FE :: Volume #9

#31: The pursuit of centaur

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To be honest, solicited more their group of person side Linyan also quite to make some effort. 说实话,招徕弥尔他们这群人方林岩也颇花了一些力气。 Because this slippery customer is less good to deceive, must therefore let them for the words that oneself work oneself to death, must the spend some thoughts. 因为弥尔这个老油条可不好糊弄,所以要让他们为自己卖命的话,必须花点心思。 Then some people on enormous and powerful embarked, the foreign excuse discovered a good opportunity, preparing to fish a ticket to be big. 接着一干人就浩浩荡荡的出发了,对外的说辞就是发现了一个好机会,准备去捞一票大的。 But in fact truly is also so, this ticket big regarding side Linyan three people is also very important, because their goals are not others, is stone hammer Sars this elite hill giant! 而事实上确实也是如此,这一票“大的”对于方林岩三人来说也是非常重要的,因为他们的目标不是别人,正是石锤基萨斯这头精英丘陵巨人! The vulture takes off/escapes the team ahead of time, actually went to rape red, in collecting a series of related information of this fellow, for this reason side Linyan also own and shamed to lend him, in the non-combatant condition, with shaming the speed of improvement was very essential regarding the vulture, after all his most of the time must use on travelling. 秃鹫提前脱队,其实就去了红云台地,在搜集这家伙的一系列相关资料,为此方林岩还将自己的“和羞走”借给了他,在非战斗状态下,和羞走提升的速度对于秃鹫来说很关键,毕竟他的绝大部分时间都要用在跑路上。 Before had mentioned, Aogerui Ma was away from cloud platform red is also dozens kilometers away, was good, in side Linyan their teams escaped after inside, was bumping into is walking in the direction of red cloud platform place. 之前就提到过,奥格瑞玛距离红云台地也是好几十公里远的,好在方林岩他们这支队伍从里面逃出来之后,也是误打误撞的在朝着红云台地的方向走。 Therefore in fact at this time their position, between Aogerui Ma and red cloud platform places, from cloud platform red is also 40 kilometers distance, in the disposition has in the auxiliary exoskeleton situation, is 2-3 hours can overtake probably. 所以实际上此时他们的位置,是在奥格瑞玛和红云台地之间,距离红云台地也就是四十公里的距离,在配置有辅助外骨骼的情况下,大概就是2-3个小时就可以赶过去。 Halfway above forest Yanwan a small trick, the excuse said oneself saw a running away Tasmanian wolf, then pursued, successfully brought to deviate the normal route the entire team. 半路上方林岩玩了个小花招,借口说自己看到了一头逃走的袋狼,然后就追了上去,成功将整个队伍带得偏离了正常路线。 Is working steady more/complete thou to feel immediately was not right, raised the objection: 就在做事稳重的弥尔立即就感觉到了不对,提出了异议: Hey! The spanner, you did this were too harebrained, is completely destroying me to your good impression.” “嘿!扳手,你这样做太冒失了,完全是在破坏我对你的好印象。” side Linyan the response is very simple, his does not return pursued. 方林岩的回应很简单,他头也不回的追了上去。 Vulture at this time very simple say/way: 秃鹫这时候很干脆的道: Doesn't matter, the spanner works has the discretion, he has a mysterious intuition, knows where has the thing that oneself want.” “没关系,扳手做事是有分寸的,他拥有一种神奇的直觉,知道什么地方有自己想要的东西。” more/complete thou, you, if thought that has anything is not right, sitting waited for us to be good here, is willing with coming up the help came.” “弥尔,你要是觉得有什么不对劲的话,坐在这里等我们就好了,愿意跟上来帮忙的就来。” The vulture also pursued, two fellows looked, chooses with immediately coming up the help. 说完秃鹫也追了上去,还有两个家伙对望了一下,也立即选择跟上去帮忙。 more/complete thou hesitated, chose sitting by and doing nothing, restrained oneself person hand/subordinate. 弥尔沉吟了一下,选择了坐视不管,同时也约束了自己手下的人。 This old fogy over 40 years old is, but starts into the line from 16 years old, therefore has seen innumerable engaging in factional strife and traps, can live the present reason is enough discrete. 这老家伙四十多岁,但从十六岁就开始入行,所以见过了无数的倾轧和陷阱,能活到现在的原因就是足够谨慎。 Naturally, because was discrete he also to lose many opportunities. 当然,因为谨慎他也丢掉了许多机会。 Like this was familiarized the fellow of character weakness these to be doomed by side Linyan time to be regarded the board game piece, what because side Linyan gives him to prepare is the open intrigue. 这样被方林岩摸透了性格弱点的家伙这一次注定要被当成棋子了,因为方林岩给他准备的是阳谋。 Only used probably for a half hour, side Linyan and the others return home with a full load, they discovered a wolf's lair, then attained the pleasant surprise in the wolf's lair: 大概只用了半小时,方林岩等人就满载而归,他们发现了一处狼窝,然后在狼窝里面拿到了惊喜: The general value 20,000 fur/superficial knowledge, two seemingly tattered actually solid backpacks, the original owner of backpack is dies very much obviously the seeker or the adventurer here. 大概价值两万块的皮毛,两个貌似破烂其实结实的背包,很显然背包的原主人乃是死在这里的探索者或者冒险者。 What is more important, backpack inside has more than 10,000 cash, dog head gold/metal that this adventurer collects, together expensive antique pocket watch. 更重要的是,背包里面有一万多块的现金,这名冒险者搜集的狗头金,还有一块价格不菲的古董怀表。 side Linyan uses this to draw on can be said as old trick heavy, but is effective, at that time pursued the people who he was helping in the past to light up with pleasure. 方林岩用起这一招来可以说是故技重施,但非常有效,当时追着他过去帮忙的人都是喜笑颜开。 side Linyan is quite natural in drawing bonus, made these unruly fellows show the smile of flattering directly, after all the big donor father was hugely biggest. 方林岩在分红的时候相当大方,直接让这几个桀骜不驯的家伙露出了巴结的微笑,毕竟天大地大金主爸爸最大。 In which two blacks after determining minute/share of arriving antique table value more than 50,000, was excited even at the scene came a passionate samba, but also kissed that watch with the thick lip the surface. 其中的两个黑人在确定了分到的古董表价值五万多块以后,兴奋得甚至当场来了一段热情洋溢的桑巴舞,还不停的用厚嘴唇来亲吻那块表的表面。 Such high-sounding talk shows off the person who the way will let not receive the advantage very much obviously is quite uncomfortable, could not have said anything, can only endure the sour odor and nuisance that the heart is exuding silently, naturally could not have borne will appear in brain inside idea: 这样的高调炫耀方式很显然会让没拿到好处的人相当不爽,偏偏还说不出什么,只能默默忍受着心底泛出来的酸味和懊恼,当然还有忍不住会出现在大脑里面的想法: Damn! At that time spanner that bastard rushed, why can I seem like the fool to be equally dull here?” “真见鬼!当时扳手那混蛋冲上去的时候,我为什么要像是傻子一样呆在这里呢?” But this is the goal that side Linyan wants. 而这就是方林岩想要的目的。 When next said front has the situation, more/complete this slippery customer should on the heart that the restraint that was ready to make trouble hand/subordinate. 当下一次自己说前方有情况的时候,弥尔这根老油条应该就约束不了手下那蠢蠢欲动的心了。 After some people continued almost 20 kilometers, sent to pass the intercom say/way in front scouting suddenly: 一干人继续前行了差不多二十公里之后,派在前面的斥候忽然通过对讲机道: Be careful, front has the condition.” “小心,前面有状况。” After leaving Aogerui Ma that region, the intercom returned to again normal, although disturbs is still intense, but in several hundred meters conducts the long-distance telephone conversation to start. 离开了奥格瑞玛那个区域之后,对讲机又再次恢复了正常,虽然干扰依然强烈,但几百米内进行远程通话开始可以的。 side Linyan said immediately: 方林岩立即道: What happened?” “发生了什么事情?” Scouts saying: 斥候道: „It is not big with our relations, but the both sides dozen is very intense, you can come, but must be careful, do not do the too big sound to pay attention.” “和我们的关系不大,不过双方打得还是很激烈的,你们可以过来,不过要小心一点,不要搞出来太大的动静被注意到。” What is worth mentioning is, at this time had arrived at the red cloud platform place peripheral region, therefore the terrain also had very obvious change, moisture content obvious became must be full, from the beforehand bleak desert terrain, turned into the terrain of arid wilderness probably. 值得一提的是,此时已经来到了红云台地的外围区域,因此地形也有了很明显的改变,水分明显的变得充分了,从之前的荒凉戈壁地形,大概变成了干旱荒原的地形。 In the beforehand Gobi Desert, wants the luck to be very good to see several from the grey drought-enduring plant, but the ground has presented the motley plant community now, one after another presents the greyish-green, if from in the air overlooks, this type and the sparse landform of non-uniform rule cannot give the aesthetic sense, instead has probably not shaved the good patchy bald head. 在之前的戈壁滩上,要运气很好才能看到几从灰蓬蓬的耐旱植物,但是现在地上已经出现了斑驳的植物群落,一团一团的呈现出灰绿色,若是从空中俯瞰下去的话,这种并不均匀规则的稀疏地貌并不能给人以美感,反而像是没剃好的斑秃头。 The front has a hill, scouting that sends beckons there, simultaneously compared a finger, hinting was careful. 前方有一座丘陵,派出去的斥候就在那里招手,同时比出了一根手指,示意要小心。 When squad in climbing up hill, in the heart had massive doubts, or is astonished. 当小队在攀爬丘陵的时候,心中就生出了大量的疑惑,或者说是惊异。 That is because they heard the distant place to hear many chaotic noises, had wild animal unique shouting and roaring, had the pain to exude the pitiful yell sound, even the collision of weapon clang clang sound. 那是因为他们听到远方传来了许多纷乱的嘈杂声,有野兽独特的嘶吼和咆哮,更有痛苦发出惨叫声,甚至还有兵器的碰撞出的“铛铛”声响。 Damn, is that side doing? Spartan the war of Thermopylae?” “真见鬼,那边是在干什么?斯巴达人的温泉关之战吗?” A nickname was called the big Q black person to take the lead to mumble. 一个外号叫大Q的黑人率先嘟囔道。 The blacks, loving noisy and chatterbox are the race talents, this cannot avoid. 黑人嘛,爱闹和话痨是种族天赋,这是避免不了的。 Another person listened attentively to evil ways: 另外一个人倾听了一下道: That also not necessarily, I thought that possibly is Crusades.” “那也未必,我觉得可能是十字军东征呢。” more/complete Erchen sound said: 弥尔沉声道: Kleinkahl, remains silent.” “小卡尔,保持静默。” Talking in whispers that therefore presented also stopped. 于是本来出现的窃窃私语也停了下来。 At this time side Linyan detected, having this old fogy more in the team is not the misdemeanor, at least oneself can save many hearts. 这时候方林岩发觉,有弥尔这种老家伙在队伍里面也不是什么坏事,至少自己可以省很多心。 Quick, some people crawled the hill peak, immediately detected the front was a medium basin, the area probably 20-30 square kilometers of basin, the hill that they were at was actually the peripheral zone of basin. 很快的,一干人就爬到了丘陵的顶端,顿时发觉前方乃是一个中型盆地,盆地的面积大概有20-30平方公里,他们所在的丘陵其实就是盆地的边缘地带。 Overlooks to see, the bottom of basin is basically smooth, has a small lake in the west side, is this lake in addition basin advantageous terrain, let present the full of vitality scene. 俯瞰下去可以见到,盆地的底部乃是基本平坦的,在西侧有一个小湖,正是这个湖泊外加盆地得天独厚的地形,让这其中呈现出了生机勃勃的景象。 The green grass, the fresh flower, the trees, the bush and so on the plant that other place finds at everywhere, formed the big piece meadow region below. 绿草,鲜花,树木,灌木等等在别的地方随处可见的植物,在下面形成了大片的草甸区域。 However, on this full of vitality meadow, is launching an exceptionally frigid fierce battle, sees only under the pitch of distant place, 50-60 centaurs are fighting inextricably involved three hill giants, both sides this time was falling into the brutal seesaw battle, the tactical situation is very intense. 不过,在这片生机勃勃的草甸上面,正展开着一场异常惨烈的恶战,只见远方的斜坡下,50-60头半人马正跟三头丘陵巨人正打得难解难分,双方此时正陷入了残酷的拉锯战,战况十分激烈。 Looks the big large military banner in ancient times that behind the centaur lifts up high, side Linyan feels to look familiar immediately, then he thought immediately, isn't this flag of Kirghiz centaur? Before this fellows , is still making war with the rescue crew, how to rush to here...... 看着半人马后方高举的大纛,方林岩顿时就觉得眼熟,然后他就顿时想了起来,这不是吉尔吉斯半人马的旗帜吗?这帮家伙之前还在和救援队开战,怎么又跑到这里...... Wait!” “等等!” side Linyan awakened suddenly, that group of bastards run to come to here, has probably much to do with this group of people. 方林岩忽然醒悟了过来,那帮混蛋跑来这里,好像和自己这群人有很大关系啊。 At that time depended on the temporary camp, the rescue crew gave Kirghiz the Tribe centaur heavy losses! Not only got rid of their many people, but also with the means of using diversionary tactics, ruined the heavy crossbow car(riage) of opposite party. 当时依托临时营地,救援队可是给了吉尔吉斯部落半人马重创!不仅干掉了他们不少人,还用声东击西的办法,毁掉了对方的重型弩车。 Therefore the opposite party is anxious and angry mostly, is very unwilling, but has not expected the rescue crew not to press the common sense to play a card, unexpectedly turned around to run, depends upon the mobile advantage to go to Aogerui Ma. 所以对方多半是又急又气,很不甘心的,只是没料到救援队不按常理出牌,居然转身就跑,依靠机动优势去了奥格瑞玛。 Then is very obvious, the unwilling Kirghiz Tribe centaur expelled their tails to come to here, why as for can have the conflict with the hill giant ....... 那么很显然的,不甘心的吉尔吉斯部落半人马就撵着他们的尾巴来了这边,至于为什么会与丘陵巨人起冲突....... Cloud platform red and Aogerui Ma is the centaur ancestor produces, now is occupied by the hill giant, this obviously is a sufficient reason, both sides met do not need rubbish, pulled out the knife to start directly well. 红云台地和奥格瑞玛都本来是半人马的“祖产”,现在却被丘陵巨人占据,这显然是一个充足的理由,双方见面都不用废话了,直接抽刀子往死里下手就好。 In addition, side Linyan distant notices, near the basin bottom lake has a temporary camp, 除此之外,方林岩远远的就注意到,盆地底部的湖泊边有一座临时营地, In the camps has the wooden shackles, inside detained many lifeform: 营地内存在着许多木制的牢笼,里边关押了诸多生物: Has to be long with the ostrich going by land lifeform, there is on a back to be covered with the porcupine of sharp thorn, but was imprisoned many, is more than ten centaurs. 有长得跟鸵鸟似的陆行生物,也有脊背上长满尖刺的豪猪,不过被囚禁得最多的,还是十几头半人马。 Without a doubt, in the eyes of hill giant, in the shackles is closing is food, 毫无疑问,在丘陵巨人的眼里,牢笼内关着的都是食物, These detained centaur prisoner, should be a Kirghiz centaur clan starts one of the attack reasons. 这些被关押的半人马囚犯,也应该是吉尔吉斯半人马一族发动进攻的原因之一。 Outside the camp in lakeside, three top of the heads grow the hill giant of alone corner/horn to spell fiery with the centaur, but the Tasmanian wolf and place wolf that both sides control are also conducting the vicious tear and bite. 在湖边的营地外,三名头顶长着独角的丘陵巨人正跟半人马拼得火热,而双方控制的袋狼和座狼也在进行着凶狠的撕咬。 The tactic of centaur has no special place, the primitive war spells is the population, the physique with the cold weapons, 半人马的战术倒没什么特别之处,原始战争拼的就是人数,体格跟冷兵器, Although the hill giant the individual is powerful, the height is several times of centaur, the strength is also in the steamroll advantage, the weapon that but uses actually mostly is the wooden club ties up the stone the stone system weapon, on the wooden club also has several fragmentary limb spinules at most, seems the spiked club to be the same. 丘陵巨人虽然个体实力强大,身高是半人马的数倍,力量也处于碾压优势,但使用的武器却大多都是木棍绑上石头的石制兵器,顶多木棍上还带有几颗零星的树丫小刺,就好像狼牙棒一般。 The centaur actually wins is overwhelming with numerical strength, and can have a bigger advantage in the war weapon, therefore individual strength of both sides is freely disparate, but can also make into the rubber momentum. 半人马却胜在人多势众,并且在战争武器会有更大的优势,因此尽管双方的个体实力悬殊显而易见,还能打成胶着的势头。 Oh!” “哇哦!” Nearby goat sighs with emotion suddenly: 旁边的山羊忽然感慨道: Must divide the victory and defeat.” “要分胜负了。” Originally, looks following the vision of goat, the centaur presented one group of ambushers in the west side, they towed three crossbow car(riage)s to circle from side strenuously. 原来,顺着山羊的目光看去,半人马在西侧出现了一群伏兵,他们吃力的牵引着三辆弩车从旁边绕了过来。 But after these three crossbow car(riage)s enter the battlefield, then played the huge role immediately , has to be advanced Kenny and steel knight of a lot science and technology, suffers a loss under this gadget. 而这三辆弩车进入战场之后,便立即发挥了巨大的作用,要知道,就连拥有先进得多科技的肯尼和钢铁骑士,也是在这玩意儿下吃了大亏。 Really, after several crossbow car(riage)s start the hunting for net that launches that type of rattan to weave, the hill giant received the obvious restriction immediately. 果然,当几辆弩车开始发射那种藤条编织成的猎网之后,丘陵巨人顿时就受到了明显的制约。 The centaur uses this type of accurate very bad tool to limit the activity of hill giant, although under these Fujioka will struggle in the violence of giant will break quickly, but the strengths and energy of these big fellows were also consumed. 半人马正是利用这种精准度很差的工具来限制丘陵巨人的活动,虽然这些藤网在巨人的猛烈挣扎下会很快断裂,但这些大块头的力量和精力也被消耗在了其中。 And while struggling, the giant also gave the centaur enough cushion time, making them wait for an opportunity to aim fires, or initiates the charge, battles in the back or the under foot of hill giant circuitously. 并且在挣扎的同时,巨人也给了半人马足够的缓冲时间,让他们伺机瞄准进行射击,或者发起冲锋,在丘陵巨人的背后或者脚下迂回作战。 Moreover, calls thunder to start to conduct the effective direction in a distant place centaur, is busy with copes with these tenacious Fujioka the time while the hill giant, starts paragenesis lifeform Tasmanian wolf that coordinates these wolves to get rid of the hill giant. 不仅如此,在远处一名半人马唤雷者开始进行有效的指挥,趁着丘陵巨人忙于对付那些坚韧藤网的时候,开始配合那些座狼来干掉丘陵巨人的共生生物袋狼。 This is the typical elimination wing, breaks its fundamental tactic again. 这是典型的剪除羽翼,再断其根本的战术。 Although very hackneyed stuff, but undeniable is also very effective. 虽然很老套,但不可否认的也很有效。 After these Tasmanian wolves were killed or expelled, surplus thirty centaurs under the cover of crossbow car(riage), to fettering the giant in net are launching the fierce attack. 当那些袋狼被干掉或者赶走以后,剩余下来的三十几头半人马就在弩车的掩护下,对束缚在网中的巨人发动着猛烈攻势。 In them has to brandish the short axe, charges before the soldier, there is lance who the hand-held long spear/gun short distance throws, has bowman who projects the cutlass, the soldier of centaur seemingly is the soldier of mastering many skills while specializing in one, can switch over own battlefield role according to the weapon of wearing flexibly. 他们中有挥舞短斧,冲锋在前的战士,也有手持长枪近距离投掷的矛手,更有射出短箭的弓手,不过半人马的战士貌似都是一专多能的战士,可以根据身上的佩戴的武器灵活的切换自身的战场角色。 Soon, three hill giants who are responsible for guarding this camp were then strangled to death by this group of centaurs thoroughly, the centaur raised the weapon in abundance, exuded the cheers, 不多时,负责看守这营地的三名丘陵巨人便被这帮半人马给彻底绞杀了,半人马纷纷扬起了武器,发出了欢呼声, They start to sweep clear the battlefield, rescues in the camp the detained prisoner of war, and also enters in the crossbow frame the camp that the beforehand hill giant built, then started to indulge, nothing but slaughtered, the barbecue, drank to heart's content liquor named Thatta...... 紧接着他们就开始清扫战场,解救营地内被关押的战俘,并且还将弩车架入了之前丘陵巨人搭建的营地内,然后就开始放纵了起来,无非就是杀戮,烤肉,还有痛饮一种叫做塔塔的酒...... Naturally, this type of liquor is inferior, the alcohol content is very low, and has the characteristics of Gobi Desert very much, is with the fruit fermenting of cactus and one bush, but even if such blue ruin, is also precious in this difficult environment. 当然,这种酒非常劣质,酒精含量很低,并且也很有戈壁滩的特色,乃是用仙人掌和一种灌木的果实酿制的,不过哪怕是这样的劣酒,在这艰苦的环境下也非常珍贵。 Front forest Yan in Magerram centaur there, detected that this type of drink is the privilege that the small number of people enjoys, at that time celebrated the wolf king killed revelry, this type of liquor was installed in the bull horn the hand over personaaly hands over, only then Shaman, the priest and lucky young fellow can drink, and drinking two bull horn did not have. 之前方林岩在马格拉姆半人马那里,就发觉这种饮料是少数人享受的特权,当时庆祝狼王被杀的狂欢当中,这种酒被装在牛角里面递来递去,只有萨满,祭司和幸运的小伙子才能喝到,并且喝上两牛角就没有了。 But the ordinary soldiers of these Kirghiz centaurs, can everyone taste several Thatta liquor. 可是这些吉尔吉斯半人马的普通战士,都能够每人尝到几口塔塔酒。 Moreover, the soldiers of front these Kirghiz centaurs very obviously are only a small tribe, is only the small part of entire Kirghiz Centaur Clan and tribe. 不仅如此,面前这些吉尔吉斯半人马的战士很显然只是一个小部落而已,只是整个吉尔吉斯半人马部族的一小部分。 As the saying goes has a limited view , the strengths between these two tribes have can be inferred. 有道是管中窥豹,这两个部落之间的实力已是可见一斑。 These centaurs set up many leather tents in the camp, and is seemingly chaotic, actually keeps the path that the convenience passed in and out in the camp, later, outside the camp stood erect the big large military banner in ancient times of Kirghiz Clan and tribe. 紧接着,这些半人马在营地内搭起了许多皮革帐篷,并且看似杂乱无章,其实还是在营地里面留出来了方便进出的道路,随后,营地外就竖立起了吉尔吉斯部族的大纛。 To be honest, side Linyan feels on that gadget the moon symbol of abstract type seems somewhat very funny, being unable to bear made side Linyan think in a QQ expression package classical mouth awry smiled the expression. 说实话,方林岩觉得那玩意儿上抽象式的月亮符号看起来很是有些滑稽,忍不住让方林岩想到了QQ表情包里面的一款经典的歪嘴笑表情。 At this time, more/complete has depended on side Linyan the side, said in a low voice: 这时候,弥尔已经靠到了方林岩的身边,低声道: We were the time left, the spanner, the proper business was important.” “咱们是时候走人了,扳手,正事要紧。” side Linyan looked at more/complete thou one eyes, holding the chin to hesitate saying: 方林岩看了弥尔一眼,托着下巴沉吟道: I am considering the proper business.” “我正在考虑正事。” More complexion started somewhat ugly: 弥尔脸色开始有些难看了起来: Hey, you should not feel our far away comes with you, to lie looks at these barbaric monsters in this damn place the bonfire evening banquets?” “嘿,你该不会觉得我们大老远的跟你来,就是为了趴在这个该死的地方看这些野蛮怪物的篝火晚宴的吧?” side Linyan listens to the anger of more in voice containing, he also perceived probably front forest Yan weakened the plot of his authority, is not right, should be the open intrigue! 方林岩听出了弥尔声音里面蕴藏的火气,大概他也觉察到了之前方林岩削弱他的权威的阴谋,哦不对,应该是阳谋! Therefore, side Linyan smiles, to more/complete Erdao: 因此,方林岩笑笑,对着弥尔道: Can come a cigarette?” “要来支烟吗?” Opposite party forest Yan being perfunctory is very more angry: 弥尔对方林岩的敷衍很是恼怒: Hey! Haven't you heard my words?” “喂!你没听到我的话吗?” At this time, the vulture stood suddenly, observed closely more/complete Erdao with raw hate: 这时候,秃鹫突然站了出来,凶狠的盯住了弥尔道: Boss does not need to explain with you must do, old thing! Thinks well, is who was shouting before several hours must join our.” “头儿没有必要和你解释要干什么,老东西!好好想想,是谁在几个小时前喊着要加入我们的。” Then more/complete thou simply has not responded, feels on the neck one cool, by one dagger on neck. 然后弥尔还根本没有反应过来,就觉得脖子上一凉,被一把匕首架在了脖子上。 Obviously, the domineering of vulture scolded to capture other person attention immediately, more/complete two brothers got angry immediately shout: 很显然,秃鹫的强势呵斥顿时将其余的人目光吸引了过来,弥尔的两个兄弟立即怒喝道: Bastard, polite!” “混蛋,客气点!” „Do you want on the forehead to open a hole?” “你想要脑门上开个洞吗?” „......” “......” At this time side Linyan as if noticed here dispute, somewhat looked at a loss, then knits the brows, lifts the hand to make the vulture put the dagger, then complexion somewhat ugly say/way: 这时候方林岩仿佛才注意到了这边的争执,有些茫然的看了过来,然后才皱了皱眉,抬抬手让秃鹫将匕首放下来,接着才脸色有些难看的道: I, when the ponder issue does not like being interrupted the mentality, does not want to be the teacher, replied momentarily some naive issue, considering the everyone first cooperation, I makes an exception directly one time.” “我这个人在思考问题的时候并不喜欢被人打断思路,更不想做老师,随时回答一些很幼稚的问题,不过鉴于大家还是第一次合作,我就直接破例一次。” At this point, side Linyan looked all around around one: 说到这里,方林岩环顾了一下四周: Also who is same as more/complete thou, thought that we do delay the time here?” “还有谁是和弥尔一样,觉得咱们是在这里耽搁时间的?” Before fished the three people of advantage naturally not to think on side Linyan like this, only then just made noise two people who shouted angrily to support to say very much simply: 之前在方林岩身上捞到了好处的三个人当然不会这样想,只有刚刚出声怒喝的两人很干脆的支持道: Right!” “没错!” I also felt.” “我也觉得。” Under, more/complete several other masters will be muttering several seconds later nods to start to back up. 在过了几秒钟之后,弥尔的另外几名手下才咕哝着点了点头开始帮腔。 side Linyan held up a finger, earnest say/way: 方林岩举起了一根手指,认真的道: I am not am the nanny, do not do a matter to explain custom a time, in view of the fact that leads you, therefore these makes an exception time explained that but does not have the next time.” “我不是来做保姆的,更没有要做一件事就解释一次的习惯,不过鉴于已经把你们带了出来,所以这一次破例进行解释,但是没有下一次。” Listening, you had not been discovering, these centaurs killing the head of that two hill giants cuts, then inserts on nearby wooden stake.” “听着,你们难道没有发现,这些半人马只是将干掉的那两头丘陵巨人的脑袋剁掉,然后插在旁边的木桩上面。” After listening to side Linyan the words, all people nod, has the thoughts nimble and resourceful have started to ponder, but thoughts rough somewhat is vacant: 听了方林岩的话之后,所有的人都点了点头,有心思灵动的已经开始沉思,不过心思粗糙的却还有些茫然: Yes, what's the big deal?” “是啊,那又怎样?” side Linyan said: 方林岩道: This group of centaurs like eating the meat very much, you look on their prills, even is roasting the Tasmanian wolf, but the body of hill giant is actually very complete.” “这帮半人马很喜欢吃肉,你看他们的烤架上,甚至烤着袋狼,不过丘陵巨人的尸体却还是很完整。” „Haven't you looked at opportunity? Although we do not know why the centaur does not eat the meat of giant, we do not need to know the answer.” “你们还没看出来这其中的机会吗?虽然我们并不知道半人马为什么不吃巨人的肉,我们也不需要知道答案。” But the value of corpse shows the honor either ------- This ripped head has been doing this matter. Either is used to have a full stomach, if this dual purpose cannot send, then you do know this on behalf of what?” “但是尸体的价值要么就是彰显荣誉-------这一点被割掉的脑袋已经正在做这件事了。要么就用来果腹,如果这两种用途都派不上的话,那么你们知道这代表着什么吗?” Big Q said with a smile suddenly obscenely: 大Q忽然淫笑道: And eats besides the honor, to Kleinkahl, the corpse also has the third use, the taste of this fellow is very heavy.” “除了荣誉和吃掉之外,对小卡尔来说,尸体还有第三种用处,这家伙的口味特别重。”
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