FE :: Volume #9

#35: Activation! When the moon/month is black!

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In this relatively difficult situation, before Sars unexpectedly one counter-, delimits the water in the battlefield the normal state, often will stop the footsteps, rescues these surrounded same clan directly, but has been monitoring its side forest rock three people actually to discover, rescue goal that Sars chooses also targeted. 在这种相对艰难的情况下,基沙斯居然一反之前在战场上划水的常态,往往会停下脚步,直接去援救那些被困住的同族,不过一直在监视着它的方林岩三人却发现,基沙斯选择的援救目标也是有针对性的。 For example falls into the hopeless situation does not rescue, 比如陷入绝境的坚决不救, Also for example the side brings polygyny will not rescue, 又比如身边带着较多雌性的也不会去救, The young hill giant also is disregards. 年龄不大的丘陵巨人同样也是无视掉。 In this time is in the battlefield that a hill giant side crashes, even if Sars's rescue behavior were noticed by others, that still only will give the thumbs-up to praise flamboyant. 在此时已经是丘陵巨人一方崩盘的战场上,基沙斯的救援行为就算是被其余的人注意到了,那也只会竖起大拇指赞一声牛逼。 However, side Linyan three people the slippery customer of wanderer in the space, the goal of Sars this fellow were actually to be discovered by them clear! 但是,方林岩三人都是在空间里面闯荡的老油条了,基沙斯这家伙的目的却是被他们发现得一清二楚的! The person on one's own side who falls into the hopeless situation does not rescue is understandable, the life-saving does not need to accompany right? 陷入绝境的自己人不救是可以理解的,救人没必要将自己陪上去对吧? But brings female many did not rescue a little attentively was dangerous, after such same clan rescued, has many females possibly to develop many heir, like this took the family to stick together as the unit, blood relationship clan that in the future may present a tail greatly. 而带着许多雌性的不救就有点用心险恶了,这样的同族救出以后,拥有较多的雌性就可能会发展出许多子嗣,这样以家庭为单位抱团起来,日后就可能出现一个尾大不掉的血缘氏族。 Does not save the younger hill giant, is because also has the tremendous potential, after does not remove, will become the possibility of competitor! 不救年龄较小的丘陵巨人,则是因为还有巨大的潜力,不排除以后会成为竞争对手的可能! This Sars is the double headed giant, the plans is so worthily grave, with the words of human, that is typical big deceitful, if loyal, greatly false seems true|really, and also hidden extremely deeply. 这基沙斯不愧是双头巨人,心机如此深重,用人类的话来讲,那就是典型的大奸若忠,大伪似真,并且还隐藏得极深。 Does the matter that these buy the hearts of the people when Sars, side Linyan three people also had enough time to establish in view of its trap. 趁着基沙斯做这些收拢人心的事之时,方林岩三人也是有了足够的时间来设置针对它的陷阱。 Naturally, this trap is very definitely crude, but also enough helped side Linyan their three people obtain one offensive. 当然,这陷阱肯定十分简陋,但也足够让方林岩他们三人获得一个先手了。 *** *** After rescued several same clan continuously, Sars felt exhausted. 在连续救援了好几名同族以后,基沙斯感觉到了一丝疲惫。 What is more important, he also displayed savage in the rescue, got rid of several centaurs with the cruel technique very continuously, this caused in the middle of the centaur without doubt the attention of these high rank soldiers. 更重要的是,他在救援的时候也表现得十分凶残,接连不断用残忍的手法干掉了好几头半人马,这无疑引起了半人马当中那些高阶战士的关注。 But this does not have the matter of means that savage is Sars to a label that oneself draw up, has the person of such label, can obtain the awe in the middle of the ethnic group. 但这也是没有办法的事情,“凶残”是基沙斯给自己制订的一个标签,有着这样标签的人,才能够在族群当中获得敬畏。 Looks at distant place another surrounded compatriot, Sars is just about to act, why suddenly does not know, in the heart sparkled an ominous premonition. 看着远处又一头被包围的同胞,基沙斯正要出手,忽然不知道为什么,心中闪耀出来了一丝不祥的预感。 This fellow ability, will not be a little regarded as important by a leader of hill giant clan otherwise, before granted him before the clansman that obsidian rosary, this quite therefore approved him to become an elite member of hill giant clan ahead of time. 这家伙还是有点能耐的,否则的话也不会被丘陵巨人一族的首领看重,之前在族人面前赐予他那一条“黑曜石念珠”,这相当于是提前认可他成为丘陵巨人一族的精英成员。 Otherwise, currently Sars's strength, he at least also takes over five years to obtain such honor, after all second of this fellow absolutely did not have the growth to be mature, can only use few magic arts. 否则的话,就目前基沙斯的实力,他至少还需要五年以上才能获得这样的荣誉,毕竟这家伙的第二个头还根本就没有发育成熟,只能施展寥寥几个法术。 Before that round of ejection thunder ball, is completely the supplementary prestige energy of obsidian rosary because the big shot granted, Sars was equivalent plays an function that lit the blasting fuse. 之前那一发弹射雷球,完全是因为大佬赐予的黑曜石念珠的附带威能,基沙斯相当于只是起到了一个点燃导火索的作用。 After this ominous premonition appeared, in Sars's brain first appeared, was centaur chief Brander Harden stares at itself, that lance of fearful attacking fiercely, even can hurt the soul! 在这一丝不祥的预感浮现出来了之后,基沙斯的大脑里面第一时间浮现出来的,就是半人马酋长布兰德哈登盯上了自己,那一把可怕的痛击之矛,甚至可以伤害到灵魂! Therefore, Sars dropped all the plans of rescue decisively, immediately moves sideways to submerge the darkness. What clansman anything image, first loses to. 所以,基沙斯果断的放弃了一切救援的计划,立刻闪身没入到了黑暗当中。什么族人什么形象,都先丢到一边去吧。 The good person supposes also first retaining own life! 再好的人设也得先把自己的命给保留下来! Sars is a stratagem has decided that but rear drive person, when starts to retreat, he favored the escape route in advance, that is in brook a situated in mountain stream. 基沙斯一直都是个谋定而后动的人,在开始撤退的时候,他就预先看好了退路,那就是一条位于山涧里面的溪流。 Cloud platform red here and does not seem like other places is so arid, therefore the brook is not the unusual thing. 红云台地这里并不像是其余的地方那么干旱,所以溪流并不属于多稀奇的东西。 Centaurs in darkness , to trace the enemy, depending upon the sense of smell are more, but Sars River tracing on, the limpid mountain stream can maximum cover its smell , be able maximum to make the trouble to tracing of enemy in this case. 在黑暗当中半人马们要想追踪敌人的话,依靠嗅觉更多一点,而基沙斯溯溪而上,清澈的溪水可以最大限度的掩盖掉它的气味,这样的话,可以最大限度的给敌人的追踪造成麻烦。 However, Sars actually does not know, attempts disadvantageously to oneself, may incessantly be these centaurs. 但是,基沙斯却不知道,企图对自己不利的,可不止是这些半人马。 Climbs mountains and crosses rivers in the darkness is a quite difficult matter, let alone the under foot is not the wide boulevard, but is the slippery brook? Before let alone , did Sars also experience struggled hard continually? 在黑暗中跋涉本来就是一件比较艰难的事情,更何况脚下还并非是平坦大道,而是湿滑溪流?更何况之前基沙斯还经历了连番苦战? Circling is Sars has the tyrannical body of hill giant, after running 12 kilometers, somewhat could not support. 绕是基沙斯乃是拥有丘陵巨人的强横身体,在奔跑出了一两公里之后,也是有些撑不住了。 Therefore Sars stopped the footsteps, looked at rear darkness, determined that does not have the enemy to pursue, then buried in the head the limpid mountain stream directly, gurgle gurgle the big mouth drank to heart's content. 所以基沙斯停住了脚步,看了一眼后方的黑暗,确定并没有敌人追来,便直接将脑袋埋入到了清澈的溪水里面,咕嘟咕嘟的大口痛饮了起来。 After drinking full the water, Sars sat on nearby rock, forced in the belly several pitch-dark barbecues, after chewing one in a hurry next, then swallows down this gadget. 喝饱了水以后,基沙斯坐在了旁边的岩石上,将几块黑漆漆的烤肉塞进了肚子,匆匆嘴嚼了一下之后便将这玩意儿吞了下去。 When Sars prepares to set out again prepares to travel, he suddenly turns the head, immediately saw side presented a place wolf unexpectedly! 就在基沙斯准备起身再次准备跑路的时候,他忽然转头,立即就见到了旁边居然出现了一头座狼! Right, looks somewhat seems like the place wolf that the centaur tames, this fellow does not know when comes, the psychological expectation that as if also has no met with Sars, after staring, immediately exudes one to call out, then clamps the tail to turn around to escape. 没错,看起来正是有些像是半人马驯养的座狼,这家伙也不知道是什么时候来的,似乎也根本没有任何的心理预期与基沙斯相遇,愣了愣之后,立即发出了一声嚎叫,然后夹着尾巴转身就逃。 Sars thought immediately, how to be discovered own whereabouts by this domestic animal agitated? 基沙斯顿时就觉得烦躁了起来,怎么被这畜生发现了自己的行踪? Obviously, blows away this fellow as soon as possible is a kingly way! 很显然,尽快干掉这家伙才是王道! Otherwise, now turns around to walk, this fellow takes advantage of opportunity to expel to hang in behind, simultaneously non-stop disclosing secret information that to be disgusting, this is also the place wolf most common hunting pattern, that is you have consumed. 否则的话,现在转身就走,这家伙顺势就撵上来在后面吊着,同时不停通风报信那才恶心,这也是座狼最为常见的狩猎模式,那就是和你一直耗。 Therefore, Sars without delay, aimed at this place wolf to pursue directly, in the heart was one happy, after this wolf ran several steps, unexpectedly became gets up lamely, this obviously was the leg and foot injured reason. 所以,基沙斯二话不说,直接就对准了这头座狼追了上去,紧接着心中又是一喜,这座狼多跑几步之后,居然变得一瘸一拐起来,这显然是腿脚受伤的缘故。 In the escape, meeting such a place wolf is definitely unfortunate, but now seems like, this leg and foot injured place wolf runs into itself, is never not a misfortune. 在逃命的时候,遇到这么一头座狼肯定是不幸的,不过现在看起来,这头腿脚受伤的座狼遇到自己,何尝也不是一种不幸啊。 , Sars expelled this place wolf to arrive in a ravine neatly and quickly, in his time heart is somewhat anxious, this place wolf unexpectedly was the extraordinary slyness, running, although was not quick, but walked the position is actually the snake skin, making one exceptionally choke with rage. 三下五除二的,基沙斯就撵着这头座狼来到了一条狭谷里面,他这时候心中已经有些焦躁了,这只座狼竟是出奇的狡猾,跑得虽然不快,但走位却是非常之蛇皮,让人异常窝火。 Sars is also a very man of decision, only strove for fighting a battle to force a quick decision, therefore that was only closing one's eyes opened the eye that baldly slept suddenly, in the mouth is reading aloud the incantation, put out a hand suddenly forward a finger/refers! 基沙斯也是个十分果断的人,只求速战速决,于是那只本来在闭着眼睛睡觉的光头突然睁开了眼睛,口中念诵着咒语,猛然伸手向前一指! The yellow light covered on the body of wolf together immediately, this fellow coquettish snake skin walked the position to turn into the pitiful earthworm creeping motion all of a sudden. 一道黄光立即笼罩在了座狼的身上,这家伙本来风骚的蛇皮走位一下子就变成了可怜巴巴的蚯蚓蠕动。 This is the deceleration technique that Sars grasps! 这就是基沙斯掌握的减速术! Brought pleased of retaliation, Sars stride to walk up, aims at this place wolf to step on directly, was in front of also two meters the times from the place wolf, he heard the under foot to transmit „” a resounding suddenly! 带着一种报复的快意,基沙斯大步走上前去,对准了这头座狼就直接一脚踩了下去,可是距离座狼面前还有两米的时候,他突然听到了脚下传来了“喀嚓”一声脆响! On the sole transmitted a severe pain!! 紧接着,脚掌上面就传来了一阵剧痛!! Sars the pain roared immediately, looks down, detected oneself stepped on into a very rough trap unexpectedly. 基沙斯顿时痛吼了一声,低头看去,发觉自己居然一脚踩入到了一个十分粗糙的陷阱当中。 This trap has the typical centaur style, first was a big clip caught its ankle stubbornly, had the sharp thorn that truncated to make in the bottom of trap! Deep digging to Sars's sole. 这个陷阱具有典型的半人马风格,首先是一个大夹子死死的卡住了它的脚腕,在陷阱的底部却还有削制出来的尖刺!深深的扎入到了基沙斯的脚底当中。 The sole pain and itchy that was punctured, blood directing current, then put in order the stub to start to tingle with numbness. 被刺到的脚底又痛又痒,鲜血直流,然后整支脚都开始发麻了起来。 Before this trap is , the goat trades in the middle of Magerram Tribe, main body of transaction is the wolf king Guihao tooth and claw, naturally also traded many herbal medicines together, adventurer relic and so on thing, never expected that applies now unexpectedly. 这陷阱乃是之前山羊在马格拉姆部落当中交易来的,交易的主体的就是狼王鬼嚎的牙齿和爪子,当然一起还换了不少草药啊,冒险者遗物之类的东西,没想到现在居然派上了用场。 Then under Sars startled anger, very logical bends the waist, will want to wrap/sets of the clip on foot to give to untie, therefore its this time posture will be certainly uncouth, because this will be a posture of typical picking soap. 接下来基沙斯惊怒之下,很顺理成章的就弯腰下去,想要将套在脚上的夹子给解开,于是它此时的姿势当然就非常不雅观,因为这是一个典型的捡肥皂的姿势。 The key is, Sars, all hill giants, has not or worn the custom of underpants or pants, can encircle an animal skin, or grass skirt in waist already in every sense of the term tasteful person. 关键是,基沙斯,或者说所有的丘陵巨人,都没有穿内裤或者裤子的习惯,能围一条兽皮,或者草裙在腰间已经是不折不扣的讲究人。 At this time, the goat and vulture that hid, started to aim at the Sars's big ass to start simultaneously to aim! 这时候,藏起来的山羊和秃鹫,都同时开始对准了基沙斯的大腚开始瞄准! Therefore after the short two seconds, Sars opens the eyes on the both eyes circle, as male hill giant, realized all of a sudden the female lifeform was reproduced the time forcefully the pain. 所以在短短的两秒钟之后,基沙斯就双目圆睁,一下子以雄性丘陵巨人的身份,体会到了雌性生物被强行繁殖时候的苦痛。 First is vulture that round sinister and ruthless upper arm drive shaft deep pricked! 首先是秃鹫那一发阴毒的“上臂传动轴”深深的刺入了进去! Is the continuous fireball of goat rumbling blasts out above! Sars sent out a sad and shrill pitiful yell, immediately sets out, the right hand covered behind, simultaneously immediately turns around to plan to counter-attack. 紧接着就是山羊的连珠火球轰轰轰的在上面炸开!基沙斯发出了一声凄厉的惨叫,立即直起身来,右手捂住了后面,同时立即转身打算反击。 Finally goat fellow erupts that type that definitely is unable to stop, the position of goat continuous fireball locking is Sars's chrysanthemum, but after it turns around suddenly, the spot that the fireball that then flies very much obviously pounds is it ....... the crotch!! 结果山羊这家伙一爆发那肯定就是属于停不下来的那一种,山羊本来连珠火球锁定的位置是基沙斯的菊花,但它突然转身过来之后,很显然接着飞出去的火球砸的部位就是其.......胯下!! This puts in an appearance, side Linyan three people gave Sars to bring the indelible painful recollection. 这一照面,方林岩三人就给基沙斯带来了难以磨灭的痛苦回忆。 That place wolf the leg is not lame at this time, the spirit was also good, looking fierce threw bit one on the Sars gripped ankle, then clamped the tail to run off, that appearance must dreadfully dreadful. 那头座狼此时腿也不瘸了,精神也好了,龇牙咧嘴的扑上来在基沙斯被夹住的脚腕上咬了一口,然后又夹着尾巴跑开,那模样要多猥琐有多猥琐。 This fellow is the vulture summons, what used after is wolf king Guihao dies , the bugle that falls, really this gadget displayed the effect vulture here. 这家伙便是秃鹫召唤出来的,用的是狼王鬼嚎死后掉落的号角,果然这玩意儿在秃鹫这里发挥出了奇效。 Two critical parts are seriously battered, Sars the pain must go crazy, the appearance that legal system head original does rest, made the fierce expression at this time, seeming like seems like a child to be the same unexpectedly, sheds tears directly. 前后两处要害部位遭受重创,基沙斯已经痛得发了狂,那个法系头颅本来一副似睡非睡的模样,此时也是做出了龇牙咧嘴的表情,看起来居然像是个小孩子一样,直接都流出眼泪来。 „!” “啊啊啊啊!” Under the pain, Sars took up a nearby stone to aim at the position that the goat was at to pound conveniently, this fellow seemed like also good at throwing this move very much, the stone flies the accurate aim that shot to be very precise. 痛楚之下,基沙斯顺手就抄起了旁边的一块石头对准了山羊所在的位置砸了过来,这家伙看起来也很是擅长投掷这招,石块飞射过来的准头十分精确。 However the goat has been paying close attention to his movement, after seeing he has the movement, without delay interrupted, shrank to hide side to choose in the head the good corner. 不过山羊早就在密切关注他的动作,见到他有动作之后,二话不说就中断了施法,将脑袋一缩就躲到了旁边早就选好的角落里面去。 But the after stone of this round of basketball size pounded in nearby stone wall directly, unexpectedly as if the shell such blasted out, the crushed stone blasted out four to shoot intensely, the goat avoided, the eyebrow front was scratched a small opening by a crushed stone, immediately was blood runs down one's face. 但这一发篮球大小的石块直接砸到了旁边的石壁上后,居然仿佛炮弹那样炸开,碎石激烈炸开四射,山羊躲避不及,眉锋被一块碎石擦了一条小口子,立即就是血流满面。 At this time, a round of strange illusion submerged Sars's body, can see indistinctly unexpectedly is a illusion of globefish, hid in the rear shadow clone to display the globefish poisonous surprise attack. 这时候,一发诡异的幻象又没入了基沙斯的身体,隐约能看出竟然是一只河豚的幻象,正是躲在后方的影分身施展出了河豚毒突袭。 At this time, Sars has been at bleeds, is poisoned in the middle of two big negative conditions, and right foot was also pierced, now has not felt be at the condition of adrenalin secretion in the middle of rapidly, once evolved the protracted war, such injury can play the crucial role. 这时候,基沙斯已经处于流血,中毒两大负面状态当中,并且右脚还被刺穿,现在处于肾上腺素急速分泌的状态当中还不觉得,一旦演变成持久战,这样的伤势就能起到关键性的作用。 But at this time, the Sars's right legal system head also started to always think about the refined language, side Linyan also moved sideways to raise the hand from nearby darkness at this time! „” One was round of dragon Soushan divided, hit its whole person to stare, obviously the dizzy condition became effective. 而这时候,基沙斯的右边法系脑袋也开始念念有辞,方林岩这时候也从旁边的黑暗处闪身出来将手一扬!“啪啦”一声就是一发龙嗽闪劈了下来,打得它整个人都是一愣,显然晕眩状态生效了。 However, quick side Linyan detected, dizzy unexpectedly is that head that represents the physics department, seemingly is showing the whites of the eyes to be crooked the corners of the mouth, lost control of appearance. 但是,很快方林岩就发觉,晕眩的竟然是那个代表物理系的脑袋,看起来翻着白眼歪着嘴角,一副失控了的样子。 But Sars is the out-and-out double headed giant, right it that legal system head is unexpectedly safe and sound at this time, recites is broken, but successfully recited, spread a fierce low roar from his throat: 可是基沙斯乃是不折不扣的双头巨人啊,它右边那个法系脑袋此时居然安然无恙,吟唱并没有被打断,而是成功吟唱完毕,从其喉咙里面传出了一声凶恶的低吼: My ancestor is gazing at you!” “我的祖先在注视着你!” side Linyan the head suddenly presented a fierce incomparable eye illusion, stared directly. 方林岩的头上突然就出现了一只凶恶无比的眼睛幻象,直接凝视了下来。 Under strange staring of this eye, side Linyan thought suddenly own body completely lost the control, in the past knows no use that develops cancer, looks at the family member swallows the final one breath sadly and so on negativities by the infinite time of enlargement, seized whole body, entire body out-of-control trembled!! 在这只眼睛的诡异凝视下,方林岩陡然觉得自己的身体完全失去了控制,当年知道患了癌症的无助,看着亲人咽下最后一口气的悲伤等等负面情绪被无限倍的放大,占领了全身上下,整个身体失控似的战栗了起来!! This move of ancestor staring that is Sars displays, a move of person will fall into to the huge fear directly, completely loses to the control jurisdiction of own body. 这一招乃是基沙斯施展出来的先祖凝视,中招的人将会直接陷入到巨大的恐惧当中,完全失去对自己身体的主宰权限。 Saw side Linyan loses control thoroughly, completely probably not fly same wanders about aimlessly in same place delay, the vulture and goat two people did not yell simultaneously well, will rescue actually detects without enough time. 见到了方林岩彻底失控,完全像是个没头苍蝇一样的在原地呆滞乱走,秃鹫和山羊两人同时大叫不好,正要援救却发觉来不及了。 Because Sars has aimed at side Linyan to wallop impatiently, then fishes with the hand ruthlessly, then one caught side Linyan, pounding ruthlessly on nearby rock. 因为基沙斯已经迫不及待的对准了方林岩猛冲了上去,然后狠狠用手一捞,便将方林岩一把抓了起来,狠狠的砸在了旁边的岩石上。 Under this falls, side Linyan was separated from the frightened condition under the stimulation of severe pain immediately, but has been at the captured condition. 这一摔之下,方林岩立即在剧痛的刺激下脱离了恐惧状态,可已经处于被抓取的状态。 Although has the Athena Yukita's protection, but probably is because Sars the strikes to fall throws is the category of mix attack, has the real injury, side Linyan thought does not immediately have a place is not painful from top to bottom, the bone seemed cut off several. 尽管有着雅典娜之佑的保护,但大概是因为基沙斯的这一击摔投乃是属于混合攻击的范畴,这其中带有真实伤害,方林岩顿时就觉得浑身上下没有一个地方不痛,骨头都仿佛断掉了好几根。 After this pounds, side Linyan definitely struggles strongly the resistance, but Sars still grasped firmly him not to let loose, made one to raise the arm, must the gathering strength movement that side Linyan threw ruthlessly. 这一砸之后,方林岩肯定是竭力挣扎反抗,但基沙斯依然攥住了他不肯放开,紧接着就做出了一个扬起手臂,要将方林岩狠狠抛掷出去的蓄力动作。 The next second, Sars gathers the strength to complete, aimed at the mountain wall of distant place to make an effort side Linyan pounded. 下一秒,基沙斯就蓄力完成,将方林岩对准了远处的山壁用力的砸了出去。 Its move is seizes to hold the technique, is called great destruction to throw, will first hold the both legs of enemy hurling to nearby stone, then flinging will fly full power, will cause the huge hit damage. 它的这一招乃是擒抱技,叫做“大破坏投”,先抓住敌人的双腿将之掼向旁边的石块,然后全力将之甩飞出去,造成巨大的撞击伤害。 This move nearly can start behind, has the extra success determination regarding human small volume lifeform, therefore even if side Linyan not fear, so long as after near body, is very difficult to escape this to grasp. 这一招近身后就能发动,对于人类这种小体积生物还有额外的成功判定,所以哪怕是方林岩没有中恐惧,只要近身之后,也很难逃过这一抓。 Is good when Sars gathers the strength, the vulture has determined the point of descent that side Linyan will soon be thrown, quickly controls that scavenger dire wolf of control to be ahead of time the pre- sentencing -type interception. 好在基沙斯蓄力的时候,秃鹫就已经判定出了方林岩即将被抛掷出去的落点,急忙控制着操控的那头食腐恐狼进行提前预判式的拦截。 After side Linyan Sars ejected, can only be in a state of out of control, the clear to see mountain wall approaches in own eye rapidly, immediately held breath cold air, can only clench teeth to prepare to suppress the pain that the collision brings. 方林岩被基沙斯抛出了之后,只能处于失控状态,眼见得山壁在自己的眼中迅速逼近,顿时倒吸了一口凉气,只能咬牙准备好了强忍碰撞带来的痛楚。 But at this time, that scavenger dire wolf had thrown, fronted exactly in side Linyan behind, then heard a sad and shrill pitiful yell. 但就在这时候,那头食腐恐狼已经扑了出来,恰好垫在了方林岩的身后,接下来就听到了一声凄厉的惨叫。 Because this scavenger dire wolf turned into a body cushion completely, the object who side forest Iwamoto collides was turned into the scavenger dire wolf by the hard dike, immediately the cushion the large scale strength, making side Linyan be reduced massive injuries. 因为这头食腐恐狼就完全变成了一个皮肉垫子,方林岩本来碰撞的对象由坚硬的岩壁变成了食腐恐狼,顿时缓冲了大幅度的力量,让方林岩自身被减免了大量的伤害。 In such a case, side Linyan still thought that at present one becomes dark intermittently, the chest is also stuffy feels nervous, moves the body to feel everywhere painful. 在这样的情况下,方林岩依然觉得眼前一阵阵发黑,胸口也是闷得发慌,一挪动身体就觉得到处都痛。 Meanwhile, on side Linyan also braved a terrifying number: 与此同时,方林岩头上也冒出来了一个恐怖的数字: -1009 points!! 点!! Sars's set of even/including trick/recruit, unexpectedly direct opposite party forest Yan caused the real injuries of four figures!! 基沙斯的这一套连招,竟然直接对方林岩造成了四位数的实际伤害!! Is good in the real injuries of these four figures, there is a larger part absorbing by Athena Yukita, circling was so, side Linyan at this time was also if in wind remaining years of life, in imminent danger, only surplus more than 40 points of life values and 130 magic values. 好在这四位数的实际伤害当中,有一大半都被雅典娜之佑给吸收了去,绕是如此,方林岩此时也是若风中残烛,岌岌可危,只剩余下来了四十多点生命值和一百三十点魔法值。 Such terrifying injury value that Sars hits, is lets the goat and vulture they are somewhat flabbergasted very much, because such injury falls on their words, only feared that the direct second killed. 基沙斯打出来的这样恐怖伤害值,也是让山羊和秃鹫两人很是有些咋舌,因为这样的伤害落在他们身上的话,只怕就直接秒杀了。 No wonder the vulture for this Sars uses the skill the time, besides the name and race, shoots is???, And will also turn over to be integrated into the category of rare elite. 难怪秃鹫对这基沙斯使用技能的时候,除了名字和种族之外,弹出来的都是???,并且还将之归纳入了稀有精英的范畴。 After the body one can restore to move, side Linyan used the layer of the world tree immediately, with great speed jacked own life value and magic value got up. 当身体一能恢复动弹之后,方林岩立即就使用了世界树的嫩枝,火速将自己的生命值和魔法值抬升了一些起来。 Meanwhile, the goat was also direct alignment the face of Sars this fellow, shouted whistling is several rounds of continuous fireballs rumbles in the past! 同时,山羊也是直接对准了基沙斯这家伙的正脸,“呼呼呼”就是好几发连珠火球轰了过去! Such attack does not lie in hitting the injury, but is disturbs the enemy to rescue the place! Avoids Sars getting sick to want him while him to assign/life, rushes gives side Linyan to make up a blade to receive the head/number of people, that was really makes one grasp the wrists. 这样的攻击并不在于打伤害,而是干扰敌人必救之处!避免基沙斯趁他病要他命,冲上去就给方林岩补上一刀收人头,那就真的是令人扼腕了。 In fact, the Sars deceitful fellow also really has this plan like this, unexpectedly one keeps off in the front the hand, heads the fireball to clash directly upward. 事实上,基沙斯这样的狡诈家伙还真的有这个打算,居然将手在面前一挡,直接就顶着火球往上冲。 side Linyan also realized the danger of opposite party , before staggering after flushing several, detected that Sars's head looked toward here unexpectedly, came slam on the brakes to throw toward the background decisively again. 方林岩也是意识到了对方的险恶,踉踉跄跄的前冲了几步之后,发觉基沙斯的脑袋居然朝着这边望了过来,果断来了个急刹车重新朝着来路扑了回去。 Really, the Sars next second does not have the indication unexpectedly hurls together the rock of head/number of people size! 果然,基沙斯下一秒居然毫无征兆的猛掷出一块人头大小的岩石! Speed strange quick who this stone flies to shoot, sees only him, as soon as after raising hand, the path that the stone flies to shoot could not see, blasts open on nearby dike directly loudly. 这块石头飞射的速度奇快,只见他一扬手后,石头飞射出来的轨迹根本就看不到,直接在旁边的岩壁上轰然炸裂。 If before side Linyan continues, runs, then wants certainly the upfront to eat this round hardly! Needless saying that suffered this words, it is estimated that entered directly is on the verge of death. 倘若方林岩继续前跑的话,那么肯定就要正面硬吃这一发!不消说,挨了这一下的话,估计就直接进濒死了。 Seized this opportunity, ran up to behind a rock that side Linyan quickly tumbled, at this time thought that in the mouth was salty and fishy smell, spitting a discovery mouthful is the blood. 抓住了这个机会,方林岩急忙连滚带爬的跑到了一块岩石后面,这时候才觉得嘴巴里面又咸又腥,吐了一口发现满嘴都是鲜血。 At this time, the goat made up a round of smoke shell promptly, wins the precious time. After being compelled like this position in distress, side Linyan does not dare the treating it lightly reserved strength, to close the eye to meditate in the heart again: 这时候,山羊及时的补上了一发烟雾弹,算是又争取到了一点宝贵的时间。被逼到了这样的窘困境地以后,方林岩也不敢再掉以轻心保留实力了,闭上眼睛在心中默念: Activates the ability: When the moon/month is black!!” “激活能力:月黑之时!!”
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