FE :: Volume #9

#20: Initially with hill giant

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Above shares is the official data, after two people look, had the basic understanding of this fellow. 上面共享出来的都是官方的数据,两人看完之后,对这家伙有了基本的了解。 However the vulture then sent out two to seem like very valuable receipt. 不过秃鹫接着又发出了两条看起来很有价值的回帖。 ID is called: Heard that the famous word length can read the dizzy brings back to the home ....... the tourist to leave a message to say the younger sister: 一个ID叫做:听说名字长可以将妹子读晕带回家.......的游客留言道: Damn, this fellow is the beast of prey, I emphasized again one time, it was one with the lion, saber-toothed tiger wait/etc lifeform was the same, out-and-out beast of prey! If the unnecessary words, absolutely do not enrage it!” “见鬼,这家伙是猛兽,我再强调一次,它是一头和狮子,剑齿虎等等生物一样,不折不扣的猛兽!若是没有必要的话,绝对不要激怒它!” According to the first-hand material that we attain, large-scale alligator turtle the strength of beak high and low linking is 1004 pounds, but the linking strength of this fellow is seven times of large-scale alligator turtle! The high-carbon steel tri-fold shovel that I order specially was nipped by its one distorts!” “根据我们拿到的第一手资料,大型鳄龟的喙上下咬合的力量是1004磅,而这家伙的咬合力是大型鳄龟的七倍!我特别订制的高碳钢工兵铲被它一口就咬得变形了!” Another ID is called: The tourist of king of purple clothes leaves a message: 另外一个ID叫做:紫衣之王的游客留言: „The meat of this fellow is unpalatable, felt that seems like chewing my slipper bottom, good, do not ask how I know own slipper bottom flavor.” “这家伙的肉非常难吃,感觉就像是在嚼我的拖鞋底,好吧,别问我是怎么知道自己拖鞋底味道的。” After understanding these information, side Linyan three people decided to make this only go by land Sir Iwakame to dine peacefully, the animal had the custom of protecting the food, let alone this was in a turtle the beast of prey...... 在了解到了这些信息以后,方林岩三人决定还是让这只陆行岩龟大人安静用餐好了,动物本来都有护食的习惯,更何况这还是一头龟中猛兽...... However the next second, the shadow of vulture goes by land Iwakame this is eating food photograph, then shared the team channel, this picture made people be startled immediately, that unexpectedly was a covered with blood place wolf!! 不过下一秒,秃鹫的影子又将这头陆行岩龟正在吃着的食物拍照,然后共享到了团队频道当中,这张照片顿时让人大吃一惊,那竟然是一头血肉模糊的座狼!! After that pitiful place wolf body was eaten half , the eye also opens the eyes in a big way, obviously it dies is what kind of is unwilling? 那头可怜的座狼身体都被吃了一半之后,眼睛都还睁得大大的,可见其死得是何等的不甘心啊? Really is sharp.” side Linyan heartfelt say/way. “真是犀利啊。”方林岩由衷的道。 As the saying goes the fierce tiger difficult enemy group wolf, in this boundless Gobi Desert, was these scavenger place wolf in groups was it is estimated that thorniest, because they independent the battle efficiency was perhaps ordinary, but in groups, equipped the adventurous team of modern sci-tech weapon is also the headache, was critical situation. 有道是猛虎难敌群狼,这苍茫戈壁滩上,估计就是这些成群结队的食腐座狼最为棘手了,因为它们单独起来或许战斗力一般,但成群结队以后,就连装备了现代科技武器的冒险队也是头疼不已,如临大敌。 This Iwakame directly in Jupiter head breaking ground, and least bit does not fear the appearance of retaliation , is really bold. 这岩龟直接在太岁头上动土,并且半点儿都不怕报复的样子,也真是胆大包天。 But can hunt and kill wolf this point to be able unexpectedly to look from it, in the post said it is the information of beast of prey only feared real, the explosive force and lethality of this powerful lifeform, only feared that seems like its surface is much stronger than! 而从它居然可以猎杀座狼这一点就能看出来,帖子上所说它是猛兽的情报只怕是真的,这头强大生物的爆发力和杀伤力,只怕远比其表面上看起来要强得多! side Linyan three people then turn around to leave, goes toward another direction patrol, after they wandered about difference not mostly hour, caught two good hedgehogs. 方林岩三人接着就转身离开,朝着另外一个方向巡逻而去,他们转悠了差不多半个小时左右之后,又抓到了两只地行刺猬。 This gadget seems like ugly and wicked, simply does not have the means lower jaw, however the record in material is used to bake or make the soup is very delicious, and a little is very essential is: 这玩意儿看起来又丑又恶,根本没办法下嘴,但是在资料上的记载用来烧烤或者煮汤都十分美味,并且还有一点很关键就是: This fellow is like the crab, does not use the souse on the bringing seasoning, does not need to add the salt to have the saline taste, if according to the normal procedure processing instead meets has not had the means entrance salty...... 这家伙和螃蟹一样,根本不用腌制就自带调料,不用放盐自有盐味,若是按照正常程序加工反而会过咸没办法入口...... Toured here was so long, and also hit several prey, three people thought that can go back to report on accomplishments, suddenly heard very far place to transmit a sad and shrill wolf to be howling. 在这边游逛了这么久,并且还打了几只猎物,三人觉得可以回去交差了,忽然听到了很远的地方传来了一声凄厉的狼嚎。 The sensation of vulture is highest, immediately responded, sinking sound said: 秃鹫的感知最高,立即就反应了过来,沉声道: Direction that probably that turtle is at! Was the place pack of wolves comes to take revenge?” “好像正是那只乌龟所在的方向呢!难道是座狼群前来复仇了?” Heard the vulture saying that side Linyan in the heart moved immediately said: 听到了秃鹫这么说,方林岩顿时心中一动道: „Did we have a look in the past? After all these damn place wolves a long time middle, are our powerful enemies.” “咱们过去看看?毕竟那些该死的座狼在很长一段时间当中,都将会是我们的劲敌。” Since he said that others naturally do not have the objection, therefore then starts to accelerate the round trip to hurry, when they arrive at the scene time, actually detected that the war had been close to the end, that seemingly ominous horizontal feudal bully the shell of Iwakame's by breaking open forcefully, inside is one covered with blood, very in confusion. 他既然这么说了,其余的人当然没有异议,于是便开始加速往回赶去,等到他们重新来到现场的时候,却发觉大战已经进入了尾声,那头看起来凶横恶霸的岩龟的壳已经被硬生生的砸开,里面已是一片血肉模糊,十分狼藉。 The pitiful Iwakame head was extracted downward, loses generally, covered with blood seems like the to terrify person. 可怜的岩龟脑袋被拔了下来,丢到了一般,血肉模糊的看起来十分瘆人。 The seemingly gigantic fat solid backs are squatting in side ate to the heart's content, should be the kind of person lifeform, is almost from top to bottom stark naked, the worn ornament is a skeleton, the stone and so on, seems like especially primitive barbaric. 有一个看起来硕大肥实的背影正蹲在了旁边大快朵颐,应该是类人生物,浑身上下几乎一丝不挂,戴着的装饰品都是骷髅啊,石头之类的,看起来格外的原始野蛮。 What is strangest, on the pale blue rough flesh of this back, has massive unusual textures unexpectedly, these textures are seemingly chaotic, actually looked that several can detect in conceals the mystery that being hard word is stating. 最为诡异的是,这背影的淡蓝色粗糙肌肤上,居然有着大量的奇特纹理,这些纹理看起来杂乱无章,其实多看几眼就能察觉里面暗藏着难以言述的奥秘。 At this time looks from the distant place, this back as if not big, but knows with a it comparison with Iwakame's body, the altitude of this fellow over three meters, the side also two place wolves is at least keeping is sauntering. 此时从远处看去,这背影似乎也没多大,但拿岩龟的尸体与之一比较就知道,这家伙的高度至少都在三米以上,旁边还有两头座狼正在不停的转悠着。 Looks at their appearances, in the surroundings that had been sent out the flesh aura stimulation that must keep by Iwakame spins to wag the tail, simultaneously the scarlet tongue extends long, the drool always flows is long, but licks nearby blood dare. 看它们的样子,已经被岩龟散发出来的血肉气息刺激得不停的在周围打转摇尾,同时猩红舌头伸得长长的,哈喇子流得老长,可是连舔一舔旁边的鲜血都不怎么敢。 Obviously these two wolves definitely suffer loss in the past life, otherwise, according to their natural dispositions, has thrown to overeat. 可见这两头狼肯定是在往日的生活当中吃够了苦头,否则的话,依照它们的本性,想必早就已经扑上去大吃特吃了。 The vulture narrowed the eye to observe evil ways: 秃鹫眯缝着眼睛观察了一下道: These two wolves before us these scavenger place wolves are not similar, the back has the obvious black yellow pattern, and mouth can obvious opening to over 180 degrees, what is more important, their abdomen has the bag, you carefully looked, looks like the abdomen of kangaroo to be the same.” “这两头狼和我们之前遇到的那些食腐座狼不是同类,背部有着明显的黑黄色花纹,并且嘴巴能明显的张开到180度以上,更重要的是,它们的腹部是有袋子的,你们仔细看,就像是袋鼠的腹部一样。” The goat carefully looked, surprised say/way: 山羊仔细的看了看,惊奇的道: Probably is really this! Therefore they are not the place wolves, but is the Tasmanian wolf?” “好像真的是这样呢!所以它们并不是座狼,而是袋狼?” Two people spoke at this time time, not through team channel, and added slightly loudly, immediately saw that two anxious Tasmanian wolf ears immediately high stood erect, then simultaneously looked toward here! 两人此时说话的时候,并没有通过团队频道,并且还说得略大声了一些,立即就见到那两头焦躁不安的袋狼耳朵立即高高的竖立了起来,然后同时朝着这边望了过来! These two monsters bared the tooth, aimed here to look simultaneously, then started to spin toward here round fully. 紧接着,这两头怪物就龇起了牙,对准了这边同时望了过来,然后开始朝着这边发足疾奔。 Obviously, the five feelings of this Tasmanian wolf are also the rare keenness! Discovered side Linyan three people of existences in such far place unexpectedly. 很显然,这袋狼的五感也是超乎寻常的灵敏!竟是在这么远的地方都发现了方林岩三人的存在。 But that stout and strong kind of person lifeform has not looked here one much , to continue to eat to the heart's content, whatever two Tasmanian wolves aimed here to spin, looks appearance that they threatened, had feeling that greatly must they tear to shreds side Linyan. 而那头肥壮的类人生物也没有多看这边一眼,继续大快朵颐,任由两头袋狼对准了这边疾奔过来,看它们气势汹汹的样子,大有要将方林岩它们碎尸万段的感觉。 However side Linyan three people are not the fuel-efficient lamp, puts after them is near, directly is the lightning fireball throwing knife came one round, then three people on do but actually a head together, 不过方林岩三人也不是什么省油的灯,将它们放近以后,直接就是闪电火球飞刀的来了一轮,然后三人一起上干倒一头, Another Tasmanian wolf understands what has to be done, after seeing the pitiful condition of companion, looks like athlete that runs to turn back runs, turned around to escape without delay, does not have threatened to see before the prey must bite a meaning. 另外一头袋狼非常识时务,见到了同伴的惨状以后,就像是跑折返跑的运动员似的,二话不说转身就逃,毫无之前气势汹汹看到了猎物要来咬一口的意思。 At this time, saw that Tasmanian wolf that oneself raised was hit by three people suffocates, that tall and strong stout and strong form of distant place has stood, wiped on the mouth conveniently, then turned around. 这时候,见到了自己豢养的那一头袋狼被三人打得奄奄一息的,远处的那个魁梧肥壮的身影已经站了起来,随手在嘴巴上抹了一下,接着转身过来。 Can see it truly is a human form lifeform, the build is very stout and strong, the surface has the strange tattoo, as high as three meters, the helix sharp corner/horn that the fang that but in the mouth bares, in the top of the head grows indicated it has the considerably large disparity with human. 可以见到它确实是一头人形生物,体型十分肥壮,表面有着诡异纹身,高达三米,不过嘴巴里面龇出来的獠牙,还有头顶上生长的螺旋形尖角表明了它与人类之间还是有着相当大的差距。 Obviously, this was a hill giant. 很显然,这就是一头丘陵巨人了。 Saw this lifeform slow reality fast aimed at side Linyan three people to walk, ground some vibration slightly, the goat could not bear look at side Linyan one eyes, actually heard the vulture saying: 紧接着,就见到这头生物似缓实速的对准了方林岩三人走了过来,地面都有些微微的震动,山羊忍不住看了方林岩一眼,却听到秃鹫道: „Very strange, on this fellow no murderous aura , because ate to the full?” “很奇怪,这家伙身上没有什么杀气,难道是因为吃饱了?” Quick, this hill giant arrived at side Linyan their front, then the say/way of jar sound jar air/Qi: 很快的,这头丘陵巨人就走到了方林岩他们三人的面前,然后瓮声瓮气的道: Human, do you have food?” “人类,你们有没有食物?” The goat charm is highest, seeder that but walks facing hill giant being known as lifeform, somewhat fears, therefore hesitant one said: 山羊魅力最高,不过面对丘陵巨人这种号称“行走的播种机”的生物,还是有些惧怕的,所以犹豫了一下才道: „Didn't you just eat to the full? I thought that only goes by land the turtle is very big, the meat should be also many.” “你刚刚不是吃饱了吗?我看那只陆行龟也很大,肉应该也很多呢。” The hill giant shakes the head saying: 丘陵巨人摇摇头道: Caolo does not like eating to go by land the turtle the person, Caolo likes eating the human food, sweet that.” “考洛克不喜欢吃陆行龟的人,考洛克喜欢吃人类的食物,甜甜的那种。” In the side forest core sample moves said: 方林岩心中一动道: Caolo, if you told human sweet food where I ate, then I found the way to make to you come.” “考洛克,如果你告诉我从哪里吃到的人类甜甜的食物,那么我就想办法给你弄一些来。” Hill giant Caolo very simple say/way: 丘陵巨人考洛克很干脆的道: Caolo, when leaves Aogerui Ma, there is a human to be grasped, I stole food their food, sweet, delicious! However, outside skin is not delicious! Strong!” “考洛克在离开奥格瑞玛的时候,有人类被抓了进来,我偷吃了他们身上的食物,甜甜的,好吃!但是,外面的皮不好吃!韧韧的!” Outside skin......” side Linyan hesitant, immediately took a chocolate from the private: What you said is this outside thing?” “外面的皮......”方林岩犹豫了一下,立即从私人空间里面拿出来了一块德芙巧克力:“你说的是这个外面的东西?” Caolo is just about to nod, eye inside revealed the cunning ray: 考洛克正要点头,眼睛里面露出来了狡黠的光芒: You throw it, Caolo does not see clearly!” “你把它扔过来,考洛克看不清楚!” side Linyan shrugs: 方林岩耸耸肩: That is not good, Caolo, after throwing, you will ridicule me loudly, then eats inside chocolate.” “那可不行,考洛克,扔过来以后你就会大声嘲笑我,然后将里面的巧克力吃掉。” Caolo was suddenly angry, a fist pounded on front ground, then roared loudly: 考洛克突然愤怒了,一拳就砸在了面前的地上,然后大声咆哮道: Ants!! Immediately hands over the thing, otherwise, Caolo tears into shreds you!” “蝼蚁!!马上把东西交出来,否则的话,考洛克就撕碎你们!” It roared, flushed on the stride, but side Linyan actually worked as the middle course in the team channel at this time: 它一面咆哮,一面就大步冲了过来,不过这时候方林岩却在团队频道当中道: Do not begin, meets one to be able rarely with the big fellow who we exchange.” “你们不要动手,难得遇到一头可以和我们交流的大块头。” side Linyan in speech, threw off the coat, direct alignment Caolo rushed, rumbles facing a giant palm fist that it grasps in the past! 方林岩在说话的时候,也是甩掉了上衣,直接对准了考洛克冲了上去,面对它抓过来的巨掌一拳就轰了过去! Bang a dull thumping sound, side Linyan this time actual strength has reached 42 points, the determination strength had surpassed 50 points! In this case, was shaken staggering backed up several steps, but Caolo seems like cannot withstand, sat on the ground. “砰”的一声闷响,方林岩此时的实际力量已经达到了42点,判定力量超过了50点!在这种情况下,还是被震得踉踉跄跄的倒退了几步,不过考洛克看起来更是不堪,一屁股就坐在了地上。 Facing such victory, side Linyan three people are not unusual, but Caolo actually shamed feelings, roared suddenly loudly: 面对这样的战果,方林岩三人并不稀奇,但是考洛克却有一种被羞辱的感觉,猛然大声咆哮了起来: „!! Caolo is angry very much, Caolo is unhappy!” “啊!!考洛克很生气,考洛克不开心!” He is roaring, is thrashing own chest, can see the unusual texture on its body to start to turn into the blood red unexpectedly! His body also inflated again, felt the constriction. 他一面咆哮着,一面捶打着自己的胸口,可以见到它身体上的奇特纹理居然都开始变成了血红色!其身体也再次膨胀了起来,充满了压迫感。 side Linyan said at this time suddenly loudly: 方林岩这时候忽然大声道: „Do you also want the chocolate?” “你还想要巧克力吗?” Then he brandished to begin inside thing, the convenience gives Caolo to lose. 然后他挥舞着手里面的东西,顺手就给考洛克丢了过去。 It seems like Caolo of devils still to roar, the left hand is thrashing own chest, but the right hand as if has self-awareness, one caught that pitiful chocolate, will force in the mouth. 看起来凶神恶煞的考洛克依然在咆哮着,左手还是在捶打着自己的胸口,但是右手却仿佛有自我意识似的,一把就接住了那块可怜的巧克力,将之塞进了嘴巴里面。 But his roaring sound also all of a sudden became fuzzy and funny: 而他的咆哮声则也一下子变得模糊而滑稽了起来: Caolo...... squish...... is angry delicious .............” “考洛克......吧唧......生气.......好吃......” After he finished eating, in side forest Iwate mysterious were many a chocolate: 等他吃完以后,方林岩手中又神奇的多了一块巧克力: I come to here am not and you fight, Caolo, this does not have the significance, I have no interest in your meat, but you should not call us for the ants, I and you are equal! Giants.” “我来这里不是和你打架的,考洛克,这毫无意义,我对你的肉没有兴趣,但是你不应该称呼我们为蝼蚁,我和你是平等的!大个子。” Caolo silent: 考洛克默然了一下: Good, your strength is very big, you are not the ants, we ....... are reluctantly equal.” “好吧,你的力量很大,你不是蝼蚁,我们.......勉强是平等的。” side Linyan nods, then threw the chocolate, the Caolo fertilizer solid right hand found out all of a sudden again cleverly, holds the chocolate to force in the mouth: 方林岩点点头,然后将巧克力丢了过去,考洛克的肥实的右手一下子再次灵巧探出,抓住了巧克力塞进了嘴巴里面: Ba, delicious ..... really delicious.” “吧唧吧唧,好吃.....真美味。” After Caolo finished eating, side Linyan said: 等到考洛克吃完了以后,方林岩道: Caolo, on us the sweet thing had finished eating, if you are willing to help, then I promise you, can come to exchange with you with the sweet thing.” “考洛克,我们身上的甜甜的东西已经吃完了,不过如果你肯帮我们一个忙的话,那么我答应你,可以拿更多甜甜的东西来和你交换。” The Caolo small eyes shone immediately: 考洛克的小眼睛顿时就亮了起来: More...... sweet thing? Some how many?” “更多的......甜甜的东西?有多少?” The goat received thread of conversation immediately, gesticulated, makes the movement that both hands surrounded saying: 山羊立即接过了话茬子,比划了一下,做出了一个双手环抱的动作道: So many.” “这么多。” Caolo eyes sent: 考洛克的眼睛都发了直: So many??!!!” “这么多??!!!” The goat said: 山羊道: Yes, if not, you can eat me.” “是的,如果没有,你可以吃了我。” Caolo shouts: 考洛克嚷道: I have no interest in your young thin person! I want so many sweet!” “我对你这个小瘦子没有兴趣!我要这么多的甜甜的!” The goat said: 山羊道: But you must take carry back the thing that we want.” “但是你必须拿回来我们想要的东西。” Caolo said: 考洛克道: What do you want?” “你们要什么?” The goat said: 山羊道: Our companions were caught by your clansmen, detained in Aogerui Ma, you helped us rescue a human named Ryan on the line.” “我们的同伴被你们的族人抓了起来,关押在了奥格瑞玛里面,你帮我们把一个叫做瑞恩的人类救出来就行。” Caolo shakes the head saying: 考洛克摇摇头道: „It is not good, the prey that in Aogerui Ma detains is sacred, I cannot violate the ancestor spirit stipulation, otherwise I , even after dying, the soul is unable to be peaceful.” “不行,奥格瑞玛里面关押的猎物是神圣的,我不能违反祖灵的规定,否则我哪怕死后,灵魂也无法安宁。” side Linyan also knows that this matter is not simple, cracking a joke, this is the SS difficulty duty, say/way that therefore he backs off: 方林岩也知道这件事没那么简单,开玩笑,这可是SS难度的任务,所以他退而求其次的道: Then you did help me bring a thing to be always OK to them?” “那么你帮我带一件东西给他们总可以了吧?” After saying, side Linyan took a thing of cigarette lighter size to come out, this was actually a long-distance walkie-talkie, can use in 500-600 meters. 说完以后,方林岩就拿了一个打火机大小的东西出来,这却是一件远程步话机,可以在500-600米内使用。 If Caolo can take to the prisoner this thing, then by the strength of vulture, is not difficult to submerge Aogerui Ma, among range attenuation with prisoners to 500 meters, this will have very big help to following rescue without a doubt. 假如考洛克能将这东西带给囚犯,然后以秃鹫的实力,是不难潜入奥格瑞玛,将与囚犯之间的距离缩短到五百米之内的,这样的话毫无疑问对接下来的援救就有很大帮助了。 Really, this requested Caolo to nod, very refreshed say/way: 果然,这个要求考洛克就点头了,很爽快的道: Does not have the issue.” “没问题。” side Linyan said: 方林岩道: This thing was displayed the magic by our clan's and tribe's inside sorcerer, you in handing over prisoner hand, we can know their present approximate conditions, therefore this aircraft interphone is quite fine, you must preserve carefully, cannot damage, otherwise, the transaction will also become invalid.” “这个东西是被我们部族里面的巫师施展了魔法,你将之交到囚犯手上,我们就能知道他们现在的大致状况,所以这通话器还是相当精细,你要仔细保存,不能损坏,否则的话,交易也会作废的。” Caolo said: 考洛克道: Good!” “好的!” After saying, it opened the mouth unexpectedly, this aircraft interphone eating! 说完了之后,它居然张开了嘴巴,一口就将这通话器给吃了进去! Facing Caolo show operation, three people stared in a big way the eye simultaneously, was good thinks suddenly because of the vulture a matter, quickly worked as the middle course in the team channel: 面对考洛克的骚操作,三人同时瞪大了眼睛,好在秃鹫忽然想起来了一件事,急忙在团队频道当中道: Wait! Probably in the material introduced, said is the human lifeform in physiological structure and conventional significance of hill giant is entirely different.” “等等!好像资料上有介绍,说是丘陵巨人的生理构造和常规意义上的人类生物截然不同。” They are like the cow, there are many stomachs, a stomach is used to store up, has in the situation of danger in periphery, can swallow a lot of food to load into this preserve stomach in a short time directly, when safe time will be preserving stomach inside food to spit to chew carefully, sends in the stomach of digestion directly.” “它们和牛一样,有多个胃,其中一个胃是用来储存的,在周围有危险的情况下,就可以在短时间内直接吞下大量的食物装进这个储藏胃里面,等到安全的时候在将储藏胃里面的食物吐出来细嚼慢咽,直接送入消化的胃里面。” ( PS, cow is this pattern, for example money stomach is the good first stomach, famous tripe, is the good third stomach.) (PS,牛就是这种模式,比如金钱肚就是牛的第一个胃,著名的毛肚,就是牛的第三个胃。) Not is only this, by the neck of hill giant also has the crop pouch, is used to store up the valuables, this point, is actually very similar to the hamster that we are familiar with.” “不仅是这样,丘陵巨人的脖子两边还有嗉囊,用来储存贵重物品,这一点,其实和我们熟悉的仓鼠就很相似。” By a vulture such explanation, others were understood immediately, Caolo swallows the behavior of aircraft interphone to be not careless, but regards as important. 被秃鹫这么一解释,其余的人顿时就明白了过来,考洛克吞掉通话器的行为并非草率,而是非常看重。 Reading benefits Attention public . Number Book friend supreme headquarters, Reads to pull out cash every day / a coin! 【看书福利】关注公众..号【书友大本营】,每天看书抽现金/点币! Then the goat studied a material, detected that in the crop pouch of hill giant the environment is quite friendly to the aircraft interphone, because does not fill the mucilage also to wriggle that type, but is similar to the fist grasps and so on inner space ------ In the palm can at most some perspiration. 接着山羊又研究了一下资料,发觉丘陵巨人的嗉囊内环境还是对通话器相当友善的,因为并不是充满粘液并且蠕动那种,而是类似于拳头握起来之类的内部空间------顶多手掌心里面会有些汗。 After both sides came to an arrangement, Caolo turned around to leave on the half step directly, side Linyan three people still in middle, this fellow left almost 20 meters startled, at this time goat hurried say/way: 双方谈妥了之后,考洛克直接转身就快步走掉了,方林岩三人还在愕然当中,这家伙就离开了差不多二十米,这时候山羊才急忙道: Hey! Caolo, we very essential things had not said that after you hold the matter, how to inform us?” “喂!考洛克,我们还有一件很关键的事情没说呢,你办好事情以后怎么通知我们?” Caolo turns around, referred to own nose: 考洛克转身过来,指了指自己的鼻子: Caolo has remembered your flavor, when the time comes Caolo can look your.” “考洛克已经记住了你们的味道,到时候考洛克会来找你们的。” The goat urgently said: 山羊急道: We not alone in the same place, to be honest, although we saw that you can communicate with you, however other human, they will not see that you will launch the attack to you.” “我们并不是单独在一起的,说实话,虽然我们见到你会和你沟通,但是其余的人类并不会,他们一见到你就会对你发起攻击。” Caolo nods saying: 考洛克点点头道: „, Knew.” “哦,知道了。” Then walked quickly, very obviously, the hill giant of this one-track mind the full Chinese pear-leaf crabapple is the brain, was not right, was the brain is sweet, a half second that both hands surrounded does not want to delay. 然后走得更快了,很显然,这个实心眼的丘陵巨人已经满柰子都是脑子,哦不对,是满脑子都是双手环抱的甜甜的,半秒钟都不想耽搁。 After waiting for it to leave, side Linyan is frowning saying: 等它离开以后,方林岩才皱着眉头道: Goat, on you where makes the sweets to it? Can't be tricks its?” “山羊,你上哪里去弄甜食给它?总不能是忽悠它的吧?” I, although is not the old-fashioned person, will lie when necessary, but deceived such a big fellow some.” “我虽然不是老古板,也会在必要的时候说谎,但是骗这么一个大块头就有些过了。” The goat laughs saying: 山羊哈哈一笑道: I will certainly not deceive it! Waited for it to hold the matter, I made the reward to it......” “我当然不会骗它!等它办好了事情,我就给它弄奖励......” Say/Way of vulture doubts: 秃鹫疑惑的道: Our three are not the woman, the sweets of belt/bring nothing but can the chocolate of emergency time supplement heat, the energy stick and so on, where looks for so many sweets that you said?” “咱们三个又不是女人,带的甜食无非就是能应急时候补充热量的巧克力,能量棒之类的,哪里去找你说的那么多甜食?” The vulture then joint held with both hands: 秃鹫然后用双手合抱了一下: Your this prize one cubic meter.” “你这奖品得一立方米吧。” The goat said earnestly: 山羊认真道: Right, are you untrustworthy I?” “对啊,你们信不过我?” At this time, the tone of goat was also somewhat disgruntled, side Linyan immediately tastes: 这时候,山羊的语气也是有些不悦了,方林岩立即一口道: Good! Naturally trusts you, since you said do not have the issue, then on OK.” “好!当然信得过你,你既然说没问题,那就OK。” The goat nods, shows a smile to be just about to speak, suddenly the complexion changes! Looked to the west, side Linyan also turned around to look toward the west side immediately, then saw an old and vigorous form walked from that side slowly. 山羊点点头,露出了一丝笑容正要说话,忽然脸色一变!看向了西面,方林岩也立即转身朝着西侧看了过去,便见到了一个苍老而矫健的身影从那边徐徐的走了过来。
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