FE :: Volume #9

#23: Camp flames of war

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The goat looks at these to seem like the use not big thing, thinks, then pulled out the claw of wolf king, the tooth, the bone and so on, asked that they do have the need. 山羊看着这些貌似用处不大的东西,想了想,便掏出了狼王的爪子啊,牙齿,骨头之类的,问他们有没有需要。 Under this group of centaurs look at immediately the great happiness, seems like on wolf king Guihao almost all things to be regarded as the treasure, therefore is almost uses full power and goat transaction. 这帮半人马一看之下顿时大喜,看起来狼王鬼嚎身上几乎所有的东西都被视为宝物,因此几乎是倾尽全力的与山羊交易。 Therefore the goat collected one batch here valuable( this world current money) goods, the special product medicine of centaur, some mechanism/organization installments of hunting wait/etc ------- Naturally, these gadget cannot carry over this world, therefore the small advantage also has the reason. 于是山羊就在这里搜集了一批值钱(本世界通用货币)的货,还有半人马的特产药物,一些狩猎的机关装置等等-------当然,这些玩意儿并不能带出本世界,所以便宜也是有原因的。 The goat always likes collection local the wealth in the adventure world, but this behavior has made the team profit repeatedly, side Linyan and vulture also support very much. 山羊总是喜欢在冒险世界里面搜集当地的财富,不过这个行为已经让团队多次受益,方林岩和秃鹫也都很支持。 At this time Jordan also heard the message that side Linyan they must return, then asks the positions of side Linyan their camp, then said that must travel together with them, 这时候约旦也听说了方林岩他们要返回的消息,便来问了问方林岩他们营地的位置,接着就说要与他们同行, Because exactly in side Linyan their camp nearby about 30 kilometers, the rift valley has a salt pond, here can deliver the good rock salt. Rock salt thing besides edible, the salt water can also be used to flush the wound disinfection wait/etc, the use is very widespread, is used to regard by the thing changed/easy thing goods does not have the issue. 因为恰好在方林岩他们营地旁边三十公里左右,有一条裂谷拥有一口盐池,这里能产出上好的岩盐。岩盐这东西除了食用之外,盐水还可以用来冲洗伤口消毒等等,用处很是广泛,用来当成以物易物的货品都没问题的。 Usually Magerram Clan and tribe established a small-scale camp there, inside manpower is used to collect and nurse the rock salt, otherwise the salt pond will be spoiled by the wild animal looks awful. 平时马格拉姆部族就在那里建立了一个小型营地,里面的人手用来采集和看护岩盐,否则的话盐池会被野兽糟蹋得不成样子。 Regarding Magerram Clan and tribe, this rock salt besides for oneself, but also regards the goods to bring with other ethnic groups to trade. 对于马格拉姆部族来说,这岩盐除了自用之外,还当成贸易品拿来和其余的族群进行交易。 These just must give there clansman to transport the supplies time, but usually is others passes, but Jordan prepares Shaman also to feel faintly as one, the visit of human is a turning point that the dispirited clan and tribe rises, therefore proposed oneself led the person in the past, this also more convenient relation. 这一次刚好要去给那里的族人运送补给,不过通常都是别人过去的,而约旦作为一名预备萨满也隐隐感觉到,人类的来访是萎靡部族重新崛起的一次契机,所以就主动提出自己带人过去,这样也更方便联系。 Naturally, from the abdomen black perspective, the goal of this small mare also has a look at cheap sorting while convenient, because before and transaction of goat they felt to take advantage. 当然,从腹黑的角度上来说,这头小母马的目的也就是顺便看看有没有便宜拣,因为之前与山羊的交易它们觉得占了大便宜。 Regarding this side Linyan three people from may all, after thinking, simply all -terrain vehicle following crown tears down, making it instantaneously turn into a large-scale Picka who brings the packing container, then made Jordan and the others stand in Che Douli surface ..... 对此方林岩三人自无不可,想了想以后,干脆将全地形车后面的顶部拆掉,让其瞬间变成了一辆带着货箱的大型皮卡,然后就让约旦等人站在了车斗里面..... Jordan and other people seem like are actually very excited the exciting appearance, side Linyan actually looks that this picture always feels is somewhat out of sorts, suddenly pats the head miraculous glow to flash before, isn't this common countryside large cart draws of draft animal? 约旦等三人看起来倒是很兴奋刺激的样子,方林岩却看着这画面总觉得有些违和,忽然一拍脑袋灵光闪现,这不是常见的乡下大车拉牲口的那一幕吗? With the start of slowly all-terrain vehicle, the Jordanian three people are to also start to chat, they also shut out the car(riage) to run at first too slowly, after as the speed was raised to get up, then no longer thought so. 随着全地形车的缓缓启动,约旦三人也是开始聊天,她们最初还嫌弃车跑得太慢,但是随着时速提升了起来以后,便不再这么看了。 The explosive force of centaur is very strong, under running quickly, can run full power 70-80 km / h, however cannot really keep this speed to continue to run for one hour. 半人马的爆发力或许很强,全力奔驰之下,是能够跑个70-80公里/小时的,然而并不能真的保持这个速度持续跑一个小时。 In the memory of Jordan, in clan and tribe strongest soldier blood hoof , can only sprint at most full power for ten minutes at this speed. 在约旦的记忆里面,部族里面最强的战士血蹄,也顶多只能以这个速度全力冲刺十分钟而已。 When with coming needs to seek, preventing the deviation way to be different, side Linyan their return is actually familiar and easy. 与来时需要一路寻找,防止偏离路径不同,方林岩他们这一次回归却是轻车熟路。 The goat got a sudden inspiration at this time, when the midway rest, seized the opportunity to go with Jordan to chitchat, finally Jordanian this small mare was unexpectedly open, unexpectedly asked on own initiative his human entered the nursery stage, how long every year oestrus period continued and so on sensitive issues, but also complained in the clan, because close relative quite a lot, therefore reproduced difficultly, the physical quality of next generation was also very emaciated, lacks the external fine gene to pour into...... 山羊这时候灵机一动,在中途休息的时候,就抓住了机会去和约旦进行攀谈,结果约旦这小母马居然非常开放,居然主动问他人类什么时候进入繁殖期,每年的发情期持续多久等等敏感问题,还诉苦说族内因为近亲颇多,所以繁殖艰难,下一代的身体素质也十分羸弱,缺乏外来的优良基因注入...... The goat listened to be serious immediately, the patient explanation, separating a while said the laughter to be unceasing with Jordan, was congenial, originally the somewhat arid journey all of a sudden became vivid. 山羊听了立即一本正经,耐心解答,隔了一会儿就和约旦说得笑声不断,非常投机,本来有些枯燥的旅途一下子就变得生动了起来。 The following 800 characters were not shielded for this chapter, therefore slightly falls. 以下八百字为了本章不被屏蔽,所以略掉。 *** *** Familiar and easy also has the local indigenous guide in addition, only used for about four hours to arrive around the salt mine that Jordan must go to. 轻车熟路外加还有本地土著向导,大概只用了四个小时左右就到达了约旦要去的盐矿附近。 However after they put down the car(riage), actually saw the vault of heaven place of distant place, unexpectedly braved jet black column of smoke, skyrocketing, that impressively was the direction of camp! 不过将它们放下车以后,却就见到了远处的天穹处,居然冒出来了一道漆黑的烟柱,扶摇直上,那赫然是营地的方向! side Linyan and the others in heart one startled, said goodbye after Jordan and the others hastily, immediately aimed at the camp to drive past fast. 方林岩等人心中一惊,和约旦等人匆匆告别以后,立即就对准了营地快速开了过去。 Started out probably was less than 20 kilometers, saw that the front presented one flock of running centaurs, should be the appearance of patrol leader evidently, but looked at appearance, the flag and Magerram centaur of lifting up high were entirely different. 大概开出了不到二十公里,就见到前方又出现了一群奔跑的半人马,看样子应该是巡逻队的模样,不过看身上的打扮,还有高举的旗帜和马格拉姆半人马就截然不同。 Goat at this time hesitant evil ways: 山羊这时候犹豫了一下道: „Do I pass to communicate?” “我过去沟通一下?” side Linyan sinking sound said: 方林岩沉声道: „The opposite party may be Kirghiz Clan and tribe, it is necessary the adventure does communicate on own initiative?” “对方有可能是吉尔吉斯部族的,有必要冒险主动沟通吗?” The goat said: 山羊道: Our enemies are the hill giants! It is not the centaur, moreover I thought that this race communicates good.” “我们的敌人是丘陵巨人!不是半人马,而且我觉得这个种族还是满好沟通的。” side Linyan hesitant evil ways: 方林岩犹豫了一下道: Good, then the vulture accompanies you.” “好,那么秃鹫陪你吧。” The goat nods, therefore takes explosion-proof shield in a car(riage) to accompany him by the vulture to walk up slowly, then, the goat separated far away shouted toward that flock of centaurs one pile did not know the so-called bird song. 山羊点点头,于是就由秃鹫拿着一面车里的防爆盾陪着他缓缓走上前去,而后,山羊就隔得老远朝那群半人马喊了一堆不知所谓的鸟语。 The speeds of these centaurs slowed down immediately, then depended slowly, seems like also no hostility. 这些半人马的速度顿时就放慢了,然后缓缓的靠了上来,看起来也没有什么敌意似的。 Probably is because before , the Magerram Clan and tribe very friendly reason that has to do, Israeli forest Yan starts to think that at this time they had no danger. 大概是因为之前打交道的马格拉姆部族很是友善的缘故,所以方林岩此时都开始认为他们两人没什么危险了。 But after, two's range attenuation to 100 meters, this group of centaurs took the lead to launch the attack toward them, and this attack initiated instantaneously, almost virtually impossible to guard against. 可是,当二者的距离缩短到一百米内之后,这帮半人马就率先朝他们发动了攻击,并且这攻击还是瞬间发起,几乎令人防不胜防。 Under the burning hot sky resounded the long bugle horn sound, about 56 centaur archers two people draw the fire toward the goat, the tall and slender arrow raises 45 degrees directly shoots, from in the air ejection under. 炎热的天空下响起了悠长的号角声,紧接着大约有五六名半人马弓箭手朝着山羊两人拉弓射击,细长的箭头抬高45度直射而出,从空中抛射而下。 The vulture is the response is extremely quick, quickly holds up the explosion-proof shield blocking that brought conveniently, the goat hides in his behind, two people start to stagger to withdraw. 秃鹫自是反应极快,急忙举起了那面随手拿来的防爆盾牌遮挡,山羊则躲在他的身后,两人开始踉跄后撤。 Two people almost do not dare to appear, arrow arrow unceasing accurate shoots one after another, strokes unceasingly on that shield that the vulture builds sends out clang clang resounding, even some stone arrow also direct scraps. 两人几乎都不敢露头,箭矢陆续不断的准确射来,不断击打在秃鹫架起的那面盾牌上发出“铛铛”脆响,甚至有的石头箭头还直接炸碎了开来。 The goat wants to counterattack, but is very obvious, fights in this strange place and strange enemy, and opposite party long-distance occupies offensive, this obviously is not the wise choice. 山羊想要还击一下,但很显然,在这陌生的地点和陌生的敌人交手,并且对方还是远程占据先手,这显然不是什么明智的选择。 Especially opposite party or native lifeform, without forcing 50 reduced injuries, therefore after goat small physique an arrow, only feared that the consequence is very serious. 尤其对方还是本土生物,没有强制50的减少伤害,所以山羊这小身板中一箭之后,只怕后果就很严重。 In this case, side Linyan does not dare to neglect, direct foot accelerator stepped on the bottom, all -terrain vehicle going full speed ahead hurricane on the sand, raised the billowing sand dust, drove to two people side fast, at the maximum speed opened the door, will then drag to board, right now was makes them be out of danger finally. 在这种情况下,方林岩也是不敢怠慢,直接一脚油门踩到了底,全地形车开足马力狂飙在沙地上,扬起滚滚的沙尘,快速驶到两人身边,以最快的速度开门,然后将之拖上车,这下子总算是让他们脱离了险境。 However, saw after two people drilled into all -terrain vehicle, that team of centaurs turn around to walk immediately, obviously has suffered loss on similar steel monster. 不过,见到了两人钻入了全地形车之后,那一队半人马立即转身就走,显然已经在类似的钢铁怪物身上吃过苦头。 side Linyan three people also had no intention to pester with it at this time, start the engine to continue to aim at the camp to drive past, 方林岩三人此时也无意与之纠缠,发动引擎继续对准了营地开了过去, Under the full speed travel, only used for 40 minutes to see that probably the entire camp was being besieged! 全速行驶之下,大概只用了四十分钟就见到整个营地正在遭受围攻! But besieges the camp, is the centaur, scavenger place wolf and blood mouth vulture. 而围攻营地的,则是半人马,食腐座狼和血嘴秃鹫。 The quantity of centaur are not many, only has 20-30 probably, is the centaur of head seems like the age is not big, in the hand is actually grasps to hold a law stick, on the law stick the most striking place, is growing several scarlet leaves. 这其中半人马的数量并不多,大概只有20-30名,为首的一名半人马看起来年龄并不算大,手中却是握持着一根法杖,法杖上面最醒目的地方,就是生长着几片猩红色的树叶。 However the scavenger place wolf and quantity of blood mouth vulture was very considerable, a dense big piece. 不过食腐座狼和血嘴秃鹫的数量就很可观了,黑压压的一大片。 At this time can see, the camp nearby fence had collapsed a corner/horn, obviously was nearly attacked, but rescue crew group of people depend upon the modern technical weapon, defends very safely. 此时可以见到,营地旁边的围墙已经塌了一个角,显然差点儿就被攻了进去,不过救援队这帮人依靠现代的科技武器,还是守得十分稳妥的。 However, by the camp has burnt the flaming flame, the source of black smoke from this, this group of centaurs in the charge, like using the rocket, throws the flare to attack. 不过,营地旁边已经燃烧起来了熊熊火焰,黑烟的源头就是来自于此,这帮半人马在冲锋的时候,就喜欢动用火箭,投掷火把进行攻击。 In the camp front open area, has been lying down lying this way and that more than ten wolf corpses, two were broken the centaur that the leg suffocates. 在营地前方的空地上,已经横七竖八躺着十几具狼尸,还有两名被打断腿奄奄一息的半人马。 This is the bait that Bai Ruide keeps intentionally, wish makes the surplus centaurs come to rescue, is the blasting fuse of battle, so long as because the centaur does not attack, looks helplessly own compatriot non-stop by bullet ........ the fellow, and fires at completely what chooses is the hands and feet and so on not the fatal place. 这是白瑞德故意留下来的诱饵,想要让剩余的半人马前来援救,也是开战的导火索,因为只要半人马不进攻,就得眼睁睁的看着自己的同胞不停的挨枪子........并且射击的家伙全部都选择的是手脚之类不致命的地方。 It seems like the centaur really fell into a trap, turns out in full strength, at this time in the camp front, headed by putting on fight armor Kenny is leading the troops under direct control steel knight to rush ahead in the front furiously, caused the huge damage to the opposite party. 看起来半人马果然中计,倾巢而出,此时在营地前方,以穿着战斗装甲为首的肯尼正带着嫡系部队钢铁骑士在前方奋力冲杀,给对方造成了巨大的伤害。 As can be seen, at least ten centaurs died a tragic death under the high frequency axe of steel knight, is the casualties is also big as for the pack of wolves and blood mouth vulture. 可以看得到,至少十来名半人马都惨死在了钢铁骑士的高周波斧下,至于狼群和血嘴秃鹫同样也是伤亡不小。 Obviously, the centaur of Kirghiz Clan and tribe has also never run into such strong opponent, suddenly has the momentum of rout unexpectedly. 很显然,吉尔吉斯部族的半人马还从未遇到过这样强劲的对手,一时间竟是有溃败的势头。 However at this time, the master obeyed the law in the centaur Shaman mouth of stick to start to always think about the refined language, saw him to aim at the steel knight group a finger/refers, simultaneously one blood-color leaf blades on law stick fell off directly. 不过这时候,那名手持法杖的半人马萨满嘴巴里面开始念念有辞,紧接着就见到他对准了钢铁骑士团这边一指,同时法杖上的一片血色叶片就直接脱落了下来。 Immediately can see, on the bodies of almost all steel knight group members, started on densely a light blood light, their action frequencies started to be obviously slowing, in the hands and feet seemed to be fettered by anything, appeared obviously strenuous. 顿时就能见到,几乎所有的钢铁骑士团成员的身体上,都开始氤氲上了一层淡淡的血光,他们的动作频率开始明显放缓,手脚之间似乎被什么束缚住了似的,显得明显吃力了起来。 In this case, steel knight group member was knocked down carelessly, then a centaur rushes, held up the lance in hand to puncture high! The slit of aimed power armor. 在这种情况下,有一名钢铁骑士团成员一个不慎就被扑倒在地,然后一名半人马冲了上去,高高举起了手中的长矛刺下!对准的还是动力铠甲的缝隙。 Immediately, a pitiful yell made a sound, in the middle of the armor also starts to have the blood to gush out. 立即,一声惨叫就响了起来,铠甲当中也开始有鲜血涌出。 After hearing this pitiful yell, on Kenny's face the muscle trembles immediately. 听到了这一声惨叫之后,肯尼的脸上肌肉顿时一颤。 The members who each steel knight rolls are his lifeblood, not only need have the powerful individual physical quality, is more loyal to Kenny, therefore even if was here the buckle one, Kenny did not want absolutely. 每个钢铁骑士团的成员都是他的命根子,不仅要拥有强大的个人身体素质,更是得对肯尼忠诚,所以哪怕是在这里折损了一个,肯尼也是绝对不愿意的。 Therefore, Kenny ordered immediately: 所以,肯尼立即下令道: Retreats! I and Woll bring up the rear.” “撤退!我和沃尔断后。” Meanwhile, in the camp effective strength also started to support. 同时,营地里面的有生力量也开始出来支援。 After Kenny issues order, some people retreat fighting immediately, but has not actually expected a fiercer offensive to follow on somebody's heels. 肯尼发令之后,一干人立即且战且退,但却没未料到更加猛烈的攻势接踵而至。 Originally, the centaur also holds back one trick, they towed two simple crossbow car(riage)s from nearby rock unexpectedly, then aimed at the coming direct release! 原来,半人马同样留了一手,他们居然从旁边的岩石后面拖出来了两辆简易的弩车,然后瞄准了过来直接释放! Bang bang two bangs, the crossbow car(riage) projected two large-scale arrows! “梆梆”的两声巨响,弩车射出了两枚大型箭头! After the key had/left the arrow that departed dozens meters by the crossbow car(riage) ejection, in the midair outward splits, the crowded staggered rattan fishing net opens generally all, finally blots out the sky Kenny and Woll who will bring up the rear covering. 关键是被弩车弹射出的箭头飞出了几十米之后,在半空中向外分裂,密集交错的藤条似渔网一般尽数张开,最后铺天盖地的将断后的肯尼和沃尔给罩了起来。 This gadget is the centaur was used to cope with the sharp weapon of hill giant, therefore Fujioka was woven thick and solid, wants to cut off needs to consume massive strengths. 这玩意儿本来是半人马用来对付丘陵巨人的利器,所以藤网被编织得又厚又结实,以至于想要割断都需要耗费大量力气。 Therefore can see, two people are covered by two vine great nets that come one after another layer on layer/heavily, is sleepy is keeping struggling same place is still actually hard to move. 于是就可以看到,两人被相继而来的两张藤蔓巨网给重重覆盖,困在原地不停挣扎却依然难以动弹。 After seeing this, the centaur the great happiness, they also looked immediately at this time, Kenny is among this group of person leaders, if can strike to kill it in this, then the enemy analyzed the collapse mostly. 见到了这一幕之后,半人马顿时大喜,他们此时也看了出来,肯尼乃是这帮人当中的领袖,倘若能将其击杀于此的话,那么敌人多半就此分析崩溃了。 Finally rushes, wants to enjoy to get rid of the enemy leader merit the time in lots of enemies, suddenly together side Linyan and the others who the dazzling ray sparkle, lets the distant place pair of eyes incomparable stabbing pain, suddenly at present was white one piece, the vision suffers the heavy losses. 结果就在大量的敌人冲上去,想要享受干掉敌人领袖功劳的时候,猛然之间一道炫目的光芒闪耀而出,让远处的方林岩等人双眼都无比刺痛,一时间眼前都是白茫茫的一片,视力都遭受到了重创。 Moreover, in the heart gushed out disgusting feeling beyond description, the head humming sound somewhat is dizzy. 不仅如此,心中更是涌出了难以形容的恶心感觉,脑瓜子嗡嗡的还有些天旋地转。 side Linyan they separated that this, let alone surrounding enemy? 方林岩他们隔了那么远都这样,何况还是周围的敌人? The words divulged the ship also somewhat to sew, Kenny was the team leader, how can also not have the point to press the bottom the thing? 话说破船还有几分钉,肯尼身为团队领袖,又怎能没有点压箱底的东西? The move that he displays is the enhancement version of flash grenade, is called the super thundering ball, not only will be sending out 100,000 times of solar brightness instantaneously the rays, is releases the terrifying infrasonic wave to attack the brain of enemy. 他施展出来的这一招就是闪光弹的加强版,叫做超级轰鸣弹,不仅会在瞬间发出十万倍太阳亮度的光芒,更是释放出恐怖次声波冲击敌人的大脑。 Rushes to Kenny nearby enemy, almost fell to the ground completely, covers the eye ear to wail. 冲到肯尼附近的敌人,几乎全部都纷纷倒地,捂住了眼睛耳朵哀嚎不已。 However tempts the enemy also to have the price, on Kenny's right chest, was pricked a lance. 不过引诱敌人也是有代价的,肯尼的右边胸口上,就被刺入了一根长矛。 This lance looks very primitive, the lance point is stone grinding, actually pierced Kenny's alloy steel to fight armor directly, even passed through from his back! 这长矛看起来很是原始,矛尖乃是石头磨制的,却直接洞穿了肯尼的合金钢战甲,甚至从他的背后贯出! Kenny big mouth is panting for breath, he has not expected, such primitive weapon, in can erupt the so astonishing might unexpectedly in an instant, if his body were not mechanized highly, otherwise at this time is being on the verge of death condition. 肯尼大口的喘息着,他也没料到,这样原始的武器,竟是在刹那之间能爆发出如此惊人的威力,若他的身体不是被高度机械化,否则的话此时都已经是濒死状态。 However, during the process of exploration different kind star, this type primary indigenous also some people can grasp the powerful unusual strength occasionally, therefore the luck is not good to appear violates the general knowledge the matter is not strange, Kenny when went to the bar to drink to chat also hears, but has not expected will appear on oneself. 不过,在探索异类星球的过程当中,这种原生土著也偶尔有人能掌握强大的超凡力量,所以运气不好会出现一些违反常识的事情也并不奇怪,肯尼在去酒吧喝酒聊天的时候也听得多了,只是没料到会出现在自己身上。 Unlike was hit a being caught off guard centaur side, Kenny before making a move, informed the allied force with the aircraft interphone. 与被打了个措手不及的半人马一方不同,肯尼在出手前,是用通话器告知了友军的。 After he acts, in the temporary base also started out an all-terrain vehicle immediately, a rapid drifting kept off in Kenny and Woll's front. 他一出手之后,临时基地里面也立即开出了一辆全地形车,迅速的一个漂移就挡在了肯尼和沃尔的面前。 After the use spacious chassis blocked the attack of centaur person, one group of squad members from opening the tail gate flushed. 在利用宽大的车体挡住了半人马人的攻击以后,一群小队成员才从打开的尾门冲了下去。 Bai Ruide goes forth to battle personally, leading several people to start to rescue by Kenny and Woll who Fujioka surrounds, they hold the hunting knife that the cold light sparkles, while treats as the bunker all -terrain vehicle, starts cutting off by the big net of rattan establishment, but the firm tenacity of this rattan is above the imagination unexpectedly, cutting of hunting knife has little effect, 白瑞德亲自上阵,率领着几个人开始解救被藤网困住的肯尼和沃尔,他们操起寒光闪闪的猎刀,在把全地形车当做掩体的同时,开始一根根的割断由藤条编制的大网,但是这藤条的坚韧度竟是超乎想象,猎刀的切割收效甚微, Was good because of this time, Kenny hoarse the throat difficult say/way: 好在这时候,肯尼嘶哑着嗓子艰难的道: These Fujioka ....... in Fujioka attach the witchcraft, with burning down ....... “这些藤网.......藤网上附有巫术,用火烧.......” Under the explicit prompt, has the rattan to burn out like this finally rapidly, but after delaying such a while, the centaur also started the angry organization the counter-attack, started to have the scattered arrow meteor shower. 在这样的明确提示下,终于有藤条被迅速烧断,只是耽搁了这么一会儿之后,半人马也开始愤怒的组织起了反击,开始有稀稀落落的箭簇射来。 At this time, the pilot said suddenly flurriedly: 这时候,驾驶员忽然慌乱道: Hey! The bosses, I thought that you must come to see.” “嘿!头儿,我觉得你必须来看一看。” Bai Ruide also detected at this time oneself cannot add on busy, after listening, quickly withdraws the cockpit, then looked toward the distant place, immediately stared in a big way the eye! 白瑞德此时也发觉自己帮不上大忙,听了以后急忙撤回驾驶舱,然后朝着远处一看,顿时就瞪大了眼睛! Because beyond several hundred meters, there are probably ten background centaurs strenuously towed another large-scale fight machinery from nearby hill! 因为在数百米之外,有大概十来头半人马正吃力的从旁边的山丘后方拖来了另一辆大型战斗机械! This machinery entire big two had compared with the ordinary crossbow car(riage), by knockout attachment on the shelf that the wood wheel actuates a stump sturdy rocket body, the rocket body peak is the metal arrow of similar arm thick or thin rhombus, the key is in the arrow is sparkling the light brown ray, obviously had been held by supernatural force in addition. 这台机械比普通的弩车都整整大了两圈有余,靠木轮驱动的弹射器上架着一根树桩般粗壮的箭体,箭体的顶端乃是差不多手臂粗细的菱形的金属箭头,关键是箭头上闪耀着淡淡的土黄色光芒,显然是被超自然力量加持过。 Originally Bai Ruide snorts contemptuously to here indigenous primitive weapon, but witnessed Kenny's that construction cost almost to be equal to that a machinery of after skyscraper fought armor unexpectedly a lance pierced, that despising immediately is nothing left. 本来白瑞德对这边的土著原始武器嗤之以鼻,但亲眼目睹了肯尼的那件造价差不多等于一栋摩天大厦的机械战甲居然被一矛洞穿之后,那种鄙夷顿时荡然无存。 He almost can believe firmly at this time, if all -terrain vehicle were hit by this crude weapon, cannot only resist by all-terrain vehicle outside that matter composite armor mostly ------ Although this composite armor has been able anti- to live in the strafe of 12.7 millimeters steel core machine gun bullet. 他此时差不多可以确信,全地形车若是被这根粗暴的武器击中的话,光靠全地形车外面的那层复合装甲多半是招架不住------尽管这复合装甲已经可以抗住12.7毫米的钢芯机枪子弹的扫射。 Handles not to have! Again hurry up! We did not have how much time to waste!” “搞定没有!再快点!我们没多少时间可以浪费了!” On the small loudspeaker by vehicle roof, the Bai Ruide somewhat anxious frontline propaganda said very much. 透过车顶上的小喇叭,白瑞德很是有些焦切的喊话道。 However the flame is freely effective regarding Fujioka, but burn out also requires the time, but clear to see that heavy crossbow car(riage) has stopped the momentum of movement, starts to aim toward here slowly. 然而尽管火焰对于藤网有效,但一根根烧断也是需要时间的,可是眼见得那一辆重型弩车已经停住移动的势头,开始缓缓朝着这边瞄准。 Damn, damn! Can want to select the means.” “该死的,该死的!能不能想点办法。” Bai Ruide is roaring loudly. 白瑞德大声咆哮着。 At this time, a soldier had drilled bravely, arrived on the fort of all-terrain vehicle, built the above heavy vehicle-borne machine gun to start to strafe directly. 这时候,一名战士已经勇敢的钻了出去,来到了全地形车的炮台上,直接架起了上方的重型车载机枪就开始扫射。 The machine gun muzzle bloomed the difference not mostly ruler large flame, then of two busy the centaur by the heavy crossbow car(riage) fell to the ground instantaneously immediately, the heavy machine gun strong lethality made them suffer the heavy losses at the scene, tumbled two on the paralysis. 机枪枪口绽放出来了差不多半尺长的火舌,然后瞬间就有两名在重型弩车旁边忙碌的半人马立即一头栽倒在地,重机枪强大的杀伤力让它们当场就遭受到了重创,翻滚了两下就瘫痪不起。 However, such counter-attack also only continued for less than five seconds, naturally had to stare at him in the shooter who in the battlefield went on patrol, two sudden arrow arrows dropped from the clouds, suddenly injected within the body of gun crew, his left shoulder with right eye one after another arrow! 但是,这样的反击也只持续了五秒钟不到,自然就有在战场上巡游的射手盯上他,两支突如其来的箭矢从天而降,蓦然射入了机枪手的体内,他的左肩跟右眼相继中箭! Bai Ruide only heard him to call out pitifully, directly weak on shooter seat, was unconscious, Bai Ruide will tow luckily immediately, otherwise incessantly two arrows. 白瑞德只听到了他惨叫了一声,直接就瘫软在了射手座位上,紧接着就不省人事了,幸好白瑞德立即将之拖了下来,否则的话就不止中两箭了。 But when this all-terrain vehicle piece flustered, the heavy crossbow car(riage) of opposite party is starts to continue to shift, the rotation that several centaurs start to creak the knockout attachment top chord, is then starting to aim. 而就在这全地形车一片忙乱的时候,对方的重型弩车则是开始继续转向,紧接着就有几头半人马开始嘎吱嘎吱的转动着弹射器上弦,然后开始瞄准。 After the correction is appropriate, a nearby centaur raised own axe fiercely, then numerous stretched the tight bowstring to cut toward side. 在调校妥当以后,旁边的一名半人马猛的扬起了自己的斧头,然后重重的朝着旁边绷得紧紧的弓弦斩了下去。 After this axe falls, tightened the hangman's rope will shoot, takes to that giant crossbow bolt astonishing strength, then shoots at all -terrain vehicle. 这一斧落下去之后,绷紧了的绞索就会弹起,带给那巨型弩箭惊人的力量,然后射向全地形车。
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