FE :: Volume #5

#95: Moon past events

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side Linyan rapid attention from hand centralized to eye. 方林岩迅速的将注意力从手上集中到了眼睛上来。 Because after getting hold of half mechanical nerve synapse, his a flower, starts to present the illusion at present. 因为在握紧了半机械神经突触之后,他的眼前一花,就开始出现了幻象。 The content of illusion is very monotonous, environment in the middle of factories that look at some style very high tech contents, then the assembly line non-stop conducts the work, the assembly, seems making the spaceship. 幻象的内容很是单调,环境是在一间看风格就很有些高科技含量的工厂当中,然后流水线不停的进行作业,组装,似乎在建造飞船。 But in the workshop a person cannot even see, seems like looking at the monitoring to be the same simply. 而车间里面甚至就连一个人都看不见,简直就像是在看监控一样。 side Linyan looked for several minutes to find it silly, understood, this gadget actually quite therefore hard disk, or was human brain inside memory cell. 方林岩看了几分钟就觉得无聊,同时也明白了过来,这玩意儿其实就相当于是硬盘啊,或者说是人脑里面的记忆细胞。 This memory is perhaps significant to the original master, but the opposite party forest rock actually no egg uses. 这段记忆或许对原主人来说意义重大,但对方林岩来说却没什么卵用。 Then he traded -and-a-half mechanical nerve synapses to grip, detected that this feel better, the shape like the bamboo shoots did not say that the elasticity was good, if family's mouse can have the feel very happy. 然后他就换了一个半机械神经突触握住,发觉这个的手感更好啊,形状像笋不说了,弹性奇佳,要是家里的鼠标能有这样的手感就美滋滋了啊。 In the middle of this half mechanical nerve synapse memory, then demonstrated an ice-cold dark warehouse, will enter in the following several minutes looked at the supervision mode. 这个半机械神经突触当中的记忆,则是显示了一个冰冷黑暗的仓库,接下来几分钟内又进入了看监控模式。 However, when side Linyan plans to give up, the picture suddenly had the change 不过,就在方林岩打算放弃的时候,画面忽然有了变化 The front door of warehouse silent slides toward the two sides, under one was the robot of caterpillar band rumble opened, threw a box. 仓库的大门无声无息的朝着两边滑开,一台下方是履带的机器人轰隆隆的开了进来,将一个箱子扔了进来。 This box drew a high parabola in the middle of the midair, hit on the rear cargo, then the springing fell, finally fell in camera under foot. 这箱子在半空当中划出了一道高高的抛物线,撞在了后方的货物上,然后弹动落下,最后掉在了“摄像头”的脚下。 This box is the silver-white color, that robot flings the box time middle brings three points of flustered at will, therefore makes an effort very fiercely, therefore after the box hits continually, split a slit. 这个箱子是银白色的,那机器人甩箱子的时候随意当中带着三分慌张,所以用力很猛,于是箱子连番撞击以后就裂开了一条缝隙。 Can see, in the slit of this box sent out an unusual ray, probably the star light seems like the sunlight, flicking is shining the surrounding thing, but box inside thing looks is not clear. 可以见到,这箱子的缝隙里面发出了一种奇特的光芒,像是星光又像是阳光,一闪一闪的照耀着周围的东西,不过箱子里面的东西就看不真切了。 What is worth mentioning is, after entering the warehouse, is piling up a lot of ingot metals directly, the packing container and so on thing, therefore main entrance, even if some people come , the line of sight will also be given to block by the things of these stacks, cannot see that silver-white box. 值得一提的是,进入仓库以后,正面就堆放着大量的金属锭,货箱之类的东西,所以正门哪怕是有人进来,视线也会被这些堆放的东西给挡住,看不到那银白色的箱子。 After a while, before discarded that caterpillar band robot of box to re-enter arrived at the warehouse, but these was being compelled time, 过了一会儿,之前抛掉箱子的那头履带机器人重新进入到了仓库当中,不过这一次是被逼着进来的, Compels the robot that he comes to look is very strong, comes to beat to its labor pain, hits sparks/Mars to scatter, the components fly randomly, then probably is pressing for an answer anything. 逼他进来的机器人一看就十分强壮,进来就对它一阵痛殴,打得火星四溅,零件乱飞,然后好像是在逼问什么。 However the caterpillar band robot has shaken the head, then a strangest matter happened: 但是履带机器人一直摇头,接下来最诡异的一件事发生了: Pressed for an answer his machine life to roar callously, patted the chest! 逼问他的那头机器生命冷酷的咆哮了一声,一拍胸口! His chest seems like optical disk drive such direct separating unexpectedly, flew a magnetic tape from inside, got formed in the middle of the midair a savage unusual machine dog, aimed at that caterpillar band robot to pounce upon suddenly. 他的胸口居然像是光驱那样直接弹开,从里面飞出来了一张磁带,在半空当中就变形成了一头凶残非常的机器狗,对准了那履带机器人猛扑了上去。 This machine dog gnaw and bites, the destructive power is astonishing, dismembers a body that caterpillar band robot neatly and quickly. 这头机器狗连啃带咬,破坏力惊人,三下五除二就将那头履带机器人大卸八块。 However, when will soon die, that caterpillar band robot unexpectedly starts from exploding the procedure/program, here exploded immediately loudly. 不过,就在即将死掉的时候,那头履带机器人居然启动了自爆程序,这里顿时轰然爆炸了开来。 But this explosion the might is astonishing, it can be said that in swept away to sweep across the entire warehouse instantaneously! That silver-white box directly was also destroyed in the explosion, reveals thing that in thought of! 这爆炸可是威力惊人,可以说是在瞬间就横扫席卷了整个仓库!那银白色的箱子也在爆炸当中被直接破坏掉,露出了里面装着的东西! That unexpectedly is together the irregular black fragment, above has to be similar to the unusual texture of gear, as if celestial chart same existence. 那竟然是一块不规则的黑色碎片,上面有着类似于齿轮的奇特纹理,还有仿佛星图一样的存在。 After seeing this thing, side Linyan felt that a chest heat, the infinite mark appeared unexpectedly automatically, in own memory also started to present the related information of this black fragment! 在看到了这东西以后,方林岩就感觉到胸口一热,无限印记居然自动浮现了出来,自己的记忆里面也开始出现了这黑色碎片的相关资料! This thing is called the steel fire hazard, has the mysterious incomparable strong emissivity, can give the machinery by the life. 这东西被称为是钢铁火源,拥有神秘无比的强大辐射能力,可以赋予机械以生命。 The bigger steel fire hazard, its radiation effect is stronger, the machinery intelligent life body of birth is more powerful, in the meantime, the sustained radiation of steel fire hazard can also facilitate the evolution of machinery intelligent life body. 越大的钢铁火源,其辐射作用就越强,诞生的机械智慧生命体就越强大,同时,钢铁火源的持续辐射也能促成机械智慧生命体的进化。 This steel fire hazard probably be only the palm of the hand size, had the fission condition in the explosion again, had one of the fingernail size to be separated from the main body to fly, fell under the camera deep scoop channel to be caught. 这块钢铁火源大概只有巴掌大小,在爆炸当中再次出现了分裂状况,有指甲盖大小的一块脱离本体飞了出来,落到了摄像头下方的深深凹槽里面被卡住。 Can see in the middle of stretch of remnant wall ruins, that machine dog found that bulk steel fire hazards, then holding in the mouth will give the master. 可以见到一片残垣废墟当中,那头机器狗找到了那片大块的钢铁火源,然后将之叼给了主人。 But this steel fire hazard was that powerful mechanical life sound wave just robbed to come, but also without warming up result by a spy- the fellow who that camouflaged the caterpillar band robot stole-, therefore the sound wave was not familiar with this steel fire hazards. 而这块钢铁火源乃是那名强大的机械生命音波刚刚抢夺而来的,还没焐热结果就被一名间谍-那名伪装成履带机器人的家伙盗走-所以音波对这片钢铁火源也不熟悉。 Therefore does not know that this steel fire hazard fell off scrap in the explosion. 所以并不知道这块钢铁火源在爆炸当中脱落了一小块儿。 At this time, a lens revolution, seemingly turned into the third person angle of view from the beforehand first person angle of view. 这时候,镜头一转,貌似是从之前的第一人称视角变成了第三人称视角。 Then saw, one crowd of caterpillar band robots start to take stock, moved the garbage dump the things of these damages entirely. 然后就见到,一群履带机器人开始清理仓库,将那些损毁的东西统统挪到了垃圾场当中。 In the middle of the warehouse are stopping several small-scale automatic spaceships damage in the explosion seriously, have one very particularly, almost only surplus wreckage. 仓库当中停着的几架小型自动飞船都在爆炸当中损毁十分严重,尤其是有一架,几乎都只剩余下来了残骸。 After these caterpillar band robots finished, in the middle of the garbage dump a peace, the background is the vast indifferent space, the crater of standing tall and erect, ice-cold dust. 那些履带机器人忙完了之后,垃圾场当中一片安静,背景则是浩瀚冷漠的宇宙空间,高耸的环形山,还有冰冷的尘埃。 The time passes rapidly, suddenly, that damages on the most serious wreckage, suddenly exuded the sound of creaking, the mechanical arm that the distortion damages lifted, started to disassemble components assemblies on several other small-scale automatic spaceships on own body. 时间迅速流逝,忽然之间,那一具损毁最为严重的残骸上,忽然发出了嘎吱嘎吱的响声,紧接着有一条扭曲破损的机械臂举了起来,开始拆卸其余的几架小型自动飞船上的零件组装在了自己的身上。 In the engine mouth of this wreckage, the black fragment of that fingernail size is sparkling the unusual ray. 这残骸的引擎口里面,那块指甲盖大小的黑色碎片正在闪耀着奇特的光芒。 Quick, nearby several damage spaceships were disassembled scattered about, but original that wreckage spaceship was assembled one unexpectedly approximate complete, controls on the control computer screen of stage, suddenly presented a series of inscriptions automatically: 很快的,旁边的几艘损毁飞船就被拆卸得七零八落的,而原本的那艘残骸飞船居然被拼装成了一艘大致完好的,其中控台的操控电脑屏幕上面,忽然自动出现了一系列的字样: Strange, who am my I?” “奇怪,我我是谁?” „Am I artificial intelligence k711?” “我是人工智能k711?” No! It is not right, the artificial intelligence will not have the sentiment!” “不!不对,人工智能是不会产生感情的!” But I am afraid, I in anxiety “可是我在害怕,我在忧虑” „Did I obtain the life?” “难道我获得了生命吗?” After is silent, the indicating lamp on side gauge board starts one to flash randomly, demonstrates this mechanical life mood sufficiently complex. 在一阵沉默以后,旁边仪表盘上的指示灯都开始一阵乱闪,足以显示出这机械生命心情的复杂。 Yes, ha, I obtained the life, I should have my name.” “是的,哈哈哈,我获得了生命了,我应该有自己的名字。” I decided that I should call Puma, today, is the great Puma birthday!” “我决定了,我应该叫普马斯,今天,就是伟大的普马斯的诞生日!” „” “” Arrives here, this half mechanical nerve synapse memory vanished, after side Linyan looked, only thought that bang bang jumps! 到这里,这个半机械神经突触当中的记忆就消失了,方林岩看了以后,只觉得心中砰砰直跳! Yes, he had realized, oneself complies with the light wheel to run the adventurous behavior is right! Even if later does not have any reward, but saw the information , the above the price in value, has returned to the itself/Ben 是的,他已经意识到,自己答应光轮跑进来冒险的行为是对的!哪怕之后没有任何奖励,只是看到了刚才的这条信息,也已经物超所值,早已回本 Then side Linyan will certainly continue to read other half mechanical nerve synapse inside information. 接下来方林岩当然会继续读取其余的半机械神经突触里面的信息了。 Quick, he read massive fragmentary memories from other half mechanical nerve synapses, through these memories guess and ignorant/veiled, basically returns to original state the truth of event 很快的,他就从其余的半机械神经突触当中读取到了大量零碎的记忆,通过这些记忆连猜带蒙,基本还原出了事件的真相 Puma continues to ambush, in abandoned in the middle of the field, after these caterpillar band robots come, then hides, then after they leave, returns, disassembles the useful thing to install to oneself from these waste materials. 普马斯继续潜伏在了废弃场当中,等到那些履带机器人来以后便躲起来,然后它们离开之后就重新返回,从那些废料当中拆卸下来有用的东西给自己装上。 However, some Puma of independent consciousness soon discovered, oneself had the hope to the energy block. 不过,有了自主意识的普马斯很快就发现,自己对能量块产生了渴望。 This is also the two big characteristics of machinery intelligent life body, first, has the emotion, second, need energy block inside energy supplement. 这也是机械智慧生命体的两大特征,第一,拥有情感,第二,需要能量块里面的能量补充。 The outward appearance of energy block is the large-scale cube, in translucent shape, hold has the energy of similar liquid. 能量块的外观是较大型的立方体,处于半透明状,其中盛有类似液体的能源。 After various energy compress, can pour into the energy block in the middle of the mold to make, 各种能源压缩后,就能灌入能量块的模具当中进行制造, Energy block regarding mechanical intelligent life, similar smoke, liquor, salt three in addition the function, does not need frequent massive intakings, the words that but does not eat for a long time are definitely influential to the health. 能量块对于机械智能生命来说,就类似烟,酒,盐三者加起来的作用,并不需要经常的大量摄入,但长期不吃的话肯定对健康有影响。 Not can only effectively supplement the energy, but also is an essential good meal, and will take in many such energy blocks to have certain side effect one time, will be just like human to be drunk to be the same. 不仅能有效的补充能源,而且还是一种必不可少的美味佳肴,并且一次摄入过多这样的能量块会有一定副作用,就好比人类喝醉酒一样。 But Puma does not meet the manufacture energy block requirement, he is a new mechanical life, and is that illegal resident, many general knowledge do not understand. 但普马斯却并不具备制作能量块的条件,他是一个新生的机械生命,并且还是属于那种黑户,有很多常识也不懂。 Therefore Puma can only steal. 所以普马斯只能偷。 One time twice fortunately, does the vehicles spaceship of abandoning but energy block type of thing can with the stack in the middle of the garbage dump, no one want compare? 一次两次还好,但能量块这种东西能和堆放在垃圾场当中,没有人要的废弃的车辆飞船比? Therefore Puma stared directly, then said needlessly, his third going time, fell into a virulent trap, besieging of a group of mechanical puppet lifeform, can only escape. 于是普马斯就直接被盯上了,接着不消说,他第三次去的时候,就落入到了一个恶毒的陷阱当中,惨遭大群机械傀儡生物的围攻,只能夺路而逃。 Is good to arrange the mechanical intelligent life of this trap: The sound wave has the matter to go out temporarily, but the sound wave has the self-confidence to the trap that oneself arrange very much, therefore Puma successfully changed forms the small-scale transport aircraft to run away. 好在布置这个陷阱的机械智能生命:音波临时有事出去了,而音波对自己布置的陷阱很有自信,因此普马斯成功变形成了小型运输机逃走。 However, these mechanical puppet lifeform also changed form many machinery poisonous bees to pursue it unexpectedly, the black sharp thorn that Puma within the body presented that sprayed from these machinery poisonous bees. 不过,那些机械傀儡生物居然也变形成了多只机械毒蜂对其进行追击,普马斯体内出现的黑色尖刺,就是从这些机械毒蜂喷射出来的。 Clear to see Puma must fall from the sky, its talent different reported, unexpectedly at crucial moments awakened a strong ability, that is the attraction control. 眼见得普马斯就要陨落的时候,其天赋异禀,居然在关键时刻觉醒了一种强大的能力,那就是引力操控。 Therefore it starts to escape to Earth, then scurries about on the low earth orbit, simultaneously used own ability to catch a lot of satellites, the space station took own outer covering shield. 于是它就开始逃向地球,然后在近地轨道上乱窜,同时利用自己的能力捕获了大量的卫星,空间站来作为自己的外壳盾牌。 the space station of nasa launch, the salute No. 7 space station was absorbed at that time, by its resists the pursuit of machinery poisonous bee, nasa发射的空间站,礼炮七号空间站就是当时被吸附的,以其来抵挡机械毒蜂的追击, Meanwhile side Linyan also notices, Puma also has the strength of counter-attack, when was pursued also ejected a strange object counterattacking enemy. 同时方林岩也注意到,普马斯也是有反击之力的,在被追击的时候还抛出了一个诡异的物体反制敌人。 After that object was ejected, flies high the explosion, emitted the smog of big group, after several machinery poisonous bees contaminated that smog, immediately flew on out-of-control randomly, even attacked the person on one's own side. 那物体被抛出之后凌空爆炸,放出了大团的烟雾,有几只机械毒蜂沾染到了那烟雾以后立即就失控乱飞,甚至攻击自己人。 Words as the matter stands, Puma resisted the pursuit of machinery poisonous bee finally temporarily, dug in the atmosphere. 这样一来的话,普马斯总算是暂时抗下了机械毒蜂的追击,一头扎入到了大气层当中。 After the machinery poisonous bee entered in the middle of the atmosphere , because the speed is too quick, had the fierce friction after the atmosphere was burnt down, 机械毒蜂进入了大气层当中之后因为速度过快,与大气层产生了剧烈的摩擦后被烧毁, Puma depends upon the protection of these satellite and space station of body surface capture, successfully runs out of the atmosphere. 普马斯依靠体表捕获的这些卫星和空间站的保护,成功冲出大气层。
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