FE :: Volume #5

#96: Hapless Puma

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After entering the earth's atmosphere interior, seemed like Puma to get rid of the pursuit, actually its situation was still bad. 进入到了地球大气层内部以后,貌似普马斯摆脱了追击,其实它的情况依然非常糟糕。 Because the machinery poisonous bee injects the black poisonous needle of Puma within the body to start to play the role, above toxin is the sound wave mixes personally, aims at machinery intelligent life body the poison of powerful corrosion especially. 因为机械毒蜂射入普马斯体内的黑色毒针已经开始发挥作用,其上的毒素乃是音波亲手调制的,乃是特地针对机械智慧生命体的强力锈蚀之毒。 Therefore Puma had lost most self-awareness in the landing, can only depend upon the inertia to change to a flaming combustion in the meteorite slanting thorn to hit to the land, is good because of it before the hit, adjusted as far as possible, by small angle hit ground. 所以普马斯在降落的时候就已经失去了大部分的自我意识,只能依靠惯性化作一颗熊熊燃烧的陨石斜刺里撞向大地,好在它在撞击之前,尽可能的进行了调整,以小角度撞击地面。 Finally in the hit, the geographical position that Puma falls to the ground is quite special, in the surface is a dozens meters thick rock shell, under has an underground lake, 结果在撞击的时候,普马斯落地的这个地理位置相当特殊,表面上是一层几十米厚的岩壳,下方却是有着一个地下湖, Its slantly impact comes, after above that stratified rock shell dashing, flew ten kilometers in the underground space, then threw into the middle of the underground lake, even had/left a several kilometers gulley in the underground lake bottom section plow. 它斜斜撞击而来,将上面那一层岩壳给撞破了以后,又足足在地下空间内部飞行了十来公里,然后一头扎进了地下湖当中,甚至在地下湖底部都犁出了一条几公里长的深沟。 Finally, Puma deeply inserted the lake bottom by the head by 30 degrees corner/horn, the stance that the tail curled upwards slantingly stayed. 最后,普马斯以头部以30度角深插湖底,尾巴斜翘起来的姿态停留了下来。 This is side Linyan turtle back that” sees in the lake bottom the origin of shape sticking out high ground, was descended by Puma completely gives to withstand/top. 这就是方林岩在湖底看到的“龟背”状隆起高地的成因,完全就是被普马斯降落的时候给顶起来的。 Puma dashes the position of surface rock shell slantingly, is enough more than ten kilometers away from the underground lake, and at that time had the small-scale landslide, its hole of dashing stopping up, therefore the person in ground, even if has to see the meteorite to arrive, still has achieved nothing. 普马斯斜斜撞破地表岩壳的位置,距离地下湖有足足十几公里远,并且当时就发生了小型的塌方,将其撞破的那个窟窿给堵住了,因此地面上的人就算有看到陨石降临,也是一无所获。 Sound wave is quite self-confident to the corrosion poison that oneself mix, after determining Puma was sent the black poisonous needle to hit, thinks that this fellow must die without doubt, therefore has not traced. 音波对自己调制的锈蚀之毒相当自信,在确定了普马斯被多发黑色毒针击中以后,就认为这家伙必死无疑,所以也没有追查下去。 The fact, Puma also has also truly so fallen into the middle of the comatose condition in the lake bottom from now on, is good, in it after the success descends, before oneself lose the last consciousness, entrusted to the hull in artificial intelligence all: Corona. 事实也确实如此,普马斯自此也就一直在湖底陷入了昏迷状态当中,好在它在成功降落后,自身失去最后一丝意识之前,将一切都委托给了舰体内的人工智能:光轮。 Corona then continuously in doing everything possible wants to save Puma, the method is deficient. 光轮便一直在想方设法的想要拯救普马斯,却手段匮乏。 Mainly is because the black poisonous needle poison on corrosion is quite virulent. 主要是因为黑色毒针上的锈蚀之毒相当恶毒。 Artificial intelligence: Service robot that the light wheel makes ------ Is that mechanical spider almost after will die rapidly, 人工智能:光轮制造出来的维修机器人------就是那种机械蜘蛛几乎是靠近之后就会迅速死去, Because oneself energy also is very difficult the supplemented relations, therefore the light wheel cannot the unlimited manufacture service the robot to come and poison of corrosion consumes hardly. 因为自身能量也很难得到补充的关系,所以光轮也不能无限制的制造出维修机器人来和锈蚀之毒硬耗。 Meanwhile, the poison of that corrosion is still corroding Puma vitality always, causes its unceasing dissipation. 同时,那锈蚀之毒还在无时不刻的侵蚀着普马斯的生命力,使其不断的消散出去。 Also before is fortunately Puma, can for a long time the fragment contact with steel fire hazard, therefore outside his life Ljig tenacious, but can also barely manage to maintain a feeble existence under poison of corrosion this corrosion, consumed so many years. 也是亏得普马斯之前能够长期与钢铁火源的碎片接触,所以他的生命力格外顽强,还能在这锈蚀之毒腐蚀下苟延残喘,耗了这么多年。 But Puma dissipation the vitality is very special mechanical life energy, quite therefore strength of the radiation in disguised form, 而普马斯的消散出去的生命力乃是十分特殊的机械生命能量,相当于是一种变相的辐射之力, Perseveres in this energy, taking year for the radiation of unit, this artificial intelligence: Corona also evolution of keeping, this time it should be counted is half machinery intelligent lifeform, 在这种能量持之以恒,以年为单位的辐射下,这人工智能:光轮也在不停的进化,此时的它应该算作是半机械智慧生物了, Not only so, affected also has in the middle of this underground lake native lifeform, they also start to turn toward the semimetal lifeform evolution, 不仅仅如此,受到影响的还有这地下湖当中的本土生物,它们则也开始向着半金属生物演变, Was first affected, is the spiral the crab the turtle this can absorb calcareous, makes the lifeform of protective casing, only needs the ability evolution of absorption calcareous manufacture protective casing, making it ability that absorbs the metal to make the metal shell. 最先被影响到的,就是螺啊螃蟹啊乌龟啊这种自身就能吸收钙质,制造保护外壳的生物,只需要将吸收钙质制造保护外壳的能力进化,使其成为吸收金属制造金属外壳的能力而已。 The strength of life because Puma sends out has the fatal attraction to these lifeform, therefore these lifeform overwhelming majorities will unable to linger around the spaceship, invisible formed the protection to the spaceship vestige. 因为普马斯散发出来的生命之力对这些生物有着致命的诱惑力,所以这些生物绝大多数都会在飞船周围萦绕不去,无形对飞船遗迹形成了保护。 However, some small-scale variation semimetal lifeform, will be preying on, excursion time arrived in the underground river by the having no intention volume, then drifts with the current to be flushed. 不过,有一些小型变异半金属生物,还是会在捕食,游逛的时候被无意卷到地下河当中,然后随波逐流被冲出去。 In the late 1980s, in the early 90's, from underground lake a metal shell spiral that when the middle reaches go out is caught by the outside world, 在上世纪八十年代末,九十年代初期,从地下湖当中游出去的一只金属外壳螺就已经被外界捕获, Within short two years, this semimetal lifeform of having the metal shell started to be found one after another, spread in the outside world enough more than ten, but was the metal spiral, 短短两年之内,这种具有金属外壳的半金属生物开始陆续被发现,流传在外界的足足有十几只,不过都是金属螺, In this case, the semimetal lifeform caused at that time in the middle of the rising blood umbrella company finally attaching great importance to of great person. 在这种情况下,半金属生物终于引起了当时如日中天的血伞公司当中一位大人物的重视。 This person is called Williams, he was unknown is a researcher, is the technology is also average in research, has very outstanding result in political, grasps the time rapid rise to become blood umbrella company one of the five big directors. 这个人叫做威廉姆斯,他本来名不见经传是个研究员,在研究方面也是技术平平,却在政治方面有着十分杰出的成绩,把握时机迅速崛起成为了血伞公司内部的五大董事之一。 However, ambitious he actually willing does not halt in this, 不过,野心勃勃的他却并不甘心止步于此, At this time the blood umbrella company was divided into the human body research and mix gene research two big factions, 此时血伞公司内部分成了人体研究和混合基因研究两大派系, Williams wants to promote oneself right to speak, from the normal perspective, can only first stand in line to choose a department, then digs the corner to buy the major laboratories in charge , the head in subsidiary company wait/etc. 威廉姆斯想要提升自己的话语权,从正常角度来说,就只能先站队选择其中一系,然后挖墙角收买各大实验室主管,分公司的负责人等等。 But under these powerful figures had been integrated by other big directors at this time, Williams must undermine a wall will queer inevitably. 而这些实权人物此时早已被其余的大董事纳入麾下,威廉姆斯要挖墙脚势必就会得罪人。 In this case, Williams chose developing one's own style, makes a fresh start, opened the brand-new third faction in the blood umbrella company: Lifeform machinery! 在这种情况下,威廉姆斯选择了独辟蹊径,另起炉灶,在血伞公司内部开辟出了全新的第三派系:生物机械! Williams then assembled so much funds, starts to focus on studying the semimetal lifeform of capture. 威廉姆斯便调集了大量的资金,开始集中力量对捕获的半金属生物进行研究。 Also is his destiny is full, successfully caught a crab of metal shell in this at crucial moment unexpectedly, immediately made the unprecedented progress in the lifeform mechanical science and technology. 也是他气运十足,在这关键时候居然成功抓到了一头金属外壳的螃蟹,顿时在生物机械科技上取得了突破性的进展。 Williams is very mediocre in the research academic aspect, however in the politics and marketing is actually the out-and-out talent, is that type to be able the plain boiled water to regard the high-end nutriment to sell, and can also flicker to the strong person who the large crowd are weeping and wailing to buy. 威廉姆斯在研究学术方面十分平庸,但是在政治和营销方面却是不折不扣的天才,属于那种能把白开水当成高端营养品卖,并且还能忽悠到大群人哭着喊着来买的强人。 Let alone his in the hand really took the epoch-making achievement at this time? 更何况此时他手里面真的拿出来了划时代的成果? Therefore Williams immediately is even more powerful, the circle seized the large amounts of resources, brought in the astonishing hovering fund and venture capital side join. 于是威廉姆斯立即就是如虎添翼,圈地抢占了大量的资源,更是引来了惊人的游动资金和风投方入局。 After attaining the sufficient resources, Williams conducted the full investigation to this place immediately, then consumes massive manpower and resources secret to start to construct Veronica Laboratory, depended on the development to so-called underwater vestige to obtain the enormous success. 拿到了足够的资源以后,威廉姆斯立即对这个地方进行了全面的调查,然后耗费大量的人力物力秘密开始建造维罗妮卡实验室,依托对所谓的水下遗迹的开发获得了巨大的成功。 Therefore lifeform machinery faction also appears, because they have the ready-made variation bio-sample to study, therefore were few many tortuous paths, quick started to not gasp for breath other two big faction extrusions. 于是生物机械这个派系也是横空出世,因为他们有现成的变异生物样本可以研究,所以少走了许多弯路,很快就开始将其余的两大派系挤压得喘不过气来。 Even if was at that time the topmost level of blood umbrella company, even does not know including Williams, the underwater vestige that they study, in fact is one also living the machinery intelligent life, is only it be at the playing dead condition. 只是,哪怕是当时血伞公司的最高层,甚至包括威廉姆斯也并不知道,他们研究的这水下遗迹,实际上是一名还活着的机械智慧生命,只是它处于假死状态而已。 Naturally, if they knew, cannot do well becomes crazier. 当然,如果他们知道了,搞不好会变得更加疯狂。 The following matter, should be needless saying that the blood umbrella company split, 接下来的事情,应该就不用多说了,血伞公司分裂了开来, Williams has provided for a rainy day, at that time when established Veronica Laboratory, constructed the entire 11 addresses on a crafty person has several ways out, including eight were the pretences, for shields this true core laboratory. 只是威廉姆斯早就未雨绸缪,当时在建立维罗妮卡实验室的时候,就狡兔三窟建设了整整十一处地址,其中有八个都是幌子,为的就是掩护这个真正的核心实验室。 *** *** But regarding side Linyan, he has been hard to constrain the excitement at this time, 而对于方林岩来说,他此时已经难以压抑住激动的心情, Because, he from Puma surviving memory, had obtained a startled day secret. 因为,他已经从普马斯的残存记忆当中,获得了一个惊天秘密。 That is that small steel fire hazard fragment exact location! 那就是那块小的钢铁火源碎片的具体位置! At that time Puma went to steal the energy block time, not conducting body. 当时普马斯前去盗窃能量块的时候,并没有将之携带在身上。 At that time the sound wave placed in the middle of the bulk steel fire hazard fragment the base, if Puma brought the fragment to go, the two stemmed from a body, so long as about will seem like two water drops to touch such in the same place, again mysterious combining. 当时音波是将大块钢铁火源碎片放在了基地当中,普马斯若是带着碎片前去的话,二者本来就源于一体,只要合在一起就会像是两滴水碰触那样,重新神奇的合二为一。 Moreover, even if two fragments is close to certain range, might arouse the resonance very much, 不仅如此,哪怕是两块碎片接近到一定范围当中,也很有可能会引发共鸣, In view of the fact that steel fire hazard fragment such special characteristics, Puma does not certainly dare to bring it to stroll everywhere, but was the use manufactured a shield box in the middle of some materials that abandoning the garbage dump found, 鉴于钢铁火源碎片这样的特质,普马斯当然不敢带着它到处闲逛,而是利用在废弃垃圾场当中找到的一些材料制作了一个屏蔽箱, Usually placed in side steel fire hazard fragment the shield box, but the shield box was buried in pit that in he usually dug. 平时就将身边这块钢铁火源碎片放在了屏蔽箱里面,而屏蔽箱被埋在了他平时挖出来的一个坑儿里面。 Puma stole at that time the energy block was grasped the present time, quite therefore asks Monarch to enter jar to fall into the ambush area, can clash to do utmost from inside, naturally does not have the idle time to go back to take the steel fire hazard fragment. 普马斯当时盗窃能量块被抓现行的时候,相当于是请君入瓮自己掉进了埋伏圈,能从里面冲出来已经是竭尽全力,当然没有空闲功夫回去取钢铁火源碎片。 In other words, how that gadget put at that time, now should be in-situ. 也就是说,那玩意儿当时怎么放的,现在就应该就还在原地。 There exact location, then on Earth is unable back by forever an observed Moon mountain range!! 那里的具体位置,则是在地球上永远都无法观测到的月球背部的一座山脉旁边!! But this steel fire hazard fragment, side Linyan felt oneself are unable to appraise its rare to spend, before and goat chatted had heard a matter, each world is hiding one or several ultimate secrets. 而这块钢铁火源碎片,方林岩感觉自己都无法评价它的稀有度了,之前和山羊聊天的时候就听说过一件事,每个世界都隐藏着一个或者几个终极秘密。 This ultimate secret has the uniqueness, once were discovered also gains, then permanent disappearance will fall. 这终极秘密具有唯一性,一旦被人发现并且获取,那么就会永久性的消失掉。 Naturally, to obtain this ultimate secret, the difficulty is definitely astonishing, a narrow escape! 当然,要想获得这终极秘密,肯定难度惊人,九死一生! At that time side Linyan said in the middle of Noa space not to know that jokingly was integrated many people to come, was elected inevitably is an elite, if everyone together became by the selection fair competition, then must say. 当时方林岩开玩笑的说诺亚空间当中也不知道被纳入了多少人进来,被选进来的必然都是精英,大家若是一起成为被选中者公平竞争的话,那么还有得说。 But since you knew this matter, then others definitely also know, 可是你既然都知道了这件事,那么其余的人肯定也就知道, How many years others first enter space or are more than ten years, when they enough then excavated this ultimate secret again, can that possibly insurance detain? 别人先进入空间几年或者是十几年,等到他们足够强了再回头来发掘这终极秘密,那怎么可能保留得住? The goat told side Linyan, said that wanted to gain the ultimate secret also conditional, and was very harsh, for example individual attribute cannot be higher than many, must as trial or be a promisor for example, took a higher position loses the qualifications directly. 山羊却告诉方林岩,说想要获取终极秘密也是有条件的,并且十分苛刻,比如个人属性不能高于多少,又比如说必须身为试炼者或者说是契约者,更高就直接失去资格了。 This was similar to at age 14 is on vacation from school to accompany ten different female schoolmates to go home, high school time achieves hundred people cut the achievement and so on to be the same, can only complete in some stage. 这就类似于“14岁之前放学陪十个不同的女同学回家”,“高中时代达成百人斩”的成就之类一样,只能在某个阶段完成。 Will let gain the difficulty of ultimate secret absolutely constantly maintains under the extremely difficult condition. 绝对会让获取终极秘密的难度恒定保持在极其艰难的条件下。 After calm one next, side Linyan started to receive own train of thought that then continued to seek patiently front activates the structure drawing of mechanical heart, 冷静了一下之后,方林岩开始收起了自己的思绪,然后继续耐心寻找面前活化机械心脏的结构图,
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