FE :: Volume #9

#39: Repairs Ma's request

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side Linyan was shocked, say/way of knowing whether to laugh or cry: 方林岩惊呆了,哭笑不得的道: „, I do not want to ask you to change a position to sit, here seems like very unusual flowers, I look refresh one's spirits the flower probably.” “不是的,我只是想请你换一个位置坐,这里好像有一株很奇特的花,我看好像是宁神花。” Caolo said: 考洛克道: „?? Does not seem like, this gadget refreshed one's spirits the flower?” “啊??不是好像,这玩意儿本来就是宁神花呀?” side Linyan cannot bear flip the supercilious look saying: 方林岩忍不住翻了翻白眼道: Since refreshes one's spirits the flower, why you also do want to sit? Is this thing very precious? Your clansmen are looking, centaur and so on is also scarce.” “既然是宁神花,你干嘛还要一屁股坐下去?这东西很珍贵好吗?你们的族人都在找,半人马之类的也都稀缺。” Caolo waves, disdained say/way: 考洛克挥了挥手,不屑的道: This group of people are the fools, refreshes one's spirits the flower to be unpalatable very much.” “这帮人都是傻子,宁神花很难吃的。” After hearing these words, some people want to smile the expression that can only suppress. 听到了这句话以后,一干人都是想笑都只能强忍的表情。 Caolo looked at their expression, resentful say/way however: 考洛克看了他们的表情,悻悻然的道: I also have not spoken incorrectly, this gadget acid and astringence, are really unpalatable very much! I know that it eats to the female beast, but do I want to take something for free unclearly seize these female beasts to do? Crying the trouble and must be divided my thing to eat.” “我又没说错,这玩意儿又酸又涩,真的很难吃!我知道它是给雌兽吃的,可是我就想不明白要捉那些雌兽干嘛?哭哭啼啼的又麻烦又要分我的东西吃。” The goat quickly walks carefully to look to refresh one's spirits the flower at this time, the mouth said: 山羊此时急忙走上去仔细看着宁神花,嘴里却道: Caolo, your violated a mistake, you do not like this gadget the words, then there are others to like, you do not need it ruining, the correct means to be the collection refresh one's spirits the flower, then trades to eat with your clansman.” “考洛克,你这就犯了一个错,你不喜欢这玩意儿的话,那么有别人喜欢啊,你没必要将之毁掉,正确的办法是采集宁神花,然后和你的族人换吃的。” Caolo is pursing the lips, jar sound jar air/Qi dejectedly said: 考洛克噘着嘴,瓮声瓮气的沮丧道: Caolo is not the fool, Caolo has tried, but the approaches of these bastards rob my refreshing one's spirits flower directly, then robs together with one of my eating, finally must ridicule me loudly.” “考洛克不是傻子,考洛克试过,但是那些混蛋的做法是直接抢走我的宁神花,然后连同我的吃的一起抢走,最后还要大声嘲笑我。” Heard Caolo saying that others also understand probably why Caolo usually met a person to come out to roam about. 听到了考洛克这么说,其余的人大概也明白了考洛克为什么平时会一个人出来流浪。 This fellow in the ethnic group is different kind, it is estimated that is grows too late, naturally was not popular. 这家伙在族群里面就是个异类,估计是发育得太晚,当然不招人待见了。 However, the hobby of this fellow eats, places on all energy this that looks to eat. Do not snatch the female like other hill giants, looks, guarding and so on, therefore to cloud platform here path to be familiar red very much. 不过,这家伙的爱好就是吃,将所有精力都放在找吃的这上面。不像其余的丘陵巨人还要去抢雌性,照顾,看守之类的,所以对红云台地这里的道路熟悉得很。 Caolo saw the goat and vulture two people collected, carefully observes is refreshing one's spirits the flower, last gua the meat forces in the mouth, said: 考洛克见到了山羊和秃鹫两人都凑了上去,仔细的观察着宁神花,一面将最后一口“哇呱”的肉塞进嘴巴里面,一面道: Actually this gadget has nothing well, but fronts the ice under the buttocks is icy cold, the time buttocks of having diarrhea feel terribly hot, was refreshed one's spirits the flower to spread by this, the feeling is very immediately comfortable.” “其实这玩意儿没什么好的,只是垫在屁股下面冰冰凉的,拉肚子的时候屁股火烧火燎的,被这宁神花一敷,顿时就感觉特别舒服。” Heard a Caolo such saying, side Linyan three people are speechless immediately, these hill giants will hit for this gadget that will live to kill, Caolo will bring to clean up, if were really discovered, that it is estimated that these fellows will be harmed at the scene a little also heavy. 听到了考洛克这么一说,方林岩三人顿时无语,那些丘陵巨人打生打死的就为了这玩意儿,考洛克却将之拿来擦屁股,倘若真的被发现,估计那些家伙当场受到的伤害一点儿也不轻。 Naturally, finally will definitely punch half dead Caolo while convenient. 当然,最后肯定会顺便把考洛克揍个半死。 At this time, the vulture will also refresh one's spirits the flower material to share: 这时候,秃鹫也将宁神花的资料共享了出来: Name: Refreshes one's spirits the flower 名称:宁神花 Nature: Unknown strange thing 性质:未知奇物 Introduced: After this is received in the middle of the universe storm the mysterious bombard, appeared one brand-new variation plant, the primitive organism only discovered the positive impact of its flowered reproductive system on female lifeform, actually does not know the entire adult plant is stopping bleeding, some therapy aspect multiple functions. 介绍:这是受到了宇宙风暴当中神秘粒子辐射以后,出现的一种全新变异植物,原始生物只发现了其花对雌性生物的生殖系统的积极影响,却不知道全植株在止血,疗伤方面都有多种用途。 Explained: Sells to the space, can obtain 3 meritorious points. 说明:出售给空间,可以获得三点功勋点。 Saw after this refreshes one's spirits the flower material, side Linyan and the others realized decisively this gadget seems like used to treat as the treatment infertility is so simple incessantly. 看到了这宁神花的资料以后,方林岩等人果断意识到这玩意儿看起来远不止用来当做治疗不孕不育那样简单啊。 This is value 3 meritorious service unknown strange thing! 这可是值三点功勋点的未知奇物啊! side Linyan gives what is desired to say immediately: 方林岩立即投其所好道: Caolo, can you also find to refresh one's spirits the flower? I trade to you with the delicious thing.” “考洛克,你还能找到宁神花吗?我拿好吃的东西给你换。” After saying, side Linyan then pulled out one bag two squirrels the Hawaiian fruit came out, naturally, was small packed in bags, then threw to him directly. 说完了以后,方林岩便掏出了一袋“两只松鼠”的夏威夷果出来,当然,是小袋装的,然后直接抛给了他。 After Caolo took, forced in the mouth directly, what sack, what Hawaii fruit that hard husk it can be said that is regarded as does not have under its tooth the thing, after creak chewed several, it is estimated that tasted inside fruit pulp, immediately at present a bright say/way: 考洛克拿了以后直接就塞进了嘴里面,什么包装袋啊,什么夏威夷果那坚硬的果壳啊在它的牙齿下可以说是被视为无物,咯吱咯吱的嚼了几口之后,估计是尝到了里面果肉,立即眼前一亮道: Also has.” “还有还有。” Then led side Linyan they to go to transfer the revolutions directly everywhere, result fellow was the geography passes, leading side Linyan they to dig almost five to refresh one's spirits the flower, then said that surrounding did not have. 接下来便直接带着方林岩他们去到处转了转,结果这家伙果真是地理通,带着方林岩他们挖了差不多五棵宁神花,然后说周围没有了。 Can attain five to refresh one's spirits the flower, side Linyan three people are well satisfied, Caolo also harvested big pile of between-meal snack, Oglio but who this fellow most likes eating, eats happily. 能拿到五株宁神花,方林岩三人已是心满意足,考洛克也收获了一大堆的零食,不过这家伙最喜欢吃的还是奥利奥,咔嚓咔嚓吃得开心不已。 However although Caolo likes eating the thing, but the feed speed is actually quite quick, is almost directly toward the throat but in actually. 不过考洛克虽然喜欢吃好东西,但进食速度却是相当快,几乎是直接往嗓子眼里面倒。 This is also the brutal environment decision, because in such food deficient place, overwhelming majorities the time of finding food, the side will have similar or dangerous. 这也是残酷的环境决定的,因为在这样食物匮乏的地方,绝大多数找到食物的时候,身边都会有同类或者危险。 Once the speed of feed is too slow, either surplus food will be given to rob by the same clan, either the danger of hidden will not eat up surplus food to you opportunities. 进食的速度一旦太慢,要么剩余的食物就会被同族给抢走,要么隐藏的危险根本就不会给你吃下剩余食物的机会。 After Caolo ate food, cunning winked the small eye saying: 等到考洛克将食物吃掉了以后,才狡黠的眨了眨小眼睛道: Right, you before the matter that wanted me to handle, although I have not accomplished temporarily, but also inquired some news.” “对了,你们之前要我办的事情,我虽然暂时还没办到,但也打听到了一些消息哦。” side Linyan suddenly Caolo under the drive of appetite, unexpectedly the power is so also full, because in his mind, Caolo is only in the middle of the spare tire spare tire, typical idle chess. 方林岩也冷不防考洛克在食欲的激励下,居然动力如此十足,因为在他的心里面,考洛克只是个备胎当中的备胎,典型的闲棋而已。 Never expected that did it tell himself to have the Ryan related news unexpectedly on own initiative? Therefore then said immediately: 没想到它居然主动告诉自己有瑞恩相关的消息?于是便立即道: What news? The person who does want you to inquire is related with me?” “什么消息?和我要你打听的人有关吗?” Caolo favorite say/way: 考洛克得意的道: Naturally! Otherwise do I run up to now this season cloud platform red do do? The people much food are also few, went to the black canyon that side to seize the tigroid bodies beetle to roast directly is eating!” “当然了!不然现在这个季节我跑到红云台地来干嘛?人又多食物又少,直接去黑色峡谷那边去捉虎斑甲虫烤着吃了!” side Linyan listened to a Caolo such saying, immediately in brain a miraculous glow lightning channel: 方林岩听考洛克这么一说,顿时脑子里面灵光一闪道: No wonder in Aogerui Ma comes up empty-handed, originally Ryan their these fellows were brought to come to the red cloud platform place!” “难怪奥格瑞玛里面扑了个空,原来瑞恩他们这些家伙都被带到红云台地这边来了!” Caolo said: 考洛克道: Naturally, these caught food will definitely be brought to come back, sacrificial offering time uses to obtain, with these Ge grand contact, can with your human type of novel food be on good terms they.” “当然了啊,这些被抓到的食物肯定会被带回来啊,祭祀的时候用得到,和那些戈隆接触的时候,也能用你们人类这种新奇的食物来交好她们。” Hears Caolo to be called novel food human, side Linyan three people flip the supercilious look, knows that this fellow brain eats, did not say strangely. 听到考洛克将人类称为“新奇的食物”,方林岩三人都翻了翻白眼,知道这家伙满脑子都是吃,这么说一点儿也不奇怪。 Then side Linyan pursues asks: 然后方林岩就追问道: „Did you give your thing to give to Ryan me?” “你将我交给你的东西送给瑞恩了吗?” Caolo shakes the head, on the face revealed the cunning god color: 考洛克摇摇头,脸上露出了狡黠的神色道: You comply my, so many sweet rewards?” “你们答应我的,这么多的甜甜的奖励呢?” Was saying makes the movement that both hands joint held, before goat permits hoping. 说着就做出了一个双手合抱的动作,正是之前山羊许的愿。 The goat sighs: 山羊叹了一口气道: Good, without issue.” “好的,没问题。” At this time side Linyan somewhat is also curious, glutton who how can satisfy Caolo **, makes to it has the water jar size together fully, the round sweet delicious thing comes out. 此时方林岩也有些好奇,怎么才能满足考洛克的老饕**,给它弄一块足有水缸大小,圆圆甜甜的好吃东西出来。 Finally the goat is actually surface no embarrassment arrived side, only after crossing for five minutes, on strenuous held a thing of bathtub size to walk: 结果山羊却是面无难色的走到了旁边去,只过了五分钟之后就吃力的抱着一个浴缸大小的东西走了过来: Hey, friend of mine Caolo, this is I gives your reward.” “嘿,我的朋友考洛克,这就是我给你的奖励。” side Linyan and vulture two people saw the reward that the goat takes, cannot bear the spitting mortise with one voice: 方林岩和秃鹫两人看到了山羊拿出来的奖励,忍不住异口同声的吐槽道: I depend, is this also good?” “我靠,这样也行?” Actually Caolo surprised say/way: 倒是考洛克吃惊的道: „? What is this? Can this thing really eat?” “啊?这是什么?这东西真的可以吃吗?” Originally, the goat takes, unexpectedly is a giant ice piece!! 原来,山羊拿出来的,竟然是一个巨大的冰块!! He can make the ice piece is not unusual, because before goat fellow body, purchased many disposable items, these have the spell and so on thing, in these spells has expensive maintaining life rune/symbol Lu, there is rune/symbol Lu of small advantage. 他能弄来冰块并不稀奇,因为山羊这家伙身上之前采购了不少一次性道具,这其中就有符咒之类的东西,这些符咒里面有昂贵的保命符箓,也有便宜的符箓。 The giant ice piece of this time, was the goat looked for a water hole in nearby small stream, then tore to pieces rune/symbol Lu of cold ice arrow to make. 此时的这个巨型冰块,就是山羊在旁边的小溪处找了个水坑,然后扯碎了一张寒冰箭的符箓制造出来的。 This cold ice arrow might is not big, the injury only then more than ten points, are only the deceleration 50 effects of supplementary are easy-to-use, the goat also bought much, at this time used is not grieved. 这寒冰箭威力不大,伤害只有十几点,只是附带的减速50的效果非常好使,山羊也买了不少,此时用了也不心痛。 Was simpler as for the sweet taste, before the goat, has not entered the space time is very fat, therefore wants to lose weight, he also has a fondness, is drinks the point to have the drink of sweet taste. 至于甜味就更简单了,山羊之前还没有进入空间的时候还挺胖的,于是就想要减肥,偏偏他又有个癖好,就是喝点有甜味的饮料。 Finally is also really wanted to come out the compromise means by him, was buys the saccharine to exchange the water to drink. 结果还真被他想出来了折中的办法,就是去买了糖精兑水喝。 Saccharine thing is called the sweetening agent, the happy element wait/etc, is unnourishing, the only use is to deceive the tongue makes it feel very sweet. 糖精这东西又被称为甜味剂,甜蜜素等等,毫无营养,唯一的用处就是骗舌头让它觉得很甜。 And sweetness relative high of this gadget, is 500 times of sucrose! In normal condition saccharine, so long as the density surpassed 0.03 to give the sense of taste feedback of person even to meet when things reach their extreme they turn back --------- Must painstakingly awfully! 并且这玩意儿的甜度相当之高,是蔗糖的500倍!正常情况下的糖精,只要浓度超过了0.03给人的味觉反馈甚至会物极必反---------苦得要命! Therefore, the actual operation of goat looked for a Dashuikeng, scattered pinch of saccharine to go, then in ripped open symbol lu of cold ice arrow to aim to shoot. 所以,山羊的实际操作就是找了个大水坑,撒了一撮糖精进去,然后撕开一张寒冰箭的符箓对准里面射了进去。 Therefore, the reward of Caolo this fellow was born, conforms to the goat to comply with his big ice piece together perfectly! 于是,考洛克这家伙的奖励就诞生了,一块完美符合山羊答应他的大冰块! And side Linyan they discovered, Caolo seemingly has not seen the ice piece, therefore is satisfied with this gadget, after hugging, very happy gnawed greatly, 并且方林岩他们发现,考洛克貌似根本就没见过冰块,因此对这玩意儿非常满意,抱着以后美滋滋的就大啃了起来, At this time the goat pursued asks: 这时候山羊才追问道: Caolo, can you tell us now the special details?” “考洛克,你现在可以告诉我们具体情况了吧?” Caolo pushed the crowded eye, cunning say/way: 考洛克挤了挤眼睛,狡黠的道: You want me to give his thing, I do not have the opportunity to give him, what because guards the prisoner is stone tooth that idiot, he saw that I must bully me.” “你们要我交给他的东西,我没机会给他,因为看守囚犯的是石牙那个蠢货,他见到我就要欺负我。” side Linyan, the vulture, the goat is also speechless. 方林岩,秃鹫,山羊同时无语。 If this time cartoon, is three people of Q version head pictures abreast in row in the same place, then the top left-hand corner has flown a crow, crow behind has one skewer of excrement to be parallel, if ellipsis expelled. 倘若将此时的一幕漫画化,那么就是三人的Q版头像并排在一起,然后左上角飞过了一只乌鸦,乌鸦后面有一串屎正平行若省略号的撵了过来。 No one has expected, fellow who Caolo such seems like silly, unexpectedly will lie at this time! 谁都没料到,考洛克这么一个看起来笨笨的家伙,居然会在这时候说谎! Caolo happily bit a big ice piece, then said: 考洛克得意的咬了一大口冰块,然后道: But, I, Caolo cannot the pit friend!” “不过,我,考洛克也不会坑朋友的!” You must find that person I to see clearly, carried off by the centaur that before broke through the camp very much together, to prevent them ran away, the body brings the specially-made rock shackles, the body also ironed the slave mark.” “你们要找那个人我看得很清楚,是被之前攻破营地的半人马一起带走了,而为了防止他们逃走,身上是带着特制的岩石枷锁的,身上也烙有奴隶印记。” Therefore I seized the chance to steal one to trace witch bone, so long as you threw it, then can be instructed direction that they left.” “所以我趁机去偷了一根追踪巫骨,只要你们将它抛起来,那么就能被指示出他们离开的方向.” Caolo said, then lost one thing to come directly, should be the tracing witch bone that it is said. 考洛克说完,便直接丢了一样东西过来,应该就是它所说的追踪巫骨了。 However side Linyan looks right and left, felt this gadget very some have gnawed probably chicken bone and so on thing, above also has fan's tooth seal particularly unexpectedly probably...... 不过方林岩左看右看,都觉得这玩意儿很有些像是啃过的鸡骨头之类的东西,尤其是上面居然好像还有迷之牙印...... The application method of this gadget is also very simple, shouted one „the chart directly, toward in the air will lose, after falling, the bone sharp that end, has brand mark the position of escaping slave. 这玩意儿的使用方法也很简单,直接喊一声“啊图噜吧”,将之往空中一丢,落下来以后,骨头尖锐的那一端,就是带有烙印的逃奴的位置。 But the speed of tracing witch bone fall, represented and distance distance between goal, time that at this time this bone fell, looked like the feather to be equally light simply. 而追踪巫骨下落的速度,则代表了与目标之间的距离远近,这时候这骨头落下来的时候,简直就像是羽毛一样轻飘飘的。 However according to Caolo view, once goal nearby tracing witch bone, will then end up quickly. 不过根据考洛克的说法,一旦目标在追踪巫骨附近的话,那么就会落得很快了。 And in the middle of tracing witch bone a little green and glossy phosphorescent glow, only then the phosphorescent glow presents time, will chant incantations to eject is effective, otherwise is invalid. 并且追踪巫骨当中有一点绿油油的磷光,只有磷光出现的时候,将之念咒抛出才有效,否则无效。 At this time the goat said suddenly: 这时候山羊忽然道: Since you have the means to trace the whereabouts of robbed slave, if that I am centaur that side chief, then definitely first massacres the slave or does not lead them to walk.” “既然你们都有办法追踪被抢走的奴隶的去向,那么倘若我是半人马那边的酋长的话,那么肯定是先杀掉奴隶或者不带他们走啊。” Caolo bites the ice piece to say lazily: 考洛克懒洋洋的咬着冰块道: Centaur could not drive out the slave mark, this will directly cause the slave dead, but our hill giant will not climb mountains and cross rivers goes far away very much attack centaur that damned place, before some people had done, finally was very of difficult the eye blood mouth vulture hid the truth from the centaur to tame.” “半人马驱除不了奴隶印记,这会直接导致奴隶死掉,而我们丘陵巨人更不会跋涉很远去攻击半人马那鬼地方的,之前曾经有人这么干过,结果很难瞒过半人马驯养的血嘴秃鹫的眼睛。” This caused our people short of can be victorious, the person were many words, the centaur first ran directly, pursued cannot catch up, therefore you felt relieved that rescued.” “这就导致了我们的人去少了打不过,人去多了的话,半人马直接就先跑了,追都追不上,所以你们放心去救。” Listened to Caolo to say rationally, side Linyan and the others also felt at ease, therefore then while here rest time, opens the key that Sars fell directly. 听考洛克说得头头是道的,方林岩等人也就安心了,于是便趁着在这里休息的时候,直接将基沙斯掉落的钥匙开了。 This dark golden box also not lets people down, opened all things were the dark golden color, 这个暗金色的箱子也是不负众望,开出来了的所有东西都是暗金色的, However, without the equipment, only has two items! The specific detail is as follows. 不过,没有装备,只有两件道具!具体资料如下。 The first item is a brown bead of oval-shape, words that carefully looks, is seemed like by myriad golden gravels links. 第一件道具是一颗椭圆形的土黄色珠子,仔细看去的话,似乎是由万千金色的砂砾结合在一起的。 The strength of Sphinx bloodlines 斯芬克斯血脉之力 Quality: Dark golden color 品质:暗金色 Introduced: After the universe storm has blown some star, the middle mysterious granule will make the above life body have the variation, its underlying starts to regain consciousness in the fragment of bloodlines gene deep place, presents the typical atavism. 介绍:当宇宙风暴刮过某个星球以后,当中的神秘粒子会令上面的生命体产生变异,其隐伏在血脉基因深处的片段开始苏醒,呈现出典型的返祖现象。 Sars is a typical one-eyed hill giant, however in a mysterious exploration, it is seriously injured, actually stimulated the fragment in within the body bloodlines deep place in being on the verge of death, making it activate thoroughly. 基沙斯本来是一头典型的独眼丘陵巨人,但是在一次神秘的探险当中,它身受重伤,在濒死的时候却刺激了体内血脉深处的片段,使之彻底激活。 But it also starts to grow the second head, transforms toward the double headed giant, urges the reason that it transforms, is within the body the strength of Sphinx bloodlines. 而它也开始生长出第二个脑袋,朝着双头巨人蜕变,促使它蜕变的原因,就是体内的斯芬克斯血脉之力。 Explained: This is a multipurpose powerful item, according to the difference of usage-style, can help the owner obtain one by the dynamic energy or the brand-new talent, if using appropriately, the strength of Sphinx then in the middle of it hidden can stimulate thoroughly, therefore is an extremely fearful curse material. 说明:这是一种多用途的强大道具,根据使用方式的不同,可以让拥有者获得一个被动能力或是全新天赋,如果使用得当的话,那么它当中隐藏的斯芬克斯之力就能彻底激发出来,因此还是一件极其可怕的诅咒材料。 The second item seemed like stranger, was a fist size, the surface has uneven small pit, heard that very somewhat was rank, the color presented the brown. 第二件道具看起来就更古怪了,是一个拳头大小,表面有着凹凸不平的小坑,闻起来还很是有些腥,颜色呈现出褐色。 The nuclear of giant 巨人之核 Quality: Dark golden color 品质:暗金色 Introduced: This is very rare one item, some places being called demon nuclear, some people being called demon crystal, but according to the science analyzes, this is actually similar to stone one thing, will not actually have the negative effect on the host. 介绍:这是非常罕见的一种道具,有的地方将之称为魔核,有的人将之称为魔晶,但是根据科学来进行分析,这其实就是类似于结石一样的东西,却不会对宿主产生负面效果。 Explained: In the middle of space certain stores, you can trigger a reward rich duty with it. Meanwhile, because it is also a very outstanding energy body, and also has a research value, therefore, the space to its will have a demand. 说明:在空间内部的某些商店当中,你可以用它来触发一个奖励丰厚的任务。同时,因为它也是一种非常优秀的能源体,并且还具备一顶的研究价值,所以,空间也会对其有所需求。 After this two kinds thing appears, the goat on pleasantly surprised loudly calling out, grips Sphinx's the strength of bloodlines not to let go immediately, originally this gadget is to him useless, but in the market some people are actually buying have the item of strength of bloodlines similarly. 这两样东西一出现之后,山羊立即就惊喜的大叫一声,攥着斯芬克斯的血脉之力不松手了,原来这玩意儿对他来说没用,但市面上却有人在求购类似带有血脉之力的道具。 After having it, the goat had confidence that trades by the item of own bloodlines depuration, he suffered from oneself dog head person bloodlines being very long. 有了它之后,山羊就有把握换到让自己血脉提纯的道具,他可是苦于自己的狗头人血脉很久了。 As for nuclear of thing giant, side Linyan three people planned that remained to observe one, was mainly looks at the specific target is anything. 至于巨人之核这东西,方林岩三人就打算留下来观察一番了,主要是看具体任务是什么。 After ravelling these things, side Linyan three people were about to leave decisively. Arrives here to strike to kill stone hammer Sars, has not thought that unexpectedly attained Ryan's whereabout accidentally/surprisingly, this is a unexpected happiness. 在弄明白了这些事情之后,方林岩三人就果断准备离开了。来到这里本来是为了击杀石锤基沙斯,没想到居然意外的拿到了瑞恩的下落,这可是意外之喜。 On the present situation, definitely gives priority to the primary mission. 就现在的情况来说,肯定是以主要任务为重。 Therefore three people then make Caolo this fellow help again, carries over them safely cloud platform red, regarding this Caolo also has no opinion, because he also plans to leave here, went to the black canyon capture tigroid bodies beetle. 于是三人便让考洛克这家伙再帮个忙,将他们安全的带出红云台地,对此考洛克也没什么意见,因为他也打算离开这里,去黑色峡谷捕捉虎斑甲虫了。 Under Caolo leadership, some people inside of red cloud platform place was alternating for a long time, the hill giant large unit that even also with coming to reinforce brushed past, that several female Ge grand is also one of them, finally finally not startled no danger arrived in the middle of a outside canyon. 在考洛克的带领下,一干人在红云台地的里面穿插了好久,甚至还与前来增援的丘陵巨人大部队擦肩而过,那几头雌性戈隆也在其中,最后终于无惊无险的来到了外面的一条峡谷当中。 Here was also very far from the conflict place, and place is also covert, Caolo had a big yawn, lets side Linyan they as one likes, oneself looked for a cavern to go right to sleep, without after a while on snoring sound like thunder. 这里距离冲突的地点也很远了,并且地方又隐蔽,考洛克打了个大大的哈欠,让方林岩他们自便,自己找了个洞穴倒头就睡,没过一会儿就鼾声如雷。 At this time, side Linyan actually very surprised discovery Lion King cultivated/repaired Ma's full Shi obviously already, only then 20 points, unexpectedly also silently is following itself, this should not when was awfully hungry thoroughly then got angry directly, summoner eating? 这时候,方林岩却很惊奇的发现狮王修玛的饱食度明明已经只有二十点不到了,居然还默默的跟随着自己,这该不会等到彻底饿坏了然后就直接翻脸,把召唤者给吃了吧? Thinks that such brutal possibility, side Linyan complained of hardship in the heart secretly, this may really ask the god to be easy to deliver the god to be difficult, can only walk, honest surplus that energy blocks will offer, cultivate/repair Ma tongue one volume, curled the golden ray of that finger size, immediately discontented low exclaimed: 想到这样残酷的可能,方林岩在心中暗自叫苦,这可真是请神容易送神难,只能走了过去,老老实实的将剩余的那点能量块奉上,修玛舌头一卷,将那指头大小的金色光芒卷了进去,顿时不满的低吼道: Were too few.” “太少了。” side Linyan the face was saying painstakingly: 方林岩苦着脸道: Is this, cultivates Sir Ma, at that time displayed the summon skill time, without thinking must summon your powerful lifeform to come out like this, therefore really would have no preparation too many energy blocks, this thing very expensive/noble good.” “是这样的,修玛大人,当时施展召唤技能的时候,就没想到过要召唤您这样的强大生物出来,所以实在就没有准备太多的能量块,这东西很贵的好不好。” Therefore only then selected, did not have. I thought that you do not like me, we are not hit it off well with one another, if you thought that insufficiently eats, then goes home, me truly made contribution ....... “所以就只有这么点儿了,没了。我看您也不怎么喜欢我,咱们也不算投缘,您要是觉得不够吃的话,那么就回家吧,我这边确实尽力了.......” Repaired Ma silent a while saying: 修玛沉默了一会儿道: No, I like this world.” “不,我喜欢这个世界。” Here is arid and barren, is bleak and dangerous, was similar to my once hometown.” “这里干旱而贫瘠,荒凉而危险,与我曾经的故乡有非常相似。” Repairs Ma to hold up the head, then separated a while say/way slowly: 修玛昂起头,然后隔了一会儿慢慢的道: Even in wind bloody flavor, so seems to have met before.” “甚至就连风里面的血腥味道,也是如此似曾相识。” Therefore, I have not wanted to walk now, without the energy block are not related, you help me look for the basic energizing equipment on the line, can supplement the electrical energy, the magnetic energy, the nuclear power and so on low level energy are good.” “所以,我现在还不想走,没有能量块也没关系,你帮我找点基本的供能设备就行,能补充电能,磁能,核能等等低级能源都行。” My to these energies use factors, although is very low, but also is good because of here staying a while, I like treating the feeling here.” “我对这些能量的利用率虽然很低,但在这边多呆一会儿也是好的,我喜欢待在这里的感觉。” In return, sorrow Muti can follow to help you use in your side at any time, if you have the enemy who could not solve, can direct me to be able sufficiently region, I can also solve for you, but in this case, our relations will have the change.” “作为回报,哀木涕可以随时跟在你身边帮你使用,如果你有解决不了的敌人,可以引到我充能的区域当中,我也能为你解决,但是在这种情况下,我们的关系就会有变化了。” In addition, although you give my impression is not good, but I can also promise you, if in the future you also met similar world, and needs me to help fight, I can discard the tribute, responded your summon by the lowest condition.” “除此之外,虽然你给我的印象非常不好,但我也可以答应你,日后你若是还遇到了类似的世界,并且需要我帮忙战斗,我可以舍弃贡品,以最低的条件响应你的召唤。”
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