FE :: Volume #9

#27: The snow flatters mother bomb

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Under normal circumstances, probably the lifeform of hill giant low civilization in the face of the advantage of higher civilization, only possibly by steamroll! 在正常情况下,像是丘陵巨人这种低等文明的生物在高等文明的优势面前,只可能被碾压! Only if there is overwhelming superiority in the quantity, will cause previous Team D in a short time the direct rout. 除非是在数量上占据绝对优势,才会导致之前D组在短时间内直接溃败。 But the issue was these damn hill giants should go to rape red ....... 但问题是这些该死的丘陵巨人应该都去红云台地了啊....... At this time in a people of heart appeared the question, simultaneously started to seize the front pass urgently, simultaneously started to arrange the firebase, there truly was a defensive excellent position, occupying a commanding position, and topography was relatively narrow, only tolerated the next two hill giants to charge at most shoulder to shoulder. 此时人人心中都浮现出了疑问,同时开始紧急抢占前方的隘口,同时开始布置火力点,那里确实是一处防守的绝佳位置,居高临下,并且地势相对狭窄,顶多只能容下两头丘陵巨人并肩冲锋。 Thalen has patted to begin to yell: 塔伦已经拍着手大叫道: GOGOGO, the young fellows, you only have ten minutes of even shorter time to arrange the position, I urged you to this matter carefully, because this likely related to your poor life!” “GOGOGO,小伙子们,你们只有十分钟甚至更短的时间来布置阵地,我劝你们对这件事上心一点,因为这很可能关系到你的小命!” side Linyan three people were also remained at this time, they have not gone to compete for any favorable position. 方林岩三人此时也被留了下来,他们并没有去争夺什么有利位置。 Because three people thought simultaneously, only feared has the involvement of promisor such quickly, Team D of rescue crew was routed, then without a doubt, now their three people are low-key, the injuries to these hostile promisors will be later bigger. 因为三人同时都想到了,只怕是有契约者的介入,救援队的D组才会这么快的被击溃,那么毫无疑问,现在他们三人越是低调,待会儿对那些敌对的契约者的伤害就越大。 Crossed probably for 78 minutes, saw Team D member who evacuation caught up lamely, 11 people but who remain behind, at this time only surplus four people, the two are the blood dye the armor, needs to be supported by the arm. 大概过了七八分钟,就见到撤离的D组成员一瘸一拐的赶了过来,但留守的十一个人,此时已经只剩余下来了四个人,其中两人已经是血染铠甲,需要被搀扶。 side Linyan and vulture two people took the lead, aided two wounded person, simultaneously pursued asks: 方林岩和秃鹫两人率先冲了出去,接应住了两名伤员,同时追问道: How were your defense lines broken through?” “你们的防线是怎么被攻破的?” One of them who lives exactly is also side Linyan the acquaintance, Ali, he is the deputy team chief of Team D, at this time dripping with blood, but looked that his movement is quite agile powerful knows, should receive is the skin flesh wounds. 活下来的其中一人恰好也是方林岩的熟人,阿里,他是D组的副队长,此时身上鲜血淋漓,不过看他的动作还是相当敏捷有力就知道,应该受的都是皮外伤。 Ali saw is side Linyan, bah put out bloody sputum, the say/way of clenching jaws: 阿里见了是方林岩,呸的一声吐出了一口血痰,咬牙切齿的道: Damn, these hill giants were too sly!” “该死的,那些丘陵巨人太狡猾了!” After side Linyan listened, almost wished one could to carry his neck to make him say the words how these fellows were a sly law! 方林岩听了以后,几乎恨不得拎着他脖子让他把话说完,这些家伙到底是怎么个狡猾法啊! Finally at this time, by the vulture holds the wounded person grief and indignation say/way: 结果这时候,被秃鹫扶着的伤员悲愤的道: „The miscalculation of penguin fellow! He leaks considers as finished a matter!” “企鹅这家伙的判断失误了!他漏算了一件事!” The penguin is these hired soldier's Bai Ruide to the nickname , the reason is Bai Ruide usually likes wearing the coattails, but also some want to make the manner of the gentleman's manner and great person intentionally, is actually incompatible with his mercenary status, one such as funny penguin. 企鹅就是这些被雇佣的战士对白瑞德起的外号,原因是白瑞德平时喜欢穿燕尾服,还有些故意想要做出绅士风度和大人物的举止,却和他的雇佣兵身份格格不入,一如滑稽的企鹅。 Obviously, this wounded person explodes is also an aniseed, and his resentment is also visible, will otherwise not call the team's the nickname of No. 2 character in the front of so many people. 显然,这个伤员爆出来的也是个大料,并且他的怨气也是肉眼可见的,否则也不会在这么多人的面前叫出团队第二号人物的绰号。 But this wounded person has not kept guessing, quick raised the answer: 而这伤员也没卖关子,很快的就将答案掀了出来: Attacks our may incessantly be the old age hill great demon, because not all hill giants need to go to rape red do to refresh one's spirits the flower, the hill great demon that some have let grab the female that are successfully pregnant to choose to remain!” “袭击我们的可不止是老年丘陵巨魔,因为并不是所有的丘陵巨人都需要去红云台地搞宁神花,有一些已经让劫掠来的雌性成功怀孕的丘陵巨魔就会选择留下来!” His these words lifted the truth immediately, yes, the hill giant goes to rape red collects to refresh one's spirits the flower, for the female becoming pregnant ability that to increase to snatch. 他的这句话顿时就掀开了谜底,是的,丘陵巨人前往红云台地采集宁神花,是为了增加抢来的雌性受孕能力。 However, there are few hill giants to detect that in own nest has enough many pregnant females ----- Under normal conditions is over two, will then treat honestly at home, is responsible for seeking for food, guards these females, forbidding them to make to the embryo harmful matter. 但是,有极少数的丘陵巨人发觉自己的窝巢里面已经有了足够多的怀孕雌性-----通常情况下是两个以上,那么就会老老实实的待在家里,一面负责寻找食物,一面看守这些雌性,禁止她们做出对胎儿有害的事情。 Although these fellows definitely is a few, but cannot say absolutely does not have, but they coordinate these damn Tasmanian wolves and old age hill giants at this time, without a doubt is greatly troublesome. 这些家伙虽然肯定是少数,但也绝对不能说没有,而它们此时配合那些该死的袋狼和老年丘陵巨人,毫无疑问就是大麻烦。 After all once the flock of sheep had the lion of lead, battle efficiency that then it erupts on no small matter! 毕竟一旦羊群有了领头的狮子,那么其爆发出来的战斗力就非同小可! Hill giant and Tasmanian wolf that let alone side Linyan they faces? 更何况方林岩它们面对的还是丘陵巨人和袋狼? At this time, the ground shook, the hill giant who advanced on slightly has overthrown several walls, the pressure extinguished the flame, then pursued in big strides. 这时候,地面微微震荡,进击的丘陵巨人已经推倒了几堵墙,压灭了火焰,然后大踏步追击了上来。 Without a doubt, greets their is still the baptism of hail of bullets, but the grown hill giant of taking the lead takes the giant stone system shield to keep off before the body, in this case, significantly reduced the bullet to its lethality. 毫无疑问,迎接它们的依然是弹雨的洗礼,只是走在前面的成年丘陵巨人已经拿上了巨大的石制盾牌挡在身前,这样的话,大幅度的降低了子弹对其的杀伤力。 However, the severe pain was also makes them wild, then side Linyan knows how previous Team D fell to the enemy...... 不过,剧痛也是让它们狂暴了起来,接着方林岩就知道之前D组是怎么沦陷的了...... Several hill giants shout are working on the Tasmanian wolf of under foot, aimed here to pound fierce, without Tasmanian wolf, will then hold nearby stone conveniently. 好几名丘陵巨人嘶吼着纷纷抓起脚下的袋狼,凶猛的对准了这边砸了过来,如果没有袋狼,那么就会顺手抓住旁边的石块。 These Tasmanian wolves when were thrown is amenable, the driving rolling up body in the middle of the midair, the sandbag from the hand of hill giant will pound generally to the defensive position, is also mixing with the stone of head/number of people size, immediately the gantry good machine gun was then pounded curved. 这些袋狼在被扔出的时候非常顺从,在半空当中会主动蜷缩身体,从丘陵巨人的手上似沙包一般砸向防御阵地,其中还夹杂着人头大小的石块,顿时便有一台架好的机枪被生生砸弯。 What awfully is, these were regarded the Tasmanian wolf that the weapon pounds to fall to the ground later overwhelming majority to jump for joy! Although will be selected the wound in landing mostly, but the ache will make them fiercer more and brutal. 更要命的是,这些被当成武器砸来的袋狼落地之后绝大部分都活蹦乱跳的!虽然大部分在落地的时候都会受点伤,可是疼痛却会让它们更加凶暴。 I depend! These damn fellows are quite inexpensive!” “我靠!这些该死的家伙好贱啊!” Lowers the head! Here we go again!...... Dodges!” “低头!又来了!……闪!” Pound! Pound! Pound......!......!” “磅!磅!磅……!哐啷……!” This damn wolf told the water to me unexpectedly , my eye.” “这头该死的狼居然对我吐口水,啊,我的眼睛。” ....... “.......” If compared with the strength, the build, the Tasmanian wolf is really inferior than the scavenger place wolf, but, it also unique abilities, that like alpaca / cobra, has the long-distance attack capability of short distance. 若是比力量,体型,袋狼还真的比食腐座狼逊色一些,但是,它却还有一项独特的能力,那就是像羊驼/眼镜蛇一样,具备短距离的远程攻击能力。 The Tasmanian wolf can have the intense corrosive gastric juice to emit to any place within three meters, and accurate is very high, 袋狼能将自己具备强烈腐蚀性的胃液喷吐到三米以内的任何地方,并且精准度很高, After the disgusting gastric juice of this gadget spurts, the person has the scalding hot burn to feel, if has not splashed coming into sight inside, that is also only the flesh wound, once fell in the eye, light then lost one's sight for over one week, heavy fell directly blindly. 被这玩意儿的恶心胃液喷到以后,人会有着灼热的烧伤感觉,不过如果没有飞溅到眼里面,那也就只是皮肉之伤,只是一旦落到了眼中,轻则失明一周以上,重则直接瞎掉。 Although each Tasmanian wolf can only emit in a short time 1-2 times, but cannot support these fellow numbers to be many! 虽然每一头袋狼短时间内只能喷吐1-2,但架不住这些家伙数量多啊! As the Tasmanian wolf quantity in position are getting more and more, the aspect starts the rapid deterioration, before side Linyan three people although, has fought with Caolo, but Caolo Tasmanian wolf are too few, that takes the lead to clash close to had not only made into the cerebral concussion, therefore simply does not have the opportunity to show it talent and skill. 随着阵地上的袋狼数量越来越多,局面开始迅速的恶化,方林岩三人尽管之前就与考洛克交手过,但考洛克身边的袋狼太少,率先冲来的那只更是没靠近就被打成了脑震荡,所以根本没机会展现出它的“才艺”。 The fortification of construction was destroyed under throwing of hill giant carelessly one after another, thing that after all pounds besides Tasmanian wolf, stone. 草草修建的防御工事在丘陵巨人的投掷下被陆续破坏,毕竟砸过来的东西除了袋狼之外,还有石块。 The offensive of this group of hill giants endures compared with the stone car(riage) fierce, hides from the team member after wood/blockhead bunker much is also mixing the wood/blockhead one and pounds to fly, that scene imitates , if stroking the bowling to be the same, does in the camp to be off their feet, the team member was hit holds to run away, makes a mess. 这帮丘陵巨人的攻势凶猛堪比投石车,不少躲在木头掩体后的队员也掺和着木头一并砸飞,那场面就仿若是在击打保龄球一样,搞得营地内人仰马翻,队员被撞得抱头逃窜,乱做一团。 In clear to see entire position human became a hopeless mess randomly, the plump hill giants raised the giant club in hand, but swayed stride rush. 眼见得整个阵地里面的人类都乱成了一锅粥,肥硕的丘陵巨人们才提起手里的巨型棍棒,摇摇晃晃的大步冲杀而至。 However, these time keeps the defense is not the motley crew, but at least occupied the elites of rescue crew half of strength, when the hill giant sprinted half, Thalen loudly exclaimed suddenly: 不过,这一次留下来防御的可不是什么乌合之众,而是至少占据了救援队一半力量的精英,就在丘陵巨人冲刺到了一半的时候,塔伦猛然大吼道: „After three seconds, releases the tear-gas bomb, firepower! Prepares to use the thorn of Sun.” “三秒钟后释放催泪弹,火力手!准备使用太阳之刺。” Quick, the iron grey mist of tear-gas bomb spread in the position opened, in having situation of preparation, human can also force Gou dwell in this mist, but regarding the Tasmanian wolf, such environment directly caused to become Dun the damage to their sense of smell systems. 很快的,催泪弹的灰白色雾气就在阵地上蔓延了开了,在有准备的情况下,人类还能勉强在这雾气里面苟住,但是对于袋狼来说,这样的环境直接就对它们的嗅觉系统造成了成吨的伤害。 Almost all Tasmanian wolves sob the pain to run away in a short time , from nearby commanding point, two dazzling rays sparkled, looked like concentrated 10,000 times of sunlight. 几乎所有的袋狼都在短时间内呜咽着痛苦逃走,紧接着,从旁边的制高点上,两道刺眼的光芒闪耀了起来,就像是浓缩了一万倍的太阳光。 The next second, sprinted in the head of frontline two hill giants is gasified directly! 下一秒,冲刺在最前方的两名丘陵巨人的脑袋就直接被气化了! Did not have the huge body of head also to run out of 78 meters away unexpectedly, then loses balanced one to hit on nearby dike, the body is twitching dying! 没有脑袋的庞大身躯居然还能冲出七八米远,然后失去了平衡一头撞在了旁边的岩壁上,躯体抽搐着死去! This is Thalen mouth the terrifying destructive power of thorn of Sun, naturally, expensive is to limit this gadget by the popular reason. 这就是塔伦口中的太阳之刺的恐怖破坏力,当然,价格昂贵是限制这玩意儿被普及的原因。 And the official tightly is also controlling to this type of weapon, only if the military can beside legitimate reasonable use this type of weapon, personal has this type of weapon, once were caught, then by class by severe sentence. 并且官方对这种武器也是在严格管控,除非是军方可以合法合理的使用这种武器之外,私人拥有这种武器一旦被抓到,那么都会被课以重刑。 Even if this, the gadget that Thalen high price does also castrates the edition, can only maintain the firing accuracy in 30 meters, and after each attack, must pass through the long time sufficient energy. 哪怕是这样,塔伦高价搞来的这玩意儿也是阉割版本的,只能在三十米内保持射击精度,并且每一次攻击后都要经过漫长的时间充能。 With opening fire of thorn of Sun, several other scattered firebases also start to emit the large flame. 随着太阳之刺的开火,其余的几个分散火力点也开始喷吐出火舌。 Bullet heavy rain of howling same scattered, the death of companion has not daunted the other three hill giants, their starting to walk both legs, brave the hail of bullets to eat the pain stride to dash about wildly, the tenacious cover and solid muscular tissue provided the strong defensive power, can these giants actually unable to play the hail of bullets that the living person tears into shreds the fatal role. 呼啸的子弹瓢泼一样的撒了出去,同伴的死并没有吓住剩余的三名丘陵巨人,它们迈开双腿,顶着弹雨吃痛跨步狂奔,坚韧的外皮和结实的肌肉组织提供了强大的防护力,能将活人撕碎的弹雨对这些巨人却起不了致命的作用。 Fierce, a hill giant jumps high, the time of falling thick, if the tree trunk, were full of the explosive force the both legs to trample in the ground layer on layer/heavily, a below unlucky egg seemed like the tomato that was stepped on such to explode immediately, on the surrounding dike was also splashed many shocking red liquids. 猛的,一头丘陵巨人高高跃起,落下来的时候粗若树干,充满爆发力的双腿重重践踏到了地面上,下方的一个倒霉蛋立即像是被踩到的西红柿那样爆炸了开来,周围的岩壁上也被溅起了许多触目惊心的红色液体。 This hill giant mouth roared at the same time at the same time, at the same time lifted up high the spiked club to break in the middle of the position in surrounding, saw along the way the thing of activity was a chaotic dance pounds crazily, even the Tasmanian wolf did not let off, with raided toward the crowd. 紧接着,这名丘陵巨人嘴里一边咆哮的同时,一面高举起狼牙棒冲入了外围的阵地当中,沿途见到活动的东西就是一阵乱舞狂砸,甚至连袋狼也不放过,跟着就朝人堆袭来。 Hill giant who breaks in the position regarding rescue crew members, looks like a fearful nightmare completely, they hold up hand inside spiked club to sweep away to brandish, shoots first with one hand and then the other continuously, kicks along with the fierce foot tramples fiercely, few is his enemy of gathering. 冲入阵地的丘陵巨人对于救援队成员来说,完全就像是一场可怕的噩梦,它们举起手里面的狼牙棒就横扫挥舞,连续左右开弓,伴随着剧烈的脚踢猛踹,几乎没有人是其一合之敌。 Many people in this case, were compelled to retrocede again and again, even many people because of move aside without enough time, was trampled by the giant directly flies or to pound to fly, the aspect in became a hopeless mess instantaneously randomly. 不少人在这种情况下,被逼得连连后退,甚至还有不少人因来不及躲闪,直接被巨人踹飞或者说砸飞,局面在瞬间就乱成了一锅粥。 The soldier avoids, the giant who was killed the red eyes grasps, even the sound cannot send, was twisted the bread twist by the giant, then entrained to throw into the mouth to tuck away his head, its dead shape was frigid, 更是有一名战士躲避不及,被杀红眼的巨人一把抓起,连声音都没能发出来,就被巨人拧成了麻花,然后一把将其脑袋拽了下来丢进嘴里面大嚼,其死状惨烈至极, Broke through the defense line facing these, the giant of coming, the soldier on the scene also kills to get angry, was stimulated the tenacious fighting spirit, they raised the muzzle in abundance, exchange the armor piercer to aim at the close enemy to fire violently. 面对这些突破了防线,汹涌而来的巨人,在场的战士也都杀红了眼,被激发出来了顽强的斗志,他们将枪口纷纷抬高,换上穿甲弹对准了近在咫尺的敌人猛烈射击。 Barrage raindrop from about crazy interwines, the dump on the naked body of giant, starts out a blood splash, hits the giant to angrily roar again and again, unstab. 来自左右的弹幕似雨点般疯狂的交织在一起,倾卸在巨人的赤裸的身体上,开出朵朵血花,打得巨人怒吼连连,东倒西歪。 At this time, side Linyan three people also detected that during at this time the fight did not have the promisor to participate, but they now and rescue crew is the relations of if the lips are gone , the teeth will be cold, delimited the water the words aspect to be hard to tidy up again. 这时候,方林岩三人此时也发觉战斗当中并没有契约者参与,而他们现在和救援队是唇亡齿寒的关系,再划水的话局面就难以收拾了。 Therefore, side Linyan and nearby person greet, rushed over with a nearby high frequency blade, this gadget said is a blade, is actually more like „the Texas homicidal maniac middle that power saw, draws on buzz humming sound straight sound. 所以,方林岩和旁边的人打了个招呼,拿起来了旁边的一把高周波刀就冲了过去,这玩意儿说是刀,其实更像是“德州杀人狂”当中的那种电锯,一拉就“嗡嗡嗡”的直响。 Facing relatively unwieldy hill giant, and opposite party did not have the Tasmanian wolf to camouflage in side, side Linyan reached as high as the LV10 foundation close combat to play the powerful role, his tumbling avoided vicious stepping on this fellow. 面对相对笨重的丘陵巨人,并且对方还没有袋狼在旁边遮蔽,方林岩高达LV10的基础近战发挥了强大的作用,他一个翻滚就躲避开了这家伙的凶狠踩踏。 The movement and speed of hill giant look like slow motion playbacking in his eyes simply. 丘陵巨人的动作和速率在他的眼中简直就像是慢动作回放。 However, in the eyes of others, side Linyan the movement was very thrilling, was almost depends upon the luck to avoid the hill giant these stepped on time. 不过,在其余人的眼中,方林岩的动作就十分惊险了,几乎完全是依靠运气才避开了丘陵巨人的这一次踩踏。 Looks that sends out the ozone giant sole almost to paste his back to delimit, almost all people held breath cold air , on the big toe of this hill giant, together the scalp of coherence blood and gonorrhea liquid! 看着那散发着臭气的巨大脚掌几乎是贴着他的脊背划过去,几乎所有人都倒吸了一口凉气,要知道,这头丘陵巨人的大脚趾上,还有一块粘着鲜血和白浊液体的头皮呢! As the saying goes rises the dragon not, is consequential, this hill giant does not step on, also paid the serious price. 俗话说升龙不中,后果严重,这头丘陵巨人踩踏不中,也同样付出了惨重的代价。 Because after avoiding this struck, side Linyan directly catches up to jump, then aims the high frequency blade that in the hand buzzed above one pulled up! 因为躲开了这一击之后,方林岩直接就发力跳了起来,然后将手中嗡嗡作响的高周波刀对准了上方一撩! The principle of high frequency weapon, is one type through the high-frequency vibration granule heating knife, lets the object from the granule, the cold weapons of molecular level automatic peeling. 高周波武器的原理,是一种通过高频率振动粒子加热刀身,让物体从粒子,分子层面自动剥离的冷兵器。 Was known as the thing that so long as the fundamental particle composes does not have unable to cut.( Advertisement language) 号称只要是基本粒子组成的东西就没有切不开的。(广告语) Because consumes energy greatly, therefore is quite unwieldy, the overall weight almost exceeded 50 kilograms, can therefore regard the blade to be the same it, the person of free utilization are not many, either must conduct the depth to transform to the body. 只是因为耗能巨大,所以相当笨重,整体重量差不多超过了五十公斤,所以能将之当成刀一样,自由运用的人不多,要么就得对身体进行深度改造。 side Linyan jumped half meter, his height added the arm show/unfolds almost also two meters about five, therefore this lifted the altitude that the blade pulled up in fact to exceed three meters! 方林岩自身跳起来了半米,他的身高加臂展差不多也有两米五左右,所以这举刀一撩的高度实际上已经超过了三米! Although the hill giant is highly astonishing, but the position of pants crotch will definitely not takeoff three meters the consequence that ..... the Israeli forest rock this throws, heard above heard an earth-shaking miserable howling sound, then thought that above started to rain. 丘陵巨人虽然高度惊人,但裤裆的位置肯定不会离地三米的.....所以方林岩这一撂的后果,就是听到了上面传来了一声惊天动地的惨嚎声,然后就觉得上面开始下雨。 Naturally, was the blood mixed other liquids, saw that this hill giant lost to cover the pants crotch miserable number balanced, then swayed back and forth on the ground crazily! Has liquor go to one's head proceeds along no particular course in the stone. 当然,是鲜血混合了其余的液体,紧接着就见到这头丘陵巨人失去了平衡捂住裤裆惨号了起来,然后在地上疯狂打滚!拿脑袋在石头上乱撞。 Quick, it that the strategic point is wounded is at the point of death, can only twitch on the ground. 很快的,要害受创的它就气息奄奄,在地上只能抽搐了起来。 After side Linyan handled this battle efficiency strongest hill giant, the impulse of other two old age hill giant was far less than that this grown, at this time the human team starts to hold the overwhelming superiority of crushing, the rough spiked club is not the opponent of firearms...... 被方林岩搞定了这一头战斗力最强的丘陵巨人以后,剩余的两头老年丘陵巨人的冲击力远不如这头成年的,此时人类团队开始占有压倒的绝对优势,粗糙的狼牙棒也绝非枪械的对手...... After the disorderly sound of gunfire continued a while, these two meat mountains are also brave the dense and numerous light smokes to drop down slowly. 杂乱的枪声持续了一会儿之后,这两座肉山也是冒着密密麻麻的青烟徐徐倒下。 Everyone on the scene sees this, was long had/left atmosphere, a being survivor of disaster taking off/escaping force feeling. 在场的所有人见到这一幕,都是长长出了一口大气,有一种劫后余生的脱力感觉。 At this time, did also the active people to move toward side Linyan, some applauded with him, some and he hit the fist, showed the respect: 此时,一干还能动的人都走向了方林岩,有的与他击掌,有的和他撞拳,纷纷表示敬意: Great, the spanner, has not really thought that you can select that monster unexpectedly only.” “好样的,扳手,真没想到你居然能单挑那怪物。” Does attractively!” “干得漂亮!” That really cool! I pledged, was I have seen the coolest movement, did not have one.” “那一下真酷!我发誓,是我见过最酷的动作了,没有之一。” Your dauntlessness is really worth me studying.” “你的无畏真值得我学习。” I owe you a sentiment, without you gets rid of that big fellow, those present must dead half.” “我欠你一个情,没有你干掉那个大家伙,在场的人得死一半。” ..... “.....” Regarding this side Linyan has been maintaining the indifferent smile, usually is stretches out the fist regarding the behavior that these show good will and they hits, taking advantage of this time should. 对此方林岩一直保持着淡然的微笑,对于这些示好的行为通常都是伸出拳头和他们撞一撞,借此回应一下。 The prestige in this team high is not a misdemeanor, obtains the leadership to have the considerably large help regarding the following action. 在这个团队里面威望高并不是一件坏事,取得领导权对于接下来的行动是有相当大的帮助。 At this time, Thalen also walked, the racket side Linyan the shoulder said: 这时候,塔伦也走了过来,拍拍方林岩的肩膀道: That pulls up is cool, after the action ended, I will apply for the bonus for you!” “那一撩非常酷,行动结束以后,我会为你申请奖金的!” Then Thalen starts to pat the palm to shout greatly: 然后塔伦开始拍着手掌大喊道: Moves, the young fellows, restore our bunker and fortification, they must withstand these fearful attacks in the following some time, but these attacks will fall on your handsome face or the pants crotch.” “动起来,小伙子们,修复一下我们的掩体和工事,它们可是在接下来的一段时间内要承受那些可怕的攻击,而这些攻击本来会落在你的俊脸或者裤裆上。” „The vision of hill giant is ordinary, however their senses of smell and senses of hearing are very good, therefore our time very limited!” “丘陵巨人的视觉一般,但是它们的嗅觉和听觉都很不错,所以我们的时间非常的有限!” Thalen's words moved immediately rapidly, in the previous fight, the remained team personnel losses is obvious, the severe wound five people, died three people, after all the attack of Tasmanian wolf and giant is rushing to the strategic point. 塔伦的话立即就让人迅速动了起来,在先前的战斗当中,留守的团队减员明显,重伤了五人,死亡三人,毕竟袋狼和巨人的攻击都是奔着要害去的。 Moreover, severely wounded two people have been at being barely alive condition, is depending upon the cardiotonic to keep the last words. 不仅如此,重伤的两人已经处于弥留状态,正依靠强心剂来留遗言。 Is good because of does this line has the preparation, knows that changes money with the life, therefore the morale can also be. 好在来干这行的都有心理准备,知道就是拿命换钱,所以士气都还算得上是可以。 Then only crossed probably for two minutes, the old age hill giant flushed, but regarding has been familiar with the team of their attacking mode, such impact effort was far from enough, can only can be to deliver the vegetable/dish. 接下来大概只过了两分钟,就又有一头老年丘陵巨人冲了过来,但对于已经熟悉了它们攻击模式的团队来说,这样的冲击力度就远远不够了,只能算得上是来送菜的。 Judging from the present situation, their team that occupies benefits holds this place, at least can defend the impacts of three hill giants, but then estimated that is also incapable of fighting again, words that but 1-2 hill giants come fragmentarily, then really delivers the vegetable/dish. 就目前情况来说,他们这个占据地利的团队扼守此地,至少都能防守住三头丘陵巨人的冲击,不过接下来估计也无力再战,不过1-2的丘陵巨人零星前来的话,那么就真的是送菜了。 Then arrives for 50 minutes that quickly Kenny stipulated that the people relax at this time, because to the present words, can not can be victorious removed, but in the position also installed underground two metal hydrogen bombs, once were not right, these two bombs can also compete to ten minutes at least. 接下来很快就到了肯尼规定的五十分钟时间,众人此时都松了一口气,因为到了现在的话,就可以打不过就撤了,而阵地上也埋设好了两枚金属氢炸弹,一旦不对劲的话,这两枚炸弹还能起码争夺到十来分钟的时间。 Also after waiting for ten minutes, the people have started to talk in whispers, the hearts almost put the actions of Kenny their group of people. 又等了十来分钟之后,众人都已经开始窃窃私语,心几乎都放到了肯尼他们那组人的行动上去了。 Thalen is also detected that some will of the people fluctuation, had/left the sound said immediately: 塔伦也是察觉到了人心有些浮动,立即出声道: We complete our matter on the line! Do not think other, the enemy who us will have almost remained behind intercepted completely, that side the boss naturally did not have the issue.” “咱们做好自己的事情就行!别想别的,我们这边已经差不多将留守的敌人全部都拦截了下来,头儿那边当然没问题了。” But after Thalen these words saying, heard the distant place to transmit a loud sound suddenly, the ground was shaking slightly, even side construction in disrepair after many years collapsed directly. 而就在塔伦这句话说出来之后,骤然就听到了远处传来了一声巨响,地面都在微微震荡,甚至旁边年久失修的建筑直接就塌掉了一处。 One group of iron grey mushroom clouds appeared from one kilometer, but the center of mushroom cloud presents the unique red-orange, seems like unexpectedly the somewhat unique aesthetic sense. 紧接着就有一团灰白色的蘑菇云从一公里外浮现了出来,而蘑菇云的中央则是呈现出独特的橘红色,看起来居然有几分独特的美感。 Saw this explosion, the veteran on the scene shouted immediately: 见到了这一场爆炸,在场的老兵顿时嚷了起来: „Was this uses the snow to flatter mother?” “这是动用雪媚娘了?” The snow flatters mother is the alternate name of another high capacity bomb, its full title is called: Entire nitrogen antimatter bomb, because after its detonation, mushroom cloud and a popular tidal current dessert that present: The snow flatters mother to be similar to acquire fame. 雪媚娘是另外一种高爆炸弹的别称,其全称叫做:全氮反物质炸弹,因为其引爆以后出现的蘑菇云与一款流行的潮流甜点:雪媚娘类似而得名。 In fact, the might of this gadget is astonishing, and snow flatters mother bomb most major characteristics is, can control very accurate the might. 实际上,这玩意儿的威力非常惊人,并且雪媚娘炸弹最大的特点就是,可以将威力控制得十分精准。 The enemy in its explosion range will be attacked terrifyingly, but the energy of explosion range outside leakage are miserable. 在其爆炸范围内的敌人将会遭受恐怖的打击,但是爆炸范围外泄露的能量却少得可怜。 In the middle of its promotion advertising, flatters after the snow mother bomb destroys a freight vehicle, from this freight vehicle five meters one human body model who wears the windproof coat unexpectedly also safe and sound! Such controlling force was really impressive. 在其宣传广告当中,用雪媚娘炸弹摧毁一辆货车后,距离这辆货车五米的一名身穿风衣的人体模特儿居然还安然无恙!这样的控制力真的是令人惊叹了。
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