FE :: Volume #9

#34: Wins and pursues

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After the loud sound that resounds through the audience, the stone stick of elite Cyclops ran upon the spiral dart, then disrupted, after splits many pieces, blew out one group of dust and fog. 一声响彻全场的巨响之后,精英独眼巨人的石棍撞上了螺旋镖,接着碎裂了开来,在空中分裂成许多片以后,又爆出了一团尘雾。 But his whole person was shaken to fly upside down by the tremendous strength, huge and serious body before landing, starts to spray a lot of blood-color mist. 而他整个人都被巨大的力量震得倒飞了起来,庞大而沉重的身躯在没有落地之前,就开始喷射出大量的血色雾气。 This is because its chest was cut several fearful big openings, even the lungs were cut the most part, gushed out blood under lung powerful contraction, will present the so astonishing scene shortly. 这是因为它的胸口被切割出来了好几条可怕的大口子,甚至连肺部都被切割来了大半部分,涌出的鲜血在肺脏有力的收缩下,就会短暂出现如此惊人的景象。 After causing heavy losses to this elite Cyclops, the spiral dart also finished own mission very much simply, succeeded in giving up 78 pieces. 在重创了这头精英独眼巨人之后,螺旋镖也很干脆的结束了自己的使命,咔嚓一声断成了七八片。 These fragment majority flew toward the day blank, but two pieces actually at high-speed terrain flight, directly in crowded formation undifferentiated blew the reign of terror. 这些碎片大多数都朝着天空弹飞了上去,但有两片却在高速贴地飞行,直接在密集的阵型当中无差别的刮出了腥风血雨。 In chaotic intense battlefield, in because in a flash these two fragments become the focus. 混乱激烈的战场上,都在一瞬间因为这两块碎片成为了焦点。 Because the fragments of these two high-speed flights caused the fearful no difference damage, in the battlefield was cut two strip widths directly is 34 meters, several-meter fearful flesh channel!! 因为这两块高速飞行的碎片造成了可怕的无差别伤害,战场上直接被切割出来了两条宽达34米,长达十几米的可怕血肉通道!! At this time, the centaur guard of central part also dispersed, revealed a channel, powerful centaur chief Brander Harden was also dashes about wildly to come, in the middle of the lifted up high right hand empty is grasping a small black lance. 这时候,中央部分的半人马卫士同时散开,露出了一条通道,强大的半人马酋长布兰德哈登也是狂奔而来,高举的右手当中虚握着一把小小的黑色长矛。 This gadget seems like a roughly made small toy, and is used to deceive of child. 这玩意儿看起来就像是一个做工粗糙的小小玩具,并且还是用来骗小孩子的那种。 But Brander Harden grasps to hold its dignified expression, that seems like pinching own soul simply. 可是布兰德哈登握持着它的凝重表情,那简直就像是捏着自己的灵魂似的。 This started to send out the dazzling ray the black lance on, even grasped to hold its Brander's Vardon under shining of this ray, the entire arm unexpectedly became transparent, inside skeleton even clearly discernible. 紧接着,这把黑色长矛上开始发出了刺眼的光芒,甚至握持它的布兰德的瓦登在这光芒的照耀下,整条手臂居然都变得透明了起来,里面的骨骼甚至都清晰可见。 Then this flew the black lance directly, the ray flashes, a hole in that by severely wounded the forehead of elite Cyclops, 然后这把黑色长矛就直接飞了出去,光芒一闪,就在那头被重伤的精英独眼巨人的眉心处开了个洞, This elite Cyclops lives on the delay immediately, after separating for several seconds, the entire huge body unexpectedly directly changes to the ashes, the annihilation goes with the wind, 这名精英独眼巨人顿时就呆滞住,隔了几秒钟之后,整个庞大的身躯居然直接化作灰烬,随风湮灭而去, Moreover, this is odd/surplus potential does not fade the black lance, pierced the chest of rear two hill mountainous region giants one after another, finally was the lasing to rear area that female Ge grand throat, this female dagger-axe angrily roared prosperously, a palm of the hand grasping in palm. 不仅如此,这把黑色长矛更是余势不衰,接连洞穿了后方两头丘陵山地巨人的胸口,最后是激射向了后方那头雌性戈隆的咽喉,这头雌性戈隆怒吼一声,一巴掌就将之抓在了手心里面。 The lance that but this seems like as if the naughty child toy is not good to grasp! 但这一支看起来仿佛顽童玩具的长矛却不是那么好抓的! Even if the female Ge grand strange strength, after holding it, sent out the repetitive painful strange roar immediately. 哪怕是雌性戈隆的怪力,在抓住了它以后,都立即发出了连连的痛苦怪吼。 Can see its holds on the right palm of lance, emitted intermittent smog unexpectedly! 可以见到其抓住长矛的右边手掌上,竟然冒出了一阵阵的烟雾! Moreover, the female Ge grand back, appeared unexpectedly with it exactly the same transparent illusion, evidently was also extremely painful, his transparent right palm started to present the defect unexpectedly. 不仅如此,雌性戈隆的背后,居然浮现出来了与之一模一样的透明幻象,看样子也是极其痛苦,其透明的右边手掌更是居然开始出现了缺失。 Saw this, the goat could not bear hold breath a cool gas channel/angrily said: 见到了这一幕,山羊忍不住倒吸了一口凉气道: „Is this? Soul injury? This black short lance a little background, only feared that is the thing of divine tool rank.” “这是?灵魂伤害?这把黑色短矛有点来头啊,只怕是神器级别的东西。” Hears divine tool two characters, side Linyan and vulture also held breath simultaneously cold air. 听到“神器”两个字,方林岩和秃鹫也都同时倒吸了一口凉气。 However regarding side Linyan, the divine tool is not the unattainable thing, the steel fire hazard fragment that he has is the legend level goods, if collects more fragments again, then can definitely be promoted to the divine tool! 不过对于方林岩来说,神器也不是什么可望而不可即的东西,他拥有的钢铁火源碎片已经是传说级物品,如果再收集到更多的碎片,那么肯定能晋升为神器! *** *** Female Ge grand insisted after three seconds, then cannot endure the soul again the pain of cutting, loosened the hand directly, kneels down directly is shivering fiercely. 雌性戈隆坚持了三秒钟之后,便再也忍受不住灵魂惨遭切割的痛苦,直接松开了手,直接跪倒在地剧烈颤抖着。 That black short lance was also lets go to depart, changes to the flowing light to return in Brander Harden's hand together, Brander Harden whole person twitched fiercely, at once coming to a stop again calmly. 那一支黑色短矛也是脱手飞出,化作一道流光重新回到了布兰德哈登的手里面,布兰德哈登整个人都剧烈的抽搐了一下,旋即若无其事的重新站稳。 But, among Brander Harden's behind one group of guards, three centaur fall to the ground suddenly, lost the life. 可是,布兰德哈登身后的一群护卫当中,有三头半人马就忽然一头栽倒在地,失去了生命。 Obviously, to control this black short lance, he also paid the huge price. 显然,为了操控这把黑色短矛,他也付出了巨大的代价。 This black short lance naturally is a divine tool, was the founder of past entire centaur clan and tribe, powerful Zarr remained. 这把黑色短矛当然是神器,就是当年整个半人马部族的缔造者,强大的扎尔塔留下来的。 After Zarr dies in the long years, this being called the divine tool of lance of attacking fiercely was only used three times, after each use, the users paid the price of life. 扎尔塔死后的漫长岁月里,这把叫做痛击之矛的神器只被使用了三次,每一次使用之后,使用者都付出了生命的代价。 Until Brander Harden's appearance, the lance of attacking fiercely glows the true might in the middle of his grasping, returns to the middle of the ranks of conventional weapons. 直到布兰德哈登的出现,痛击之矛在他的掌握当中才焕发出真正的威力,重归常规武器的行列当中。 This is in the middle of Kirghiz Clan and tribe these ambitious centaur ruling circles is also willing to lower the head, acknowledged Brander Harden for the primary cause of centaur chief. 这也是吉尔吉斯部族当中那些野心勃勃的半人马统治阶层肯低下头,承认布兰德哈登为半人马酋长的主要原因。 So long as a lance in the hand, Brander Harden were under past Zarr the first person!! 只要一矛在手,那布兰德哈登就是当年的扎尔塔之下第一人!! However, Brander Harden by one's effort, prevented the hill giant , the momentum more than ten seconds of before flushing, the savage arbitrary hill giant by the casualty of companion was instead stimulated ominous, direct to rush, seems the tide that the eyes blush general runs upon the defense line that the front centaur was ready in full battle array ruthlessly! 不过,布兰德哈登以一己之力,也只是阻止了丘陵巨人前冲的势头十几秒钟而已,凶残蛮横的丘陵巨人反而被同伴的死伤激发了凶性,双眼发红的直接冲了上去,就仿佛是潮水一般的狠狠撞上了前方半人马严阵以待的防线! Without a doubt, this is a fearful bloody battle! 毫无疑问,这是一场可怕的血战! But needless saying that nearby these rescue crew members looked delightedly in side, as if abnormal erotomania, stared at that gadget directing current saliva that the hill giant crotch is rocking. 但不消说,旁边的这些救援队成员在旁边都看得眉飞色舞,一个个仿佛变态色情狂似的,盯着丘陵巨人胯下晃动的那玩意儿直流口水。 Even in more/complete thou experienced person mouth is always thinking about the refined language like this, initial side Linyan also thinks how he is calculating later better implementation plan, finally approaches looks, detected that he with others also very many, the vision stares at the navel next three cuns (2.5 cm) of hill giant to do accounts: 甚至就连弥尔这样的老成人嘴巴里面都在念念有辞,最初方林岩还以为他在盘算待会儿怎么更好的执行计划,结果靠近看,发觉他和其余的人也好不了多少,目光盯着丘陵巨人的脐下三寸正在算账: 800,000 ....... “八十万.......” 1.6 million, are not right! This at least can the weight two kilograms, 1.7 million!” “一百六十万,不对!这个至少能重两公斤,一百七十万!” 2.5 million!” “两百五十万!” 3.3 million!” “三百三十万!” side Linyan despises looked at his one eyes: 方林岩鄙视的看了他一眼: Originally thinks that also a little experiences, finally has not seen money compels poorly, really has not seen the market.” “本来以为还有点见识,结果还是个没见过钱的穷逼,真是没见过市面。” Naturally, the above words are complaining in secret, has not said directly. 当然,上面的话都是在暗中吐槽,并没有直接说出来。 But at this time, side Linyan will actually look at another fellow, the brow wrinkled unrestrainedly, this fellow naturally was stone hammer Sars. 而这时候,方林岩却将目光投向了另外一个家伙,眉头情不自禁的皱了起来,这家伙自然是石锤基沙斯了。 Originally thinks the tangled warfare same place, this fellow should also meet taking the lead to stand, then perhaps died in battle directly, or at least also receives to select the wound, lets then aim at his action to save a matter. 本来以为混战一起,这家伙应该也会身先士卒站出来,然后说不定直接就战死了,或者至少也受点伤,让接下来针对他的行动可以省点事啊。 However, side Linyan three people have not thought, stone hammer Sars this fellow instigates unexpectedly has been withdrawing in behind, he does most things takes up the heavy stone, then aimed at the distant place to lose, even aimed at being disinclined to manage. 但是,方林岩三人都万万没有想到,石锤基沙斯这家伙竟然怂得一直都在后面龟缩着,他干得最多的事情就是拿起沉重的石头,然后对准了远处丢出去,甚至连瞄准一下都懒得理。 In addition, but also goes to that female dagger-axe prosperous side to examine, the care for her processes the wound frequently. 除此之外,还经常去那头雌性戈隆旁边查看一下,关心的为她处理一下伤口。 However, when saw that has the centaur warrior of spent force to/clashes, stone hammer Sars will bravely step forward, exudes the deafening rave sound with the cruel method to tear into shreds, even also the heart of direct swallow alive opposite party, then ignores these warm viscous blood plasma splashes in corners of the mouth. 不过,当看到有强弩之末的半人马勇士冲进来的时候,石锤基沙斯就会挺身而出,发出震耳欲聋的狂吼声将之用残忍的手段撕碎,甚至还会直接生吞对方的心脏,然后放任那些温热粘稠的血浆飞溅在嘴角和身上。 This can appear its contour more savage, the whole body is bathed in blood is to make people think that it just drew back from the fierce combat of first line. 这样就可以显得它的外形更加凶残,浑身浴血更是让人觉得它刚刚才从第一线的激战当中退回来。 Really is a young clever and resourceful person.” “真是个小机灵鬼啊。” Looks at this, side Linyan three people look one unrestrainedly, says with emotion directly. 看着这一幕,方林岩三人情不自禁的对望一眼,直接感慨道。 Has not related, probably wolf king Guihao this type was hit the half dead matter is not not possible frequently to happen, we cannot be in luck.” “不过也没关系,像是狼王鬼嚎这种被打得半死的事情不可能频繁发生,我们总不能一直都走好运的。” In side Linyan the eyes showed the callous look, for these days he hid oneself fang is very laborious. 方林岩的眼中露出了冷酷的神色,这几天他隐藏自己的獠牙也很辛苦啊。 Vulture nod silently said: 秃鹫默默的点点头道: That comes hardly, stone hammer Sars this fellow is seemingly slow-acting, this to us is a good news.” “那就硬来吧,石锤基沙斯这家伙看起来行动迟缓,这对我们来说是个好消息。” *** *** Probably 20 after short minutes, 大概短短二十分钟以后, Centaur here battleline is in imminent danger, collapse perhaps in instantaneous. 半人马这边的阵线已经岌岌可危,崩溃或许就在瞬间。 After all the hill giant depends upon the build advantage, attacks extremely fearfully, behind also has the continuous Tasmanian wolf to follow. 毕竟丘陵巨人依靠体型优势,冲击起来太过可怕,后面还有源源不断的袋狼跟上。 The crossbow car(riage) that the centaur is proud, threw off three, these centaur Shaman and controlled thunder master also to join the fight, but still could not block the hill giant arbitrarily fierce and brutal, crazy fierce impact that in addition fierce did not fear. 就连半人马引以为傲的弩车,都被掀翻了三辆,那些半人马萨满和控雷师也都加入了战斗,可是依然挡不住丘陵巨人蛮横凶暴,外加悍不畏死的狂猛冲击。 But at this time, Brander Harden's guard took a bugle, wū wū sounded. 但就在这个时候,布兰德哈登身边的护卫却拿出来了一支号角,呜呜呜的吹响了起来。 Moreover, side Brander Harden more than ten own health/guard are also the steps go forward, then bends the bow the nocking! Projected the rockets toward various battlefield places. 不仅如此,布兰德哈登身边的十几个亲卫也是踏步上前,然后弯弓搭箭!朝着战场各处射出了一支一支的火箭。 Immediately can see, these rocket mistake, will have left behind the thing ignition in battlefield, the entire battlefield soars to the heavens on the raging fire in a short time, shines well-illuminated the surroundings. 顿时就可以见到,这些火箭过处,纷纷将早就遗留在战场上的东西点燃,整个战场在短时间内就烈火冲天,将周围照耀得一片通明。 After the fire gets up, the battlefield northwest corner penetrated new force in a battlefield, this should be Brander Harden has installed underground a good ambusher, such strength for new life attacks from both sides from the rear area, makes the hill giant have the feeling that the head and tail is difficult to give a thought to all of a sudden. 火起之后,战场的西北角又突入了一支战场上的生力军,这应该是布兰德哈登早就埋设好的一支伏兵,这样的新生力量从后方夹攻,一下子就让丘陵巨人有着首尾难顾的感觉。 Only if they can look on that the rear wounded person suffers to slaughter, otherwise removes the manpower to return to base from the first line is inevitable. 除非它们能坐视后方的伤员惨遭屠戮,否则从第一线上撤下人手回防是必然的。 At this time, the rear area of that new force also entrained more than ten large carts unexpectedly, large cart above is standing, impressively was the dense and numerous blood mouth vulture, side Linyan their old acquaintances, that blood mouth vulture leader impressively also above. 就在这时候,那一支生力军的后方居然还拽着十几辆大车,大车上面站着的,赫然是密密麻麻的血嘴秃鹫,方林岩他们的老熟人,那只血嘴秃鹫首领赫然也在上面。 Overwhelming majority birds have the night blindness, therefore they do not move in the evening, the blood mouth vulture is also this. 绝大部分的鸟类都有夜盲症,所以它们都不在晚上活动,血嘴秃鹫也是这样。 But in this time battlefield is the flame soars to the heavens everywhere, and enemy( hill giant) the characteristics can be said as quite obvious, therefore, under the blood mouth vulture leader, they also joined the regiment quickly. 可是此时的战场上到处都是火光冲天,并且敌人(丘陵巨人)的特征可以说是相当明显,因此,在血嘴秃鹫首领下,它们也很快的加入了战团。 The centaur from the short-range, the long-distance surface-to-surface attacking mode successfully evolved immediately, switches over the powerful attack pattern of army in addition Air force! 半人马这边立即就从近程,远程的地对地攻击模式成功进化,切换成了陆军加空军的强悍进攻模式! Therefore the situation started to transfer immediately rapidly! 于是局势立即就开始迅速调转了过来! side Linyan hit a sound to refer to at this time, attracted the people attention: 方林岩这时候打了个响指,将众人注意力吸引了过来: Now the result in battlefield should quick to divide, these blood mouth vultures have the night blindness, will not fly does not have the place that the flame shines, the hill giant not dead to fight does not draw back, at that time the main force of centaur will also launch the pursuit, in the battlefield will not leave behind too many people.” “现在战场上的胜负应该很快就要分出来了,那些血嘴秃鹫有夜盲症,不会飞到没有火光照耀的地方,丘陵巨人不会死战不退的,那时候半人马的主力也会发起追击,战场上不会留下太多人。” Therefore, I estimated we have greatly the opportunity fishes one from the body of hill giant! At this time stuck together the goal to be instead big, the centaur sentry who was kept easily discovered, the conduct goal instead will be separately smaller.” “所以,我估计咱们有大把的机会从丘陵巨人的尸体上捞一笔!这时候抱团反而目标大,更容易被留下来的半人马哨兵发现,分头行事目标反而会小很多。” My suggestion should not be corrupt, after going well, walks, then everyone is willing to return to the camp to go back directly, words that does not want, then before goes , the assembly point that sets, do words as the matter stands have the issue?” “我的建议就是不要贪,得手以后就走,然后大家愿意直接回营地就回去,不愿意的话,那么就去之前定下的集合点,这样一来的话还有问题吗?” After others saw this, thought that side Linyan said is reasonable, therefore the nod complies, hearts flew the battlefield to come up. 其余的人见到了这一幕之后,也都觉得方林岩说得很有道理,于是纷纷点头答应,一个个的心都飞到了战场上去了。 side Linyan deeply inspires saying: 方林岩深吸了一口气道: Then ....... GO! Wish the good luck!” “那么.......GO!祝好运!” *** *** Five after minutes, a being brave in battle hill giant covered the eye, exuded the sad and shrill miserable howling sound, 五分钟以后,一头英勇善战的丘陵巨人捂住了眼睛,发出了凄厉的惨嚎声, But the next second, a lightning divided in its head, this struck makes this hill giant whole body burned black directly, fell to the ground loudly! 但下一秒,一道闪电劈在了它的头上,这一击直接让这头丘陵巨人浑身焦黑,轰然倒地! The death of this hill giant becomes the turning point in battlefield, by after it a hill giant gawked, covered the head to expel to besiege own blood claw vulture, then wailed loudly is running away rapidly. 这名丘陵巨人的死成为了战场上的转折点,它旁边的一名丘陵巨人愣了愣之后,捂住了脑袋赶走围攻自己的血爪秃鹫,然后大声哀嚎着迅速逃走。 Other hill giants also collapse, flee, even the companions were also stamped in own front Tasmanian wolf, war brutal took in everything at a glance at this time. 其余的丘陵巨人也是随之崩溃,逃离,甚至连挡在自己前方的袋狼也被纷纷踩死,战争的残酷在这时候一览无遗。 However at this time Sars's performance is surprising, side forest Iwamoto thinks that it will run is quicker than anyone, at this time actually stood on own initiative, as if in the middle of a tide reef such stands erect same place! It seems like planned unexpectedly on own initiative brings up the rear for the consanguineous person! 但是此时基沙斯的表现却令人惊讶,方林岩本来以为它会跑得比谁都快,这时候却主动站了出来,仿佛潮水当中的一块礁石那样矗立原地!看起来居然主动打算为同族人断后! Facing these enemies who the tide wells up generally, Sars sent out low and deep roaring! 面对潮水一般涌来的那些敌人,基沙斯发出了一声低沉的咆哮! In the jet black dim light of night, on that long and narrow stone system necklace that on his neck just took sent out the light white light, his eyes start become with the light bulb generally pure white, without a trace that the pupil also vanishes. 在漆黑的夜色当中,他脖子上刚刚拿到手的那条石制项链上发出了淡淡的白光,他的双眼开始变得跟灯泡一般纯白,就连瞳孔也消失的无影无踪。 The skin tightens directly, even there is a sign of to split open, has the purple electric light to come rapidly, lingers in Sars's surroundings! 皮肤直接绷紧,甚至有开裂的迹象,更是有紫色的电光迅速现身,萦绕在基沙斯的周围! Centaur Shaman projected a lightning arrow to him directly, but this round of lightning after Sars's chest blasts out, myriad electricity snakes walk randomly in its skin surface, actually cannot injure to his fine hair, was attracted by that purple electric light completely. 一名半人马萨满直接对他射出了一道闪电箭,但这一发闪电在基沙斯的胸口炸开以后,万千电蛇都在其皮肤表面游走,却不能伤害到他的一根汗毛,全部都被那紫色电光吸引了开去。 Witnesses this, Brander Harden complexion was dignified immediately, mouth inside starts to mutter is reciting anything. 目睹这一幕,布兰德哈登脸色顿时凝重了起来,嘴巴里面开始喃喃吟唱着什么。 The Sars single arm lifts up high as if must lag behind sky, his right hand as if claw opens generally, neighbor blew the strange wind sound/rumor. 紧接着,基沙斯单臂高举仿佛要拉下天空似的,他的右手仿佛爪子一般张开,就连附近都刮起了诡异的风声。 In a flash, a purple quiet dense sphere then stood in Sars's palm, can feel smuggling a constriction extremely strong destruction aura! 一瞬间,一颗紫幽氤氲的圆球便立在了基沙斯的掌中,可以感到其中夹带着一种压迫感极强的毁灭气息! Then it angrily roars, directly having the energy ball of purple lightning throws to the front. 接着它怒吼一声,直接就把带有紫色闪电的能量球扔向前方。 This hairlace the electricity ball of fearful energy under Sars's full power throws, the accurate aim is much more crooked, crooked falling to the pursuit centaur vanguard front several meters places. 这一发带着可怕能量的电球在基沙斯的全力投掷下,准头却歪得出奇,歪歪斜斜的落到了追击的半人马前锋前方数米处。 This seems like the might astonishingly strikes has a strong beginning but a weak ending unexpectedly, really somewhat makes one want to sigh with regret. 这貌似威力惊人的一击居然就这么虎头蛇尾,真的有些让人想要扼腕叹息。 But, that energy ball explodes unexpectedly in the flash of landing, the lasing has the innumerable electric lights, the enemy within more than ten meters the surrounding area is reduced to ashes instantaneously! 可是,那颗能量球竟在落地的一瞬间爆裂开来,激射出无数电光,瞬间就将方圆十几米内的敌人化为灰烬! But this is only a start, rather than finished, when a lot of dust and ill-smelling burnt odor aura start to proliferate, that strange spheroid unexpectedly again the ejection from the gunsmoke, and continues to bounce to go toward the soldier of centaur , and path that bounces absolutely does not have the rule! 但这只是个开始,而不是结束,在大量尘埃和难闻的焦臭气息开始扩散的时候,那颗诡异球体竟从硝烟中再次弹射而出,并继续朝着半人马的战士当中弹跳而去,并且弹跳的轨迹完全是没有规律的! The purple jump electricity ball explodes in the pursuing troops of centaur one after another, probably is the formation extremely crowded reason, at least more than hundred centaurs were exploded at the scene turn, and does not have the wounded person, dead who was changed to the ashes! 紫色的跳跃电球相继在半人马的追兵中爆裂,大概是阵型太过密集的缘故,至少有百余名半人马被当场炸翻,并且没有伤员,只有被化作灰烬的死者! Finally, Brander Harden projected a round of scarlet red lightning, hit this round of purple electricity ball, finally annihilation! 最后,还是布兰德哈登射出了一发赤红色的闪电,命中了这一发紫色电球,终于将之湮灭! But Sars the strikes also makes the pursuing troops morale of centaur frustrate greatly, even if not unscrupulous in chasing down, this can say that made the following battle loss of hill giant at least reduce more than 50%. 但基沙斯的这一击也令半人马的追兵士气大挫,哪怕是在追杀的时候也没有那么肆无忌惮了,这可以说让丘陵巨人的接下来的战损至少降低了一半以上。 Because in battlefield over half of injuring, often after the rout was chased down the time to happen. 因为战场上超过一半的伤损,往往都是在溃败后的被追杀时刻发生的。 However, after centaur tide general breaking to the temporary camp of hill giant, its main force seeks to detain the place of criminal on the flustered start, then after rescuing a group of captives, immediately exuded one to cheer! 不过,当半人马潮水一般的冲入到了丘陵巨人的临时营地当中之后,其主力就急吼吼的开始寻找关押犯人的地方,接着营救出了大群俘虏之后,顿时发出了一声欢呼! This cheers they hear clear side forest the rock of distant place. 这欢呼声连远处的方林岩他们都听得一清二楚。 Sees this, although side Linyan three people on pursuing Sars's road, then understands why that centaur chief will wage a war to run to come here reason: 见到这一幕,方林岩三人虽然已经在追击基沙斯的路上,便明白了那位半人马酋长为什么会大动干戈跑来这里的原因: The sentiment was they have any important person to be held, this called the manpower, spared nothing the deep in the night long-range raid. 感情是它们有什么重要的人被抓住了,这才召集人手,不惜代价夤夜奔袭。 Otherwise, kills the enemy 1000, damages 800, this war hits, although the centaur makes the entire hill giant casualties serious, but they are also the loss are also heavy. 否则的话,杀敌一千,自损八百,这一战打下来,半人马虽然让整个丘陵巨人伤亡惨重,但他们同样也是损失不轻。 *** *** After the success rescued the captive, Brander Harden has not given up, but led the subordinate to chase down directly, 成功救援出了俘虏之后,布兰德哈登也并没有罢手,而是直接带领部下进行追杀, Although he very clear present chasing down already good effect, but can kill one is, can kill one after another, among the entire ethnic groups being in inverse proportion of strength, is actually bit by bit accumulates. 他很清楚现在的追杀虽然已经起不了太好的效果了,但是能杀一个是一个,能杀一双一双,整个族群之间力量的此消彼长,其实都是是一点一点的累计起来的。 Only if can have the miracle, otherwise, the war between races, is the sawtooth staggered seesaw battle, decides the victory and defeat the time to elongate to ten years, hundred years are not unusual. 除非是能发生奇迹,否则的话,种族之间的战争,都是锯齿交错的拉锯战,决出胜负的时间拉长到十年,百年都不稀奇。 At this time got rid of a hill giant, perhaps then in the battlefield, can little lose five soldiers in the future. 这时候多干掉一头丘陵巨人,那么日后在战场上,说不定就能少损失五名战士。 Moreover, Brander Harden's goal, is the female lifeform that these were coerced to run away, even if the female centaur of clan. 不仅如此,布兰德哈登的目标,更是那些被裹挟逃走的雌性生物,哪怕是本族的雌性半人马。 If the rescue hopes very slightly, then must kill, because of the temporary tenderness, will unable to do well this female lifeform to deliver the multi-thread hill giant, will become the future serious hidden trouble. 如果救援希望很小,那么就一定要杀死,因为一时的心软,搞不好这头雌性生物就会产出多头丘陵巨人,成为日后的心腹大患。 Obviously, the hill giant soon also detected that Brander Harden's intention, was therefore running away disperses immediately runs away. 很显然,丘陵巨人很快也察觉到了布兰德哈登的意图,于是在逃走当中立即就分散逃走。 The individual strength of hill giant by far in centaur, a hill giant at least also needs to branch out 56 centaur soldiers to be able it striking to kill, is less than the words of this quantity, has in turn got rid of danger. 丘陵巨人的个体实力远胜于半人马,一头丘陵巨人至少也需要分出五六头半人马战士才能将之击杀,少于这个数量的话,就有被反过来干掉的危险。 If the centaur obtains the military in the pursuit too loose, then 35 hill giant greeting, stone hammer Sars such prestigious fellow, definitely has hundred responses to a single call particularly, both sides gather, can easily easily accomplished conducts instead kills the pursuing troops, even overturns at one fell swoop! 若是半人马在追击的时候将兵力分得太散的话,那么三五个丘陵巨人一招呼,尤其是石锤基萨斯这样有威望的家伙,肯定是一呼百应,双方重新聚集在一起,很容易就能摧枯拉朽的进行反杀追兵,甚至一举翻盘! However, in this night pursuit warfare, 35 hill giants gathers to rally together easily from chaotic escaping, once the pursuing troops of centaur dispersed, to gather dozens soldiers who can counter-attack the opposite party in a short time, and must to dress ranks the form of array to be difficult facing impact of enemy. 但是,在这黑夜的追击战当中,三五个丘陵巨人从混乱逃跑当中聚集到一起重振旗鼓容易,半人马的追兵一旦分散了的话,要想在短时间内聚集出能反击对方的几十名战士,并且还要以整队列阵的形式面对敌人的冲击那就难了。 Therefore the hill giant can disperse unscrupulously, but the centaur actually cannot pursue in a state of disunity. 所以丘陵巨人可以散得肆无忌惮,但是半人马却不能追得一盘散沙。 both sides look have also had the multiple social dealings, therefore this chases down is also the point, Brander Harden strict order dividing forces scale hand/subordinate at least needs to be based on 30 soldiers, chases down the time unable over one hour, the time arrives then must return firmly. 双方看起来也是打过多次交道的,所以这追杀也就是点到为止,布兰德哈登严令手下的分兵规模至少要以三十名战士为基础,追杀时间不能超过一个小时,时间一到便要坚决回返。
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