FE :: Volume #9

#28: Cuts the one-eyed

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At that time side Linyan after seeing the snow flattered the material of mother bomb, was somewhat interested in this gadget, understood after one next, detected, the origin and ordinary bomb of its lethality were entirely different. 当时方林岩在看到了雪媚娘炸弹的资料以后,对这玩意儿有些感兴趣,了解了一下之后就发觉,其杀伤力的来源与普通的炸弹截然不同。 The lethality of common bomb stems from the inflation, the explosion! But the snow flatters killing of mother clearly to be opposite, its might is mainly collapsing that the antimatter creates, was similar to created one miniature temporary black hole that type baseless. 普通炸弹的杀伤力源于膨胀,爆炸!而雪媚娘的杀伤却截然相反,其威力主要是反物质造成的坍缩,类似于凭空造成了一个微型临时黑洞那种。 Therefore its lethal radius and might, when most starts is biggest, but later mushroom cloud and so on is the last act. 所以其杀伤半径和威力在最开始的时候就是最大的,而之后的蘑菇云之类的都已经是尾声了。 Naturally, the snow flatters mother because of its particularity, unique monopoly ------ Only has a munitions company to produce it ------ Therefore the price is exceptionally expensive. 当然,雪媚娘因为它的特殊性,还有独一无二的独占性------只有一个军火公司能生产它------因此价格异常昂贵。 Round of snow flatters mother, can purchase the thorns of 20 rounds of Sun, obviously Kenny these really got down the initial capital time. 一发雪媚娘,可以购买二十发太阳之刺,可见肯尼这一次真的是下了血本。 But saw after the snow flatters mother detonation, Thalen's complexion also changed, was first bellowing to the aircraft interphone several, detected that is unable contacts after that side to issue the order very much simply: 而见到了雪媚娘引爆之后,塔伦的脸色也变了,先对着通话器大吼了几声,发觉无法与那边联系上以后就很干脆的下达了命令: Hey, Luff! YES, is you, you stay here, once these son-of-bitch giants come, you are responsible for detonating that two big fireworks to make them well happy one crisply.” “嘿,勒夫!YES,是你,你留在这里,一旦那些狗娘养的巨人过来的话,你就负责引爆那两支大烟花让它们好好爽一爽。” Do not bargain back and forth with me, Luff, you can take remote control dull 300 feet away, presses down the detonator to walk, the wool on your 0 o will not fall one.” “别和我讨价还价,勒夫,你可以拿着遥控器呆在300呎外,按下引爆器就走,你0o上的毛都不会掉一根的。” Good, I will pay out an extra bonus to you, look, Fry this boy very really kind is willing to accompany you to remain, you will not be lonely.” “好的,我会给你发额外的一份奖金的,看,弗莱这小子很够意思的愿意陪你留下来,你不会寂寞的。” ........ “........” After handling person of remaining, Thalen very simple say/way: 在搞定了留守的人之后,塔伦很干脆的道: Everyone gathers, but also active comes with me, above we have a look at anything to need to help!” “所有人集合,还能动的都跟我来,咱们去上面看看有什么需要帮忙的!” Obviously, Thalen's mobilization has great popular support, therefore is quick, one group of people on rapid ran toward above. 很显然,塔伦的动员深得人心,于是很快的,一群人就迅速的朝着上面跑了过去。 Can look at Kenny and Bai Ruide their Team A advances very rapidly, even can cut butter such analogy to describe with the heat table knife, almost cannot see any resistance all the way, only then a leaf of torn to pieces primitive wooden door blasted out directly. 看得出来肯尼和白瑞德他们的A组突进得十分迅速,甚至可以用“烧红的餐刀切过黄油”这样的比喻来形容,一路上几乎看不到任何的抵抗,只有一扇支离破碎的原始木门被直接炸开。 However, suddenly some people lose the sound said: 不过,忽然有人失声道: Looks at that side!” “看那边!” With the direction of this person, sees in probably pitch 500 meters away immediately, a one-eyed hill giant flushed! 随着这个人的指点,立即就见到大概在500米外的斜坡上,一头独眼丘陵巨人冲了出来! One-eyed characteristics regarding the hill giant are not the disability, but is the powerful symbol, this is an out-and-out elite lifeform. 要知道,独眼这特征对于丘陵巨人来说并不是什么残疾,而是强大的标志,这是一头不折不扣的精英生物。 Words that however carefully looks, this monster is also cut and bruised, should be the spent force. 不过仔细看去的话,这怪物也是遍体鳞伤,应该是强弩之末了。 But in this monster hand is also raising a thick stone club, aimed at a man to pursue to go fierce. 而这头怪物手中也提着一根粗大的石头棒子,对准了一名男子凶恶追逐而去。 That is Meidell!” Ali's shocking say/way. “那是梅德尔!”阿里震惊的道。 At this time, Meidell of tumbling already and was two to expel by three, 这时候,连滚带爬的梅德尔已经被三步并作两步撵上, The one-eyed hill giant is roaring fierce, stepped the stride to clash, held up the big stick in hand to sweep directly! 独眼丘陵巨人凶恶的咆哮着,迈着大步冲了过来,举起手中的大棒就直接扫了过去! Obviously, Meidell's skill cannot place on a par with side Linyan, time that the rough and primitive big stick pounds, from the sky makes the scary terrifying sound. 很显然,梅德尔的身手并不能与方林岩相提并论,粗糙而原始的大棒砸过来的时候,在空中发出骇人的恐怖声响。 The catching up side of Meidell instinct throws, but he still by rugged stick bringing the calf, the entire body was losing the balanced tumbling in the midair immediately, cried out strangely numerous falling to the ground. 梅德尔本能的发力侧扑,但他却仍被崎岖不平的棒头给带到了小腿,顿时连带着整个身体都在半空中失去了平衡翻滚,怪叫一声重重的摔到了地上。 At this time Meidell only felt right entire calf to be numb, after a dizzy tumbling, the head hit on nearby rock, one black loses the consciousness at present directly. 此时梅德尔只感觉整条右边小腿都麻木了,一番天旋地转的翻滚后,脑袋又撞到了旁边的岩石上,紧接着就眼前一黑就直接失去了意识。 To be honest, Meidell's luck is very good, that strikes the rudely stick to strike has not stroked directly on his body, broke his right leg shinbone merely, but then the one-eyed hill giant stretches out trampling of ruthlessly big foot plate, actually seemingly is he again also the brutal destiny that is hard to avoid. 说实话,梅德尔的运气已经很不错了,那一击势大力沉的棒击并未直接击打在他的身上,仅仅打断了他的右腿胫骨,但接下来独眼丘陵巨人伸出大脚板的狠狠践踏,却貌似是他再也难以躲开的残酷命运。 Was good because of this time, a series of sounds of gunfire made a sound, shoots towards was the eyes of one-eyed hill giant, such attack made its angry is roaring, can only put out a hand to block, simultaneously instinct closed the one-eyed. 好在这时候,一连串的枪声响了起来,射向的都是独眼丘陵巨人的眼睛,这样的攻击让它愤怒的咆哮着,只能伸手去挡住,同时本能的闭上了独眼。 But in the instance that the sound of gunfire stands still, a black tall and strong form appears from nearby breaking wall, then jumps down directly, is Kenny! 可是在在枪声停歇的瞬间,一个黑色的魁梧身影从旁边的断墙上出现,然后直接跳了下来,正是肯尼! Gets cash red packet Reads then receives the cash! Pays attention to WeChat. Public number Book friend supreme headquarters, Cash / a coin you took! 【领现金红包】看书即可领现金!关注微信.公众号【书友大本营】,现金/点币等你拿! He grasps a high frequency heavy axe, from the sky turns a somersault to aim at the shoulder of this one-eyed hill giant to cut. 他手持一把高周波重斧,在空中翻了个跟头对准了这名独眼丘陵巨人的肩膀斩了下去。 At this time the giant is also at closes one's eyes to obstruct the condition of face, never has to think own eyes inside human small insect unexpectedly can launch the surprise attack outrageously, therefore does not have the guard! 此时巨人还处于闭眼遮脸的状态,万万没有想到自己眼里面的人类“小虫子”居然可以悍然发起突袭,因此根本就毫无防范! This is exceptionally heavy the high frequency heavy axe, its over 100 kilograms in weight, only then Kenny conducts the fellow who the heavy machinery transformed to oneself to use like this from top to bottom flexibly. 这把高周波重斧异常沉重,其重量超过100公斤,也只有肯尼这样对自己浑身上下进行了重度机械改造的家伙才能灵活使用。 Together terrifying red light for the first time presently, 一道恐怖的红光乍现, Cyclops sad and shrill pitiful yell sound, 独眼巨人凄厉的惨叫声响了起来, The cut and bruised giant under a Kenny this anger axe the heavy losses, the high frequency axe sharp axe blade was divided the position of lower abdomen from the shoulder, wells up crazily, but the blood in instantaneously by the high-temperature axe blade evaporating, massive white smog surges surged. 本就遍体鳞伤的的巨人在肯尼这愤怒一斧下惨遭重创,高周波斧锐利的斧刃从肩头直劈到了小腹的位置,狂涌而出的鲜血在瞬间就被高温斧刃给蒸发了,大量的白色烟雾翻腾涌起。 Cyclops that say/way fearful wound place, the dark-red flesh whirls around immediately, the miserable white bone sediment of break, the hypodermic thick yellow white fat is clearly discernible, the inside cut open internal organs also welled up under the function of gravity. 独眼巨人那道可怕的伤口处,暗红色的血肉顿时翻卷开来,断裂的惨白色骨头渣子,皮下厚实的黄白色脂肪清晰可见,里面被切开的内脏也是在重力的作用下涌了出来。 Before the giants were on the verge of death a counter-attack palm of the hand to pull out to fly Kenny, then it staggered several, knelt down dejected, mouth inside started to emit a lot of blood, finally numerous pouring on the ground, below several planks were also distorted to the pressure by his huge physique. 巨人濒死前的反击一巴掌就将肯尼抽飞了出去,然后它踉跄了几下,颓然跪倒,嘴巴里面开始冒出大量鲜血,最后重重的倒在了地上,下方的几块木板也被他那庞大的身板给压变了形。 Can see, in the middle of this fellow one-eyed gloss starts rapid removing, obviously, the god of death has arrived very much on its body. 可以见到,这家伙独眼当中的光泽开始迅速的褪去,很显然,死神已经降临在了它的身上。 When the giant was in a state of being on the verge of death, pulled out Kenny who flies actually to sway a head, shoved open buried in oneself stone, stood deftly, obviously and had no big matter. 当巨人陷入了濒死状态的时候,被抽飞的肯尼却摇晃了一下脑袋,推开了埋在自己身上的石块,麻利的站了起来,显然并没有什么大事情。 Saw this, side Linyan pupil micro, until now, he by „the weak one the mentality comes to see these people who survival support, 见到了这一幕,方林岩瞳孔微缩,一直以来,他都是以“弱者”的心态来看待救援队的这些人, However after witnessing Kenny this axe, he detected that oneself really underestimated this fellow! The striking power of this fellow, the defensive power is not weaker than the promisor, cannot do well also has anything tenaciously transformation and so on indigenous people unique strengthening attribute, frequently increases several thousand life values. 但是目睹了肯尼这一斧之后,他发觉自己真的低估了这家伙!这家伙的攻击力,防御力一点儿也不比契约者弱,搞不好还有什么“坚韧”“改造”之类的原住民特有强化属性,动辄增加几千点生命值。 Said strictly words that he cannot do well has selects the wolf king Guihao strength only -------- Naturally, in the ghost howling side does not have in the situation of wolf. 严格说起来的话,他搞不好都有单挑狼王鬼嚎的实力--------当然,是在鬼嚎身边并没有狼的情况下。 At this time, presented more than ten military equipment from the rear area the man of tooth, is Kenny's direct descendant: Steel and iron knight, but looks at their appearances in a panic, does not seem like pursues on own initiative, is more like trampled the buttocks to expel is the same. 就在这时候,从后方又出现了十几名武装到牙齿的男子,正是肯尼的嫡系:钢铁骑士,不过看他们仓皇的样子,不像是主动追出来似的,更像是被人踹着屁股撵出来的一样。 Quick, the truth is also then revealed that another stout and strong hill giant came, it most noticeable has one on the left and other on the right two big heads, the ornament on his neck is one skewer of heads, these heads have old newly, fresh is still bleeding, old had turned into the dense white bones. 很快的,谜底便随之揭晓,又一头肥壮的丘陵巨人现身了,它最引人注目的就是拥有一左一右两个大脑袋,其脖子上的装饰品则是一串头颅,这些脑袋有新有旧,新鲜的还在淌血,旧的已经变成了森森白骨。 Only then by this fellow is thought is a powerhouse, his head has the qualifications to become hanging on necklace to fall. 只有被这家伙认为是强者的,其脑袋才有资格成为项链上的挂坠。 But in its hand grasps to hold a very unusual double headed stick, the end of this stick mounted a gem of fist size, seems like the law stick, but another end actually bound a big stone, looks at the words of outline and contour, probably fights the hammer. 而它的手里面握持着一根很奇特的双头棍,这根棍子的一端镶嵌了一枚拳头大小的宝石,看起来像是法杖,但是另外一端却绑住了一块大石头,看轮廓和外形的话,像是战锤。 Yes, this is the double headed hill giant uniquely fight pattern, demon martial dual cultivation, its head has the powerful different functions talent, can use the different functions magic using the law stick, gives the enemy to cause heavy losses. 是的,这就是双头丘陵巨人独特的战斗模式,魔武双修,它的一个脑袋具有强大的异能天赋,可以利用法杖施展异能魔法,给予敌人重创。 Once by enemy near body, but can also display to strengthen own bloodthirsty technique and so on, fights the hammer the law stick in reverse, same can depend upon the tyrannical body and spirit and astonishing strange strength sweeps away front enemy. 一旦被敌人近身,还能施展强化自身的嗜血术之类的,将法杖倒过来就是战锤,一样能依靠强横的体魄和惊人的怪力横扫面前的敌人。 But on the shoulder of double headed giant also carries several corpses of bleeding, that stance and hunter go out of the forest time, the deer or the rabbit that on the shoulder carries are exactly the same. 而双头巨人的肩膀上还扛着好几具淌血的尸体,那架势和猎人走出森林时候,肩头上扛着的鹿或者兔子一模一样。 Hou humph humph humph!!” The double headed hill giant is roaring in the vicious loudness. “啊嚯嚯嚯嚯!!”双头丘陵巨人在凶狠的大声咆哮着。 Followed his cry, the multi-thread vicious Tasmanian wolf also appears in his side, these Tasmanian wolves obviously compared with ordinary wanted on big 1st. And some Tasmanian wolf tails also presented the variation, the terminal produced the pitch-black spur! 伴随他的呼叫声,多头凶狠的袋狼也是随之出现在了他的身边,这些袋狼的个头明显比普通的要大上一号。并且有的袋狼尾巴还出现了变异,末端生成了乌黑的骨刺! This variation Tasmanian wolf does not seem like the ordinary Tasmanian wolf to dread about the double headed giant obviously, often turns the head to look at the corpse on lord shoulder, greedy in eye cannot conceal. 这种变异袋狼显然不像是普通袋狼那么对双头巨人畏惧,不时的转头看着主子肩头上的尸体,眼中的贪婪掩饰不去。 And also arbitrary pushes the companion, bares the tooth low roar, for pushes to the foot of giant near licks to lick the blood that the above corpse drops. 并且还会蛮横的挤开同伴,龇起牙齿低吼,为的就是挤到巨人的脚边去舔舐上面尸体滴落下来的血液。 Obviously, side this fellow brings Tasmanian wolf, is the out-and-out elite lifeform! 很显然,这家伙身边带着的袋狼,也是不折不扣的精英生物! No wonder Kenny some people obviously are elite, was actually done so distressedly, looks like the mourning watchdog to be the same simply. 难怪得肯尼一干人明明是精锐,却被搞得如此狼狈,简直就像是丧家犬一样。 Is good seems like because of the double headed giant and elite Tasmanian wolf to Kenny this group of people quite dreaded, does not dare to compel too nearly, according to side Linyan the speculation, should snow flatter mother to have much to do with before that round. 好在双头巨人和精英袋狼看起来对肯尼这帮人还是颇为忌惮,并不敢逼得太近,根据方林岩的猜测,应该是与之前那一发“雪媚娘”有很大关系。 In addition, but also is twitching the body of Cyclops is also playing very big deterrent force. 除此之外,还在抽搐着的独眼巨人的尸体也起到了很大的威慑力。
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