FE :: Volume #9

#30: Undermines a wall shameless

LNMTL needs user funding to survive Read More

Without a doubt, heard 900,000 this data, most people at present is one bright! Because the Singapore dollar purchasing power of this world is very strong, can understand the pound of Earth, even the purchasing power is stronger. 毫无疑问,听到了九十万块这个数据,大部分人的眼前都是一亮!因为本世界的星币购买力还是很坚挺的,可以理解成地球的英镑,甚至购买力更强。 The material that side Linyan attains showed, sells hot, has the advertisement very much everywhere cool special speeding car also less than 50,000. 方林岩拿到的资料显示,一辆卖得很火,到处打广告的酷特飞车也就不到五万块而已。 But the position of very special speeding car in the middle of this world, almost with running quickly E department, BMW 5 is this type of Renminbi selling price about 500,000 expensive cars places on a par. 而酷特飞车在本世界当中的地位,差不多就和奔驰E系,宝马五系这种人民币售价五十万左右的豪车相提并论。 Looks that in many eyes sparkled the greedy ray, side Linyan then said: 看着不少人眼中都闪耀出了贪婪的光芒,方林岩接着道: Not is only this, I thought that these stupid big fellows are actually not difficult to do, therefore our three can be responsible for going to tempt the hill giant, then I will socialize with it short distance, brothers anything that goes to together does not serve as, only needs to treat peacefully at the ambush point, then opens fire ....... receives money!” “不仅是这样,我觉得这些蠢笨的大块头其实并不难搞,所以我们三个可以负责前去引诱丘陵巨人,然后我会与之近距离周旋,一起去的兄弟什么都不用做,只需要安静的待在埋伏点,然后开火.......收钱!” Without a doubt, side Linyan final these words most have the attraction. 毫无疑问,方林岩的最后这句话才是最有诱惑力的。 Because of words as the matter stands, he biggest risk will embrace oneself body, the risk probabilities of others can certainly reduce to slightly. 因为这样一来的话,他将最大的风险都揽到了自己的身上,其余的人的风险机率当然就能降低到最小。 Even if turns over carelessly, to them met with a disaster is still side Linyan three people, others have evacuate the time greatly. 就算是不慎翻车,对他们来说遭殃的也是方林岩三人,其余的人有大把时间撤离。 Not is only this, if changed a person to come out to speak this saying, will unable to do well is also questioned, thought this fellow is blowing flamboyant. 不仅是这样,倘若换一个人出来说这话,搞不好还会被质疑,觉得这家伙是不是在吹牛逼。 However side Linyan had bravely stepped forward a moment ago, with falls hill giant crotch that gadget the score to express all at once oneself are very powerful, has the ability and hill giant socializes. 然而方林岩刚才就已经挺身而出,用一刀切掉丘陵巨人胯下那玩意儿的战绩来表示自己很强大,是有能力和丘陵巨人周旋的。 In this case, immediately most people display to be ready to make trouble. 在这种情况下,顿时大部分人都表现得蠢蠢欲动起来。 At this time several direct descendant complexions of venture capital company were ugly immediately, particularly Ali, because of words as the matter stands, means that the entire team will analyze the collapse at this time. 此时风险投资公司的几名嫡系脸色顿时难看了起来,尤其是阿里,因为这样一来的话,就意味着整个团队此时都将会分析崩溃。 Will lose on behalf of them of venture capital company to the control of team, but side Linyan displaces. 代表风险投资公司的他们将失去对团队的掌控力,而方林岩取而代之。 Person who Ali cannot keep the words, and poses as the leaders of team, immediately stands, observed closely side Linyan to say stubbornly: 阿里乃是个藏不住话的人,并且以队伍的领袖自居,立即就站出来,死死的盯住了方林岩道: Hey! The spanner, you do this are what meaning!” “嘿!扳手,你这样做是什么意思!” side Linyan shrugs saying: 方林岩耸耸肩道: I can have what meaning, but does not want to waste the time in vain.” “我能有什么意思,只是不想白白浪费时间而已。” Ali said sternly: 阿里厉声道: You were hired! Now among us the contract is still becoming effective! How can fish personal work?” “你们是被雇佣来的!现在我们之间的合同还在生效!怎么能够去捞私活儿?” The goat stands the false smile say/way: 山羊站出来皮笑肉不笑的道: Right, I acknowledged that your employment power, you want us to attack the den of hill giant, we went, several brothers lost the life there.” “对啊,我承认你们的雇佣权啊,你们要我们去进攻丘陵巨人的老巢,我们去了,还有好几个兄弟都将命丢在了那里。” Tomorrow must repair and maintain in any case, I find the person to make an extra income not to hinder anything in the time of conditioning, we were sign the contract to give you, may sign was not the indenture of sale of person into servitude was right, we were not the slaves!” “明天反正都要修整,我找人在修整的时间去捞点外快又不妨碍什么,我们是签合同给了你,可签的也不是卖身契对吧,我们又不是奴隶!” Said again, can't you also want us to attack that damn ruins city tomorrow?!” “再说了,你们明天总不能还要我们去进攻那个该死的废墟城市吧?!” Others also really feared that a Ali this youth head racket, said that must kill again, after all this fellow beforehand behavior of gives people very far-fetched feeling ....... 其余的人还真怕阿里这个愣头青脑袋一拍,说是要再次杀回去,毕竟这家伙之前的行为就给人很不靠谱的感觉....... Finally Ali this fellow really jumped in the pit that the goat dug on own initiative, say/way that coldly: 结果阿里这家伙真的就主动跳进了山羊挖的这个坑里面了,冷冷的道: Who tells you to repair and maintain tomorrow! The information is correct, in Aogerui Ma this damned place hill food person demon has truly turned out in full strength.” “谁告诉你明天要修整的!情报是正确的,奥格瑞玛这鬼地方里面的丘陵食人魔确实都已经倾巢而出。” Early tomorrow morning can reconnoiter, in the afternoon we kill, the effective strength of opposite party had been consumed the larger part by us, these can certainly save time.” “明天一早就可以去侦察一番,下午我们杀回去,对方的有生力量已经被我们耗掉了一大半,这一次一定能把人救出来。” Listened to his such saying, the heart of people had one's heart sink with disappointment immediately! 听他这么一说,众人的心顿时都凉了半截! The words seemingly a little truth of Ali this fellow, but actually forgot a matter, in Aogerui Ma the deterrent force of that double headed giant is not small! 阿里这家伙的话貌似有点道理,可是却忘了一件事,奥格瑞玛里面那个双头巨人的威慑力可一点儿都不小! Team leader Kenny adds on the battle efficiency of his steel knight to be truly intrepid, was still brought one flock of elite Tasmanian wolves to expel in a panic by the double headed giant travels, even Bai Ruide's poor life compensated, do they this remnants wheel around and strike at the pursuer now? 队长肯尼加上他的钢铁骑士的战斗力确实非常强悍,依然被双头巨人带着一群精英袋狼撵得仓皇跑路,甚至连白瑞德的小命都赔上了,就他们现在这支残兵败将去杀回马枪? Hehe? This is felt the dried meat that the hill giant stockpiles are too few, can deliver goods to the doorstep for them? 呵呵?这是觉得丘陵巨人储备的干肉太少,要为它们送货上门吗? Therefore Ali this saying said that immediately some people started to sing an opposing tune, very simple say/way: 因此阿里这话一说出来,立即就有人开始唱反调了,很干脆的道: Must go to you to go, the father does not bring death.” “要去你去,老子是不去送死的。” Ali glowers immediately, but can come here is the slippery customers, if Kenny, how many minutes/shares will then also restrain, to a on Ali such youth, hehe? Who will give him the face? 阿里立即怒目而视,不过能来这里的都是老油条,若是肯尼在的话,那么还会收敛几分,对上阿里这么一个愣头青,呵呵?谁会给他面子? The fellow compared the middle finger immediately, looked did not think the bird on the least bit he. 那家伙立即就比出了中指,一看就半点都不想鸟他。 Some people come out to taunt: 紧接着就有人出来嘲讽: Actually I thought that Ali said very right, didn't that damned place only remain a double headed giant? This gadget is not really worth mentioning, early tomorrow morning he goes to bundle this fellow, we then ripped its head to be good in the past.” “其实我觉得阿里说得挺对的,那鬼地方不就只剩下来了一只双头巨人吗?这玩意儿真的是不值一提,明天一大早他就去将这家伙捆起来,我们接着过去割掉它的脑袋就好了。” After one group of people listened, immediately laughed loudly. 一群人听了之后,立即就大声哄笑了起来。 Hahahaha ....... “哈哈哈哈.......” Ali is not a person who has the city mansion, the angry glare gazes at fixedly to say immediately: 阿里并不是一个有城府的人,立即怒目瞪视道: „Did bastard, what you talk nonsense?” “混蛋,你胡说什么?” Say/Way that moreover that person does not yield mutually: 另外那个人则是毫不相让的道: „Do I have the nonsense? I thought that you are messing things up, I told you, the kid, do not think oneself were a character, talked close to to make others bring death in vain.” “我有胡说吗?我看你才在胡搞吧,我告诉你,小屁孩,别以为自己是个人物了,动动嘴巴就想让别人去白白送死。” This person is called Wynter, is a scout, before Ali said early tomorrow morning reconnoitered, obviously serious injury his benefit. 这个人叫做温特,也是一名侦察兵,之前阿里所说的“明天一大早去侦察一番”,显然就严重的伤害到了他的利益。 To Wynter, what does Aogerui Ma that damned place have to reconnoiter the value? 对温特来说,奥格瑞玛那个鬼地方还有什么侦察价值的? Daytime time almost by a Tasmanian wolf breaking by biting throat, the scar that now the chest also two claw dig out. 白天的时候差点就被一头袋狼咬破咽喉,现在胸口还有两条爪子抠出来的伤痕。 Escaped from inside with great difficulty, damn this bastard must really work, tomorrow morning big fellow will be sleeping, can the father risk neck to get out of bed to go to that side to bring death? 好不容易从里面逃了出来,他妈的这王八蛋要真的得逞了,明天早上大家伙都在睡大觉,老子就要冒着生命危险起床去那边送死? Therefore Wynter also very simple has no consideration for face continues saying: 所以温特也很干脆的撕破脸继续道: I told you, wanted to work sincerely, making others be convinced, stood saying that came on own initiative with me, rather than looked like your type of instigation goods, will only hide behind others buttocks randomly calls tearfully. Your own fool idea, why don't do?” “我告诉你,真心想要做事,让别人服气的,都是主动站出来说跟我来,而不是像你这种怂货,只会躲在别人屁股后面汪汪乱叫。你自己的蠢蛋主意,为什么不自己去干?” Ali said a word at this time compels, bites to say the tooth: 阿里此时被言语一逼,将牙一咬道: I will certainly go, will save.” “我当然会去,更会把人救出来。” At this time, suddenly some people of sinking said: 这时候,忽然有人沉声道: Do not quarrel, grasped the time rest! The person who does not want to rest I can also arrange to stand sentry.” “都别吵了,抓紧时间休息了!不想休息的人我也可以安排放哨。” Speech is not others, was Thalen of non- chief steward. Outside he went to go to bathroom before, then in the heart wants a person to be static worriedly, ponders something. 说话的不是别人,正是不大管事的塔伦了。他之前去外面上了个厕所,然后心中烦闷想要一个人静一静,思考一些东西。 After without expecting to get out of the way shortly, had this matter unexpectedly, the entire team almost wanted the internal strife. 没料到走开之后没多久,居然就发生了这档子事情,整个团队几乎都要内讧了。 At this time Thalen's remaining prestige , others had not said anything, look that in all directions but winked, then dispersed directly, but also was 35 gathers the pile, in the point the smoke is talking in whispers, obviously has the idea respectively. 这时候塔伦的余威还在,其余的人也不说什么,只是都挤眉弄眼的四处看看,然后直接散了,不过也是三五聚堆,点上烟窃窃私语着,显然已经是各有主意。 Thalen deeply looked at side Linyan one eyes, side Linyan actually is also smiles to him. 塔伦深深看了方林岩一眼,方林岩却也是对他笑了笑。 Beforehand Thalen also felt oneself can control spanner these three people, but he now is also the somewhat exhausted feeling. 之前的塔伦还觉得自己可以掌控住扳手这三个人,但他现在也是有些心力交瘁的感觉。 Especially witnessed side Linyan dares a person to stand in front of the hill giant after it socializing, then knows that such a seemingly moderate character, actually is also in the chest has mound ravine, in the heart has the fierce tiger, cannot easily control. 尤其是目睹了方林岩敢于一个人站到丘陵巨人面前与之周旋之后,便知道这样一个貌似温和的人物,其实也是胸中有丘壑,心中有猛虎,不是能轻易掌控得了的。 After arrived at side Linyan the front slowly, Thalen opens mouth to speak, finally actually detected that in the middle of the mind one group of messes, have nothing to say unexpectedly, is only fluent: 徐徐的走到了方林岩面前之后,塔伦张了张嘴想要说话,最后却发觉脑海当中一团乱麻,居然没什么说得出口的,只能道: Our present situations are not optimistic, the spanner you are a smart person, should know truth that sticking together warms up.” “我们现在的局势并不乐观,扳手你是聪明人,应该知道抱团取暖的道理。” side Linyan shows a faint smile saying: 方林岩微微一笑道: This was natural, Mr. Thalen, you spoke, I was half a word objection no.” “这个是当然了,塔伦先生,您说话的时候,我可是半句异议都没有的呢。” *** *** Next morning, 第二天清晨, The horizon just spilled over fish-belly white, 天边刚刚泛出了鱼肚白, Is on night duty the person who stands sentry to have a yawn exhaustedly, rubbed the sore eye, suddenly detected that the distant place seems like some is not right, 值夜放哨的人疲惫的打了个哈欠,揉了揉酸痛的眼睛,忽然发觉远处似乎有些不对劲, He carefully looked, almost warned directly, but after looked at two, held breath unexpectedly cold air, quickly is trampling a foot to say to side the companion who napped: 他仔细一看后差点直接示警,不过多看两眼之后,竟是倒吸了一口凉气,急忙对着旁边正在打盹的同伴踹了一脚道: Hey! You look at that side, is the spanner they?” “喂!你看那边,是不是扳手他们?” The companions rest just soundly, after suffering a foot, naturally somewhat is very angry, but words of one hear of standing sentry that fellows, stood to come to see the distant place saying: 同伴睡得正香,挨了一脚后当然很是有些愤怒,不过一听放哨的那家伙的话,就站了起来看了看远处道: Yes, was their two ......... these two fellows had not slept in the camp yesterday evening, did they do? I depend, what the spanner back conducts the shoulder is what thing?” “是啊,是他们两个.........这两个家伙昨天晚上没有在营地里面睡觉啊,他们去干什么了?我靠,扳手背后扛着的是什么东西?” By a companion such saying, the person of standing sentry was also noticed immediately, immediately took up the telescope to look, then exploded the swearing: 被同伴这么一说,放哨的人顿时也注意到了,立即拿起望远镜看了过去,然后爆了粗口: FK! Probably the wolf skin, the courage of these three fellows were too big, did they go to rape that side to conduct the night assault at the same night red? Right, how that vulture does not see the person, had died?” “FK!好像是狼皮,这三个家伙的胆子太大了,难道他们连夜去了红云台地那边进行了夜袭?对了,那个秃鹫怎么不见人,难道是已死掉了吗?” Quick, the thing that side Linyan and goat bring caused the stir among the camp, accurate, was the thing that they brought caused the stir: 很快的,方林岩和山羊带回来的东西就在营地当中造成了轰动,准确的来说,是他们带回来的东西造成了轰动: A whip of hill giant, 一根丘陵巨人的鞭, Two the skins of Tasmanian wolves( fresh) 两张袋狼的皮(新鲜的) A skin of tension crack hoof cow( tans) 一张裂蹄牛的皮(鞣制好的) A bulk dog head gold/metal. 还有一大块狗头金。 Originally, side Linyan said oneself detected in retreating yesterday, in Aogerui Ma's peripheral region, presented an alone cavern, side also has three symbolic hill giant styles bone piles, as well as bonfire residual. 原来,方林岩说自己昨天在撤退的时候就发觉,在奥格瑞玛的外围区域,出现了一个孤零零的洞穴,旁边还有三个标志性的丘陵巨人风格的骨堆,以及篝火残渣。 According to his inference, here should be occupied by an old hill giant, and obviously similar dislikes to it very much, therefore it was pushed aside outside Aogerui Ma. 根据他的推断,这里应该居住着一头年老的丘陵巨人,并且显然同类对它很不待见,所以它被排挤到了奥格瑞玛外面来。 According to the material that side Linyan inquired, the hill giant in early morning has to go out to take a walk the custom of inspection domain, and will save a evening's excreta release while convenient, for warning similar, seized and occupied the domain. 根据方林岩查询到的资料,丘陵巨人在清晨的时候有着外出遛弯巡视地盘的习惯,并且顺带将自己积攒了一晚上的排泄物释放,用于警告同类,圈占地盘。 Therefore, they embark before the daybreak, then while this old hill giant goes out, in its lair the arrangement next many traps, then got rid of it. 所以,他们就在黎明之前出发,然后趁着这头年老丘陵巨人外出的时候,在其巢穴里面布置下多个陷阱,然后干掉了它。 Here side Linyan has not disclosed the concrete process, but the prompt said, first discarded the eyes of old age hill giant, while it loses the vision time first got rid of its side two Tasmanian wolves, then massacred this fellow. 这里方林岩没有透露具体的过程,只是提示说,先废掉了老年丘陵巨人的眼睛,趁其失去视力的时候先干掉了其身边的两头袋狼,然后再杀掉了这家伙。 Also some people asked the condition of vulture, side Linyan then said very much mystically oneself discovered a very important clue, the vulture with, everyone can get rich if possible together. 也有人问起秃鹫的状况,方林岩便很神秘的说自己发现了一条非常重要的线索,秃鹫跟上去了,有机会的话大家可以一起发财。 These words immediately by many bearing in mind scopes. 这句话顿时就被蛮多人记在心里面。 What is worth mentioning is, in the middle of spoils of war that side Linyan bring, most valuable naturally is the giant whip, but next valuable, was actually the skin of that tension crack hoof cow. 值得一提的是,方林岩两人带回来的战利品当中,最值钱的当然是巨人鞭,不过其次值钱的,却是那张裂蹄牛的皮了。 The crack hoof cow is also local one special product lifeform, is scarce, the fur/superficial knowledge is very smoothly mild-mannered, and his sebaceous glands can send out a very unique fragrance. 裂蹄牛也是本地的一种特产生物,数量稀少,皮毛十分柔顺光滑,并且其皮脂腺会发出一种非常独特的香味。 It is said that flavor somewhat is similar to Ambergris's smell, can purify the mind the awaking brain, is called the fragrance of King, was hounded, attains the market to come up to fall short of demand, and when a thing is rare , it becomes precious, then the price definitely rises certainly. 据说那味道有几分类似于龙涎香的气味,可以清心醒脑,又被称为王者之香,非常受人追捧,一拿到市面上去就供不应求,并且还是物以稀为贵,那么当然价格肯定就一路上扬。 But this gadget and dog head gold/metal found from the lair of old age hill giant, the crack hoof boasting was its fur mattress lining, the dog head gold/metal is placed by it side worked as the ornament. 而这玩意儿和狗头金都是从老年丘陵巨人的巢穴里面找到的,裂蹄牛皮是它的皮褥子,狗头金被它放在了旁边当装饰品。 Among these fellows on the scene, eagle-eyed being not infrequent, slightly an estimate, judged immediately comes out side Linyan and the others this harvest at least is 1 million upward. Immediately, these people looked to two people eye direct reds. 在场的这些家伙当中,有眼力的不在少数,略一估算,立即就判断了出来方林岩等人这一次的收获起码都是百万往上。顿时,这些人看向两人的眼睛都直接红了。 As the saying goes the clear wine favorite surface, money moves the will of the people! 有道是清酒红人面,财帛动人心! Also there is a few words to be called does not contract the poor trouble to be uneven, 又有一句话叫做不患贫患不均, Camp inside person majority is a mercenary, is far from what friendship with the venture capital company, is very simple cash nexus, you disburse money, I have your greedy body...... 营地里面的人本来大部分都是雇佣兵,与风险投资公司都谈不上什么交情,就是很简单的金钱关系,你出钱,我出你馋的身子...... They saw how many hours side Linyan went out, returns on the sudden wealth directly, how can this group of people not covet? 他们见到了方林岩两人只是出去了几个小时,直接就暴富归来,这帮人怎能不眼热? Especially associates to this duty time is mostly more unfortunate than fortunate, oneself then must facing several-month eat the earth life difficultly. 尤其是联想到这一次的任务多半凶多吉少,自己接下来还要面对长达几个月的艰难吃土生活啊。 Needless saying that at this time gathers round side Linyan being not infrequent, is listening to them to tell that gets rich the experience. 不消说,此时围着方林岩两人的不在少数,都在听他们讲述发财经历。 At this time, no one cared about complexion pale Ali, 这时候,也没有人在乎脸色铁青的阿里了, side Linyan has been needless to say a character now, makes this fellow be abandoned by overwhelming majority people directly completely. 方林岩现在已经根本不用多说一个字,就直接让这家伙完全被绝大部分的人抛弃。 Because several of venture capital company person on one's own side has also started to gather now, earnestly was discussing later goes to rape red that side fishes a ticket the possibility. 因为现在就连风险投资公司的几个“自己人”也已经开始聚集了起来,认真的讨论着待会儿去红云台地那边“捞一票”的可能。 Yesterday evening, Ali had the entire midnight to toss and turn, was for a very long time wakeful, the goal was at the considering excuse of doing everything possible, Kenny eldest child of desperate substitution worship, thinks him how, if should do facing this situation. 昨天晚上,阿里有整整半夜都在辗转反侧,久久都不能入睡,目的就是在想方设法的斟酌说辞,拼命的代入崇拜的肯尼老大,认为他若是面对这种情况应该怎么做。 Finally wasted for 56 hours, boils Ali who gets angry to prepare own speech mental note with great difficulty, even even/including Mei raises hand, the body language of making a fist forms in one's mind appropriately, 最后浪费了五六个小时,熬得红了眼的阿里好不容易才准备好了自己的发言腹稿,甚至连每一个扬手,握拳的肢体语言都构思妥当, In his mind, after having had the breakfast, oneself this passionate and does not lose the strong speech, certainly can receive the full house applause, refutes that damn spanner while convenient dumbfounded. 在他的心中,吃过早饭以后,自己这一番激情洋溢而又不失强硬的发言,一定能够赢得满堂掌声,顺带将那该死的扳手驳斥得哑口无言。 The entire team meets the morale to inspire greatly, then in oneself do not lose under the bold direction thoroughly, successfully penetrates among Aogerui Ma, even achieves to link the matter that Kenny old has not achieved mostly, successfully rescues that unlucky Ryan! 整支队伍则会士气大振,接下来在自己周密而不失大胆的指挥下,成功突入奥格瑞玛当中,甚至做到连肯尼老大都没做到的事情,将那个倒霉的瑞恩成功救出! It is no doubt that was is then promoted raises in salary to win white rich and beautiful, the winning promotion and getting rich dead wife marches into the life peak a series of being familiar flows ..... 不用说,接下来便是升职加薪赢取白富美,升官发财死老婆步入人生巅峰的一系列耳熟能详的流程..... Only pitifully, pitiful Ali detected at this time oneself dream has not started with enough time, looks like the giant fruit that in that big bottle thinks to be the same, broke directly. 只可惜,这时候可怜的阿里发觉自己的梦还没来得及开始,就像是那个大瓶子里面装着的巨人蛋蛋一样,直接破碎掉了。 This may really be a sorrowful story ....... this time has a look in the camp frantic atmosphere! Almost all people are discussing are raping red, the hill giant, no one will pay attention to or care about any character that Ali said. 这可真是个悲哀的故事.......此时看看营地里面的狂热气氛吧!几乎所有人都在谈论着红云台地,丘陵巨人,没有人会关注或者在乎阿里说出来的任何一个字。 The condition of this time can only describe with typical a few words that was „the will of the people dispersed, was not good to bring.” 此时的这状况就只能用典型的一句话来形容,那就是“人心散了,不好带了。” The following matter, starts certainly to transform toward the situation that side Linyan anticipates, roughly crossed for two hours, the vulture also successfully returns, three people ate a thing to repair and maintain in the camp rest, after waking up, detected that this inside person has been short of the larger part. 接下来的事情,当然就开始朝着方林岩期待的情况转变,约莫又过了两个小时,秃鹫也顺利返回,三人吃了点东西在营地里面修整小憩一番,重新醒来之后,发觉这里面的人已经少了一大半。 It is no doubt that these people after seeing side Linyan their harvest, went to outside to seek for opportunity. 不用说,这些人都是在见到了方林岩他们的收获以后,去外面寻找“商机”去了。 You let alone, but also really had the lucky fellow to touch in a lair of old age hill giant, successfully benefitted, the house-owner was not at home very much obviously, he will sweep across, besides attaining expensive animal skin, unexpectedly before also obtained, seized old age hill giant the relic of unlucky egg. 你别说,还真的有幸运儿摸进了一处老年丘陵巨人的巢穴里面,成功捞到了好处的,很显然房主不在家,他将其中席卷一空,除了拿到昂贵的兽皮之外,居然还获得了之前来抓捕老年丘陵巨人的倒霉蛋的遗物。 These things numerous can also sell 200,000! 这些东西林林总总的也能卖个二十万! This duty, even if rescues successfully, money that he can divide is still 100,000. 要知道,这一次任务就算是营救成功,他能分到手的钱也就是十万块啊。 This fully explained side Linyan their success can duplicate! Moreover, this lucky fellow or Ali's friend, the direct descendant member of venture capital company, side Linyan is in cahoots the probability of deceiving people with it is almost 0. 这就充分说明了方林岩他们的成功是可以复制的!不仅如此,这幸运儿还是阿里的朋友,风险投资公司的嫡系成员,方林岩与之串通起来骗人的概率几乎为0. In this case, originally still in some people also very decisive fates of waiting and seeing, lay down after all idles here has not been idling? Must rest to lie down, when goes home has greatly the time wastes. 在这种情况下,本来还在观望的一些人也很果断的下场了,毕竟躺在这里闲着还不是闲着?要休息要躺着,等到回家的时候有大把的时间来浪费。 Saw in the camp all sorts of situations, side Linyan the corners of the mouth revealed wiped the smile, this was he wants to see. 见到了营地里面发生的这种种情况,方林岩的嘴角露出了一抹微笑,这正是他想要看到的。 Actually yesterday evening their three people had not stopped, to let the camp inside person of moves restlessly, even also made some arrangement especially: 其实昨天晚上他们三人可是一刻都没停下来,为了让营地里面的人躁动起来,甚至还特地做了一些布置: For example in going to rape in several lairs of road which must be taken to put some valuable things red, for example dog head gold/metal, valuable animal skin, precious herbal medicine and so on. 比如在前往红云台地必经之路的几处兽穴里面放了一些值钱的东西,比如狗头金啊,值钱的兽皮,珍贵的草药之类的。 These thing some found in that unlucky old age hill giant lair, some are the goat trades from the centaur tribe, 这些东西有的是在那头倒霉的老年丘陵巨人巢穴里面找到的,有的是山羊从半人马部落里面换来的, To be honest, if they are the standard surface person, then this time can gain full, the harvest is many. 说实话,倘若他们是本位面的人的话,那么这一次能赚个盆满钵满,收获颇丰。 It is a pity that these wealth cannot bring this world, side Linyan even suspected that this nearby has a quality very high gold ore, otherwise in the lair dog head gold/metal will not reach three. 遗憾的是这些财富都带不出本世界,方林岩甚至怀疑这附近有一处品质很高的金矿,否则的话巢穴里面的狗头金也不会多达三块。 side Linyan three people have not thought, oneself arrangement has not become effective, unexpectedly some people really got rich, this may really be the God is helping. 方林岩三人都没想到,自己的布置还没生效,居然就有人真的发财了,这可真是老天爷都在帮忙。 In, side Linyan the beforehand arrangement also came into effect toward noon, this time prize-winning the coverage was very broad, three squads explored two lairs, the population of benefit reached ten people. 在临近中午的时候,方林岩之前的布置也开始生效了,这一次“中奖”的覆盖面很广,三个小队探索了两处兽穴,受益的人数多达十来人。 Therefore in such a case, this place forest rock they have eaten the lunch preparation, very relaxed solicited one group of people, the strengths of these fellows were intrepid, but the main force was more that group of people. 于是在这样的情况下,当方林岩他们吃过午饭准备出发的时候,很轻松的就招徕到了一群人,这些家伙的实力非常强悍,不过主力就是弥尔那群人。
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