FE :: Volume #9

#26: Giant who advances on

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Boards!” “上车!” The vehicle door of this all-terrain vehicle opens slowly, transmitted a Bai Ruide's call. 这辆全地形车的车门徐徐打开,其中传来了白瑞德的一声呐喊。 Still after two people of fire looked at each other one, quickly slightly ran several steps, enters in vehicle door that opened. 仍在射击的两人对视一眼后,急忙小跑几步,窜进打开的车门内。 After receiving the person, all -terrain vehicle also no longer prolongs contact, leads two people to accelerate to evacuate hurriedly, many scavenger place wolf jumping up vehicle roof, tears and bites to all -terrain vehicle in abundance crazily, but no helps finally, looks helplessly side Linyan and the others left. 接到人以后,全地形车也不再恋战,匆忙带着两人加速撤离,不少的食腐座狼纷纷跳上车顶,疯狂对全地形车撕咬,但最终还是于事无补,眼睁睁的看着方林岩等人离开。 After boarding, side Linyan knows, originally small mare Jordan after they embark, used the witchcraft to inform to remain in the human camp inside clansman, therefore Bai Ruide they also understood side Linyan and the others the departure times. 上车以后,方林岩才知道,原来小母马约旦在他们出发之后,就用巫术通知了留守在人类营地里面的族人,因此白瑞德他们也就了解到了方林岩等人的出发时间。 In order to guarantee absolutely safe, Bai Ruide decides to lead the person to aid personally, otherwise, rescuing may come is so quick? 为了确保万无一失,白瑞德决定亲自带人来接应,否则的话,救援怎么可能会来这么快? *** *** After returning in the middle of the temporary base, after having taken a drug the gas casualty to start to be ill with vomiting and diarrhea, is good after these strong stress reactions vanish, then regains the normal state again heavy to go off / stupor, more importantly: Various life symptoms stabilized. 重新回到临时基地当中以后,吃过药后的中毒伤员开始上吐下泻,好在等到这些激烈的应激反应消失以后,便恢复了正常状态再次沉沉睡去/昏迷,重要的是:生命各项体征都稳定了下来。 When next morning, some people will discover immediately surprisedly, the wounded person of these poisons have brought down a fever thoroughly, toxin already on them nothing left, only needed to consider the flesh wound factor. 等到第二天早上,一干人顿时惊奇的发现,这些中毒的伤员已经彻底退烧,毒素已经在他们身上荡然无存,就只需要考虑外伤的因素了。 As the saying goes the good deed forms a pair, continuously Bai Ruide of main action jubilant took an information to walk, announced that he old friends among Ratsey Camp got so far as an important clue, that has located the kidnapped Ryan's exact location. 有道是好事成双,一直都主战的白瑞德更是喜气洋洋的拿着一份情报走了出来,宣布他在纳拉齐营地当中的老朋友弄到了一条至关重要的线索,那就是已经确定了被绑架的瑞恩的具体位置。 And in the information also attaches a picture, this picture is obviously filmed by the unmanned aerial vehicle, can see that two people are kneeling by the small stream drank water, side also has the hill giant of devils to supervise. 并且情报上还附有一张照片,这照片明显是由无人机拍摄的,可以见到有两个人正跪在了小溪旁边喝水,旁边还有凶神恶煞的丘陵巨人在进行监督。 Although these two people are not Ryan, but the hill giant concentrates to detain all human captives mostly, found these two people, Ryan can also fly inadequately? 虽然这两个人并不是瑞恩,但丘陵巨人多半是将所有人类俘虏集中关押的,找到了这两个人,瑞恩还能飞了不成? Moreover, yesterday, the refreshing one's spirits flower of red cloud platform place also started to enter the putting period unexpectedly, therefore among Aogerui Ma grown vigorous and healthy hill giant has turned out in full strength at this time, fired into abundance raped red, now Aogerui Ma is very void, only then several old must fall the hill giant of tooth to look after the house. 不仅如此,就在昨天,红云台地的宁神花居然也开始进入了盛放期,所以此时奥格瑞玛当中的成年健壮丘陵巨人已是倾巢出动,纷纷冲向了红云台地,现在奥格瑞玛内部已经是十分空虚,只有几头老得掉了牙齿的丘陵巨人看家。 Yes, even/including Youzai does have, because the hill giant grows very rapidly, the nature only takes eight months maturely. 是的,连幼崽有没有,因为丘陵巨人发育得非常迅速,性成熟只需要八个月。 Yes, you have not misread, eight months of big hill giant can undertake the multiplication race the heavy responsibility! Although they are not definitely able to compete for the female with the grown body, but can look, if ewe, cow type of relatively small and weak female preliminary test oxen knife. 是的,你没有看错,八个月大的丘陵巨人就能承担起繁衍种族的重任了!虽然它们肯定无法和成年体争夺雌性,但是可以找若母羊,母牛这种相对弱小的雌性初试牛刀啊。 Therefore, Bai Ruide proposed a bold idea, that while this opportunity, discards in the temporary camp unwieldy thing, depends upon surplus the powerful mobilities of three all-terrain vehicles, break among Aogerui Ma to save others directly! 因此,白瑞德提出了一个大胆的想法,那就是趁着这个机会,舍弃掉临时营地里面的笨重东西,依靠剩余下来的三辆全地形车的强大机动性,直接冲入奥格瑞玛当中救人! The hill giant battle efficiencies of these old, weak, sick, and disabled are very actually low, this mainly after birth since eight months, they start like Teddy of being in heat, but the vigor catches the thing to make, so long as the side has the female, regardless of race, is a night of Shichijiro. 那些老弱病残的丘陵巨人战斗力其实很低的,这主要是从出生后八个月起,它们就开始像发情的泰迪一样,可劲儿逮着东西造,只要身边有雌性,无论种族,那么都是一夜七次郎。 Like this has lived on for dozens years, the big kidney of hill giant, cannot support even iron must grind to the sand. 这样的生活过上几十年,丘陵巨人的大腰子就算是铁打的,也架不住要磨成沙。 Plan that this Bai Ruide put forward time obviously very to the appetite of people, looks is said the heart movement that the beforehand these oppositions made war, because of without a doubt, this also was really a risk small income big action. 这一次白瑞德提出的方案显然很对众人的胃口,看得出来之前那些反对开战的都被说得心动了,因为毫无疑问,这也真的是一个风险小收益大的行动。 Meanwhile, this action also got rid with these damn Kirghiz centaur entanglements, the short distance eruption ability of this fellows can catch up with all -terrain vehicle, but also can only maintain for ten minutes, did not have the means to look by the durable words. 同时,这个行动也是摆脱了与那些该死的吉尔吉斯半人马纠缠,这帮家伙的短程爆发能力能追上全地形车,但是也只能保持十分钟而已,论持久性的话就没办法看了。 What is more important, Bai Ruide told everyone, if own plan did not have problems, then after five hours, everyone can be about to go home, then received the generous reward! 更重要的是,白瑞德告诉大家,如果自己的计划不出问题的话,那么五个小时以后大家就可以准备回家,然后领取丰厚的报酬了! Without a doubt, went home to put together with enough money these two big targets, had certainly the big persuasive power! 毫无疑问,回家和足够的金钱这两大目标加在一起,产生了绝大的说服力! Kenny as team leader, to strive for actually prudently, interrogated Bai Ruide several, is mainly inquires various attacks, the detail of retreating. Bai Ruide but who a night has not rested considered these details obviously, therefore 11 replies must be watertight. 倒是肯尼作为团队领袖,为求持重,盘问了白瑞德几句,主要是询问各种进攻,撤退的细节。但一夜未睡的白瑞德显然将这些细节都考虑到了,所以一一回答得滴水不漏。 In the vision of people earnest hope, Kenny's unemotional nod of said: 在众人殷切期盼的目光当中,肯尼面无表情的点了点头道: Implementation plan.” “执行计划。” The people exuded a series of cheers immediately. 众人顿时发出了一连串的欢呼声。 side Linyan looked at Kenny one eyes, thought that he was some enforced, met such good opportunity is not unhappy? 方林岩看了肯尼一眼,觉得他是不是有些过于严肃了,遇到了这么好的机会都不开心? However this fellow has transformed to the body specific weight, when regardless of being a facial paralysis face, this is actually not unusual. 不过这家伙对身体重度改造过,无论什么时候都是一张面瘫脸,这其实并不稀奇。 And in the middle of the reality plans often unable to keep up with the change, Bai Ruide's behavior seemingly grasps is very big, actually hidden danger similarly also big, is equivalent in the direct show-hand, put hand inside gambling stake. 并且现实当中计划往往赶不上变化,白瑞德的行为看起来把握很大,其实隐患同样也大,相当于在直接梭哈,一把将手里面的赌注押了上去。 Is direct-viewing a point, this aspect looks like the Texas poker now, the bright sign of banker is a rotten sign, spade 6, spade 7, spade 8, spade 10. 或者直观一点的来说,现在这个局面就像是德州扑克,庄家的明牌是一手烂牌,黑桃六,黑桃七,黑桃八,黑桃十。 In own hand is actually pair of J, a pair five, and card in a hand is plum blossom J, 自己手里面却已经是一对J,一对五,并且底牌还是一张梅花J, From outwardly, oneself is two pairs of steamroll aspects, turning out the card in a hand is adds up to the bottle gourd must kill the bureau. 从明面上来看,自己是两对的碾压局面,翻出底牌更是凑成葫芦的必杀局。 But, the banker cannot remove turns out a card in a hand spade 9, becomes with the flower along the possibility of instead killing, naturally, this probability is very small. 可是,庄家也不能排除翻出一张底牌黑桃九,成为同花顺反杀的可能,当然,这个概率是非常小的。 *** *** Then in getting rich and going home under the actuations of two big powers, the efficiency of rescue crew obtained the astonishing promotion. 接下来在“发财”和“回家”两大动力的驱动下,救援队的效率得到了惊人的提升。 And a centaur of Magerram clan is positive help enthusiastically in side ------- Bai Ruide promises the camp in surplus the heavy goods leave them. 并且还有马格拉姆一族的半人马在旁边非常积极踊跃的帮忙-------白瑞德答应将营地里面剩余下来的笨重物品都留给它们。 Therefore, only used for less than one hour, some people successfully packed the thing to start off again. 因此,只用了一个小时不到,一干人就成功收拾完了东西再次上路。 Before embarking, Bai Ruide also announced a sad news, 在出发之前,白瑞德还宣布了一个噩耗, The after rescue of Ratsey Camp arrived at the abandoned Chinese zither silver ore camp of beforehand placement wounded person, detected that there is a nobody left, and there is a trace of fierce battle. 纳拉齐营地的救援到达了之前安置伤员的废弃瑟银矿营地后,发觉那里已经是空无一人,并且有激烈战斗的痕迹。 According to their guesses, is these centaurs dry/does ..... so far, no one returns alive. 根据他们的猜测,是那些半人马干的.....截止到目前为止,无人生还。 Hears such news, some people shocks incomparably, some people prayed in the chest picture cross immediately silently. 听到这样的消息,一干人都震惊无比,有人立即在胸口画十字默默祈祷。 Before embarking announced that such sad news, obviously to the morale is the enormous attack, on the scene is the slippery customer is not a recruit, therefore Bai Ruide is in fact playing that set of an army burning with righteous indignation is bound to win. 在出发前宣布这样的噩耗,显然对士气乃是极大的打击,不过在场的都是老油条不是新兵,所以白瑞德实际上是在玩哀兵必胜的那一套了。 However perhaps on the effect, should / or / takes an active role. 不过就效果来说,应该/或者/也许还是起到了积极作用的。 After having no ideological problems weighing on the mind, surplus three all-terrain vehicles embarked quickly fast, after starting out almost two kilometers, saw looks around scouting of Kirghiz centaur in the surrounding. 在轻装上阵之后,剩余下来的三辆全地形车很快就快速出发了,在开出了差不多两公里以后,就见到了在外围探头探脑的吉尔吉斯半人马的斥候。 However, these scout after determining them conducted evacuates massively, needs first to return, reports this matter to wise man Teicke of chancellor, after when then this fellow makes a decision, then the decision is conducts the pursuit or ruins the temporary camp. 但是,这些斥候在确定了他们进行大规模撤离之后,需要先返回,将这件事汇报给主事的智者乌泰克,然后等到这家伙拿了主意以后,再决定是进行追击或是毁掉临时营地。 In these two choices, only then Teicke orders to pursue will pose the threat to the rescue crew, but after that at least is also 20 minutes things. 这两种选择中,只有乌泰克下令追击会对救援队形成威胁,可是那至少也是二十分钟以后的事情。 At that time, all-terrain vehicle team already at least 20 km away, and was still far away in an by over 70 kilometers speed rapidly , this formed in a junior middle school examination paper the common mathematics problems: 那时候,全地形车队已经至少在20公里之外,并且还在以超过七十公里的速度迅速远离,咳咳,这就形成了一道初中试卷上常见的数学题: The next door old king speed is XX kilometers, first had run for ten minutes, asking the questionnaire earth to be able to expel him at the quick speed? 隔壁老王的时速是XX公里,已经先跑了十分钟,请问卷土要以多快的速度才能撵上他? ........ Was then instead killed? ........然后被反杀? Obviously, on the endurance of centaur, to catch up with the motorcade is not not possible, but at least also after eight hours. 很显然,就半人马的耐力来说,要想追上车队不是不可能,但至少也得是在八个小时以后。 But in Bai Ruide's plan, if all smooth, after eight hours , their group of people have drunk the instant coffee among Ratsey Camp...... naturally, a possibility is, is being digested in the rumen of hill giant. 可是在白瑞德的规划当中,如果一切顺利的话,八小时以后他们这帮人已经在纳拉齐营地当中饮速溶咖啡......当然,还有一种可能是,正在丘陵巨人的瘤胃里面被消化。 In brief, should not be big with the relations of Kirghiz centaur. 总之,和吉尔吉斯半人马的关系应该不会大了。 At this time regarding this sudden transition, side Linyan three people seems like time is sitting in repose with eyes closed, actually also conducted very vigorous argument in the middle of the team channel in private. 此时对于这一次的突然转折,方林岩三人看似在闭目养神,其实也私下在团队频道当中进行了非常激烈的争论。 The result of finally obtaining is, the aspect of originally refusing to compromise suddenly had such favorable turn, likely with another group of promisors who enter the world are concerned! Especially the refreshing one's spirits flower of red cloud platform place opens suddenly, this looks like the writing skill of promisor completely. 最后得出的结果是,本来僵持的局面突然出现了这样的转机,很可能与另外一批进入世界的契约者有关!尤其是红云台地的宁神花突然开放,这完全就像是契约者的手笔。 Probably that fellows have not thought, their behaviors also gave side Linyan this group of people by the turning point of collapsing. 只是大概那帮家伙也没想到,他们的这行为也给了方林岩这群人以破局的契机。 After determining this matter, side Linyan three people enhance vigilance, but thinks it over also thought that is the opposite party situated in passive. 在确定了这件事以后,方林岩三人提高了警惕,但是想来想去也觉得是对方处于被动。 Because they first give oneself away, this time is the enemy is bright my dark condition, if at the appointed time the opposite party has anything to change, counterattacking definitely is very troublesome. 因为他们先露出了马脚,此时乃是敌明我暗的状态,届时对方倘若有什么异动的话,反制起来肯定是非常麻烦。 *** *** Quick, the front of motorcade started to present a stretch of rough terrain. 很快的,车队的前方就开始出现了一片丘陵地带。 Here regarding nearby desert terrain, does not calculate that sees, but the key carefully looks, will detect in the middle of this hill also to mix the artificial building, tall wall, sentry post tower, front door wait/etc things, although is worn-out, has everything expected to find. 这里对于附近的戈壁地形来说,还是并不算多见的,但关键仔细看去,就会发觉这丘陵当中还混合着人工的建筑物,高墙,哨塔,大门等等东西虽然破旧,却是应有尽有。 Here is Aogerui Ma, lost the past honor, by vestige metropolis that the hill giant seizes, at this time seems recounting the past honor under shining of sunlight. 这里就是奥格瑞玛,失去了昔日的荣光,被丘陵巨人占领的遗迹都市,此时在阳光的照耀下仿佛正在述说昔日的荣光。 Three all-terrain vehicles wandered regarding Aogerui Ma, then found a place to stop. 三辆全地形车围绕着奥格瑞玛转悠了一圈,然后找了个地方停下来。 First explores the difference on terrain and map is big, secondly before battle, sets the temporary assembly point in the , this, once were separate, where everyone knows. 一来是勘探地形与地图上的差别大不大,二来则是趁着开战之前,在附近定下临时集合点,这样的话一旦失散了,大家都知道去什么地方。 Third is to conduct simple grouping, assigns the team leader of each small battle group, this matter is actually not complex, is actually the simple resource integration. 第三就是进行简单的分组,指定各个战斗小组的队长,这件事其实并不复杂,其实就是简单的资源整合。 When does these matters, sent out to scout with the unmanned aerial vehicle conducted the simple detection, basically can confirm that Bai Ruide's information did not have the error, Aogerui Ma's inside hill giant truly by that mysterious flowered attraction, went to rape red. 在做这些事的时候,也派出了斥候和无人机进行了简单的侦查,基本可以确认白瑞德的情报没有谬误,奥格瑞玛里面的丘陵巨人确实都被那神奇的花儿吸引,前往了红云台地。 At this time can say success ratio of action already by original 60% promoted most likely (80%), three all-terrain vehicle breaking in lightning speed to this vestige city, in a two hours of traveling schedule on road, Bai Ruide has not been idling, issued everyone the Aogerui Ma's related simple map directly. 此时可以说行动的成功率已经由本来的60%提升到了八成,三辆全地形车风驰电掣的冲入到了这座遗迹城市当中,在路上的两个多小时行程里面,白瑞德也没有闲着,直接将奥格瑞玛的相关简易地图发给了所有人。 Can see, detained captive a cave situated in the middle of this vestige deep place strength valley, there topography is important, might be considered as one man guards the pass ten thousand men to open. 可以见到,被关押的俘虏是位于这座遗迹深处力量谷的一处山洞当中,那里地势险要,堪称是一夫当关万夫莫开。 In the most ideal situation, all -terrain vehicle can break through Aogerui Ma's outer defense line directly, further arrived at the dark lane area -------- Here is goes to the strength valley the road which must be taken, the place that also many gullies spread across, will bring very big trouble to the intruder. 在最理想的情况下,全地形车是可以直接突破奥格瑞玛的外围防线,进一步的来到了暗巷区--------这里是前往力量谷的必经之路,也是有许多沟壑纵横交错的地方,会给入侵者带来很大的麻烦。 It is said in the past the centaur ruled here time, because even the excessive population has come across food crisis, therefore they raise lifeform to enrich their recipes in the dark lane area named drills earth insect. 据说当年半人马统治这里的时候,甚至因为过量的人口遇到过食物危机,所以它们就在暗巷区里面饲养一种叫做“钻土虫”的生物来丰富自家的食谱。 This insect feeding habits are very mixed, almost what organic matter eats, for example grass, bush, even excrement, and growth is quick, the dressing percentage is high. 这种虫子食性很杂,几乎什么有机物都吃,比如草啊,灌木啊,甚至粪便,并且生长很快,出肉率高。 Naturally also because of this, therefore many centaur internal murder will also happen in this , after killing the enemy, pushes toward these gullies of dark lane area in the middle of the corpse, drills all work that the earth insect developed digesting system can complete to destroy the corpse and leave no trace in just three hours. 当然也因为这样,所以很多半人马内部的谋杀也都会在这附近发生,干掉了敌人以后将尸体往暗巷区的这些沟壑当中一推,钻土虫发达的消化系统能在短短三个小时内完成毁尸灭迹的所有工作。 Naturally, at this time here does not have to drill the earth insect, but was very difficult saying that the hill giant can leave behind several guards here. 当然,此时这里已经没有了钻土虫,但很难说丘陵巨人会不会在这里留下几名守卫。 As the saying goes plans to might as well change, although the front does not have the enemy to intercept, but all -terrain vehicle still stopped in abundance, because a stone palace in disrepair after many years collapsed directly, the front road stopper stubbornly. 有道是计划不如变化,虽然前方并没有敌人拦截,但是全地形车依然纷纷的停了下来,因为一栋年久失修的石头殿堂直接倒塌了下来,将前方的路塞得死死的。 Such ruins environment is unprevailing on the action of hill giant, actually represented the following distance to complete with the both legs. 这样的废墟环境对于丘陵巨人的行动并无影响,却代表着接下来的路程得用双腿完成了。 GOGOGO!” Kenny was shouting issued the order, then one group of people start fully-armed jumps out of the car(riage). “GOGOGO!”肯尼大喊着发出了命令,然后一群人都开始全副武装的纷纷跳下车。 At this time this vestige city is also in one type at a loss middle, has not recovered from surprise attack suddenly, therefore gets out to line up in formation after the people, side started to present a hill giant. 此时这座遗迹城市还处于一种茫然当中,没有从骤然的突袭当中回过神来,所以直到众人下车列队完毕之后,旁边才开始出现了一头丘陵巨人。 This was an old age hill giant, the reason is that grows the horn of its top of the head has fallen off, looked like human the tooth of old person's to fall to be the same, 这是一头老年丘陵巨人,原因就是其头顶的那只长角已经脱落了,就像是人类的老人的牙齿会掉落一样, However, its side is following one flock of Tasmanian wolves, if the giant volume of meat mountain appearance, the ugly appearance is the deterrent force is still full. 不过,它的身边还是跟随着一群袋狼,并且若肉山模样的巨型体积,丑陋的面相依然是威慑力十足。 In its eye had the doubts to look, after nearby Tasmanian wolf started to grin to exude the threatening roar. 它眼中带着疑惑看了过来,不过在旁边的袋狼开始龇牙发出了威胁性的吼声之后。 This fellow started to realize had the foreign enemy to invade, relaxes under the skin massive muscle the ballooning to get up immediately, simultaneously the eyes started the hyperemia, aimed here stride to walk. 这家伙开始意识到了有外敌侵入,松弛皮肤下面的块状肌肉顿时鼓胀起来,同时双眼开始充血,对准了这边大步走了过来。 Has a few words to be called immovability, even if the old age hill giant can also be able to handle such name. 有一句话叫做不动如山,哪怕是老年丘陵巨人也能当得起这样的称呼。 Because of this, when such monster whole body is rousing the massive muscle, the belly thick fat sways in the large scale stride up and down, the desolated sand also makes thump thump sound that is unable to withstand the load under the giant serious steps, aims time that the person walked with stride, that oppression strength seems like really facing landslide. 正因为这样,所以当这样的怪物全身鼓着块状的肌肉,肚皮厚实的脂肪在大幅度的跨步中上下摇晃,就连荒芜的沙地也在巨人沉重的踏步下发出不堪重负的“咚咚”声响,对准了人大步走来的时候,那种压迫力真的像是在面对山崩似的。 Therefore, immediately has the electromagnetism rifle scoffed at opening fire sound, and eye such strategic point that aimed, but also some people aimed at the position of lower part or throat. 所以,立即就有电磁步枪的“嗤嗤嗤”开火声响了起来,并且对准的还是眼睛这样的要害,还有的人则是对准了下体或者咽喉的位置。 However at this time, has smelled the human smell Tasmanian wolf to sprint front, these were regarded are the wild animal that the assistant raises disregarded the threat of firearms, fled to jump front of master in abundance. 但是这时候,已经闻到了人类气味的袋狼已经冲刺到了前面,这些被当成是助手饲养的野兽无视了枪械的威胁,纷纷窜跳到了主人的前面。 Giants as before not anxiously not slow is walking, that appearance seems ordinary with the lazy hunter, wants to sit idle and enjoy the fruits, when the pack of wolves first hunts and kills, has the praying mantis to catch the cicada canary greatly after meaning of. 巨人依旧不急不慢的走着,那模样就仿佛跟懒惰的猎人一般,想要坐享其成,待狼群先去猎杀,大有螳螂捕蝉黄雀在后之意。 As to its long-range fire, the giant keeps off with the hand, as if cannot feel ache the continuation vanguard, although the bullet hole on body has started to seep the blood. 至于对它的远程射击,巨人只是用手一挡,仿佛感觉不到疼痛似的继续前行,尽管身体上的弹孔已经开始沁出鲜血。 Sees this, side Linyan felt immediately before , a material that sees described very appropriately: 见到这一幕,方林岩顿时觉得之前看到的一份资料形容得十分贴切: These monsters( hill giant) will often initiate the confident charge, as if cannot feel the pain, what is more abnormal, they after suffering the heavy losses can also continue to persist in fighting, as if not know oneself had died!” “那些怪物(丘陵巨人)往往会发起不疾不徐的冲锋,似乎根本感觉不到疼痛,更变态的是,它们在遭受到了重创以后还能继续坚持战斗,仿佛都根本不知道自己已经死掉了!” Under the intense hail of bullets strafe, the Tasmanian wolf presented the casualties, Tasmanian wolf that the bloody aura that but in the middle of the air disseminates lets the bloodthirsty even more manic , to continue the illness/quick to clash recklessly. 在密集的弹雨扫射下,袋狼出现了伤亡,可是空气当中弥散的血腥气息让嗜血的袋狼越发狂躁,不顾一切继续疾冲。 However, when the pack of wolves rushed to 30 meters from, two tear-gas bombs threw, this gadget had the destructive attack to the Tasmanian wolf nose of sharp nose immediately, called out pitifully sad and shrill, fell to the ground to roll randomly, this was the team members the valuable experience that obtained from the place wolf. 不过,当狼群冲到了三十米内距离的时候,两枚催泪弹扔了出去,这玩意儿立即对嗅觉灵敏的袋狼鼻子产生了毁灭性的打击,纷纷凄厉惨叫,倒地乱滚,这还是队员们从座狼身上获得的宝贵经验。 In this case, the Tasmanian wolf that the impact comes all extinguishes in a short less than ten seconds of time, either was killed, either was fired the hard coke, braving the billowing gunsmoke dead in the battlefield, only then two tenacious and crazy fellows broke through in the position, was actually divided two to break by the high frequency axe of steel knight!!! 在这种情况下,冲击而来的袋狼在短短十秒钟不到的时间内全灭,要么被击毙,要么被烧成了焦炭,冒着滚滚硝烟死在了战场上,只有两只顽强且疯狂的家伙突围到阵地上,却被钢铁骑士的高周波斧一劈两断!!! That old age hill giant smells there is something wrong, unexpectedly stopped the charge, in the direct half-way turns, ran into nearby ruins by one type with the fat entity entirely different flexibility. 那头老年丘陵巨人见势不妙,居然停止了冲锋,直接半道上一拐,以一种与肥实体型截然不同的灵活逃入到了旁边的废墟里面。 Really, can live the hill giant of aging to be very good besides the kidney, in dangerous sense of smell is not the ordinary person. 果然,能活到变老的丘陵巨人除了腰子特别好之外,在危险嗅觉方面也绝非等闲之辈。 Kenny blew a whistling, Bai Ruide said immediately: 肯尼吹了一声口哨,白瑞德立即道: According to beforehand grouping, the ABC group advance, Team D leaves behind the interception!” “根据之前的分组,ABC组前进,D组留下拦截!” The team leader of Team D said immediately loudly: D组的队长立即大声道: Yes , sir!” “yes,sir!” Without a doubt, was remained at this time is the mercenary, Kenny inevitably own direct descendant belt/bring in the side, carries out the final life-saving task, Team D that keeps is the strength is worst, but side Linyan three people were divided Team C. 毫无疑问,此时被留下来的都是雇佣兵,肯尼必然是将自己的嫡系带在身边,执行最后的救人任务,留下来的D组是实力最差的,而方林岩三人被分到了C组当中。 After went forward fast for almost ten minutes, heard the rear sound of gunfire to ring out, obviously also had the hill giant to catch up, launched a wave of intense offensive! 在快速前进了差不多十来分钟之后,就听到了后方枪声大作,显然又有丘陵巨人赶来,发起了一波激烈的攻势! However, the people are very optimistic at this time, the battle efficiency that because the beforehand that old age hill giant displays is really makes one be hard to think highly, and even can look at the tear-gas bomb to compare these scavenger dire wolves to the effect of Tasmanian wolf is also better. 不过,众人此时都很乐观,因为之前的那头老年丘陵巨人表现出来的战斗力实在是令人难以恭维,并且看得出来催泪弹对袋狼的效果甚至比那些食腐恐狼还要好。 The relations of hill giant and Tasmanian wolf, look like the tank to be the same to infantry's relations, the two are succeed one another to save, once is separated, its battle efficiency will reduce very rapidly. 丘陵巨人与袋狼的关系,就像是坦克与步兵的关系一样,二者是相辅相存的,一旦分开的话,其战斗力将会降低得十分迅速。 However what is shocking, only crossed for eight minutes, the rear area transmitted a series of bangs, this loud sound can say that in steps felt, is rumbling rumbling such blasting continuously. 然而令人震惊的是,只过了八分钟,后方就传来了一连串的巨响,这巨响可以说非常有层次感觉,就是“轰轰轰轰轰”这样的连续不断炸裂声。 After this is Team D carries a powerful metal hydrogen bomb that is detonated, the produced special explosion sound, has the 78-meter terrifying flame to ascend, pursuing troops who the success interception possibly had. 这是D组携带的一枚威力巨大的金属氢炸弹被引爆后,产生的特殊爆炸响动,紧接着就有高达78米的恐怖火焰升腾起来,成功拦截下了可能存在的追兵。 According to agreement, in the situation of only then in the determination not being able to defend, Team D will detonate this bomb to bring up the rear, then evacuates rapidly. 根据约定,只有在确定守不住的情况下,D组才会引爆这枚炸弹断后,然后迅速撤离。 Hello, our public. The number will send the cash and point coin red packet every day, so long as pays attention can receive. At the end of the year the last time benefits, asking everyone to seize the opportunity. Public number[ book friend supreme headquarters] 大家好,我们公众.号每天都会发现金、点币红包,只要关注就可以领取。年末最后一次福利,请大家抓住机会。公众号[书友大本营] This sudden outbreak appears, Bai Ruide's complexion was ugly immediately, because in the previous quarter, his plan can say that is very successful, but in a moment ago, the aspect lost the control directly. 这种突发状况一出现,白瑞德的脸色立即难看了起来,因为就在前一刻,他的计划可以说还是十分成功的,但就在刚才,局面就直接失去了控制。 Was good because of this time, Kenny shows a team leader proper boldness very much simply, say/way that coldly: 好在这时候,肯尼很干脆的展现出了一个团队领袖应有的魄力,冷冷的道: Team C, Team B stays behind! Thalen is responsible for managing to fight, front there has a pass, you are responsible for holding there, person of Team A with me! Full speed advance!” “C组,B组留下!塔伦负责主持战斗,前面那里有一处隘口,你们就负责扼守那里,A组的人跟我来!全速前进!” Thalen! You at least need to strive for 50 minutes, after 50 minutes, allowing you to look at the situation to retreat!” “塔伦!你们至少要争取五十分钟的时间,五十分钟之后,允许你们看情况撤退!”
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