FE :: Volume #9

#25: Antidote

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After listening to the words of Jordan, side Linyan is startled saying: 听了约旦的话以后,方林岩吃了一惊道: Now goes back? Returns to your canyon camps? The day wanted quickly black, this may be a little far.” “现在回去?回你们的峡谷营地吗?天很快就要黑了,这可有点远啊。” Jordan shakes the head saying: 约旦摇摇头道: Does not use that troublesome, going to salt pond there is good.” “不用那么麻烦,去盐池那里就好。” Listened to her such saying, side Linyan relaxes to say immediately: 听她这么一说,方林岩顿时松了一口气道: Good, we deliver you to pass.” “好,我们送你过去吧。” Jordan knows that the human the machinery is very fierce in long-distance transport, therefore has not declined, but she also confessed in departure clansman several, nothing but is well the battlefield cleanup do not stir up trouble and so on. 约旦知道人类的机械在长途运输方面很是厉害,所以就没有推辞,而她在离开的时候也交代了族人几句,无非就是好好打扫战场不要惹事之类的。 In departure, can see outside centaur battlefield cleanup time is positive, is careful. 在离开的时候,就可以见到外面的半人马打扫战场的时候非常积极,也非常细心。 They looks like in side Linyan is completely the thing of trash, by this group of people was regarded, if treasure picks, even half tattered animal skin and so on thing does not let off, obviously a Magerram centaur clan usual day is also quite embarrassed, the living substance should be quite deficient. 很多在方林岩他们看来完全是垃圾的东西,都被这帮人视若珍宝的捡起来,甚至半张破烂的兽皮之类的东西都不放过,可见马格拉姆半人马一族平时的日子也是相当困窘,生活物质应该是相当匮乏。 At this time knows that Jordan must pass, two centaurs also accompanied together, the spoils of war that will reorganize also had part together in the past first. 这时候知道约旦要过去,有两名半人马也一同随行,将整理出来的战利品也一起带一部分过去先。 Bai Ruide also realized obviously the importance of this crowd of centaur allies, is not willing to make side Linyan and the others monopolize such resources obviously, the access road/simply said: 白瑞德显然也意识到了这群半人马盟友的重要性,显然不愿意让方林岩等人独占这样的资源,便道: Like this, the spanner you accompany Jordan, the vulture and goat remain to help, I send Ali to go to you to do odd jobs.” “这样,扳手你陪约旦去,秃鹫和山羊留下来帮我个忙,我派阿里去给你打杂。” Ali is a black person, seem very capable, may be called the typical muscle **. 阿里是一个黑人,看起来就十分精壮,堪称典型的肌**子。 Un, if must describe with the frame of reference, the NBA renowned fashion person, the renowned selfless player, the renowned team player, renowned backboard strange Vyse Bruske is almost his template. 恩,若是要用参照物来形容的话,NBA著名时尚达人,著名无私球员,著名团队球员,著名篮板怪威斯克布鲁斯克差不多就是他的模板。 Ali is smiling to side Linyan, revealed the full mouth becoming known tooth. 阿里对着方林岩一笑,露出了满口的大白牙。 Please look.” “请多关照。” side Linyan nods saying: 方林岩点点头道: Minor matter.” “小事。” Then to save others, the live guidance shows the way in addition, side Linyan drove quickly, probably about an hour all -terrain vehicle, arrived around a salt pond camp of Magerram centaur clan. 接下来为了救人,外加还有活导航指路,方林岩将全地形车开得很快,大概一个小时左右,就开到了马格拉姆半人马一族的盐池营地附近。 The salt pond exact location is located in the middle of an underground rift valley, is very covert, every large or small also only then 78 tents, on the tent seem like the ash throw, at least seems like externally dirty and broken. 盐池的具体位置位于一条地下裂谷当中,十分隐蔽,大大小小的也就只有七八顶帐篷而已,帐篷上看起来更是灰扑扑的,至少从外观上看起来又脏又破。 However, by salt pond, is growing massive bushes and grass classes, probably because of gene issue, therefore lets the ordinary plant the saline that is hard to take root to them, instead the fertile soil is probably common, the growing trend is good, luxuriant. 不过,在盐池旁边,还是生长着大量的灌木和草类,大概是因为基因问题,所以让普通植物难以生根的盐碱地对它们来说,反而像是沃土一般,长势非常好,蓊蓊郁郁的。 These plants are secrete the salt plant, alias row of salt zhi, looks like the person to sweat very much, discharges outside the body the salinity. 这些植物都是泌盐植物,别名排盐稙物,很像人排汗,把盐分排出体外。 Here plant has the diameter willow Shiye grass, mangrove and petal scale flower wait/etc, they grow in being salt-bearing many soils, the adult plant absorbed massive salinity, but the salt actually does not accumulate in within the body. But secretes the salt gland through the spitting salt structure of leaf surface, the unnecessary salt will discharge outside the body, to prevent salinity many accumulations to cause the harm. 这里的植物有径柳匙叶草、红树、瓣鳞花等等,它们生长在含盐较多的土壤中,植株吸收了大量的盐分,但盐却不积存在体内。而是通过叶子表面的吐盐结构泌盐腺,将多余的盐排出体外,以防止盐分过多聚积造成危害。 The centaur is collects the salt that these leave of plants surfaces secrete by the specialist, regarding will be the high-quality sell, simultaneously will strictly protect this spitting salt plant, will only allow them to reproduce in the , other plants will capture completely. 半人马则是由专人来搜集这些植物叶片表面分泌出来的盐,将之当成是精品出售,同时更是严格保护这种吐盐植物,只允许它们在附近繁殖,其余的植物则是全部拔掉。 In addition, in periphery 78 large-scale wooden stake one thing, side Linyan has not known that suddenly this is anything. 除此之外,在周围还有七八根大型的木桩一样的东西,方林岩一时间也不知道这是什么。 Such valuable land with good feng shui, a Magerram centaur clan has also left leeway the look-out station obviously, therefore this place forest rock they approach, 56 centaurs have been ready in full battle array, the lance in tight handshake, evidently a word at earliest convenience do not open does. 这样的风水宝地,显然马格拉姆半人马一族也是一直都留有观察哨,所以当方林岩他们靠近的时候,已经有五六头半人马严阵以待,紧握手中的长矛,看样子一言不合就要开干。 However when Jordan and two appear at the back of the centaur of bags, the centaur that these are critical situation approached immediately excitedly, when the inventory spoils of war are to raise hand lance, sent out excitedly „” sound. 不过当约旦和两名背着大包小包的半人马出现的时候,这些如临大敌的半人马顿时就兴奋的靠近了过来,在清点战利品的时候更是举着手中的长矛,发出了激动的“哟呵哟呵”的声音。 In this high-spirited situation, Jordan said that must compound the herbal medicine, immediately met the positive response of community, some people start to work immediately. 在这种士气高昂的情况下,约旦说是要配制草药,立即就得到了群体的积极响应,一干人立即就开始干起活来。 All -terrain vehicle that because comes presented some glitches on the road, after Israeli forest Yan stops, directly conducted the service. 因为开来的全地形车在路上就出现了一些小故障,所以方林岩停车以后就直接进行了维修。 After he services is appropriate, has passed the difference not mostly hour, therefore then curious strolls everywhere. 等他维修妥当之后,已经过了差不多半小时,于是便好奇的四处逛了逛。 At this time the weather is black, had ignited the bonfire in the center of camp ahead of time, in a surrounding tent is lying two female centaurs, they are binding the black straw braid kerchief, putting on was similar to Jordan, is processing to the herbal medicine that collected freshly. 这时候天色已黑,在营地的中央已经提前燃起了篝火,周围的一顶帐篷内趴着两匹雌性半人马,她们裹着黑色的草编头巾,穿着跟约旦差不多,正在对一些新鲜采集的草药进行加工。 After looking at two, side Linyan detected that its working process quite simple, the herbal medicine of fruit class is almost depilates, air-dries and places in the specially-made jar, then with the hot fumigation, the herbal medicines of some plant classes were separated the rhizome, after the stamp crushing, uses to squeeze out inside juice, pours preserves in nearby bamboo tube. 多看了两眼之后,方林岩就发觉其加工工序相当的简单,果实类的草药几乎都是去壳、晾晒、放在特制的罐子内,而后用火熏蒸,一些植物类的草药则被分离根茎,捣碎后用挤出里面的汁水,倒在旁边的竹筒里面保存。 And in this clan and tribe also existence of witch doctor, the witch doctor is an old man, is giving an injured centaur treatment. 并且这支部族里还有一名巫医的存在,巫医乃是一位年迈的老者,正在给一名受伤的半人马治疗。 Although side Linyan misses to talk with him, but treats and cures the wounded person from the witch doctor, appearance that in the mouth mumbled, Jordan was seemingly more credible. 方林岩虽无缘跟他交谈,但从巫医救治伤员,口中念念有词的模样来看,貌似还是约旦更靠谱一些。 What is worth mentioning is, two centaurs that this witch doctor is treating and curing were just came back from outside, they shouldered the detection duty to go out to go on patrol, finally ran into evacuation the squad of Kirghiz Clan and tribe, finally escaped with great difficulty. 值得一提的是,这名巫医正在救治的两头半人马是刚刚从外面回来的,他们是肩负着侦查任务外出巡逻,结果遇到了撤离的吉尔吉斯部族的一支小分队,最后好不容易逃了回来。 Finally the witch doctor also can only revive one, another centaur has not waited for the rescue of witch doctor, perished on the severe wound directly. 结果巫医也只能救活一名,另外一名半人马根本就没等来巫医的救助,直接就重伤而亡了。 Facing the death of companion, others have not demonstrated too many sad appearances, but came two people lifting to the meadow of not far away, before side Linyan saw big wooden stake. 面对同伴的死亡,其余的人也没有显示出太多悲伤的样子,只是来两个人将之抬到了不远处的草甸上,正对着一根方林岩之前所见到的“大木桩”前。 That witch doctor arrived at big wooden stake side, starts to revolve this gadget to go around, simultaneously in the mouth hummed one to sound the somewhat sad song. 那名巫医走到了“大木桩”的旁边,开始围绕着这玩意儿绕圈,同时嘴巴里面哼唱着一首听起来有些悲伤的歌谣。 At this time side Linyan detected, this big wooden stake looks seems like some plant unexpectedly. 此时方林岩才发觉,这大木桩看起来居然像是某种植物。 The tree trunk mixes the circle sturdily, looks to seem like the wine jug, the diameter was the astonishing more than half meter, generally steadily is not high, at the most also on more than one meter is less than two meters appearance, and set up the body whole body also to be covered with pit-a-pat the spinule, the density of spinule can keep pace with the cactus. 其树干粗壮混圆,远看像是大酒缸,直径达到了惊人的半米多,却普遍长不高,顶天也就一米多不到两米的样子,并且树体浑身还长满了突突的小刺,小刺的密度能跟仙人球并驾齐驱。 While the witch doctor goes around, at the same time the centaur carried a basin to come out, toward big wooden stake root watering, as after these water irrigated, the crown of this gadget started extension slowly unexpectedly massive tendrils. 在巫医绕圈的同时,一面还有半人马端了一个盆子出来,朝着“大木桩”的根部浇水,随着这些水浇下去以后,这玩意儿的顶部居然开始慢慢的伸展出来了大量的卷须。 In the short ten minutes, it from a short and heavy big wooden stake shape, turned into as if radar antenna same that pot cover shape, naturally, the above coronal part comprised of the innumerable thorough tenacious tendrils. 在短短的十来分钟内,它就从一个短粗的大木桩形态,变成了仿佛雷达天线一样的那种锅盖形状,当然,上面的冠状部分就是由无数绵密坚韧的卷须组成的。 According to nearby the introduction of Jordan, this plant named Rankka, beautiful story: 根据旁边约旦的介绍,这植物名叫“多兰卡尔”,还有个美丽的故事: Legend Rankka by the deity Thora gracious gift to centaur person, what at this time side Linyan sees is only the seedling. 传说“多兰卡尔”是由天神Thora恩赐给半人马人的,此时方林岩看到的只是幼苗而已。 In the heyday of clan and tribe, Rankka of mature body, under its huge tree shade may enjoy the cool air, the nourished fruit has the medical effect with the branches and leaves, crotch long all sorts of strange and unusual, looks like the tree root, seems the tree root to grow on the head inverting tree is the same. 在部族的全盛时期,就有一株成熟体的多兰卡尔,它庞大的树荫下可乘凉,滋养的果实跟枝叶具有医疗功效,树杈长的千奇百怪,酷似树根,就好像树根长在脑袋上的“倒插树”一样。 Saw that dying Magerram centaur was delivered to Rankka tendril crown, was closely wrapped by these whisker common leaves. 紧接着,就见到那名死掉的马格拉姆半人马被送到了多兰卡尔的卷须树冠上,然后被那些触须一般的叶子紧紧包裹了起来。 Follows the dead to send, nearby all centaurs also started to sing the elegy, sounded also with coming from the elegy of elf is ordinary, sad long, many dignified strong, hoarse middle was full of a primitive great antiquity flavor. 伴随死者被送入其中,旁边的所有的半人马也开始唱起来了挽歌,听上去也跟来自精灵的挽歌一般,悲伤悠长,不乏庄严浓重,沙哑当中充满了一种原始洪荒的味道。 With resounding of singing sound, side Linyan can feel that light sadness, but on Rankka bark unexpectedly the unusual ripples of flood aliquation level, seem like also imaginary also. 随着歌声的响起,方林岩能感觉到淡淡的悲伤,而多兰卡尔的树皮上居然泛起层层的奇特涟漪,看起来亦幻亦真。 Heard that only took one day and one night, this dying in battle warrior by this mysterious plant absorbing, will not leave behind the bone ash. 听说只需要一天一夜,这名阵亡的勇士就会被这神奇的植物给吸收了,甚至都不会留下骨灰。 Jordan told side Linyan, this was the funeral ceremony of their centaur clan. The centaur clan advocates the nature, the funeral in clan holds by the witch doctor, the incantation is spread by Shaman, can help the dead return to the arms of earth mother. 约旦告诉方林岩,这就是它们半人马族的送葬仪式。半人马族崇尚自然,族中的葬礼都是由巫医举行的,咒语由萨满流传下来,能帮助死者回归大地母亲的怀抱。 After the dead changed to the nutrient of trees, their souls can be redeemed, but that witch doctor own herbal medicine teacher. 待死者化作了树木的养分以后,他们的灵魂就可以得到救赎,而那位施法的巫医正是自己的草药老师。 The centaur respect deceased, thinks that the remains do not endure any insult, otherwise their souls are not then able to be rested, even after dying, cannot have the opportunity of next life being reincarnated. 半人马敬重逝者,认为遗体不容受到任何侮辱,否则他们的灵魂便无法得到安息,甚至死后也得不到来生转世的机会。 So, Rankka looked like a mortal body transformation factory of centaur person, not only provided the precious medicinal herb for them, gave back to they religious belief. 如此看来,多兰卡尔就像是一座半人马人的肉身改造工厂了,不仅为他们提供了珍贵的药材,还给了他们宗教般的信仰。 But because of particular relationship of centaur with Rankka, therefore, when the centaur clan sees this short thick trees, the heart will have the respect of wiping, as if saw the old friend of elapsing, and ancestor is the same, making them treat the tree like the family member. 而正因为半人马与多兰卡尔的特殊关系,所以,每当半人马族见到这种矮粗的树木时,心底都会生出一抹的敬意,就仿佛见了逝去的老友、以及祖先一样,令他们待树如亲人。 Then Jordan sheared a blade on Rankka bark, immediately detected inside some thick juice flowed, the key is this juice can also sparkle unexpectedly the light phosphorescent glow, seeming like somewhat is very strange. 接下来约旦就在多兰卡尔的树皮上割了一刀,立即就发觉里面有一些浓稠的汁水流淌了出来,关键是这汁水居然还能闪耀着淡淡的磷光,看起来很是有些诡异。 Jordan is also long exhales saying: 约旦也是长出了一口气道: „Can your companion be rescued, actually lies in being able to take on Rankka juice ------ This is the antidote Lord medicine, and only after our Saint trees will obtain offered sacrifices can secrete.” “你的同伴能不能获救,其实就在于能不能取到多兰卡尔的液汁上------这是解毒剂的主药,并且只会在我们的圣树获得了献祭以后才能分泌的。” side Linyan nods saying: 方林岩点点头道: Then my how long can attain the antidote?” “那么我多久能拿到解药呢?” Jordan said: 约旦道: Quick.” “很快。” But side Linyan knows immediately quick in Jordanian mouth is what meaning, that is really quick, after at most one minute. 而方林岩马上就知道了约旦口中的很快是什么意思,那就真的是很快,顶多一分钟过后。 Antidote Rankka juice before pill that has processed soaks in together on the line, un, the appearance is very unattractive, the flavor is not good, at least brought very big difficulty to side Linyan the nose. 解毒药就是将多兰卡尔的液汁与之前已经处理好的药丸子浸泡在一起就行,恩,卖相很不好看,味道也非常不好,至少给方林岩的鼻子带来了很大的困扰。 An unfortunate news is, this medicine has the prescriptive period, the count-down unit of centaur is pile, is the time that pile of bonfires can burn. 还有一个不幸的消息是,这药物是有时效期的,半人马的时间计算单位是“堆”,就是一堆篝火能燃烧的时间。 Jordan told side Linyan, the effectiveness of this gadget was two pile, had almost four hours, but the weather has gotten dark now, when if tomorrow morning delivers, then the wounded person did not support by that time, simultaneously the antidote is will also be expired. 约旦告诉方林岩,这玩意儿的时效性是两“堆”,差不多只有四个小时,但是现在天色已经黑了下来,若是等到明天早上送过去的话,那么伤员撑不到那时候,同时解药也是会过期的。 In this case, side Linyan affirmed that the only choice hurries back to the temporary base at the same night. 在这种情况下,方林岩两人肯定唯一的选择就是连夜赶回临时基地去。 Is good their salt mine is not far from the temporary camp because of Jordan, drives all -terrain vehicle also only to take less than one hour, therefore Ali must return firmly, after side Linyan thinks, the decision follows to deliver the medicine. 好在约旦它们的盐矿距离临时营地并不算远,开全地形车也就只需要一个小时不到,所以阿里坚决要返回,方林岩想了想之后,还是决定跟着回去送药。 Quick, two people drive to start off directly, side Linyan drives a day of car(riage) today, the whole person somewhat was exhausted, therefore by behind maintained mental tranquility directly. 很快的,两人就直接开车上了路,方林岩今天开了一天的车,整个人都有些疲惫了,所以直接靠在了后面养神。 Goes on this endless wilderness, the engine bellow of all-terrain vehicle was not big, at this time also spread in the quiet night far away, because not the familiar reason, Israeli forest Yan and Ali have no exchange. 在这漫漫荒原上行驶,全地形车的引擎轰鸣声本来并不算大,此时在静谧的黑夜里面也传出了老远,因为彼此之间并不熟悉的缘故,所以方林岩和阿里也没有什么交流。 Suddenly, Ali has the sound said: 忽然之间,阿里出声道: Hey, slow, what do right you have a look are?” “嘿,慢一点,你看看右边是什么?” side Linyan looked toward the right immediately, detected that there presented a lighting a lamp light impressively , the tent, looks at that tent evidently unexpectedly unexpectedly is the design of temporary camp, in the middle of the tent evidently also two person's shadows, distant looks to not be very clear. 方林岩顿时朝着右边看了过去,发觉那里赫然出现了一点灯光,看样子竟然还有一顶帐篷,看那帐篷居然是临时营地的款式,帐篷当中看样子还有两个人影,不过远远的看得不是很清楚。 At this time, Ali has harnessed all -terrain vehicle to aim at that side to drive past, simultaneously excited called to shout: 这时候,阿里已经驾着全地形车对准了那边开了过去,同时兴奋的叫嚷道: Oh! I also think that went out of patrol they dead, has not thought that unexpectedly pitched camp here.” “哇哦!我还以为出外巡逻的艾杰他们都死了,没想到居然是在这里扎营了。” I knew, was they met the chop suey of these withdrawals mostly, therefore can only rush to here to lie low until something blows over.” “我知道了,多半是他们遇到了那些撤走的杂碎,所以只能跑到这里来避避风头。” Has not expected, when is away from that camp several hundred meters, the front has the chaotic shitan of gradient, here all-terrain vehicle could not have started, Ali can only stop, then opened the vehicle door to walk, simultaneously was saying to side Linyan: 没料到在距离那营地数百米的时候,前方已经是有着坡度的乱石滩,这里全地形车已经开不过去,阿里只能停下车,然后打开车门走了下去,同时对着方林岩道: Hey, you in what? Quickly comes the help, among them also has the wounded person, we must take the person to pass quickly.” “嘿,你在等什么?赶快过来帮忙啊,他们当中还有伤员,我们得接了人赶快过去。” side Linyan listened to Ali's words not to say anything, was follows to get out, after two people went out of almost 50-60 meters, side Linyan knit the brows suddenly: 方林岩听了阿里的话也没有多说什么,也是跟着下了车,两人走出了差不多50-60米之后,方林岩忽然皱眉道: „It is not right, tent inside person moves unexpectedly has not moved!” “不对劲,帐篷里面的人居然动都没有动一下!” After Ali listened, is suddenly in the heart one cold, but some are unwilling, but at this time, the surroundings had transmitted Cecilie suo suo massively sound, even mixes in the together hum/snort massively. 阿里听了以后也是陡然心中一凛,但还是有些不甘心,但这时候,周围已经传来了大量“西西索索”的声音,甚至还有大量混合在一起的哼声。 In the middle of that sound is hiding the malicious hatred, as if must tear to shreds two people. 那声音当中藏着刻毒的恨意,仿佛要将两人碎尸万段似的。 Behind these stones, presented one after another thing of as if light green jack-o'-lantern, that impressively is the eye of scavenger place wolf!! 紧接着,那些石块后面,都出现了一双一双仿佛浅绿鬼火的东西,那赫然就是食腐座狼的眼睛!! Obviously, during the daytime with wisdom astonishing high of Kirghiz centaur side Linyan they fights! 很显然,白天与方林岩他们战斗的吉尔吉斯半人马的智慧惊人的高! Patrol leader who in Ali mouth said that has been annihilated obviously, but after the Kirghiz centaur leaves, has not retreated thoroughly, the military baggage that the body of direct utilization patrol leader and carries set a simple and virulent trap. 阿里嘴里面所说的艾杰巡逻队显然已经全军覆没,而吉尔吉斯半人马离开以后并没有彻底退走,直接利用巡逻队的尸体和携带的辎重设置了一个简单而恶毒的陷阱。 Ali is actually not stupid, but his concept still thinks human to keep aloof, underestimated the wisdom of these indigenous lifeform, must therefore pay the fatal price. 阿里其实并不笨,只是他的观念依然认为人类高高在上,小看了这些土著生物的智慧,因此要付出致命的代价了。 Regarding this side Linyan turns around without delay toward car(riage) overshooting, he is also negligent for a while, inertia follows Ali to walk. As the saying goes the tiger has napping time, but this mistake is not fatal, but side Linyan was also disinclined to pay attention to Ali at this time, mistake who oneself violated resisted, made him run its own course. 对此方林岩二话不说转身就往车上冲,他也是一时大意,惯性的跟随着阿里走。俗话说老虎都有打盹的时候,不过这一次的失误也并不致命,但方林岩此时也懒得理会阿里了,自己犯下的错误自己抗,就让他自生自灭吧。 However, side Linyan also close to all -terrain vehicle, to the front pack of wolves vanguard speed has not been fast, rushed to the front directly, even on the vehicle roof of all-terrain vehicle stood several grinning carnassial teeth place wolves. 不过,方林岩还没靠近全地形车,冲在前方的狼群前锋速度也是飞快,直接就冲到了前方,甚至连全地形车的车顶上都站上去了几只龇牙裂齿的座狼。 Moreover, a group of place wolves also started to exude the roaring sound continuously, started to contract the surrounding network, the acceleration dashes about wildly to come in swarms. 不仅如此,大群的座狼也开始发出了此起彼伏的咆哮声,紧接着开始收缩包围网,加速狂奔蜂拥而至。 Ali clenches teeth, knows matter of life and death, exchanged a unique magazine directly, is keen and nimble, carries the K-14 automatic electromagnetism rifle of disposition to lift the hand to hit, toward throwing the pack of wolves strafes continuously. 阿里一咬牙,知道生死攸关,直接换上了一个独特的弹匣,然后眼明手快,端起配置的K-14型自动电磁步枪抬手就打,朝着扑来的狼群连续扫射。 The specialness of 8 MM barbed nail bullet divulges in the large flame of muzzle blowout intensely, by pack of wolves that the accurate attack method shoots towards invades one's territory, Ali as Bai Ruide's trusted aide, not only the marksmanship is good, the weapon might of disposition is also huge, immediately made Ali take down several charges before the place wolf. 8MM的特殊“刺钉”子弹在枪口喷出的火舌中激烈宣泄而出,以精准的攻击方式射向来犯的狼群,阿里作为白瑞德的心腹,不仅枪法好,配置的武器威力也是巨大,顿时就让阿里放倒了好几头冲锋在前的座狼。 side Linyan also coordinates Ali to strafe at this time, two people retreat fighting at this time, under the nighttime sky sound of gunfire resounding continuously, the pitiful yell sound is unceasing, the short more than ten seconds pass by, the fierce pack of wolves vanguard then suffered the heavy losses: 方林岩此时也配合着阿里进行扫射,两人此时且战且退,夜空下枪声连续不断的响起,惨叫声不断,短短十几秒过去,凶恶的狼群先锋便受到了重创: About 78 place wolves or die or the wound under two people crazily strafe, killed basically is the special depleted uranium bomb that Ali uses does, but surplus these still paced back and forth around them, dodges circuitously, waits for an opportunity to launch the surprise attack. 大约七八头的座狼在两人疯狂的扫射下或死或伤,被打死的基本上都是阿里使用的特殊贫铀弹干的,而剩余的那些则仍旧徘徊在他们周围,不停的闪躲迂回,伺机发动突袭。 The grating sound of gunfire and wolf howling sound interweave again and again, directed the place wolf and Kirghiz centaur of distant place, side Linyan follows in Ali behind, advances toward all -terrain vehicle step by step, hits while moves, finally before a group of wolves approach to/clashes boards. 刺耳的枪声与狼嚎声连连交织,更把远方的座狼和吉尔吉斯半人马也引了过来,方林岩跟随在阿里身后,步步朝全地形车推进,边打边挪,总算是在大群狼群来临之前重新冲上了车。 And Ali is really the luck is also good, if not for at this time side Linyan brings up the rear, blocked the vehicle door with his powerful strength stubbornly, changes into any rescue crew member unable to achieve this point. 并且阿里也真的是运气好,此时若不是方林岩断后,用他强悍的实力死死挡住了车门,换成任何一名救援队成员都做不到这一点。 However at this time, before all -terrain vehicle, encircled completely many black japan color place wolves impressively, a green pupil of both to terrify person kept sparkling, completely watertight that the vehicles encircled, even some starts gnawed the automobile body and tire. 但是这时候,全地形车前赫然围满了许多黑漆色的座狼,一双双瘆人的绿瞳不停闪耀,完全将车辆围的水泄不通,甚至有的开始啃噬车身和轮胎。 Moreover, at this time was appears a master to obey the law the old age centaur of stick from the darkness unexpectedly, in the mouth is muttering is reciting anything, when side Linyan discovered its time, the law stick of this fellow already toward here one finger/refers! 不仅如此,此时从黑暗当中竟是浮现出来了一名手持法杖的老年半人马,嘴里面在喃喃吟唱着什么,等到方林岩发现它的时候,这家伙的法杖已是朝着这边一指! Immediately can see, one bunch of blue white lightning direct alignments here flew! 立即就能见到,一束蓝白色的闪电直接对准了这边飞了过来! Lightning arrow! 闪电箭! This round of lightning arrow accurate bang on front, all-terrain vehicle internal light immediately a sparkle, then in abundance weak extinguishment. 这一发闪电箭准确的轰在了车头上,全地形车内部的灯光立即一阵闪耀,然后纷纷无力的熄灭。 side Linyan lost an detection in the past, actually detected that own detection and vulture did not have the means to compare, can only investigate the name of this fellow: 方林岩丢了一个侦查过去,却发觉自己的侦查与秃鹫没办法比,只能将这家伙的名字侦查出来: Kirghiz calls thunder master! 吉尔吉斯唤雷师! Daytime time has not seen the appearance of this fellow, therefore the most reasonable explanation is, Kirghiz Clan and tribe came the reinforcements. 白天的时候并没有看到这家伙的出现,所以最合理的解释就是,吉尔吉斯部族来了援兵。 Ali presses the key to attempt to ignite crazily, unexpectedly at this time all -terrain vehicle fell the chain, did not start. 阿里疯狂的按动钥匙尝试点火,居然这时候全地形车掉链子了,根本发动不了。 At this time, the distant place shot a bright searchlight light unexpectedly, unexpectedly was an all-terrain vehicle aided, the driver of driving stepped on the accelerator directly, making the vehicles beast of prey aim at a pack of wolves to attack in the surrounding generally. 就在这时候,远处居然射来了一道明亮的探照灯光,居然是一辆全地形车来援助了,开车的司机直接踩踏油门到底,让车辆似猛兽一般于外围对准了座狼群进行冲击。 After all -terrain vehicle increases speed, brings fierce moving restlessly that the engine is sending out, grinding into the middle of the pack of wolves, several place wolves were hit the flesh and blood flying in all directions, threw flies to in the air, even on all -terrain vehicle caterpillar bands spread completely the bright red color, the vehicles battered in the panic-stricken pack of wolves, the person in car(riage) also can only endure fierce jolting. 全地形车提速以后,带着引擎发出的剧烈躁动,生生的碾入了狼群当中,好几头座狼都被撞得血肉横飞,抛飞向了空中,甚至全地形车履带上都涂满了鲜红之色,车辆在惊恐的狼群中横冲直撞,车内的人也只能忍受着剧烈的颠簸。 Saw some people help, side Linyan does not keep the crazy fire of ample force with Ali, but this all-terrain vehicle also made a side-slipping to drift directly, the place wolf that then several wanted to attempt to attack moved aside without enough time, was given to hit to fly by the side of all-terrain vehicle. 见到了有人来援,方林岩跟阿里自是不留余力的疯狂射击,而这辆全地形车也是直接做出了一个侧滑漂移,便又有几头想要尝试攻击的座狼来不及躲闪,被全地形车的侧面给撞飞了出去。 Meanwhile, several fire mouths of all-terrain vehicle also open, inside emits a lot of large flames, hits in the middle of the place pack of wolves immediately the blood splash to scatter. 同时,全地形车的几个射击口同时打开,里面喷吐出大量的火舌,打得座狼群当中顿时血花四溅。 At this time, that Kirghiz called thunder master to act again, but in the night, it recited in the middle of the time both hands blue white thunder extremely to be only conspicuous, immediately some people sent the high explosive shell to rumble in the past, made it immediately honest, sent out painful yelling. 这时候,那名吉尔吉斯唤雷师再次出手,但在黑夜当中,它吟唱时候双手当中的蓝白色雷光太过显眼,立即就有人一发榴弹轰了过去,顿时就让它变得老老实实的,发出了一声痛苦的喊叫。
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