FE :: Volume #5

#99: Six years ago

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Really quick, on the retina popped up the prompt: 果然很快的,视网膜上就弹出了提示: Name: The boxes of five blaming 名称:五面怪之箱 Rare: A level 稀有度:a级 Material quality: Nickel, steel, elder brother alloy, mysterious strength. 材质:镍,钢,昆塔萨合金,神秘之力。 Explained: This is the unusual components that spreads from the civilization of universe deep place, although the age is ancient, actually also the indescribable mysterious strengths spread. 说明:这是从宇宙深处的文明当中流传出来的奇特零件,虽然年龄古老,其中却还有一丝无法形容的神秘力量流传。 By dynamic energy: When you are carrying this goods improvement skill, if mysterious strength of this/should skill in this goods produces the resonance, will obtain the extra unique option column to choose for you. 被动能力:当你携带着这件物品提升技能的时候,倘若该技能与这件物品内的神秘力量产生共鸣,就会获得额外的独特选项栏供你选择。 By dynamic energy: Mysterious, has this attribute goods, can be regarded as the unknown wonderful thing to sell. 被动能力:神秘,拥有此属性的物品,可以被视为未知奇物进行出售。 Looks at this explanation, side Linyan is not good to analyze that suddenly this thing the fit and unfit quality, how must look at the extra unique option column attribute that it brings after all, but is not really good can also be used to trade the meritorious value is quite good. 看着这说明,方林岩一时间也不好判断这东西的优劣,毕竟要看它带来的额外独特选项栏属性到底如何,不过实在不行还能用来换功勋值还是相当不错的。 When side Linyan studies this gadget, the goat appears bored is actually touring in periphery everywhere, 在方林岩研究这玩意儿的时候,山羊却显得无聊在周围到处游逛着, He arrived around wall place, looks deep fist seal that above keeps, immediately thinks this should be the koi they remains, then curious inquiry: 他走到了旁边的墙壁处,看着上面留下来的深深拳印,立即想到了这应该是锦鲤他们留下来的,便好奇的询问道: Corona, after us, should rush a group of people, they now how?” “光轮,在我们之后,应该又闯进来了一批人,他们现在怎么样了?” Corona silent a while, should determine this issue the level of secrecy, can disclose that they knows to side Linyan, separated a while access road/simply said: 光轮沉默了一会儿,应该是在判定这个问题的密级,能不能透露给方林岩他们知道,隔了一会儿便道: „After this group of people intrude, tries to score to enter the main body forcefully, was sent guard kts to service the robot to drive away by me leaves.” “这群人闯入之后,试图强行破门进入本体内部,被我派遣了kts护卫维修机器人驱赶离开。” Goat curious say/way 山羊好奇道 What does guard kts service the robot is?” “kts护卫维修机器人是什么?” Corona rapid made 3D to project in side, side Linyan looked to understand, this gadget was the variant of that type of spider robot, but the back was increased on a twin-engine aerial cannon. 光轮迅速的在旁边弄了个3d投影出来,方林岩一看就明白了过来,这玩意儿就是那种蜘蛛机器人的变种,不过背部被添加上了一门双发机炮。 And six long leg front section seemingly formed the sharp claws same shape, obviously dug out is very easy to cut up the chest and abdominal cavities to split the stomach. 并且六条长腿前段看起来形成了利爪一样的形态,显然抠上去就很容易开膛剖肚了。 Goat at this time suddenly say/way of doubts: 山羊此时忽然疑惑的道: „The strength of that group of people are quite intrepid, we were pursued at that time are quite distressed, light ** is the subordinate of person the casualties is certainly serious?” “那群人的实力相当强悍,我们当时可是被追得可是相当狼狈,想必光**人的手下一定是伤亡惨重吧?” Because the light wheel receives the life that Puma scattered to be able year after year influence, therefore is half machinery intelligent lifeform, had certain mood, after hearing this saying, immediately feels to imitate in the benevolence to take root punctures is very uncomfortable, immediately coldly said: 光轮因为长年累月的受到了普马斯飘散出来的生命能的影响,所以算是半个机械智慧生物吧,拥有了一定的情绪,听到了这话之后,顿时就觉得仿佛心上被扎了根刺似的很不舒服,立即冷冷道: Copes with human small and weak lifeform, possibly are the casualties how serious?” “对付人类这种弱小的生物,怎么可能伤亡惨重?” The later its main body sparkled immediately, quick called another mechanical spider, this was only mechanical the spider to crawl is very slow, his back were many thing that was similar to the projecting apparatus. 说完了之后其本体立即闪耀了起来,很快的就叫来了另外一只机械蜘蛛,这只机械蜘蛛爬行起来就很慢了,其背部则是多了个类似于投影仪的东西。 Then after it arrived here , lies to bend down in the ground, back that projecting apparatus one thing started to sparkle, immediately presented a series of total information images in this spacious space, full then situation demonstrating. 然后它来到了这里之后就趴伏在地面上,背部的那投影仪一样的东西就开始闪耀了起来,顿时在这宽大的空间里面就出现了一系列的全息影像,充分的将当时的情况给展示了出来。 Actually then situation was not complex, Gels, the koi, after the old black these three people arrived at this place, discussed planned to score directly. 其实当时的情况也并不复杂,戈尔斯,锦鲤,老黑这三人来到此地以后,商量了一下就打算直接破门。 In Gels hand has one to seem like very sharp axe, brandished cutting a big opening that door casually, 戈尔斯手里面有一把看起来就很是犀利的斧头,随便一抡就将那扇门给砍出来了一个大口子, Then was needless saying that naturally held the hornet's nest, massive machinery fight spider appeared. 接下来不用说,自然是捅了马蜂窝,大量的机械战斗蜘蛛出现。 At the close combat, the claw of this gadget looks like the sword to be equally sharp, the long-distance range attack also has back looks at the heat rays artillery, 在近战的时候,这玩意儿的脚爪就像是刀剑一样锐利,远距离攻击又有背部的自瞄热射线炮, People often said that the skill eats the day, this machinery fight spider such two moves, made these three people fall into the middle of the extremely difficult aspect back and forth in a short time, 人们常说一招鲜吃遍天,这机械战斗蜘蛛来来回回就这么两招,却在短时间内就令这三人陷入了极其艰难的局面当中, Because only this gadget not only attacks the close combat is very sharp, the speed of crawling is also astonishing, but can also jump to jump, what is more abnormal is can launches the attack on the wall and ceiling. 只因为这玩意儿不仅是远攻近战都十分犀利,爬行起来的速度也是惊人,还能蹦能跳,更变态的是可以在墙壁和天花板上发起攻击。 Like this all-around three-dimensional offensive, side Linyan looked thought that simply was dazzling, do not say the attacked three people. 这样的全方位立体攻势,方林岩看了都觉得简直是眼花缭乱,更不要说是被攻击的三人了。 At this time side Linyan and goat know, this is understands koi and the others the best time of strength, the calling suspension that therefore non-stop, puts upside down and so on. 此时方林岩和山羊都知道,这是了解锦鲤等人实力的最佳时机,于是就不停的叫暂停,倒放之类的。 Occasionally after two people will also call the suspension, intense incomparable discussed to the tactical situation. 偶尔两人还会叫了暂停以后,激烈无比的对战况讨论一番。 To be honest, if some people look in side, will suspect these two looked the video is dynamic, by Teacher martial or *** teaching ....... 说实话,倘若有人在旁边看着,都会怀疑这两人看视频如此激情四射,是不是正在被武老师或者***教学....... The light wheel is staying in side , indicating that thought these small and weak carbon base lifeform are very boring, considering that fellow named spanner also calculates a little uses, and later will have possibility Sir Puma also to use him, therefore also inconvenient crude will drive away. 光轮在旁边呆着,表示觉得这些弱小的碳基生物很无聊,不过考虑到那个叫做扳手的家伙还算有点用,并且之后有可能普马斯大人还会用到他,所以也不便粗暴的将之驱赶走。 But to the light wheel, the strength of this mechanical projection spider is the dregs, the only use is to preserve and broadcasts the record material of this peripheral region. 而对光轮来说,这只机械投影蜘蛛的战力就是渣,唯一用处就是保存并且播放这外围区域的记录资料。 Therefore after thinking, lets loose some jurisdictions of this mechanical projection spider simply to them, how was casual they to toss about this mechanical projection spider. 所以想了想以后,就干脆将这只机械投影蜘蛛的部分权限放开给他们,随便他们怎么折腾这只机械投影蜘蛛了。 Simply how it returns to hub to observe the situation of master, because in light wheel to the high procedure/program principle in the middle , the first article must by the safety of master first. 它则是干脆回到枢纽处观察一下主人的情况如何,因为在光轮的至高程序法则当中,第一条就是必须以主人的安危优先。 The time that this war continues probably is also ten minutes is less, finally, the koi was infiltrated being on the verge of death condition directly, Gels whole face meat pain used a item, but that item looks at the acousto-optic effect is quite expensive, 这一战持续的时间大概也就是十来分钟不到,最后,锦鲤直接被打入了濒死状态,戈尔斯满脸肉痛的用了一个道具,而那道具看声光效果都是相当昂贵, But old offered sacrifices black own law stick, summoned more than ten skeletons to bring up the rear, three people finally were frightened, if the mourning watchdog escaped equally directly, 而老黑献祭了自己的法杖,召唤出了十几头骷髅断后,三人总算是惶惶然若丧家犬一样直接逃了出去, This looks in the side forest core sample to move, how could it not be this is takes advantage of a mistake? 这一幕看得方林岩心中一动,这岂不正是捡漏的时候? It is a pity that looks at the time of nearby total information image, they retreated from the koi crossed the entire two -and-a-half hours, was mainly side Linyan enters to Puma within the body conducts the restore to delay a lot of time, that also picked a chicken feather to leak! 遗憾的是一看旁边全息影像的时间,距离锦鲤他们撤退都过了都整整两个半小时了,主要是方林岩进入到普马斯的体内进行修复耽搁了不少时间,那还捡个鸡毛漏啊! After regrettable sighing, side Linyan detected suddenly the light wheel disappears unexpectedly, but that only projection mechanical spider old god in lying bends down here. 遗憾的叹了口气之后,方林岩忽然发觉光轮居然不见了,而那只投影机械蜘蛛还是老神在在的趴伏在这里。 He is just about to call the goat to leave, but then looks at that only projection mechanical spider, side Linyan at present a bright, say/way looking pensive: 他正要叫山羊离开,但回头看着那只投影机械蜘蛛,方林岩眼前一亮,若有所思的道: Hey, b-9, you besides a moment ago that total information projection of broadcast, other?” “嘿,b-9号,你除了刚才播放的那段全息投影之外,还有其余的吗?” That only mechanical projection spider uses the mechanical electronic sound said: 那只机械投影蜘蛛用机械的电子音道: Human, I am responsible for taking care of all image data of here peripheral region.” “人类,我负责保管这边外围区域的所有影像资料。” side Linyan held breath a cool gas channel/angrily said: 方林岩倒吸了一口凉气道: All? Do you refer to descends after Sir Puma to the present?” “所有?你是指从普马斯大人降落以后到现在吗?” Mechanical projection spider very affirmative say/way: 机械投影蜘蛛非常肯定的道: Yes.” “是的。” side Linyan said: 方林岩道: „, I have the jurisdiction to pull and read these materials?” “那么,我是有权限调阅这些资料的吧?” Mechanical projection spider hard say/way: 机械投影蜘蛛硬邦邦的道: Light ** the person opened the temporary jurisdiction before 26 minutes 19 seconds to you, yes, you have the jurisdiction of pulling and reading.” “光**人在26分19秒之前对你们开启了临时权限,是的,你拥有调阅的权限。” side Linyan smiled saying with a smile: 方林岩笑了笑道: Very good, six years or is seven years ago, one crowd of human intruded in this, then they opened five to blame it box was right?” “很好,在六年或者是七年之前,有一群人类闯入到了这里面,然后他们打开了五面怪之箱对不对?” The machine projection spider said: 机器投影蜘蛛道: Please wait a bit, in the inquiry ........., according to the record, before 6 years 193 days of 7 hours 56 minutes nine seconds, altogether 8 carbon base lifeform intruded this place, because at that time light ** person in deep sleep maintenance condition, therefore they turned on the boxes of five blaming.” “请稍等,查询中.........是的,根据记载,是在六年193天7小时56分钟九秒之前,一共有八名碳基生物闯入到了此地,因为当时光**人正在沉睡维护状态,所以他们开启了五面怪之箱。” side Linyan hit a sound to point out: 方林岩打了个响指道: Very good, assigned out at that time all was the image, then broadcast.” “非常好,调出当时的全系影像,然后播放。” Machine projection spider very refreshed say/way: 机器投影蜘蛛很爽快的道: Please wait a bit ....... “请稍等.......” *** *** After five minutes, the ray sparkles, more than six years the beforehand things, then started to return to original state really side Linyan the front. 五分钟之后,光线闪耀,六年多之前的事情,便开始真实还原到了方林岩两人的面前。 Initial time, is still this spacious space station hall. 最初的时候,依然是这个空旷的空间站大厅。 Suddenly, the entrance of hall makes a sound impressively a series of coarse Katz sounds, then on the close gate emitted a lot of sparks/Mars, saw the flame that the cutter sprays braved from above. 突然,大厅的入口处赫然响起来一连串难听的“卡兹”声音,然后封闭门上面冒出了大量的火星,紧接着就见到切割机喷射出来的火焰从上面冒了出来。 This cutter is front forest Yan still has used that side the Russian space station. 这台切割机就是之前方林岩还在俄国空间站那边用过的。 Then this seal gate opened a large cave/hole, what first comes is a detection robot, after various results analyses transmit, is one should be the position lowest fellow comes to explore the way. 然后这封闭门就开了个大洞,先进来的是一辆探测机器人,等到各种分析结果传输出去之后,就是一个应该是地位最低的家伙进来探路。 Needless saying that this is a white mouse and so on existence. 不消说,这就是个小白鼠之类的存在。 Could look at the blood-color umbrella to explore here should at that time to suffer very big, therefore waited for this fellow to stay after inside 20 minutes did not have the danger, one after some other people come. 看得出来当时血色雨伞在探索这里应该吃了很大的亏,所以足足等这个家伙在里面呆了二十分钟没有危险之后,才陆续有人进来。 The team leader is the European full beard, a stature very good beautiful woman, five male researchers, in addition two black person security guards. 队长是个欧洲大胡子,一名身材非常好的美女,五名男性研究员,除此之外还有两个黑人警卫。 Some people start here rapidly studies, here side Linyan chose entered quickly, until they discovered the boxes of that five blaming, this exclaimed in surprise, then started to gather round watches. 一干人在这里就开始迅速的进行研究,这里方林岩选择了快进,直到他们发现了那个五面怪之箱,这才纷纷惊叹了起来,然后开始围着观看。 However, in watching, that beautiful woman seemingly somewhat is curious, puts out a hand to touch nearby design. 不过,就在观看的时候,那个美女貌似有些好奇,就伸手去摸旁边的图案。 Front has said that these shapes of boxes of five blaming are actually the Wuling shapes, at the same time has a face, the expression is various. 前面就说过,这五面怪之箱的形状其实是五菱形的,一面就有一张脸,表情各不相同。 This woman touches, is a getting angry expression face. 这个女人去摸的,就是其中一张发怒表情的脸。 Finally after she touched several next, in the middle of the eyes of that face emitted the red light suddenly, unexpectedly her hand biting. 结果她多摸了几下以后,那张脸的双眼当中陡然发出了红光,居然一口将她的手给咬住了。 Moreover, in the mouth of this face transmitted the greatest suction, unexpectedly bit by bit entrains toward inside her!! 不仅如此,这张脸的口中更是传来了莫大的吸力,居然一点一点的将她往里面拽!! This woman shouts wildly immediately calls out in alarm, the pain called out pitifully, but had no egg to use, 这女人立即狂叫惊呼,痛苦惨叫,但并没有什么卵用, She is the wrist/skill place is swallowed, small arm also outside, but short more than ten seconds of after past, her entire small arm submerged that mouth!! 她本来是手腕处被吞,小臂都还在外面,但是短短十几秒钟过去之后,她的整条小臂都没入到了那张嘴巴当中!! And looked the expression that her pain twists, was swallowed very much obviously partially by unusual treatment, 并且看她痛苦扭曲的表情,很显然被吞进去的部分正在遭受非同一般的待遇, And also made a sound unexpectedly appallingly from that mouth humming sound sound. 并且从那嘴巴里面居然也响起来了一阵令人毛骨悚然的嗡嗡声。 Needless saying that most people welled up to help, some people started to seek for the slit, some people started flurriedly struck to try to seek for the switch everywhere, a security guard carried the firearms to commence fire very much simply...... 不消说,大部分的人都涌了过来想要帮忙,有人开始寻找缝隙,有人开始慌乱的到处敲打试图寻找开关,还有个警卫很干脆的端起枪械开始射击...... However, what is most sane is the team leader full beard, he is calling help, avoided other four faces very much decisively, then lifted up the cutter to rush to go, aims at that box to cut, immediately scattered on the flame. 不过,最理智的还是队长大胡子,他一面叫着“help”,一面很果断的避开了其余的四张脸,然后扛起了切割机冲上前去,对准了那箱体就切了下去,立即就火光四溅。
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