FE :: Volume #9

#37: Fit technique: Lion King chaotic dance!

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The weakness that Sars does routs this attribute to be very powerful, can seek for the weakness of opposite party to give the enemy to cause heavy losses, strikes can make suddenly/violently Jihe to disregard the enemy 50 defensive power such terrifying effects directly inevitably. 基沙斯搞出来的弱点击溃这条属性很是强大,可以寻找到对方的弱点给予敌人重创,一击就能直接打出必然暴击和无视敌人50防御力这样的恐怖效果。 After this is also cultivates Ma suffered a hammer, basic reason that unexpectedly directly is made 862 injuries. 这也是修玛挨了一锤子之后,居然直接被打出862点伤害的根本原因。 Hit inevitably did not say that the enemy wants in the attack range of stone hammer, at certain meeting move. 必然命中就不说了,敌人只要是在石锤的攻击范围内,就一定会中招。 However, such flamboyant attaching demon weapon definitely also has the flaw, the shortcoming is the durability is too bad, has the use limit. 但是,这样牛逼的附魔武器肯定也是有缺陷的,缺点就是持久性太差,拥有使用次数的限制。 After the first success attacks the enemy, the weakness routed this attribute not to have. 第一次成功攻击敌人以后,弱点击溃这条属性就没了。 After the second success attacks the enemy, hit this attribute also to vanish inevitably similarly directly. 第二次成功攻击敌人以后,必然命中这条属性同样也就直接消失了。 If said when this stone hammer was just made is a dark gold/metal quality weapon, then hits the enemy after continuously two next, basically degenerated the blue weapon. 倘若说这把石锤刚刚被制造出来时是一把暗金品质武器的话,那么连续击中敌人两下以后,基本上就退化成蓝色武器了。 But under normal circumstances, the fighting method of stone hammer Sars this fellow is similar to Cheng Yaojin, usually is a hammer decides the victory and defeat, he is the double headed hill giant elite, the striking power strong, after the first hammer gets down, the enemy basically does not die must peel a skin. 而在正常情况下,石锤基沙斯这家伙的打法就类似于程咬金,通常都是一锤定胜负,他本来就是双头丘陵巨人精英,攻击力超强,第一锤子下去以后,遇到的敌人基本上不死也要脱一层皮。 Even if roughly 30% people can shoulder this hammer, the fighting spirit these was still crushed, often will turn around to escape. 约莫有30%的人就算是能扛下这一锤子,斗志也被这一下粉碎了,往往会转身就逃。 However Sars also has a head! Then is any slow technique, the trap technique and so on puts directly, was pursued by him the dozen behind the buttocks, few under lay down directly. 然而基沙斯还有一个施法的脑袋啊!接着就是什么迟缓术,陷阱术之类的直接放出来,然后被他追在屁股后面打,没有几下就直接躺了。 But, stone hammer Sars has not actually thought, unexpectedly will meet Lion King to cultivate/repair a Ma such radically fearless ache and death, directly flushed with him just the positive/direct powerful enemy!! 可是,石锤基沙斯却万万没有想到,居然会遇到了狮王修玛这样一个根本无惧疼痛与死亡,直接冲上来和他刚正面的强敌!! Own stone hammer gave it to cause the huge damage obviously, but the opposite party does not know completely continuing of weary ache rushed, opponent who such fierce did not fear his first meeting! 自己的石锤明明给其造成了巨大的伤害,可是对方完全是不知道疲倦疼痛的持续冲上,这样悍不畏死的对手他还是第一次遇到! both sides interlock again, this time, Lion King cultivated/repaired Ma to play unexpectedly Yin, it the time of nearness is still maintaining by the speed of slow time, but in the instance of battle, its speed exploded suddenly increases! 双方再次交错而过,这一次,狮王修玛竟是玩了个阴的,它在靠近的时间依然保持着被迟缓时候的速度,但在开战的瞬间,它的速度遽然爆增! Originally the Sars's slow technique had expired, but Lion King cultivates Ma to camouflage, the stone hammer that therefore this Sars brandishes time full power fails, numerous pounding to mountain wall on. 原来基沙斯的迟缓术已经失效了,只是狮王修玛在伪装而已,所以这一次基沙斯全力挥舞的石锤落了个空,重重的砸到了山壁上。 Repairs Ma not only had not been attacked, is the ghosts and demons general passes through from Sars's side, the claw wields while convenient lightly, shears a deep wound on his body. 修玛不但没有被攻击到,更是鬼魅一般的从基沙斯的身边穿了过去,顺带爪子轻挥,在他的身上割出一条深深的伤口。 Repairs Ma to turn round beyond more than ten meters, makes movement that threw strikes, then licked the blood on claw. 紧接着,修玛在十几米外回过身来,做出了扑击的动作,然后舔了舔爪子上的鲜血。 Sars deeply inspires, the facial features twist, the look of this time his very frightened opposite party, that is one type ** bare regards the look of prey you! 基沙斯深吸了一口气,面容扭曲,此时的他十分恐惧对方的眼神,那是一种**裸的将你当成猎物的眼神! Although bloodthirsty, actually strange brings a tranquility. 虽然嗜血,其中却诡异的带着一丝平静。 As if fights the present is natural, in it sentences in advance, as if will have eaten to decide completely. 仿佛战斗到现在是理所当然,早在其预判当中,又仿佛已经将之完全吃定。 No one knows, in Sars's bone is actually spiritless. 谁也不知道,基沙斯的骨子里面其实是懦弱的。 Flagitious and cruel, the person but who he camouflages supposes, after acting for a long time, he accepted as true. 凶残和暴戾,只是他伪装出来的人设而已,扮演得太久了以后,就连他自身都信以为真了。 However, by the critical moment, after of Sars semblance camouflaged the pain and routs frightened, its natural disposition exposed. 然而,到了关键时刻,基沙斯外表的那一层伪装被痛苦和恐惧击溃以后,其本性就暴露了出来。 This is what monster!” “这是什么怪物!” In Sars's heart, unquenchable welled up such a panic-stricken thought. 基沙斯的心中,难以抑制的涌出来了这么一个惊恐的念头。 At this time, he realized that sincerely oneself had fallen into very danger. 这时候,他才深切的认识到了自己已经陷入了非常危险的境地当中。 Because Sars had not forgotten, own enemy may, not only front the fearful black lion, side is also hiding several sinister incomparable fellows!! 因为基沙斯可没有忘记,自己的敌人可不只是面前的这一头可怕的黑色狮子,旁边还藏着几个阴险无比的家伙!! These fellows have not acted, can only represent them not to find the appropriate opportunity, actually does not represent them not to act. 这几个家伙没有出手,只能代表他们没有找到适当的机会,却绝不代表他们不会出手。 Under this all sorts of bad factors, Sars touched on the neck to lose the gloss the obsidian necklace, in the heart annoying incomparable: 在这种种恶劣因素下,基沙斯摸了摸脖子上失去光泽的黑曜石项链,心中懊恼无比: Damn, why do I want to bestow the light of my obsidian to use up the head of the clan a moment ago? In this case, must wait till the next full moon time can use?” “真见鬼,我为什么刚才要把族长赐给我的黑曜石之光用掉?这样的话,就得等到下个满月的时候才能使用了?” Then, Sars clenches teeth, the direct crumb on the waistband was hanging a skeleton head. 接下来,基沙斯就咬了咬牙,直接捏碎了腰带上面挂着的一个骷髅头。 Immediately can see, massive green and lustrous rays floated, this ray gathered Sars's body, words that carefully looked, its injured spot fluorescence was gathers many, is repairing its wound unceasingly. 顿时就可以见到,大量绿莹莹的光芒从中漂浮了出来,紧接着这光芒就聚集到了基沙斯的身上,仔细看去的话,其受伤的部位荧光是聚集得最多的,正在不断的修复着它的伤口。 While crumb skeleton head, Sars head is also reciting loudly, after then it recited finished, on neck one bone tooth necklaces are reduced to ashes. 在捏碎骷髅头的同时,基沙斯施法的头颅也是大声吟唱着,然后当它吟唱结束之后,脖子上面的一串骨牙项链化为灰烬。 Meanwhile, massive distortion ghosts sent out chirp chirp the cry, plunged front enemy high-speed. 同时,大量的扭曲鬼影发出了“啾啾”的叫声,高速扑向了面前的敌人。 side Linyan three people together with cultivating Ma together, felt simultaneously the body single layer, takes a step detected exceptionally, originally is relaxed the action that just like eats meal to drink water, unexpectedly especially strenuous, was wrapped unexpectedly probably from top to bottom by the mire. 方林岩三人连同修玛一起,都同时感觉到身体一重,紧接着迈步的时候就发觉了异常,本来轻松得犹如吃饭喝水的举动,竟是格外的吃力,竟像是浑身上下被泥潭包裹住似的。 Sars turns around to walk, if vigorously flies vanished in the darkness directly, side Linyan and the others wanted to pursue is very difficult. 紧接着基沙斯转身就走,健步若飞的直接消失在了黑暗当中,方林岩等人想要追击都十分困难。 The vulture had sent this unusual circumstance information at this time promptly: 秃鹫此时已经及时将这种异常情况的情报发了出来: You suffered Sars's attack. 你们遭受到了基沙斯的攻击。 Sars used the ghost technique to you! 基沙斯对你们施展出了幽魂术! This witchcraft will make you suffer the traveling speed to reduce 50 influences! 该巫术将会使你们遭受到移动速度降低50的影响! This effect is authoritative, duration five minutes. 此效果具有权威性,持续时间五分钟。 Saw this prompt, side Linyan sighed, the helpless shrugging arm, will be repairing Ma to complain to nearby Lion King, but suddenly saw eye that cultivates Ma icy looked, immediately thought of that damn own density setting, immediately honest shutting up. 看到了这提示,方林岩叹息了一声,无奈的耸了耸肩膀,正要对着旁边的狮王修玛吐槽,但忽然见到了修玛的眼睛冷冰冰的看了过来,立即就想到了那该死的亲密度设定,立即就老老实实的闭上了嘴。 What side Linyan does want to complain? Naturally was Lion King cultivates Ma's odd. 方林岩想要吐槽什么呢?当然是狮王修玛的怪癖了。 Sars dreaded very side Linyan they makes a move to sneak attack, and thinks that they had not found the opportunity to surround in side, is actually not this. 基沙斯十分忌惮方林岩他们出手偷袭,并且认为他们是没有找到机会才一直在旁边围观,其实并不是这样的。 They have wanted to act, but a plan does, will receive the brutal prompt: 他们早就想要出手了,可是一打算这么干的时候,就会收到无情的提示: Warning: You try to meddle Lion King to cultivate/repair fight between Ma and enemy, Lion King cultivate/repair Ma to have the dignity of King, this behavior will cause the inobservable consequence. 警告:你们试图插手狮王修玛与敌人之间的战斗,狮王修玛拥有王者的尊严,此行为将会造成不可测的后果。 Had beforehand learning from another's mistakes, side Linyan three people can only the little darling stop. 有了之前的前车之鉴,方林岩三人只能乖乖住手。 But never expected that seems like Lion King to cultivate/repair Ma to now play to take off/escape unexpectedly, this deceitful incomparable Sars displayed unexpectedly the unique skill that pressed the bottom, a witchcraft treated the wound, a witchcraft trapped/sleepy person, made a getaway directly. 但没想到现在看起来狮王修玛居然要玩脱了,这个奸诈无比的基沙斯居然施展出了压箱底的绝招,一个巫术治伤,一个巫术困人,直接逃之夭夭。 What awfully is, the gravity technique also has the authority unexpectedly, and also continues for five minutes. 更要命的是,重力术居然还有权威性,并且还持续五分钟。 At this time, the vulture blew a whistling suddenly, then referred to the middle of the sky. 只是,就在这时候,秃鹫忽然吹了一声口哨,然后指了指天空当中。 At this time side Linyan noticed, when did not know, that toothpick bird sorrow Muti, has aimed above the sky to fly! 这时候方林岩才注意到,不知道什么时候,那只牙签鸟哀木涕,已经对准了天空之上飞了过去! This bird looks has not come under the influence of gravity technique, probably is because its has the feeling too low reason, but this is also very normal, do not say that was Sars, side Linyan they neglected its existence in the fight. 这只小鸟看起来并没有受到重力术的影响,大概是因为其存在感太低的缘故,不过这也很正常,不要说是基沙斯了,就连方林岩他们在刚才的战斗当中都忽略了它的存在。 After sorrow Muti flew 500-600 meters upper air, then dived toward that side , presented a pale white light beam from there, direct impact clouds, and is still moving unceasingly. 当哀木涕飞到了500-600米的高空之后,便朝着那边俯冲了下去,紧接着,从那里就出现了一道淡白色的光柱,直冲云霄,并且还在不断的移动着。 Obviously, the light beam position, is the place that Sars is at! side Linyan three people are startled immediately, such obvious mark did not fear that was seen? 很显然,光柱的位置,就是基沙斯所在的地方!方林岩三人顿时大吃一惊,这样明显的标记也不怕被人看到吗? Finally the vulture confirmed quickly a matter, this light beam bystander is could not notice that only then the allied force can see, not only so, Sars is also helpless. 结果秃鹫很快就确认了一件事,这道光柱外人是看不到的,只有友军才能够看到,非但如此,就连基沙斯自己也是茫然不知所措。 Then cultivates Ma to bend down on peaceful lying on the ground maintains mental tranquility, an old god in the appearance, seems like not worried appearance that slightly the enemy can run away, the body also non-stop emits represents the green digit of wound healing. 接下来修玛就安静的趴伏在地上养神,一副老神在在的样子,看起来丝毫都不担心敌人会逃走的样子,身上还不停的冒出代表伤口愈合的绿色数字。 When five minutes pass by, after gravity technique negative effect vanishes, cultivated/repaired Ma to stand, then made one to let everyone dumbfounded matter! 等到五分钟过去,身上的重力术负面效果消失以后,修玛才重新站了起来,然后做出了一件让所有人都目瞪口呆的事情! It stretched out the big claw unexpectedly directly, toward front one stroke, the entire space seemed torn unexpectedly, the front presented a pale purple space gate of oval-shape, in the middle of this space gate the energy surges turbulently, seeming like very unstable! 它竟然直接伸出了大爪子,朝着前方一划,居然整个空间都仿佛被撕裂了似的,前方出现了一道椭圆形的淡紫空间门,这空间门当中能量汹涌激荡,看起来很不稳定! But cultivates Ma without delay, on to bind, that space gate also vanished. 但修玛二话不说,一头就扎了进去,那空间门也随之消失了。 Immediately can see, the distant place representative Sars's light beam starts the drastic fluctuation, shivered. 只是立即就可以见到,远处代表基沙斯的光柱开始剧烈波动,颤抖了起来。 Saw this, side Linyan could not bear scold a bad language: 见到了这一幕,方林岩都忍不住骂出了一句脏话: Lying trough! 卧槽! Obviously, cultivates Ma to be able unexpectedly with the toothpick bird sorrow Muti help, locks the position of prey directly, then tears the space to flicker to move directly, no wonder Sars thinks of every means to run away, cultivating Ma is actually so calm, does not spare a glance to its behavior! 很显然,修玛竟是可以在牙签鸟哀木涕的帮助下,直接锁定猎物的位置,然后撕裂空间直接瞬移过去,难怪基沙斯费尽心思逃走,修玛却是如此淡定,对其行为不屑一顾! After side Linyan three people overtake hurriedly, detected that Sars is in an extremely difficult situation, after repeatedly, its head seems like is also very exhausted, the energy consumes 7788, drooped getting down eyes to shut tightly momentarily. 等到方林岩三人急匆匆赶过去之后,发觉基沙斯已是狼狈不堪,在屡次施法之后,它的施法头颅看起来也是十分疲惫,精力都耗得七七八八,随时都耷拉了下来双眼紧闭。 But Sars's body, actually lying this way and that had/left several deep wounds, and also in unceasing bleeding. 可是基沙斯的身上,却已经横七竖八的多出了好几道深深的伤口,并且还在不断的淌血。 Repairs Ma peacefully is detouring regarding Sars slowly, looks like the idle courtyard to stroll, as if seems like the King to inspect own territory, so long as Sars has changed to expose weaknesses, it during the lightning on as if night same dashes to immediately on! Almost is among a blink adds the new wound on his body again. 修玛安静的围绕着基沙斯慢慢绕行着,就像是闲庭漫步,又仿佛像是王者在巡视着自己的领地,但只要基沙斯有所异动露出破绽,它立即就仿佛黑夜当中的闪电一样直扑而上!几乎是一眨眼之间就在其身上再添新伤。 What is worth mentioning is, before Sars almost gave to cultivate/repair more than 1000 points of damage that Ma causes, now unexpectedly under cultivating Ma's plundering food talent, supplemented the similar larger part comes back. 值得一提的是,之前基沙斯差不多给修玛造成的一千多点伤害,现在居然都已经在修玛的掠食天赋下,补充了差不多一大半回来。 Repairs in Ma's top of the head, often emits + 30 , + 40, the digit, this is on Sars continues the reply that bleeds the injury to bring. 修玛的头顶上,不时就冒出,的数字,这就是基沙斯身上持续流血伤害带来的回复。 Such forms of combat, cannot help but made side Linyan think the cat catch mouse, is fighting with the mentality of playing radically. 这样的战斗方式,不由得令方林岩想到了猫捉老鼠,根本就是以玩耍的心态在战斗。 Even some people saw the delicious thing, does not hate to stutter, must the mentality of licking food bit by bit slowly! 甚至就是有人见到了好吃的东西,舍不得一口吃掉,要慢慢的一点一点的舔食的心态! At this time, Sars is also felt probably the intense crisis, drew out a sacrificial offering blade of bone system from the waist suddenly, punctured toward own legal system head on ruthlessly. 这时候,基沙斯大概也是感觉到了强烈的危机,忽然从腰间拔出了一把骨制的祭祀刀,狠狠朝着自己的法系脑袋上面刺了下去。 This punctures naturally is not the aiming critical part, actually started out a deep opening on the legal system head cheeks, even on the cheekbone presented the clear scratch. 这一刺当然不是瞄准的要害部位,却是在法系头颅脸颊上开出了一条深深的口子,甚至连颧骨上面都出现了清晰的刻痕。 After this next, the legal system head must call out pitifully immediately on the pain, was wilder with rage much to nip toward nearby Lord head cheeks, ruthlessly tore a meat. 中了这一下之后,法系头颅立即就痛得惨叫了一声,狂怒得猛的一口就朝着旁边的主脑袋脸颊咬了过去,狠狠的撕扯下来一块肉。 However this is also normal, the Sars's normal age is 21 years old, but this legal system head grew when he was 18 years old, therefore the physical age is only 2-3 years old, is very definitely weak in behavior and other aspects. 不过这也是正常的,基沙斯的正常年龄是二十一岁,而这个法系脑袋是在他18岁的时候生长出来的,所以实际年龄就只有2-3岁,肯定是在行为等方面十分幼稚。 But after the legal system head bit that restored the reason, started to mutter again chants incantations! This time when read aloud the incantation, eye, mouth, in mouth keeping flowed the blood, seemingly could be said as the to terrify person especially, should be at cost of the life. 但法系头颅咬出了那一口之后,就恢复了理智,再次开始喃喃念咒!这一次在念诵咒语的时候,眼睛,嘴巴,口腔里面都在不停的流淌出鲜血,看起来可以说是格外的瘆人,应该是拼了老命了。 Lion King cultivated/repaired Ma not to make use at this time the attack, but also continues the old god in sitting in side, seems like interested in experiencing the ultimate move of opposite party very much. 偏偏这时候狮王修玛不趁势进攻,还继续老神在在的坐在旁边,看起来很有兴趣见识一下对方的终极招数。 This may let side Linyan is really speechless, the heart that even kills people had! Because him had obtained the warning, Lion King cultivated/repaired Ma full Shidu who to fall half, let his fast supplementary energy block! 这一幕可让方林岩真的是无语,连杀人的心都有了!因为他这边已经获得了警告,狮王修玛的饱食度已经跌到了一半,让他快速补充能量块! But side Linyan now on only surplus an energy block of unit, according to cultivating Ma's spending rate, the energy of this unit supplements, is really futile attempt. 可是方林岩现在就只剩余下来了一个单位的能量块,按修玛的这消耗速度,这一个单位的能量补充上去,真的是杯水车薪啊。 In such a case, side Linyan deeply inspires, when he was also thought very simple very clearly, starts moon/month to be black again! 在这样的情况下,方林岩深吸了一口气,他也是想得很清楚,很干脆的就再次启动了月黑之时! When according to the beforehand explanation, this start moon/month is black will directly conduct the attempt and summon the metal lifeform to be fit, then triggers the end technique. 根据之前的说明,本次启动月黑之时将会直接进行尝试与召唤来的金属生物合体,然后触发终结技。 Now this situation side Linyan their risk is actually very big, Sars said that does not permit also many cards in a hand, and this region also has the pursuing troops activity of Kirghiz centaur, is really the time drags a longer variable to be bigger. 现在这个情况其实方林岩他们风险很大的,基沙斯说不准还有多少底牌,并且这个区域还有吉尔吉斯半人马的追兵活动,真的是时间拖得越久变数越大的。 Lion King cultivated/repaired Ma's hunting tactic unable to say is wrong, if side Linyan had enough energy block, how can the ignores it like playing how to play, but the issue was side Linyan does not have. 狮王修玛的这种狩猎战术不能说是错,方林岩倘若是有足够能量块的话,可以放任它爱怎么玩就怎么玩,但问题是方林岩没有啊。 Therefore, the possibility that side Linyan can only try to fight a battle to force a quick decision, ended the technique, even if cannot get rid of Sars directly, so long as can its heavy losses, then the following three people kill his possibility still to increase suddenly jointly. 于是,方林岩就只能试一试速战速决的可能了,终结技就算是不能直接干掉基沙斯,只要能将其重创,那么接下来三人联手杀死他的可能性也骤增。 After side Linyan a stimulation synthesis, Lion King cultivated/repaired Ma to aim at him to turn the head immediately, and discontented roared. 方林岩一激发合体之后,狮王修玛立即就对准了他这边转过头来,并且不满的咆哮了一声。 Moreover, side Linyan received: Lion King cultivates the prompt that Ma and between you own density reduces again. 不仅如此,方林岩又接到了:狮王修玛与你之间的亲密度再次降低的提示。 But at this time side Linyan did not matter, whoever, later did not summon you at the worst, elder brother anything can do, did not work as to lick the dog! 但这时候方林岩也无所谓了,爱谁谁吧,大不了以后不召唤你了,哥什么都能做,就是不当舔狗! At this time side Linyan has prepared fit failure, because this matter mutual, Lion King cultivates Malaysia is the powerful incomparable legend level lifeform, if it resists vigorously, then the fit affirmation success ratio is not high. 此时方林岩已经做好了合体失败的准备,因为这种事情是相互的,狮王修玛本身就是强悍无比的传说级生物,它若是极力抗拒,那么合体肯定成功率不高。 But after surprisingly, Lion King cultivates Ma roared, unexpectedly from top to bottom also sent out the ray! 但令人惊异的是,狮王修玛咆哮过后,居然浑身上下也发出了光芒! Before Lion King cultivated/repaired Ma's contour is a powerful black lion, seemed like with living no difference, but after emitting this golden ray from inside to outside, immediately could not conceal the essence of its metal life, besides watched with Leo gold vestment. 之前狮王修玛的外形是一头威风凛凛的黑色雄狮,看起来与活着的没有什么区别,但是放出了这金色的由内而外的光芒之后,顿时就掩盖不住其金属生命的本质,其外观看起来就和狮子座黄金圣衣似的。 Lion King cultivated/repaired Ma's main body on the amitosis 78 golden rays, aimed on side Linyan about both hands to fly to shoot. 紧接着,狮王修玛的本体就直接分裂成了七八道金色的光芒,对准了方林岩的左右双手上飞射了过来。 After the synthesis completes, side Linyan detected that on own both hands were many a pair of golden glove, seemingly seems like the diamond wolf to stretch out the golden lion claw version of claw. 等到合体完成之后,方林岩发觉自己的双手上就多了一双金色的手套,看起来又像是金刚狼伸出爪子的黄金狮爪版。 side Linyan also received the prompt at this time: 方林岩此时也收到了提示: „When you have activated the moon/month is black the ultimate deep meaning at present: Lion King chaotic dance! You have the attack judgment target 10 seconds, otherwise the ultimate deep meaning announced the expiration.” “你目前已经激活月黑之时的终极奥义:狮王乱舞!你有10秒钟的时间来选择攻击目标,否则的话终极奥义则宣告失效。” At this time was needless saying that side Linyan the then direct selection the target, naturally is front Sars! 此时不用说,方林岩便直接选择了攻击目标,当然就是面前的基沙斯! At this time, Sars's legal system head has recited, is at the point of death spat up blood in the big mouth, but Sars inserted both hands suddenly underground, pulled out again had had a stone lance that is sparkling the blue ray. 这时候,基沙斯的法系头颅已经吟唱完毕,已是气息奄奄的在大口呕血,而基沙斯则猛然将双手插入了地下,再次拔出来的时候已经多出了一根闪耀着蓝色光芒的石矛。 This stone lance on, unexpectedly many strange distortion writing, each writing is burning the quiet green, seemed like unexpectedly by the form float of illusion around the stone lance, looked was full of the lethality! 这把石矛上,居然还有很多诡异的扭曲文字,每个文字都是燃烧着的幽绿色,看起来居然还是以幻象的形式漂浮在了石矛周围,一看就充满了杀伤力! But, at this time, side Linyan actually as if golden color meteor, the illness/quick arrived at Sars's front together suddenly! 但,这时候,方林岩却仿佛一道金色流星似的,疾突到了基沙斯的面前! This speed is not normal condition side Linyan can erupt completely, and this advance was not controlled by him, is a part of Lion King chaotic dance ultimate deep meaning. 这速度完全就不是正常情况方林岩能爆发出来的,并且这一次突进也不受他本人控制,就是狮王乱舞这个终极奥义的一部分。 At this time although Sars both hands grasps to hold stone lance, but side Linyan is close, this is the drawback of long weapon, the enemy, once near body, he counter-attacks can only make several effective movements. 此时基沙斯虽然双手握持着石矛,但方林岩已经近在咫尺,这就是长兵器的弊端,敌人一旦近身,他连反击都只能做出几个有效的动作。 But before Sars makes any movement, side Linyan the golden double fist being similar violent storm had shelled generally, crowded, if raindrop, crazy as hail. 但就在基沙斯做出任何动作以前,方林岩的金色的双拳就已经仿佛暴风骤雨一般的轰击了过来,密集若雨点,疯狂似冰雹。 In this suffocating attack, is tearing to the body of golden lion claw to Sars crazily, in such attack, Sars absolutely does not have the means to counter-attack, can only stagger to back up, protects the head with both hands, the painful number is calling. 在这令人窒息的攻击当中,那对黄金狮爪对基沙斯的身体疯狂撕扯着,在这样的打击当中,基沙斯根本就没有办法反击,只能踉跄倒退,用双手护住头部,痛苦的号叫着。 It is as far as possible does not make the sound, what feared is brings in the centaur the pursuing troops, but had at this time shouts loudly loudly, the mentality is actually expected that the centaur the pursuing troops can come to come to be quick many quickly! 它本来是尽可能的不发出声响,怕的是引来半人马的追兵,可这时候却是有多大声叫多大声,心态却是期望半人马的追兵能来多快就来多快! The mentality of this switch over transforms suddenly, fully explained that side Linyan gives its pressure on be astonishing at this time. 这样陡然切换的心态转变,足以说明方林岩此时给它的压力何等惊人。 Suddenly, side Linyan inscribed the hook to pound on Sars's chin, the enormous force that above contained hit to fly high to fly Sars all of a sudden. 骤然之间,方林岩一记上勾拳就砸在了基沙斯的下巴上,上面蕴藏的巨大力量一下子就将基沙斯打得凌空飞起。 side Linyan closes up both hands suddenly, ten fingers launch, seems like similar in the dragon bead Wukong sends the shock-wave, or the street tyrant makes the stance of fluctuation fist. His behind, appeared Lion King to cultivate/repair the heroic bearing that Ma held up the head to roar. 紧接着,方林岩骤然将双手合拢,十指展开,看起来就类似于龙珠里面悟空发冲击波,或者街霸打出波动拳的架势。他的身后,浮现出来了狮王修玛昂首咆哮的英姿。 In the middle of the double palm was a round of Xuan incomparable golden color energy ball rumbles, center flew high to hit Sars. 紧接着,双掌当中就是一发煊赫无比的金色能量球轰了出去,正中被凌空打中的基沙斯。 But after this fellow this round of energy ball, the whole person is suddenly stiff, then within the body starts to send out the dazzling ray unexpectedly. 而这家伙中了这一发能量球以后,整个人忽然僵硬,然后体内居然开始发出刺眼的光芒。 Seemed like Sars whole person becomes translucent, on the body as if the chinaware was then same, presented massive cracks, in the meantime, his two heads showed the painful difficult to bear expression, long sound pitiful yell. 看起来基沙斯整个人都变得半透明了似的,然后身体上仿佛瓷器一样,出现了大量的裂纹,同时,其两个头颅都露出了痛苦难当的表情,长声惨叫。
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