FE :: Volume #5

#100: Eats the rust parasite

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Sees here, side Linyan said: 看到这里,方林岩奇道: This box is not used for seal that food rust insect? Why will be interested in the flesh of human carbon base lifeform?” “这箱子不是用来封印那个食锈虫的吗?为什么会对人类这种碳基生物的血肉感兴趣?” The goat said: 山羊道: Boss, you went to the busy time before, I also go to the light wheel open database to stroll. Regarding this understood some news. I think, what this box should be pure is to absorb some moisture contents.” “头儿,你之前去忙的时候,我也去光轮开放的数据库里面去逛了逛。对此了解了一些消息。我想,这箱子应该单纯的是为了想要摄取一些水分而已。” It chews the goal of this arm, is for the blood, accurate, for moisture content.” “它嘴嚼这条手臂的目的,是为了血,准确的来说,是为了其中的水分。” side Linyan said startled: 方林岩愕然道: This box at best is a mechanical puppet, what wants water drying?” “这箱子充其量就是个机械傀儡,要水干什么?” The goat said: 山羊道: Boss, do not forget, the automobile similarly is also the mechanical product, does it need the water?” “头儿,你不要忘记了,汽车同样也是机械产品,它需要水吗?” The issue of goat immediately side Linyan stumping, he knows certainly that the automobile needs the water, the quantity of although needing was well below that the oil is so big, but is essential, and also needs the regular complementing water. 山羊的这个问题顿时就将方林岩给问住了,他当然知道汽车是需要水的,虽然需要的量远远不如油那么大,但却必不可少,并且还需要定期补水。 Since the automobile needs the water, then the boxes of this five blaming also need the replenishing water, seemingly is also the logical matter. 既然汽车都需要水,那么这口五面怪之箱也需要补充水分,貌似也是顺理成章的事情呢。 At this time in total information image, does not know that was who triggered what mechanism/organization, the boxes of five blaming opened suddenly slowly...... 此时在全息影像当中,也不知道是谁触发了什么机关,五面怪之箱忽然徐徐打开了...... Two people approached repeatedly watched several times, finally the determination was that does with the fellow who the spear/gun fired at unexpectedly, he projected a round of bullet to hit a tip of the nose of face exactly, then this tip of the nose concave a difference centimeter appearance, then did not trigger the opening a box procedure/program mostly. 两人反复靠近观看了好几次,终于确定竟然是那名拿枪射击的家伙干的,他射出了一发子弹恰好击中了一张脸的鼻尖,然后这鼻尖内凹了差不多半厘米的样子,接下来就触发了开箱程序。 It seems like him only to wreck this box, however actually triggered what mechanism/organization exactly. 咳咳,貌似他只想击毁这个箱子,然而却恰好触发了什么机关。 According to side Linyan observation to this box, the opening a box procedure/program should altogether have three, 根据方林岩对这个箱子的观测,开箱程序应该一共有三道, First should according to the tip of the nose, 第一道应该就是按鼻尖, Second is to input the password, 第二道是输入密码, Third should be the frequency of input related resonating. 第三道应该是输入相关共振的频率。 However this box estimate was too old, therefore the following two proving programs shattered, therefore opened directly. 不过这箱子估计是年龄太大了,所以后面两道验证程序都坏掉,所以就直接开启了。 After this gadget opens, inside is completely a darkness, as if the ray shone to be embezzled directly, suddenly several after enough minutes, basic on does not have any response! 这玩意儿开启以后,里面完全是一片漆黑,仿佛光线照射进去都被直接吞没了,一时间足足好几分钟后根本就没有任何反应! At this time, a researcher could not bear curiously walked up, exploratory is visiting toward inside, then turns around the vacant say/way: 这时候,一个研究员忍不住好奇的走上前去,试探性的朝着里面探视着,然后转过身来茫然的道: Probably...... is spatial?” “好像......里面是空的?” But, when this researcher turns around, although clear awareness is the total information image, side Linyan and goat two people held breath simultaneously cold air. 可是,就在这名研究员转过身来的时候,虽然明明白白的知道是全息影像,方林岩和山羊两人都同时倒吸了一口凉气。 Because in his neck Adam's apple place, is lying impressively a insect of taking the form of cockroach! 因为就在他的脖子喉结处,赫然趴着一只形似蟑螂的昆虫! But this insect spilled over the ferruginous from top to bottom, and link place has the obvious metal structure, head two must seemingly fling steadily lifelike, but carefully looks unexpectedly is two light beams. 而这只昆虫浑身上下泛出了铁锈色,并且环节处有着明显的金属结构,头部的两条长须看起来甩来甩去活灵活现,但仔细看去竟然是两道光束。 Suddenly, he sent out a sad and shrill pitiful yell, this researcher induces the pain on neck evidently now, fierce puts out a hand to whip the neck. 骤然之间,他发出了一声凄厉的惨叫,看样子这名研究员现在才感应到了脖子上的痛,猛的伸手去拍打脖子。 But after his palm of the hand claps, immediately saw on his neck presented a covered with blood large cave/hole, that only eats the rust insect unexpectedly in sneaked in his body instantaneously! 可是他一巴掌拍下去之后,立即就见到了其脖子上出现了一个血肉模糊的大洞,那只食锈虫居然在瞬间就钻进了他的身体里面去! This researcher tumbles also no one to manage him in the ground pain, because ........ in the box has flown massive food rust parasite!! 这名研究员在地上痛苦翻滚也没有人管他,因为........箱子里面已经飞出来了大量的食锈寄生虫!! These insect altogether three types, one type like cockroach, one type like locust, a mixture that looks like the cicada and mosquito, has the sharp mouth apparatus. 这些虫子一共有三种类型,一种像蟑螂,一种像蝗虫,还有一种就像是蝉和蚊的混合体,有着尖锐的口器。 Their surfaces have the obvious metal texture, needless saying that the material quality was also the metal. 它们的表面有着明显的金属纹理,不消说,材质也是金属的。 Probably by seal in too long relations, therefore after flying, the surroundings have dusky aura to cover, looks like dust that in the tomb splashes, 大概是被封印在其中太久的关系,所以飞行起来以后,周围都有一层灰蒙蒙的气息笼罩着,就像是墓穴里面飞溅起来的灰尘似的, And the body surface often will sparkle the electric spark that a breakdown also resembles, but also some food rust parasites flew half, behind the buttocks emitted black smog, direct in the ground twitched on to bind. 并且体表都不时会闪耀出来一股故障也似的电火花,还有的食锈寄生虫飞到了一半,屁股后面就冒出了一股黑色的烟雾,直接一头就扎到了地面上抽搐了起来。 Like the insect of cockroach is largest, like the next best of locust, but the third type is least, only has more than ten probably. 像蟑螂的虫子是数量最多的,像蝗虫的次之,而第三种则是最少,大概就只有十几只吧。 These food rust parasites plunged these researchers on the scene in abundance, then drilled into their bodies, greedy sucking in blood, 这些食锈寄生虫纷纷扑向了在场的那些研究员,然后钻入了他们的身体,贪婪的吮吸血液, At this time, side Linyan and goat carefully observed, detected that these fearful food rust parasites seemed like the behavior and zombie feed are different, the thing that they pursued first should be the temperature, 在这时候,方林岩和山羊仔细观察,发觉这些可怕的食锈寄生虫貌似行为和僵尸进食不一样,它们追逐的东西首先应该是温度, Because , the mechanical life body on the temperature highest place should be its engine spot in most cases. 因为在大多数的情况下,机械生命体身上温度最高的地方应该就是其发动机部位。 Next, needs the blood, accurate, should be two ingredients that in the middle of the blood contain, the moisture content and iron. 其次,就是需要血液,准确的来说,应该是血液当中富含的两种成分,水分和铁。 Like this said that soaks can take to their glorious memory in the warm liquid, because the birthplaces of these food rust parasites seemingly in the magma, the human body internal warm moist soft environment to them, are not only the demands on material, spiritual consolation. 或者这样说吧,浸泡在温暖的液体能带给它们美好的回忆,因为这些食锈寄生虫的诞生地貌似就在岩浆里面,人体内部温热潮湿柔软的环境对它们来说,既是物质上的需求,还有精神上的慰藉。 Then side Linyan noticed a matter, that type rarest, has sharp mouth apparatus the feed ways and other entirely different of parasite. 接下来方林岩注意到了一件事情,那种最为稀有的,有着尖锐口器的寄生虫的进食方式与其余的截然不同。 They can actually insert the top of the head of victim with the sharp mouth apparatus directly, the hard skull under their sharp mouth apparatus, looks like the tofu the same as collapse at the first blow simply, then entire worms one's way into, is enjoying that hot warmth and moisture content soaks into the middle of drying out body satisfaction. 它们竟然能够用尖锐的口器直接插进受害者的头顶,坚硬的颅骨在他们的尖锐的口器下,简直就像是豆腐一样不堪一击,然后整个儿钻进去,享受着那种热腾腾的温暖和水分浸泡入枯干身体当中的惬意。 Witnesses this secretly, side Linyan is suddenly enlighted immediately, the riddle of beforehand corpse cause of death untied hence, what immortal hero puts one's foot down high on hand on, a heroic bearing of sword broken skull is only the imagination, 目睹这一幕后,方林岩顿时恍然大悟,之前的尸体死因之谜至此就解开了,什么仙侠高手头下脚上,一剑破颅的英姿只是想象而已, The true murderer, is this kind of rare mosquito class food rust parasite! Their small size, action speed strange quick, even can the flying upside down vertical stroke like the hummingbird fly, the mouth apparatus are also sharp incomparable, to human, looks like the fatal killer is so virtually impossible to guard against completely. 真正的凶手,就是这类稀有的蚊类食锈寄生虫!它们体积小,行动速度奇快,甚至能像蜂鸟那样倒飞竖飞,口器也是锋利无比,对人类来说,完全就像是致命的杀手那样防不胜防。 Quick, side Linyan notices, the metal lifeform of these terrifying prepare toward the spaceship in ------- Accurate, should be Puma within the body sets out. 很快的,方林岩就注意到,这些恐怖的金属生物就准备朝着飞船内部-------准确的来说,应该是普马斯的体内进发。 But in the middle of Puma channel sprayed pale blue gas immediately, according to the description of machine projection spider, should be Puma has prepared the good bug spray, the formula of this gadget discovered from the database. 但普马斯的通道当中立即就喷射出来了一股淡蓝色的气体,根据机器投影蜘蛛的描述,应该是普马斯早就制备好的除虫剂,这玩意儿的配方是从资料库里面发现的。 Like human not to anti-mosquito medicinal preparation and so on formula security, therefore Puma obtains its difficulty is not big. 咳咳,就像人类不会对灭蚊剂之类的配方保密一样,所以普马斯获得它的难度并不大。 After meeting the pointed pesticide, these food rust parasites as if met the judgment day to be the same, crazy escaped toward outside. 遇到针对性的杀虫剂以后,这些食锈寄生虫就仿佛遇到了世界末日一样,疯狂的朝着外面逃了出去。 The following matter was not difficult to infer, the insects of these terrifying drilled, they that could not find the energy block started to hunt and kill human crazily, although the blood umbrella organization was very powerful, but still could not find way out in technical steamroll their metal insects facing this type. 接下来的事情就不难推断了,这些恐怖的虫子钻了出去,找不到能量块的它们开始疯狂猎杀人类,尽管血伞组织十分强大,但面对这种在科技方面碾压他们的金属虫子依然是一筹莫展。 Only can escape to the ground, then forcefully closure laboratory and elevator. 只能逃到地面上,然后强行关闭实验室和电梯。 However what the blood umbrella company does not know, the insects of these terrifying besides the feed , are also need in the middle of the energy block energy to supplement, in not being able to obtain the situation of energy, then had wide scope the phenomenon of killing one another. 不过血伞公司不知道的是,这些恐怖的虫子除了进食以外,同样也是需要能量块当中的能量来进行补充,在得不到能量的情况下,便出现了大范围的自相残杀的现象。 In addition they were not known many years by box of seals five blaming, the vitality has also consumed completely, therefore died in abundance. 加上它们本来就被五面怪之箱封印了不知道多少年,生命力也早就消耗殆尽,于是就纷纷死掉。 However according to here provides the material that to demonstrate, the changeability that eats the rust parasite is very strong, is high to the compatibility of environment, in database later the computation according to the mechanical projection spider connection demonstrates, 不过根据这边提供的资料显示,食锈寄生虫的变异性很强,对周围环境的适应性非常高,根据机械投影蜘蛛连接上数据库以后的计算显示, The food rust parasite that was released altogether is 6441, 被释放出去的食锈寄生虫一共是六千四百四十一只, Under such huge base number, 97.113 possibly produces the special variant, by through swallowing the ways of enough many companion lived, and obtained the ability that adapts to the terrestrial environment long-term life, can obtain the energy from the flesh of human. 这样巨大的基数下,是有97.113的可能产生出特殊的变异体,以通过吞噬了足够多的同伴的方式活下来,并且获得了适应地球环境长期生活的能力,可以从人类的血肉当中获得能量。 According to this data, side Linyan could not bear think just entered the experience of Veronica Laboratory, they very probably met a special variant. 根据这个数据,方林岩忍不住想到了刚刚进入维罗妮卡实验室的经历,他们很可能就遇到了一只特殊的变异体。 It succeeds ran away from the underground laboratory, arrives at the above peripheral region to be dormant, the member in that missing Dackland Corporation, has become its victim without a doubt. 它成功的从地下实验室当中逃走,来到了上面的外围区域蛰伏了起来,那名失踪的达克兰公司的成员,毫无疑问就已经成为了它的受害者。 Why it has not chosen flees from the entire laboratory directly, side Linyan thought that is very likely has escaped, is its variation time toward underground this moistness, dark environment evolution. 它为什么没有选择直接逃离整个实验室,方林岩觉得很有可能是已经逃过,可是它变异的时候是朝着地下这种潮湿,黑暗的环境进化的。 But outside Veronica Laboratory severe environment, is the daytime extremely hot evening bitter cold, and dry incomparable circumstances are astonishing. 而维罗妮卡实验室外面的严酷的环境,则是白天酷热晚上酷寒,并且干燥无比风势惊人。 This special variant apparently does not have the energy to continue the variation adaptation external environment, can only turn back in the middle of Veronica Laboratory. 这只特殊变异体显然没有能量继续变异适应外界环境,只能重新折回维罗妮卡实验室当中。 Also has the water source at least in the middle of the ruins of this Veronica Laboratory, these mutations the semimetal lifeform can hunt. 至少在这维罗妮卡实验室的废墟当中还有水源,还有那些异变了的半金属生物可以捕猎。 Pesticide fear that simultaneously because this food rust parasite Puma makes, only if in the necessary situation, it will choose in the upper layer of entire laboratory is dormant, as far as possible in that nightmare same place far away from underground lake. 同时这只食锈寄生虫因为普马斯制造出来的杀虫剂的恐惧,所以除非是在有必要的情况下,它都会选择在整个实验室的上层蛰伏,尽可能的远离地下湖里面那个噩梦一样的地方。 But according to the material of mechanical projection spider demonstration, these food rust parasites also has very considerable intelligence, at least can reach a human ten years old of even age higher level. 而根据机械投影蜘蛛显示的资料,这些食锈寄生虫还拥有非常可观的智力,至少能达到人类十岁甚至年龄更高的水准。 Read and this, side Linyan could not bear thought of a matter: If I am this variation food rust parasite, how then I will do? 一念及此,方林岩忍不住就想到了一件事:倘若我是这只变异的食锈寄生虫,那么我会怎样做呢? *** *** Within a half hour, when side Linyan and goat arrive at came the cave entrance, they then looked at one, detected, although knows the truth of event, is very difficult relates this large cave/hole and air vent of extraterrestrial science and technology spaceship. 半个小时以后,方林岩和山羊重新来到了来时的洞口,他们回头看了一眼,发觉尽管知道了事件的真相,还是很难将这个大洞与外星科技飞船的排气口联系起来。 It looks like such that side Linyan calculates, that submersibles that they come although also float on the water surface, the interior they had actually been blown up by the koi directly, at this time is still braving the light smoke that curls. 就像是方林岩推算的那样,他们开来的那艘潜水器虽然还漂浮在水面上,内部却已经被被锦鲤他们直接炸毁了,此时还在冒着袅袅的青烟。 Does not need the naked eye to imagine, inside cockpit in a complete mess seems like one by the long-term usage ten hours of double bed...... 不用肉眼就能想象到,里面的驾驶舱已经一塌糊涂得像是一张被连续使用过十个小时的双人床...... Is good holds back one trick because of side Linyan beforehand, they drag that orange shape submersibles that hid from the reeds opposite more than hundred meters away, then started the engine to depart. 好在方林岩事先就留了一手,他们从对面百余米外的芦苇丛当中拖出来了隐藏起来的那艘橙状潜水器,然后发动了引擎离去。
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