FE :: Volume #5

#98: The boxes of five blaming

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Obviously, regarding having Athena Yukita's side Linyan, burns MP quite therefore to burn own life...... 很显然,对于拥有雅典娜之佑的方林岩来说,烧mp就相当于是在烧自己的命啊...... At this time although the bullet time was weakened a C level talent, can actually the passive talent of addition hit probability and dodging rate/lead, is equivalent can play the role frequently, makes side Linyan feel exceptionally satisfactory. 此时子弹时间虽然被削弱成了一个c级天赋,却是能加成命中率和闪避率的被动天赋,相当于时时刻刻都能发挥作用,也让方林岩感觉到异常满意了。 Moreover, the new talent metal touch can also bring very direct-viewing addition to the battle efficiency, most typical is, manufactures to regard material the quality of mechanical core to promote a big scale inevitably! 不仅如此,新天赋金属触感对战斗力也能带来非常直观的加成,最典型的就是,制作出来当成施法材料的机械核心的品质必然提升一个大的档次! This also means, the quality of elite mechanical warrant officer and unmanned aerial vehicle will certainly rise significantly. 这也就意味着,精英机械准尉和无人机的质量必将大幅度攀升。 Calculates words that side Linyan quite therefore uses one as if the double-edged sword to be usually same, a level talent that does not dare to use, traded two very practical talents to come back, this traded two definitely to gain! 这么算下来的话,方林岩相当于是用一个平时仿佛双刃剑一样,不怎么敢用的a级天赋,换了两个都非常实用的天赋回来,这一换二肯定是赚了啊! The light wheel watches critically in side, after waiting for metal touch talent that side Linyan adapted to obtained newly, then opened the mouth saying: 光轮在旁边冷眼旁观,等待方林岩适应了新获得的金属触感这个天赋以后,便开口道: Goes, human, your new talent somewhat seems to be special, compared with my expected must, work for the master with your new talent.” “去吧,人类,你的这个新天赋似乎有些特别呢,比我预期的要强很多,用你的新天赋为主人效劳吧。” side Linyan nods, then returned activation mechanical heart there. 方林岩点点头,然后重新回到了活化机械心脏那里。 After this he had the metal sense of touch time, begins to feel that material as if turned into oneself limbs directly extends. 这一次他拥有了金属触觉以后,一上手就能感觉到那块材料仿佛直接化成了自己肢体的延伸似的。 Therefore he uses the tool to start to this material processing time, seems like using the file, Xian blade to cut own finger completely -------- Naturally, is that cutting that shielded the sensation of pain. 因此他用工具开始对这块材料加工的时候,完全就像是在用锉刀,冼刀在切削自己的手指似的--------当然,是那种屏蔽了痛觉的切削。 This made him not be the unilateral behavior in the processing, the material instead can according to own feeling the initiative! 这就让他在加工的时候并不是单方面的行为了,材料反而能根据自身的感觉来主动配合! Like this brand-new processing experience, lets the final working directly the precision achieved 17 Caspar, is much lower than 27 Caspar's requests, overfulfilled the duty. 这样的全新加工体验,直接让最后加工出来的精度达到了17个卡斯帕,远远低于27个卡斯帕的要求,算是超额完成了任务。 After side Linyan the changed beyond recognition activation mechanical heart will assemble, immediately can feel that the entire octagon space shivered, then activated the mechanical heart to make an effort to contract the limit, then the inflation, sent out more powerful pulse wave suddenly!! 等到方林岩将焕然一新的活化机械心脏重新拼装起来之后,顿时就能感觉到整个八角形空间都颤抖了一下,然后活化机械心脏用力收缩到了极限,然后陡然膨胀,发出了更加强有力的脉冲波!! This first power forest Yan very simple was blown to fly, distressed incomparable after the ground tumbled several crawled. 这一次方林岩很干脆的被吹飞了开去,狼狈无比的在地上翻滚了几圈后才爬了起来。 But afterward side Linyan and goat two talents know, the pulse wave coverage scope and intensity that these sends time are phenomenally astonishing, two helicopter 200 km away direct moves that down to Yu Fen Chir Corporation assigns urgently, that has never covered the range! 而事后方林岩和山羊两人才知道,这一次发出来的脉冲波覆盖范围和强度都是空前惊人,以至于芬奇尔公司紧急调派过来的两架直升机在200公里外都直接中招,那可是从未覆盖过的范围啊! In the middle of the airplane electronic instrumentation malfunctions in abundance, crashes directly, the airplane can only land, causes the reinforcement personnel severe wound of transporting two people. 飞机当中的电子仪器纷纷失灵,直接坠毁,飞机只能迫降,导致运送的增援人员都重伤了两人。 Separated a while, side Linyan saw after the activation mechanical heart operates, is quite normal, and no issue, then left here directly, returned light wheel that side control room. 隔了一会儿,方林岩见到了活化机械心脏运作起来后相当正常,并没有什么问题,便直接离开了这里,重新回到了光轮那边的操控室。 At this time the main body light ball of light wheel was sparkling unceasingly, obviously is conducting various operations. 这时候光轮的本体光球在不断的闪耀着,显然是在进行各种操作。 After crossing probably for dozen minutes, the entire vestige started to have the slight shivering phenomenon, at this time light wheel excited incomparable is flying round same place, then started to keep sparkling, should accept the related instruction. 大概过了十几分钟之后,整个遗迹都开始出现了轻微的颤抖现象,这时候光轮已经激动无比的在原地飞来飞去,然后开始不停闪耀,应该是在接受相关指令。 After this shivering continued for probably several minutes, again quiet. 只是,这种颤抖持续了大概几分钟之后就重新沉寂了下去。 This actually also in side Linyan the anticipation, after he had the metal sense of touch, to touching the metal had the marvelous induction. 这却也早在方林岩的意料当中,他拥有了金属触觉以后,对触碰到的金属就拥有了奇妙的感应。 That activation mechanical heart seemingly was renovated by him, but in the fatigues of most activation metal parts are very in fact high, the service life will not be long. 那颗活化机械心脏貌似被他翻新了,但实际上里面大部分的活化金属零件的疲劳度已经很高了,使用寿命不会太久。 The metal fatigue to human, is very difficultly with the naked eye resolution, for example steel wire back and forth bend 78, look with from outside the new no difference, but will in fact continue the bend 2-3 to be cut off again directly. 金属疲劳度对人类来说,是很难用肉眼分辨的,比如一根钢丝来回弯折个七八下,从外面看起来和新的没啥区别,但实际上再继续弯折2-3下就会直接断掉。 And the service life that side Linyan estimates also decides the condition limitedly, must in Puma at this time in this type quite therefore standby idling regime under condition, the operating speed estimate of activation mechanical heart also in every minute 100 high and low, 并且方林岩预估的使用寿命还有限定条件,必须要在普马斯此时处于这种相当于是“待机”“怠速”的状态下,活化机械心脏的运行速率估计也就只是在每分钟一百次上下, Once he conducts a more intense movement, for example distortion, flight and so on, then activates the machinery the operating speed might promote five times to six times! 一旦他进行更激烈的运动,比如变形,飞行之类的,那么活化机械的的运行速率很可能会提升五倍到六倍! Knows how immediately the wind forms? 知道马上风是怎么形成的吗? Is these has the chronic heart disease man also to show off power, originally can also live 78 years, finally was held several blade by color prefix in that then heartbeat explosive table therefore 78 minutes but actually. 就是那些有慢性心脏病的男人还要逞强,本来还能活个七八年的,结果被色字头上的那把刀捅了几下,然后心跳爆表于是七八分钟就倒了。 In fact, if not for saw this point, side Linyan rather does not want the later reward, definitely when the service heart will fudge. 事实上,若不是看准了这一点,方林岩宁愿不要之后的奖励,也肯定会在维修心脏的时候动手脚的。 Because to him, Puma of paralysis serves own benefit, if this fellow had the health, can fly back to at the back of Moon directly, takes that steel fire hazard fragment, what do oneself also play to play? 因为对他来说,一个瘫痪的普马斯更符合自己的利益,倘若这家伙重新拥有了健康,岂不是能直接飞回月球背面,取走那块钢铁火源碎片,那自己还玩什么玩? After looked at dumbly a while same place, the light wheel aimed at side Linyan to flutter, with monotonous language sound said: 在原地呆立了一会儿之后,光轮对准了方林岩飘飞过来了,用单调的语音道: Master said that you do are good, at least relieved puzzled he many years of pain, will therefore make me surplus the reward gave you.” “主人说你干得还算不错,至少解除了困扰他多年的痛苦,所以让我将剩余下来的奖赏给你。” side Linyan at present a bright say/way: 方林岩眼前一亮道: That really must thank Sir Puma was generous.” “那真是要感谢普马斯大人的慷慨了。” Light circuit: 光轮道: You first put down the welding torch, then comes with me.” “你先把焊枪放下,然后跟我来。” side Linyan sighed, this he felt very easy-to-use the welding torch, therefore decided to plan that while its unprepared, appropriating to oneself, a few words of light wheel will however crush his wishful thinking secretly. 方林岩叹了口气,这把焊枪他觉得非常好用,所以决定打算趁其不备,偷偷将之据为己有的,然而光轮的一句话就粉碎了他的小心思。 Then side Linyan and goat followed it to fly toward outside, after passing through many dazzling channels, a leaf of metal front door slid slowly, then side Linyan thought that suddenly surrounding somewhat looked familiar, wasn't the front since the right branch road hall that the time passed through? 接着方林岩和山羊就跟随着它朝着外面飞了过去,经过了许多条令人眼花缭乱的通道以后,一扇金属大门徐徐滑开,然后方林岩忽然觉得周围有些眼熟,前方不是自己进入时候走过的右边岔路大厅吗? At that time the exploring party of blood umbrella company opened that here Pandora box, directly caused the entire Veronica underground laboratory to close, that group of people were also rolled to extinguish here. 当时血伞公司的探险队在这里打开了那个“潘多拉盒子”,直接导致整个维罗尼卡地下实验室关闭,那群人也是在这里被团灭。 Moreover, at this time here looked also experienced intense fighting, was rumbled everywhere scattered about, seemed like one piece in confusion. 不仅如此,此时这里看起来也经历了一番激烈的打斗,到处都被轰得七零八落的,看起来一片狼藉。 However regarding the light wheel and Puma, here is not the main body, the nasa space station that but was absorbed by the attraction, was towed, when existence of shield, how therefore is casual to do does not love dearly. 但是对于光轮和普马斯来说,这里已经并非是本体了,而是被引力吸附过来的nasa的空间站,被拖过来当盾牌的存在,所以随便怎么搞也不心疼的。 Then the light wheel flew that by rhombus vessel that has five faces, yes, is that exploring party group that lets the blood umbrella company extinguishes „the box of Pandora side. 接着光轮飞到了那口有着五张脸孔的菱形容器旁边,是的,就是那个让血伞公司的探险队团灭的“潘多拉之盒”旁边。 Then shot a ray from the main body of light wheel, in the middle of the ray carefully looked, as if has innumerable 0 and 1 illusion, under shining of this ray, this vessel unexpectedly „” start distortion, revolving fold, rapid reduction. 然后从光轮的本体上射出来了一道光芒,光芒当中仔细看去,似乎有着无数个0和一的幻象,在这光芒的照耀下,这只容器居然“喀嚓喀嚓”的开始变形,不停的旋转折叠,迅速缩小。 Finally unexpectedly turned into an object of top size, the surroundings still have five strange face that respectively have the different expressions, exuded humming sound the sound float in in the air. 最后居然化成了一个陀螺大小的物体,周围依然是分别有着五张带着不同表情的诡异脸庞,发出了嗡嗡的响声悬浮在了空中。 Corona opposite party forest Yandao: 光轮对方林岩道: Master said, the boxes of this five blaming, gives your reward.” “主人说,这只五面怪之箱,就是给你的奖励。” side Linyan said startled: 方林岩愕然道: This is ....... rewards?” “这个.......就是奖励吗?” Light circuit: 光轮道: Yes, the boxes of this five blaming were used to seal a very evil lifeform, is called the food rust parasite, they like parasiting in the metal life, nibbles on them the decayed corrosion spot, secretes the toxin.” “是的,这只五面怪之箱本来是用来封存一种很邪恶的生物的,叫做食锈寄生虫,它们喜欢寄生在金属生命上,蚕食它们身上的腐朽锈蚀部位,分泌毒素。” Now inside parasite, although bled off, but the boxes of five blaming in manufacture, inside was injected the strength of certain uni, although this strength present already quite weak, to you are useful.” “现在里面的寄生虫虽然被放走了,但五面怪之箱在制造的时候,里面就被注入了一定的uni之力,这种力量虽然现在已经相当微弱,对你来说却已经非常有用了。” Heard its introduction, side Linyan immediately at present one bright, he wanted to inquire that this only „the box of Pandora in installed anything, directly triggered the so terrifying chain-reaction, has not expected the light wheel to mention this on own initiative. Then said immediately: 听到了它的介绍,方林岩顿时眼前一亮,他本来就想要打听这只“潘多拉之盒”里面到底装了什么,直接引发了如此恐怖的连锁反应,没料到光轮主动提到了这一茬。便立即道: The thing that wait/etc, how Mr. Puma must come?” “等等,普马斯先生又是怎么得来的这东西?” Light circuit: 光轮道: I investigates passed/lived recorded at that time, when builds the Moon back base, altogether assembled seven space ship transportation military baggage and materials, then during the process of navigation, met an abandoned freight space on the route, this gadget is tattered and torn at that time.” “我当时查过记录,在建立月球背面基地的时候,一共就调集来了七艘星际飞船运输辎重和材料,然后在航行的过程当中,于航道上遇到了一艘废弃的货运飞船,这玩意儿当时已经千疮百孔了。” Met the universe ion storm exactly at that time, seven space ships had two to crash, to avoid establishing the material of lunar base to be insufficient, took this to abandon the spaceship to provide against contingencies simply.” “恰好当时遇到了宇宙离子风暴,七艘星际飞船有两艘坠毁了,为了避免建立月球基地的材料不够,就干脆带上了这艘废弃飞船以防万一。” Finally when constructed the lunar base only to demolish half to abandon the spaceship, then other half will abandon to abandon the field.” “最后在建设月球基地的时候只拆毁了半艘废弃飞船,便将剩余的半艘抛弃到了废弃场当中。” At that time Mr. Puma just regained consciousness, lacks constructs the material of body, therefore disassembled that half to abandon the spaceship, selected in available components to assemble the body.” “当时普马斯先生刚刚苏醒,缺少构筑身体的材料,于是就拆卸了那半艘废弃飞船,选取了里面可用的零件来组装身体。” Finally Mr. Puma in abandoning the band of spaceship found the boxes of two five blaming, Mr. Puma speculated, these boxes of two five blaming were transported by the secret, plans to spread the plague.” “结果普马斯先生就在废弃飞船的夹层里面找到了两个五面怪之箱,普马斯先生推测,这两只五面怪之箱子是被秘密运送出去,打算散布瘟疫的。” Because after inside food rust parasite releases, is not big to the machinery intelligent life threat, to controlled puppet robot is useful, therefore its remained.” “因为里面的食锈寄生虫释放出来以后对机械智慧生命威胁不大,对被操控的傀儡机器人还是有用的,所以就将其留了下来。” Then when was pursued by the puppet mechanical hornet, the master emitted boxes of the five blaming, got rid of several enemies with inside food rust parasite, surplus this was only retained, because this gadget has certain risk, therefore was moved here by me.” “然后在被傀儡机械黄蜂追击的时候,主人放出了一只五面怪之箱,用里面的食锈寄生虫干掉了好几头敌人,剩余下来的这只就被保留了下来,因为这玩意儿具有一定的危险性,所以被我挪到了这里来。” side Linyan took this only diminished version the boxes of five blaming, then spread in the palm looked at carefully a while, used decisively investigated. 方林岩拿起来了这只缩小版的五面怪之箱,然后摊在手心里面端详了一会儿,果断的使用了侦查。 The result detected that this gadget needs to pay 1200 point universe points unexpectedly, in the heart moves, not startled counter- happy, immediately chose the disbursement, because must collect fees the proof is the good thing. 结果发觉这玩意儿居然需要付出1200点通用点,心中一动,不惊反喜,立即选择了支出,因为要收费才证明是好东西啊。
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