FE :: Volume #9

#36: Legendary lifeform! Lion King cultivates Ma!

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After activating this ability, side Linyan the top of the head presented a illusion of moon immediately, this moon illusion just presented the time curved frontline, actually starts rapidly fluctuates toward the shape of full moon. 在激活这能力之后,方林岩的头顶立即出现了一个月亮的幻象,这月亮幻象刚出现的时候只有弯弯一线,却开始迅速的朝着满月的形状变幻。 At this time, Sars also gave out painful angry roaring, originally when he will soon run out of the smog, the globefish poisonous surprise attack manifested suddenly! 这时候,基沙斯也发出了一声痛苦的怒吼,原来就在他即将冲出烟雾的时候,河豚毒突袭发作了! This sudden pain Chuki Sars has never experienced, sudden at present one black, the entire body was then stiff, looked like own heart to be pinched one ruthlessly, even breathed is difficult. 这种突如其来的痛楚基沙斯从未体验过,突如其来的眼前一黑,然后整个身体都僵硬了,就像是自己的心脏被狠狠的掐了一下似的,连呼吸都为之艰难。 Although this pain only continued for two seconds, then nothing left, the body as if matter does not have, but in Sars heart has the obvious shadow, he even suspected oneself were cursed. 虽然这痛楚只持续了两秒钟的时间,接着就荡然无存,身体仿佛一点儿事都没有,但基沙斯心中已经有了明显的阴影,他甚至怀疑自己被诅咒了。 But was so sluggish a small little while, the moon illusion of side Linyan top of the head had turned into the full moon, and grow darked rapidly, this grow darking was not the complete blackening, but was covered one strange black fine gauze that type. 而就这么迟滞了一小会儿,方林岩头顶的月亮幻象已经变成了满月,并且迅速变黑,这种变黑并非是完全黑化,而是被蒙上一层诡异的黑色轻纱那种。 After moon thorough blackening, starts the rapid sparkle, twisted, then changed to one to sparkle the ray, rusty front door illusion. 当月亮彻底黑化之后,就开始迅速的闪耀,扭曲了起来,然后化作了一道闪耀着光芒,锈迹斑斑的大门幻象。 When the moon/month is black, 月黑之时, Starts!! 发动!! This front door is the metal front door, in that switch gate with submarine needs to conduct the water-tight door of revolving to be similar, and some above also many sullies and rusty stains, then change into the entity rapidly. 这大门乃是金属大门,就和潜艇内部的那种开关门都需要进行旋转的水密门类似,并且上面还有很多脏污和锈迹,接着迅速化为实体。 The circle shape switch of front door started to make the sound of difficult corrosion, revolved to the start of rapidness from slow rapidly, then opened slowly. 大门的圈状开关开始发出了艰难锈蚀的声音,从慢到快的开始迅速旋转,然后徐徐打开。 From front door internal thick fog, fierce trod a black steel great claw, numerous stepping on ground. 紧接着从大门内部的浓雾里面,猛的踏出了一只黑色的钢铁巨爪,重重的踩踏在了地面上。 In the battlefield resounded low and deep roaring, as if stuffy thunder same rolling grinds. 紧接着,战场上响起了一声低沉的咆哮,仿佛闷雷一样的滚碾而过。 How kind aura, the arid climate, the barren land, the scarlet red sand-stone, as if returned to once hometown!” “多么亲切的气息啊,干旱的气候,贫瘠的土地,赤红色的沙岩,仿佛又回到了曾经的故乡!” Really thinks of that wryneck subtree ........ “真是想念那颗歪脖子树啊........” A black mechanical lion comes in the battlefield, but its conducting the back, but also is staying a mechanical bird of fist size, the bird actually seems stupid. 一头黑色的机械雄狮于战场上现身,而它的背上,还停留着一只拳头大小的机械鸟,鸟儿却显得痴痴呆呆的。 side Linyan at present, also presented its related attribute: 方林岩的眼前,也随之出现了它的相关属性: Lion King cultivates Ma 狮王修玛 Introduced: It once was the King on that arid prairie, is ruling the huge lion group with the sharp tooth and tyrannical strength, to witness its appearance merely, tens of thousands of people stayed awake all night, even did not hesitate to hold up the butcher knife to the competitor! 介绍:它曾经是那个干旱草原上的王者,用锋利的牙齿和强横的力量统治着庞大的狮群,仅仅是为了目睹它的出现,成千上万的人彻夜不眠,甚至不惜对着竞争者举起屠刀! Its only enemy is the time. 它的唯一敌人就是时间。 Even after cultivating Ma dies, powerful existence also felt that its endless charm, came back to life it for the metal lifeform, making him obtain the eternal life. 哪怕是在修玛死后,一位强大的存在也感觉到了它的无尽魅力,将其复生为了金属生物,使其获得了永恒的生命。 Type: Metal intelligent lifeform 类型:金属智慧生物 Duration: Hunger reduces to the lower limit or is wrecked. 持续时间:饥饿度降低到下限或者被击毁。 Strength: 80 points, cultivate/repair Ma to have the fearful strength, this enables it with build several times in own enemy to fight, but effortlessly, even suppresses the enemy stubbornly. 力量:80点,修玛拥有可怕的力量,这让它可以与体型数倍于自己的敌人战斗而毫不费力,甚至死死压制住敌人。 Agile: 60 points, if you only noticed that cultivates the Ma huge build and powerful mane, will then definitely think its slow-acting, but, cultivated/repaired the Ma powerful four limbs actually to give its astonishing explosive force, in the black mane that in the wind fluttered is on the arid prairie the nightmares of all prey. 敏捷:60点,如果你只留意到修玛庞大的体型和威风凛凛鬃毛的话,那么肯定会以为它的行动迟缓,可是,修玛强大的四肢却赋予了它惊人的爆发力,在风中飘荡的黑色鬃毛是干旱草原上所有猎物的噩梦。 On that dry barren actually kind vast and hazy wilderness, only then that fellow named Tucker can the constant voltage on agile cultivate/repair a Ma head. 在那干燥贫瘠却亲切的莽苍荒原上,只有那个叫做塔克的家伙能在敏捷上稳压修玛一头。 Physical strength: 30 points, yes, you have not misread, cultivates Ma's survivability instead is the weakest link, in the past years its in the middle of lion group, after prairie lion, once reached 60 heads, knows that cultivates Ma the performance in this aspect is not why ideal. 体力:30点,是的,你没有看错,修玛的生存力反而是最弱的环节,不过在当年它的狮群当中,草原狮后曾经多达六十头,就知道修玛为什么在这方面的表现并不理想。 Sensation: 30 points, as the powerful food chain peak lifeform, have certainly the astonishing perception capability. 感知:30点,作为强大的食物链顶端生物,当然有惊人的感知能力。 Spirit: 40 points, this powerful lifeform is skilled in many war techniques, therefore needs large number of psychic force support to fight the consumption of technique. 精神:40点,这头强大的生物精通多项战技,因此需要大量的精神力支撑战技的消耗。 Charm: 40 points, cultivate/repair Ma to have the powerful imposing manner powerfully, murdered wanted innumerably with the time of these adventurers it could not meet and at night. 魅力:40点,威风凛凛的修玛拥有强大的王者风范,谋杀了无数想要与之见上一面的那些冒险者的时间和夜晚。 Rare: Legend 稀有度:传说 Weapon: A5 black fine gold sharp claws, S4 carbon alloy tooth 武器:A5黑色精金利爪,S4碳素合金牙 Striking power: 120 points 攻击力:120点 Defense: 28 points 防御:28点 Hunger: 100 points. 饥饿度:100点。 Life value: 3000 + 600 points( when based on moon/month is black addition) 生命值:3000+600点(基于月黑之时加成) Metal lifeform by dynamic energy: The alloy, injures to the physics has 25 injury absorptions( i.e. 100 physical injuries only to create 75 points), but certain energy injuries can obtain the addition. 金属生物被动能力:合金,对物理伤害拥有25伤害吸收(即100点物理伤害只能造成75点),但是某些能量伤害会获得加成。 Certain negative conditions with the support of alloy, the duration will shorten, but such as the electrification, the corrosion and other negative conditions will lengthen. 某些负面状态在合金的支持下,持续时间将会变短,但是如感电,锈蚀等负面状态则会延长。 By dynamic energy: The King in barren land, when being in arid desert, plain and other terrains, attack speed / traveling speed / violent striking rate/lead increase 25 被动能力:贫瘠之地的王者,在处于干旱沙漠,平原等地形时,攻击速度/移动速度/暴击率提升25 By dynamic energy: Plunders the food, Lion King to cultivate/repair Ma to have the fearful hunting for ability, when causes the damage to the enemy, will have 15-35 injury values to transform into own life value. 被动能力:掠食,狮王修玛拥有可怕的捕猎能力,在对敌人造成伤害的时候,会有15-35的伤害值转换为自身生命值。 By dynamic energy: Tearing, Lion King cultivates Ma's each effective attack to create tearing to the enemy, making it be in a state of bleeding in 120 seconds, the injury of bleeding condition for this/should injury 40, this effect can superimpose unlimitedly. 被动能力:撕裂,狮王修玛的每一次有效攻击都将会对敌人造成撕裂,使其在120秒内陷入流血状态,流血状态的伤害为该次伤害的40,此效果可以无限制叠加。 By dynamic energy:???, You cultivate/repair Ma's own density to be insufficient with Lion King, is unable to examine this skill the detailed information. 被动能力:???,你与狮王修玛的亲密度不够,无法查看此技能的详细情报。 Specially by dynamic energy:???, You cultivate/repair Ma's own density to be insufficient with Lion King, is unable to examine this skill the detailed information. 特殊被动能力:???,你与狮王修玛的亲密度不够,无法查看此技能的详细情报。 Specially by dynamic energy: Beast group leader, in Lion King cultivates during Ma's long fight profession, has been able easily to look through the weakness of enemy, greatly raises the violent striking rate/lead of owner ( 20 ), the small scope raises the surrounding 100 Mi Youjun's violent striking rates ( 10 ). Moreover, Lion King cultivated/repaired Ma to have terrifying fight intuition, might be called the nightmare of enemy. 特殊被动能力:兽群领袖,在狮王修玛的漫长战斗生涯当中,已经可以轻易看破敌人的弱点,大幅度提高拥有者的暴击率,小幅度提高周围一百米友军的暴击率。不仅如此,狮王修玛更是具备了十分恐怖的战斗直觉,堪称敌人的噩梦。 Driving ability: The remote summon, Lion King cultivates Ma to summon loyally launches the attack in his lion group projection to the enemy, after will summon 3-4 prairie lions, 8-12 prairie young lions. 主动能力:遥远的呼唤,狮王修玛召唤忠诚于自身的狮群投影对敌人发起攻击,将会召唤出3-4头草原狮后,8-12头草原幼狮。 Driving ability:???, You cultivate/repair Ma's own density not to achieve unlocking skill with prairie Lion King the standard. 主动能力:???,你与草原狮王修玛的亲密度尚未达到解锁此技能的标准。 Driving ability:???, When you need to continue promotes moon/month to be black the rank. 主动能力:???,你需要继续提升月黑之时的等级。 By dynamic energy: Kings proud( negative), Lion King cultivates Ma is very proud lifeform, when the attack was not regarded as the lifeform of prey( including is not restricted in female lifeform / space soldier) unable to raise any spirit by it lazily, the striking power reduces 50 at the same time, 33 probabilities are unable the hit target. 被动能力:王之骄傲(负面),狮王修玛乃是十分骄傲的生物,在攻击不被其视为猎物的生物(包括不限于雌性生物/空间战士)的时候都会懒洋洋的提不起任何精神,攻击力降低50的同时,更是有33的几率无法命中目标。 By dynamic energy: Gluttony( negative), Lion King cultivates Ma's great strength to make its energy consumption dramatically increase, the speed of its expended energy gage block will be in normal condition 150, hunger will rapidly drop. 被动能力:饕餮(负面),狮王修玛的强大使其能耗大幅度增加,其消耗能量块的速度乃是正常情况下的150,饥饿度将会快速下降。 Explained: This is a lifeform of legend, its reputation widely spreads in this world, and becomes many people to recall mindfully. 说明:这是一头传奇的生物,它的名声广泛流传于这世上,并且成为了许多人念念不忘的回忆。 Its great strength and bad temperament, knowing its person made the profound impression. 它的强大和坏脾气,都给认识它的人留下了深刻的印象。 *** *** Toothpick bird sorrow Muti 牙签鸟哀木涕 Introduced: This is one cultivates the bird that Ma co-exists with Lion King, its this life only made a venture capital then to become the life winner, obtained the life-long meal ticket. 介绍:这是一只与狮王修玛共生的小鸟,它这一生只做了一件风险投资便成为了人生赢家,获得了终生饭票。 That is when or a baby bird, cannot bear the seduction of food, aimed at Lion King to cultivate/repair in the middle of Ma's big mouth to fly directly. 那就是在还是一只幼鸟的时候,就忍不住食物的诱惑,对准狮王修玛的血盆大口当中直接飞了进去。 At that time, Lion King cultivated/repaired Ma just to prey on an old age to go by land the bird, although the delicious meat of this fellow, but strength, but these tenacious muscle textures, the ligament, the tendon actually created very severe test to its tooth slit. 当时,狮王修玛刚刚捕食了一头老年陆行鸟,虽然这家伙的肉质鲜美而劲道,但那些坚韧的肌肉纹理,韧带,肌腱却对它的牙齿缝隙造成了非常严峻的考验。 Repaired Ma to block a gap between teeth small group white ligament at that time is worried, can only open big mouth, tried to dig up with the claw, however had little effect. 修玛当时正在为塞住自己牙缝的一小团白色韧带而苦恼,只能张开大嘴,试试用脚爪扒拉一下,但是收效甚微。 At this time, fainted hungrily sorrow wood tears reckless charged into following the fragrance of food the gap between teeth that cultivated/repaired Ma, in cultivating Ma detected this matter, and decided to close big mouth, for oneself took in 21 point calorie times additionally, suddenly detected that puzzled own that ligament to become less crowded, was rejected completely. 这时候,饿昏了的哀木涕不顾一切的循着食物的香气冲向了修玛的牙缝,就在修玛发觉了这件事,并且决定合上大嘴,为自己额外摄入21点卡路里的时候,突然发觉困扰自己的那块韧带正在松动,然后被完全剔除。 This is sorrow Muti with cultivating Ma's acquaintance, simply also is very very straightforward, is not romantic is also very pure, then, sorrow Muti to cultivate/repair Ma conducts the oral care on the diligent start, its gap between teeth inside hashed meat, the sediment cleans up cleanly. 这就是哀木涕与修玛的相识,很简单也很直白,既不浪漫也很单纯,接下来,哀木涕就孜孜不倦的开始为修玛进行口腔护理,将其牙缝里面的碎肉,渣滓清理得干干净净。 Because of this, sorrow Muti is also becoming the friend who cultivates Ma only trust, achieved the condition of paragenesis with it. 正因为这样,哀木涕也成为了修玛唯一信任的朋友,与之达成了共生的状态。 Type: Metal intelligent lifeform 类型:金属智慧生物 Duration: Hunger reduces to the lower limit or is wrecked. 持续时间:饥饿度降低到下限或者被击毁。 Rare: Blue color 稀有度:蓝色 Strength: 5 points 力量:五点 Agile: 5 points 敏捷:五点 Physical strength: 10 points 体力:十点 Spirit: 20 points 精神:20点 Charm: 10 points 魅力:十点 Duration: Hunger was exhausted or wrecked. 持续时间:饥饿度耗尽或者被击毁。 Striking power: 5 points 攻击力:五点 Defensive power: 5 points 防御力:五点 Life value: 200 point + 600 points 生命值:200点点 Metal lifeform by dynamic energy: The alloy, injures to the physics has 20 injury absorptions( i.e. 100 physical injuries only to create 80 points), but certain energy injuries can obtain the addition. 金属生物被动能力:合金,对物理伤害拥有20伤害吸收(即100点物理伤害只能造成80点),但是某些能量伤害会获得加成。 By dynamic energy: The paragenesis, sorrow Muti cultivates Ma's paragenesis lifeform as Lion King, can have the unusual induction with it, does not need to consume the extra energy to exist in the standard surface, once Lion King cultivates Ma to leave, its hunger will rapidly drop. 被动能力:共生,哀木涕作为狮王修玛的共生生物,能与之产生奇特的感应,无需消耗额外能量就能存在于本位面上,不过一旦狮王修玛离开,其饥饿度就会迅速下降。 By dynamic energy: Accurate, toothpick bird because of instinct, attack inevitably suddenly/violently to strike who can therefore the accurate assurance to the weakness of enemy, it launch to the enemy. 被动能力:精准,牙签鸟因为天性,所以能精准的把握到敌人的弱点,其对敌人发起的攻击必然暴击。 When the moon/month is black( passive): Because the toothpick bird sorrow Muti strength is small and weak, when the moon/month is black to its strengthening, will strengthen the template for the had unmanned aerial vehicle data. 月黑之时(被动):因为牙签鸟哀木涕的实力过于弱小,所以月黑之时将对其强化,强化模板为已拥有的无人机数据。 After the strengthening, toothpick bird sorrow Muti will have the related ability of unmanned aerial vehicle, for example visual sharing, fires the smoke shell, fires the flash grenade, high explosive projectile / combustion high explosive shell( two choose one). 强化后,牙签鸟哀木涕将会拥有无人机的相关能力,比如视觉共享,发射烟雾弹,发射闪光弹,高爆榴弹/燃烧榴弹(二选一)。 *** *** When saw that cultivates Ma to appear, side Linyan held breath cold air, it can be said that is especially excited, 在看到修玛出现的时候,方林岩都倒吸了一口凉气,可以说是格外激动, This is the mechanical metal lifeform of legend rank, own luck was also too good. 这可是传说级别的机械金属生物啊,自己的运气也太好了吧。 However is quick he to discover oneself were happy too soon, because Lion King cultivated/repaired Ma, although was powerful, the flight lifeform of but together entering the stage was weak. 不过很快他就发现自己高兴得太早了,因为狮王修玛虽然强大,但一起出场的飞行生物就弱了。 Toothpick bird sorrow Muti is to make up the number completely! When the moon/month is black was unable to continue watching, but also strengthened this fellow additionally, drew minimum assurance online it reluctantly, the qualifications that it is estimated that made up the number continually did not have. 牙签鸟哀木涕完全就是个凑数的!若不是月黑之时都看不下去了,还额外强化了一下这家伙,将其勉强拉到了低保线上,估计连凑数的资格都没有。 Moreover, Lion King cultivates Ma also to have the bad habit unexpectedly, for example ran into the words of female enemy and space soldier, then the battle efficiency will also drop significantly. 不仅如此,狮王修玛居然还有臭毛病,比如遇到了雌性敌人和空间战士的话,那么战斗力还会大幅度下降。 Is good because of front Sars is not the female or the promisor, otherwise side Linyan these must owe time in a big way. 好在面前的基沙斯不是雌性或者契约者,否则的话方林岩这一次就要亏大了。 Finally, side Linyan detected „when moon/month is black this ability is still sparkling, after the result attention one is centralized, obtained explained: 最后,方林岩发觉“月黑之时”这个能力还在闪耀着,结果注意力一集中后就得到了说明: Promisor ZB419, you have succeeded to summon two mechanical metal lives, when satisfying the triggering moon/month was black the condition of ultimate deep meaning. 契约者ZB419号,你已经成功召唤出了两头机械金属生命,满足了触发月黑之时终极奥义的条件。 When to the moon/month is black conducts the activation again the words, you mechanical metal life that will attempt and summons will conduct the synthesis, will then obtain the end technique. 再次对月黑之时进行激活的话,你将会尝试与召唤出来的机械金属生命进行合体,然后获得终结技。 The end technique will have certain possible failure, and concrete metal lifeform of according to you summoning had the corresponding change. 终结技将有一定的可能失败,并且根据你召唤出来的具体金属生物产生相应的变化。 Under normal conditions, you with summoning metal lifeform own density is higher, the battle efficiency of metal lifeform is stronger, then the end technique is stronger! 通常情况下,你与召唤出来的金属生物亲密度越高,金属生物的战斗力越强,那么终结技就越强! The execution end technique will significantly promote the metal lifeform hunger, if after execution end technique you also hope the mechanical metal lifeform of summoning continued to keep your side performance order, then be please best to prepare enough energy block. 执行终结技将大幅度提升金属生物的饥饿度,如果在执行终结技之后你还希望召唤出来的机械金属生物继续留在你身边执行命令,那么请最好准备足够的能量块。 You current and Lion King cultivate/repair Ma / between own density toothpick bird sorrow Muti are 20 points. 您当前与狮王修玛/牙签鸟哀木涕之间的亲密度为20点。 Among you relations are: Desolate. 你们之间的关系为:冷淡。 Saw these data, side Linyan quickly inquired: 见到了这些数据,方林岩急忙询问道: Was the own density of mechanical metal lifeform for the first time summoning how many usually? How does here only have 20 points?” “首次召唤出来的机械金属生物的亲密度通常是多少?怎么我这里只有20点?” The space returns to the covered passageway indifferently: 空间冷漠回复道: Your charm value is too low.” “你的魅力值太低。” At this time, the ground shook slightly, Sars also recovered from the disturbance of goat and vulture, then the stride attacked toward side Linyan: 这时候,地面微微震荡,基沙斯也是从山羊和秃鹫的干扰当中回过神来,然后大步朝着方林岩这边冲击而来: Roar!!! The damn small insect, I must hang your skull in the waist treat as the ornament.” “吼!!!该死的小虫子,我要将你的颅骨挂在腰间当做装饰品。” At this time, side Linyan also examined carefully these to explain without enough time, very simple cultivated/repaired Ma to issue the order to Lion King: 这时候,方林岩也来不及细看这些说明了,很干脆的对狮王修玛发出了命令: Helps me blow away this fellow!” “帮我干掉这家伙!” At this time he thought of the setting of own density, quickly added: 这时候他又想到了亲密度的设定,又急忙补充道: Powerful Lion King cultivates Ma, making it experience your great strength, right, its ankle had the wound, can first attack that spot.” “强大的狮王修玛,让它见识一下您的强大,对了,它的脚腕有伤,可以先攻击那个部位。” Finally side Linyan did not say the following those words , after those words saying, Lion King cultivated/repaired Ma to return to under one suddenly, that callous small look seemed saying: 结果方林岩不说后面的那句话也就罢了,那句话说出来之后,狮王修玛忽然回了一下头,那冷酷的小眼神仿佛在说: „Are you teaching me to work?” “你在教我做事?” Therefore, on side Linyan the retina suddenly presented the related prompt: 于是,方林岩的视网膜上突然出现了相关提示: Promisor ZB419, you with summoning metal intelligent lifeform, Lion King cultivates own density between Ma to reduce 5 points, please note, once after own density falls below 10 points, the summon lifeform has big probability non- command prompt, the small probability leaves, the small probability backlashes.” “契约者ZB419号,你与召唤出来的金属智慧生物,狮王修玛之间的亲密度降低五点,请注意,亲密度一旦跌破十点以后,召唤生物有很大的概率不服从命令,小概率离开,微小概率反噬。” Saw this prompt, side Linyan looked like by ultra-large number women underpants drops from the clouds simply, deceived head, has not nearly suffocated directly. 见到了这提示,方林岩简直就像是被一条超大号女式内裤从天而降,蒙住了脑袋似的,险些没直接窒息过去。 Sentiment rare, when licks the dog one time, unexpectedly also flattered to pat on something that gives one away directly! 感情自己难得当一次舔狗,居然还直接拍马屁拍到了马脚上! This Lion King cultivates Ma's violent temper is really is much gruff. 这狮王修玛的暴脾气真是倔得令人发指啊。 However, when side Linyan is depressed, Lion King cultivated/repaired Ma to dash , its that huge and jet black form in this night was really like a fish in water, was almost the shadow flashes, has interlocked with Sars. 不过,就在方林岩郁闷的时候,狮王修玛已经直扑了出去,它那庞大而漆黑的身影在这黑夜当中真的是如鱼得水,几乎是影子一闪,就已经与基沙斯交错而过。 Sars sent out a pain to roar immediately, then its waist emitted a blood arrow, facing such enemy, Sars's legal system head started to recite immediately again: 基沙斯立即就发出了一声痛吼,然后它的腰间就冒出了一道血箭,面对这样的敌人,基沙斯的法系脑袋立即开始再次吟唱施法: This time displaying should be the low level magic arts, almost in completed recitation instantaneously. Then the yellow light fell on together the body that cultivated/repaired Ma, making its action suddenly became must slow. 这一次施展的应该是低级法术,几乎是在瞬间就完成了吟唱。然后就是一道黄光落在了修玛的身上,让它的行动骤的变得迟缓了起来。 Sars's both hands under search suddenly, deep submerged underground, when it pulls out again slowly both hands, can see the soil rock in all directions unexpectedly toward the position accumulation of both hands, finally formed a stone great hammer, its high lifted. 紧接着,基沙斯的双手猛然下探,深深的没入了地下,当它将双手再次慢慢拔出来的时候,竟能见到四面八方的泥土岩石都在朝着双手的位置聚集,最后形成了一把石头巨锤,被它高高的举了起来。 In the night, this stone hammer also sent out the light red ray on unexpectedly. 在黑夜当中,这把石锤上居然还散发出了淡淡的红色光芒。 This is the origin of Sars nickname, can control the earth ability to make an powerful giant stone hammer with its talent, then kills greatly kills especially, raises reign of terror. 这就是基沙斯外号的由来,可以用它的天赋控土能力制造出一把强悍的巨型石锤,然后大杀特杀,掀起一片腥风血雨。 Naturally, using the stone hammer also needs certain price, Sars was also induces front cultivating Ma is the unprecedented powerful enemy, therefore directly entered the strongest condition. 当然,动用石锤也是需要一定代价的,基沙斯也是感应到了面前的修玛乃是前所未有的强敌,所以才直接进入了最强状态。 It grasps the stone hammer, aimed at decelerated cultivating Ma wallops, in the mouth exuded the fierce roaring sound, if the ordinary enemy came across such matter, by the Sars's ominous flame the fear, the most that brain inside considers is also to definitely evade its point. 它手持石锤,对准了被减速的修玛猛冲过去,口中发出了凶恶的咆哮声,若是普通的敌人遇到了这样的事情,肯定是被基沙斯的凶焰所慑,脑子里面考虑的多半也是避其锋芒。 But, at this time cultivating Ma of deceleration condition actually and had nothing plan that must dodge, in the middle of the eyes also reveals the savage ray, pair of claws pressed, aimed at Sars to dash. 可是,此时中了减速状态的修玛却并没有任何要闪避的打算,双眼当中也是流露出了凶残的光芒,双爪一按,就对准了基沙斯直扑了上去。 both sides collided instantaneously intensely, cultivated/repaired in Ma's waist ruthlessly a hammer, presented hollow of wash bowl size directly, side Linyan can see, the injury digit of this hammer braved unexpectedly astonishingly 862 point!! 双方瞬间就激烈碰撞到了一起,修玛的腰部中了狠狠一锤,直接就出现了一个脸盆大小的凹陷,方林岩更是可以看到,这一锤的伤害数字居然冒出来了惊人的“862”点!! Repaired Ma to be wasted more than ten meters, although a tumbling crawled, but walked actually lamely. 修玛更是被打飞出了十几米,虽然一个翻滚就爬了起来,但是走路却一瘸一拐的。 Saw this number, side Linyan held breath cold air, this hammer is one's turn oneself words, was that direct second to kill? 看到了这个数字,方林岩都倒吸了一口凉气,这一锤子轮到自己身上的话,那岂不是直接秒杀了? However Sars's chest was also torn a bulk body! Blood directing current. 不过基沙斯的胸口也是被撕扯掉了一大块皮肉!鲜血直流。 But this distance throat also only then several centimeters disparity, if not for Sars dodges promptly, these can tear to pieces its throat. 而这一下距离喉管也只有几厘米的差距,若不是基沙斯闪避及时,这一下就能撕破它的咽喉。 In this case, Sars discovered made he very somewhat ill matter, because just ate a that lifeform of oneself hammer, unexpectedly turned toward oneself approaching step by step again! 在这种情况下,基沙斯更是发现了一件令他很是有些不适的事情,因为刚刚吃了自己一锤的那头生物,居然再次向着自己一步一步的逼近! Repairs the speed that Ma approaches is not actually quick, seems leisure, but, in the middle of that brutal eye, is actually sparkling the callous cruel ray, without least bit Sars longs for seeing fearing that. 修玛逼近的速度其实并不快,显得慢悠悠的,但是,那双无情的眼睛当中,却闪耀着冷酷残忍的光芒,没有半点儿基沙斯渴望看到的惧怕。 Moreover, in side Linyan the eyes sees, cultivates in Ma's top of the head, will jump out of a green digit every two or three seconds unexpectedly: 不仅如此,方林岩的眼里面更是看到,修玛的头顶上,每隔两三秒居然就会跳出一个绿色的数字: + 17 …… + 21 …… + 33 …… This is restoring the life value obviously continually, initial time side Linyan also somewhat confuses what's the matter. 这显然是在持续恢复生命值,最初的时候方林岩还有些迷惑到底是怎么回事。 But saw after the blood that in Sars wound flows continuously knows, should be Sars's bleeding injury triggered the passive special effect of plundering the food. 但看到基沙斯伤口上源源不断流淌出来的鲜血以后就知道,应该是基沙斯身上的流血伤害触发了掠食的被动特效。 Looks cultivating Ma who approaches step by step, Sars as if received insult, bellowed to hold up the stone hammer to rush, dogfight of this both sides only continued for two seconds, cultivated/repaired Ma to be wasted again, but this time injury less than 400 points, but cultivated/repaired Ma's claw to leave behind two covered with blood wounds on Sars again. 看着步步逼近的修玛,基沙斯似乎受到了侮辱似的,大吼一声举起了石锤冲了上去,这一次双方的缠斗只持续了两秒钟,修玛再次被打飞了出去,但这一次的伤害就不到四百点了,而修玛的爪子再次在基沙斯身上留下了两道血肉模糊的伤口。 After this battle, after cultivating a Ma again tumbling, threw, its deceleration condition has vanished thoroughly, on the contrary in Sars hand the light red ray on stone hammer had been consumed completely. 这一次交战之后,修玛再次一个翻滚后扑了上来,它身上的减速状态已经彻底消失,相反基沙斯手中石锤上的淡淡红色光芒已经被耗费殆尽。 This time, Sars is somewhat scared finally. 这一次,基沙斯终于有些慌了神。 Originally, on stone hammer that Sars makes, definitely will obtain two big attributes: 原来,基沙斯制造出来的石锤上面,必然会获得两大属性: 1st, the weakness routs 一,弱点击溃 2nd, hits inevitably 二,必然命中
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