FE :: Volume #9

#33: Decisive battle

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Sars erupted suddenly, aimed female Ge grand who came the provocation walloped, female Ge grand just held up the both arms, was arrived by Sars suddenly front, seized the neck, then aimed side to fall layer on layer/heavily. 紧接着,基沙斯就骤然爆发,对准了过来挑衅的雌性戈隆猛冲了上来,雌性戈隆刚刚举起双臂,就被基沙斯突到了面前,一把掐住了脖子,然后对准了旁边重重的摔了下去。 Bang a loud sound, the female dagger-axe swells that huge, if the meat mountain general body loses immediately balanced falls to the ground loudly, after witnessing this, other hill giants were more frantic. 轰隆的一声巨响,雌性戈隆那庞大若肉山一般的身躯顿时失去平衡轰然倒地,目睹了这一幕之后,其余的丘陵巨人更加狂热了。 However after female Ge grand was struck down, is to become wild with rage, that violent force falls seems like does not have to its any influence, immediately stands, pounced on again Sars. 不过雌性戈隆被击倒以后也是变得狂怒,那猛力一摔看起来对它任何影响都没有,立即就重新站起来,再次猛扑向了基沙斯。 both sides turned to fight again in one, is completely is the collision between muscles, the war between strengths. 双方再次扭斗在了一起,完全是属于肌肉之间的碰撞,力量之间的战争。 At this time other hill giants make way in abundance, during the waiting corner/horn fought the two close to the bonfire, side Linyan saw its true colors. 此时其余的丘陵巨人纷纷让开,等待角斗当中的二者靠近篝火,方林岩才见到了它的真面目。 This corpulent, appearance ugly to the meat mountain beyond description, is the tyrant in Vardon mouth, stone hammer Sars. 这尊肥头大耳,面相丑陋到难以形容的肉山,便是瓦登口中的暴君,“石锤基沙斯”了。 Unlike other giant, Sars besides bigger sturdy, but also steadily two heads. 跟别的巨人不同,基沙斯除了更加高大壮实之外,还长着两颗脑袋。 Leaves leeway the long hair, the corners of the mouth do not have the fang, closes one's eyes momentarily, the facial features are somewhat fuzzy, look to the feeling that the person has not grown into, his skin is also especially smooth delicate. 一颗留有长发,嘴角没有獠牙,随时都闭着眼睛,五官有些模糊,看起来给人还没有长成的感觉,其皮肤也是格外光滑细嫩。 But another one-eyed alone corner/horn, is baldly raised, on the face has the scar and tattoo. 而另一颗则独眼独角,凸着光头,脸上有着疤痕和刺青。 His whole body presents one strange black ink blue color, stands in the crowd compared with the iron grey ordinary giant, the difference in appearance characteristics is obvious. 他的全身呈现出一种诡异的墨蓝色,站在人堆里跟灰白色的普通巨人相比,体貌特征上的差异是显而易见的。 After the female Ge grand tangled warfare, Sars was suppressed in the strength some little time gradually, 在与雌性戈隆混战了好一会儿之后,基沙斯在力量上被渐渐压制了, However at this time, the eye of its long hair head opened suddenly, mouth inside muttered is pondering the incantation , the yellow ray dropped from the clouds together, falls on the female Ge grand body. 但是在这时候,它的那颗长发脑袋的眼睛突然睁开,嘴巴里面喃喃吟哦着咒语,紧接着,一道黄色光芒就从天而降,落在了雌性戈隆的身体上。 After finished, the eye of this head closes again. 施法结束以后,这颗脑袋的眼睛再次闭上。 This female Ge grand roared immediately startled, her obvious feeling oneself became weak, Sars's strength compare it slightly to inferior, but now actually direct production absolute suppression. 这雌性戈隆立即惊慌的咆哮了起来,她明显的感觉到自己变得虚弱了,基沙斯的力量本来比之稍为逊色,但现在却直接形成了绝对压制。 This is the Sars's powerful place, his second was a short time ago new student/life, is used in specially, therefore released a weak technique to handle the opponent directly. 这就是基沙斯的强大之处,他的第二个头是前不久才新生出来的,就是专用于施法,于是直接释放出了一记虚弱术搞定了对手。 Was thrown down by Sars continuously after the ground, this female Ge grand accepted fate finally, exuded the wailing sound, thrashed the ground to make him stop with the double fist, finally also broke off the canine that on a lip protruded, threw to Sars to submit. 连续被基沙斯摔倒在地上之后,这头雌性戈隆终于认命,发出了哀嚎声,用双拳捶打地面让他住手,最后还折断了一根下嘴唇上凸出的尖牙,抛给了基沙斯以示臣服。 Saw that Sars successfully handled female Ge grand, other male hill giants also roared again excitedly, therefore the entire party entered another intensely **. 见到基沙斯成功搞定了一头雌性戈隆,其余的雄性丘陵巨人也再次兴奋的咆哮了起来,于是整个晚会就进入到了另外一个激烈的**当中。 The goat that the distant place waits and sees cannot bear say: 远处观望的山羊忍不住道: Such selecting a friend for marriage way, really made one broaden the outlook!” “这样的择偶方式,真是令人大开眼界啊!” A Cyclops of slow movement arrived on nearby giant battle drum, then took up a miserable white giant bone to make an effort to rap the drum surface. 一名动作迟缓的独眼巨人走到了旁边的巨型战鼓上,然后拿起了一根惨白色的巨大骨头用力敲击着鼓面。 Thump thump thump thump the shock sound reverberated among the entire camp immediately. “咚咚咚咚”的震撼声音立即在整个营地当中回荡了起来。 That sound penetrating power is extremely strong, even lies to bend down in the distant place, feels chest cavity inside internal organs with side Linyan of telescope observation and the others at the resonance. 那声音穿透力极强,甚至趴伏在远处,用望远镜观察的方林岩等人都觉得胸腔里面的脏腑都在共鸣。 The physical quality of nearby rescue crew member was inferior to him obviously, before more/complete ear, has suffered the injury, therefore the pain snort/hum, then covered the right ear, referred to the seam having the blood to flow. 旁边的救援队成员的身体素质显然就不如他了,弥尔的耳朵之前就遭受过伤害,所以痛哼了一声,然后捂住了右耳,指缝里面已经有鲜血流淌了出来。 Is good has not continued is too long because of the knocking, 好在敲击声并没有持续太久, The hill giant on the scene caught several centaurs from nearby wooden shed, very optional twisting in hand. 紧接着,在场的丘陵巨人就从旁边的木棚内抓来了好几只半人马,很随意的就将之拧在了手中。 These are used to detain the wooden shed of criminal seemingly to have uprightly, was erected on dozens meters high mountain massif, passed the past path is also precipitous, if inside prisoner escaped rashly, then brought them of heavy shackles to be very easy to break the neck. 那些用于关押犯人的木棚看起来方正有型,被架设在几十米高的山体上,通过去的道路也是险峻非常,里面的囚犯若是贸然逃跑的话,那么带着沉重枷锁的它们很容易摔断脖子。 Grabbed the centaur the hill giant to arrive by battalion's central bonfire, started to close the eye silently is reading aloud anything, looked solemn, the surroundings also all of a sudden became peaceful, should be similar to is exchanging cleverly with the ancestor of dying and so on. 抓着半人马的丘陵巨人来到了营地中央的篝火旁边,开始闭上眼睛默默的念诵着什么,神情肃穆,周围也一下子变得安静了下来,应该是类似于在和死掉的祖先交流通灵之类的。 That several centaurs by panic-stricken entraining in great manpower, what kind of sad and shrill scream regardless of they send out, inescapable forthcoming fearful destiny. 那几头半人马被惊恐的拽在巨人手里,无论它们发出怎样的凄厉尖叫,都无法逃脱即将到来的可怕命运。 After reading aloud, conducted the hill giant of sacrificial offering unemotionally will be shivering the centaur has lifted up high the top of the head, resembled the cleaning rag to twist, the squeal stopped suddenly, the scarlet blood drenched their heads, dyed bright red the alone corner/horn on giant top of the head, seemed like especially brutal. 当念诵完毕之后,进行祭祀的丘陵巨人面无表情的将颤抖着的半人马高举过头顶,似抹布般一拧,尖叫声戛然而止,猩红的血液就淋到了它们的头上,直将巨人头顶上的独角染成了一片鲜红,看起来格外的残酷。 However in the primitive community, is will definitely not have the behavior of any waste food like this, after alone corner/horn by incarnadine, the following blood was dropped in front cauldron directly, then the corpse was discarded conveniently, naturally some people take away to bake. 不过在这样的原始群落里面,是绝对不会有任何浪费食物的行为的,当独角被染红以后,接下来的鲜血就直接被滴进了面前的大锅里面,然后尸体被随手抛掉,自然有人拿去烧烤。 Following double headed hill giant arrived at side of stone cauldron, then spread out the hand, sprinkled several toward in...... the butterfly? Then starts to stir. 接下来一只双头丘陵巨人则是走到了石头大锅的旁边,然后摊开了手,往里面洒下了好几只......蝴蝶?然后开始搅拌。 What thing is that?” The goat looked could not bear say. „The powder on some butterfly wings are virulent, they did not fear that was killed by poison?” “那是什么东西?”山羊看了忍不住道。“有的蝴蝶翅膀上的粉末有毒啊,它们不怕被毒死吗?” By the goat is big Q, he said immediately: 山羊旁边就是大Q,他立即道: Oh, that is not the toxicant, that is to the madrona grass of female dagger-axe prosperous growth and development very good effect.” “噢,那可不是什么毒药,那是对雌性戈隆生长发育很好效果的石南草。” Aha?” Goat surprised say/way: „Isn't madrona grass the grass? Unexpectedly is this.” “啊哈?”山羊惊奇的道:“石南草不是草吗?居然是这样的。” Big Q shrugs saying: 大Q耸耸肩道: Food of being unworthy of the name were too many, Brothers, I had eaten an Eastern food, is called the sheep scorpion.” “名不副实的食物太多了,兄弟,我曾经吃过一种东方食物,叫做羊蝎子。” „After at that time heard this name, I scared, even wish stands to turn around to leave, I do not have to the insect least bit interest, but that vegetable/dish flavor is in fact good, inside does not have the scorpion, but uses the spine of specially-made cooking liquor stew sheep.” “当时听到这名字以后我吓坏了,甚至想要站起来转身就离开,我对昆虫半点兴趣都没有,但实际上那道菜味道还挺好的,里面并没有蝎子,而是用特制的汤汁炖煮羊的脊骨。”” At this time, the vulture started to say in the team channel: 这时候,秃鹫开始在团队频道里面道: Among this temporary camp, the double headed hill giant has four, Cyclops has five, completely at least is the lifeform of elite rank, even the powerful lifeform of three leader ranks.” “这个临时营地当中,双头丘陵巨人有四名,独眼巨人有五名,全部都至少是精英级别的生物,甚至还有三头首领级别的强大生物。” side Linyan held breath cold air: 方林岩倒吸了一口凉气: Three heads?” “三头?” The vulture said: 秃鹫道: Yes, that build was smallest, is cut off female Ge grand of arm is the leader lifeform.” “是的,那头体型最小,断掉了一只胳膊的雌性戈隆就是首领生物。” side Linyan surprised say/way: 方林岩吃惊的道: Ha! I also thought that is a fruit cake, other two heads?” “哈!我还觉得那是个软柿子,另外的两头呢?” The vulture said: 秃鹫道: Is the double headed giant, is very good to identify, on a shoulder has the skeleton accessory, is shouldering one wooden shield that has the red texture.” “都是双头巨人,很好辨认,一个肩膀上有着骷髅饰品,一个背负着一面有着红色纹理的木盾。” After side Linyan listened, gazed at a while carefully, then nods. 方林岩听了以后仔细的注视了一会儿,然后点点头。 The goat said: 山羊道: Our goals? Is what rank?” “我们的目标呢?是什么级别的?” The vulture said: 秃鹫道: Crandall Sars? It should be in the middle of hill food person demon new generation, elite rank, but release magic that head also not mature, is equivalent to the human the babyhood, therefore has been closing one's eyes to sleep, the magic arts that can release are also few.” “石锤基沙斯吗?它应该是丘陵食人魔当中的新生代,精英级别,不过释放魔法那个脑袋还没成熟,相当于人类的婴儿期,所以一直都在闭着眼睛睡觉,能释放的法术也是寥寥几个。” *** *** In chat, that giant stone pot inside thing on bonfire has boiled, side starts some people to bring many household utensils to start minute/share of hold, 就在聊天的时候,篝火上的那个巨型石锅里面的东西已经煮好了,旁边开始有人拿来许多器皿开始分盛, Loads the thick soup these household utensils is stone made/system, the size is uneven, different model, possibly has not undergone the polish the reason, the household utensils present a rough primitive feeling. 装载浓汤的这些器皿乃是石制的,大小不均,造型各异,可能是未经过打磨的缘故,器皿呈现出一种粗糙的原始感。 Thick soup very viscous, the cooking liquor presents the green oil colors, on the viscous juice is also floating many hashed meat with the skull of half reveal, the words that but looks, will make people very turnoff seriously. 浓汤很是粘稠,汤汁呈现出绿油色,粘稠的浆汁上还漂浮着许多碎肉跟半露的颅骨,只是看的话,当真会令人十分的倒胃口。 But these cooking liquors actually do not drink to them, but was majority end gave female Ge grand, was brought the female lifeform of detaining, the effect that should be inside joined the madrona grass that has in a big way makes up. 但那些汤汁却不是给他们自个儿喝的,而是大部分都端给了雌性戈隆,还有一些被带来关押起来的雌性生物,应该是里面加入的石南草有大补的功效吧。 Then more than ten centaurs were pulled to massacre, then coordinates the beforehand centaur corpse to bake, some hungry the hill giant even tears up a leg directly conveniently, such dripping with blood ate greatly. 接着又有十几头半人马被牵出来杀掉,然后配合之前的半人马尸体进行烧烤,有的饿了的丘陵巨人甚至直接就随手撕掉一条腿,就这么鲜血淋漓的大吃了起来。 The bone and cover that finally even chew were invested in the fire of high-piled firewood, treated as the fuel to use. 最后甚至连嚼碎的骨头和外皮都被投入到了火堆中,当做了柴火来使用。 During the ceremony process, a hill giant of leader rank called Sars, touched that corner/horn on his top of the head, then gave its stone necklace, Sars seems like also the somewhat exciting appearance. 在仪式进行的过程当中,一只首领级别的丘陵巨人将基沙斯叫了过来,摸了摸他头顶上的那一支角,然后递给了它一条石头项链,基沙斯看起来还很是有些激动的样子。 After this ceremony completes, then saw most hill giants and surplus that four female dagger-axe Longdu Station left, including that three leader lifeform. 等到这场仪式完成以后,便见到大部分丘陵巨人和剩余下来的那四头雌性戈隆都站起来离开了,包括那三头首领生物。 Looks at their departures, some people doubts that one comes to reconnoiter dry/does, do not know that they temporarily leave, flashes the person no longer to return directly. 看着它们的离开,一干前来侦察的人都有些疑惑,不知道它们是暂时离开,还是直接闪人不再归来。 At this time more/complete thou provided a crucial information: 这时候弥尔提供了一个关键性的情报: Hey, the spanner, I think that this fellows should not come back.” “嘿,扳手,我想这帮家伙应该是不会回来了。” side Linyan at present a bright say/way: 方林岩眼前一亮道: „? How to say?” “哦?怎么说?” more/complete Erdao: 弥尔道: „Before I come, has checked the material, the area of red cloud platform place has almost more than 200 square kilometers, but the hill giant who in the entire Aogerui Ma lives surpasses 100 heads.” “我来之前就查过资料,红云台地的面积差不多都有两百多平方公里,而整个奥格瑞玛里面生活的丘陵巨人超过一百头。” Remains behind Aogerui Ma also on ten backgrounds about, surplus at least also 90 arrived raped red, but among this temporary camp, before altogether also on 37 hill giants, other where went to? Is definitely raping other positions also to have the camp red.” “留守奥格瑞玛的也就十来头左右,剩余下来的至少也有九十头来到了红云台地,而这个临时营地当中,之前一共也就三十七头丘陵巨人而已,其余的去了哪里?肯定在红云台地其余的位置还有营地。” Say/Way of big Q doubts: 大Q疑惑的道: Goal? What are their goals? Like this tours?” “目的呢?他们的目的是什么?这样巡回演出吗?” The mentality of goat is quite always elegant, thinks, immediately said: 山羊的思路一向比较清奇,想了想以后立即道: How do I feel like am procuring?” “我怎么觉得像是在拉皮条?” side Linyan said: 方林岩道: How did this say?” “这怎么说?” The goat said: 山羊道: That four female Ge grand is the ideal spouse of hill giant, I guess that the thoughts of hill giant inside leader, should want to make these four female Ge Longdou be conquered by the warrior of own clan and tribe, remain to reproduce the descendant for the hill giant.” “那四头雌性戈隆乃是丘陵巨人的理想配偶,我猜丘陵巨人里面的首领的心思,应该是想让这四头雌性戈隆都被自己部族的勇士征服,留下来为丘陵巨人繁殖后代。” You looked that Sars this fellow successfully didn't leave behind female Ge grand? Therefore was recognized by big shot.” “你们看基沙斯这家伙不就成功留下了一头雌性戈隆吗?所以得到了大佬的赏识。” side Linyan thinks, thought goat fellow also really said somewhat the truth, big Q said: 方林岩想了想,觉得山羊这家伙说得还真的有几分道理,大Q却道: If female Ge grand is so good, why the hill giant inside leader of didn't wrest away it?” “如果雌性戈隆这么好的话,为什么丘陵巨人里面的首领不将其霸占了?” Kleinkahl said: 小卡尔道: This I know, the fertility of hill giant is powerful, is a bit like to the lion, every day can the copulation surpass over 80 times. However, you know that the thing uses too quickly the too frequent words, the probability of then shattering will increase.” “这个我知道,丘陵巨人的生育能力非常强大,有点类似于雄狮,每天可以交配超过八十次以上。不过,你们知道的,东西使用得太快太频繁的话,那么坏掉的几率就会大增。” These leaders, the elite strength is very powerful, after the nature will be mature will not lack basically reproduces the object, therefore, I estimated that they will unable to have a liking for female Ge grand, but will have more desire than energy......” “这些首领,精英实力都很强大,在性成熟以后基本不会缺少繁殖对象,所以,我估计它们不是看不上雌性戈隆,而是心有余而力不足......” side Linyan was pondering their words, feels really also a little truth! 方林岩思考着他们的话,觉得真的还有点道理呢! The observed hill giant personality, usually is quite cruel at present fierce, if these powerful elites or the leaders are able, how to give Sars such good resources? 就目前观察到的丘陵巨人性格而言,通常都相当残暴凶恶,如果那些强大的精英或者首领还有能力的话,怎么会将这样好的资源让给基沙斯? Then was the long waiting, at this time side Linyan or more/complete thou, think that will have the important matter to happen, moreover is the centaur will do the matter on own initiative, after all looked their stealthy ambushes in that place know surely did not have the good deed. 接下来就是漫长的等待了,此时无论是方林岩还是弥尔,都一致认为将会有大事发生,而且是半人马会主动搞事,毕竟一看它们鬼鬼祟祟的潜伏在那地方就知道肯定没好事。 Almost waited for 45 hours, suddenly, monitors centaur that side person quickly to return to the report: 差不多足足等待了四五个小时,突然,监视半人马那边的人急忙回报道: Has the sound!” “有动静!” side Linyan Their group ambushed in the high place, immediately looked toward canyon there that the centaur secret hid, immediately saw presented a team from the canyon, wound, if fire dragon same aimed here barrel. 方林岩他们一行人本来就潜伏在了高处,立即就朝着半人马秘密躲藏的峡谷那里看了过去,顿时就见到了从峡谷当中出现一支队伍,蜿蜒若火龙一样的对准了这边快速行进了过来。 After a while can see, takes the lead to charge in front is one crowd is high and strong, grasps the centaur of great axe, their waists hung all over the skull of all forms, should be shows the strength one way. 过了一会儿就能看到,率先冲锋在前面的都是一群又高又壮,手持巨斧的半人马,它们的腰间都挂满了形形色色的颅骨,应该算是彰显实力的一种方式。 The detection of vulture showed, these fellows are the elites, is called centaur tyranny, the strength is astonishing! 秃鹫的侦查显示,这些家伙都是精英,被称作半人马暴虐者,力量惊人! Moreover, the rear centaur is the action is also neat, and is driving many crossbow car(riage)s, the place wolf that even they tame is also honest is running by the team. 不仅如此,后方的半人马也是行动整齐,并且拖动着不少弩车,甚至就连它们驯养的座狼也是老老实实的在队伍两侧奔跑着。 The centaur vanguard arrived at the temporary camp surrounding of hill giant time, the hill giant also felt not right, ahead of time sounded the bugle, immediately gushed out many stout and strong hill giants from inside one after another. 半人马先锋来到了丘陵巨人的临时营地外围的时候,丘陵巨人也感觉到了不对劲,提前吹响了号角,立即就从里面陆续涌出了好些肥壮的丘陵巨人。 However this fellows seemingly have the reason, has not charged rashly, but is standing in the camp entrance, then holds up the weapon in hand to shout out loudly, thrashes own chest, is taunting to the centaur. 不过这帮家伙貌似也是拥有理智的,并没有贸然冲锋,只是在营地门口站着,然后举起手中的武器大声呼喝,捶打自己的胸口,然后对着半人马不停的嘲讽着。 These centaur tyranny have not rushed goes, but peaceful standing there with it confrontation. 只是那些半人马暴虐者并没有冲上前去,只是安静的站在了那里与之对峙。 Quick, the large unit of centaur arrived in full, at this time can see, under this Kirghiz Clan and tribe really in Brander Harden leads to be very powerful, almost over a thousand centaur soldiers listed the quite neat formation. 很快的,半人马的大部队就到齐了,此时就能见到,这吉尔吉斯部族果然在布兰德哈登引领下十分强大,差不多上千头半人马战士列出了颇为整齐的队形。 Is responsible the centaur soldier who charges to slaughter is in the forefront, but the archer and lance with the rear crossbow car(riage) by one, were ready in full battle array. 负责冲锋厮杀的半人马战士位列在最前端,而弓箭手和矛手则跟后方的弩车靠在了一起,严阵以待。 Has centaur Shaman and priest who have the legal system ability much disperse in the back row, stands waits and sees the direction on built crossbow vehicle. 有不少拥有法系能力的半人马萨满和祭司则是分散在后排当中,站在被架起的弩车上观望指挥。 Facing the provocation and taunt of hill giant, these centaurs also displayed the unprecedented fighting spirit, the dust mud of horse's hoof unceasing bringing back ground they rode, resembled top chord due-out arrow Yaichi to be eager to try. 面对丘陵巨人的挑衅和嘲讽,这些半人马也表现出了前所未有的斗志,它们骑下的马蹄不断的勾起地上的尘泥,似上弦待发的箭矢一般跃跃欲试。 Even can also see, the person who many centaur vanguard fighters keep stands, the lead leg takeoffed, aims at the front enemy to send out the low roar of provocation, simultaneously was raps the shield to demonstrate. 甚至还可以看到,不少的半人马先锋战士都不停的人立而起,前腿离地,对准了前方的敌人发出了挑衅的低吼,同时更是敲击盾牌进行示威。 However can look at this chief Brander Harden's binding force to the clansman to be powerful, in this case, can suppress subordinate soldier unable unexpectedly to act rashly. 不过看得出来这名酋长布兰德哈登对族人的约束力非常强大,在这种情况下,居然还能压制住麾下的战士不能妄动。 Finally, the male hill giant could not endure patiently directly to clash, was submerged in the human wave attack of centaur...... 结果,有一头雄性丘陵巨人忍耐不住直接冲了出来,然后就被淹没在了半人马的人海战术里面...... 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Quick, its head was cut away, was selected by a strong centaur on the lance point, walks randomly in the front provocation of battlefield. 很快的,它的脑袋就被切掉,然后被一头强壮的半人马挑在了矛尖上,在战场的前方挑衅游走。 Sees this, other hill giants fly into a rage, must rush outrageously, but at this time, Sars also appeared with that female Ge grand. 见到这一幕,其余的丘陵巨人勃然大怒,就要悍然冲上,但是这时候,基沙斯与那头雌性戈隆也出现了。 The Sars's successful suppression the same clan, after then arranged one, this gives up. 基沙斯成功的压制住了同族,然后安排了一番之后,这才罢休。 Follows Sars's one to angrily roar, the hill giant brings massive Tasmanian wolves of enslaving, resembles tide verve dashing about wildly to come generally, the footsteps of this fellows make the ground vibrate slightly. 伴随基沙斯的一声怒吼,丘陵巨人带着奴役的大量袋狼,似潮水一般刚猛的狂奔而来,这帮家伙的脚步让地面都为之微微震动。 These tyrannical giant monsters already forthcoming bloody and slaughter stimulate the strange roar again and again, is excited heavy tank that as if goes full speed ahead, goes toward the formation steamroll that front centaur exhibits. 这些强横的巨型怪物已经被即将到来的血腥和杀戮刺激得怪吼连连,兴奋得仿佛开足马力的重型坦克,朝着面前的半人马摆出的阵型碾压而去。 Wū wū wū wū ....... “呜呜呜呜.......” Facing the charge of giant, in the battle formation of centaur also spread bugle horn sound continuously, started ordered meeting head-on. 面对巨人的冲锋,半人马的阵势上也传出了此起彼伏的号角声,开始了有序的迎战。 First launches the attack is the crossbow car(riage), these primitive and crude war instruments played the astonishing role, specially-made Fujioka's intensive popping, effective sluggish the impact of hill giant. 首先发起攻击的就是弩车,这些原始而简陋的战争器械发挥出了惊人的作用,将一张张特制的藤网密集的弹出,有效的迟滞了丘陵巨人的冲击。 However tenacious Fujioka before elite Cyclops who to/clashes, insufficiently looked completely, ripped to damage conveniently directly. 但是坚韧的藤网在一名冲出来的精英独眼巨人面前,完全就不够看了,随手一撕就直接破损掉了。 The strange strength of this fellow is astonishing, in its front, almost does not have enemy of the gathering, the place visited, even if centaur tyranny such elite , was also easily hit to fly. 这家伙的怪力更是惊人,在它的面前,几乎就没有一合之敌,所过之处,哪怕是半人马暴虐者这样的精英,也是轻易被撞飞。 However at this time, the centaur of central part had pulled out a strange vehicle. 不过在这个时候,中央部分的半人马已是拉出了一台怪异的载具。 This vehicle highlights the eagle same modeling, the front is together the wooden eagle head, eagle by the lifelikeness that half sheep people artisan carves, even the eye was dyed the unique dull purple, although under the vehicle still actuated by the wood wheel, but the two sides have a dignified wing. 这台载具突显出雄鹰一样的造型,前方乃是一块木制的鹰头,鹰头被半羊人工匠雕刻的栩栩如生,甚至连眼睛都被染成了独特的暗紫色,载具下虽然仍是靠木轮驱动,但两边却有着一对庄严的翅膀。 Weapon that on this eagle crossbow car(riage) loads, is one seems like full of the lethality the spiral dart! 这辆雄鹰弩车上边装载的武器,乃是一具看起来就充满杀伤力的螺旋镖! The arrow string of each spiral dart car(riage) can draw by 78 centaurs with joint forces backward, three centaur adjustment fire angles, in several centaurs were shouting under the coordination with each other of slogan, the pair of wings of spiral dart car(riage) starts rear area to skid unexpectedly sidewise. 每台螺旋镖车的箭弦均由七八匹半人马合力才能向后拉动,三匹半人马调整射击角度,在好几头半人马喊着口号的相互配合下,螺旋镖车的双翼竟开始向侧后方滑动。 Quick, that pair of wings was stretched until the limit, then a centaur priest does not know when has stood rear area, held up the scepter in oneself hand! 很快的,那双翼就被绷直到了极限,然后一名半人马祭司不知道什么时候已经站到了后方,举起了自己手中的权杖! Wields gently! 轻轻挥下! Immediately, on side rune/symbol writing of this spiral dart car(riage), sparkled a ray, attached the demon mechanism/organization to be triggered directly, the thick arrow string recoiled, sent out stretching a resounding in the flash. 顿时,这台螺旋镖车的侧面符文上,就闪耀出来了一点光芒,附魔机关被直接触发,粗大的箭弦在一瞬间弹回,发出了“绷”的一声脆响。 At this time can see, that giant dart body under the ejection of mix arrow string, directly toward front lasing, 这时候就可以看到,那个巨大的镖体在混合箭弦的弹射下,直接朝着前方激射了出去, Moreover, while flying shooting also starts the super revolving! 不仅如此,在飞射出去的同时还开始高速旋转了起来! This spiral dart comprised of three pieces of giant and sharp knife points, each piece of blade edge presents a tall and pleasing to the eye half a month shape, above also had the powerful magic by the supplementary, 这一枚螺旋镖是由三片巨大且锐利的刀锋组成的,每一片刀锋都呈现出一种美轮美奂的半月形态,上面还被附带有强大的魔法, At this time after revolving got up, seems a fine cutter, in in the air delimited the death the ripples to fly directly to that elite Cyclops. 此时旋转了起来之后,更仿佛是一台精美的切割机,在空中直接划出死亡的涟漪飞向了那名精英独眼巨人。 The spiral target speed is not express, is regarding the charge the front that elite Cyclops, is belongs category that is unable to dodge. 螺旋标的速度并不算特别快,可是对于冲锋在前面的那头精英独眼巨人来说,已经是属于无法闪避的范畴了。 Naturally, it can also be said that this fellow was covered in the brain of muscle, has no meaning that wants to dodge, the response of this fellow only then one, that holds up the stone stick in hand, then ruthlessly pounds! 当然,也可以这样说,这家伙长满了肌肉的大脑里面,也根本没有任何想要闪避的意思,这家伙的应对方案只有一个,那就是举起手中的石棍,然后狠狠的砸回去!
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