FE :: Volume #9

#29: Instigation

LNMTL needs user funding to survive Read More

At this time, Kenny whipped a walkie-talkie of chest, to was saying two, after detecting did not have the signal, directly to here is comparing three fingers. 这时候,肯尼拍打了一下胸口的步话机,对着说了两句,发觉没有信号之后,直接对着这边比出了三根手指。 According to the beforehand agreement, this carries out the No. 3 plan, that came across the thunderbolt, some people need to evacuate separately rapidly. 根据之前的约定,这是执行第三号计划,那就是遇到了突发事件,一干人需要分头迅速撤离。 At this time although both sides distance, only then 500-600 meters, but also is away from a rift valley that spreads meanwhile from dark lane area there, to converge, at least takes 20 minutes, in this case, Kenny chooses the No. 3 plan is not strange. 此时双方虽然距离只有500-600米,不过这其间还隔着一条从暗巷区那里蔓延过来的裂谷,所以要想汇合的话,至少需要二十分钟,在这种情况下,肯尼选择第三号计划也并不奇怪。 Thalen loudly received the message then to exclaim at this time: 塔伦这时候收到了消息便大吼道: „No. 3 plan! Carries out the No. 3 plan, separately evacuation, GOGOGO!” “三号计划!执行第三号计划,分头撤离,GOGOGO!” All people do not want to stay in this place, particularly after seeing that powerful double headed giant, if said that the one-eyed hill giant is that type by enemy hundred brave generals, then the double headed hill giant is that type can display the pinnacle the subordinate soldier battle efficiency, and own battle efficiency also very astonishing great general! 所有的人都不想在这地方呆着了,尤其是在见到了那头强悍的双头巨人以后,倘若说独眼丘陵巨人是那种以一敌百的猛将的话,那么双头丘陵巨人就是那种能将麾下士兵战斗力发挥到极致,并且自身的战斗力也十分惊人的大将! Such enemy, only if compels to have no other choice, who is willing with it to? Especially most can hit elite instigated above in the situation of this time these. 这样的敌人,除非是逼不得已的话,谁愿意和它对上?尤其是在此时上面的这些最能打的精锐都怂了的情况下。 But, misfortune never singly comes, when some people retreat returned to the parking lot, the people immediately held breath cold air! 可是,祸不单行,在一干人撤退回到了停车区的时候,众人顿时倒吸了一口凉气! Because stopped three all-terrain vehicles here before already only surplus, and this damage is serious, seemed like devastated 100 simply, 因为之前停在这里的三辆全地形车已经只剩余下来了一辆,并且这一辆已经损毁严重,简直就像是被蹂躏了一百遍似的, In the eyes of side Linyan this expert, can determine it basically to lose the value of restore, drags to discard to sell the scrap iron directly is the best home to return. 在方林岩这种行家的眼里面,都可以判定其基本失去了修复的价值,直接拖去报废卖废铁是最好的归宿。 Moreover, around this also has obvious has fought the trace, the bloodstain, the crater wait/etc had everything expected to find. 不仅如此,这周围也有明显战斗过的痕迹,血迹,弹坑等等应有尽有。 At this time the people realize a matter: Before why hadn't the following hill giant come to impact the position? 此时众人才意识到一件事:为什么之前没有后续的丘陵巨人前来冲击阵地了? Originally the surplus fellows were being stopped by here three all-terrain vehicles attracting the past, therefore remained behind the fellow who drives to drive at that time to run away promptly. 原来剩余的家伙都被这边停着的三辆全地形车给吸引了过去,所以当时留守开车的家伙应该是及时开车逃走了。 At this time places the dangerous situation, the escape route is broken, the entire team can be said as in the quite danger. 此时身处险境,后路被断,整个队伍可以说是处于相当危险的境地中。 But team leader Thalen somewhat seems to be caught off guard to this situation, actually stays is not speaking, side Linyan actually knows that at this time must race against time, said directly: 可领队塔伦似乎对这种情况有些措手不及,却呆着不说话,方林岩却知道这时候必须要争分夺秒,直接道: Cannot drag, we walk!” “不能拖,我们走!” Said that led the person to leave directly, and direction that he walks is not the entrance position, but slightly ran toward the west. 说完了直接就带着人离开,并且他走的方向也并不是门口的位置,而是朝着西面小跑了过去。 The people have the heard mentality, front forest Yanzhan let alone comes out raises the high frequency blade to select that hill giant only the time, has established enough credibility, therefore his such a takes the lead, others also followed in abundance. 人都有从众心理,更何况之前方林岩站出来提着高周波刀单挑那头丘陵巨人的时候,就已经建立了足够的威信,所以他这么一带头,其余的人也都纷纷跟随了过去。 Thalen's trusted aide looked at his one eyes, felt the meaning of old mostly not having opposed, entrains him to travel together. 就连塔伦的心腹看了他一眼,觉得老大都没有反对的意思,也就拽着他一起同行。 In travelling, the rescue crew rationed the simple exoskeleton installment of people to play very major role at that time, the road that although side Linyan brings at this time is narrow difficult to walk, almost goes through in the trouble-ridden ruins, actually can still maintain the rapid traverse. 在跑路的时候,救援队当时配给众人的简易外骨骼装置还是发挥了很大的作用,尽管此时方林岩带的路非常狭窄难走,几乎都是在障碍重重的废墟里面穿行,却依然能保持快速移动。 But this path is difficult to walk, others have no objection, because they also understand a truth: 而这条道路虽然难走,其余的人都没有什么异议,因为他们也明白一个道理: Human thought that the rugged complex path, the hill giant cannot advance obviously absolutely fast. 人类都觉得崎岖复杂的道路,丘陵巨人显然也绝对不能快速突进。 Quick, some people put from the ruins, then in total wreck the city wall from Aogerui Ma climbs up under. 很快的,一干人就从废墟里面穿了出来,然后从奥格瑞玛旁边破烂不堪的城墙上攀援而下。 At this time has a look at the rear ruins cities, the people had a being survivor of disaster feeling, then looked to Thalen, but Thalen's complexion seemed ugly at this time, by closed one's eyes in nearby stone wall does not speak, side held his young fellow saying: 此时看看后方的废墟城镇,众人都生出了一种劫后余生的感觉,然后看向了塔伦,但这时候塔伦的脸色似乎很难看,靠在了旁边的石壁上闭着眼睛不说话,旁边扶着他的一个小伙子道: Boss did not fall the back of the head before carefully, now the condition is not good, needs to rest, then in the team big or small business is presided over by Ali, the spanner and more/complete thou assist.” “头儿之前不小心摔到了后脑,现在状况不大好,需要休息,接下来队伍里面的大小事务由阿里来主持,扳手和弥尔协助。” Ali is direct descendant of venture capital company, is in charge by him does not have the issue. 阿里乃是风险投资公司的嫡系,由他来主管是没有问题的。 The spanner was needless saying that dared to clash in the front fierce person, a person lived in aspect in imminent danger on the stability at that time. 扳手就不用说了,敢于冲在前面的猛人,一个人当时就稳定住了岌岌可危的局面。 more/complete thou is 40 -year-old man, the whole face beard, the manner is quite steady, and is loyal, is also very high in mercenary inside prestige, the interim leadership that these three people compose can also make surplus these twenty individual obedience. 弥尔是个四十来岁的老男人,满脸胡须,为人相当稳重,并且非常讲义气,在雇佣兵里面的威信也很高,这三个人组成的临时领导层也能够让剩余下来的这二十几个人服众。 Therefore then some people depended toward the rallying point of setting in advance rapidly, at this time had determined basically was separated from chasing down of hill giant, this fellows also start to have the mood to discuss in the future: 于是接下来一干人就朝着预先设定的聚集点迅速靠了过去,这时候已经基本确定脱离了丘陵巨人的追杀,这帮家伙也开始有心情讨论起未来: „Did you say our duty successes?” “你们说咱们的任务成功了吗?” Who knows that under this damn place has the magnetite probably, the meaconing is big, otherwise I directly asked that side.” “谁知道呢,这该死的地方下面好像有磁铁矿,信号干扰非常大,否则的话我直接就问那边了。” „That side I have been paying attention, at that time the person of Team A was expelled the hare that flees to the wilderness probably, has not seen the strange face, unfortunately, the actually familiar face was short of several.” “我一直都在注意那边,当时A组的人被撵得像是落荒而逃的野兔,并没有看到陌生面孔,不幸的是,倒是熟悉的脸庞少了几张。” Team A died probably many people, Meidell estimated that was very difficult to live.” “A组好像死了不少人啊,梅德尔估计很难活下来了。” At least died eight people!” “至少死了八个人!” Has so many?” “有那么多吗?” Meidell should very be difficult to live, you have not seen on the shoulder of that double headed monster, but also carries three unlucky eggs! In addition, on neck above white bones necklace, there are heads of two acquaintances.” “梅德尔应该是很难活下来了,你没见到那双头怪物的肩膀上吗,还扛着三个倒霉蛋!除此之外,脖子上面的白骨项链上,也有两个熟人的脑袋。” „A your such saying, my actually a little impression, looks is a bit like rhinocero Wynter,...... good, perhaps my vertigo misread.” “你这么一说,我倒是有点印象了,其中一个看起来有点像是犀牛温特,还有一个......好吧,也许我眼花看错了。” ....... I also hope that my vertigo misread, but in this duty has the golden hair has probably three people.” “.......我也希望我眼花看错了,但是这一次任务里面有金发的好像就只有三个人。” ....... “.......” After hearing talking in whispers of these people, side Linyan gawked staring, works as the middle course in the team channel: 听到了这些人的窃窃私语以后,方林岩愣了愣,在团队频道当中道: Hey, golden hair that they said who is?” “喂,他们说的金发的到底是谁?” The vulture is responsible for reconnoitering, the power of observation is quite careful, but at this time also somewhat vacant shaking the head. 秃鹫是负责侦察的,观察力比较仔细,但此时也有些茫然的摇了摇头。 The goat said: 山羊却道: Bai Ruide, what they said is Bai Ruide.” “白瑞德,他们说的是白瑞德。” Ha?” side Linyan shocking say/way: Your meaning is, Bai Ruide's head was twisted, hung on that double headed giant neck?” “哈?”方林岩震惊的道:“你的意思是,白瑞德的脑袋被拧了下来,挂在了那只双头巨人脖子上?” The goat said: 山羊道: Yes, basically can determine.” “是的,基本可以确定了。” Say/Way that side Linyan muttered: 方林岩喃喃的道: This may really be felt strange, this fellow is not has made an appearance by brain truster? How to rush to the first line to go?” “这可真是奇怪了,这家伙不是一直都以智囊型露面的吗?怎么会冲到第一线去?” The vulture also expressed the doubts: 秃鹫也表示出了疑惑: You said very right! Even had the accident/surprise, Bai Ruide was killed even, will the head also be hung to the neck of double headed giant comes up? This expressed that his strength obtained the approval of this monster.” “你说得很对!就算是出现了意外,白瑞德被弄死了就算了吧,脑袋怎么还会被挂到双头巨人的脖子上去?这表示他的实力得到了这怪物的认可。” He fell insanely, rushed with this monster just the upfront?” “他疯掉了吗,冲上去和这怪物刚正面?” After walking probably for one hour, the people started weak some. 大概走了一个小时之后,众人开始有些体力不支了。 After all before fought with the hill giant, the physical exertion is very big, many people are also unavoidable a belt/bring clash the silt wound, 毕竟之前才和丘陵巨人大战了一场,体力消耗很大,许多人身上也难免带点磕磕碰碰的淤伤, And must carry the weaponry, on everyone average burden weight also exceeded 20 kilograms, even if there is assistance of exoskeleton equipment, therefore can only stop to rest, but must emit the sentry to look at the pursuing troops. 并且还要携带武器装备,每个人身上的平均负担重量也是超过了二十公斤,哪怕有着外骨骼装备的辅助,于是只能停下来歇息一番,还得放出哨兵看一看有没有追兵。 Like this stops from time to time, definitely approaching speed quickly, therefore used for almost two -and-a-half hours, before the group arrived, temporary assembly point here that decides. 这样走走停停的,肯定行进速度快不起来,于是用了差不多两个半小时,一行人才来到了之前定下来的临时集合点这里。 However presents before them, is actually a scene in confusion, here does not have all -terrain vehicle, has not been waiting for A squad member, but corpse everywhere! 然而呈现在他们面前的,却是一片狼藉的景象,这里并没有全地形车,也没有等待着的A小队成员,而是满地的尸体! These corpses have human, several wolves, far away has the bloody flavor to greet the nostrils. 这些尸体有人类的,也有几只狼的,老远的就有血腥味道扑鼻而来。 Is detected probably the unexpected visitor, several was hearing the bloody flavor catches up, the eating to the heart's content blood mouth vulture lifted the head fiercely, then aimed at these unexpected visitors to neigh with raw hate, is making clear to the ownership of these fresh delicious food. 大概是察觉到了不速之客,几只闻着血腥味道赶来,正在大快朵颐的血嘴秃鹫猛的抬起了头,然后对准了这些不速之客凶狠的嘶叫着,昭示着自己对这些新鲜美味食物的拥有权。 1,2,3,4,5...... damn, how can like this!!” “1,2,3,4,5......见鬼,怎么会这样!!” Ali looks in the corpse at this time familiar face one after another, it can be said that was shocked completely. 阿里此时看着尸体中一张一张的熟悉面孔,可以说是完全惊呆了。 He raised the spear/gun suddenly, aimed at these blood mouth vultures to start to strafe crazily, after expelling, led several people to rush, then turned around to exclaim loudly: 他忽然举起了枪,对准了那些血嘴秃鹫就开始疯狂扫射,将之赶走以后就带着几个人冲了上去,然后转身过来大吼道: „Do you stay there do! Haven't the bastards, come to help busily?” “你们呆在那里干什么!混蛋,还不过来帮下忙?” By him, as soon as after the roar, immediately several people walk up, but that veteran more/complete thou actually looked around side Linyan one eyes at this time, detected that side Linyan stands there, the meaning without spoken, this say/way slowly: 被他一吼之后,立即就有几个人走上前去,但这时候那个老兵弥尔却看了旁边的方林岩一眼,发觉方林岩只是站在那里,却并没有说话的意思,这才缓缓的道: Very sorry, Ali, but we were the time walk.” “很抱歉,阿里,但是我们是时候走了。” In Ali eyes almost must spout the fire: 阿里眼里面几乎要喷出火来: „Did bastard, the bastard, what you say?” “混蛋,混蛋,你说什么?” more/complete thou looked at side Linyan one eyes again, the look is somewhat swift and fierce, side Linyan can only shrug saying: 弥尔再次看了方林岩一眼,眼神有些凌厉,方林岩只能耸耸肩道: Here was unsafe, from present, should be Kenny they returned to here, then suffered the hill giant's following surprise attack, therefore they in middle are forced to run away in a panic, the enemy also pursues to go.” “这里本来就不安全,从现在的这局面来看,应该是肯尼他们回到了这里,然后又遭受到了丘陵巨人接踵而至的突袭,所以他们在仓皇当中被迫逃走,敌人也是随之追击而去。” Regardless of does pursue on, then these enemies will come back, because to them, here has many food, but in this damned place, wasting food obviously is a very luxurious matter.” “无论追不追的上,那么这些敌人都会回来,因为对它们来说,这里已经有不少的食物,而在这鬼地方,浪费食物显然是一件非常奢侈的事情。” more/complete thou relaxes, nods, side Linyan the statement makes the pressure that he bears not big: 弥尔松了一口气,点了点头,方林岩的表态让他承受的压力没那么大: Not is only this, here smell of blood has brought in the blood mouth vulture, then can also bring in the wilderness other hunting, therefore ......., although said is very brutal, but I stand more.” “不仅是这样,这里的血腥味已经引来了血嘴秃鹫,那么也能引来荒野上别的猎食者,所以.......虽然这么说很残酷,但是我站弥尔这边。” If these brothers are also living, then I can first walk at the back of them, but they have died now, we must face the reality, cannot for several corpses, more to turn into the corpse.” “如果这几位兄弟还活着,那么我会第一个背着他们走,但是他们现在已经死了,我们得面对现实,不能为了几具尸体,让更多的人变成尸体。” Ali is getting angry the anger to exclaim: 阿里红着眼怒吼道: How much time do we bury to need them? You can look that is eaten with the brothers who you fight shoulder to shoulder?” “我们把他们埋起来需要多少时间?你难道就能看着和你并肩战斗的兄弟被吃掉吗?” He said that has started to take a tri-fold shovel from side. 他一面说,一面已经开始从旁边拿起来了一把工兵铲。 side Linyan actually shakes the head, very sharp say/way: 方林岩却摇摇头,很尖锐的道: Sorry, you do are wasting the time and precious physical strength, the senses of smell of these wild animals are sharp, regardless of you dig deeply the tomb, will be dug up to eat by them.” “抱歉,你这么干只是在浪费时间和宝贵的体力,那些野兽的嗅觉非常灵敏,无论你将墓穴挖多深,都会被它们重新扒出来吃掉。” Only if we have enough fuel to cremate, but unfortunately, because of that damn sand storm, since we arrive at this star surface first second to lack this gadget.” “除非我们拥有足够的燃料来进行火化,但不幸的是,因为那该死的沙尘暴,所以从我们来到这星球表面的第一秒就缺这玩意儿。” The muscle on Ali face is twitching, after several seconds, turns head to exclaim to nearby person: 阿里脸上的肌肉抽搐着,几秒钟之后扭头对着旁边的人吼道: Quickly inspects, has a look also to have the wounded person?” “赶快检查一下,看看还有伤员吗?” Obviously, has done this matter with the person who he overran, shaking the head of silently, Ali is clenching teeth front the dog tag of corpse to pull, then kept silent turned around to get out of the way to sit in nearby stone, suddenly covered the face with both hands. 很显然,跟着他冲过去的人已经做了这件事,都默默的摇了摇头,阿里咬着牙将面前尸体的狗牌扯了下来,然后默不作声的转身走开坐到了旁边的石头上,忽然用双手捂住了脸。 Without a doubt, Ali's beforehand behavior buckled many minutes/shares to oneself, many people looked to his time knits the brows. 毫无疑问,阿里之前的行为给自己扣了不少的分,不少人看向他的时候都皱了皱眉。 The mercenary who this group of tool bits take oath may sigh with emotion his loyalty in the heart, however this feeling is not worth a red cent, they will feel side Linyan and more calm is priceless, because this can increase the probability that they return alive. 这帮刀头歃血的佣兵或许会在心中感慨他的义气,然而这种感慨一文不值,他们会觉得方林岩和弥尔的冷静才价值连城,因为这能增加他们生还的几率。 But survival probability type of thing, even if many 0.5 percentage point is also good! 而生存几率这种东西,哪怕是多0.5个百分点也是好的啊! At this time, more/complete arrived at Thalen's side, discussed after him in a low voice one next said loudly: 这时候,弥尔走到了塔伦的旁边,低声和他商量了一下之后大声道: From the darkness also less than three hours, we leaves now immediately, on coming here road, I once saw a canyon, there is a good safe house, easily defensible, and perhaps can also find the water source in the bottom.” “距离天黑还有三个小时不到,我们现在得马上动身了,在前来这里的路上,我曾经看到了一条峡谷,那里是个不错的藏身处,易守难攻,并且说不定还能在底部找到水源。” After having the clear goal, some people started off again, meanwhile after leaves behind mediates the person to spray the smell to cover the medicinal preparation. 有了明确的目标以后,一干人再次上路了,同时还留下了断后的人喷洒气味掩盖剂。 These marched forward time has not experienced any upset matter, and also very lucky found a cave in canyon there, because of the daytime action failure, the entire rescue crew suffered the heavy losses in addition, therefore some people were also the despondencies. 这一次行进并没有遇到什么闹心的事了,并且还很幸运的在峡谷那里找到了一个山洞,不过因为白天的行动失败,外加整个救援队都遭受到了重创,所以一干人也都是士气低落。 The only good news was Thalen restored, although seemed like quite dispirited, the responsibility that should take again took on. 唯一的好消息就是塔伦恢复了一些,虽然看起来还是相当颓废,还是重新将自己应负的责任担了起来。 side Linyan three people gathered certainly at this time in one, the goat could not bear say: 方林岩三人此时当然聚在了一起,山羊忍不住道: Now this team is in a state of disunity, everyone is thinking going home, and I always think that today's matter is not right, the lots are seemingly reasonable, is actually hoodwinking dense fog, or we take off/escape the team action simply, so as to avoid mixes up to tie up the hand to tie up the foot with these people?” “现在这支团队已经是一盘散沙了,人人都想着回家,并且我总是觉得今天的事情不大对劲,很多东西看似合理,其实都蒙着一层迷雾,要不我们干脆脱队行动吧,免得和这些人混在一起缚手缚脚的?” The vulture did not speak, looked to side Linyan. 秃鹫不说话,看向了方林岩。 side Linyan actually shakes the head saying: 方林岩却摇摇头道: Aspect is complex, I thought that more cannot be separated from the team.” “局面越是复杂,我却觉得越不能脱离队伍。” He referred to the distant place, although distant place anything exceptionally does not have: 他指了指远处,虽然远处什么异常都没有: Do not forget, in the middle of the darkness may not only the savage Tasmanian wolf, the scavenger place wolf, the centaur and hill giant, our similar!” “你们千万不要忘记了,黑暗当中可不仅仅只有凶残的袋狼,食腐座狼,半人马和丘陵巨人,还有我们的同类!” Mentioned other promisors, the vulture or the goat simultaneously became dignified, nod of as if by prior agreement. 提到了其余的契约者,无论是秃鹫还是山羊都同时变得凝重了起来,不约而同的点了点头。 side Linyan earnest say/way: 方林岩认真的道: „A stone must hide, the best way does not admit the safety deposit box, but losing to the pile of stones of sandbank.” “一块石头要藏起来,最好的办法不是将之放进保险箱,而是将之丢到河滩的乱石堆里面。” Gets cash red packet Reads then receives the cash! Pays attention to WeChat. Public number Book friend supreme headquarters, Cash / a coin you took! 【领现金红包】看书即可领现金!关注微信.公众号【书友大本营】,现金/点币等你拿! Likewise, we do not leave the rescue crew, then these indigenous people are we best shield!” “同理,我们不离开救援队,那么这些原住民就是我们最好的挡箭牌!” The goat said: 山羊道: If they toward the people of adventure team by throwing detection?” “如果他们往冒险队的人身上挨着扔侦查呢?” The vulture shakes the head saying: 秃鹫摇摇头道: This point can feel relieved, the boss is the name brand military rank, our squads use Assembly to establish, your two people have legend, these additions to investigating this skill will have the suppression of unusual powerful, and range will suppress, the enemy anybody will use the detection for us , the information that finally will obtain will be chaotic.” “这一点可以放心,头儿是正牌军衔,我们这个小队还是使用集结号建立的,你们两人身上还有传说度,这些加成会对侦查这个技能产生非常强力的压制,并且还是范围压制,敌人对我们附近的任何人使用侦查,最后得到的信息都是混乱不堪的。” The goat nods saying: 山羊点点头道: Good, that such words I did not have the issue, how our next should?” “好的,那这样的话我就没问题了,我们下一步应该怎样呢?” side Linyan said: 方林岩道: Now Kenny that group of people are also looking for us mostly, I estimated that then Thalen will order to stay here for two days, simultaneously tries in the contact Kenny, we cannot waste these days in vain, don't forget, our goal was stone hammer Sars. Happen to can use this group of people to complete the task.” “现在肯尼那帮人多半也是在寻找我们,我估计接下来塔伦会下令在这里停留两天,同时设法联络上肯尼,我们可不能白白浪费这段时间,别忘了,我们还有一个目标是石锤基沙斯呢。正好可以利用一下这帮人来完成任务。” The vulture knits the brows: 秃鹫皱眉道: How to use?” “怎么利用?” After side Linyan hesitated, at present suddenly a bright say/way: 方林岩沉吟了一番之后,眼前忽然一亮道: Had the means.” “有办法了。” Then after he prepared one, stood, arrived at the bonfire center of camp, claps saying: 然后他准备了一番之后就站了起来,走到了营地的篝火中央,拍拍手道: Hey everyone! I had the words to say!” “嘿各位!我有话想说!” This time side Linyan has certain right to speak, almost all people turn the head to look at him. 此时的方林岩已经拥有了一定的话语权,几乎所有人都转头过来看他。 side Linyan smiled saying with a smile: 方林岩笑了笑道: Although said is very regrettable, but our duty estimates were very difficult to be completed, after all daytime time saves the most good opportunity of hostage.” “虽然这么说很遗憾,但我们这一次的任务估计是很难完成了,毕竟白天的时候就已经是拯救人质的最好机会。” Consequence of duty failure, as we all know, not only the bonus did not have, but must draw cash the brothers who gave dead to make the pension ------- I do not mean this sum of money should not, but must elaborate a very brutal reality, that is this, not only cannot make money, instead will also make the deficit on credit card higher.” “任务失败的后果,大家都知道,不仅奖金没了,还要拿钱出来给死掉的兄弟做抚恤金-------我不是说这笔钱不该给,而是要阐述一件很残酷的现实,那就是这一趟不仅没能赚到钱,反而还会让信用卡上的赤字变得更高。” I as if have wanted to obtain in the coming six months that embarrassed scene: Goes to the bar time can only drink the whiskey that waters, but these big buttocks little girl will only lie on the steel pipe rolls the eyes toward the poor devil.” “我仿佛已经想得到今后半年那种窘迫的场面:去酒吧的时候只能喝掺水的威士忌,而那些大屁股妞儿只会趴在钢管上朝着穷鬼翻白眼。” Heard side Linyan the words, many people sent out a deep sigh, because saw the life and death, therefore this group of mercenaries also foster the present to have the hedonism that the liquor is drunk in the present, generally succeeds in obtaining many flowered many. 听到了方林岩的话,不少人都发出了一声长叹,因为见惯了生死,所以这帮佣兵们也养成了今朝有酒今朝醉的享乐主义,一般都是到手多少花多少。 Does not leave money pulls out the person of pocket( to gather up dead bodies person) is the creeds of many. 不把钱留给掏自己口袋的人(收尸人)是很多人的信条。 At this time, side Linyan took a big bottle say/way from side: 这时候,方林岩却从旁边拿出来了一个大瓶子道: Therefore, to avoid that damn condition happened, I thought that we actually do not need to waste the time here, but can make some extra incomes, for example this.” “所以,为了避免那种该死的状况发生,我觉得我们其实没必要在这里浪费时间,而是可以去捞些外快,比如说这个。” The people look toward that bottle in, detected in strip thing by a riddle well-filled, can only distinguish that gadget is the pulp object, has the bowl mouth to be thick or thin probably, as if the snake in the bottle same is coiling. 众人朝着那个瓶子里面看去,发觉里面被一个谜之条状物给塞得满满的,只能辨别出来那玩意儿是肉质物体,大概有碗口粗细,在瓶子里面仿佛蛇一样盘曲着。 more/complete thou hesitant evil ways: 弥尔犹豫了一下道: „Is this gadget? On hill giant that gadget?” “这玩意儿难道是?丘陵巨人身上的那玩意儿?” side Linyan hit a sound to point out: 方林岩打了个响指道: Right! The spoils of war that this we gets rid of that hill giant who shears from today, because is the thing that the team action attains, must therefore turn to the team unified distribution.” “没错!这就是从今天我们干掉的那丘陵巨人身上割下来的战利品,不过因为是团队行动拿到的东西,所以得上缴给团队统一分配。” „Do you know?, I looked at the network above offer, that gadget of hill giant has sold 200 one gram, are you have not misread, this thing sells according to to subdue|grams! The dosage unit when with golden golden sell is exactly the same!” “你们知道吗?出发的时候,我看了看网络上面的报价,丘陵巨人的那玩意儿已经卖到了两百块一克,是的你没看错,这东西是按克来卖的!和黄灿灿的金子出售时的剂量单位一模一样!” Heard side Linyan the words, this group of people at present immediately one bright, more/complete cannot bear say: 听到了方林岩的话,这帮人的眼前顿时一亮,弥尔忍不住道: „Is your meaning?” “你的意思是?” side Linyan very refreshed say/way: 方林岩很爽快的道: We during the daytime to getting up the hill giant, his battle efficiency anything situation you have also known probably, now these big fellows to compete to refresh one's spirits the flower, distribution area red cloud platform place, and also go it alone!” “我们白天已经对上过丘陵巨人了,其战斗力什么情况大概你们也知道,现在这些大块头为了争夺宁神花,都分布在红云台地一带并且还单独行动!” Daytime time, so long as we deal with appropriately, even if two hill giants can also tidy up, therefore, cloud platform there I to think that red is not the hill giant, but is the gold ore of activity!” “白天的时候,只要我们应付得当,哪怕是两头丘陵巨人也能收拾掉,所以,红云台地那里的我觉得就不是丘陵巨人,而是活动的金矿!” Each hill giant besides crotch that gadget, head sharp corner/horn also some people purchases. Moreover, is also expensive with the wolf skin of Tasmanian wolf it co-exists, therefore I consider as finished simply, every time gets rid of a hill giant almost to bring the income that can bring almost 800,000, the quantity of delivery big point words, 900,000 can also sell.” “每一头丘陵巨人除了胯下那玩意儿之外,头上的尖角也有人收购。不仅如此,与之共生的袋狼的狼皮也价格不菲,所以我简单的算了一下,每干掉一头丘陵巨人都差不多可以带能带来差不多八十万块的收益,出货量大一点的话,九十万块也是能卖到的。”
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