FE :: Volume #9

#38: Cuts to kill and harvest

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After Sars's numerous falling fall to the ground, its whole person is twitching fiercely, and bleeds crazily. 等到基沙斯重重的摔落到地面之后,它整个人都在剧烈抽搐,并且疯狂流血。 But at this time Sars that powerful seeking livehood desire still supported it to stand, then fast running away staggering, the key was its head light beam also vanished, the huge body vanished in the darkness rapidly. 但此时基沙斯那强大的求生欲望依然支持着它重新站了起来,然后踉踉跄跄的快速逃走,关键是它头上的光柱也随之消失了,庞大的身躯迅速消失在了黑暗当中。 But side Linyan after making the Lion King chaotic dance, then relieved the fit condition, two golden lion claw gloves turn into several groups of rays, gets together the shape of black lion Lion King cultivated/repaired Ma. 而方林岩在打出了狮王乱舞之后,则是解除了合体的状态,两只金色的狮爪形手套又重新化成几团光芒,重新聚合成了狮王修玛的黑色雄狮的形状。 At this time, side Linyan felt exceptionally weak and exhausted, took a seat to fall to the ground, in gulps is panting for breath, the feeling that this type of finger cannot move was really very bad. 这时候,方林岩才感觉到异常的虚弱和疲惫,一屁股就坐倒在地,大口大口的喘息着,这种连一根手指头都不能动弹的感觉真的是非常糟糕。 Moreover, the vulture and goat received the warning prompt, two people carefully looked, after this time relieves the synthesis, side Linyan entered the weak condition that needs the teammate to rescue unexpectedly directly! 不仅如此,秃鹫和山羊都收到了警告提示,两人仔细一看,这次解除合体以后,方林岩居然直接进了需要队友救助的虚弱状态! I go!” “我去!” Two people complained simultaneously. 两人同时都吐槽了出来。 At that moment could not attend to intercepting Sars, helped save others on the past directly first. 当下也顾不得去拦截基沙斯了,直接就过去帮忙救人先。 Is good is very full because of this two people medicine preparation, the vulture is responsible for letting in fresh air the protection, the goat life-saving, neatly and quickly side Linyan drawing from weak condition. 好在这一次两人的药物准备十分充分,秃鹫负责放风保护,山羊救人,三下五除二就将方林岩从虚弱状态当中拉了出来。 What is worth mentioning is, at this time uses the medicine time, they detected that herbal medicine bag that beforehand centaur Vardon bestows is unexpectedly useful! 值得一提的是,此时使用药物的时候,他们发觉了之前半人马瓦登赠送过来的那只草药袋居然非常有用! Goat beforehand exploratory threw one bottle of small-scale treatment liquid medicines, finally now discovers that under the strengthening of herbal medicine bag, this liquid medicines presented the variation unexpectedly, even the name turned: Modulated small-scale treatment liquid medicines. 山羊之前试探性的将一瓶小型治疗药水丢了进去,结果现在发现在草药袋的强化下,这药水居然出现了变异,连名字都变成了:被调制的小型治疗药水。 This gadget can restore 40 life values, the present attribute turned, the use later will immediately restore 30 life values, will then restore 30 life values in the following 15 seconds continually. 这玩意儿本来可以恢复40点生命值,不过现在的属性则变成了,使用以后会立即恢复30点生命值,然后在接下来的15秒内持续恢复30点生命值。 In this case, the life value of one time restoring reduced 10 points, but always restored the life value actually to increase to 60 points. 这样的话,一次性恢复的生命值减少了十点,可是总恢复生命值却增加到了60点。 Meanwhile, had/left the limit, that presented one week of term of validity, if passed the term of validity, this bottle of small-scale treatment liquid medicines likely expire, even turns into the toxicant. 同时,也多出了限制,那就是出现了一周的有效期,若是过了有效期的话,这瓶小型治疗药水很可能失效,甚至是变成毒药。 However, the herbal medicine bag also turned into a wrinkled small group, seems like the appearance of dispirited. 不过,草药袋也变成了皱巴巴的一小团,看起来很是萎靡的样子。 At this time three people are just about to pursue Sars again, actually heard rear area beyond more than hundred meters to hear the Kirghiz centaur unique war bugle call, immediately the annoying incomparable deep sigh, knows lost the opportunity of chasing down Sars. 此时三人正要再去追击基沙斯,却听到了后方百余米外传来了吉尔吉斯半人马独特的战号声,顿时懊恼无比的长叹了一声,知道失去了追杀基沙斯的机会。 Because in this case, the time of so long as fighting once drags dozens seconds, the pursuit team of Kirghiz centaur will follow the sound and bloodstain catches up, at that time do not say that gets rid of Sars, feared that is three people that the card in a hand completely has are like a clay buddha crossing the river are unable to defend oneself. 因为在这种情况下,只要战斗的时间一旦拖个几十秒,吉尔吉斯半人马的追击队伍就会循着声音和血迹赶过来,那时候不要说是干掉基沙斯,怕是底牌尽出的三人都是泥菩萨过河自身难保。 However when three people prepare to travel very annoyingly, on side Linyan the retina actually received the prompt suddenly: 但是就在三人都十分懊恼准备跑路的时候,方林岩的视网膜上却忽然收到了提示: Promisor ZB419, you killed the double headed hill giant elite, stone hammer Sars!” “契约者ZB419号,你们杀死了双头丘陵巨人精英,石锤基沙斯!” Crandall Sars notified the priest of hill giant all before dying, you become a mortal enemy of hill giant clan. Under normal circumstances, regardless of you place oneself in any situation, the hill giant will take you as the target.” “石锤基萨斯在死前将一切都通报了丘陵巨人的祭司,你们成为了丘陵巨人一族的死敌。在正常情况下,无论你们置身于任何场合,丘陵巨人都会以你们为攻击目标。” Crandall Sars displayed the nightmare curse to you, this curse will continue to exist, until was relieved or you died.” “石锤基沙斯对你们施展了噩梦诅咒,此诅咒将会持续存在,直到被解除或者你们死亡。” Saw the above prompt, three people are to certainly be pleasantly surprised get angry, pleasantly surprised naturally is Sars does not know that what's the matter died unexpectedly directly? 看到了上面的提示,三人当然是又惊又喜又怒,惊喜的当然是基沙斯不知道怎么回事居然直接死掉了? Anger before was this bastard died unexpectedly, gives back to three people to get down the curse! Is good because of carefully looked, detected that curse is not considered as specially fierce, is to make the person fall asleep has the nightmare. 怒的则是这混蛋居然死前还给自己三人下了诅咒!好在仔细一看,发觉那诅咒也不算是特别厉害,就是让人一睡着就做噩梦。 Such curse said that fierce is also fierce, drags one year or so, the person did not die also discarded directly, on any schizophrenia neurasthenia should not be too easy. 这样的诅咒说厉害也非常厉害,拖个一年半载的,人不死也直接废掉了,得上什么精神分裂神经衰弱不要太容易。 However, the fierce curse returns to the space is also consumes some universe points the things, therefore three people were not worried. 不过,再厉害的诅咒回到空间也就是耗费一些通用点的事情,所以三人并不担心。 After side Linyan looked at a fight record actually, this detected Sars's cause of death, he dies of the excessive loss of blood unexpectedly! 倒是方林岩查看了一下战斗记录之后,这才发觉了基沙斯的死因,他竟是死于失血过多! What is most exaggerating, before Sars dies for more than ten seconds, the fight record unexpectedly is this: 最夸张的是,在基沙斯死前的十几秒内,战斗记录居然是这样的: Sars moved 5 meters on own initiative, the persistent effect separate of your Lion King chaotic dance caused 500 damage.” “基沙斯主动移动了五米,你的狮王乱舞的持续效果割裂对其造成了500点伤害。” Sars moved 8 meters on own initiative, the persistent effect separate of your Lion King chaotic dance caused 800 damage.” “基沙斯主动移动了八米,你的狮王乱舞的持续效果割裂对其造成了800点伤害。” Sars moved 3 meters on own initiative, the persistent effect separate of your Lion King chaotic dance caused 300 damage.” “基沙斯主动移动了三米,你的狮王乱舞的持续效果割裂对其造成了300点伤害。” Sars ran crazily 11 meters, the persistent effect separate of your Lion King chaotic dance caused 1100 damage.” “基沙斯疯狂奔跑了11米,你的狮王乱舞的持续效果割裂对其造成了1100点伤害。” Sars was in a state of being on the verge of death.” “基沙斯陷入了濒死状态。” „The persistent effect of your Lion King chaotic dance caused 25 damage.” “你的狮王乱舞的持续效果对其造成了25点伤害。” Sars died.” “基沙斯死亡了。” side Linyan careful looked at the fight record again, detected that presents the frequency of injury explanation is 5. seconds a time, and injury unexpectedly very coincidence that presents starts to link up with the moving distance. 方林岩仔细的再次看了看战斗记录,发觉出现伤害说明的频率是五秒一次的,并且出现的伤害居然很巧合的与移动距离开始挂钩。 Those present are not the fools, then almost can infer, five steps snake venom in the separate effect estimate and legend of Lion King chaotic dance are but actually similar, according to move of fellow moving distance will deduct the life value. 在场的人都不是傻子,那么几乎可以推断出来,狮王乱舞的这个割裂效果估计和传说中的五步倒蛇毒类似,会根据中招的家伙移动距离来扣除生命值。 Un, should be similar the long-noded pit viper principle in legend, walks one step to buckle 20 lives, five steps walked dead. 恩,应该就类似于传说中的五步蛇原则,走一步扣20的生命,五步走完断气。 Although without is so exaggerating, but was also very aggressive. 虽然没那么夸张,但也很霸气了。 Sars estimated that at that time was also flurried, is only thinking escaped the farther the better, actually does not know that looked for a cover position to sit down therapy is the optimal choice. 基沙斯估计当时也是过于慌乱,只想着逃得越远越好,却不知道找个隐蔽位置坐下疗伤才是最优选择。 Thinks of here, in three people of hearts immediately a heat, although the pursuing troops of centaur have expelled, but passes to pick a key to run away now, rips Sars's head while convenient is nothing issue. 想到这里,三人的心中顿时一热,虽然半人马的追兵已经撵了上来,但现在过去捡一把钥匙逃走,顺带将基沙斯的脑袋割掉是没有什么问题的了。 side Linyan will have a look at grasping of cherry dragon to absorb Sars's soul while convenient, 方林岩还会顺带看看樱龙之握能不能吸收基沙斯的灵魂, As for the collection dark food, side Linyan thinks or gave up, after all Sars or human form lifeform, if gives him to come to cut up the chest and abdominal cavities to split the stomach, he feels somewhat disgustingly, do not say that was the entrance. 咳咳,至于收集暗黑食材,方林岩想一想还是放弃了,毕竟基沙斯还是人形生物,若是去给他来个开膛剖肚的话,他觉得有些恶心,就更不要说是入口了。 At this time three people without delay, direct rapid expelled toward the place that Sars died ------ Toothpick bird sorrow Muti at this time very quick-witted flew directly, stayed on more than hundred meters away the body Sars's, held the post of the guidepost for side Linyan three people directly. 此时三人二话不说,直接迅速朝着基沙斯死掉的地方撵了过去------牙签鸟哀木涕这时候很机智的直接飞了出去,停留在了百余米外的基沙斯的尸体上,直接为方林岩三人担任路标。 Can see, Sars died, under the body is the blood of big beach/pool, even piled up a pondlet, its expression twisted thoroughly, in the middle of the pain brings being unwilling, even the Lord head above eye has not closed, was really may be called dies with injustice unredressed! 可以见到,基沙斯死掉的时候,身体下面乃是大滩的鲜血,甚至堆积成了一个小水池,它的表情彻底扭曲,痛苦当中带着不甘,甚至主脑袋上面的眼睛都没有闭上,真的是堪称死不瞑目! On Sars's right hand, but also grasps to hold a strange candle, in the air is also fluttering ill-smelling strange taste. 在基沙斯的右手上,还握持着一支诡异的蜡烛,空气里面也飘荡着一股难闻的怪味。 This is it knows that oneself was unable to go on living, used the big priest relation in resin oil candle and clan, transmitted the past side Linyan three people of images. 这是它知道自己已经无法活下去,动用了尸油蜡烛与族内的大祭司联系,将方林岩三人的影像传输了过去。 Naturally, this also exhausted the Sars's final energy. 当然,这也耗尽了基沙斯最后的精力。 However, most attracts three people of attention, that dark gold/metal level color key that by Sars body appears! 不过,最吸引三人注意力的,还是基沙斯尸体旁边浮现出来的那一把暗金级颜色的钥匙! Before side Linyan them Sars who fights is also not the optimum condition, has fought with a Kirghiz centaur clan, although he does not have a full power, but also definitely came under some influences. 要知道,与方林岩他们之前战斗的基沙斯还并非是最佳状态,已经与吉尔吉斯半人马一族大战一番,虽然他没有出全力,但也肯定是受到了一些影响。 Therefore, its key of falling should fall a scale, means in the Sars in fact normal condition falls should represents the deep green key of coverall! 所以,其掉落的钥匙应该是降了一个档次的,也就意味着基沙斯实际上正常情况下掉落的应该是代表套装的深绿色钥匙! The single unit and dark gold/metal equipment of coverall same level, after once collects the complete set, equipped the high scale compared with the dark gold/metal. 套装的单件和暗金装备同级,然而一旦搜集成套之后,就比暗金装备高一个档次了。 Obviously, the goat and vulture also thought of this point at this time, the goat took up the key unable to bear say: 很显然,山羊和秃鹫此时也想到了这一点,山羊拿起了钥匙忍不住道: Sars's this falls...... seems like some is not unreasonable.” “基沙斯的这掉落......似乎有些不合理呢。” side Linyan said: 方林岩道: Un? Did you also feel his falling seemingly compared with the actual strength high scale?” “恩?你也感觉到了他的掉落貌似比实际实力高一个档次?” The vulture said: 秃鹫道: Yes, this is very obvious.” “是的,这是很明显的。” side Linyan said: 方林岩道: I think, should have the reasons in two aspects, first was Sars obtained a priest and elder's of hill giant clan acknowledgment, likely thought that he was the successor of next generation and so on, obviously, got rid of the reward that a prince obtained certainly the ordinary person want very much to be higher.” “我想了想,应该是有两方面的原因,第一就是基沙斯是得到了丘陵巨人一族的祭司和长老的承认,很可能觉得他是下一代的继承人之类的,很显然,干掉一个王子得到的奖励肯定要比普通的人要高一些。” Sars who next, we run into, cannot do well not to display his true strength.” “其次,我们遇到的基沙斯,搞不好并没有发挥出来他的真正实力。” The vulture said: 秃鹫道: How did this say?” “这怎么说?” side Linyan said: 方林岩道: For example, he used the fearful purple electricity ball that obsidian necklace displays before, he has not used, what is more important, Sars by fit deep meaning: After the Lion King chaotic dance hits, lost the fighting spirit directly, he cannot do well several cards in a hand to be useless.” “比如,他之前利用那条黑曜石项链施展出来的可怕紫色电球,他就没有用出来过,更重要的是,基沙斯被合体奥义:狮王乱舞击中以后,直接丧失了斗志,他搞不好还有好几张底牌都没用出来。” Or said that when he felt that oneself could not live, wanted to fish the fellows of several pad backs time, side already, only then rock and thick patch of grass.” “或者这么说吧,当他感觉到自己活不了,想要捞几个垫背的家伙的时候,身边已经只有岩石和草丛了。” Heard side Linyan the analysis, the vulture and goat slight nod, thought that he said is reasonable. 听到了方林岩的分析,秃鹫和山羊都微微点头,觉得他说得很有道理。 side Linyan therefore made the summary: 方林岩于是做了总结: Therefore, these two reasons add, will make us have the beforehand misconception, thought that Sars seemingly falls the quite ultra level, actually I thought that is the normal level.” “所以,这两个原因加起来,就会让我们有着之前的错觉,觉得基沙斯貌似掉落比较超水准,其实我觉得是正常水准。” At this time the distant place has by the calling out sound of place wolf the centaur tames, obviously traces the fresh blood aura to come, but searches here also to have a distance. 此时远处已经有被半人马驯养的座狼的嚎叫声,显然是追踪着新鲜血液气息而来的,不过搜索到这里还有一段距离。 side Linyan first tries the bunch of cherry dragon, detected that this fellow cannot have a liking for Sars's soul, it is estimated that its lowest standard requests is the lifeform of leader rank, this reluctantly, without means. 方林岩先试了试樱龙之束,发觉这家伙看不上基沙斯的灵魂,估计它的最低标准都要求是首领级别的生物,这个勉强不了,没办法。 But side Linyan also has the final say is on Sars has the dark food not to want, therefore the vulture began to shear his two heads, naturally, the whip had not forgotten. 而方林岩也说了就算是基沙斯身上有暗黑食材也不要,于是秃鹫动手将其两个脑袋都割了下来,当然,鞭也没有忘记。 Then three people run fast, leaves rapidly, they speak the truth now, to fought an also no interest with the centaur, therefore left in a hurry. 然后三人就快速跑路,迅速离开,他们现在说实话,对与半人马大战一场也没有什么兴趣了,于是就匆匆走掉。 Finally just ran away was less than ten minutes, suddenly saw that on the front track has the bright sparkle , several centaurs walked from front. 结果刚刚逃走了不到十分钟,忽然见到前面的小道上有亮光闪耀,紧接着,好几头半人马从前面走了出来。 Can see, they are driving away a figure huge hill giant crassly, but the body of this fellow tied up several thick vine ropes, the shoulder blade place is also pierced covered with blood the wound. 可以见到,它们正在骂骂咧咧的驱赶着一头身形庞大的丘陵巨人,而这家伙的身上被捆绑着好几条粗大的藤索,肩胛骨处也是被刺穿出血肉模糊的伤口。 All the way this hill giant is unwilling is roaring, but has no use, instead traded many whipping. 这头丘陵巨人一路上都不甘的咆哮着,可是却没有什么用处,反而换来了更多的鞭打。 However after seeing this, side Linyan actually hesitated evil ways: 不过见到这一幕之后,方林岩却迟疑了一下道: This fellow somewhat looks familiar probably.” “这家伙好像有些眼熟呢。” The vulture said: 秃鹫道: Naturally will think that somewhat looked familiar! This is Caolo!” “当然会觉得有些眼熟了!这是考洛克啊!” Say/Way that the goat admires: 山羊佩服的道: In my eyes, all hill giants, the black person is almost a type, how can you recognize it to come?” “在我眼里面,所有的丘陵巨人啊,黑人啊几乎都是一个样,你怎么能一眼就认出它来的?” The vulture said: 秃鹫道: Actually I also thought that Caolo faces and other hill giants have no difference, I look at its tattoo, haven't you detected? The tattoo of Caolo this fellow chest is somewhat strange, after the mark comes up, looks has three Chinese pear-leaf crabapples unexpectedly probably.” “其实我也觉得考洛克的脸和其余的丘陵巨人没什么区别,我是看它身上的刺青,你们没发觉吗?考洛克这家伙胸口的刺青有些古怪,纹上去以后看起来居然像是有三个柰子。” By a vulture such saying, the other two were shocked, simultaneously carefully looks, immediately held breath cold air: 被秃鹫这么一说,其余两人都惊呆了,同时仔细看去,顿时倒吸了一口凉气: I go, your method is fierce, words saying that is also really a bit like.” “我去,你这个方法厉害,话说还真的有点像呢。” In chat, the vulture has surveyed this flock of information that centaurs that sends under custody Caolo, detected strongest is also centaur slaughtering, this fellow is an elite, and its information also attaches: The explanation of moderate injury. 在聊天的时候,秃鹫已经探测到了这群押送考洛克的半人马的情报,发觉最强的也就是一名半人马杀戮者,这家伙是个精英,并且其情报当中还附有:中度伤势的说明。 Other is the ordinary soldier, such defense strength is used to send under custody Caolo is just, if Caolo goes crazy, even can put together to perish together with it. 其余的都是普通战士,这样的防御力量用来押送考洛克都是堪堪刚好,要是考洛克发狂的话,甚至能与之拼个同归于尽。 Thus it can be seen before a war, the Kirghiz centaur was also killed the enemy 1000 to damage 800, hit somewhat exhausted, the military of sending under custody the prisoner of war was somewhat beset with problems. 由此可见之前一战,吉尔吉斯半人马也是杀敌一千自损八百,打得有些精疲力尽,以至于押送战俘的兵力都有些捉襟见肘了。 In this case, side Linyan they have not planned to slaughter, making toothpick bird sorrow Muti shoot a flash ball, a round of smoke shell, was then shouting flushed, ran away in fear directly several centaur soldiers. 在这种情况下,方林岩他们也没打算大开杀戒,让牙签鸟哀木涕射了一发闪光弹,一发烟雾弹,然后大喊着冲了出去,直接就吓跑了好几头半人马战士。 Surplus that injured elite also wants to resist stubbornly, a cultivated/repaired Ma claw according to cannot move on the ground, in several seconds because suffocated the direct stupor in the past. 剩余下来的那头受伤的精英还想要负隅顽抗,被修玛一爪子按在地上动弹不得,没过几秒就因为窒息直接昏迷了过去。 side Linyan is also very surprised, oneself with cultivating Ma's own density have fallen the warning line, and full Shidu also fell 20 points( fit deep meaning to consume full Shi) directly, this arrogant and incomparably the odd many fellows should the aloof leave properly speaking, and will drag into the blacklist, has not thought that unexpectedly is willing to intend to help? 方林岩也很是惊奇,自己与修玛的亲密度已经掉落到了警戒线,并且饱食度也直接滑落到了20点(合体奥义非常消耗饱食度),这高傲无比并且怪癖多多的家伙按理说早就应该高冷走人,并且将自己拉入黑名单当中,没想到居然肯出手帮忙? However now the time press, the centaur of escaping may ask the pursuing troops to come momentarily, therefore three people on Caolo these shackles, the rattan take down neatly and quickly. 不过现在时间紧迫,逃掉的半人马随时可能会叫追兵过来,所以三人三下五除二就将考洛克身上的那些枷锁,藤条取了下来。 Caolo was affected at this time: 考洛克这时候非常感动: „! The human friend, you are really really kind, Caolo the lizard that decides to smoke newly does with you shares!” “啊!人类朋友,你们真是够意思,考洛克决定将新熏出来的蜥蜴干和你们分享!” Heard Caolo words, side Linyan three people at present a black, hurried say/way: 听到了考洛克的话,方林岩三人都眼前一黑,急忙道: Caolo does not use, our three fell ill recently, cannot eat the lizard to do.” “考洛克不用了,我们三个最近都生了病,不能吃蜥蜴干。” Caolo was shocked, obviously he is unable to understand that unexpectedly some people will reject the lizard dry/does charm! 考洛克愣住了,显然他无法理解居然有人会拒绝蜥蜴干的魅力! At this time some people arrived at a road intersection in a hurry, side Linyan three people identified carelessly, then chose a crossroad to walk at will, finally Caolo said immediately loudly: 这时候一干人匆匆来到了一个交叉口,方林岩三人草草辨认了一下,便随意选了一个路口走了过去,结果考洛克立即大声道: Hey, cannot walk that side, there is a blind alley.” “嘿,不能走那边,那里是死路。” side Linyan hears the word great happiness: 方林岩闻言大喜道: „Do you know here road? That was too good, leading us to go to the safe place, Caolo.” “你认识这里的路?那就太好了,带我们去安全的地方吧,考洛克。” Caolo is just about to speak, the goat added immediately: 考洛克正要说话,山羊立即补充道: Cannot lead us to go to your clansman many places, we just had some not happy matter with your clan inside Sars, it considered our shape to your elders.” “也不能带我们去你们族人多的地方,我们刚刚和你们族里面的基沙斯发生了一些不愉快的事情,它对你们的长老告了我们的状。” The say/way of Caolo jar sound jar air/Qi: 考洛克瓮声瓮气的道: Caolo does not like Sars, he snatches Caolo thing to eat frequently!” “考洛克也不喜欢基沙斯,他经常抢考洛克的东西吃!” Caolo does not like the elder, they always look down upon Caolo, shames Caolo, Caolo likes a person staying.” “考洛克更不喜欢长老,他们老是看不起考洛克,羞辱考洛克,考洛克喜欢一个人呆着。” Three people look one, detected that this fellow is really different kind, in its simple heart, the hatred value highest matter is snatches its thing to eat...... 三人对望一眼,发觉这家伙真是个异类,在它简单的心里面,仇恨值最高的事情就是抢它的东西吃...... Caolo is very obviously familiar with here terrain , this damned place looks like the labyrinth to be the same, is the large-scale winding corridor is everywhere same, and is also covering the thick fog everywhere. 考洛克显然对这里的地形十分熟悉,要知道,这鬼地方就像是迷宫一样,到处都是大型回廊一样,并且到处都还笼罩着浓雾。 Originally thinks that front did not have the road, but Caolo lifted a piece of vine to walk, after several meters, arrived at a new mountain valley. 本来以为前方没有路了,但是考洛克掀开一片藤蔓走进去,几米之后又到了一条新的山谷当中。 After going out for twenty minutes, side Linyan smells fragrance beyond description to transmit suddenly, has the refreshing feeling, he quickly looks at the past toward the place that the fragrance transmitted, detected in the middle of the thick patch of grass, unexpectedly the plant is blossoming, his flowers were the white, somewhat seemed like the chrysanthemum , seemed the peony. 走出二十几分钟之后,方林岩忽然闻到一股难以形容的香味传来,有着沁人心脾的感觉,他急忙朝着香味传来的地方看过去,发觉在草丛当中,居然有一株植物正在开花,其花朵乃是白色的,有些像是菊花,又仿佛是牡丹。 This refreshes one's spirits the flower?” side Linyan works as the middle course in the team. “难道这就是宁神花?”方林岩在团队当中道。 Has the possibility very much!” The goat said. “很有可能!”山羊道。 At this time, Caolo turned the head suddenly, looked to this plant, immediately the whole face pleasantly surprised stride ran, then the stout and strong body made the movement that a soccer goalkeeper flying put out directly! 这时候,考洛克忽然转头,也看向了这株植物,立即满脸惊喜的大步跑了上去,然后肥壮的身躯直接做出了一个足球门将飞身扑救的动作! Thick both hands fierce according to approaching this white flowers ........ nearby thick patch of grass. 粗大的双手猛的按向了这株白色花朵........旁边的草丛。 Caolo beams from ear to ear raised both hands, can see that seems like the toad, seemed like the lifeform of giant salamander to be grasped by it: 紧接着,考洛克笑逐颜开的将双手举了起来,可以见到有一只既像是蟾蜍,又像是娃娃鱼的生物被它抓了起来: Oh, Caolo was really the good luck, Caolo to catch gua unexpectedly!” “啊哈哈哈,考洛克真的是好运气,考洛克居然抓到了哇呱!” Then this lifeform estimated that was pinched somewhat uncomfortably, painful called one, this cry really with its name correspondence, is gua sound ....... 然后这只生物估计是被捏得有些难受,痛苦的叫了一声,这叫声果然和其名字对应,就是“哇呱”的声音....... Can look, Caolo is naming the aspect also is really a talent. 看得出来,考洛克在取名方面也果真是个天才。 Then this fellow on one gua the head bit, then the whole face satisfied big mouth is chewing, that expression and hungry two days of volume earth, bit one that after attaining the McDonald's board to burn chicken leg fort, makes an effort quite similarly. 接下来这家伙就一口将“哇呱”的脑袋咬了下来,然后满脸满足的大口嘴嚼着,那表情和饿了两天的卷土,拿到了麦当劳板烧鸡腿堡后用力的咬了一口相当类似。 The satisfied expression that side Linyan three people look at Caolo very somewhat is speechless, but Caolo instead misunderstood three people of expressions at this time, clenches teeth, then the left hand dug out a crotch, some meat pains say/way: 方林岩三人看着考洛克的满足表情都很是有些无语,不过考洛克这时候反而误会了三人的表情,咬了咬牙,然后左手抠了一下胯下,很是有些肉痛的道: Good, you are Caolo friends, I will ask you to eat gua, comes, but everyone can only bite one!” “好吧,你们是考洛克的朋友,我会请你们吃哇呱的,来来来,但是每个人只能咬一口喔!” Facing Caolo great kindness invitation, side Linyan three people declined his good intention categorically, expressed oneself had eaten to the full, did not seize you to be good. 面对考洛克的盛意邀请,方林岩三人斩钉截铁的谢绝了他的好意,纷纷表示自己已经吃饱了,就不夺你所好了。 Saw that side Linyan three people are so really kind, immediately Caolo beams with joy sat toward side, side Linyan is also quick of eye and hand, saw that this fellow large buttocks of aimed at that to look like to refresh one's spirits the flower plant unexpectedly to sit very much, rushes decisively, supports Caolo buttocks to yell: 见到方林岩三人这么够意思,考洛克立即眉开眼笑的就朝着旁边一屁股的坐了下来,方林岩也是眼疾手快,见到这家伙肥大的臀部居然是对准了那株很像宁神花的植物坐下去,果断冲了上去,托住了考洛克的屁股大叫道: Wait.” “等等。” Caolo said startled: 考洛克愕然道: What's wrong? Why you must touch my buttocks!!” “怎么了?你为什么要摸我的屁股!!”
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