FE :: Volume #9

#21: Mysterious herbal medicine bag

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This form seems to have met before, the speed of action can be said as the slow reality fast, quick arrived at side Linyan three people of front. 这个身影似曾相识,行动的速度可以说是似缓实速,很快就来到了方林岩三人的面前。 Carefully looks is not others, is that old centaur: Vardon. 仔细看去不是别人,正是那头老半人马:瓦登。 It arrived at side Linyan three people of front, greets: 它走到了方林岩三人的面前,打了个招呼道: Hello, human.” “你们好,人类。” side Linyan facing Vardon's giving regards, has not responded, suddenly asked back: 方林岩面对瓦登的问好,却没有回应,忽然反问道: What Caolo and are you relate?” “考洛克和你是什么关系?” Vardon very refreshed say/way: 瓦登很爽快的道: I do not know it, but it appears is here related with me.” “我不认识它,只是它出现在这里还是和我有关的。” Because I used a secret technique intentionally, making it that wanders in the nearby be attracted, lets it and you contacts.” “因为我故意施展了一种秘术,让在附近游荡的它被吸引了过来,让它和你们接触。” However the goal of doing this is very simple, wants to visit you to treat the different kind race the attitude.” “而这样做的目的很简单,就想要看一看你们对待异类种族的态度。” side Linyan said: 方林岩道: Very good, now did you see? Actually I want to supplement my view,” “很好,现在你看到了?其实我想要补充一句我的看法,” Race cannot represent the glory, I have seen the noblest wild animal, has seen most despicable human. Can be authorized as noble only, is the soul in body.” “种族不能代表荣耀,我见过最高尚的野兽,也见过最卑劣的人类。唯一能被认可为高贵的,是躯壳中的灵魂。” The Vardon slight nod said: 瓦登微微点头道: Therefore I want to make a transaction with you.” “所以我想要和你们做个交易。” After the goat hears the transaction, immediately two shine, looks like Bullfrog -random to dog head person Bo master same(, it is estimated that this old stem few knew personally). 山羊听到交易以后,顿时就两眼放光,就像是牛蛙-random到了狗头人地卜师一样(咳咳,估计这个老梗没几个人知道了)。 Then the goat said immediately: 然后山羊就立即道: Transaction, you are also keeping thinking about that on wolf king neck necklace that was full of the magic?” “交易啊,您还惦记着狼王脖子上的那条充满了神奇力量的项链吗?” Vardon shakes the head saying: 瓦登摇摇头道: On that necklace and no magic, human, you as if misunderstood anything, because that twin stone a little uses to me.” “那条项链上并没有什么神奇力量,人类,你们似乎误会了什么,只是因为那块双生石对我来说有一点用而已。” The goat curls the lip, shakes the head saying: 山羊撇撇嘴,摇摇头道: „The lying words were not good, words that but a little used, you possibly early morning followed us several hundred kilometers? Also found Caolo to test us painstakingly?” “说谎的话就不大好了哦,只是有一点用的话,您怎么可能一大早的就跟着我们跑了数百公里?还煞费苦心的找到考洛克来试探我们?” After Vardon obstructs immediately ....... this painful foot was held, that represents him in the transaction definitely to fall leeward. 瓦登顿时一窒.......这个痛脚被人抓住后,那就代表着他在交易的时候必然会落入下风了。 ...... ...... After a battle of words, goat self-satisfied putting out a hand. 一番唇枪舌战之后,山羊得意的伸出了手。 Vardon's helpless shaking the head, then the coat that makes from the animal skin, pulled out a leather bag, with gave the goat. 瓦登无奈的摇摇头,然后从兽皮制成的上衣内,掏出了一个皮袋,跟着就递给了山羊。 The goat took the leather bag to look, detected the thing that Vardon gave was very unusual, if from the outward appearance, this leather bag did not only have the too big distinction with the ordinary bag, but with , in the hand, can actually be able to feel that inside contained an extremely unusual mysterious strength. 山羊拿过皮袋看了看,发觉瓦登给的东西十分奇特,若仅从外观来看的话,这个皮袋跟普通的袋子倒没有太大的分别,但拿在手里的时候,却能感觉得到里边蕴含了一股极不寻常的神秘力量。 What kind of one feeling suddenly the goat is unable to describe that is, seems grasping is not a bag, but is other anything has organ of self- life. 一时间山羊无法描绘出那是怎样的一种感觉,就仿佛自己握着的不是袋子,而是别的什么拥有自我生命的器官似的。 Moreover, the words that carefully looks, on this strange small bag also covered entirely the innumerable stem silk, seemingly with having life, will also wriggle in the palm unexpectedly slowly, but these stem silk are more like the dry minute vessel. 不仅如此,仔细看去的话,这个奇怪的小袋子上面还布满了无数的茎丝,貌似跟有生命似的,居然还会在掌中徐徐蠕动,而那些茎丝则更像是干涸的小血管。 The bag does not have the mooring rope and so on thing, the bag mouth actually ties a knot to grip in one, that appearance looks like the lips that two petals dry out to haunch up general, seems wrinkled. 袋子没有系绳之类的物件,袋口却打了个结扎在了一块,那模样就像是两瓣枯干的双唇拱起一般,显得皱皱巴巴的。 Saw the goat whole face shuts out sizes up this gadget, Vardon is adding: 见到了山羊满脸嫌弃的打量着这玩意儿,瓦登补充道: Human, with your general knowledge do not guess that the unknown thing, might as well told you, this thing had the mysterious strength, is heritage that my clan past Shaman left, if elaborated with your human, could say it made the herbal medicine bag......” “人类,别用你的常识来猜测未知的事物,不妨告诉你,这玩意可是拥有神秘的力量,乃是我族当年的萨满留下的遗产,若用你们人类的话来阐述,或许可以称它作草药袋……” Vardon told the goat, the most great merit of this bag with then can make some pills, and had function that enhanced the drug efficacy, the herbal medicine that he only need collect freshly put in the bag, processed after the herbal medicine bag, three days later can obtain the drug efficacy remarkable small meatball. 瓦登告诉山羊,这个袋子的最大功用便是可以制造一些药丸,并有提高药效的功用,他只需将新鲜采集的草药放入袋中,经草药袋自行加工,三天后就可以得到药效卓越的小丸子。 Moreover, the ready-made medicine puts, similarly can also increase the effect. 不仅如此,现成的药物放进去,同样也能增加效果。 The function of this herbal medicine bag, is just like a mysterious pocket factory, can let the object efficiency that puts. 这个草药袋的功能,就好比是一座神奇的口袋工厂,能让放入的物体增效。 Naturally, if or the poisonous mushroom puts inside the poisonous herb, obtained naturally was the toxic meatball, moreover during making pill, the pocket factory shut tightly automatically, therefore the goat takes the bag before time, did not have the means to disassemble inside the bag mouth examination situation. 当然,若是将毒草又或是毒蘑菇放到里边,得到的自然就是有毒的丸子了,而且在制造药丸期间,口袋工厂是自动紧闭的,所以之前山羊拿着袋子的时候,才没办法拆开袋口查看里边的情况。 Because seemed like this herbal medicine bag to put in any strange herbal medicine at this time, is at the manufacture state, therefore could not open. Vardon said that does not need to care, when the time limit arrives, inside meatball will discard then. 因为貌似这草药袋此时里面已经放入了什么奇怪草药,正处于加工状态,所以打不开。瓦登解释说不用在意,待时限一到,将里边的丸子扔掉即可。 Heard Vardon's introduction, side Linyan three people of satisfied nods, because the detection result of vulture also came out at this time, this gadget unexpectedly is a silver plot equipment, similar that its function and Vardon said. 听到了瓦登的介绍,方林岩三人都满意的点了点头,因为此时秃鹫的侦查结果也出来了,这玩意儿居然还是一件银色剧情装备,其功用和瓦登说的类似。 However the space also supplemented, said with powerful lifeform blood immersion, can achieve the effect of herbal medicine bag. 不过空间还补充了一句,说是用强大的生物鲜血浸泡,就更能发挥出草药袋的效果。 side Linyan still remembers vaguely own shoulder pad seemingly also has similar request, and also a very hunger and thirst appearance. 方林岩依稀还记得自己的护肩貌似也有类似要求,并且还一副十分饥渴的样子。 However without the relations, treats equips side Linyan one like this, quick used the pig boar blood to make that shawl attract full, made it wail directly is shouting is stopping quickly...... 不过没关系,对待这样的装备方林岩还是有一手的,很快就用猪刚鬣的鲜血让那披肩吸了个饱,直接让它哀嚎着呼喊着快停下...... Read and this, the side forest rocky spit corner/horn revealed one to sneer, hopes that this herbal medicine bag can shoulder some time when the time comes. 一念及此,方林岩嘴角露出了一丝冷笑,希望这草药袋到时候能多扛一段时间。 After the goat held appreciatively a while bag, access road/simply said: 山羊把玩了一会儿这个袋子以后便道: Good, this thing, even if you passed, then you do accept my second condition?” “好吧,这件东西就算是你过关了,那么你答应我的第二个条件呢?” After all our strengths now are very frail, you also noticed that is only is so strenuous to the auxiliary seat wolf, Sars who let alone can also enslave the Tasmanian wolf?” “毕竟我们的力量现在很单薄啊,你也看到的,只是对付座狼都如此吃力,何况是还能奴役袋狼的基沙斯?” Say/Way that Vardon coldly: 瓦登冷冷的道: Human, a matter turns over to a matter, you had this twin stone, I use the herbal medicine bag to exchange. You want me to help you introduce other helpers, then must the request that promises me to set.” “人类,一码事归一码事,你有了这颗双生石,我用草药袋来交换。你要我帮你们介绍其余的帮手,那么就得答应我提出的要求。” The goat looked at side Linyan one eyes, side Linyan nods, goat access road/simply said: 山羊看了方林岩一眼,方林岩点了点头,山羊便道: Good, your just meaning, who us to get rid of that?” “好吧,你刚刚的意思,是要我们去干掉那个谁?” Vardon suppresses the angry gas channel/angrily said: 瓦登强忍怒气道: Gets rid of stone hammer Sars! If you can through my test, and take to me the stone hammer Sars's ear, can obtain my friendship.” “干掉石锤基沙斯!若您能通过我的考验,并将石锤基沙斯的耳朵带给我,就能获得我的友谊。” The goat said startled: 山羊愕然道: But, I do not know that stone hammer Sars is anything ......... “可是,我根本不知道石锤基沙斯是什么啊.........” Vardon sighed a sound said: 瓦登叹息了一声道: Originally our stars beautiful and vital, everywhere is a luxuriance, however 80 years ago the universe storm sweeps across, then lets here climate big change, the entire star started desolated.” “本来我们的星球美丽而充满生机,到处都是一片蓊郁,但是八十年之前宇宙风暴席卷而过,便让这里的气候大变,整个星球都开始荒芜了起来。” Environment bad is also starts to expedite the species to change suddenly, originally the character temperate lazy hill giant also starts becomes cruel and savage, in them was born many powerhouses, including powerful and cruel elite hill giant soldier is stone hammer Sars, a hill giant clan is increasingly powerful, starts four to plunder the life, the destruction nature, Sars slaughters destroys most flagitious one. “环境的恶劣也是开始催生物种突变,本来性格温和懒惰的丘陵巨人也开始变得暴戾和凶残起来,他们中诞生了不少强者,其中有一个强悍而残暴的精英丘陵巨人战士便是石锤基沙斯,丘陵巨人一族日益强大,开始肆掠生灵,破坏大自然,基沙斯就是其中杀戮破坏最凶残的一个。 At first, our elders also advocate to contain the giant, thinks that they are also the member in nature, but to afterward, the hill giant started to plunder the female, forcefully the multiplication, making its quantity rapidly increase, causing many species to become their grain ration and slave, even our centaur clan was also induced by his giant in food list!” “起初,我们的长老还主张包容巨人,认为他们也是大自然的一份子,但到了后来,丘陵巨人开始掠夺雌性,强行繁衍,使其数量迅速增加,导致很多物种都成了他们的口粮和奴隶,甚至我们半人马一族也被其巨人归纳在食物清单之中!” Almost more than ten years ago, hill giant's homeland to the centaur launched the unprecedented aggressive war, nearly over 50% young soldiers died in battle in abundance, the centaur was also therefore expelled own homeland by the giant, finally under the leadership of elder parliament, the clansman of surviving hides in the covert mountain valley and hole that a prophet leaves behind **. Outside fragmentary small Rong Clan and tribe barely manages to maintain a feeble existence.” “就在差不多十几年前,丘陵巨人对半人马的家园发动了前所未有的侵略战争,近乎五成以上的年轻战士纷纷阵亡,半人马也因此被巨人赶出了自己的家园,最终在长老议会的带领下,残存的族人躲进一处先知留下的隐蔽山谷和洞**。外面只有零星的小喀戎部族苟延残喘。” Speaking of these things time, in the middle of Vardon's tone intonation brings intensely helpless with sorrowful, but his words saying are also ambiguous, as if the lisper is the same, the goat and side Linyan, hear, these things have the larger part by guessing. 说到这些东西的时候,瓦登的语气语调当中带着强烈的无奈和悲哀,而他的话说得也很是含混,仿佛大舌头一样,无论是山羊和方林岩,都听得云里雾里,这些东西有一大半都是靠猜出来的。 Vardon tells them, if some people can help kill Sars, can obtain the friendship of oneself entire clan and tribe, information anything said that and person who according to the prediction of prophet, killed Sars will have the right to learn a huge secret. 瓦登更是告诉它们,若有人能帮忙杀死基沙斯,就可以获得自己整个部族的友谊,情报什么的都好说,并且根据先知的预言,杀死基沙斯的人还将有权获知一个天大的秘密。 Obviously, side Linyan three people to huge secret and so on uninteresting, they need with the Ryan related information. 很显然,方林岩三人对天大的秘密之类的毫无兴趣,他们需要的只是与瑞恩有关的情报。 And Vardon's view is also biased, in three people of hearts is very clear, being on the decline of centaur clan and tribe cannot turn over to integrate the rise of hill giant absolutely simply. 并且瓦登的说法也是过于偏颇,三人心中都很清楚,半人马部族的衰微绝对不能简单的归纳入丘陵巨人的崛起。 Obviously, the civil strife is the primary cause that they decline. 很显然,内乱才是它们衰亡的主要原因。 Crandall Sars?” side Linyan nod of slightly. Good, gets rid of it not to have the issue.” “石锤基沙斯是吧?”方林岩微微的点了点头。“好的,干掉它没问题。” Vardon said: 瓦登道: Then good, human, I also follow the promise, directs the potential ally for you, has to say before you, got rid of the ghost howlingly is a very wise matter.” “那么好吧,人类,我也遵循诺言,为你们指点出潜在的盟友,不得不说你们之前干掉了鬼嚎是非常明智的一件事。” Has walked, arrives at the setting sun the time from here toward the west, will see a Grand Canyon, then following Grand Canyon toward north, the luck enough good words, you can see an oasis, there has the centaur clan and tribe of surviving, you give a fellow named Jordan the skin of wolf king, I think that they should also be able to help.” “从这里一直往西面走,走到落日的时候,会看到一条大峡谷,然后顺着大峡谷往北,运气够好的话,你就能看到一片绿洲,那里有支残存的半人马部族,你把狼王的皮交给一个叫约旦的家伙,我想他们应该还能帮上忙。” Then, Vardon pulled out a fulcra system bugle and gave side Linyan. Then added: 说完,瓦登掏出了一支骨制号角并递给了方林岩。然后补充道: Right, I gave your herbal medicine bag, even if in the centaur person were also the precious incomparable treasure, therefore should better not to take to be seen by others, otherwise, you may have very big trouble.” “对了,我给你的草药袋,哪怕是在半人马人中也算是珍贵无比的宝物,所以最好不要拿出来被其余的人看到,否则的话,你可能会有很大的麻烦。” When sees Jordan, this bugle can be my faith token, in the meantime, if you really can get rid of stone hammer Sars through my trial, then sounds after it, the wind will direct me to come with you to converge.” “在见到约旦的时候,这支号角可以作为我的信物,同时,若你们真的能通过我的试炼干掉石锤基萨斯,那么将其吹响后,风就会指引我前来与你们汇合。” After Vardon confesses, then lamely turns around to leave, then after having toured nearby rock, the body advantage of terrain vanished in side Linyan three people of lines of sight. 瓦登交代完毕后,便一瘸一拐的转身离开,然后转过了旁边的岩石后,身形便消失在了方林岩三人的视线里面。 But in this flash, on side Linyan three people of retinas sprang the information unexpectedly: 而就在这一瞬间,方林岩三人的视网膜上居然弹出了信息: You successfully gained the hidden milestone: The relevant information of honor, please make persistent efforts , to continue to unearth the relevant information.” “你们成功获取了隐藏里程碑:荣光的相关线索,请再接再厉,继续挖掘相关情报。” Because hidden the milestone: The honor gains to have secretive and effectiveness of considerable degree, will therefore announce its material ahead of time.” “因为隐藏里程碑:荣光获取具有相当程度的隐秘性和时效性,所以将提前公布其资料。” Hides the milestone: The honor introduced in detail.” “隐藏里程碑:荣光详细介绍。” „After obtaining this milestone, will have the S level title: Aid of earth mother.” “获得此里程碑后,将会拥有S级称号:大地母亲的护佑。” This title has the characteristics: The privilege, can be taken down or equipped at any time, CD time one minute.” “此称号拥有特性:特权,可以在任何时候被取下或者装备,CD时间一分钟。” „After wearing this title, life value upper limit + 200 points, and will obtain the skill: Rejuvenation technique.” “佩戴此称号后,生命值上限点,并且将会获得技能:回春术。” Activates the rejuvenation technique, can make the goal restore 100 + physical strength x5 life values in 8 seconds, if this/should effect were scattered, will then make the traveling speed of goal promote 100, duration 60 seconds.” “激活回春术,可以使目标在8秒内恢复100点+体力x5点生命值,该效果倘若被驱散的话,那么将会使目标的移动速度提升100,持续时间60秒。” Warning, if when the life value takes down this title less than 200 points, then wearing will enter being on the verge of death condition immediately.” “警告,若是在生命值不足200点的时候取下本称号,那么佩戴者将会立即进入濒死状态。” *** *** Looks at this hidden milestone: The introduction of honor, side Linyan three people held breath cold air. 看着这个隐藏里程碑:荣光的介绍,方林岩三人都倒吸了一口凉气。 This gadget is really worthily is the S level title, its function can be said as exceptionally monotonous direct, that is supports the blood, the additional blood! 这玩意儿真的是不愧为S级称号啊,其功用可以说是异常单调直接,那就是撑血,加血! But this function solely powerful title, at crucial moment function exceptionally is strong. 但正是这种功能单一却强大的称号,在关键时候的作用就异常坚挺啊。 Especially in the team does not have in a situation of skin coarse meat thick fellow at this time, 尤其是团队里面此时就没有一个皮糙肉厚的家伙的情况下, The vulture should be the life value most, but as he of assassin, the life value is also the average levels of same occupation, is far from absolutely can shoulder. 秃鹫应该是生命值最多的了,但身为刺客的他,生命值也就是同等职业的平均水准,绝对谈不上能扛。 The goat did not say, once makes war prepares to travel with the item at any time. 山羊更不说,一旦开战随时都准备用道具跑路的。 Because side Linyan has Athena Yukita's existence, therefore under normal conditions is attracts the firepower, what starts now becomes awkward, these small and weak enemy vultures and goats can send, does not need him to force up. 方林岩因为有着雅典娜之佑的存在,所以通常情况下都是去吸引火力的,但现在开始变得尴尬的是,那些弱小的敌人秃鹫和山羊就能打发了,也不用他顶上去。 But the powerful enemy typically has the real injury and so on skill, can penetrate the magic shield function directly on side Linyan the body, therefore supports the blood to him, is still until now important matter. 而强大的敌人通常都有真实伤害之类的技能,可以直接穿透魔法盾作用在方林岩的身体上,因此撑血对他来说,依然是迄今为止的要务。 In this case, attains goal that this title as if also turned into must achieve. 在这种情况下,拿到这个称号似乎也变成了必须要达到的目标呢。 At this time is not difficult to analyze, obtains this title the key, actually on Vardon's body, therefore is not willing although very much , can only lead by the nose by him. 此时不难分析出来,获得这个称号的关键,其实就在瓦登的身上,所以尽管很不甘愿,也只能被他牵着鼻子走了。 Thinks after these things, the vulture cannot bear sigh at this time: 想到了这些东西之后,秃鹫此时忍不住叹了口气道: Crandall Sars? As soon as this fellow listens to the name is not good to cope, let alone his old fogy Vardon for the person who it has a headache about.” “石锤基萨斯?这家伙一听名字就不好对付啊,更何况他还是那个老家伙瓦登都为之头痛的人。” The goat added: 山羊补充道: „Only the good news, that is his demand and we are consistent, if made us conquer by killing the exploring party to be miserable ....... “只有一点利好消息,那就是他的需求和我们是一致的,要是让我们去血洗了探险队才惨.......” side Linyan waves saying: 方林岩挥挥手道: Crandall Sars are not related, was OK with the aid of a strength of team, their goals are also the hill giants, in this case, operating should not be too difficult ........ “石锤基沙斯强一点儿也没有关系,借助一下团队的力量就可以了,他们的目标也是丘陵巨人呢,这样的话,操作起来应该并不是太难........” *** *** side Linyan three people have not expected, originally is a simple patrol, unexpectedly did so many things. 就连方林岩三人也没有料到,本来是一趟简单的巡逻,居然搞出来了这么多的事情。 First the arrange/cloth got down the board game piece of Caolo this hill giant, then also attained many useful information from Vardon mouth. 首先布下了考洛克这个丘陵巨人的棋子,然后还从瓦登嘴巴里面拿到了不少有用的信息。 Was good because of the vulture then that by the corpse of Tasmanian wolf Caolo enslaved shouldering, meanwhile had the poisonous vipers and some game that hunted for along the way, therefore enough reported on accomplishments to above. 好在秃鹫接下来将那头被考洛克奴役的袋狼的尸体给扛了回去,同时还有沿途捕猎的毒蝰和一些野味,因此足够对上面交差的了。 After returning to the camp the prey that sure enough, among three patrol leaders of going out, the Israeli forest rock their squad obtains is richest, the patrol region is also broadest, but also obtained several oral praises. 回到营地以后果不其然,外出的三支巡逻队当中,以方林岩他们小队获得的猎物最为丰富,巡逻的区域也最广,还得到了几句口头表扬。 After having had the lunch, side Linyan looked for relational quite familiar Thalen, said oneself obtained the important clue, heard that has the small-scale agglomeration of hill giant in some place, therefore the application uses an all-terrain vehicle. 等到吃过午饭之后,方林岩就去找了关系比较熟悉的塔伦,说自己得到了重要的线索,听说在某个地方有着丘陵巨人的小型聚集地,所以申请使用一辆全地形车。 If the military action, then said needlessly, will immediately closely examine you concretely where some place is?” I heard that? Whom listened to say?” Small agglomeration? Some small-scale wait/etc. 倘若是军方行动,那么不消说,马上就会追问你“某个地方具体是哪里?”“听说?听谁说的?”“小型聚集地?有多小型等等”。 If you do not want to reply or speak irresponsibly, then cannot do well must be handled according to military law. 若你不想回答或者乱说,那么搞不好就要被军法从事。 However, this is one group of mercenaries is acting in the final analysis. 但是,这说到底就是一群雇佣兵在行动。 side Linyan they are also not Kenny's direct descendant subordinates, if obtained the missing Ryan's detailed news, then they have the reason and duty take unconditionally, news that but has nothing to do with it, then said is the friendship, words that did not speak, is the duty. 方林岩他们还不是肯尼的嫡系手下,如果说得到了失踪的瑞恩的详细消息,那么他们是有理由和义务无条件拿出来的,但是与之无关的消息,那么说了是情分,不说的话,也是本分。 If Thalen or Kenny want, this information is also others takes the enormous risk to trade, you must compensate, this is also guild regulations. 如果塔伦或者肯尼想要,这情报也是别人冒着巨大风险换来的,你就得给补偿,这也是行规。 At this time Thalen is also wanting to win over side Linyan three people, after all has the person, has the right to speak, therefore after asks, complied very much refreshedly, the renting fee/spent that even should have wiped the big end. 此时塔伦也正想要拉拢方林岩三人,毕竟手下有人,才有话语权,所以去问了问之后,很爽快就答应了,甚至就连本来应出的租赁费都抹了大头。 Therefore quick, west side Linyan three people, harness all -terrain vehicle to start to go again to drive. 于是很快的,方林岩三人就重新出发,驾着全地形车开始前往西面驶去。 However in side Linyan the heart is also very clear, in boundless Gobi Desert, merely by several words to find the habitat of centaur is not that easy matter, and that is in without encountering under the premise of dangerous biological attack. 不过方林岩的心中也很清楚,在茫茫的戈壁滩当中,仅仅凭借几句话就要想找到半人马的栖息地并不是那么容易的事情,并且那还是在没有遭遇到危险生物袭击的前提下。 Therefore, side Linyan this little while can only depend upon the science and technology on all-terrain vehicle, located own real-time coordinates on the auxiliary pilot mechanism of bringing, after focusing on way, opened the economical fuel pattern to lead the way directly, and also often attempted to revise. 所以,方林岩这会儿只能依靠全地形车上的科技了,在自带的辅助驾驶仪上定位了自己的实时坐标,锁定路径方向后,直接开启了经济燃料模式一路前行,并且还不时尝试进行修正。 Because he fully realized, if the vanguard direction presented the little displacements, when he walks the entire journey, perhaps sees was not Grand Canyon, was just like a projecting bullet, wanted to hit the target kilometer away, even if the distortion will once present the undershoot the situation. 因为他深知,倘若前行方向出现了少许的偏移,等他走完全程,或许见到的就不是大峡谷了,就好比是一颗射出的子弹,想要命中千米之外的靶子,哪怕偏斜一度都会出现脱靶的情况。 Circling is so, after wind-drift sand, side Linyan is also forced to detour, finally this circles has problems, when he found that Grand Canyon time, the weather is also black. 绕是如此,在经过一片流沙的时候,方林岩也被迫绕路,结果这一绕就出了问题,等到他找到了那条大峡谷的时候,天色又已经黑了。 At the same night hurries along without doubt is a very stupid matter, particularly on this strange and dangerous star, the Israeli forest rock three people also can only feel at ease the camping again, according to the instruction booklet made a precise maintenance to it while convenient, here bad weather regarding the engine is a certainly big test. 连夜赶路无疑是一件非常愚蠢的事情,尤其是在这个陌生而危险的星球上,所以方林岩三人也只能再次安心下来宿营,顺带按照说明书给它做了一次精密的保养,这里的恶劣气候对于引擎来说是一个绝大的考验。 Monick who” is good because of this time did not have the bystander, before side Linyan, purchases saloon car to have the big use, enabling three people able well the rest feed. 好在这时候没有外人,方林岩之前购买的“乌莫尼克”房车就派上了大用场,让三人可以好好的休息进食。 What is worth mentioning is, the electrical network that the saloon car arranges played the huge role in the evening, next morning will wake up, over ten giant scorpions were at least electrocuted outside, its volume even and spider-crab will be similar. 值得一提的是,房车布置的电网晚上发挥了巨大的作用,第二天早上醒来,至少超过十只巨型蝎子被电死在了外面,其体积甚至和蜘蛛蟹类似。 The words saying , since tasted the delicacy of beetle after Garden of Eden, the goat as if had any unique hobby to be developed, therefore stared at this scorpion. 话说自从在伊甸园里面品尝到了切叶甲虫的美味以后,山羊似乎有什么独特的爱好被开发了出来,所以就盯上了这蝎子。 Finally was used saloon car inside kitchenware to fry in oil by him, eating to be unexpectedly delicious, has the steamed crab general pleasantly surprised taste. 结果被他用房车里面的厨具油炸了一番,吃起来居然非常美味,有大闸蟹一般的惊喜口感。 After having had the breakfast, side Linyan starts to march forward along Grand Canyon, he detects the bottom in Grand Canyon, although does not have the direct water source, has existence of obvious underground water course. 等到吃过早饭以后,方林岩就开始沿着大峡谷行进,他发觉大峡谷的底部虽然没有直接的水源,却有着明显的地下水脉的存在。 Therefore often can see the root system to be luxuriant, can absorb under the plant of moisture content to grow bottom of the canyon, formed the distinctive ecosystem, finally was under the attack of blood mouth vulture along the way, although three people did not fear, but consumed twists and turns. 因此不时都能见到根系茂盛,能汲取到下方水分的植物在峡谷底部生长,形成了别具一格的生态系统,结果沿途又遇到了血嘴秃鹫的攻击,虽然三人不怕,但是耗费了一番波折。 Therefore to afternoon, he saw fully Grand Canyon had arrived at the end, the front started to appear wiped the sight of green. 所以整整到了下午,他才看到大峡谷已经到了尽头,前方开始出现了一抹绿意。
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