FE :: Volume #5

#97: New talent! Double talent!

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At this time he understood after Puma experience, then starts in his memory searches for k7 small-scale automatic transportation spaceship the blueprint, then found the concrete structure drawing of its engine engine. 此时他了解到了普马斯的经历以后,便开始在他的记忆当中搜寻“k7小型自动运输飞船”的图纸,进而找到了其发动机引擎的具体结构图。 To be honest, operational mode that side Linyan cannot understand this gadget , after does not understand the fuel goes, how to transform kinetic energy- is good because of this time does not need him to understand, according to 11 contrasts on line. 说实话,方林岩看不懂这玩意儿的运作方式,也根本不懂燃料进去以后是怎么转换成动能的-好在这时候也不用他懂,照着一一对比就行。 And a big advantage is: At this time he restored the communication with the coronas again, 并且还有一大优势是:此时他重新与光轮之间恢复了通讯, The light wheel gave him to be authorized a privilege, can move to take the related blueprint the 3 D model to watch. 光轮给他授权了一项特权,就是可以调取相关图纸的三维建模观看。 Simple, looking like certain science fiction movies is the same, hand one move, then can summon and other virtual structure three-dimensional models of proportion to come out in the front directly, 简单的来说,就像是某些科幻电影一样,将手一招,然后就可以在面前直接召唤等比例的虚拟结构立体模型出来, Even can also the virtual part in this virtual structural model one after another opens, then assembles. 甚至还能将这虚拟结构模型上的虚拟零件一块一块的拆下来,然后再组装上去。 Words as the matter stands, it can be said that let side Linyan big being free from worry. 这样一来的话,可以说是让方林岩大大的省心了。 And services to the activation mechanical heart of mechanical life, and does not seem like makes heart surgery such, must first build a bridge artificially, establishes outside the body blood backflow wait/etc. 并且给机械生命的这颗活化机械心脏进行维修,并不像是给人做心脏手术那样,要先人工搭桥,建立体外血液回流等等。 Direct engine off on line, the time of so long as delaying should not be too long, then the vitality of mechanical life is much more tenacious than human. 直接停机就行,只要耽搁的时间不要太久,那么机械生命的生命力是比人类要顽强得多的。 Then side Linyan then first dismantled the virtual engine, after the heart inside is confident, starts to conduct a series of dismantling to front activation mechanical heart, 接下来方林岩便先将虚拟发动机拆解了一遍,心里面有了底以后,就开始对面前的活化机械心脏进行一系列的拆解, The components that dismantles because have suffered the corrosion of poison of corrosion, affecting, processing is quite troublesome. 拆解下来的零件因为遭受过腐蚀之毒的侵蚀,影响,处理起来也相当麻烦。 First must clean, then careful with that named Husi the light wheel provides the material has rubbed carefully, until above bright, then throws into nearby in solution named summer Toon to soak. 先要清洗一下,然后仔细的用光轮提供的一种叫做“胡斯布”的材料仔细的摩擦过,直到上面光可鉴人,然后再丢进旁边的一种叫做夏图恩的溶液里面浸泡。 This type of summer Toon solution is very unusual, looks as if seems like the engine oil, in fact inside has many ice sediment one thing, unexpectedly also meets to hover. 这种夏图恩溶液很是奇特,看起来仿佛像是机油,实际上里面有着不少冰渣子一样的东西,居然还会自己游动。 After activating the components were lost, these ice sediment in abundance swims to above to stick, looked like in the pond throws a big bone of belt/bring meat to get down to the piranha, actually in further processing processing. 活化零件被丢进去以后,那些“冰渣子”就纷纷游到上面粘附住,就像是给食人鱼池塘里面丢了一块带肉的大骨头下去似的,其实是在进一步的加工处理。 After processing almost more than 20 components, side Linyan discovered by the poison of corrosion corrosion components, 处理了差不多二十多个零件之后,方林岩就发现了被锈蚀之毒侵蚀的零件了, This components must first use another skin named Verruno the spot that the thing the careful polish, will first be corroded completely eliminates, then can polish, clean. 这零件就必须先用另外一种叫做“韦鲁诺之皮”的东西先仔细的打磨,将被侵蚀掉的部位彻底消除掉,然后才能进行抛光,清洗。 The skin of Verruno guessed according to side Linyan, should be a leather of wild animal, the surface covered entirely the hard bulge of different sizes, time this gadget that polishes can also the heat production, cause polished spot temperature unexpectedly reaches as high as 200-300 degrees. 韦鲁诺之皮根据方林岩猜测,应该是一种野兽的皮革,表面布满了大小不等的坚硬凸起,打磨起来的时候这玩意儿居然还能自行产热,使被打磨的部位温度高达200-300度。 If not for side Linyan wears the heat insulation glove beforehand, that really did not have the means to operate. 若不是方林岩事先穿着隔热手套,那还真的是没办法操作。 Here is also tests the technology the time, polish must wear the glove, takes in the situation of skin of Verruno, exactly the corroded spot will abrasion, actually cannot harm the under normal material quality, 这里也是考验技术的时候,打磨者必须在穿着手套,拿着韦鲁诺之皮的情况下,恰好将被侵蚀的部位磨掉,却又不能损害到下方的正常材质, It can be said that are few one millimeter on the dispelling unclear toxin, many one millimeter causes the extra damage to the body, this may absolutely not be the simple matter. 可以说是少一毫米就祛除不清毒素,多一毫米对机体就造成额外的损伤,这可绝对不是简单的事情。 After bustled about fully for three hours, side Linyan finally the polluted components to the polish, reorganized, but was placed in front of him also had a very arduous issue. 在整整忙碌了三个多小时以后,方林岩总算是将绝大部分被污染的零件给打磨,整理了出来,只是摆在了他面前的还有一个很艰巨的问题。 That is in the middle of the activation mechanical heart, the names are called: Energy harmony seismic region. 那就是活化机械心脏当中,有一块的名字叫做:能量谐震区。 Here directly is responsible for the energy of Puma main body interactive, but this region was also corroded fiercely by the poison of corrosion!! 这里就是直接负责普马斯本体的能量交互,而这块区域也是被锈蚀之毒侵蚀得最厉害的!! Before side Linyan, in the middle of components that polishes, there is a larger part to be corroded here exceptionally fiercely. 方林岩之前打磨的零件当中,有一大半都是在这里被侵蚀得异常厉害。 But has the crank components together simply is tattered and torn, polishes suppressed the words to discard directly, if not polish continues the present situation, will unable to want too for a long time to damage thoroughly. 而有一块曲轴零件干脆就已经是千疮百孔,打磨得太狠了的话直接就废掉了,可是若不打磨继续现状的话,要不了太久就会彻底损毁。 And this gadget has become the source of pollution and so on thing, if not manage, how long will unable to be able to continue periphery the components that processed with great difficulty to pollute. 并且这玩意儿已经成了污染源之类的东西,若是不管的话,要不了多久就能继续将周围已经好不容易处理完毕的零件给重新污染了。 Therefore, here needs to use side Linyan the strong manual ability, the light wheel took a spare silver-white sliver of material, side Linyan needs to compare nearby 3D modeling pattern, processing that will grow out of nothing. 所以,这里就需要用到方林岩自身强大的手动能力了,光轮拿出来了一根备用的银白色长条材料,方林岩就需要比照着旁边的3d建模图样,将之从无到有的加工出来。 Moreover, its working accuracy needs to achieve 27 Caspar above. 不仅如此,其加工精度需要达到27卡斯帕以上。 27 Caspar this value said from the light wheel mouth, should be mechanical life here precision unit 27卡斯帕这个数值是从光轮口中说出来的,应该是机械生命这边的精度单位 side Linyan speaks the truth, regarding whether to meet such requirements not to grasp, but he now is also indifferent. 方林岩说实话,对于能否达到这样的要求没有把握,不过他现在也无所谓了。 Because light wheel artificial intelligence is nothing mind, when side Linyan successfully polishes the clean half of components, he could not bear jump saying that side Linyan can achieve this far to exceed his imagination. 因为光轮这个人工智能是没有什么心眼儿的,在方林岩成功打磨干净一半的零件的时候,他就忍不住跳出来说方林岩能做到这一步已经远超他的想象。 If showing calculates with end of mission, then end of mission surpassed 75. 说明若是用任务完成度来计算的话,当时的任务完成度就超过了75。 Now side Linyan only misses last step to complete the task perfectly, even if this last failure, completion will still over 95, making him not have what pressure. 现在方林岩就只差最后一步就完美完成任务,所以就算这最后一步失败,完成度也应该是在95以上,让他没有了什么心理压力。 Finally finally makes crank components with great difficulty, 结果最后好不容易做出来一根曲轴零件, Very regrettable, the result that the light wheel tests is 34 Caspar, seemingly also misses one section. 很遗憾,光轮测试出来的结果是34卡斯帕,貌似还差一截。 Therefore the light wheel dispatched that armored mechanical spider to deliver a material, 于是光轮又派遣那种装甲机械蜘蛛送出来了一根材料, side Linyan takes to continue to process very much simply, 方林岩很干脆的拿起来继续加工, This time result was worse, drops 41 Caspar, but this was also normal, side Linyan was the person is not a machine, originally on tired for a long time can only display 80% strengths, the tool also not while convenient, can achieve these step is he displays superiorly. 这一次的成绩更糟糕,跌落到了41卡斯帕,不过这也是正常的,方林岩是人不是机器,本来就累了这么久就只能发挥出80%的实力,工具还不趁手,能做到这一步都是他超常发挥了。 side Linyan continues to look for the light wheel to want the material, result light wheel hesitant, took one to come out 方林岩继续找光轮要材料,结果这次光轮犹豫了一下,又拿了一根出来 side Linyan is stress-free, in turn comforts the light wheel, said that this matter cannot demand, multi- processing ten eight times, formed the muscle memory directly perhaps. 方林岩毫无压力,反过来宽慰光轮,说这种事情不能强求,多加工个十次八次的,形成了肌肉记忆说不定就直接过了。 After hearing ten eight this data, the light wheel was silent. 听到了十次八次这个数据之后,光轮沉默了。 Or felt that in the middle of own hard disk came out suddenly several shattering sectors, is still braving incites the electric spark. 或者说,感觉自己的硬盘当中骤然就多出来了好几个坏掉的扇区,然后还在冒着滋滋滋的电火花。 Separated a while, the light wheel very helpless say/way: 隔了一会儿,光轮才很无奈的道: Human, the raw material of this stirring core crank is called Caron steel, it needs to pass through the baptism of energetic ion swimming in of final quenching, I currently simply do not have the means to make, in other words with one few one.” “人类,这一根搅拌式核心曲轴的原料叫做卡隆钢,它在最后淬火的这一步需要经过高能离子泳的洗礼,我目前是根本没有办法制造的,也就是说用一根少一根。” side Linyan caught in the light wheel words keenly not meaning completely: 方林岩敏锐的捕捉到了光轮话中的未尽之意: Good, you spoke frankly, but also remained several?” “好吧,你就直说好了,还剩几根?” Light circuit: 光轮道: What in your hand takes is last.” “你手里面拿着的是最后一根。” side Linyan sighed: 方林岩叹了口气道: This may really be a good news, to be honest, I have not grasped to succeed next time, okay, I felt before , two that makes can assemble is using.” “这可真是个好消息,说实话,我没有把握下一次就能成功,这么着吧,我觉得之前做出来的两根还是能凑合着用的。” Corona very firm say/way: 光轮很坚决的道: „It is not good! Human, will you use the unqualified battery on your pacemaker?” “不行!人类,你会在自己的心脏起搏器上使用不合格的电池吗?” side Linyan: 方林岩: I do not have the pacemaker, thanks.” “我没有心脏起搏器,谢谢。” Then is an embarrassed silence, finally light circuit: 接下来就是一阵难堪的沉默,最后还是光轮道: Good, looked, in your beforehand work does in the good share, therefore you first return, I can first give you part of rewards, then you process final Caromb steel rod again!” “好吧,看在你之前的活儿干得不错的份儿上,所以你先返回,我可以先将一部分报酬给你,然后你再来加工最后的这根卡隆钢棒!” After hearing these words, side Linyan at present a bright say/way: 听到了这句话后,方林岩眼前一亮道: Real? I immediately come!” “真的吗?那我马上过来!” Used probably for several minutes, he ran back the control room, was light wheel main body there: 大概只是用了几分钟,他就重新跑回到了控制室当中,就是光轮本体那里: I arrived, if I have not guessed that wrong, you do give my reward should with processing that stirring core crank are concerned? Otherwise you cannot such good intention! Is what easy-to-use tool?” “我到了,若我没猜错的话,你给我的奖励应该是与加工那一根搅拌式核心曲轴有关的?否则你不会这么好心吧!难道是什么好用的工具吗?” Corona icy synthesizes the sound said with the electron: 光轮冷冰冰的用电子合成音道: Walks, places on your both hands my main body.” “走上来,将你的双手放在我的本体上。” side Linyan complies according to the word, the main body of light wheel is one group of light balls, side forest Iwamoto thinks that can touch to what bamboo shoots shape unusual thing, finally detected that this gadget is invisible not solid, finally after both hands put, immediately detected is only the outer layer is one group of light balls, inside unexpectedly is the solid state spheroid of apple size. 方林岩依言照做,光轮的本体乃是一团光球,方林岩本来以为又能摸到什么笋状的奇特东西,结果发觉这玩意儿是无形无实的,结果双手放上去以后,顿时发觉只是外层是一团光球,里面居然是个苹果大小的固态球体。 The material quality touches to be similar to the table tennis, is smooth and icy cold. 其材质摸起来就和桌球类似,光滑而冰凉。 Suddenly, side Linyan felt that transmitted the strong icy cold numb feeling from the main body of light wheel unexpectedly, looks like the palm to soak in the big winter ten minutes after the water, goes to touch electric wire plug directly. 骤然之间,方林岩感觉到从光轮的本体上居然传来了强烈的冰凉酥麻感觉,就像是手掌在大冬天里面泡在水里十分钟以后,又去直接摸电线插座似的。 Then this felt that extended whole body, making him shiver from top to bottom unrestrainedly. 然后这感觉就延伸到了全身上下,让他浑身上下都情不自禁的颤抖了起来。 Is good felt that because of this goes quickly also quickly, at best is also several seconds. 好在这感觉来得快去得也快,充其量也就是几秒钟的时间罢了。 side Linyan just wants to open mouth to complain several, suddenly saw on own retina has fluttered one line of prompts, making him in instantaneously somewhat unbelievable: 方林岩正想张嘴吐槽几句,忽然就见到了自己的视网膜上飘过了一行提示,让他在瞬间都有些难以置信: Trial zb419, congratulated you to obtain the talent: Metal touch.” “试炼者zb419号,恭喜你获得了天赋:金属触感。” Talent: The metal touch( this talent is unable to appraise its value), causes you, when contacts any metal, can understand that its general situation, including is not restricted in the material quality, the melting point, the ingredient, the weight, the volume wait/etc.” “天赋:金属触感(此天赋无法评估其价值),使你在接触到任何金属的时候,都可以了解到其大致情况,包括不限于材质,熔点,成分,重量,体积等等。” Saw this talent, side Linyan really does not have to think oneself will attain such reward unexpectedly! 看到了这个天赋,方林岩真的是没有想到自己居然会拿到这样的奖励! He the best estimate also attained a black quality before the finishing tool, but actually turned into the talent!! 他之前最好的估算也就只是拿到一件黑色品质的加工工具而已,可是却变成了天赋!! At this time side Linyan thinks immediately again a matter, that is the original talent is the bullet time, did oneself have the double talent since then? 这时候方林岩顿时就再次想到了一件事,那就是自己本来的天赋乃是子弹时间,自己岂不是从此就拥有双天赋了? But at this time he looked at bullet time talent again time, detected this talent actually obvious weakened, drew back from a level talent turns into the C level talent, the name also turned into the lightning reflection( passively), its showing was: 但这时候他再去看子弹时间这个天赋的时候,就发觉这个天赋却被明显的削弱了,从a级天赋退变成了c级天赋,名字也变成了闪电反射(被动),其说明为: Has this person of talent / concentrated force and other aspects to have in reaction compared with an average man stronger advantage , to promote the owner 3 dodging rates and 3 hit probabilities. 拥有此天赋的人在反应力/集中力等方面拥有比常人更强的优势,提升拥有者三的闪避率和三的命中率。 However side Linyan thinks carefully, with the strengthen of own strength, for sometime without been to bullet time, these biggest reason is it consumes MP! 不过方林岩仔细想了想,随着自己实力的变强,已经有一段时间没有用到过子弹时间了,这其中最大的原因还是它过于耗费mp!
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