicine bag, listens to you to say anything.” “看在那草药袋的效果还不错的份儿上,就听听你说什么。” Vardon naturally was also a slippery customer, in the surface made the ancient well without ripples expression: 瓦登当然也是老油条了,面上做出了古井不波的表情道: You, since has seen Jordan, naturally knows that our centaur is divided into the things of two big clans and tribes now, then you whether knows, in the middle of our clan and tribe has the legend of golden bloodlines?” “你们既然见过约旦,当然知道我们半人马现在分成两大部族的事情了,那么你们是否知道,我们部族当中有黄金血脉的传说?” Related to the thing in negotiation, the goat is very positive, nods saying: 涉及到交涉方面的东西,山羊都是非常积极,点点头道: Heard your origins, more than hundred years ago the herd of handing down from generation to generation fosters talent to start, this prophet is called Zarr, his bloodlines are called the golden bloodlines.” “听说你们的起源,是从百余年之前传下来的一位牧树人开始的,这位先知叫做扎尔塔,他的血脉就叫做黄金血脉。” Vardon nods saying: 瓦登点点头道: Our centaur, because lives in very severe environment, therefore the babyhood compared with your human, must grow is quicker much, four to five years old has to let the ability that the female is pregnant, therefore often takes for five years as one generation.” “我们半人马因为生活在非常严酷的环境下,所以婴儿时期比起你们人类来说,要发育得快得多,四到五岁就拥有让雌性怀孕的能力,因此往往都是以五年就为一代。” „The bloodlines that therefore, ancestor Zarr transmits crossed about 100 years words, had inherited more than 20 generations, golden bloodlines again how noble sacred, even if generations of inheritance among the consanguineous people, actually had been diluted very fiercely.” “所以,先祖扎尔塔传递下来的血脉过了一百年左右的话,已经足足传承了二十多代,黄金血脉再怎么高贵神圣,哪怕是在同族人之间代代传承,其实都已经被稀释得非常厉害了。” At this time side Linyan looks at Vardon's expression, saw that he reveals the appearance that fondly remembered disconsolately, knows should say is the truth, then the slight nod said: 此时方林岩看着瓦登的表情,见到他露出了惆怅而怀念的样子,知道应该说的都是真话,便微微点头道: Matter that this does not have the means that cannot to guarantee the pure bloodline does the brother and sister, even is mother and child chaotic wheel.” “这个也是没办法的事啊,总不能为了保证纯血统搞成兄妹,甚至是母子乱轮。” Vardon's light say/way: 瓦登淡淡的道: This also has anything is quite unusual, our centaur not your human these strange fetters, but the issue is, we used these methods, same could not avoid the bloodlines being diluted even more fiercely, because after these methods used, produced descendant many had the important flaw certainly.” “这又有什么好稀奇的,我们半人马没有你们人类那些稀奇古怪的束缚,但问题就在于,我们采用了这些手段,一样避免不了血脉被稀释得越发厉害,因为这些手段使用以后,产生的后代绝多数都有重要的缺陷。” However person who has the flaw, does not have the qualifications to spread the bloodlines, will execute after the discovery directly, does not need to waste the valuable resources. Otherwise, its lineage/vein will damage, exert a baneful influence infinitely. Therefore the inheritance way in our clan by the diversification, multi-dimensional has also changed into the host.” “而有缺陷的人,是没有资格将血脉流传下去的,在发现以后就会直接处死,没有必要浪费宝贵的资源。否则的话,它的这一脉都会祸害,流毒无穷。所以我们族内的传承方式也一直都是以多样化,多元化为主。” At this point, Denton, light say/way: 说到这里,瓦登顿了顿,淡淡的道: Particularly like you traveler who came from the distant place, will be welcomed by female in clan very much.” “尤其是像你们这样从远方而来的旅人,会很受到族内的雌性欢迎的。” Heard these words, the vulture and goat looked one, is similar anything not to hear unemotionally, side Linyan said with a smile lightly: 听到了这句话,秃鹫和山羊对望了一眼,面无表情仿佛什么都没听到,方林岩淡淡一笑道: On the issue in this fundamental population base, billions population of our human on some star, naturally will often not have these worries probably.” “这根本上还是人口基数上的问题,像是我们人类在某个星球上动不动就几十亿人口,当然不会有这些烦恼。” Vardon sighed a sound said: 瓦登叹息了一声道: Population thing, grew to say quickly also quickly, but premise in base number big situation, therefore we in fact crossed are very difficult.” “人口这东西,增长起来说快也快,但是前提是在基数大的情况下,所以我们过得实际上是非常艰难的。” Particularly later the living environment of this star also started to deteriorate, grasped the priest of unusual strength, Shaman importance to clan and tribe was getting bigger and bigger, in the golden bloodlines in the thin situation, the survival pressure of clan and tribe was getting bigger and bigger day by day, finally in the middle of the clan and tribe was forced to do, can only use a strength of taboo!” “尤其是之后这颗星球的生存环境也开始恶化,掌握了超凡力量的祭司,萨满对部族的重要性越来越大,在黄金血脉日益稀薄的情况下,部族的生存压力越来越大,最后部族当中逼于无奈,只能动用了一种禁忌的力量!” Heard „the strength of taboo these five characters, in side Linyan three people of hearts thump, knows simultaneously finally was to the point on! This may is that hidden milestone: The relevant information of honor. 听到了“禁忌的力量”这五个字,方林岩三人心中同时都“咯噔”一声,知道终于说到点子上了!这很有可能就是那隐藏里程碑:荣光的相关情报。 Really, then Vardon said: 果然,接下来瓦登就道: So long as has the baby of ancestor Zarr bloodlines, will accept one named boiling the test of blood ceremony after the birth, this test is actually quite brutal, puts in the blood in within the body to the earthen bowl of witchcraft deputes, then feedback within the body.” “只要是拥有先祖扎尔塔血脉的婴儿,在出生以后都会接受一项叫做沸血仪式的测试,这测试其实是相当残酷的,将体内的血液放入到巫术之钵当中进行提纯,然后再回输体内。” In this case, so long as this baby can also live, then the probability of awakening gold bloodlines will dramatically increase, but the drawback is because the vitality in within the body has stimulated at this time completely, therefore the fertility will become very bad.” “这样的话,只要这婴儿还能活下来,那么觉醒黄金血脉的概率将会大幅度增加,但弊端是因为体内的生机已经在这时候激发殆尽,所以生育能力会变得非常差。” After the goat listened, immediately said: 山羊听了以后立即道: This is satisfies thirst by drinking poison, originally the population of golden bloodlines should be few, by words that your such a does, can root out?” “这是饮鸩止渴啊,本来黄金血脉的人口应该就很少,被你们这么一搞的话,岂不是要断根了?” Vardon said: 瓦登道: Yes, because of this, therefore clan's and tribe's here talent presented the obvious fault/chasm, but the hill giant then seized this opportunity, robbed our Aogerui Ma and sacred red cloud platform, making the aspect of entire clan and tribe have one misfortune after another.” “是的,正因为这样,所以部族这边的人才就出现了明显的断层,而丘陵巨人便抓住了这个机会,抢走了我们的奥格瑞玛和神圣的红云台地,令整个部族的局面都雪上加霜。” Under this life or death harsh fact off and on, then centaur parliament has to hold the congress, then entered the ancestor Zarr tomb, because Zarr kept the prediction before death, said that was if own descendants met the ridge of being able to pass, when the life or death exterminated entered the tomb, can find a slim chance of survival.” “在这种存亡断续的恶劣情况之下,当时的半人马议会不得不召开了大会,然后进入了先祖扎尔塔的墓穴,因为扎尔塔在去世之前就留下来了预言,说是若自己的子孙遇到了过不去的坎儿,在存亡灭绝的时候的时候进入墓穴,就能找到一线生机。” side Linyan said: 方林岩道: What did that find?” “那找到了什么呢?” Vardon said: 瓦登道: To open Zarr tomb, died finally dozens clansmen, but also offered sacrifices almost 100 slaves, but, from the tomb of ancestor, obtained the method of extracting Gaia's blood!” “为了开启扎尔塔的墓穴,结果就又死了几十名族人,还献祭了差不多一百名奴隶,不过,从先祖的墓穴当中,也获得了提取盖亚之血的方法!” side Linyan said: 方林岩道: What is Gaia's blood?” “盖亚之血是什么?” Vardon said: 瓦登道: This is evil magic arts, can extract earth mother's essence, then obtains a liquid, is called Gaia's blood.” “这是一门邪恶的法术,可以抽取大地母亲的精华,进而获得一种液体,叫做盖亚之血。” „After taking this type of liquid, not only can obtain the strength of ancestor, stimulation ancient times bloodlines, even the connection was boiled the baby of blood ceremony, can make up for the vitality in within the body, the success reproduces own descendant massively.” “服用了这种液体以后,不仅能获得先祖的力量,激发远古的血脉,甚至就连接受过沸血仪式的婴儿,也能将体内的生机弥补起来,成功大量繁殖自身的后裔。” Not only that even if to your human also effective, this thing can save a life at crucial moments, mysterious effect!” “不仅如此,哪怕是对你们人类也是有效果的,这东西在关键时刻既能救命,还有神奇的功效!” side Linyan hesitated evil ways: 方林岩沉吟了一下道: What you want to say that now that chief of Kirghiz Clan and tribe, your younger brother Brander Harden, has taken Gaia's the person of blood?” “难道你想说的是,现在吉尔吉斯部族的那位酋长,你的弟弟布兰德哈登,就是服用过盖亚之血的人?” Vardon's unemotional say/way: 瓦登面无表情的道: Yes, I and he, as soon as were born accepts boiled the blood ceremony, but child who in the middle of that ceremony can live, only then our two, to cover their ears and eyes, therefore actually I and it are not the blood brother, living on dishonorably but who among 30 children was chosen.” “是的,我和他一出生都接受了沸血仪式,而那个仪式当中能活下来的孩子,也就只有我们两个而已,为了掩人耳目,所以其实我和它根本就不是什么亲兄弟,只是三十个孩童当中被挑选出来的苟活者罢了。” Is only, it under the accident of sorts, can successfully find Gaia's blood the resources in formula, then mixes successfully, my luck is not good, therefore was defeated.” “只是,它在机缘巧合之下,能够成功找到盖亚之血的配方上的资源,然后调配成功,我运气不好,所以落败了。” Goat at this time curious say/way: 山羊这时候好奇的道: Shaman and priest of your clan and tribe have anything to distinguish, our bystanders look like, grasped the person of unusual natural strength, probably not different as.” “你们部族的萨满和祭司到底有什么区别,我们外人看来,都是掌握了超凡自然力量的人,好像都没有什么两样似的。” In this aspect Vardon obviously is an expert, light say/way: 在这方面瓦登显然是个行家,淡淡的道: „The strength of Shaman came from the strength of nature, the most major characteristics, grasped the strength of element, for example under normal conditions, we recognized that basis of Shaman, is whether can use the lightning arrow adeptly.” “萨满的力量来自于自然之力,最大的特点,就是掌握了元素的力量,比如通常情况下,我们认定萨满的依据,就是是否能娴熟的使用闪电箭。” However the strength of priest originates from the soul, the powerful priest has with the ability that the soul communicates, for example Wilow is powerhouse, therefore he can train wolf king Guihao such pet, because his unique ability can have the relation with the soul of place wolf directly.” “而祭司的力量则是来源于灵魂,强大的祭司拥有与灵魂沟通的能力,比如维罗戈就是其中的强者,所以他可以培养出狼王鬼嚎这样的宠物,因为他的独特能力可以直接与座狼的灵魂产生联系。” Not only that among these two has not conflicted, for example I, am not only Shaman, is the priest.” “不仅如此,这两者之间也并没有冲突,比如我自己,就既是萨满,又是祭司。” Heard Vardon at this time the prompt, side Linyan three people obtained the prompt again: 听到了瓦登这时候的提示,方林岩三人再次获得了提示: You successfully gained the hidden milestone: The relevant information of honor, please make persistent efforts , to continue to unearth the relevant information.” “你们成功获取了隐藏里程碑:荣光的相关线索,请再接再厉,继续挖掘相关情报。”
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