FE :: Volume #9

#32: Sars comes

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A big Q this fellow such saying, others laughed, in original the hostility the team sweeps away. 大Q这家伙这么一说,其余的人都哄笑了起来,将团队里面本来的敌意都一扫而空。 Kleinkahl is also a black person, and also somewhat stuttered, after hearing the big Q words, immediately became flushed the face saying: 小卡尔也是个黑人,并且还有些口吃,听到了大Q的话以后立即涨红了脸道: No, no, no! Said, reckless!!” “没,没,没有!说说说说,胡!!” side Linyan at this time also light smiling, because he also needs to adjust tension-filled atmosphere at this time appropriately. 方林岩此时也淡淡的笑着,因为此时他也需要适当的调节一下过于紧张的气氛。 Stands the goal that the prestige does the matter do not catch up with the person to walk, but front must make these greedy fellow determinations follow oneself to fish the good money, then after order, can forcing up without hesitation. 立威搞事的目的并不是要赶人走,而是要让面前这些贪婪的家伙确定跟着自己可以捞大钱,接下来在一声令下之后,可以毫不犹豫的顶上去。 Therefore, until them enough, the vulture pulled out the dagger that cold light sparkled to truncate the nail noisily, with contemptuous language gas channel/angrily said: 因此,直到他们闹够了,秃鹫才掏出了那柄寒光闪闪的匕首削着指甲,用轻蔑的语气道: Why now haven't you thought through must stay here? Gets what one deserves you poorly for a lifetime!” “现在你们还没想通为什么要呆在这里吗?活该你们穷一辈子!” At this time, a scar of knife wound face Tille exciting say/way: 这时候,一个刀疤脸迪莱已经兴奋的道: I knew, corpse! That two headless body of giant! The centaur has no interest in this gadget, these wolves only eat the corpse of Tasmanian wolf, that means that under is suspending three gold ores, is open-air that.” “我知道了,尸体!那两具巨人的无头尸体!半人马对这玩意儿没兴趣,就连那些座狼都只去吃袋狼的尸体,那就意味着下面摆着三个金矿啊,还是露天的那种。” Thinks the after person of this point listened to the words of Tille, at present shines, but after never expected that the person of this point listened, starts to be ready to fight directly, side lay to return carefully to observe. 想到了这一点的人听了迪莱的话以后,眼前都发亮了起来,而没有想到这一点的人听了以后,直接就开始摩拳擦掌,重新趴回旁边仔细的观察了起来。 When the after exciting vigor of this group of people passed, side Linyan say/way slowly: 等到这帮人的兴奋劲过去了之后,方林岩才缓缓的道: Opportunity always passes instantaneously, this I have the time to explain the reason time slowly, but the next time may not have, therefore, this explanation is last time.” “机会总是瞬间即逝的,这一次我有时间来慢慢解释原因,但是下一次不一定会有,所以,这种解释是最后一次。” In team can only have a sound. If some people thought that my hard bargain or can find the path that gets rich, then invites to leave now immediately, then meets in the bar, we can also sit to drink one cup.” “团队里面只能有一个声音。如果有人觉得我的条件苛刻或者自己能找到发财的路子,那么请现在马上离开,回头在酒吧里面遇到,我们还能坐下来喝一杯。” side Linyan said these words time, is very sincere, but is also very swift and fierce. 方林岩说这些话的时候,很诚恳,但是也很凌厉。 Changes into the words of youth, could not do well turns around to walk immediately, but changed into more/complete thou such slippery customer, has not regarded a matter own face, can make money smoothly is first, instead very simple nod, echoed to say on own initiative: 换成愣头青的话,搞不好马上转身就走了,但是换成弥尔这样的老油条,根本就没有将自己的面子当成一回事,能顺利赚到钱才是第一位,反而很干脆的点了点头,主动附和道: OK, the spanner, you decide.” “OK,扳手,你说了算。” side Linyan nods saying: 方林岩点点头道: Then good, we first leave now.” “那么好,我们现在先离开吧。” Ha?” side Linyan the decision brought in people's question immediately again. “哈?”方林岩的这个决定立即就再次引来了众人的质疑。 side Linyan raised own right hand to hint peacefully, then explained: 方林岩举起了自己的右手示意安静,然后解释道: „The revelry of centaur will continue to be very long, words when they are peaceful, that at least was late at night matter.” “半人马的狂欢会持续很久的,等到它们安静下来的话,那起码是后半夜的事了。” And to be honest, the combination battle efficiency of centaur and place wolf is also strong, the words that we battle against directly, might bleed, even deceased person -------- I know that you are very powerful brave soldiers, but we come here goal are they make war?” “并且说实话,半人马和座狼的组合战斗力也非常强,我们正面开战的话,很可能会流血,甚至死人--------我知道你们都是非常强大勇敢的战士,但我们来这里的目的是和他们开战的吗?” No! Is returning safe and sound brings these valuable gadget to go back!” “不!是毫发无伤的带着那些值钱的玩意儿回去!” Heard side Linyan the words, others also nod, some even blew the whistling, this saying spoke of them to go very much obviously at heart. 听到了方林岩的话,其余的人都同时点头,有的甚至吹起了口哨,很显然这话说到了他们的心里去。 side Linyan then said: 方林岩便接着道: My plan is very simple, late at night time, a vulture person in the past, spurted on the smell to cover the medicinal preparation on the body, ripped that gadget on giant body, then came back, yes, was so simple.” “我的计划很简单,后半夜的时候,秃鹫一个人过去,在身上喷上气味遮盖剂,将巨人尸体上的那玩意儿割掉,然后回来,是的,就这么简单。” Naturally, we do not idle anything not to do absolutely, Mr. more/complete.” “当然,我们也绝对不是闲着什么事都不做,弥尔先生。” more/complete Erleng said: 弥尔愣了愣道: I am listening.” “我在听。” side Linyan said: 方林岩道: We must make two sets of plans when the time comes, after one set is the vulture was discovered, we how shield the plan that he removes safely.” “我们到时候得做两套预案,一套是秃鹫被发现了以后,我们怎么掩护他安全撤回来的预案。” One set is the camp defense is too strict, the vulture he could not find the opportunity to start, our how deceptive attack camp, attracts the opposite party attention, then to vulture manufacture opportunity plan.” “一套是营地防守太严密,秃鹫他找不到机会下手,我们怎么佯攻营地,吸引对方注意力,进而给秃鹫制造机会的预案。” Naturally, the bringing up the rear plan of retreating time must improve finally, I am not very specialized in this aspect, needs your rich experience.” “当然,最后撤退时候的断后预案也必须要完善一下,在这方面我并不是很专业,需要你丰富的经验。” more/complete thou nods saying: 弥尔点点头道: Naturally does not have the issue.” “当然没问题。” He thinks, added: 他想了想以后补充道: According to the latest news that I receive now, many hill giants and centaurs, may present very typical night blindness in the evening, this should be because here natural environment extremely causes badly.” “根据我现在拿到的最新消息,很多丘陵巨人和半人马,在晚上都可能会出现很典型的夜盲症,这应该是由于这里的自然环境太过恶劣导致的。” „The unitarity of food caused deficiency that takes in the nutrition, key regarding them, even if sole food cannot eat to the full.” “食物的单一性就导致了摄入营养的匮乏,关键是对于它们来说,哪怕是单一的食物都不能吃饱呢。” Even the Tasmanian wolf and place wolf wild animal, will drop in the night vision significantly, therefore they rely on to the sense of smell.” “甚至就连袋狼和座狼这种野兽,在夜间的视觉都会大幅度的下降,因此它们对嗅觉更加依赖。” Therefore your plan I approved, this is the cost smallest risk also smallest good idea.” “所以你的计划我非常赞成,这是成本最小风险也最小的好点子。” More stood to carry the book, then regarding side Linyan the plan, others will not clearly have the objection very much, because the risk was basically taken by the vulture, but side Linyan the excuse basically was also impregnable, in this case, his prestige established unknowingly. 弥尔都站出来背了书,那么对于方林岩的这个计划,很显然其余的人都不会有异议,因为风险基本都被秃鹫承担了,而方林岩的说辞基本也是无懈可击,在这种情况下,他的威望不知不觉就建立了起来。 But goal that side Linyan does, actually to deepen in the middle of team the relation of some people. 而方林岩这么干的目的,却是为了加深队伍当中一干人的联系。 Has these two giant whips to fish, in this case, even if comes across any thunderbolt, or is the enormous crisis, this temporary team inside fellow will not collapse at the first encounter. 有着这两根巨人鞭钓着,这样的话,就算是遇到什么突发事件,或者说是重大危机,这支临时队伍里面的家伙也不会一触即溃。 In front of the pressure wants to give up, these fellows definitely think: Damn, the words that my walks, didn't basin that side wealth have my share? 在压力面前想要放弃的时候,这些家伙肯定就会想:真见鬼,我这一走的话,盆地那边的财富岂不是没有我的份儿了? *** *** However, the plan often cannot follow to change, when some people are conspiring the action detail, suddenly is responsible for observing Kleinkahl of below camp to say in a low voice: 不过,计划往往跟随不上变化,就在一干人正在密谋行动细节的时候,突然负责观察下方营地的小卡尔低声道: Has the situation!” “有情况!” side Linyan overtakes immediately, then takes up the telescope observation camp inside situation , the result does not need Kleinkahl to direct, detected the unusual place directly: 方林岩立即赶了过去,然后拿起望远镜观察营地里面的情形,结果不用小卡尔指点,直接就发觉了异常的地方: Originally, battalion's central fire of high-piled firewood presented the obvious unusuality! 原来,营地中央的火堆出现了明显的异常! In the middle of the fire of high-piled firewood flame direct surges got up was almost close to ten meter/rice the altitudes, and turned sent the green strange color slightly, turned into the giant torch from the large-scale fire of high-piled firewood all of a sudden! 火堆当中的火焰直接翻腾起了差不多接近十来米的高度,并且变成了微微发绿的诡异颜色,一下子就从大型火堆变成了巨型火炬! Moreover, all centaurs, called thunder to stop the revelry including that centaur unexpectedly, simultaneously worshipped on bended knees toward the big fire of high-piled firewood. 不仅如此,所有的半人马,包括那名半人马唤雷者居然都停止了狂欢,同时朝着大火堆跪拜了下来。 In the middle of the surges flame started to form a face of distortion unexpectedly, this face used the boundless language sound said: 紧接着,翻腾的火焰当中居然开始形成了一张扭曲的面孔,这张脸用磅礴的语音道: My people ....... come my side, takes your lances, the bow and arrow, seeking the head of enemy, enough sacrificial offering, I need your strengths!” “我的子民们.......来我的身边,带上你们的长矛,弓箭,还有猎取的敌人的头颅,足够的祭品,我需要你们的力量!” Said after these words, the flame starts rapidly low, but these centaurs fell into the middle of the frantic condition thoroughly, starts to tidy up the luggage preparation to leave directly, even the tent discarded. 说完了这句话以后,火焰就开始迅速的低落了下去,而这些半人马则是彻底陷入了狂热的状态当中,开始直接收拾行装准备离开,甚至连帐篷都舍弃了。 However! Some people actually discovered at this time, the centaur that this group hastily leaves besides taking the crossbow car(riage), the sword and spear, the head of that two hill giants was also taken along together on, the body of hill giant not only that they most care about, tied up the rope to drag away unexpectedly together. 但是!一干人此时却发现,这帮匆匆离开的半人马除了带上弩车,刀枪之外,那两头丘陵巨人的脑袋也一起被捎带上,不仅如此,他们最在意的丘陵巨人的尸体,居然也一起被绑上绳索拖走了。 Witnesses this, at this time this group of people are also dumbfounded, at this time the action plan has not completed, naturally is far from the interception and so on. 目睹这一幕,此时这帮人也是目瞪口呆,此时行动预案都还没有做好,当然谈不上拦截之类的了。 Naturally, what is more important, even if makes a move not to be victorious, because the opposite party person are many! 当然,更重要的是,就算是出手也打不过,因为对方人多! Even when side Linyan three people the full power, takes moon/month is black this card in a hand, it is estimated that is still very difficult to be very difficult. 就算是方林岩三人出全力,把“月黑之时”这张底牌拿出来,估计依然很难很难。 Therefore, after a discussion, some people think that such deep in the night convenes has the important matter to happen inevitably, therefore follows the centaur that this withdraws at the same night first, having a look at the opportunity to take advantage of a mistake. 所以,一番商议之后,一干人认为这样的夤夜召集必然有大事发生,所以跟上这一支连夜撤走的半人马先,看看有没有机会捡漏。 That sound should be their chiefs......” “那个声音应该是它们的酋长......” Suddenly has humanity. 忽然有人道。 side Linyan turns the head to look, detected that is that scout named Wynter, immediately in the heart moves said: 方林岩转头过去一看,发觉是那个叫做温特的侦察兵,顿时心中一动道: What did you say?” “你说什么?” Wynter hesitant evil ways: 温特犹豫了一下道: Is this, I have actually been interested in the occult sciences, then before coming to here, had understood especially the materials of this damned places, my brothers had just come to here, therefore attained the things of some inside stories.” “是这样的,我其实一直都对神秘学感兴趣,然后在来这里之前的时候,也特地了解过一些这个鬼地方的资料,刚好我有一个兄弟曾经来过这里,所以拿到了一些内幕的东西。” These damn centaurs had unified, their supreme leaders are called the khan, was regarded by all centaurs is king and the Spiritual God incarnation, it is said that has the mysterious ability, now seems like truly is this.” “这些该死的半人马曾经统一过,它们的最高领袖就叫做可汗,被所有的半人马当成是王和神灵的化身,据说是拥有神奇的能力,现在看起来确实是这样。” Kleinkahl seems like with him a little celebrates a holiday at this time, immediately impatient sound said: 小卡尔此时看起来和他有点过节,立即不耐烦的出声道: Said that selects thing that I do not know, Wynter, your information I listened to you to say three times.” “说点我不知道的东西,温特,你的这情报我都听你说过三次了。” When Winterton glowers to him, but more/complete thou acted at this time: 温特顿时对他怒目而视,不过弥尔这时候出面了: We rush to time, quickly Wynter, knows you said completely.” “我们赶时间,温特,快把你知道的全部都说出来。” Wynter therefore made a long story short: 温特于是长话短说道: But, seemingly only then the ability of first khan is strongest, his descendant is the good and evil intermingled, afterward therefore split, therefore both sides war continuous, in power balance.” “不过,貌似只有第一任可汗的能力最强,其后代则是良莠不齐,后来就因此而分裂了,双方因此战争不休,处于均势。” But, such balance had been broken several years ago directly, a side ------ Should be we traces in the middle of this clan and tribe now, presented a powerful centaur, the name of this fellow is called Brander Harden.” “但是,这样的平衡已经在几年前被直接打破了,其中一方------应该就是我们现在追踪这个部族当中,出现了一头强大的半人马,这家伙的名字叫做布兰德哈登。” This fellow, although the close combat and strength are very ordinary, actually inherited the past centaur khan Zarr strength in magic arts it is said completely, has the tyrannical magic strength, therefore is called the centaur chief.” “这家伙虽然近战和力量都很一般,却在法术方面据说完全继承了当年的半人马可汗扎尔塔的实力,拥有强横的魔法力量,所以被称为半人马酋长。” Two clans and tribes of fission were in the power balance, but after had/left such a fellow, the power balance was completely broken immediately, therefore now is Brander Harden's tribe one-party rule, if not for even it plans then to annex another side with the soft way, reappears the honor of ancestor, moreover that clan and tribe has long gone.” “分裂的两支部族本来处于均势,但多出了这么一个家伙以后,均势立即就被彻底打破了,所以现在已经是布兰德哈登的这个部落一家独大,甚至若不是它打算接下来用温和的方式将另外一边吞并掉,重现先祖的荣光,另外那支部族早就不存在了。” side Linyan hesitates saying: 方林岩沉吟道: Then you mean, before was that fire of high-piled firewood inside trick this centaur chief does?” “那么你的意思就是,之前那火堆里面的幺蛾子就是这位半人马酋长搞出来的?” Wynter said: 温特道: Mostly yes.” “多半是。” side Linyan nods saying: 方林岩点点头道: Good, the information is very important, later can divide one.” “不错,情报很重要,待会儿可以多分一份。” When Winterton lights up with pleasure, but some people regarding then play the role of hyena ------- Tracing present centaur tribe is unobjectionable, therefore left in a hurry. 温特顿时喜笑颜开,而一干人对于接下来扮演鬣狗的角色-------追踪眼前的这支半人马部落毫无异议,于是就匆匆动身了。 *** *** Probably in the night after the centaur traces 20 kilometers, the front starts to present hill one after another. 大概在黑夜当中随着半人马追踪出了二十公里之后,前方开始出现了一座一座的丘陵。 The key is the basis rock of this hill is the fiery-red, but the crown seems to be is cut by an invisible terrifying long blade horizontally, even is smooth can above taking off and landing airplane. 关键是这丘陵的基底岩石乃是火红色的,而顶部则是仿佛被一把无形的恐怖长刀横着斩过的,平坦得甚至能在上面起降飞机。 Fiery red, stands tall and erect, smooth, the water source is abundant, 火红,高耸,平坦,水源充沛, Like this assorted characteristics put together, turns into unique red to rape, here also produces that type of effect unusual herbal medicine, refreshes one's spirits the flower. 这样的各色特点加在一起,就变成独一无二的红云台地,这里也出产那种效果奇特的草药,宁神花。 The centaur that goes to support is arriving to rape beforehand several kilometers to stop red, then drilled into a covert very strong canyon. 前去支援的半人马在到达了红云台地之前几公里处就停了下来,然后钻入到了一处隐蔽性非常强的峡谷当中。 Because the canyon is the vigilant centaur scouts everywhere, the Israeli forest rock they do not dare to approach, can only be away from beyond several kilometers, monitors with the night-vision telescope, can only see in indistinctly the canyon has a altar, before dragged away giant body was also piled up one on top of another in the altar. 因为峡谷到处都是警惕的半人马斥候,所以方林岩他们是不敢靠近的了,只能隔着数公里外,用夜视望远镜进行监视,只能隐约看到峡谷里面有一个祭坛,之前被拖走的巨人尸体也是被堆叠到了祭坛上。 However, at this time the unusual condition of horizon also attracted side Linyan the attention, can see that raped that side sky to be been incarnadine red, as if distant can also hear the noisy sound, the Israeli forest rock they take some people to go to investigate. 不过,此时天边的异状也是吸引了方林岩的注意力,可以见到红云台地那边的天空都被染红了,似乎远远的还能听到嘈杂的声音,所以方林岩他们又带上了一些人前去探查。 After climbing mountains and crossing rivers 56 kilometers, side Linyan they discovered immediately, by the path entrance of red cloud platform place, was built a temporary stronghold, can see far away, in the middle of this temporary stronghold, ignited a lot of bonfires, the flaming roaring flame dyes translucently the above vault of heaven. 在跋涉了五六公里之后,方林岩他们顿时发现,就在红云台地的道路入口旁边,被搭建起来了一座临时城寨,大老远就能见到,这一处临时城寨当中,燃起了大量的篝火,熊熊的烈焰将上方的天穹都染得透亮。 The almost dozens hill giants regarding the cheers in the bonfire clump howled, that sound sounded with lottery ticket award, contained infinite crazy and profligacy. 差不多有几十头丘陵巨人围绕在篝火丛中欢声吼叫,那声音听上去就跟中了彩票大奖似的,包含了无穷的疯狂与放荡。 Under normal circumstances, after the hill giant arrives in the middle of the red cloud platform place, will disperse, then starts to seek for that type to being passed from generation to generation to have the herbal medicine of great significance respectively. 在正常情况下,丘陵巨人来到红云台地当中之后,都会分散开来,然后开始各自寻找那种对传宗接代有着重大意义的草药。 But this is only normally, does not know what reason in this year, raped here to have three rain red unexpectedly continuously, the abundant moisture content let refresh one's spirits the flower to enter the eruption open season immediately suddenly, this was ten years of rare grand occasions. 但这只是正常情况下,这一年也不知道什么原因,红云台地这里居然连续下了三场雨,充沛的水分立即让宁神花突然进入了爆发开放的季节,这可是十来年都难得一见的盛况。 Because of this, therefore another intelligent lifeform also appears, arrived raped red here. 正因为这样,所以另外一种智慧生物也随之出现,来到了红云台地这里。 This lifeform is called Ge grand. 这种生物叫做戈隆。 Ge grand was very rare on this star, has certain sibship with the hill giants, is similar to the chimpanzee and gorilla. 戈隆在本星球上就很少见了,与丘陵巨人之间还拥有一定的亲缘关系,就类似于黑猩猩和大猩猩。 The hill giant likes regarding dagger-axe grand, thinks that is the best spouse. 丘陵巨人对于戈隆非常喜爱,认为是自己最佳的配偶。 However, the ordinary hill giant do not say that sought a mate, even if approaches female dagger-axe Longdu to be in danger, 但是,普通的丘陵巨人不要说是求偶了,哪怕只是靠近雌性戈隆都有生命危险, Yes, because even if female Ge grand, its build and strength above hill giant, and also hot tempered testy. 是的,因为哪怕是雌性戈隆,其体型和力量都在丘陵巨人之上,并且还暴躁易怒。 The hill giant wants the successful and female dagger-axe conducts the copulation prosperously, the risk that takes does not even pull up the female praying mantis to be smaller than the Duke praying mantis, even must take the risk of death. 丘陵巨人想要成功和雌性戈隆进行交配,那冒的风险甚至不比公螳螂去撩母螳螂小,甚至要冒着死亡的风险。 The female dagger-axe arrives at the red cloud platform place prosperously the goal, is in the middle of other one special product for the red cloud platform place: Madrona grass. 雌性的戈隆来到红云台地的目的,是为了红云台地当中另外的一种特产:石南草。 This gadget only when precipitation rich appears, has the violent poisonousness to other lifeform, can actually make the female dagger-axe conduct the growth to grow prosperously fast, is close to its stepping-stone. 这玩意儿只会在雨水充沛的时候出现,对其余的生物来说有剧毒,却可以让雌性戈隆快速进行发育成长,乃是接近它的敲门砖。 At this time, oldest more/complete thou also recognized female Ge grand, then conducted sharing its information rapidly. 这时候,年龄最大的弥尔也是认出了雌性戈隆,然后将其情报迅速进行了共享。 At this time in the middle of temporary stronghold, five female Ge grand, them sends out the hormone that looks like the loadstone same the surrounding male hill giant to attract, then the surroundings are lots of hill giants are then revolving them to jump seeking a mate to dance. 此时在临时城寨当中,就有五头雌性戈隆在,她们散发的荷尔蒙就像是吸铁石一样的将周围的雄性丘陵巨人吸引了过来,然后周围便是大量的丘陵巨人在围绕着它们跳求偶舞。 The seeking a mate dance of hill giant is unique. 丘陵巨人的求偶舞非常独特。 Was ground simply, has processed Shigu is hugged high by the male hill giant, then the companion with side clashes violently, exudes the depressed loud sound sound. 被简单磨制,加工过的石鼓被雄性丘陵巨人高高抱起,然后与旁边的同伴猛烈对撞,发出沉闷的巨响声。 Under collision continuously, was held Shigu in bosom the preservation that is difficult to be complete is very usually long, the life of this primitive and rough musical instrument is short, splits open from Shigu everywhere is, when there is a male hill giant who the crushed stone that scatters to be knocked in the place, nearby person will exude the ridicule sound simultaneously. 在连续不断的碰撞下,被抱在怀中的石鼓通常都很难完整的保存很久,这原始而粗糙的乐器的生命非常短暂,从石鼓上面迸裂的碎石散落的满地都是,当有雄性丘陵巨人被撞翻在地的时候,旁边的人就会同时发出嘲笑声。 Suddenly, female Ge Longzhan, on the plump belly rippled immediately wave, she compared the surrounding male hill giant to be higher than a head! 忽然之间,一头雌性戈隆站了起来,肥厚的肚皮上顿时荡漾出一圈波浪,她足足比周围的雄性丘陵巨人高出一个脑袋! His upper body **, only the lower part bound underpants that becomes by the horse leather, the appearance also cannot withstand uglily, the chest front exposes six dried out hanging breasts, sways in the wind. 其上身**,仅下半身裹了一条由马皮革成的裤衩,面相同样丑陋不堪,胸前裸露出六颗干瘪瘪的垂乳,在风中晃来晃去。 The female Ge grand head does not have the grows the horn, on the lip has beyond two vertical canine to protrude, the disorderly and strange long hair was coiled around on sending hairpin that is made by the shinbone, fierce full. 雌性戈隆的头上是没有长角的,下嘴唇上有两颗外竖的尖牙凸出来,凌乱而诡异的长发被盘绕在由胫骨制成的发簪上,凶恶十足。 Exchanges the good book, pays attention to vx public numbers. Book friend supreme headquarters. Now pays attention, may get the cash red packet! 交流好书,关注vx公众号.【书友大本营】。现在关注,可领现金红包! They have four eyeballs, as well as likely the pig general arch nose, is not gracefully obese, can definitely describe with meat mountain to come, but more is the obese individual more male is favored, this aesthetic standard pours with taking somewhat is fat similar for some dynasty of beautiful. 她们拥有四颗眼珠,以及像猪一般的拱鼻,肥胖得毫无优雅可言,完全可以用肉山来形容,但越是肥胖的个体就越受到雄性的青睐,这审美观倒跟以胖为美的某朝代有些相似。 After this female dagger-axe stood prosperously, the surrounding male hill giant displayed crazily, started becomes has the aggressivity, is vibrating violently the crotch. 这头雌性戈隆站起来了以后,周围的雄性丘陵巨人表现得更疯狂了,开始变得更有攻击性,更是猛烈的抖动着胯部。 She is stepping the serious step, started to move toward a nearby fire of high-piled firewood, the male hill giant extremely let success go to the head probably, collected to approach her body on own initiative, this female Ge grand backhanded strikes. 她迈着沉重的步伐,开始走向了旁边的一个火堆,大概是有一头雄性丘陵巨人太过得意忘形了,主动凑上来靠近了她的身体,这头雌性戈隆反手就是一击。 The fearful strange strength was erupting instantaneously, this male hill giant was hit bending the waist of pain, then staggered to back up more than ten meters, knelt down layer on layer/heavily on the ground started to spit up blood, after vomiting several blood, turns the white stupor on the eyes in the past, body also in unconsciousness is twitching. 可怕的怪力在瞬间爆发了出来,这头雄性丘陵巨人被打得痛苦的弯下腰,然后踉跄倒退了十几米,重重跪倒在了地上开始呕血,呕出了几口血以后就双眼翻白昏迷了过去,身体还在无意识的抽搐着。 Such lethality, no wonder can regard as does not have these crazy hunger and thirst greedy male hill giants the thing. 这样的杀伤力,难怪可以将这些疯狂饥渴贪婪的雄性丘陵巨人视为无物。 Female Ge grand stopped in the surrounding of bamboo basket fire circle, then grasped a nearby stone fiercely, aimed in the middle of the darkness to pound! 紧接着,雌性戈隆在篝火圈的外围停了下来,然后猛的抓起了一块旁边的石头,对准了黑暗当中砸了过去! The female Ge grand strange strength is astonishing, when this rubble stone Vung Tau looks like the shell same aimed at that side to fly, actually in exploded instantaneously loudly, was split up. 雌性戈隆的怪力惊人,这块石头顿时就像是炮弹一样的对准了那边飞了过去,却在瞬间轰然爆开,四分五裂。 A big tall and strong form walked from the darkness slowly, on his fist also has the powder that the stone rustle drops, then roared suddenly toward female Ge grand a great roar! 紧接着,一个高大魁梧的身影从黑暗当中慢慢的走了出来,其拳头上还有石块簌簌落下的粉末,然后陡然朝着雌性戈隆咆哮出一声巨吼! That stone was exploded by his fist bang unexpectedly! 那块石头竟是被他一拳轰爆! Heard this great roar, the surrounding hill giant cheers immediately, is excited in the extreme, falls into to the absorbed and crazy mood in abundance. 听到了这巨吼声,周围的丘陵巨人立即欢呼雀跃,兴奋得无以复加,纷纷陷入到忘我而又疯狂的情绪中。 Sars, Sars the scream is also continuously. “基沙斯,基沙斯”的喊叫声也是此起彼伏。 Heard these shout, waits and sees side Linyan who unable to bear in the distant place in the team channel said: 听到了这些呼喊声,在远处观望的方林岩忍不住在团队频道里面道: „Did our goals appear?” “难道我们的目标出现了?” The goat said: 山羊道: Only fears.” “只怕是的。” But the entire bonfire party was also pushed to by the sudden great roar **, some hill giants were even excited to dig out bloodstains on the chest, the slight aching feeling even can stimulate its nerve. 而整个篝火晚会也被突如其来的巨吼推向了**,有的丘陵巨人甚至兴奋得在胸膛上抠出了一道道血痕,轻微的疼痛感甚至更能刺激它的神经。 In this half wild condition, to the master fears with the place wolf that the hill giant co-exists, dreads does not dare to approach. 在这种半狂暴的状态下,与丘陵巨人共生的座狼都对主人惧怕不已,畏惧的不敢靠近。
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