FE :: Volume #9

#19: Aogerui Ma and cloud platform red

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Three people carefully are then looking to the projecting apparatus, detected at that time should just eat the time of dinner, Bai Ruide and Dejak called everyone, besides person who being responsible for admonishing with wounded person, almost sat cross-legged in the open area listened to them to speak. 三人便对着投影仪仔细看去,发觉那时候应该是刚吃晚饭的时间,白瑞德和德亚科就将大伙召集了起来,除了负责警戒的人跟伤员外,几乎都盘坐在了空地上听他们讲话。 Dejak told them, before a half hour, had had the contact with Ratsey Camp that side , the person of rescue should quick be able to come here if as expected. 德亚科告诉他们,就在半个小时之前,已经跟纳拉齐营地那边取得了联系,不出意外的话,救援的人应该很快就能到达这里。 But considering being frustrated, therefore Dejak wants to solicit everyone's suggestions, looked whether must continue to carry out the capture task. 而鉴于出师不利,所以德亚科希望征求所有人的意见,看是否还要继续执行捕获任务。 Naturally, since Dejak asked, the tendency was very obvious, definitely wants to flash the person earlier. 当然,德亚科既然这么问,倾向就很明显了,肯定是希望早点闪人的。 Obviously, this bitter experience made many people back down, the soldier who the direct descendant members of venture capital company outside hired, had part not to continue to treat in Yani, the approval evacuated in abundance. 很显然,这场遭遇令不少人打起了退堂鼓,无论是风险投资公司的嫡系成员还是外聘来的战士,都有一部分不愿意继续待在亚尼格了,纷纷赞成撤离。 Their reasons are very simple, the rescue crew heyday wants to save others has the difficulty, now personnel losses almost half of people, to continue to carry out the task especially to be difficult. 他们的理由很简单,救援队全盛时期想要救人都有难度,如今减员了差不多一半的人,倘若想要继续执行任务就尤为困难。 After Kenny listens keeps silent, as if he also approves of everyone's judgment to the current political situation, in the camp discussed fluttered about, originally seems lowering the head Bai Ruide of ponder suddenly saying: 肯尼听后默不作声,似乎他也赞同大伙对时局的判断,正当营地内议论纷飞之时,本来似乎在低头沉思的白瑞德忽然道: OK! I understand everyone's idea, but, do you really want to fly back without any results? In that case, not only we cannot attain the one cent the remuneration for services rendered, even must give instead of taking the equipment of loss, is only a song Lya's loss can each to delaminate the skin.” “OK!我理解大家的想法,不过,你们真的想无功而返吗?若是那样的话,非但我们拿不到一分钱的酬金,甚至还得倒贴损失的装备,光是一台歌莉娅的损失就能让每个人都脱层皮。” Bai Ruide's breakthrough point nothing but is the benefit two characters, this made some people ponder immediately, after all the poor person who will come to here to work oneself to death? However is also countered by malcontent immediately: 白瑞德的切入点无非就是利益两个字,这顿时让有的人就沉思了起来,毕竟穷人谁会来这里卖命啊?但是也立刻遭到了不满者的反驳: Your meaning, what to do should we? Continues to hit again with several hundred place wolves, until now, the light is the place wolf is nasty, let alone hill giant! The battle efficiency of this gadget can hit ten place wolves it is said that only feared that has not to return.” “那你的意思,我们该怎么办?难道继续跟几百头座狼再打下去,到现在为止,光是座狼都难以对付,别说丘陵巨人了!这玩意儿的战斗力据说能打十头座狼,只怕是有去无回。” Said right! I heard that the hill giant also raises the place wolf, these hill giants heard that enough over a hundred heads, the enslaved place wolf are thousands, without song Lya's such mechanical armor provides the fire, but how also to hit?” “说得对!我听说丘陵巨人也养座狼,那些丘陵巨人听说足足有上百头,奴役的座狼数以千计,没有歌莉娅这样的机械装甲提供火力压制,还怎么打下去?” Right! This group of giants do not know there now, the light must find them, it is estimated that must build several lives to go in again, I do not agree to continue to stop over......!” “没错!这帮巨人如今在那儿都不知道,光要找到他们,估计还得再搭几条命进去,我不同意继续逗留……!” The team members have wide divided opinions, Kenny saw in the atmosphere to brim with the strong smell of gunpowder, under pressed palm comforting to say again and again: 队员众说纷纭,肯尼见气氛中充满了浓烈的火药味,也连连下按手掌安抚道: Is static, listening to Bai Ruide to say the words.” “都静一静,听白瑞德把话讲完。” Bai Ruide politeness nods to express the gratitude to Kenny , to continue saying: 白瑞德礼貌的向肯尼点了点头表示谢意,继续道: We were situated to buy a top secret from Ratsey camp most newly, 80 kilometers north the camp, was the lair of hill giant is called Aogerui Ma, the person who provided the information conducted the detection specially, the concrete information was such......” “我们最新从纳拉齐营地处买到了一条绝密情报,在营地以北八十公里处,就是丘陵巨人的一个巢穴叫做奥格瑞玛,提供情报的人特别进行了侦查,具体的情报是这样的……” At this time, presented a holographic map in the middle of nearby nighttime sky impressively, the miniature projecting apparatus labelled two red dot the map. 这时候,在旁边的夜空当中赫然出现一张全息地图,微型投影仪将地图标注出两个红色的小点。 Saw? From our more than 100 kilometers is lair Aogerui Ma of hill giant, on the information the lecture very clearly, these days then the nursery stage of hill giant, but in the middle of the material that before attained some mentioned, hill giant every year using dry season and water season alternate time multiplication descendant.” “都看到了吗?距离我们一百多公里就是丘陵巨人的巢穴奥格瑞玛,情报上面讲得很清楚,这段时间便正是丘陵巨人的繁殖期,而之前拿到的资料当中就有提到,丘陵巨人每年会利用干季和水季交替的时候来繁衍后代。” „The female becoming pregnant probability of copulation forcefully also to enhance being grabbed, the male gender will disperse, goes out to collect a seasonal unique herbal medicine to refresh one's spirits the flower, after this gadget stamp crushing becomes the juice, gives the female that suffers injury to take, increases the secretion quantity of their egg by this, I believe the best time of we go to enter this being!” “并且为了提高被劫掠来的强行交配的雌性的受孕几率,雄性都会分散开来,外出采集一种季节性的独特草药宁神花,这玩意儿捣碎成汁以后给受害的雌性服用,以此增加她们卵子的分泌数量,我相信将这是我们趁虚而入的的最佳时机!” The people listened at present one brightly, Thalen said: 众人听了眼前一亮,塔伦道: Wait, they collect the herbal medicine time not in the same place?” “等等,它们采集草药的时候难道不在一起吗?” Bai Ruide said: 白瑞德道: Naturally, all male gender will unable the go it alone at this time! Otherwise, if two hill giants discovered simultaneously refreshes one's spirits the flower, will then have the bloody incidents directly, we according to the sense of smell of hill giant, the habits and behaviors conducted the modeling computation, basically can confirm, each hill giant is going out to pick the medicine the special period, can be away from other male over two kilometers, only when the evening will return to the camp will meet again.” “当然不会,此时所有的雄性都会单独行动!否则的话,倘若两头丘陵巨人同时发现了一朵宁神花,那么会直接闹出来流血事件的,我们根据丘陵巨人的嗅觉,行为习惯进行了建模计算,基本可以确认,每一头丘陵巨人在外出采药的特殊时期,都会距离其余的雄性两公里以上,只会在晚上回归营地的时候重聚。” At this time, some people had also talked in whispers, if this information were real, was very easy to make to face a hill giant aspect alone, in the meantime, but can also with refreshing one's spirits the flower comes to introduce the trap the hill giant. 这时候,一干人也已经窃窃私语了起来,倘若这情报真实的话,那么是很容易制造出单独面对一头丘陵巨人局面的,同时,还可以用宁神花来将丘陵巨人引入陷阱。 Like this said words that as if no song Lya is not the extraordinary matter. 这样说起来的话,似乎没有歌莉娅也不是什么了不起的事情啊。 Bai Ruide points at another slightly small red point to continue saying: 白瑞德指着另一处略小的红点继续道: Here is rich to refresh one's spirits the flower cloud platform red, the water source is abundant, from the Aogerui Ma 81 kilometers, in this distance, we had greatly the opportunity can find, and attacked the weak link.” “这里就是盛产宁神花的红云台地,水源充沛,距离奥格瑞玛八十一公里,在这段路程上,我们有大把的机会可以找到并且攻击薄弱环节。” Even when has usually not blossomed, the hill giant of few old losing fertility red will be raping is stationed, to avoid refreshing one's spirits the flower ecological environment and stool is eaten the grass lifeform destruction. We wait for the opportunity to act, even takes Aogerui Ma, under everyone intent how?” “甚至在平时未开花时,少量的年老的失去生育能力的丘陵巨人都会在红云台地驻扎,以避免宁神花的生态环境和母株被食草生物破坏。我们伺机而动,甚至拿下奥格瑞玛,大家意下如何?” At this time, Bai Ruide still projected to refresh one's spirits the flower appearance in side. 这时候,白瑞德还在旁边投影出了宁神花的模样。 This gadget main body seems like the big task gardenia, the appearance characteristics are exactly similar to a big chrysanthemum in full bloom, the variety of herbal medicine is pure white, the flowers are gigantic, grows in ventilating by water source toward the sun. 这玩意儿本体看起来像是大叶栀子,外貌特点恰跟一朵盛开的大菊花差不多,草药的花色洁白,花朵硕大,多生长在通风向阳的水源旁边。 Because the request to the moisture content is quite high, therefore the living environment is quite harsh, it can reproduce on the red cloud platform ground massively, is because there has on a star one of the few wetlands. 因为对水分的要求颇高,所以生存环境颇为苛刻,它能够在红云台地上大量繁殖,便是因为那里有着本星球上为数不多的湿地之一。 However, seems like Bai Ruide's suggestion not to meet most people's response, the companion on the scene was skeptical, but looked that hesitated in making a move in the share of money. 不过,貌似白瑞德的建议却并未得到大多数人的响应,在场的同伴纷纷表示怀疑,但看在钱的份上又举棋不定。 Dejak is frowning to question: 德亚科皱着眉头质疑道: First, is this information accurate? If accurate, why that side Ratsey Camp doesn't keep to use? The strength of their back giant heavy industry comes is not only weak compared with us.” “第一,这情报准确吗?如果准确的话,那么纳拉齐营地那边为什么不留着自己用呢?要知道,他们背后的巨人重工的实力比起我们来只强不弱。” Second, please note, our duties do not kill the multi- discount hill giant! But saves Ryan, even this information is accurate, did we get rid of 100 hill giants is also useful?” “第二,请注意,我们的任务根本就不是干掉多少头丘陵巨人!而是拯救瑞恩好吗,就算这情报准确,我们干掉了一百头丘陵巨人又有什么用呢?” Bai Ruide withstood/top continuously several times, even the clay figurine still had three points of nature of the soil, immediately annoyed say/way: 白瑞德连续被顶了好几次,就算是泥人也有三分土性了,立即恼火的道: Killed hill giant is truly useless, but I had said can get rid of? My meaning captures alive directly! The hill giant also has not the low wisdom, after holding, we can interrogate to Ryan's whereabout.” “被干掉的丘陵巨人确实没用,但是我有说过要干掉吗?我的意思是直接活捉!丘陵巨人也有不低的智慧的,抓住了以后,我们就能盘问到瑞恩的下落。” At this time, Thalen also added: 这时候,塔伦也补充道: old white also a little very important had not said that is the present live hill giant not cheap ..... we stresses several words, this action failed even, will not lose money.” “老白还有一点很重要的没有说,那就是现在活的丘陵巨人可不便宜.....我们抓上几头的话,这一次行动就算失败了,也不会亏本。” Obviously, Thalen these words play the effect of giving the final word. 很显然,塔伦这句话起到了一锤定音的效果。 At this time Kenny as the team leader, the words that spoke surprises side Linyan unexpectedly very much, after he pondered the moment, said: 肯尼作为团队领袖,这时候说的话居然很令方林岩意外,他沉思了片刻后道: I look at this! First investigates one authenticity that confirmed the information, everyone makes the vote again, everyone refuels!” “我看这样吧!先去侦查一番确认了情报的真实性,大家再做表决,大家加油!” Kenny's tone somewhat is quite firm, therefore others then no longer spoke. 肯尼的语气颇有些坚决,于是旁人便不再说话。 Saw here, side Linyan already to Kenny this fellow who seems like the blood and iron pasted on one indecisive label. 看到了这里,方林岩已经给肯尼这个貌似铁血的家伙贴上了一个“优柔寡断”的标签。 In his opinion, the strength that Kenny in the hand subordinates at this time is strongest, since lands this star, that he decides also has no major problem, is only some luck was not good, therefore is everywhere frustrated. 在他看来,肯尼此时手中直属的实力最强,并且自从登陆这颗星球来,他所做的决策也没什么大问题,只是一直都有些运气不好,所以处处受挫折。 In fact, can definitely give the final word by his position, why to hold what symposium? In this case, the person many mixed, will instead form outwardly on fission, that did not favor then acts. 事实上,以他的身份地位完全可以一锤定音,何必开什么讨论会?这样的话,人多口杂,反而会形成明面上的分裂,那就更不利于接下来的行动了。 On the contrary, if a Kenny word decides, these fence sitters and independents will definitely follow his meaning, then Kenny in communicates with Dejak in private slowly, this is the best method. 相反,若是肯尼一言而决,那些骑墙派和中立派肯定就会遵循他的意思,接下来肯尼在私下里面慢慢和德亚科沟通,这才是最好的做法。 Meanwhile, side Linyan realized, Thalen is not the fuel-efficient lamp, he seems like in sincere and exchanges, but actually first touched an own bottom, then to oneself three people of the goal of looking at the video is also very profit-centered. 同时,方林岩更是意识到,塔伦也不是省油的灯,他看起来是在推心置腹和自己交流,但其实首先是摸了一下自己的底,然后给自己三人看视频的目的也很功利。 That is to win over their these three war parties, at crucial moment stands this side of support main action. 那就是要拉拢他们这三个主战派,在关键时候站到支持主战的这一边来。 Therefore , the relations between person and person are exceptionally complex, in such a small team, the selfishness of everyone is also everywhere. 所以说,人和人之间的关系是异常复杂的,在这么一个小团队里面,每个人的私心也是无处不在。 Then the entire team must face again divides forces, according to Kenny democracy the principle, is not willing to carry out the task again, remains behind the camp, protects the wounded person, simultaneously waits for the Ratsey Camp here rescue to approach. 接下来整个团队就要再次面临分兵,根据肯尼“民主”的原则,不愿意再执行任务的,就留守营地,保护伤员,同时等待纳拉齐营地这边的救援来临。 But the war party is the preparation, goes to nearby the red cloud platform place to investigate. 而主战派则是准备出发,前往红云台地附近进行侦查。 Naturally, the resources of entire team will also definitely turn toward the execution detection duty the side to incline, not only that Kenny also stated, has not joined the detection action, various incomes in the future possibly having also can only take lowest standard share. 当然,肯定整个团队的资源也会向着执行侦查任务的这一方倾斜,不仅如此,肯尼也是声明,未参加侦查行动的,日后可能存在的各种收益也都只能拿最低标准的分成。 And Kenny pledged, if the aspect is disadvantageous, the person who wants to walk can leave at any time, his certainly not prevent departure! 并且肯尼承诺,若是局面不利的话,想走的人可以随时离开,他绝不留难! In this case, after some people think over and over, the decision follows the large unit to go, words that finally calculates, occupied 3/4 of overall strength. 在这种情况下,有的人思索再三之后,还是决定跟随大部队前去,最后算一算的话,还是占据了总体力量的四分之三。 The next day at noon time, Maher and the others also lead a group of people also to come here promptly, they converged with side Linyan. 第二天中午的时候,马希尔等人也带着一批人也及时到达这里,与方林岩他们汇合了。 This Maher transported the supplies and military baggage thing of Dejak Camp time completely. 这一次马希尔是将德亚科营地的补给和辎重东西都全部搬运了过来。 Maher was firmly rejected going Aogerui Ma the requirements of reconnaissance, the direct request remained behind here. This fellow is not the general timidness, because finally present scarce doctor, therefore promises him first to stay in the abandoned mine area camp temporarily, when the team establishes after that side the fixed camp settled, then catches up to stay in the camp on the line. 马希尔则是非常坚决的拒绝了前往“奥格瑞玛”侦察的要求,直接要求留守这里。这家伙可不是一般的胆小,不过最后因为现在奇缺医生,所以答应他可以先暂时在废矿区营地呆着,等到团队在那边建立了固定营地安顿下来以后,再赶过来呆在营地中就行。 *** *** Next morning, the team after the organization manpower embark, the vulture suddenly in the team channel works as the middle course: 次日一大早,团队就组织人手出发以后,秃鹫忽然在团队频道当中道: Interesting, seems like Aogerui Ma this damned place, a little relates with that centaur that we met at that time.” “有意思,貌似奥格瑞玛这鬼地方,和我们当时遇到的那头半人马还有点关系呢。” After he said that the material that will then just inquire sharing, can see, originally Aogerui Ma was the earlier human through transliterating the geographic name of labelling, this pronunciation in the language of centaur, the meaning was the place of multiplication. 他说完了以后,便将刚刚查询到的资料给共享了出来,可以见到,原来“奥格瑞玛”乃是早年人类通过音译标注的地名,这个发音在半人马的语言里面,意思是繁衍之地。 Therefore in fact before that huge Tamm Clan and tribe splits, the inhabit region of here centaur! 所以实际上在那个庞大塔姆部族分裂之前,这里还是半人马的聚居地! There is a forest of cover, all over, can be called absolutely is dreamlike scenery that the fresh flower blooms. 那里本是一片茂密的森林,鲜花开的漫山遍野,绝对称得上是一副如梦如幻的景色。 But cloud platform there to be called by the centaur red: Syli Sos, the meaning is the source of myriad things growth, obviously, refreshes one's spirits the ability that the flower strengthening reproduces is also effective to them very much, the past centaur does not only think pitifully absolutely, such sacred place was held oneself to have by the hill giant unexpectedly. 而红云台地那里则是被半人马称为:“西里索斯”,意思是万物生长之源,很显然,宁神花的强化繁殖的能力对它们也有效,只可惜当年的半人马绝对不会想到,这样的圣地居然被丘陵巨人占有己有。 After the goat looked, said: 山羊看了以后道: Felt strange, since Aogerui Ma and cloud platform red is very important to these centaurs, but why don't they think the means to receive there?” “奇怪了,既然奥格瑞玛和红云台地对那些半人马来说无比重要,可是它们为什么不想办法将那里收回去呢?” The vulture is just about to speak. 秃鹫正要说话。 Gives red packet The reading benefits comes! You have the highest 888 cash red packages to treat the extraction! Pays attention to the weixin public number Book friend supreme headquarters Skimming off some of the money package! 【送红包】阅读福利来啦!你有最高888现金红包待抽取!关注weixin公众号【书友大本营】抽红包! side Linyan raises the hand to say suddenly: 方林岩忽然扬起手道: Wait!” “等等!” Originally when the goat speech, side Linyan detected suddenly as if had any important matter to be neglected! But that wisp of miraculous glow instantaneous sparkle, on the capture, is really is annoyed unexpectedly. 原来就在山羊说话的时候,方林岩突然发觉似乎有什么至关重要的事情被忽略了!但那一缕灵光瞬间闪耀而过,居然就捕捉不到了,真是叫人懊恼。 After all-terrain vehicle general idea drove out of more than hundred kilometers, stopped in the middle of a mountain valley, here is very covert, and can look at the beforehand some people to live here. 全地形车这一次大概驶出了百余公里之后,就在一处山谷当中停了下来,这里十分隐蔽,并且看得出来之前有人在这里居住过。 This place is that side Ratsey Camp bestows, the adventurer came to hunt the behavior of hill giant to continue for 1-2 years, on this star altogether five hill giant rallying points, therefore not all people will choose Aogerui Ma to take the destination. 这个地点是纳拉齐营地那边赠送的,冒险者前来猎捕丘陵巨人的行为已经持续1-2了,这个星球上一共有五个丘陵巨人聚集点,所以并不是所有的人都会选择“奥格瑞玛”作为目的地。 However, according to the big data analysis, the most second coming adventurers, will choose this named hard coke valley the place. 不过,根据大数据分析,大多数第二次前来的冒险者,都会选择这个叫做“焦炭谷”的地方。 Because only this inside rock color becomes dark, one like hard coke, because here topography not only hides, from Aogerui Ma's distance and is quite approaches, the straight distance is only less than 50 kilometers. 只因为这里面的岩石颜色发黑,一如焦炭,因为这里的地势既隐蔽,距离奥格瑞玛的距离又相当接近,直线距离只有五十公里不到。 After arriving in the hard coke valley, at this time also less than 12 : 00 pm, therefore naturally starts to distribute the duty, some people are responsible for constructing the camp, some people are responsible for fetching water, side Linyan three people are responsible for investigating in neighbor, look to have what danger. 抵达焦炭谷以后,此时还不到中午12点,于是自然就开始分派任务,有人负责建造营地,有人负责取水,方林岩三人则是负责在附近进行调查,看一看有没有什么危险。 After all Yani star is a very dangerous place, even if once were stationed here person to eliminate the related hidden danger before, will not remove to have the wild animal to migrate to this nearby. 毕竟亚尼格星球乃是一个非常危险的地方,就算是之前曾经驻扎在这里的人清除掉了相关隐患,也并不排除有野兽会进行迁移到这附近来。 During process that all -terrain vehicle marches forward, side Linyan here vitality was much better compared with the place that before plane crashed on the obvious feeling: 在全地形车行进的过程当中,方林岩就明显的感觉到了这里的生机比之前坠机的地方要好得多: On Gobi Desert fragmentary is distributing some brown bushes, some were even buried the larger part by the sandy soil. 在戈壁滩上面零零碎碎的分布着一些土黄色的灌木,有的甚至都被沙土埋了一大半。 Although these bushes also tenacious growth in the middle of drought, almost cannot see what green, but the good and evil was also the life, and at least can cut the camp, when the fuel fever, in addition, under the stone also presented scorpion wait/etc insects. 虽然这些灌木也都是在干旱当中顽强生长,几乎看不到什么绿色,但好歹也是生命了,并且也至少可以砍回营地当柴火烧,除此之外,石头下面还出现了蝎子等等昆虫。 Suddenly, the hand of vulture wields, looks on the sand more than ten meters away again, the intermittent dust have leapt, is one meter long gray viper class is actually kicking fiercely, but its head position are many a throwing knife. 忽然,秃鹫的手一挥,再看十几米外的沙地上,已经有一阵阵灰尘腾起,却是一条一米多长的灰色蝰类正在剧烈的扑腾着,只是它的脑袋位置已经多了一柄飞刀。 This viper class appearance is very fierce, the cover is also especially rough, even on gray cover also irregular distribution 2-3 centimeters hangnail, once its contraction binds tightly the prey forcefully, these hangnails deeply will prick within the body of opposite party. 这种蝰类面目十分狰狞,外皮也是格外粗糙,甚至灰色的外皮上还不规则的分布有2-3厘米的倒刺,所以一旦它强力收缩将猎物裹紧的时候,这些倒刺就会深深刺入对方的体内。 This is also it another big weapon besides venomous fang, not only that side Linyan estimated that it is also a carbon- nitrilo-D lifeform, therefore the vitality is very tenacious, can live by the way that the general knowledge of human is unable to understand. 这也是它除了毒牙之外的另外一大武器,不仅如此,方林岩估计它也是一种碳-氮基生物,所以生命力特别顽强,能以人类的常识无法理解的方式生活着。 The vulture observed, relaxed say/way: 秃鹫观察了一下,轻松的道: Abdomen has the white texture, should be the black corner/horn abdomen viper, the meat should be able to eat.” “腹部有着白色纹理,应该是黑角腹蝰,肉应该是可以吃的。” Was saying walked up, raises the tail of this fellow to fling ruthlessly, then punctured continuously three on his body with the dagger, 说着就走上前去,提着这家伙的尾巴狠狠的甩了一下,接着用匕首连续在其身上刺了三下, After these three stab, should destroy the nerve center of this fellow accurately, therefore its rapid weak. 这三下刺中之后,应该是准确的破坏了这家伙的神经中枢,所以它迅速的瘫软了下来。 Then the vulture broke off its mouth, squeezed out venom, then wiping to nearby indicator paper on, can see immediately, the pure white indicator paper turned into bright red, three people looked one, immediately look dignified. 接着秃鹫掰开了它的嘴巴,挤出了一点毒液,然后将之抹到了旁边的一张试纸上,顿时就可以见到,洁白的试纸变成了鲜红色,三人对望一眼,顿时神色都凝重了起来。 This indicator paper looks very ordinary, is actually the space product, the full title is called the risk factor indicator paper, is usually the goat that likes being naughtier the strange thing makes. 这张试纸看起来很是普通,却是空间的产品,全称叫做危险度试纸,乃是平时就喜欢淘一些稀奇古怪东西的山羊弄来的。 Simple, it can respond intuitively with the color the special details of liquid dropping. 简单的来说,它能直观的用颜色反应出滴上来的液体的具体情况。 side Linyan they have tried, the fresh blood of drop coming up healthy person, the indicator paper does not change color, the blood of patient, the indicator paper will turn according to the disease degree to the dark-gray light gray. 方林岩他们就试过,滴上去健康人的新鲜血液,试纸就并不变色,病人的血液,试纸就会根据疾病的程度变成浅灰到深灰色。 But at this time this venom can make the indicator paper bright red, explained the violence of its toxicity, even needed space inside antidote to handle, but this was only a ordinary lifeform in vast Gobi Desert. Therefore, the danger of this damned place ambush can be imagined. 而此时这毒液能让试纸变得鲜红,说明其毒性之猛烈,甚至需要空间里面的解毒剂才搞得定了,而这只是浩瀚戈壁滩上的一条普通生物而已。所以,这鬼地方潜伏的危险可想而知。 Therefore three people of subconsciousness slowed down the speed of leading the way, quick saw the front had sticking out land on slopes, the curve was not steep, the altitude also at most ten meter/rice of land on slopes. 于是三人下意识的放慢了前行的速度,很快就见到了前方有一处隆起的坡地,弧度并不算陡,坡地的高度也顶多十来米。 Un, with the direct-viewing point analogy, that is in the middle of the land on slopes A cover cup, obviously its pocket-sized degree. 恩,用直观一点的比喻来讲,那就是坡地当中的A罩杯,可见其袖珍程度。 However, in the commanding point as nearby 2-3 kilometers, side Linyan they was also the good and evil must ascend to look, because on that basically can roughly take in everything at a glance nearby several kilometers region situations, it can be said that was free from worry convenient. 不过,作为附近2-3公里内制高点,方林岩他们也是好歹要登上去看一看了,因为在那上面,基本就能将附近数公里的区域情况大致一览无余,可以说是省心省事。 After mounting the high place, the sensation of vulture is highest, suddenly points at the Northwest saying: 登上了高处之后,秃鹫的感知最高,忽然指着西北方道: You looked, there does have the thing to move?” “你们看,那里是不是有东西在动?” side Linyan narrowed the eye to look some little time -------- To be honest, he starts to think of the mechanical lance falcon now -------- Finally shakes the head saying: 方林岩眯缝着眼睛看了好一会儿--------说实话,他现在开始想念机械矛隼了--------最终还是摇了摇头道: Sorry, my anything has not seen.” “抱歉,我什么都没看见。” The goat said suddenly: 山羊忽然道: Is place 300 meters away, I just saw probably there had the brown rock to move together.” “是不是300米外的地方,我刚刚好像看到了那里有一块土黄色的岩石动了一下。” The vulture said: 秃鹫道: Right, is there! I suspected that had anything to bump into that rock, will therefore cause the rock to move.” “没错,就是那里!我怀疑是有什么东西碰到了那岩石,所以才会导致岩石动。” However, was only ten seconds, two people with stylish: 不过,只是过了十来秒钟,两人就同时道: I go, that gadget is not the rock!” “我去,那玩意儿不是岩石!” Originally, at this time this rock had moved again, and very obvious looks to, it is a protective color very strong lifeform. 原来,此时这“岩石”已经再次动了一下,并且很明显的看得出来,它就是一只保护色很强的生物而已。 At this time, the vulture has dispatched the shadow clone directly, in a while sent back the relevant information directly: 这时候,秃鹫已经直接派遣了影分身出去,没过多久就直接发回了相关信息: Goes by land Iwakame. 陆行岩龟。 This giant turtle usually likes living near desert desert, in the middle of the oasis supplements water source a time, can insist for two months, is the omnivora amphibious lifeform. 这种巨龟通常都喜欢生活在沙漠戈壁附近,在绿洲当中补充一次水源后,能坚持两个月的时间,属于杂食类两栖生物。 Goes by land the body weight of Iwakame body even to grow to about 700 kilograms grown, has over a hundred years of life span, its outer covering is hard, the modeling of tortoise shell seems like an inclined hill, with camouflage ability of simple changes countenance. 成年陆行岩龟体的体重甚至可以成长到七百公斤左右,拥有上百年的寿命,其外壳坚硬厚重,龟壳的造型看上去就像一座倾斜的山丘,和简单变色的伪装能力。 Because goes by land Iwakame to have the ability that the hard outer covering and camouflage change color, this lifeform has no natural enemy. But goes by land the Iwakame usual situation to be very lazy, in their long lives, even the nursery stage is three years approaches one time, whole time are at the dormant state. 正因为陆行岩龟有着坚硬外壳以及伪装变色的能力,这种生物才没什么天敌。但陆行岩龟通常情况很懒惰,在它们漫长的生命当中,甚至连繁殖期都是三年才来临一次,大部分的时间都处于休眠状态。 In this lifeform most situations will be mistaken as the rock, or was buried by the sandstorm, only when needs to eat food will crawl the ground , under water sneaks preys on. 以至于这种生物大多数情况下都会被误认为岩石,又或是被风沙掩埋,只有当需要进食的时候才会爬出地面,又或是潜入水底捕食。
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