FE :: Volume #9

#22: Small mare Jordan

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This bleak yellow sand seized the field of vision of person already enough several days, sudden the wipes the sight of green is really makes one have the completely relaxed feeling. 这荒凉的黄沙本来占领人的视野已经足足几天了,突然出现的这一抹绿意真的是令人有着心旷神怡的感觉。 The matter cannot be delayed, side Linyan then stepped on a foot accelerator layer on layer/heavily, accelerates toward the oasis. 事不宜迟,方林岩便重重的踩了一脚油门,朝绿洲加速开去。 If looks out from the distant place, is not difficult to discover, the oasis topography in wilderness is low, basically is in a basin. 若从远处瞭望的话,就不难发现,荒漠中的这片绿洲地势较低,基本上算是在一处盆地内部。 Overlooks its contour to look like a giant horse hoofprint. 俯瞰起来其外形就像是一个巨型马蹄印。 The left and right of oasis were surrounded by the cliff, beside the cliff is the sand dune of fluctuating, on the sand dune also steadily the bustling bush, 绿洲的左右两侧被峭壁包围了起来,峭壁之外则是起伏的沙丘,沙丘上还长着熙熙攘攘的灌木, The centaur clan and tribe of surviving can choose to make the temporary base here, inside has the water source. 残存的半人马部族能将这里选作临时根据地,想必里边是存有水源的。 When side Linyan close to entrance time, the centaur that one team is responsible for going on patrol then exuded wū wū hehe the strange war bugle call, runs toward him. 待方林岩靠近到入口的时候,一队负责巡逻的半人马便发出了“呜呜呵呵”的诡异战号声,朝他奔跑过来。 Unlike Vardon's wear, what their upper bodies put on is the ash throws the straw braid clothes vest that but the lower part of the body unified to enclose one to be similar to the crude woven goods that the sumo wrestling put on, its material quality estimated that could not miss many with the flax. 跟瓦登的穿着不同,他们上身穿的乃是灰扑扑的草编衣背心,而下身则统一围上了一块类似于相扑穿的简陋编织品,其材质估计跟亚麻差不了多少。 The entrance of camp had been arranged by the centaur clan and tribe of this surviving carefully, side Linyan has been able to see from a cliff less than several hundred meters place, the entrance both sides are also setting up several flags, the flagpole is made by the brown wood/blockhead, roughly 3 meters come high, as if elongated cross same grips on the ground, most above is going against a white skull. 营地的入口被这支残存的半人马部族精心布置过,方林岩在距离峭壁不到几百米的地方就已经可以见到,入口的两侧还插着几面大旗,旗杆是由褐色的木头制成,约莫三米来高,就仿佛被拉长的十字架一样扎在地上,最上方顶着一具白森森的头骨。 Under the crossbeam of flagpole is fluttering a blood-color vertical flag, above uses the carbon rod and so on thing is drawing together the curving arrows as well as two horse hoofprints carelessly, the surroundings of flagpole is placing several extinguished braziers, burned black charcoal stack. 旗杆的横梁下则飘着一面血色的竖旗,上边用炭条之类的东西胡乱画着一道弯曲的箭头以及两个马蹄印,旗杆的周围摆放着几个已然熄灭的火盆,焦黑的木炭堆积在内。 After seeing only to sprint, by arriving around all -terrain vehicle that this team of centaurs threaten will encircle. 只见这队半人马气势汹汹的疾跑过来后,靠到全地形车跟前就将之围了起来。 In the centaur guard hand takes is some of weapons that were full of primitive wild meaning, have the raw and cold and rough axe, there is likely a sickle of greatly Cordovan style modeling, with the stone that the rope ties up, what are more is the wooden club is in the majority ....... 半人马卫士手里拿的都是些充满了原始蛮荒意味的武器,有生冷且粗糙的斧子,也有像大马革式造型的弯刀,还有用绳索捆绑的石块,更多的还是木棍居多....... In brief their behaviors can show a matter: 总之他们的行为就很能说明一件事: This group of going down in the world centaurs have not displayed the enthusiasm and hospitable, if on the contrary the traveler in distant place cannot put out the sufficient military force, or has the faith token and so on thing, was ransacked is almost the matter of big probability. 这帮落魄的半人马并没有表现出热情和好客,相反远方的旅人若是拿不出足够的武力,或者说是有信物之类的东西,那么被洗劫一空几乎是大概率的事情。 At this time, the goat can only bracing oneself stand, finally the vehicle door opened detected that by one axe direct on neck, simultaneously strong rank odor headed on, almost smoked him to at the scene the stupor. 这时候,山羊只能硬着头皮站出来,结果车门一开就发觉被一把斧子直接架在了脖子上,同时一股浓烈的膻味扑面而来,几乎熏得他要当场昏迷过去。 Then, front primitive centaur then starts squeak squeak wū wū, said a big pile made the language that he could not understand, and also in his brandishes at present unceasingly begins the fellow, dividing the meaning of cutting was vivid. 而后,面前这头原始的半人马便开始吱吱呜呜,说了一大堆令他听不懂的语言,并且还在他的眼前不断挥舞着手里的家伙,劈砍之意呼之欲出。 Without a doubt, his is the routine that conducts to rob -------- Has a look at the axe advantage of buddy not? Hasn't handed over valuable thing? 毫无疑问,他这是在进行抢劫的例行手续--------看看哥们的斧头利不?还不把身上的值钱东西交出来? Clear to see ferocious fellows will soon begin, the goat quickly takes out the bugle that beforehand Vardon bestowed in the hand, then said with the commonly used language loudly: 眼见得这帮穷凶极恶的家伙即将动手,山羊急忙取出了之前瓦登赠送的号角拿在手里面,接着用通用语大声道: Jordan! Vardon! The friends, notify troublesome!” “约旦!瓦登!朋友,麻烦通报一下!” At this time is good because of goat has the powerful communication talent, this is even the space needs unusual ability, therefore the centaurs sized up several that bugles carefully, immediately some doubts uncertain stopped the harassment. 此时好在山羊自身拥有强大的沟通天赋,这是连空间都需要的奇特能力,所以半人马们仔细打量了几下那号角,顿时有些疑惑不定的停止了骚扰。 But is curling Zan send/hair, under after the cheeks also flutters two to cast aside the centaur of tall and slender beard carefully looked at bugle two, stands to come out others to scold, confesses toward the companion, ran back the camp alone. 而其中一名卷着昝发,脸颊下还飘着两撇细长胡须的半人马仔细看了号角两眼之后,也是站了出来将其余的人呵斥开,朝着同伴交代一番,独自跑回了营地。 Soon, side Linyan noticed that two centaurs ran from the camp rapidly, in the coarse men with these patrol leaders is different, at this time one and ran unexpectedly was two women, perhaps should say that was two small wild horses. 不多时,方林岩就看到两头半人马从营地内又迅速跑了出来,和这些巡逻队里面的糙汉子不同,这时候一并跑出来的竟是两位女士,或许应该说是两只小野马。 Is female centaur flesh of head is exquisite, looked is not old, her step is vigorous, bouncing looks like only the fawn to be the same, was full of the wild nature vigorously, the body also drew striking witch writing with the white powder ash similarly. 为首的一名雌性半人马肌肤细腻,一看年龄就不大,她的步伐矫健,弹跳得像只小鹿一般,矫健而充满了野性,身上同样也是用白色的粉灰画出了醒目的巫文。 Naturally, making the goat look looks, chest front that to swaying strong horse breast! Understood side Linyan who goat suspected highly, at this time in the middle of the mind of goat definitely is reverberating not the mature idea. 当然,让山羊看直看的,还是胸前那对摇晃着的坚挺马乳!了解山羊的方林岩高度怀疑,此时山羊的脑海当中肯定回荡着很多不成熟的想法。 And these not mature ideas or legal these mature provisions are unable to cover ....... 并且这些不成熟的想法还是法律那些成熟的条款无法覆盖的....... Jordan grasps a long stick, the peak of tip is also mounting a gem, reflects many rays under the sunlight of evening glow, is very gorgeous, she walks to the front slowly said: 约旦手持一根长棍,棍头的顶端还镶嵌着一块宝石,在夕照的日光下折射出诸多光芒,十分绚丽,她徐徐行走到前方道: Human, where this thing can you come? Why knows my name.” “人类,这东西你从哪里得来的?为什么知道我的名字。” Obviously, the present woman was Jordan oneself. 很显然,眼前的这位女士便是约旦本人了。 The goat shrugs saying: 山羊耸耸肩道: Big ..... wind! The sand blew in my eye to come, oh, really sorry, the beautiful woman, I had no intention to offend, we got rid of a place wolf at that time, was discovered by Vardon, he said that let me the leather belt of that wolf to you, said that was you saw this gadget should be very happy.” “好大.....的风!沙子都吹到我的眼睛里面来了,噢,真抱歉,美丽的女士,我无意冒犯,我们当时干掉了一头座狼,然后被瓦登发现了,他说让我将那头狼的皮带给你们,说是你们看到这玩意儿应该很开心。” Following close on, the goat was taking out that wolf skin that howling digs up from the ghost, then gave Jordan. 紧跟着,山羊就取出了那张从鬼嚎身上扒下来的狼皮,然后递给了约旦。 Receiving of Jordanian doubts, is frowning to receive to size up, initial time also seems somewhat absent-minded, but the side centaur yelled suddenly panic-stricken: 约旦疑惑的接过,皱着眉头接过来打量了一下,最初的时候还显得有些心不在焉,但旁边忽然有一头半人马惊恐的大叫了起来: How can like this? I smelled the smell of that devil unexpectedly!” “怎么会这样?我居然闻到了那头魔鬼的气味!” He was yelling at the same time one shivers, even the weapon in hand fell directly. 他一面大叫着一面颤抖,甚至连手中的武器都直接掉落了下来。 Then has several people one after another ------ It is not right, should be the centaur also starts panic-stricken, and this panic-stricken is still spreading like the plague. 接下来陆续有好几个人------哦不对,应该是半人马也开始惊恐了起来,并且这种惊恐还在像瘟疫一样蔓延着。 Obviously, the ghost gives their injury howlingly is not only ** on, only feared that also created the serious psychological trauma. 很显然,鬼嚎给予他们的伤害不仅是**上的,只怕也造成了严重的心理创伤。 But at this time, Jordan was also shook the wolf skin directly, then looked that under was startled dumbfounded immediately, quickly looked at carefully carefully, separated for almost one minute, this has seized the javelin of nearby clansman, dug from the head place the wolf skin directly, then held up to start to revolve nearby camp high to run intensely, in the mouth also sent a series of intense long howls. 而这时候,约旦也是直接将狼皮抖了开来,然后一看之下顿时大吃一惊呆住了,急忙仔细端详了起来,隔了差不多一分钟,这才夺过旁边族人的标枪,直接将狼皮从头颅处扎入,然后高高举起开始围绕着旁边的营地激烈奔跑,嘴巴里面还发出来了一连串激烈长啸声。 After Jordan starts to run, her clansman also one and joined the ranks, simultaneously in the mouth also exuded the long bugle call, is mixing with angrily, excited, gratified and so on complex mood. Even many centaurs bend down directly on the ground wail. 约旦开始奔跑之后,她的族人也一并加入了行列,同时口中也是发出了长号声,夹杂着愤怒,兴奋,欣慰等等复杂的情绪。甚至还有不少半人马直接伏在地上嚎啕大哭的。 The hoofbeat is billowing, as joining of clansman number becomes many, gradually is the hoofbeat like the thunder, resounds through the horizon. 蹄声滚滚,随着族人数量的加入变多,渐渐的就是蹄声如雷,响彻天际。 Separated a while, many centaurs start to leave the ranks, then starts to build the fire of high-piled firewood, must prepare the joyful bonfire party evidently, at this time Jordan walked slowly, to side Linyan very solemn and respectful say/way: 隔了一会儿,很多半人马开始离队,然后开始搭建火堆,看样子是要准备欢庆的篝火晚会了,这时候约旦才徐徐走了过来,对着方林岩很肃穆的道: Was you gets rid of the ghost to be howling?” “是你们干掉了鬼嚎?” The goat then 1510 informed Jordan account, naturally, has the selectivity, has the exaggerating ingredient many, making Jordan know own here loss is also big, to strike to kill wolf king Mao very big danger and so on. 山羊便把一五一十将事情的经过告知了约旦,当然,是有选择性的,其中也不乏有夸张的成分,让约旦知道自己这边的损失也不小,为了击杀狼王冒了很大的险之类的。 After listening to narration of goat, the Jordanian slight nod, to the formality that he good -and-a-half bowed, later invited the camp him, and expressed that he obtained the friendship of clan and tribe, he forever was the friend of centaur. 听完了山羊的讲述以后,约旦微微点头,对他行了一个半屈膝的礼节,随后将他邀请进了营地,并表示他获得了部族的友谊,他将永远是半人马的朋友了。 Obviously, three people of celebration not too big interests to centaur, therefore more energy placed sized up in nearby situation. 很显然,三人对半人马的庆典并没有太大的兴趣,所以更多的精力都放在了打量附近的情况上。 Followed close on as for the goat behind the buttocks of Jordan, took undivided attention. 至于山羊则是紧跟在了约旦的屁股后面,心无旁骛。 Under the influence of Jordan, after three people enter the camp, first sees is many tattered leather tents. 在约旦的引领下,三人进入营地之后,首先看到的就是许多破破烂烂的皮革帐篷。 Top these tents is quite sharp, above is also having the patch, should only be able to play the role of basic keeping out wind and rain. 这些帐篷顶部颇尖,上面还打着补丁,应该只能起到基本的遮风挡雨的作用。 The arrangement in camp has the foreign land character and style, what is situated in central is a brown leather tent, the tent is very big, with huge yurt, its crown is fluttering a brown flag, above used the white pigment to draw up a symbol of crescent moon. 营地内的布置别有异域风情,坐落在中央的乃是一顶褐色的皮革营帐,帐篷挺大,就跟巨大的蒙古包似的,其顶部则是飘荡着一面褐色的旗帜,上面用白色颜料绘制出了一个弯月的符号。 But around large-scale tent to demonstrate unusual, therefore kept a stretch of big open area, can see from the open area above hard coke firewood pile, evening's bonfire party and so on will also hold here. 而大型营帐周围则是为了显示与众不同,所以留出来了一片大大的空地,从空地上面的焦炭柴堆都能看出,晚上的篝火晚会之类的也都会在这里举行。 In the middle of oasis because of water source abundant reason, therefore the growth has massive stunted brushwoods, a date forest, but tent latter convenient is a quiet small lake, the small lakeside was covered with the weeds with the breadfruit, side Linyan even can see that some female centaurs are cleaning anything near the pond. 绿洲当中因为水源充沛的原因,所以生长有大量的矮小灌木,还有一片椰枣林,而营帐的后方便是一个静谧的小湖,小湖边长满了野草跟面包树,方林岩甚至可以见到有些雌性半人马在水塘边清洗着什么东西。 Jordan please enter the central big tent/account three people, then some people carried some sliced meat to them as well as one can of clear water and fruits, 约旦将三人请进中央大帐,然后就有人给他们端了些肉片以及一罐清水和水果来, The sliced meat cuts is very thin, below is fronting several pieces of clean green leaves, to be honest during the appearance compared with the imagination is better, side Linyan three people were hearing burnt/anxious fragrant thought the flavor is good, simultaneously feared the words that does not eat can enrage the master. 肉片切的很薄,下面垫着几片干净的绿叶,说实话比想象当中卖相要好,方林岩三人闻着焦香觉得味道还是不错的,同时又怕不吃的话会不会触怒主人。 In this case, three people grasp food then to eat, after trying to eat, he discovered, the barbecue has no flavor unexpectedly, exactly said that has not put any seasoning, had not resulted in a fishy smell slightly like the mutton except mutton smell, but the taste is actually the excellent, brittle belt/bring muscle chews the vigor richly. 在这种情况下,三人抓起食物便吃,试吃以后他发现,烤肉竟没什么味道,确切的说是没放任何调料,就像羊肉没被除膻似得有股微微的腥气,但口感却是极好,脆中带筋富有嚼劲。 A light red fruit suits side Linyan the appetite actually very much, this type of fruit looks like grape same to become string to grow, eats sour and sweet, but the taste situated in the blueberry and strawberry, the juice is actually insufficient to flood rich that type. 倒是一种淡红色的水果很合方林岩的胃口,这种果子就像是葡萄一样成串生长的,吃起来酸酸甜甜的,不过口感是介于蓝莓和草莓之间,汁水丰沛却又不至于满溢那种。 What is most unique, the nuclear of this fruit can also chew eating unexpectedly, first bites to look like the fresh walnut, second bites to feel like the peanut. 最独特的是,这种水果的核居然也可以嚼着吃,第一口咬下去就像是新鲜核桃,第二口咬下去就觉得像是花生。 In view of the fact that in the tent does not have the table, the ground only spread a reason of blanket, the Israeli forest rock three people are the plate have the both legs to dine, when they eat half full, after the mouth pours into the big mouth clear water, Jordan manages managed own brown mane saying: 鉴于营帐内没有桌子,地上只铺了一张毯子的缘故,所以方林岩三人都是盘起双腿就餐的,待他们吃个半饱,朝嘴里灌入大口清水后,约旦才理了理自己的褐色鬃毛道: Human, how should I call you?” “人类,我该怎么称呼你们?” At this time definitely is also the goat acts, he said immediately: 此时肯定也是山羊出面的,他立即道: Madame, I called the goat!” “女士,我叫山羊!” Good, goat, although I do not know how you with Vardon knew, but can tell me, do you come here goal?” “好吧,山羊,虽然我不知道你跟瓦登是怎么认识的,但能告诉我,你们来到这里的目的吗?” The goat said: 山羊道: We have nothing intention that must disturb you to live, because the friend is infatuated in visiting the brand-new scenery, seeks for many stimulation, arrived on this star, the key is he also very unfortunate by these hill giants seizing.” “我们并没有任何要打扰你们生活的意图,只是因为有一个朋友非常痴迷于探访全新的风景,寻找更多的刺激,来到了这颗星球上,关键是他还很不幸的被那些丘陵巨人给抓走了。” We apparently do not have the means to go to and hill giant communicate release people, therefore at the suggestion of Mr. Vardon, hopes can obtain some related information from your here.” “我们显然没办法去和丘陵巨人沟通放人,所以在瓦登先生的建议下,希望能从你们这里得到一些相关的情报。” At this time side Linyan added: 此时方林岩补充道: Right, we also reached the agreement with Mr. Vardon, must help him remove stone hammer Sars this villain, his relevant information, we also lack now very much.” “对了,我们还与瓦登先生达成了协议,要帮他除掉石锤基沙斯这个恶棍,他的相关情报,我们现在也很缺。” Jordanian shocking say/way: 约旦震惊的道: Crandall Sars?!! Did you also regard the goal him unexpectedly?” “石锤基沙斯?!!你们竟然连他也当成了目标?” The goat shrugs saying: 山羊耸耸肩道: Yes, because this is Mr. Vardon's strong request, therefore wants to obtain your help.” “是的,因为这是瓦登先生的强烈要求,所以希望得到你们的帮助。” Jordan hesitated a while saying: 约旦沉吟了一会儿道: Fellow who stone hammer Sars is not easy to deal with, we can help you collect the information, does not have the means to help directly, because you also saw, our manpower now are actually insufficient.” “石锤基沙斯可不是那么容易对付的家伙,我们可以帮你收集情报,却没有办法直接帮忙,因为你也看到了,我们的人手现在其实非常不足。” side Linyan said: 方林岩道: Can have the information enough, words that moreover I want to speak, is not only the stone hammer Sars's information we need, the information of all hill giants we want! Because our companions are still closing in the camp of giant.” “能有情报就够了,另外我想说的话,不仅仅是石锤基沙斯的情报我们需要,所有丘陵巨人的情报我们都要!因为我们的同伴还在巨人的营地里面关着呢。” Jordan nods saying: 约旦点点头道: This does not have the issue, is the natural matter.” “这个没问题,是当然的事情。” At this time side Linyan said suddenly: 这时候方林岩忽然道: Taking the liberty asked one, which clan and tribe were you? Is Magerram or Kirghiz?” “冒昧的问一句,你们是属于哪个部族的?是马格拉姆还是吉尔吉斯?” Jordanian very simple say/way: 约旦很干脆的道: Magerram Clan and tribe.” “马格拉姆部族。” side Linyan said: 方林岩道: Felt strange, then why Mr. Vardon didn't say this point?” “奇怪了,那么为什么瓦登先生并不说出这一点呢?” side Linyan here also used the talk skill, Vardon did not say this point, naturally is because side Linyan simply have not mentioned this matter. 方林岩这里也是动用了谈话技巧,瓦登不说这一点,当然是因为方林岩都根本没提过这件事。 But by his such saying, was looked like two people to discuss this matter, is Vardon still silent as. 可是被他这么一说,就像是两人已经讨论过这件事,可是瓦登依然缄默似的。 Finally such a was directed by side Linyan, the small mare of Jordanian this no plans said immediately: 结果被方林岩这么一引,约旦这毫无心机的小母马立即就道: That is because Sir Vardon has the hard thing to bring up, his real status is actually very honored, he is the golden family's person, within the body is flowing the noble bloodlines! His real status is the big prince of Kirghiz Clan and tribe, but now the chiefs of Kirghiz Clan and tribe are actually his younger brother.” “那是因为瓦登大人还是有难言之隐的,他的真实身份其实十分尊贵,他是黄金家族的人,体内流着高贵的血脉!他的真实身份乃是吉尔吉斯部族的大王子,但是现在吉尔吉斯部族的酋长却是他的弟弟。” At that time two people to compete for the position of khan it can be said that stops at nothing, had the intense and deep-seated hatred, because the iron rule in ethnic group, among the golden family's people cannot slaughter mutually, will otherwise be cursed by the ancestor, therefore Sir Vardon can live.” “当时两人为了争夺可汗的位置可以说是无所不用其极,结下了血海深仇,只是因为族群内的铁律,黄金家族的人之间不能互相杀戮,否则会遭受先祖的诅咒,所以瓦登大人才能活下来。” After side Linyan listened, say/way of being without turning a hair: 方林岩听了以后,面不改色的道: „Is such way of living, very difficult?” “这样的活法,想必也是十分艰难吧?” Jordan said: 约旦道: Yes, therefore Sir Vardon encountered the danger several times, is the people of our Magerram Clan and tribe helps cross.” “是的,所以瓦登大人好几次遇到了危险,也都是我们马格拉姆部族的人帮忙才渡过去。” Goat strange say/way: 山羊奇道: „Isn't your Magerram Clan and tribe with Kirghiz Clan and tribe a sworn enemy?” “你们马格拉姆部族不是和吉尔吉斯部族是死对头吗?” Jordan silent a while said: 约旦默然了一会儿道: Sworn enemy is a sworn enemy, however regardless of Magerram Clan and tribe or Kirghiz Clan and tribe, is the golden family's people......” “死对头是死对头,但是无论马格拉姆部族还是吉尔吉斯部族,都是黄金家族的子民......” The goat feels somewhat inconceivable, after one inquired knows, originally before , that huge centaur clan and tribe, fostered talent to establish by a powerful herd named Zarr. 山羊觉得有些不可思议,经过了一番探询之后才知道,原来之前那个庞大的半人马部族,就是被一位叫做扎尔塔的强大牧树人建立的。 Hello, our public. The number will send the cash and point coin red packet every day, so long as pays attention can receive. At the end of the year the last time benefits, asking everyone to seize the opportunity. Public number[ book friend supreme headquarters] 大家好,我们公众.号每天都会发现金、点币红包,只要关注就可以领取。年末最后一次福利,请大家抓住机会。公众号[书友大本营] This herd fostered talent to loathe the life that roamed about in the land, therefore settled down on this lands, then regained the same clan, finally established a giant clan and tribe. 这位牧树人厌恶了在大地上流浪的生活,因此就在这片土地上定居了下来,进而收复同族,最后建立了一个巨大的部族。 Bloodlines that a Zarr ripple hands down from generation to generation, is called the golden bloodlines. 扎尔塔一脉流传下来的血脉,就被称为黄金血脉。 The human Europe aristocrats regard as important, and pure bloodlines that advocates actually and have no egg to use, the playboy of this/should playboy, what this/should is abnormal is abnormal, various hereditary disease evil consequences that even the close relative is related through marriage. 人类欧洲贵族所看重,并且提倡的纯净血脉其实并没有什么卵用,该纨绔的还是纨绔,该变态的还是变态,甚至还有近亲通婚的各种遗传病恶果。 For example the entire European imperial family, covers including famous Queen Elizabeth under the hemophilia and sexual impotence shadow. 比如整个欧洲皇室,包括大名鼎鼎的伊丽莎白女王都笼罩在血友病和阳痿的阴影下。 However, bloodlines that Zarr this herd fosters talent, that has the genuine materials! Zarr Clan and tribe altogether existed for more than 100 years, in this period of long time, in the middle of the clan and tribe has the priest of supernatural ability, Shaman altogether is 89 people. 但是,扎尔塔这名牧树人的血脉,那可是有真材实料的!扎尔塔部族总共存在了一百多年,在这段漫长的时间当中,部族当中拥有超自然能力的祭司,萨满一共是八十九人。 But in these 89 people, only then three people are the ordinary centaur family backgrounds, but other 86 people, more or less have Zarr golden bloodlines! 而这八十九人中,只有三个人是普通的半人马出身,而其余的八十六个人,都或多或少拥有扎尔塔的黄金血脉! In centaur clan and tribe, priest and Shaman natural is having the public opinion power and sovereignty, therefore the golden bloodlines very honored view is penetrates into the hearts of all centaurs. 在半人马部族当中,祭司和萨满理所当然的掌握着舆论权和统治权,所以黄金血脉十分尊贵的说法乃是深入到所有的半人马的心中。 In such a case, even if the surface starts Gram Clan and tribe and Kirghiz Clan and tribe kills is heavily engaged, rivers of blood, but in private, even if saw Vardon who in the middle of the hostile tribe comes out, still respects, even can help also certain help/gang. 在这样的情况下,就算是表面上马格拉姆部族和吉尔吉斯部族杀得不可开交,血流成河,但私下里面就算是见到了敌对部落当中出来的瓦登,也是十分尊重,甚至能帮忙的也一定帮。 Under the illustration of Jordan, side Linyan three people understand finally Vardon's status, this fellow is a loser adds the wanderer, was abandoned by own clan and tribe, depends upon the bloodlines advantage to mix a food to eat the foe clan and tribe. 在约旦的解说下,方林岩三人终于明白了瓦登的身份,这家伙就是个失败者加流浪者啊,被自身的部族抛弃,依靠血脉优势在仇敌部族这边混点饭吃。 However Vardon should also be the status of priest or Shaman, therefore usually estimated that can also the Clan and tribe help some busily to Magerram, therefore both sides are mutually depend on each other or the relations of limited cooperation. 不过瓦登应该也是祭司或者萨满的身份,所以平时估计也能给马格拉姆部族这边帮些忙,所以双方是相互依存或者有限合作的关系。 After hesitating a while, side Linyan said: 沉吟了一会儿之后,方林岩道: Then I have the last issue.” “那么我还有最后一个问题。” Jordan shrugs, very frank say/way: 约旦耸耸肩,很爽朗的道: You got rid of the ghost to be howling, even if asked 100 questions again, or handled a more excessive matter not to have the issue.” “你干掉了鬼嚎,哪怕是再问一百个问题,或者说做更过分的事情都没问题的。” side Linyan had not answered, goat immediately at present one bright, thought of some much obviously excessively matter ....., but side Linyan then said: 方林岩还没回话,山羊顿时眼前一亮,很显然就想到了一些“更过分”的事情.....而方林岩则是接着道: Then I asked who ....... the ghost howling master is?” “那么我就问了.......鬼嚎的主人是谁?” Jordanian low-spirited say/way: 约旦黯然的道: Ghost howlingly was one soon got sick died, even the female wolf will abandon young wolf bastard, was Shaman Wilow of Kirghiz adopted it, two years later, it turned into a fearful demon wolf, a series pack of wolves!” “鬼嚎本来是一头病得快要死掉,甚至母狼都将之遗弃了的小狼崽子,是吉尔吉斯的萨满维罗戈收养了它,两年之后,它就变成了一头可怕的魔狼,一统狼群!” However when we conduct the decisive battle with Kirghiz, the ghost is leading the place pack of wolves coordination blood mouth vulture king howlingly: Maze that it launched the surprise attack from the back, let occupy winning side us to fall short.” “而在我们与吉尔吉斯进行决战的时候,鬼嚎带领着座狼群配合血嘴秃鹫王:马兹拉那其从背后发起了突袭,让本来已经占据了上风的我们功亏一篑。” Has the manpower who the ghost of extremely strong endurance has also tagged along after our these to retreat howlingly, the initiation surprise attack, in our clan and tribe surplus below people, had almost half to have the relatives and friends dead under the ghost howling attack, after this was you brought its skins, why can obtain our friendship reason.” “拥有极强耐力的鬼嚎也一直尾随着我们这些撤退的人手,不停的发起突袭,我们部族剩余下的人里面,几乎有一半都有亲朋好友丧生在鬼嚎的攻击下,这就是你们带来了它的皮以后,为什么能得到我们友谊的原因。” After ravelling these issues, side Linyan nods, then said: 弄明白了这些问题之后,方林岩点了点头,然后道: Understood...... thanks!” “了解了......感谢!” *** *** Strolled in the camp, then rested, three people felt if at this time adds on Caolo, the extra layout three cards in a hand, had certainly then planned to return to the camp at this time. 在营地里面闲逛了一下,然后又休息了一番,三人觉得此时倘若加上考洛克的话,已经额外布局了三张底牌了,此时当然便打算返回营地。 What is worth mentioning is, the goat discovered among the centaur camp unexpectedly the things of many human, including the backpack, the clothes and so on, inquired after one next, knows, these things are the relics of adventurer the centaur usually collects. 值得一提的是,山羊在半人马营地当中居然发现了不少人类的东西,包括背包啊,衣服啊之类的,询问了一下之后才知道,这些东西是半人马平时收集来的冒险者的遗物。 Moreover among the centaur camp many gold jewelries, naturally, the production process is crude. 而且半人马营地当中还有不少黄金饰品,当然,制作工艺非常简陋。
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